Free Colored Housekeepers
Their Names, Occupations and Residencesby Elizabeth Kambourian,
[page 139] Adams, John, plasterer, southside of Leigh, bet. Adams & Broad Sts. Adams, Wesley, laborer, westside of St. John bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Adams, Betsy, washerwoman, southside of Charity, near Prentiss' alley. Allen, Nancy, washerwoman, eastside of l8th,.bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Allen, Royal, blacksmith, corner of Baker & Brook Avenue. Allen, Lewis, bricklayer, eastside of 15th, bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Alvis, Mary, washerwoman, southside of Main bet. 24th & 25th Sts. Amos, Susan, washerwoman, westside of 17th, bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Anderson, Samuel, blacksmith, southside of Main, bet. lst & Foushee Sts. Anderson, John, laborer, northside of Baker, opposite Prentiss' alley. Anderson, Joseph, laborer, westside of Central R.R., near Distillery. Anderson, Frank, confectioner, corner of Franklin and 14th Sts. Armistead, Catherine, washerwoman, northside of Theatre alley. Ashby, Lucy Ann, seamstress, eastside of Madison, bet. Broad & Grace Sts. Bailey, Simon, laborer, westside of 21st, bet. Broad & Grace Sts. Baker, Sarah, seamstress, westside of 2d, bet. Federal & Coutts Sts. Baker, Willianna, washerwoman, eastside of 2d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Ballandine, William, barber, corner of Broad and 8th Sts. Residence on westside of 8th St. bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Banks, Joshua, laborer, eastside of 17th St., north of Clay St. Banks, Polly, washerwoman, eastside of 17th, north of Clay St. Banks, John, laborer at Rocketts. Banks, Betsy, washerwoman, southside of Leigh St. bet. 16th & 17th Sts. Barker, Eliza, washerwoman, westside of 3d, bet. Broad & Grace Sts. Barron, Betsy, nurse, southside of Cary St., bet. 12th and 13th Sts. Beattie, Elizabeth & Georgiana, seamstresses, northside of Leigh, bet. Adams St. & Brook Ave. Bell, Wilson, laborer, eastside of 18th St. bet. Main and Franklin Sts. Bolton, Mary Ana, seamstress, northside of Duval St., near Brook Ave. Booker, Cyrus, laborer at Gallego mills, Residence at Rocketts. Bowman, Oliver, Teamster, eastside of 17th near Distillery. Bolton, Mary Ann, seamstress, northside of Duval St. near Brook Ave. Briggs, Eliza, seamstress, eastside of 17th St. near Wesley chapel. Brooks, Richard, laborer, northside of Clay Sts. bet. 15th St. & Central R.R.. [page 140] Brown, Mary Jane, washerwoman, westside of 17th, bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Brown, Flemming, fruiterer, southside Franklin St., bet. 20th & 2lst Sts. Brown, James, laborer, eastside of 17th near Distillery. Brown, William, laborer, northside of Main, bet. 28th and 29th Sts. Brown, James, laborer, eastside of 3d, bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Brown, Melissa Ann, cook, northside of Broad St. bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Brown, Martha, seamstress, westside of Central R.R., bet. Clay & Leigh. Brown, Arthur, porter, northside of Marshall, near City jail. Buggan, Louisa, seamstress, northside of Franklin bet. 15th & 16th Sts. Burwell, Grandison, confectioner, southeast corner of Cary & 13th Sts. Burwell, Susan, washerwoman, northside of 2d St., bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Burwell, James, shoemaker, northside of Broad, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Butler, William, grocer, eastside of 2d, bet. Coutts & Charity Sts. Butler, Dennis, laborer, westside of 3d St. north of Preston St. Butler, Eliza, washerwoman, westside Central R.R. bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Buttry, William. barber, southside of Clay, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Byrd, Robert, whitewasher, eastside of 17th, near Wesley chapel. Byrd, Mary, washerwoman, westside of 17th, bet. Clay and Venable Sts. Byrd, Eliza, washerwoman; eastside of 2lst St., bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Campbell, Eliza, washerwoman, southside of Charity St. w. of