Runaway Slave Ads

Baltimore County, Maryland

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Baltimore Sun on April 4, 1846 ~:

ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. Ran away from Hampton, 8 miles from Baltimore, on the York road, on Saturday, 19th instant, NEGRO JOHN KYLE, aged 19 or 20 years; nearly black, his right eye sore from scrofula, and legs very long. Also NEGRO DAVY JONES, about 15 or 16 years old, very good looking, and quite black. Their clothing was a drab roundabout, and pantaloons, discolored with time, and coarse shoes, half soled.

The above reward will be paid for bringing them home, or securing them in any jail so that I get them again, or $50 for either.

Manager at Hampton

Note: The Hampton referred to in the article exists today, under the National Park Service. It is called Hampton Mansion, and quite a popular place to visit. They had many slaves there, and today the NPS is attempting to locate descendants of former slaves from the mansion.

I hope someone can use this information, and I hope one day someone will e-mail me and say: “Guess what! My ancestor was one of the runaway slaves noted in the article.” That would really make my day.

Baltimore Sun on June 5, 1846 ~:

$25 REWARD - Ran away from the subscriber on the 1st June 1846, a dark Mulatto GIRL, named PATTY SMITH, about fourteen years of age; with three of four scars on her neck, occasioned by bites when a child; had on when she went away, a red calico frock; and also took a black silk with her. There is no doubt but the said girl is in Baltimore. The above reward will be paid for her apprehension if lodged in jail so that I get her again.

LEWIS ROBERTS, Nine miles from Baltimore, on the Susqehana

Note: Here is another example of the use of the word “Dark Mulatto” that confuses me. I am only guessing, but could it be that the little girl had White features (sharp nose; different color eyes, etc.)? I thought Mulatto referred to the lightness of skin color!

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