INTRODUCTION:D. Slave Surname Index
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Slave Surname Index
Note: Each number refers to the entry number in the Slave Database. Hint: Use the "find" function on your browser to search for a particular surname.
- ___nett, Billy #746
- Adam, James #618, 761
- Adde, Anna #618, 761
- Alexander, John #618, 761
- Allen, Mary #618, 761
- Allen, Peggy #472
- Allen, Phillis #401
- Anderson, Jos #54
- Andrews, Jack #545
- Anthony, Mary #746
- Armistead, Jack #338
- Ash, Patsy #352
- Bacon,Seth #746
- Baker, Charles #401
- Baker, Sally #746
- Baldwin, Tyler #836
- Banks, Washington #458
- Banks?, Judy #401
- Baptist, John #386, 398
- Baptiste, Jean #143
- Barber, Edmond #333
- Barber, Judy #333
- Barber, Lewis #683
- Barker, Frank #401
- Bender, Jim #473
- Bentley, William #696
- Bently, Nancy #401
- Berry, Sam #725
- Berry, Samuel#725 free man of colour
- Bird, Betsey#401
- Bird, Milton #401
- Black, Phoebe #366
- Black, Tom #834
- Blackwell, Janny #794
- Bly, Ceasar #468
- Booker, Matilda #401
- Booth, Bill #94
- Bose?, Eley #401
- Boss, Billy #437
- Boucher, Sally #761
- Bouchon, Sally #618
- Boush, Ned #336
- Bowlen, William #618
- Bowler, Mary #618, 761
- Boyd, Frank #78
- Bradley, Aaron #688
- Bradley, John #688
- Bradley, Joshua # 688
- Bradley, Stephen #360
- Brette?, Harry #618, 761
- Briscoe, Daniel #47
- Bromer, Nancy #401
- Bromley, Obediah #401
- Brook, Joseph #458
- Brooks, Billy #746
- Brooks, Sam #473
- Broom, Dick #473
- Brown, Abraham #114
- Brown, Charles #378
- Brown, James #338, 404
- Brown, Jane #794
- Brown, John #60, 202, 774
- Brown, Sam #25, 54
- Brown, Tom #401
- Bryan, Sam #753
- Bullas, Lewis #726
- Burnell, Joshua #401
- Butt, Abby #465
- Calhoon, Tom #347
- Cam, Matilda #468
- Cam, Milly #468 (Carn?, Cain?)
- Cam, Phillis #468
- Camper, Richard #752
- Carpenter, Armstead #401
- Carpenter, Jimmy #736
- Carrol, John #341
- Carter, Bob #68
- Carter, Henry #252
- Carter, John #356, 401
- Chambers, Bill #725
- Chance, Mary #401
- Chany, Sally #383
- Cherry?, Sally #383
- Chicken, Billy #794
- Childres, Sam #458
- Christian, Mary #794
- Churchill, Edmonia #401
- Churchill, Nancy #401
- Clark, Tom #754
- Clayton, Harriot E. #401
- Cohen, Tom #346
- Colby, Sally #383
- Cole, Eliza #618, 761
- Cole, Eliza #761
- Coney, George #461
- Cook, Isaac #834
- Cook, James #399
- Cook, Peter #746
- Coons, Isaac #468
- C Ëooper, Isaac #834
- Cooper, Sam #834
- Cooper, Sarah #834
- Cope, Tom #468
- Corke, Sally #360
- Cornish, Hall #425
- Cox, Charles #688
- Cox, Zene#401
- Craig, Isabella #752
- Crewson, Sam #401
- Cross, Eliza #618
- Cross, Eliza #761
- Curry, Tom #726
- Dabney, James #386
- Damour, Marie Jeane (Marijeane) #715
- Davis, Betty #468
- Davis, Betty (Billy?) #472
- Davis, Mary #399
- Davis, Sam #338
- Davis, Sarah #399
- Davis, Wm #52
- Dawley, Reuben #356
- Deans, Richmond #458
- Dennis, David #425
- Dennis, Leah #533
- derson, Dabney #401
- Diggs, Gabriel #762
- Dinniston, Thomas #303
- Dison, John #807
- Dixon, Agnes #465
