Inventory of the Estate of Anna Whiteaker
An Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Anna Whiteaker, deceased shown
to us by James W. Whiteaker, executor of said estate January 21st A.D. 1854
1 negro woman Jane 28 years old Value $900.00
1 negro girl Juliet 7 years old
1 negro girl Mary 5 years old
1 small negro child Lucinda
1 grey horse 8 years old 95.00
1 bay horse 8 years old 95.00
2 beds, one stead & Furniture
1 Lott of Pots, skillets, etc.
The undivided half of 160 acres of land
The Homestead of Deceased
20 Acres of Land adjoining the above
purchased from James Blair
One old wagon 50.00
State of Texas
Red River County )( We the undersigned do hereby certify that the above and
foregoing is a correct inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Anna
Whiteaker Decd, so far as was showed us by James W. Whiteaker, Executor of said
deceased. This 27th day of January A. D. 1854.
James B. Wootten
Source: Red River County, Texas Probate Records
Contributed by Aaron Dorsey