1822, 1826, 1827Transcribed and submitted by Aaron Dorsey
Recorded 3rd December 1822
This agreement made and entered into this twenty fifth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two and in the forty seventh year of the sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America Witnesseth that whereas a marriage is intended shortly to be had and solemnized between Elizabeth Murphey daughter of Malichi P. Murphey and Robert Brumby all of the District and State aforesaid and whereas the said Elizabeth is entrusted in and entitled to considerable estate or estates both real and personal under the last will and testament of her deceased grand father Mr. Malichi Murphey late of this District and State aforesaid It is hereby doth and understood and agreed upon and covenanted between the said Robert and Elizabeth and Malichi P. Murphey and Reubin Arthur acting as Trustees in her behalf that in the _____ of the said intended marriage taking place to the said Robert shall as soon as he legally can grant, bargain, assign over transfer and convey unto the said Reubin Arthur and Malichi P. Murphey as trustees to and for the uses and with the interest and for the purposes herein after mentioned and expressed of and concerning the same all the Estate rights title interest and claims which to the said Robert may acquire or which may secure to him in virtue of the said intended marriage or otherwise of in and to all Estate or Estates real or personal or any or portion of the same to which the said Elizabeth is now or hereafter may be entitled under the will of her said deceased grandfather or otherwise and particularly of certain slaves mentioned and in the said will named Dick, Selia, Sye, Binah and Cate and all their present issue and future increase for the purpose and with the intent that they the said Reubin Arthur and Malichi P. Murphey their heirs and assigns forever may hand seized and possessed of all the said Estate or Estates and particularly the said slaves in trust to and for the benefit and behoof sole and separate use and benefit without the control disposal in cumbrances or forfeitures of the said Robert or any other husband with whom she may hereafter intermarry and that at the death of the said Elizabeth they the said Reubin and Malichi P. may hand seized and possessed of the same to and for the use benefit and behoof of such heirs of the body of the said Elizabeth as may then be living share and share alike to the heirs and assigns forever
But should the said Elizabeth depart this life without having issue of her body them living or should the said issue die under the age of twenty one years and without leaving issue of the body them living that it said Malichi P. and Reubin shall convey all the Estate or Estates and ____ part of the same and particularly the above named slaves and all their issue and future increase and issue unto the next of kin of the said Elizabeth to them their heirs and assigns forever
In witness whereof the parties above named have put their hands and affixed their seals to these presents the day and year listed above
Elizabeth Murphey
R. H. Brumby
Malichi P. Murphey
Reubin Arthur
Written, signed, sealed, acknowledged and delivered in the
presence of: Martha B. Clary & John Bates
I, Richard T. Brumby guardian by appointment of the Court of Equity of the said district of Arnoldus V. Brumby do hereby acknowledge to have rec'd of John P. Miller of the said district the sum of three hundred fifty dollars for a negro slave named Anthony about seventeen years of age which said negro I warrant to the said John P. Miller and to be sound which said negro I am to deliver to him on or before the first day of Nov next this 8th Oct 1827
Richard T. Brumby
Recorded 18 May 1826
This indenture tripartite made the twenty eighth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six between James Denson of Sumter District of the first part, Mary Elvira Brumby of the aforementioned District of the second part and Richard T. Brumby and Robert H. Brumby of the said District of the third part. Whereas a marriage is intended to be shortly had and solemnized between the said James and the said Mary E. and whereas the said Mary E is possessed of personal property to wit, Fanny a negro woman and her child and whereas it hath been agreed that the said James should after the said marriage have receive and enjoy during the joint lives of them the said James and the said Mary E. the interests and profits of the said personal property but that the said property and the increase thereof and also the profits thereof after the death of either of them should be at the sole disposal of the said Mary E. notwithstanding her covertures and whereas is has also been agreed that in case the said Mary should after the said intended marriage had happen to survive the said James she should not be deprived or _____ of her right to have or claim a part of the real or personal estate whereof the said James should at any time proposed and seized during her covertures by virtue of her right of dower
Now this indenture witnessth that in pursuance of the above mentioned agreement and in consideration of the said intended marriage the said Mary E. with the purity consent and approbation of the said James testified by his being made a party to and by his signing sealing and delivering of these presents hath granted, assigned, transferred and set over, and by these presents doth grant, assign, transfer and set over unto the said Richard T. and Robert H. their Executors, Administrators and assigns Trustees appointed for the purposes hereinafter mentioned all the said personal property to wit, Fanny and her child and their future increase to have and to hold the said property unto the said Richard T. and Robert H. their Executors Administrators and assigns in trust nevertheless and for such purposes and under such provisions and agreements as are hereinafter mentioned that is to say in trust for the said Mary E. and her assigns with the solemnization of the said marriage: then, in trust that they the said Richard T. and Robert H. their Executors Administrators and assigns shall and do present the said James during the joint lives of the said James and Mary E. his intended wife, to have, received and enjoy all interest and profits of the said property to and for his own use and benefit and from and after the decease of the said James then if the said Mary E. should survive him, in trust that they the said Richard T. and Robert H. their Executors Administrators and assigns shall have no further trust estate in or power or control over the said personal property but the said property shall in such case immediately vest in go to and be enjoyed by the said Mary E. and in case the said Mary E. should die before the said James then and in that case that said property and its increase shall immediately vest in such person or persons and at such time or times and in such parts and proportions manner and form as she the said Mary E. shall notwithstanding her coverture by any writing under her hand and seal attested by two or more creditable witnesses or by her last will and testament duly executed, direct limit and appoint to the intent that the said property shall not be at the disposal or subject to the debts, forfeitures or engagement of the said James her intended husband; and in case she should not by any writing or writings nor by any will and testament make any disposition, direction, limitation or appointment of the said property as she is by this indenture empowered to do so, then and in such case the said property shall vest in and be enjoyed by the heirs of her body and incase she should neither execute any writing or writings nor and will and testament disposing of the said property nor should have any heir or heirs of her body then and in such case the said property shall vest in and be enjoyed by the said James ~