- Dixon, Fanny #465
- Dixon, Gus #401
- Dixon, Henry #465
- Dixon, Lucy #465
- Dixson, Billy #794
- Doctor, Milly #401
- Douglas, Solomon #25
- Ducoins, Isidore #468
- Ducoins, January #468
- Dykes, Ben #753
- Elbert, Frank #753
- Eldriage, Billy #401
- Ellis, Patty #618
- Ellis, Patty #761
- Ellis, Sevis #746
- Essex, Tom #437
- Ester, David #386
- Flesbury, William #363
- Foreman, Davis #746
- Fountain, Lucy #401
- Frances, Lillie #285
- Fraser, Jeremiah #3 Ë28
- Frisby, Harriett #762
- Fulcher, Elenor #618
- Fulcher, Elinor #761
- Fulcher, Eliza #360
- Fulcher, Harry #360
- Fulcher, Henry #360
- Fulcher, John #360
- Fulcher, Patty #360
- Fuller, Colter #338
- G___?, Grances #794
- Gadsby, Ann #762
- Gamble, Jerry #202
- Garden, George #401
- Gardner, Anna #401
- Garnet, Sam #725
- Garretson, Henry #107
- Gibson, Lucy #746
- Gibson, Thornton #746
- Gibson, Thos #363
- Gilbert, Saml. #473
- Gilters, Ben #401
- Glasgow, Geo #473
- Glasgow, William #618
- Glasgow, William #761
- Golby, William #733
- Goode, Nancy #794
- Goode, Patty #746
- Goode, Pleasant #401
- Goodman, Jemima #401
- Gordon, Jacob #338
- Gordon, Sally #383
- Gorham, Jessee 283
- Grace, Ned #751
- Grapevine, Mason #401
- Grassom, Harry #618
- Grassom, Harry #761
- Graves, James #794
- Gray, John #356
- Gray, Louisa #678 free
- Gray, Mary Ann #678 free
- Gray, Nancy #473
- Gray, Robert #618
- Gray, Robert #761
- Gray, Toby #678 "free man of colour"
- Green, Charley #401
- Green, Francis #401
- Green, Harriet #618
- Green, Harriet #761
- Green, Joseph #458 Ë
- Green, Sally#401
- Gregory, Mary #618
- Gregory, Mary #761
- Hackett, Henny #363
- Hackot, Perry #762
- Hall, Billy #437
- Hall, James #60, 90
- Hamilton, Israel #465
- Hamilton, Mary #465
- Hamllin, Gilbert #794
- Hare, Charles #21
- Harris, Henny #90
- Harris, Lucy #688
- Harrison, Henry #746
- Harrison, Ned #746
- Harwood, Sylvia #401
- Hatcher, Joe #360
- Hawkins, Ralph #469
- Hemsley, Eliza #468
- Hemsley, Jacob #468
- Hemsley, Mary #468
- Hemsley, Nace #468
- Hemsley, Nicholas #468
- Hemsley, Tom #468
- Henris, Jack #463
- Henry, Chalres #425
- Hentrip, Jack #482
- Hercles, Ceasar #401
- Hide, Jesse #473
- Hill, Jacob #473
- Hodges, Nancy #465
- Hogans (Hogalis?), Bill #725
- Holmes, George#401
- Holton, Katy #302
- Hope, Pryor #401
- Hope, Sally #468
- Hopkins, Charles #363
- Howard, Anna #401
- Hughes, Polly #688
- Hunter, Billy #437
- Hymes, Rachel #21
- Inch, harriet #761
- Inch?, Harriet #618
- Jackson, Amy #468
- Jackson, Belinda #618
- Jackson, Belinda #761
- Jackson, David #574
- Jackson, Elijah #401
- Jackson, Francis #468
- Jackson, Harriet #618
- Jackso Ën, Harriet #761
- Jackson, Phil #794
- Jackson, Seives #758
- James?, Cealy #401
- Jameston?, Henry #107
- Jeffery, Mary #482
- Jenkins, John #744
- Jenkins, Joshua #60
- John Gray, John #473
- Johns, Hercules #136
- Johns, Louisa #136
- Johnson, Abraham #62, 252
- Johnson, James #90
- Johnson, John #425
- Johnson, Lewis #794
- Johnson, Lucy #824
- Johnson, Maria #688
- Johnson, Maria #746