Prentiss' alley. Campbell, John, laborer, northside of Coutts St., bet. St. Peter & St. James Sts. Campbell, Marcellus, blacksmith, westside of 5th, bet. Canal & Byrd Sts. Carper, Robert, laborer, northside of Clay, bet. 15th and Central R.R.. Carr, Caroline, seamstress, eastside of 2d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Carter, John, cooper, southside of Cary, bet. 17th and 18th, Residence on eastside of 24th, north of Main St. Carter, James, wheelwright, southside of Cary St., bet. 17th & 18th Sts. Carter, Wallace, snack house, eastside of 13th, bet. Main & Cary Sts. Carter, William, F. laborer at Rocketts. Carter, Susan, washerwoman, northside of Leigh St., west of Brook Avenue. Caswell, William, bread & cake shop, westside of 8th, bet. Broad & Grace Sts. Christian, Martha, seamstress, eastside of Monroe St., bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Christian Susan, washerwoman, northside of Coutts, bet. St. Peter & St. James Sts. Christian, Henry, bricklayer, southwest corner of 2nd & Coutts Sts. Clayton, Betsy, seamstress, westside of Central R.R., bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Coleman, Elizabeth, seamstress, northside of Marshall, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. Coles, Maria, washerwoman, northside of Main, bet. 28th & 29th Sts. Coles, Joseph, laborer, southeast corner of Baker & St. Paul Sts. Conway, Catherine & Jane, washerwomen, eastside of Adams, bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Cooley, Maria, washerwoman, westside 14th bet. Franklin & Broad Sts. Cooley, George, barber with R. W. Henderson, southside Main, bet. 17th & 18th Sts. Cooley, Stephen, hackman, eastside of 18th, bet. Main and Franklin Sts. Cooper, Robert, laborer at Gallego mills. Residence at Rocketts. Cooper, Nancy, seamstress, westside of 25th, bet. Main & Franklin Sts. [page 141] Copland, Hezekiah, shoemaker, northside of Duvall St., near Prentiss' alley. Copps, Joseph, laborer at Public warehouse, residence on southside of Broad St., bet. Jefferson & Madison Sts. Cosby, Eliza & Fanny, Washerwomen, westside of 17th near Distillery. Cousins, Henry, barber with Geo. W. Ruffin, residence on westside of Z5th, north of Main. Cousins, James, tanner, northside of Duval, bet. St. Peter & St. Paul Sts. Cousins, Amanda, seamstress, northside of Cary, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Cowan, James, blacksmith, southside of Main, bet. lst and Foushee Sts. Cowles, Samuel R., laborer, southside of Duval, near Brook Avenue. Cowling, Rosetta, washerwoman, westside of Shockoe Creek, bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Cox, Mary Ann, washerwoman, eastside of 17th St., bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Cox, William, blacksmith, westside of 5th, bet. Canal and Byrd Sts. Crew, Mary, washerwoman, northside of Jackson St., west of 2nd St. Cross, Patience, washerwoman northside of Baker St. near Prentiss' Row. Cumber, Solomon, plasterer, eastside of 25th, bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Cunningham, Virginia, seamstress, westside of Central R.R., north of Clay St. Custellow, Joseph, blacksmith, Belle Isle. Residence eastside of 3rd St. north of Leigh. Dabney, Sally, washerwoman, northside of Duval, near Brook Ave. Dabney, Robert, blacksmith, westside of 17th, bet. Grace & Broad. Dandridge, Rosa, washerwoman, northside of 3rd St., north of Leigh. Dandridge, Harrison, laborer, eastside of Judah St., bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Davenport, Milly, washerwoman, westside of 18th, bet. Main & Cary Sts. Davis, Warner, shoemaker, northeast corner of Coutts & St. James Sts. Deane, Pendah, washerwoman, eastside of St. John, bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Deane, Ana, seamstress, northeast corner of Cary and 6th Sts. Dickinson, Lewis, laborer, northside of Baker, opposite Prentiss' alley. Dixon, George, laborer at Rocketts. Dixon, James, laborer, eastside of 17th, bet. Marshall & Clay. Dixon, Patsey, seamstress, northside of Franklin, bet. 15th & Clay. Edmonds, Peggy, washerwoman, westside of 14th, bet. Broad & Franklin. Ellis, Isham, shoemaker, northside of Broad, below Mayo, Residence on westside of Union, bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Ellis, James, shoemaker, eastside of 3rd St., north of Leigh St. Elson, Amy (John's widow,) northwest corner of Broad and 3rd Sts. Evans, Fanny, wasberwoman, southside of Marshall, bet. 16th & 17th Sts. Ferguson, Jno, E, barber, opposiet Exchange Hotel, Residence on eastside of 24th St. bet. Main and Franklin Sts. Fleming, Frances, washerwoman, westside of Brook Avenue, bet. Leigh & Duval St. Fletcher, Ellen, seamstress, northside of Leigh, bet. Adams & Brook Avenue. Freeman, Harriett, washerwoman, westside of Madison, bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Freeman, Hilton, laborer, northside of Baker, opposite Prentiss' alley. Freeman, John, blacksmith. Northside of Duval St. near Prentiss' alley. Freeman, Pamelia, washerwoman, southeast corner of Charity & Prentiss' alley. [page 142] Freeman, Polly, cook, westside of 12th, bet. Main & Cary Sts. Freeman, William, laborer, northside of Theatre alley. Ford, Mary, washerwoman, westside of 3rd, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Fortune, Polly, washerwoman; eastside of Central R.R., near distillery. Fortune, Frances, seamstress, westside of Central RR near distillery. Foster, Fanny, washerwoman, northside of Marshall, near City Jail. Gaines, Eliza Ann. seamstress, southside of Grace, bet. 17th & 18th Sts. Gaines, Sarah, seamstress, northside of Theatre alley. Gaines, Jane, washerwoman. northeast corner of Baker and St. James Sts. Gaines, Sally, washerwoman, northside of Baker opposite Prentiss' alley. Gaines, Betsy, washerwoman, northside of Jackson, west of 2nd St. Gannaway, Eliza, washerwoman, northside of Main, bet. 22nd & 23rd Sts. Gardner, Dawson, porter, Powhatan Hotel. Residence on southside of Duval St. near Brook Ave. Garnett, Betsey, seamstress, westside of 5th bet. Canal & Byrd Sts. Gary, C, barber, northeast corner of Broad & 8th. Gentry, Edwards, laborer, northside of Baker, opposite Prentiss' alley. Gentry, Ann, washerwoman. northside of Jackson, west of 2nd St. George, William, laborer, northside of Main, bet. 21st and 22d Sts. George, Sally, washerwoman, westside of Central R.R. bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Gilpin, Joseph. shoemaker, eastside of 2nd, south of Byrd St. Glass, Lucy Ann, washerwoman, northside of Broad, bet. 3d & 4th Sts. Goode, Ann. washerwoman, westside of Central R.R. bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Granderson, Milly, washerwoman, northside of Franklin, bet. 8th & 9th Sts. Gray, Claiborne, laborer, northwest corner of Duval and St. Peter Sts. Gray, George P, barber, 104 Broad, residence on southside of Baker, bet. St. James & St. John Sts. Gray, Ellen, seamstress, eastside of 2d, bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Green, Henrietta, seamstress, southside Baker, near Prentiss alley. Green, William, laborer, southside of Baker, bet. St. James & St. John Sts. Greenhow, James, whitewasher, southside of Baker, bet. St. James & St. John Sts. Griffin, Jacob, blacksmith, northside of Duval, near Brook Avenue. Griffin, Thomas, American Saloon, Duval, near Brook Avenue. Griffin, William, carpenter, southside Venable, east of 17th St. Guilliott, Peter, laborer, westside of 3rd north of Leigh St. Hailstock, John, laborer, northside of Baker, opposite Prentiss' alley. Hall, Harriett, washerwoman, westside of Shockoe creek, bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Hall, Margaret, washerwoman, eastside of 15th bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Hall, Eliza, seamstress, eastside of 15th, bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Hamilton, Polly, washerwoman, westside of Shockoe creek, bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Hamilton, William, laborer, eastside of St. Stephens, bet. Charity & Federal Sts. [page 143] Harris, William, whitewasher, southside of Broad, bet. 17th & 18th Sts. Harris, Henry, laborer, northside of Clay, bet. 15th and Central R.R.. Harris, Maria, washerwoman, westside Central