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Will of Malachi Murphey
In the name of God Amen,

I Malachi P Murphey of Sumter District and State of South Carolina being of sound and perfect mind. do publish and declare the following to be my last Will and Testament Viz;

It is my wish that all just debts and demands against my Estate should be paid out of such monies as may arise from the sale of the cotton I have on hand at this time and the crop of cotton that is growing, all my household and Kitchen furniture not willed, one blind grey horse, one grey mare called grey filley, all my stock except my sheep them I wish to remain for the use of the plantation, One runaway negro named Armstead supposed to be in Dinwiddie County Virginia if ever found  The tract of land where I formerly lived I wish to be rented out (or sold if nine hundred dollars can be obtained for it, in case it should not be sold before my son Malachi Benjamin Murphey becomes of age, then I wish it to be equally divided between my children that are unmarried at this time) also such obligations as I have on different person's. what money I may have by me at the time of my death, together with the above named property I wish applied to the payment of my debts.

I Will and bequeath unto my daughter Harriet Tomlin one riding chair and harness one horse called Billy  

I Will and bequeath unto my son Michael Murphey the following negroe slaves Viz; Sealy Barrack and Alsey and their increase, one small piece of land containing eight acres more or lefs, adjoining land left him by his grandfather Malachi Murphey and Thomas H Hayles land, one grey filley called Lucey which I wish to be given to him immediately, one bed and furniture, one mahogany turned bedstead, six chairs one painted cupboard, one painted pine table, my wearing apparel, my shaving instruments, my saddle and bridle, the clock, my shot gun and pistols, half a dozen silver spoons during his natural life and no longer and from and immediately after the death of my said son Michael I Will and bequeath the above named property to his lawful heirs- It is also my wish that the above named property be kept in the hands of my Executors untill my son Michael arrives at the age of twenty three  

I Will and bequeath unto my daughter Jane Murphey two negros Viz; Harry and Dolly and their increase during her natural life and no longer without the same being liable in any manner to the contracts, control, forfeitures or incumbrances of any future husband solely for her maintanence and support, and from and immediately after the death of my said daughter Jane I Will and bequeath the above named slaves Harry and Dolly and their increase unto the heirs of the body of my said daughter who may be then living share and share alike- also one bay horse called Nosely, one riding chair and harness, all my poultry, the poultry to be sold and the money given to my said daughter Jane immediately, the horse, chair and harness I wish to be given to her in the fall of eighteen hundred and twenty seven, the horse to be worked on the plantation during the summer of eighteen hundred and twenty seven   

I Will and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Murphey two negroes Viz; Nance and Amos and their increase during her natural life and no longer without the same being liable in any manner to the contracts, control, forfeitures or incumbrances of any future husband and solely for her maintanence and support, and from and immediately after the death of my said daughter Mary, I Will and bequeath the above named slaves Nance and Amos and their increase unto the heirs of the body of my said daughter who may be then living share and share alike  

I Will and bequeath unto my daughter Nancey Murphey two negroes Viz; Big. Jude and Charles and their increase also one small bedstead, one hair matrass and furniture during her natural life and no longer without the same being liable in manner to the contracts, forfeitures or incumbrances of any future husband and solely for her maintanence and support and from and immediately after the death of my said daughter Nancey I Will and bequeath the above named slaves Big. Jude and Charles and their increase unto the heirs of the body of my said daughter who may be then living share and share alike

I Will and bequeath unto my son Malachi Benjamin Murphey the following negroe slaves Viz; Little Jude, George, Evaline, Freeman, Selany, Allen and Harriet and their increase also one pine crib, one cotton matrass and furniture, my silver watch, one tract of land known by the name of Bloomhill one other tract of land known by the name of the Pylant tract adjoining Bloomhill  during his natural life and no longer and from and immediately after the death of my said son Malachi Benjamin I Will and bequeath the above named property to his lawful heirs should he die without a lawful heir then I wish the above named lands to pass in fee to my son Michael Murphey the other property to be equally divided between my children that are unmarried at this time. It is my wish that the above named property be kept in the hands of my Executors untell my son Malachi Benjamin arrives at the age of twenty three. It is also my wish that none of the Bloom hill or the Pylant tracts of land be cleared except what is fenced in at this time untell my son Malaohi Benjamin becomes of age  I wish the negroes of my unmarried children to work my son Malachi Benjamin's land free of rent provided there should be a sufficiency within the fence for him and them- 

It is my will that the horses on my plantation not named in this instrument and provisions should remain on the plantation for the use and benefit of my unmarried children  I have given my daughters Elizabeth Brumbey and Harriet Tomlin their full portion of my Estate therefore in case of the death of any of my children without issue it is my will that their part or parts be equally divided between my surviving children Elizabeth and Harriet excepted. It is also my wish that Jehu Bates who is now living at Bloomhill should continue to live there ten years free of rent provided he should want the place that long and to have the use of the yard, garden, horselot and houses also firewood in the summer- Should the said Jehu Bates leave Bloomhill as a summer retreat before the expiration of ten years then in that case it shall not be in his power to rent it out for his own benefit- It is my wish that Jehu Bates one of my Executors hereinafter named should attend to the management and direction of my plantation as it will be more convenient to him than any of the other-- It is also my wish that my Executors herinafter named should take charge of the property bequeathed by my father unto my children- I name as Executors to this my last will and Testament Jehu Bates, Hasten Jennings and Tyre Jennings-

This twenty ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six
Malachi P Murphey (SEAL)
Signed, sealed and delivered presence of            
Thos A Hayles
H G Hayles
F H Hayles
Source: Sumter District, South Carolina
Recorded in Will Book D-1, Pge 124
Recorded 25th Day of Sept 1826
William Potts Ordy
Bundle 66, Pkge 1

Contributed by Aaron Dorsey


15 Apr 2007 :: 28 Mar 2010
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