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Will of James Gwyn, Sr. - Jan 1848

I James Gwyn Sr. of the County of Wilkes and State of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory by considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence do make this my last will and testament in a manner and form following that is to say

First that my executors (hereafter named relations and friends here after named) shall provide for my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my relations and friends and pay all funeral expenses together with any just debts howso ever and to whomsoever owing out of the first money that may first come into the hands as a part as parcel of my estate.

I gave and device to my beloved wife Amelia Gwyn the interest of two thousand dollars I request to be paid at the end of each six of twelve months as she may choose by my executors which they are required to put the first money to that amount after completing as above upon interest for that purpose after her death the said two thousand dollars to be equally divided between my four sons Ransom Gwyn, Richard Gwyn, Hugh Gwyn, James Gwyn and their cons and my son in law Little Hickerson and wife Amelia Hickerson their sons a

I gave and device to daughter Sarah Thurmond deceased heirs the sum of one thousand dollars to be equally divided among them and their heirs to be paid over by my executors as soon as that amount of money may come into their hands and out of the proceeds of my estate after completing as above.  I gave and devise to my daughter Lenora Hale or her heirs the sum of five hundred dollars also to be paid by my  executors to her as soon as that amount may come into their hands as above to that amount. I gave and devise to my son James Gwyn as his heirs the tract of land where on I now live _____   ___ the ____ tract containing three hundred and fourteen(?) acres ___ ___  ____  fourth as my deed calls for also three hundred acres adjoining called the Macan Hand Tract also bounded as my deed calls for by his the said James Gwyn paying over to my three sons or their heirs Ransom Gwyn Richard Gwyn Hugh Gwyn and my son in law little Hickerson wife Amelia Hickerson or their hers the sum of four thousand dollars to be equally divided among them.  Should there not be money enough on hand at my death to make the several amounts first mentioned that is the two thousand dollars to be put on interest the one thousand for the heirs of my daughter Sarah Thurmond and five hundred dollars for my daughter Lenora Hale the balance if none all to be made by my executors out of  so much of the property belonging to my estate by m____ sale as otherwise.  All the balance of my estate consisting of all the land or lands I now own (to wit) the plantation where on the Mrs. Dower now lives known by the name of the Weatherspoons tract containing two hundred acres more or lefs with several other tracts adjoining also several surveys adjoining the land given to my son James as my several deeds my set fourth together with all the slaves I now own with their increase (except Nancy & child) to wit Mason Lucy Baldy or Henry Shadrick Betty Peggy Harriett Mary Louisa Carolina Polly and Caty with all others I may own at my death all my stock of horses cattle Hogs sheep the crops of all kinds with all provisions of every kind all waggons carts and all beds with all other household and kitchen furniture with all farming utentials all money or notes or debts of every kind that may be due me from or by any person or persons whatsoever I have and devise to my four sons and their heirs Ransom Gwyn Richard Gwyn Hugh Gwyn James Gwyn and Little Hickerson & wife Amelia Hickerson or their heirs all to be equally divided among them If the said Ransom Richard Hugh James Gwyn and Little Hickerson of their heirs cannot agree on a division of the above mentioned land slaves and other property my executors are requested to make sale of all as a part of said property as they may think proper trying to keep the slaves as much in the family and also as much in families as is convenient and divide the proceeds of the sale or sales equally between my four sons and son in law before mentioned instead of said property.

And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my son in law Little Hickerson James Gwyn and Richard Gwyn my two sons my lawful executors to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament by me to heretofore made in witnefs where of I the said James Gwyn do here unto set my hand and seal this 20th day of January 1848.

Source: "James Gwyn Family Papers 1653-1946," Series J Volumes 1844-1804, Folder 31, Manuscripts Department, CB#3926, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Phone: 919/962-1345.

Contributed by Sasha Faith Mitchell. Website: Sasha's Roots


16 Apr 2007 :: 16 Apr 2007
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