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AfriGeneas News & Announcements
May 2004

Sunday, May 30, 2004

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Denise Oliver-Velez in the AfriGeneas Spotlight

The June 2004 AfriGeneas Spotlight shines brightly on Denise Oliver-Velez. For years, Denise had been collecting stories from relatives and gathering up old photos and news-clippings. Her interest in family history started early. She describes herself as "the nosey child of the family who asked a million questions of elders and who pored over old photograph albums and memorabilia." But even though the interest was always there, she never actually attempted to do formal research on her own family. That is, until a few years ago when she first visited AfriGeneas, found a community of interest, and decided to stay a while. Since then she has helped hundreds of researchers to get started with or to advance their research and has personally posted more than 2000 messages on the Getting Started (formerly Beginners) Forum as well as other boards.

Read her full profile.

Posted by Webguru on 5/30/04 at 5:43 am EST

AfriGeneas Named One of the Best Genealogy Sites for 5th Year in a Row ! !

AfriGeneas has been named one of the Best 101 Genealogy Sites by Family Tree Magazine for the fifth year in a row.

This year FTM focused on sites that can really deliver the goods. "Our 101 Web-site selections this year unabashedly tilt toward the trend of actually being able to "do genealogy"—that is, locate ancestors—on the Web."

AfriGeneas was described thus:

"This frequently updated site is an ideal spot to start exploring your African-American ancestry. It offers message boards and genealogy chats as well as databases. The latter include a surname database, slave manifests, deed abstracts, slave bills of sale and city directories of "Free Colored."

Read all about it.

Posted by Webguru on 5/30/04 at 5:26 am EST

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Lloyd SmithLloyd Smith Hospitalized. Prayers for Recovery.

Lloyd SmithHealing Wishes from AfriGeneas for Lloyd Smith

We are so appreciative to Bennie McRae and to Lloyd's cousin, Jan Fontaine, for keeping each of us informed. Our prayers for well being continue...


Posted by Staff on 5/11/04 at 6:59 pm EST

Friday, May 07, 2004

Alva Moore Stevenson Joins AfriGeneas

Press release:

African Family Studies
P.O. Box 4906
Blue Mountain, AL 36204


Alva Moore Stevenson Joins AfriGeneas

Web's legendary genealogy group for African American Genealogy & History

Blue Mountain, Alabama…May 07,2004...AfriGeneas.com announced today that Alva Moore Stevenson will join AfriGeneas.com as Manager of its World Forum. AfriGeneas is the largest site for African-American genealogy and history on the World Wide Web.

Alva Moore Stevenson is a native of Los Angeles and is administrative specialist at the UCLA Oral History Program. "I am delighted to join the AfriGeneas staff as manager of the World Research Forum. I hope to contribute my knowledge as well as learn from others."

"AfriGeneas.com is pleased to have Ms. Stevenson oversee the World Forum", said B.J. Smothers, Web Guru for AfriGeneas. "Her experience as an historian and her research of Afro-Latino genealogy and history will enhance our knowledge of the African Diaspora. Her introduction to the World Forum says it all."

"The road to our identity has been long, arduous, and sometimes deadly. Our African self was stripped from us on arrival in this land, but we never really lost it and have triumphantly reclaimed it. Ultimately who we are can never be taken away. The many races and ethnicities that are a part of us do not make us less Black! Please remember that the ancestor of all man, according to the latest anthropological research (however controversial) still points to an African! This then – in theory – might make all men and women (in some sense) African or all of us multiracial depending on your viewpoint. I hope the World Research Forum will allow those who are reluctant to acknowledge their other roots to do so and to network with others of similar background. The unique difficulties in researching multiracial genealogies can be addressed and perhaps resources can be shared to assist those having trouble. Let there be a lot of listening and lending of helping hands and no judgment in this forum."
Alva Moore Stevenson 4-1-04

Browse the AfriGeneas World Research Forum

AfriGeneas is the largest genealogical and historical website on the African experience in the Americas. Founded in 1996, AfriGeneas boasts a multi-cultural audience, of Forum Managers, contributing historians and genealogists which reflects the continued and growing international interest in the African-American history.

For more information about AfriGeneas.com, please contact:
Kathleen Wyer Lane, Publicist at writeaway@AfriGeneas.com

Posted by VKN on 5/07/04 at 8:53 pm EST

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Mexico to Martha's Vineyard Chat, 6 May Lunch Bunch

Exploring the Regional Influences
of the African Diaspora:
When Planning Your Next Family Vacation

Today, Thursday 6 May 2004
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo and Heritage Tourism with

Sangeet Grace Lynis
Author, Historical Advocate & Director of Cinnamon Traveler

and The Lunch Bunch
Noon Eastern Time in The Chat Center

Posted by
VKN on 5/06/04 at 3:54 am EST

Monday, May 03, 2004

Tuesday Night Genealogy Chats are Back!

Join the hosts from the Tuesday night chats, and come and share, assist, and discuss the genealogical challenges that you currently have.

Meet friends old and new, and join us as we all help each other in locating those elusive ancestors.

Among the hosts will be Hosts Angela, Sedalia, Selma, and others who will be there to welcome you and share their skills, solutions with you. The much favored and much missed surname ROLL CALL will be a standard feature as well.

See you there!!!

Afrigeneas Chat Team:

Angela Walton-Raji Angela Walton-Raji
Known nationally for her research and expertise on Oklahoma Indian records. In addition, she has become a leader in the genealogical community on a national level having spoken nationally, at FGS Conferences and the African American Historical & Genealogical Society over the years.

In 1999, Her unique research on Oklahoma Indian history and genealogy was selected to be a part of the Year 2000, national family history project sponsored by the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) and The White House Millennium Council. The project was featured in Parade Magazine in November of that year. The following year, at the first African-Native American Cultural Symposium, she was featured as the genealogist at its event at Dartmouth College.

She has lectured as faculty at the Smithsonian Associates program and has published a variety of publications on historical and genealogical research. Ms. Walton-Raji lives in Maryland, where she continues to write and research.

Posted by
VKN on 5/03/04 at 12:34 pm EST

6 Jul 2003 | 17 Jun 2004
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AfriGeneas ~ African Ancestored Genealogy