R.R., bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Harris, seamstress, northside of Franklin St., bet. Fifth & 16th Sts. Harris, Matilda, cook, eastside of 22d, bet. Main and Franklin Sts. Harris, Mildred, washerwoman, northside of Baker, opposite Prentiss' alley. Harris, Morris, laborer, northeast corner of St. Stephens & Charity Sts. Harris, Deborah, washerwoman, northside Clay St., bet. 15th & Central R.R.. Harris, Timothy, blacksmith, westside of Central R.R., near Distillery. Harris, Thomas, boot & shoemaker, Lombardy alley. Harris, Ann & Mary, washerwomen, westside lst St. bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Harris, Eliza, washerwoman, westside of 3d St., north of Leigh St. Harris, Emeline, washerwoman, westside of 18th St., bet. Main & Cary Sts. Harris, Cornelius, laborer, southside of Duval, bet. Adams & Charity Sts. Harris, John, plasterer, eastside of 2d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Harris, Newton, porter, southside of Baker, near Brook Avenue. Harris, Samuel, carpenter, southeast corner of Broad and Madison Sts. Harvey, Elizabeth, washerwoman, northside of Main, bet. 28th & 29th Sts. Hawsey, Susan, washerwoman, northside of Main, bet. 28th & 29th Sts. Henderson, R. W., barber, southside of Main, bet. 17th & 18th Sts., Residence at 25th, bet. Main & Franklin Sts. Henry, William, laborer, westside of 1st St., bet. Broad & Grace Sts. Hicks, Maria, seamstress, westside of St. John St. bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Hill, & Smith, barbers, eastside of 17th, bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Hill, Chamberlayne, fruiterer, eastside Brook Ave, bet. Duval & BakerSts. Hill, Robert, blacksmith, northwest corner of Coutts & St. James Sts. Hill, William, carpenter, eastside of 2nd St., bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Hill, Maria, washerwoman, northeast corner Leigh and 4th Sts. Hill, Sally, washerwoman, westside of Central R.R., bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Hobson & Richards, barbers & hairdressers, 163 Main St. Hobson, Richard C, barber at American Hotel. Holmes, Mary Ann, seamstress, eastside of 2d St., bet. Cary & Canal Sts. Hope, Mary Ann, seamstress, westside of Central R.R., bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Howard, Peter, laborer, northside of Duval, near Prentiss' alley. Hubbard, Robert, laborer, northwest corner of St. James & Charity Sts. Humphreys, Kitty, washerwoman, northside of Grace, bet. 16th & 17th Sts. Humphreys, Sarah, washerwoman, northside of Cary, bet. 20th & 21st Sts. Hunt, Gilbert, blacksmith, Cary, bet. 14th & 15th Sts., Residence at College St., north of Marshall St. Isaacs, William, laborer, eastside of Foushee St., bet. Canal & Byrd Sts. Jackson, Maria & Mary, washerwomen, westside of Judah St., bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Jackson, Lucy. washerwoman, westside of 3rd, north of Leigh St. Jackson, Ann, seamstress, westside of 3rd St., bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. [page 144]. Jackson, Caroline; cook, Pink alley, New Market Square. Jackson, Caroline; seamstress, eastside of 2nd bet. Cary & Canal Sts. James, Clinton, grocer, Pink alley, New Market Square. Jamieson, Robert, grocer, southside Main, bet. 24th and 25th Sts. Jenkins, Martin, fruiterer; eastside Madison St., bet.Broad & Grace Sts. Jenkins, Madison, shoemaker, eastside of 2d, bet. Grace & Franklin Sts. Johnson, Caroline, washerwoman, eastside 17th, bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Johnson, Lucinda, washerwoman, eastside of 17th, bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Johnson, R.W, shoemaker, southwest corner of Main and 21st Sts. Johnson, Robert, laborer, eastside of 25th, bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Johnson, Betsy, Washerwoman, eastside of Duval, near Brook Avenue. Johnson. Nancy, washerwoman. eastside of Duval near Brook Avenue. Johnson, George. cook, Pink alley, New Market Square. Johoson, John, laborer, eastside of 2d, bet. Grace & Franklin Sts. Johnson, John, blacksmith, southside of Broad, bet. Mayo & 