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Electra Kimble Price
honored by
Genealogical Society of Utah

Presentation to Electra Price
25 March 2000
by Elder Boehm

Electra Kimble Price is a well-known figure in Oakland. Her distinguished career includes significant contributions in government and education. A list of her achievements covers several pages including Associate Dean of Holy Names College and as Consultant on Community Relations for the United States Department of Justice. She has been named Woman of the Year by the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. She has her Master of Arts degree from Holy Names College. Her accomplishments are many, but it is for her retirement career that we honor Electra Price today. 

Mrs. Price is one of the co-founders of the African-American Genealogical Society of Northern California. She has helped countless people get started with their own research. She has worked for four years as a volunteer at the Oakland Family History Center on Temple Hill. It is at Mrs. Price's urging that the Quick Guide on African- American Records has been produced. Once someone told Electra that they would not do their African-American family history because it would make them too angry. Her reply was that they should do it to see what their family went through and survived. They could feel proud they came from such strong stock. 

On behalf of the Genealogical Society of Utah, I am pleased to present this Distinguished Service Award to Electra Kimble Price in grateful appreciation for selfless service in the field of genealogy, and for innumerable hours of volunteer service at the Family History Center teaching others how to discover their family histories. Signed by Richard E. Turley, Jr. President.

The entire AfriGeneas family salutes Electra Price, a pioneer of online genealogy and a founding member of AfriGeneas. See also:

Oakland Tribune article dated 19 March 2000

African American Genealogical Society of Northern California

Submitted by Valencia King Nelson

Created: 27 Mar 2000 | Updated: 27 Mar 2000
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