AfriGeneas Press Release


Char McCargo Bah to Host Monthly Chat Series on AfriGeneas

"A Chat with Char" to debut on Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 9:00 PM ET

Marietta, GA -- October 8, 2007 -- Starting October 10, 2007, veteran and award-winning genealogist Char McCargo Bah will host a new monthly chat on AfriGeneas ( called "A Chat with Char." The chats will be scheduled the second Wednesday of every month from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm ET. 

"A Chat with Char" will cover the pre-civil rights movement and the reconstruction period in American History from the genealogist's point of view. The discussions will consist of two parts: the first part will deal with the urban records and institutions that are available in cities; the second part will discuss records and institutions that are available in the rural areas of the United States during various times. A short paper issued prior to each chat will give an overview of the upcoming chat. A final transcribed lecture will be available after each chat. 

The first chat on October 10th chat is entitled "They were in the North in the 1930s." It will draw on Ms. Bah's experiences researching in New York City and Cleveland , Ohio of ancestors that appeared on the 1930 censuses.

According to Ms. Bah, the ultimate aim of "A Chat with Char" will be to familiarize researchers with records and institutions that many genealogists and family historians overlook so that they will be able to bridge the gap between reconstruction and pre-civil war research. 

Char McCargo Bah is a native of Alexandria, Virginia and has been doing genealogical research for over 26 years. She holds B.A. and A.A.S degrees in Urban Studies and African and African American History from the University of District of Columbia and a certificate in Legal Research Investigation. 

She appeared in a number of television and radio interviews. Her most recent television program was with the PBS History Detective which was aired in July 2007. She was interviewed by the British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) in March 2007 on the 200th Anniversary of the ending of the Transatlantic Slave Trade by Britain. In Fall 2006, Char participated in a forum with the Maryland Public Broadcasting television on a segment: "American Lives on Slave Research." In November 2005, she did a program on African American Genealogy and DNA with FOX5 TV.

She was on the D.C. Genealogical Society Board for 23 years. She served two consecutive terms as Historian on the Virginia Genealogical Society Board. Char was a speaker at the 2007 National Genealogical Society Conference and she participated in the 2007 Folklife Festival for the Smithsonian section on "Virginia Roots."

Ms. Bah has lectured throughout the eastern United States on various genealogical topics. She has published articles in several magazines and newspapers. She wrote three family booklets, one family telephone directory and was the author of her family newsletter from 1991-1999. She contributed to the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society Journal. Currently, Char has her own columns with two genealogical/history newsletters. Her most recent publication is in an anthology book titled "Everyday Grace, Everyday Miracle," released in December 2006. She also authored eleven biographical narratives in the upcoming Halifax County, Virginia Heritage Book 2007. She is a member of the Virginia Genealogical Society, the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, the National Genealogical Society, and many other genealogical and historical societies and organizations. 

For more information about Char McCargo Bah, please contact her at:

AfriGeneas, founded in 1996, is the premier website for African American genealogy and history. It is Google’s top-ranked African American genealogy site and has been named one of the top 101 genealogy websites for eight years in a row by Family Tree Magazine. 

For more information about AfriGeneas please contact: Valencia King Nelson, Webmaster, 770-421-8432,


8 Oct 2007 :: 08 Oct 2007
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