15th Sts. Johnson, Joseph. painter, northside of Clay, bet. 15th and Central R.R.. Residence near east corner of Leigh and 4th Sts. Jones, Agnes, washerwoman, westside of 17th, near distillery. Jones, Frances, washerwoman, eastside of Foushee, bet. Canal & Byrd Sts. Jones, John, laborer, northside of Leigh St. west of Brook Avenue. Judah, Benj. W. shoemaker, westside of 4th, bet. Broad & Grace Sts. Residence at northeast corner of Leigh and 4th Sts. Judah, Maria, washerwoman, eastside of 3d, north of Leigh St. Kenneney, John, laborer with Deane & Brown. Corner of Cary & 12th Sts. Kidd, Eliza, seamstress, westside of 12th bet. Main & Cary Sts. King, Fanny, washerwoman, westside of 17th, near distillery. King, Rhoda, seamstress, southside of Leigh St., bet. Adams & Brook Ave. Kinney, Sophia, seamstress, eastside of 15th St., bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Kinney, John, laborer, northside of Clay St., 15th and Central R.R.. Langley, George, cook, northside of Main, bet. 24th and 25th Sts. Langley, Georgianna, seamstress, northside of Clay, bet. 8th & 9th Sts. Langley, Dolly, seamstress, westside of 2d, bet. Baker and Charity Sts. Lee, Vlrginia, seamstress, westside of 3rd, bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Lewis, Jack, baker with F. Baptist, 17th, Residence at westside of 17th St., near chapel. Lewis, Mary, washerwoman, eastside of Foushee, bet. Canal & Byrd Sts. Lewis, Samuel, laborer, northside of Cary, bet. 20th & 2lst Sts. Lewis, Nathan, blacksmith, eastside of Judah St. bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Lewis, Robert. carpenter, westside of 17th, bet. Grace and Broad Sts. Lewis, Jordan, laborer with Shields & Somerville, l2th St., below Cary St. Liggon. Patsey, washerwoman, westside Brook Avenue bet. Leigh & Duval Sts. Lightfoot, William, carpenter, eastside of Central R.R. near distil!ery. Locust, Elizaheth, seamstress,southside Broad, bet.Jefferson & Madison Sts. Locust, Lucincla, washerwoman, westside of 17th, bet. Grace & Broad Sts. Logan, Jacob, cook, northside of Main, bet. 2lst and 22nd Sts. Logan, Maria, washerwoman, eastside of St. John, bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Loney, Daniel, carpenter, eastside of 17th, bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Loney, Betsey, washerwoman, eastside of 17th, bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Loney, John, carpenter, eastside of Central R.R. near Distillery. [page 145] Loney, Sylvia, washerwoman, westside of Central R.R., near distillery. Luckadoo, James, shoemaker, eastside of 2nd bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Lumpkin, Primus, carpenter, southside of Main bet. 24th & 25th Sts. Lyons, Edward, shoemaker with Isham Ellis, 3rd St., north of Leigh St. Madden, Walter, blacksmith, westside Union St., bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Mann, Sarah. washerwoman, eastside of 17th, near Wesley chapel. Mann, Bowler, laborer, westside of Jail alley, bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Mansfield, Nathaniel, bricklayer, westside 25th, bet. Main & Franklin Sts. Marbleton, Caroline, washerwoman, eastside of 17th, near distillery. Marshall, William, confectioner, southside of Main, bet. 1st & Foushee Sts. Marshall, Matilda, washerwoman, northeast corner of Baker & St. James Sts. Martin, John, shoemaker, southside of Broad, bet. lst and Foushee Sts. Martin, Thomas, shoemaker, southside of Duval, near Brook Ave. Matthews, William, laborer, Main St. at Rocketts. Matthews Richard, porter, eastside of St. Paul St., bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Maxfield, Joseph, laborer, eastside of I8th, bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Maxfield, Ann, seamstress, southside of Baker, near Prentiss' alley. Mayo, Washington, plasterer, eastside of 3d, bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Mayo, William, C. shoemaker, eastside of 12th bet. Main & Franklin Sts. McCoy, James, laborer, eastside of 14th, near Mayos Bridge. McKinnon, Octavia & Maria, seamstresses, eastside 2nd, north of Preston St. McKinnon, Lavinia & Mary, seamstresses-northside Preston,bet 2nd & 3rd Sts. McNorton Daniel, porter, northside of Clay St., bet. 15th & Central R.R.. Meekins, Richard, laborer, eastside of 22nd, bet. Main & Franklin Sts. Merchant, Nancy, washerwoman, southside of Clay, bet. 16th & 17th Sts. Miller, Jack, laborce, Gallego Mills, residence in Oregon Hill. Mills, Henry, laborer, northside of Baker, near Prentiss' alley. Mingo, James, shoemaker, southside of Broad, bet. 10th and 11th Sts. Mitchell, Betsey, washerwoman, eastside of St. Stephen St., bet. Federal & Coutts Sts. Moore, Russell, shoemaker, on Oregon Hill. Morris, Wilson, cooper, southside of Cary bet. 14th & 15th Sts. Residence on corner of Broad and 18th Sts. Morton, Robert, barber, Powhatan House. Residence southside Broad, bet. Jefferson & Madison Sts. Moss, William, plasterer, eastside of 17th, near distillery. Moss, William, laborer, westside of St. John, bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Nelson, Sarah, seamstress, northwest corner of Preston & 3rd Sts. Newson, Littleberry, shoemaker, eastside of 24th bet. Main & Franklin Sts. Newton, William, laborer, southside of Main, bet. 21st & 22nd Sts. Nicholas, James, laborer, southside of Marshall, bet. l6th St 17th Sts. Nicholas, Mahala, washerwoman, southside of Marshall, bet. l6th & 17th Sts. Oliver, Betsy, washerwoman, westside of St. John, bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Oliver, James, teamster, eastside of 15th, bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Page, Carter, sexton First Baptist Church, Residence College, north of Marshall St. Page, Sally, washerwoman, southside of Broad bet. Mayo & 15th Sts. [page 146] Page, John, laborer, southside Main, bet. 24th & 25th Sts. Page, Norman, grocer, westside 17th bet. Franklin and Grace Sts. Parker, George H., barber, Columbian Hotel. Parsons, Polly, washerwoman, westside of Central R.R., bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Patterson, Carter, laborer, southside of Duval, near Brook Avenue. Patterson, Nancy, seamstress, eastside St. Paul St. bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Payne, Mary Ann, bread & cake shop, northside of Broad, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Pearce, John, brickmaker, eastside 15th, bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Pennicks. Martha, washerwoman, westside of Madison, bet. Grace & Broad Sts. Peters, Wm, laborer, eastside of 17th, bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Peters, Agnes, Washermoman, eastside of 17th, near Distillery. Peters, Maria, washerwoman, northside of Main, bet. 22nd & 23rd Sts. Peters, Solomon, laborer, westside of 17th, bet. Grace & Broad Sts. Pitman, Spencer, whitewasher, northside of Cary bet. 13th & 14th Sts. Pleasants, Sally, washerwoman, northside of Franklin, bet. l8th & 19th Sts. Pleasants, John, laborer, northside of Cary, bet. 20th and 2lst Sts. Pleasants, Joseph, laborer, eastside of 2d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Price, Nathaniel, shoemaker, westside of 17th, bet. Grace & Broad Sts. Price, Wilson, shoemaker, westside of 17th bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Price, Peter, porter, westside of Union, bet. Broad and Marshall Sts. Priddy, Virginia, seamstress, westside of 3rd, north of Leigh St. Quary, Frances, seamstress, southside of Charity, near Prentiss alley. Randolph, Joseph, eastside of 17th, bet. Main and Franklin Sts. Ratcliffe, Alex. barber, eastside of 5th, south of Byrd St. Reeves, Virginia, seamstress, westside of 3d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Richards, John G., barber & hair dresser, 163 Main St. Robinson, Phoebe, washerwomnan, eastside 17th, bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Robinson, Anthony, Grocer, Main St., at Rocketts. Robinson, Henry, laborer, southwest corner of 2d and Coutts Sts. Robinson, Henry, bricklayer, southside of Leigh, bet. Adams & Foushee Sts. Robinson, James, teamster, westside of 3d, bet. Grace and Franklin Sts. Robinson, Ann, seamstress, eastside of Central R.R.. bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Robinson, David, carpenter, northside