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WILL OF HENRY BOOZER - Dec 1854 Estate Packet Box 137 PKG 3886 WILL OF HENRY BOOZER In the name of God amen. I, Henry Boozer of the State of South Carolina and of the District of Abbeville, being sound in mind but infirm in body and aware of the uncertainty of life, do declare and acknowledge the following to be my last Will and Testament. To wit Art 1st It is my will and desire that my debt be paid with cash on hand, notes, account and proceeds of sale, as soon as my Executors may find it practicable. Art 2nd It is my will and desire that the whole of my weir and major tracts of land be sold, and that about one hundred acres of my Blackburn tract of land be cut off by my Executors from said tract and also sold. Art 3rd I will and bequeath to my wife Mary Boozer the home tract of land (the one on which I now live). Art 4th I will and Bequeath to my Daughter Elvira Leavell, the Negro Girl Laura, which she has now in her possession in lieu of the one I gave her at her marriage which is now dead. Art 5th I will and bequeath to my son Hugh Dickson three hundred Dollars over and above his distribution share in my Estate for the purpose of raising and educating him. Art 6th It is my will and desire that all my Negroes (except Laura) be divided between my Wife and Children. Art 7th It is my will and desire that all the balance of my Estate, be sold. Art 8th It is my will and desire that my Executors appoint three disinterested commissioners, whose duty it shall be to divide my Negroes into ten as equal shares as possible, place a value upon each lot, certified to by them and hand the same to my Executors; and that my wife and children, each draw for her or his lot. It shall be the further duty of said commissioners to fix a value upon all property that I have heretofore advanced to any of my Children except the Girl I gave to my Daughter Elvira Leavell which is not to be charged to her, but in lieu of her, the one I now bequeath to her, named Laura, under article fourth and to hand over the same with their certificate, to my Executors, as a guide for them in a final settlement of my Estate. Art 9th After the specific legacies, named in former articles are taken out, It is my will and desire that my wife Mary Boozer and my Children John Boozer, Simon P. Boozer, William Boozer, David Boozer, Hugh Dickson Boozer, Hamilton Boozer, Elvira Leavell, Barbary Blackburn, and Caroline Hughy share equally and alike in the distribution of my Estate each one of my Children however to who advances have been made, being required to account for the same, according to the estimate of the commissioners whose appointment I have provided for in article eighth. Art 10th I hereby appoint my Son in law, Robert Leavell and my son John Boozer Executors of this, my last will and testament, and charge them with the faithful execution thereof. Witness my hand and seal this the 16th day of December in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. Test, Henry Boozer (L.B.) L H Smith James Hughy Jas H Riley
Contributed by Aaron Dorsey |
28 Mar 2010 :: 28 Mar 2010
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