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[ 1842 ] [ 1843 ] [ 1844 ] [ 1845 ] [ 1846 ] [ 1848 ] [ 1849 ] [ 1850 ] [ 1851 ] [ 1852 ] [ 1853 ] Baltimore Sun on January 6, 1853 ~:
FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD - Ran away from the subscribers, living in Baltimore county, near Kingsville, on the Belair road, on Tuesday night, 28th Dec’r 1852, Negroes BASIL WHITE and JOSHUA ANDERSON. Basil is a stout, heavy set fellow, about 24 years old, and about 5 feet 6 inches high, is very black with full eyes of rather a yellowish (can’t make the word out); has a full suit of hair, wears it sometime platted and at other times combed out; has his ears pierced for rings; has a small scar on one hand from a (can’t make the word out). Had on when he went away a blue monket coat, coarse gray pants, a slouch hat and coarse boots. Joshua is also black, and about the same height at Basil, of rather slender make, and has a peculiar formed head, prodruding back and front more than ordinary; about 18 years of age, and has rather a down look when spoken to. Had on when he left home a full suit of homemade gray clothes, with heavy coarse boots. The above reward will be given if taken out of the State, or $100 a piece if taken in the State, and secured in jail so we get them again. L. G. QUINLIN
![]() Baltimore Sun on January 26, 1853 ~:
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD - Ran away from the subscriber on the Washington Road, a negro man, by the name of ALEXANDER HARDING, called Sandy. He had on when he went away, a gray suit of cloth, and had a fiddle with him. He is cross eyed. The above reward will be given if taken in the State and $150 if taken in another State and secured in a jail of this State. JOHN ABRAMS
![]() Baltimore Sun on April 1, 1853 ~:
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD - Ran away from Hampton Farm, on Thursday, 24th instant, a light colored negro, called HENRY JONES, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches in height, and about 25 years of age, with very thick lips and lean face. The above reward will be paid on the apprehension and delivery of the said negro, or upon his being lodged in jail so that I can get him. C. RIDGELY, of Hampton
![]() Baltimore Sun on September 2, 1853 ~:
RAN AWAY ON TUESDAY, Aug 18, an indentured Yellow GIRL, named Sarah Gilbert, aged 14 years; a scar on her neck, and very much freckled. Had on when she left a red dress, bare headed and bare footed. This is to forbit all persons harboring or trusting said Girl on my account. Whoever will give information or return her to the subscriber’s residence at White Hall Factory, Balto. co will receive a liberal reward. JOSHUA WHEELER ![]() Baltimore Sun on September 16, 1853 ~:
RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the 13th inst., a negro man named GUS, aged about 36 years, a light copper color, about five feet six or seven inches high; had on a tweed coat, a black felt had; had a handkerchief about his head. A reward of TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS will be given for his apprehension, and lodgment in jail that I may get him. DANIEL HENRY ![]() Baltimore Sun on October 3, 1853 ~:
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, at Woodlawn, near Elkridge Landing, Colored Girl BELLE 19 years old, about 5 feet 4 inches in height, rather light complexion, and of smiling address. She went in Baltimore in the afternoon train of cars from Washington, Wednesday, 28th inst, and is supposed to be still in the city. I will give $50 for her recover if taken in the city, $160 in the State, and $160 if taken in a free State and secured in jail so that I get her again. JOHN WOODSIDE
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