- Johnson, Sally #338
- Johnson, Seller #468
- Johnson, Stephen #401
- Johnson, Tom #386, 401
- Johnson,Celia #468
- Johnston, Henry #401
- Johnston, Maria #468
- Johnston, Mary E. #458
- Johnston, Persallia #401
- Jones, Charity #401
- Jones, David #54, 82
- Jones, Frank #458
- Jones, Henry #688
- Jones, Jim #252
- Jones, John #401
- Jones, Ketty #45
- Jones, Mary #746
- Jones, Nassa #794
- Jones, Peter #333
- Jones, Robert #338
- Jones, Sam #54, 82
- Jones, William #46, 54, 60, 82
- Jordan, Sally #401
- June, Hannah #401
- Kell, William #762
- Kelly, John #31
- Kenzie, Charles #54
- Kerney, Belinda #618
- Keston, Joseph #92
- Kidder, Jim #74
- King, Linda #468
- King, William #45
- K Ëinney, Belinda #761
- Koon, Harriet #618
- Koon, Harriet #761
- Koon, WIlson #761
- Koon, Wilson #618
- Labin, William #759
- Lancaster, George #462
- Lasty, Davis #302
- Lestrade, Lucy #618
- Lestrade, Lucy #761
- Lewis, Lucy #236
- Lockwood, Job #468
- Long, Jim #725
- Long, John #129
- Luckas?, Patsy #401
- Lyon, Jack #746
- Madison, James #682
- Mallory, Eliza #333
- Mallory, Fanny #468
- Manchester, Billy #401
- Mardry, Robin #468
- Marshall, Jim #362, 365
- Marshall, Mary#401
- Mathews, George #302
- Mathews, Hariett #762
- Matthews, Henry #754
- May, Eliza #746
- Mays, ___ #746
- Mc Gruder, David #688
- Mc Kenzie, Charles #82
- Mc Kenzie, Edmund #130
- Mc Queen, Maria #499
- McCray, Thos #746
- Mickey, Ralph #469
- Middleton, Lucy #618
- Middleton, Lucy #761
- Milman, Hannah #473
- Mincer, Elcy #746
- Mincer, Jemima #746
- Minns, Willis #401
- Mitchell, Will #61, 363
- Monroe, James #754
- Moody, Charles #60, 173
- Moore, Accy #465
- Moore, Edmond #356
- More, James #401
- Morgan, Ratchel#401
- Morris, Bob #338
- Morris?, Nancy #794
- Mosely, Henry #338
- Moses, Tom #3 Ë47
- Mures, Anne #697
- Murray, George #460
- Murray, Philis #460
- Murray, Robin #460
- Myers, Mary #725 free
- Neilson, Peyton #401
- Nelson, Henry #401
- Nelson, Lewis #401
- Nelson, Maria #401
- Nichelsen, Sampson #302
- Nicholson, Anna #746
- Oakum, Lucy #618
- Oakum, Lucy #761
- Orr, Matilda #468
- Owens, Moses #338
- Pa___?, Ephraim #473
- Parker, Dick #398
- Parker, George #688
- Parker, Louisa #794
- Parker, Tom #347
- Parrish, John #370
- Patterson,James #794
- Picot, James #574
- Pierce, Jean #468
- Pope, Beverlly #733
- Pope, Eliza #618
- Pope, Eliza #761
- Powers, David #386
- Primrose, Ann #303
- Pringle, Moses #303
- Prior (Pryor), Polly #398
- Prior, Lucy #398
- Prior, Mary #398
- Pusey, Anny #338, 404
- Rains, Lucy #618
- Rains, Lucy #761
- Randolph, William #475
- Redden, Milford #465
- Reuben, William #761
- Rice, Billy #516
- Rice, Henry #618
- Rice, Henry #761
- Rich,Stephen #753
- Richardson, John #458
- Richardson, John #719
- Richardson, Sally #360
- Richardson, Sammy #401
- Richardson, Willis #401
- Rirdin alias Jeremiah Fraser #328
- Roberts, Ann #7 Ë62
- Roberts, Bob #807
- Roberts, Gabriel #762
- Robertson, Eliza #473
- Robertson, Geo #54, 82
- Robertson, Mick #794
- Robinson, James #304