of Broad, bet. Mayo & 15th Sts. Roots, Angelina & Philadelphia, washerwoman, northside of Leigh, Brook Ave Roots, Fanny, washerwoman, westside of Brook Ave., bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Roper, Maria, seamstress, northwest corner of Duval and Prentis's alley. Ross, Aaron, carpenter, northside of Broad, bet. Mayo and 15th Sts. Ruffin & Cousins, barbers, eastside 13th, below Main St. Ruffin, Geo. W. (R. & Cousins) Residence southwest corner Main & 23rd Sts. Ruffin, Robert, laborer, westside of 17th, near Distillery. Ruffin, Theophilus, carpenter, eastside of 25th, bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Sabb, Eady Ann, seamstress, northside of Leigh, west of Brook Avenue. Sampson, Lewis, teamster, northside of 3d, bet. Grace and Franklin Sts. Sampson, Robert, wheeltwright, southside of Baker, near Brook Avenue. Scott, Samuel, Blacksmith southeast corner of Cary and 9th Sts. [page 147] Scott, Mary Ann washerwoman, eastside of 17th, bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Scott, Martha, washerwoman, eastside of 17th, bet. Main & Franklin Sts. Scott, Kezia, washerwoman, northside of Broad, bet. Madison & Monroe Sts. Scott, Catherine, washerwoman, eastside of 2d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Scott, Barney, laborer, eastside of lst, bet. Broad and Marshsll Sts. Scott, Henry, shoemaker, southwest corner of Broad and Madison Sts. Scott, James C. musician, southside of Broad, bet. Madison & Monroe Sts. Scott, Joseph, barber, southside of Main, bet. 24th and 25th Sts. Selden, Robert, laborer, Main street, at Rocketts. Shandy, Tom, barber, northwest corner of Byrd and lst Sts. Simms. James, cooper, northside of Cary bet. 17th & 18th Sts. Sklpper, Mary Ann, washerwoman, eastside of 14th near Mayo's Bridge. Smith, John, carpenter, eastside of 14th, near Mayo's Bridge. Smith, Jacob, carpenter, westside of 17th, bet. Grace and Broad Sts. Smith, Eliza, Washerwoman, westside of 17th, near Distillery. Smith, Fanny, washerwoman, westside of 19th, bet. Main & Cary Sts. Smith, Agnes, washerwoman, westside of 3d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Smith, Narcissa, washerwoman, southside of Byrd bet. 5th & the Canal Sts. Smith, Sarah, seamstress, eastside of 17th bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Smith; Mary, seamstress, corner of 3d & Duval Sts. Smith, Rachel, seamstress, westside of 3d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Smith, Elizabeth, seamstress, eastside of 2d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Smith, Robert, shoemaker, eastside of 17th, bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Smith, David, grocer, northside of Main, bet. 2lst and 22nd Sts. Smith, George, laborer, eastside of 2d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Smith, Lomax B., hairdresser, Exchange Hotel, Residence at southside of Broad, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Southards, Jane, seamstress, eastside of 17th, bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Southards, Mary E., seamstress, eastside of Birch Alley, bet. Franklin & Broad Sts. Spencer, Jesse, cook, northside of Franklin, bet. 17th & 18th Sts. Spencer, Caroline, washerwoman, southside of Duval, near Brook Avenue. Spriggs, Robt. grocer, northside of Main, bet. 21st and 22d Sts. Spriggs, Robt. carpenter, eastside of 24th, bet. Main & Franklin Sts. Staples, Augustus, laborer, westside of 3rd, north of Preston St. Starke, William, laborer, eastside of lst St., south of Byrd St. Starke, Julia Ann, washerwoman, eastside of 11th, near the Chapel. Studley, Rebecca, seamstress, northside of Duval, near Brook Avenue. Sturdy, William, laborer, corner of Duval & Prentiss' alley. Sturdy, Nathan, laborer, corner of Duval & Prentiss' alley. Sullivan, Maria, seamstress, eastside of 14th, near Mayo's Bridge. Sullivan, Elizabeth, seamstress, westside of 2nd bet. Federal & Coutts Sts. Talbott, Eliza Ann, washerwoman, westside of 3rd, bet. Grace & Broad Sts. Thacker, Matilda, washerwoman, northside of Clay, bet. 15th & Central