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Index of Vessel Names
Note: Each number refers to the entry number in the Slave Database. Hint: Search using the "find" function on your browser.
- Actress 142, 143
- Adventine 1
- Agent 55, 135, 312-13, 320-22, 324, 428,434, 454-456, 721, 723-724, 734
- Alabama Packet 310-11, 381-82, 478, 523-24, 647, 775
- Alert 402,403
- Almy 117
- Alonzo 705-706
- Altezura 68, 69, 70
- Angelina 76, 77, 91, 635-637
- Ann 284-86,308, 649-653
- Ann Thomas 314-17
- Arethusa 144, 145, 146, 222 to 229, 278, 304, 350-53, 357, 360, 383, 435, 438, 533, 535, 537, 538, 544-551, 623-625, 628-630, 781
- Atlas 791
- Aurilla 622, 770-774, 777
- Balize 380
- Balloon 470, 479, 722, 725, 737
- Bangor Packet 85, 86, 97
- Brazillian 386, 574, 583, 585-591, 618, 688, 761
- Bright Phoebus 305,427
- Budget 475-477, 726
- Calypso 73,100, 101
- Caroline 71, 198, 200,275, 694
- Ceres 480, 486-494, 496-498, 500, 600-601, 604-605, 707-711, 718, 749, 814, 819, 820
- Charles 126.1, 159, 160, 168, 196 ,327
- Chatsworth 266
- Clarissa 824
- Clio 44 to 52, 72, 90
- Columbus 774.1
- Commerce 639
- Commodore Patterson 43
- Cosmopolite 199,201, 288 to 295, 344 to 349
- Cumberland 458, 719
- Decatur 84, 93, 136, 189
- Delight 74
- Dumf Ëries 398, 400
- Eagle 102.1
- Elisa 3, 116, 118
- Eliza 107
- Elizabeth 15, 16
- Emigrant 519-522, 716, 720
- Emma 355
- Emilie 78, 79, 112 to 115, 127, 140, 140.2, 140.4, 141, 185-188, 240, 272-274, 279, 306, 411-420, 424-26
- Enterprise 182
- Eros 643-646
- Escambia 703
- Etna 280-283, 516-518
- Evan 648
- Experiment 190
- Express 655
- Fame 129, 736, 747
- Fanny & Mary Seabury 154
- Fanny of New York 236
- Feliciana 130, 131
- Felicity 421
- Fidelity 566, 595, 617, 760, 778
- Franklin104, 105, 138, 139, 140.3, 359
- Galigo 733
- Gazelle 712
- Gen. Carroll 584, 756
- Gen. Jackson 41
- George 354
- Georgiana #453, 457, 459-469, 471-473,482
- Gleaner 807
- Good Hope 393-396, 442
- Greyhound 197
- Hamlet171
- Hannah 276,277?,399
- Harriett 155, 156, 181, 183, 240, 249, 250, 269, 270, 323, 474, 539, 692-93, 762-766
- Harvest 727-730
- Healy 542-543
- Herald 138, 184, 241, 287, 319, 483, 484, 582, 732
- Hollon 532, 554-565, 567, 671-673, 680-682, 717, 767, 790, 793
- Hollow 367 to 378,440, 441, 443
- Hugh Monroe 167
- Huntress 686
- Hyperion 230, 247, 389, 390, Á 391, 446, 596, 598-99, 603, 769
- Intelligence 150, 220, 221, 245, 246, 298 to 303, 362 to 366, 510-515, 74, 783-788, 81-832, 834-836
- James 17
- James Madison 331
- James Monroe 31 to 40, 42, 87, 99, 108, 119, 121, 126, 32 to 134, 205-219, 235, 253-260, 263 to 265, 333, 335-343, 404, 422-423, 447, 525-528, 530-532, 536, 611, 613-616, 679-683, 750, 780, 795-796, 805
- Japello 334
- Jay of New York 165, 166
- Jealous137
- Jefferson 439
- John Orlean 140.1
- Kennebeck Trader 792, 802
- Ladies Delight 147, 148
- Lady of the Lake 332
- Lady of the Sea 242
- Lapwing 751-755
- Laura Townes/Towner 55, 56 to 59, 63, 96, 102, 109, 110, 111
- Little John 804
- Little Sally 19
- Louisa 619, 620, 631-634
- Louisiana 656
- Louisgrand 361
- Lucy Ann 157
- Madina Packet 748
- Magnolia 776
- Margaret Wright 202 to 204
- Marie Rose 191, 192
- Marion 738-742
- Martha/Murtha 152, 307
- Mary & Nancy 758, 759
- Mary Ann 606-610
- Merino 568-570
- Mexican 250.5
- Miller 405 to 407, 448 to 451, 452, 575-580
- Missouri 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 88, Ë94, 95
- Napoleon 387, 388
- Nile Annie/Nyle Annie 65, 66, 67
- North America 808-810, 822, 829
- Ohio of Philadelphia 193, 325
- Olive 384
- Orion 529, 735
- Orleans of Philadelphia 238, 239, 328 to 329
- Orleans Packet 149, 153, 172, 250.1, 261, 271, 385, 445, 553,
- 670, 684, 713, 714, 823
- Pearl of Burlington 162, 495, 731
- Phoebe Ann 309, 358
- Planter 4, 5, 23 to 26, 53, 54, 82, 89
- Resource 837
- Robert Fulton 251, 268, 437, 499, 571, 626-627, 757, 825-828
- Robert Burns 401, 746, 794
- Rose in Bloom 102.2, 151, 161, 250.2, 481, 602, 789
- Sampson 408 to 410
- Satellite 13, 14, 163, 164, 326
- Sea Dog 106
- Schuylkill 674-678
- Stephens 241, 244
- Suffolk 169
- Superb 60, 61, 62, 64
- Superior 768
- Surprise 444
- Susan Miller 685, 696-701, 806
- Susan of New York 250.3, 250.4, 249, 429-433, 506-509, 592-593, 657-59, 745
- Swan 640
- Swift 638
- Teche of Attakapas 194, 195, 687
- Temperance 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
- Thatcher 128
- Thomas Shields 2, 88
- Thomas Shields 800-801
- Thorm 397
- Thorn 501-505, 536.1, 540-541, 597, 612, 642, 782, 797 `-799, 803, 810
- Three Sisters 581
- Titania 330
- Trial 534, 573
- Triton 173, 174, 175, 176 to 179
- Unicorn 230 to 234
- United States 689-691, 695, 702, 704, 811-813
- Victoire 158, 170, 436, 779
- Virginia 830, 833
- Washington 83
- Weton 103
- William Henry 379
Others (Unidentified vessels and foreign ports of origin):
- Unknown #267, 485, 715
- Concordia #297, 392
Created: 6 March 1999
Updated: 25 April 1999
Webmistress: Valencia King Nelson,
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