In testimony whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
Mary E. Brumby
James Denson
Richard T. Brumby
Robert H. Brumby
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
Charles W. Gerald
Elizabeth Gerald
Susannah Gerald
Recorded 8 May 1827
This indenture made the twenty day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven between Mrs Elizabeth Rose of the first part Thomas M. Brumby of the second part and John R. Singleton and Rich'd T. Brumby of the third part all of the District and State aforesaid sheweth that whereas a marriage is intended shortly to be had and solemnized between the said Elizabeth Rose and the said Thomas M. Brumby and whereas the said Elizabeth is possessed of a considerable estate consisting of the following property (viz) six negro slaves January, Darkey, Liza, Nicey, Abigail and Jim also one feather bed and furniture also about four hundred and fifty dollars in money and choses in action and whereas the said Elizabeth will be entitled to a considerable part partion or share of the real and personal estate of John Singleton deceased upon the division partition or distribution there of and whereas it hath been agreed between the parties that the said Elizabeth notwithstanding the covertures should have the sole separate and exclusive use ______ and enjoyment of all the above property during the natural life and whereas it hath been further agreed that in case the said Thomas M should survive the said Elizabeth that then if she should leave no child or children by the said Thomas M in the said intended marriage to be begotten in that case John Rose the present and only son of the said Elizabeth should have one third and the said Thomas M the two remaining third of the said property above named and whereas it hath been further agreed that after the decease of the said Elizabeth leaving alive any child or children ifsue of the bodies of them the said Elizabeth and the said Thomas M in the said intended marriage to be begotten then and in that case the property should be equally divided share and share alike between the said John Rose and the said child or children ifsue of the bodies of them the said Elizabeth and the said Thomas M
Now therefore the indenture ________ that in pursuance that in pursuance of the aforesaid agreement and in consideration of the said intended marriage and in further consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars in hand paid by the said J. Singleton and R. T. Brumby trustees for the purposes herein after mentioned the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Elizabeth by and with the purity and consent of the said Thomas M Brumby testified by his being made a party to and by his signing sealing and delivery of these presents hath granted bargained sold assigned transferred and set over and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer and set over unto the said John Singleton and R. T. Brumby their executors, administrators or assigns all the said property, consisting of the negro slaves afore said January, Darkey, Liza, Nicey, Abigail and Jim also the feather bed and its furniture also the money and choses in action above mentioned together with all the property both real and personal which at any time hereafter shall come and be allotted to the said Elizabeth from the real and personal estate of her father the aforesaid John Singleton decreased
To have and to hold all and singular the said property unto the said J. Singleton and R. T. Brumby their executors administrators or assigns in trust nevertheless and for such purposes and under such provisions as are herein after named that is to say in trust to and for the said Elizabeth until the solemnization of the said intended marriage there in trust for the payment of all the just debts of the said Elizabeth heretofor contracted out of the four hundred and fifty dollars aforesaid and after the payment of the said debts there in trust that they the said J. Singleton and R. T. Brumby their executors administrators or assigns shall and will with the balance and remainder of the said money and choses in action purchase and convey to the said Elizabeth such real or personal property subject however to the trusts and conditions therein after expressed as she the said Elizabeth notwithstanding her coverture shall in writing with her name subscribed thereto direct and appoint and in trust and upon the future condition that the said Elizabeth shall be referred and permitted during her natural life to take and receive to her own sole separate and proper use and benefit the interest and profits of all and singular the aforesaid property and after the decease of the said Elizabeth leaving alive any child or children ifsue of the bodies of then the said Elizabeth and the said Thomas M in the said intended marriage begotten them in trust that they the said J. Singleton and R. T. Brumby their executors administrators or assigns shall assign and convey all and singular the said property to the said John Rose and the child or children ifsue of the bodies of them the said Elizabeth and the said Thomas M to be equally divided between them share and share alike and after the decrease of the said Elizabeth without leaving any ifsue of the bodies of them the said Elizabeth and the said Thomas M if the he the said Thomas M should survive her then in trust that the said property and every part thereof shall be assigned and conveyed unto the said John Rose and the said Thomas M to be divided between the said John and the said Thomas M in such a manner and in such parts and proportions that the said John Rose shall have and take one third and the said Thomas shall have and take the remaining two third of the said property and after the decease of the said Elizabeth if the said John Rose should not survive her the said Elizabeth then and in case that the said property and every part and proportion thereof shall be assigned and transferred and conveyed to the heirs of the bodies of them the said Elizabeth and the said Thomas M in the said marriage begotten between them to be equally divided between the said heirs share and share alike to the ______ and these articles of agreement are made and entered into for the purpose and upon the expressed conditions that the property above mentioned and every part or proportion thereof shall and may not in any wise be at the disposal or subject to the debt contracts forfeitures or agreement of the said Thomas M. Brumby
In testimony whereof the several parties have hereunto affixed their seals and subscribed their names in the presence of each other this twenty fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven and in the fifty first year of the sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America
Elizabeth Rose
Thos M. Brumby
Jno. R. Singleton
Richard T. Brumby
In the presence of
William Singleton
Elizabeth Gerald
Chas W. Gerald