R.R.. Thacker, Joseph, cook, westside of 12th bet. Main & Cary Sts. Thomas, Anthony, laborer, westside of 2nd, north of Coutts St. Thornton, Alfred. J, porter, eastside of 17th, bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Tinsley, John, gardener, eastside of l8th, bet. Franklin & Grace Sts. Tinsley, Polly, washerwoman, northside of Duval, near Brook Avenue. [page 148] Tinsley, William, laborer, eastside St. Paul, bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Trent, William H, baker, northside of Clay bet. 15th and Central R.R.. Tuppence, Austin, bricklayer, westside Henry St. bet. Broad & Marshall Sts. Tuppence, Betsy, washerwoman, northside of Leigh, west of Brook Ave. Turner, Mahala, washerwoman, eastside of St. John, bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Tyler, Harriett, washerwoman, southside of Main, bet. 21st & 22d Sts. Tyrer, Mary, washerwoman, northside of Marshall bet. 9th & 10th Sts. Valentine, Mary Ann, seamstress, westside of Brook Avenue bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Van Duval, Ariadne, washerwoman, westside of 3rd, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Van Duval, Sally, washerwoman, westside 3rd St., bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. Van Duval, Nelson, laborer, westside of 17th, bet. Clay and Venable Sts. Vines, John, laborer, northwest corner of Cary & 22d Sts. Walker, Aaron, laborer, eastside of Ist, south of Byrd. Wallace, Henry, shoemaker, eastside of 17th, bet. Marshall & Clay Sts. Wallace, Ann, seamstress, eastside of 3d, bet. Grace and Franklin Sts. Wallace, Albert, laborers, southside of Marshall, bet. 16th & 17th Sts. Ward, Michael, laborer, northwest corner of Jackson's Garden, Leigh, west of 2nd St. Warren, Elizabeth, seamstress, northside of Cary, bet. 13th & 14th Sts. Warren, Richard, laborer, eastside of 17th, near Distillery. Weaver, Betsy, washerwoman, eastside of 5th St., bet. Broad & Grace Sts. Weaver, John, laborer, eastside of 5th bet. Broad & Grace Sts. Weaver, Fanny, washerwoman, northside of Theatre Alley. Webster, Fanny, washerwoman, westside of lst, bet. Canal & Byrd Sts. Webster, Susan, washerwoman, eastside of St. Stephen St., bet. Charity & Federal Sts. West, R. M. barber, westside of Fith, bet. Main & Cary Sts., Res. southside of Main bet. 23d and 24th Sts. Whigby, David, laborer eastside of 17th, near Wesley Chapel. White, Judy, washerwoman eastside of 17th, near Distillery. White, Biddy, washerwoman, northside of Duval, near Brook Avenue. White, Nathaniel, carpenter, northside of Duval, near Brook Avenue. White, Jotln, blacksmith, northside of Duval, near Prentiss' Alley. White, James, gardener, southside of Charity, near Prentiss' alley. White, Daniel, laborer, westside of 3d, bet. Jackson & Duval Sts. White, Daniel, carpenter, northside of Cary, bet. lGth & 17th Sts. White. Eliza, washerwoman, southside of Marshall, bet. lGth & 17th Sts. Whitehead, Joseph, cook, southside of Main, bet. 2lst & 22nd Sts. Whittle, W.C, barber, northside of Broad St., bet. 3rd and 4th Sts. Wilkerson, Henry, porter, north end of 3d St. Willey, Edward, nurse, westside of Judah, bet. Leigh & Duval Sts. Williams, John, laborer, westside of 3d, bet. Duval and Baker Sts. Williams, Washington, laborer, Gallego Mills. Residence 14th St., south of Cary St. Williamson, William, barber, 1 Pearl St., south of of Main St. Williamson, Rinah, washerwoman, eastside St. Paul, bet. Duval & Baker Sts. Willis, William, laborer, westside of 17th, near Distillery. [page 149] Wilson, Margaret, washerwoman, northeast corner St. Stephen & Charity Sts. Wilson, Amy, washerwoman, northside of Theatre alley. Winfree, Martha Ann, seamstress, eastside of Central R.R., bet. Clay & Leigh Sts. Winston, Deborah Ann, washerwoman, northside of Duval near Prentiss' alley. Winston, Reuben, laborer, northside of Baker, near Prentiss' alley. Wood, Eliza, washerwoman, eastside of 18th, bet. Main & Franklin Sts. Yancy, Samuel, baker, southside of Leigh, bet. Adams & Brook Avenue. Young, Judy, washerwoman, westside of I7th, near Distillery.
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