We live in a land of silent values;
where love is hardly spoken
and ways are seldom told,
yet we become each other
in an earthly firmament.
We sanctify the olden ways.
We place our shoulders to the stone.
We walk the path that we call faith
with conscience as our lonely guide.
We glory in our legacy
and stride with heads held forward.
We focus on survival. We witness, cry,
and continue to climb.
Like mirrors, our children see us;
they know the lives we lead.
In turn, we tend the sacred flame
in armor that is golden.
Silences are rarely breached
by this soul that keeps us strong.
Still secrets of the deepest heart
pass on from one to one.
in a land of silent values;
where love is hardly spoken
And ways are seldom told --
The spirit that is not broken
is the bond that keeps us whole.
©Sojourner K. Rolle - 1998. All Rights
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