- Robinson, Joseph #141
- Robinson, Salley #401
- Robinson, Sharlott #794
- Robison , Henry #473
- Robison, Elinor #618
- Robison,Elinor #761
- Rogerson, Patty #618
- Rogerson, Patty #761
- Roman, Sam #401
- Rone, Peggy #401
- Roper, Nancy #360
- Rose, Anthony #401
- Ruffin, John #401
- Run, Quash #330
- Runlet, John #357
- Russel, Aron #807
- Sadler, Billy #401
- Saford, Eliza #465
- Scales, Tom #754
- Schilt, John #529
- Scott, Henry #401
- Scott, Sam #401
- Seals, Joseph #688
- Selden, John #473
- Seldin, Diana #333
- Seldin, James #333
- Seldin?, Clarissa #333
- Shackleford, Suckey #746
- Shearer, Tom #437
- Shelton, James #688
- Shepperd, Rosetta #794
- Sheppherd, William #302
- Short, Rile #247
- Shorter, William #333
- Siger, Aggy #688
- Sims, Dick #283
- Singo, Henry #363
- Smith, Ben #746
- Smith, Caty #401
- Smith, Hannah #735
- Smith, Joe #746
- Smith, John #458
- Smith, John #719
- Smith, Joseph #746
- Smith, Ned #486
- Sm Ëith, Ned #749
- Smith, Peter #401
- Smith, Rose #398
- Snowden, Maria #468
- Spence, Aaron #688
- Spencer, James #247
- Stack (Stark?), Henry #465
- Stark, George #794
- Stewart, James #232
- Stokes, Africa #336
- Stone, Jordan #401
- Stuart, Hannah #90
- Suttles, Patty #360
- Taylor, Billy#401
- Taylor, George #356
- Taylor, Henry#401
- Taylor, Jack #398
- Tazewell, Mary #746
- Teeb, William #302
- Thomas, Betsey #777
- Thomas, Delpha #794
- Thornton, Davy #688
- Tilden, Clarisa #333 (Possibly Seldin)
- Tilman, Harriett #762
- Tomkins, Joshua #252
- Tore (Pore?), Eugenie #715
- Towers, Betsey #401
- Turner, Daniel #342
- Walker, Billy #618
- Walker, Billy #761
- Wallace, Jack #401
- Walters, Betsey #401
- Warden, Noah #465
- Washington, Billy #574
- Washington, Geo. #473
- Washington, George #343, 404
- Washington, George #752
- Washington, John #752
- Waters, Harry (Barry?) 472
- Waters, Major #472
- Watkins, Betsy #401
- Weaver, sophia #360
- Webb, Hester #465
- Wells, Sam #401
- Wesley, Charles #401
- West, James #367
- Whalen, John #378
- White, Beverly #401
- Wh *ite, Fanny #688
- White, Milly #472
- White, Sam #339, 404
- White, Sam #465
- White,Lucinda #465
- Whitehead, John #688
- Wilks, George #807
- Williams, Anne #697
- Williams, Billy #401
- Williams, Hilley #774
- Williams, Jesee #794
- Williams, John #458
- Williams, John #719
- Williams, John #748
- Williams, Lucy #274
- Williams, Patty #458
- Williams, Sam #458
- Williams, Tabby #746
- Wilson, Anne #746
- Wilson, Charles #753
- Wilson, Matilda #356
- Wilson, Spencer #356
- Wilson, Warner #356
- Wilson, William #356, 401
- Winchester, William #762
- Winter, Sally #401
- Wise, Levi #208, 235
- Witherson, Mariah #401
- Womac, Robert #618
- Womac, Robert #761
- Wood, Frank #115
- Woodbridge, Andrew #517
- Woodhouse, Jacob #338
- Woodson, Ned #401
- Wright, Lamage #472
- Wright, Nathan #472
- Young, David #688
- Young, Washington #473
- Zamora, Joseph Ignacio #715
Created: 6 March 1999
Updated: 25 April 1999
Webmistress: Valencia King Nelson,
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