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Micah Mixon's Will - Darlington District, SC - 14 March 1805

In the name of God Amen. I Micah MIXON of the State of South Carolina in Darlington District Planter Being in perfect mind and memory Thanks be given unto God calling into mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men Once to die I make and ordain this my last will and testament. That is to say, Principally and first of all I give and Recommend my Soul unto the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a Christian decent Burial at the discretion of my Executors. Nothing doubting but at  the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty power of God. And as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life; I give, Demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form; -----

... Item. I give and bequeath to my son Jehu MIXON one half the use profit and increase of one Negro man called BIG SAM one Negro woman called RACHEL to him and his heirs forever. I also give and bequeath to my son Jehu MIXON my black smith tools.

... Item. I give and bequeath unto my son William MIXON one half the use prof it and increase of the aforesaid two Negroes BIG SAM and RACHEL also one hundred acres of land to be laid off beginning on William BARWICK's line & running a straight line to the dividing line between my land and John BEARLES agreeable to the plat so as to make one hundred acres joining and binding on William WHIDDON's land to him and his heirs forever-----

... Item. I give and bequeath to my son John MIXON one hundred acres of land called HEARON's old place and fifty three acres joining that lying part in the cypress bud tract Act. It being part of Seventy Eight acres that I had Rights signed by Elias DUBOSE, One Bright Bay Horse and one bay year old horse. One feather bed and Boulster two blankets & two sheets. Also one hundred acres of land more or less on the upper side of the Long Branch it being the remainder contained in the deed that William MIXON's land is taken out off all on the upper side of said Branch in said deed. Also one Negro girl called LILL and her issue and increases to him His heirs forever-----

... Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Micah MIXON two hundred acres of land that I had Rights signed by William BELK and two hundred acres secured by myself lying on both sides of the Long Branch, also one Negro girl called Rose & her issue & increase also one Negro boy called CUFFY for the term of ten years. Then for the said Negro boy CUFFY to be returned unto my estate & to be disposed of as is to be mentioned herein afterwards. One Bright Bay Horse. One Feather bed and Boulster , two blankets & two sheets to him & his Heirs forever.

... Item. I give and Bequeath unto my son Samuel MIXON the plantation and tract of land whereon I now live & all my other lands lying joining of it on the side of the Long Branch except some land in the bypass to be mentioned herein afterwards . Also one Negro woman called PATT and one boy child call'd LEWIS with their increase & issue one feather bed & Boulster two Blankets & two sheets also one half the use profit and increase of one gray mare & one bay filly that came of said mare to him & his heirs forever.

... Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughters namely Susanna & Frances one Negro man called LITTLE SAM & one Negro woman called BELL. Each of them to have an equal right to the use and profit and increase of the said two Negroes to them & the heirs of their bodys forever. -----

... Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Anna Fifteen Dollars to be raised out of my estate. Also unto my said daughter Anna, one Negro boy called HEROD during her natural life. For her own use and profit; at her death I give and Bequeath the said Negro Boy HEAROD unto my grandson Elisha BELK to him and his heirs forever-----

... Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary one Negro girl called AMEY & one Sorrell mare with her Bay colt and issue and increase. One feather bed & Boulster two blankets & two sheets unto her & the heirs of her body forever.

... Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth one Negro girl called CLOE & her increase & issue one half the use and profit and increase of the aforesaid iron gray mare and filly one feather bed two blankets two sheets and one Boulster to her & the heirs of her body forever. Also money raised out of my estate to purchase her a good saddle.

... Item. I give and Bequeath unto my five sons hereafter named voz. Jehu, William, John, Micah & Samuel an equal part according to the real value of a piece of land that I had a deed for from Elias DUBOSE in the Big Cypress containing one hundred and twenty five acres more or less-----

... Item. It is my will and (desire) that Jonathan WILLIAMSON should have a reasonable maintenance out of my estate according to contract. It is also my will that after the _____ is taken out all the remainder of my estate real and personal be sold to the highest bidder and divided or else divided without selling first paying my five youngest children John, Micah, Samuel, Mary and Elizabeth fifty dollars each one and then equally divide the remainder between my ten children Susanna, Jehu, Anna, Frances, William, Mary, John, Micah, Elizabeth and Samuel. -----

... Item. It is my will & I bequeath a Negro boy named CHARLES to Jehu William and John MIXON-----

... Item. It is my will that Nancy PICKINGS should have ten dollars out of my estate-----
I do hereby constitute ordain make and appoint my sons Jehu MIXON, William MIXON, John MIXON, and Micah MIXON full and sole Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby Revoking  discontinuing making void all former wills and bequeaths made by me, and deliver this only & no other to be my last will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this fourteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & five: And in the twenty ninth year of American Independence.

Signed sealed Published Pronounced and delivered}             Micah MIXON

By the said Micah MIXON as his last will and & }
Testament in the presence of us, who in his  }
Presence and in the presence of each other have }
Hereunto subscribed our names  }

Ezekial DUBOSE

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Probate on Micah Mixon's will

State of South Carolina }
Darlington District } Personally appeared before me William Zimmerman Ordinary for the district aforesaid. Thomas ANDREWS, who being duly sworn maketh oath that he was present and did see Micah MIXON Dec'd Sign Seal publish pronounce and deliver the within to be his last will and Testament & that the said MIXON was of sound mind & memory & also that he did see Ezekial DUBOSE subscribe his name in presence of the testator together with himself.

Sworn to before this }      Thomas ANDREWS
11th May 1805 }
Wm. Zimmerman
Ordy D. D.

State of South Carolina}
Darlington District} Personally appeared before me William Zimmerman Ordinary for the district of Darlington aforesaid. Doctor Ezekial DUBOSE, who being sworn maketh oath that he was present and did see Micah MIXON Dec'd Sign Seal Publish Pronounce and deliver the within to be his last will and Testament and that the said MIXON was of sound mind & memory and also that he did see Thomas ANDREWS subscribe his name in presence of the Testator together with himself.

Sworn before this }      Ezekial DUBOSE
This }
Wm. Zimmerman
Ordy D. D.

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Transcribed by Harry Windham, Houston, TX

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