DEED BOOKS, 1828 - 1864O - Z
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O'Brien, Patrick to Franklin B. Hester. "... one Negro man named Micajah.." (DIT-1843,p.58-59, book 12)
O'Brien, Gardner to Jeremey Hilliard."...Negro girl named Polly about six years old belonging to the said Parthena Ann O'Brient, my ward..." (BOS-1844, p.525, book 12)
O'Brient, Patrick to Samuel Hunt. "... two Negro boys named Meicager & Alen..." (DIT-1838, p. 14, book 9)
Overby, John S. to William Shanks. "...a Negro woman named Marthay and her three children Leathy, Sally & Bird..." (BOS-1835, p. 483, book 8)
Overby, James M. to Jasper Hicks. "...one Negro girl slave named Fanny, about fourteen years of age" (BOS-1858, p. 69, book 20)
Overeth, Elizah [Administrator] to Zacariah Burnett. "...the following slaves, to wit, Matt and Bene..." (Deed-1857, p. 491, book 19)
Owen, Rebecca & Thomas H. Christmas [marriage contract, her property] to Nathaniel Green. "... also the following Negroes; Nat, Balaam, Ben, Mima, Peggy, Rose, Martha..." (Conveyance-1830, pp. 465-467, book 4)
Parham, Warner G. to Isaiah M. and Dennis Paschall. "...all my right, title and interest in the following Negroes (viz) Inta[?] and her three children, and Viney and child, they being the proportion of Negroes allotted to Nelly Johnson..." (BOS-1836, p. 197, book 7)
Parham, Lewis R. to Lewis Parham. "...hath bargained & sold to the said Lewis Parham all my right title & interest in a Negro boy named Anderson about 21 years of age & devised to me the said Lewis R. Parham by the said Mary Hester ...the said Lewis R. having the liberty of retaining possession of the boy (Anderson) until it is necessary to sell him..." (DIT-1842, p.410, book 11)
Parham, Rupert to Harris Williams (some mention of William McClanahan)...and a debt to Benjamin Bullock. "...Polly and her child Susan." (DIT-1836, pp. 102-103, book 7)
Parham, Lewis R. to Daniel A. Paschall. "...eight Negro slaves, vizt, Aaron, aged about thirty years; John, aged sixteen years; Viney, aged twenty years and her two children Matilda & Jane;..& Lavena aged eleven years. Little Milley aged ten years..." (DIT-1840, pp.148-149, book 10)
Parham, Williamson to Louisa F. Parham "...for the natural love and affection for my daughter...one Negro boy named Lewis Edward aged one year and four months" (DOG-1859, p. 208, book 20)
Parham, Williamson to Joseph D. Parham. "...two Negro slaves Andrew and Aron..." (DIT-1849, pp. 182-183, book 15)
Parham, Lewis and Asa Parham to James Floyd. "...one Negro woman by the name of Lucy..." (BOS-1851, p. 260, book 17)
Parham, Lewis to Albert Parham "...for the sole and separate use and benefit of my grand daughters Lucy and Sarah, a Negro girl by the name of Ida, now about eight years old" (DOG-1859, p. 214, book 20)
Parham, Asa to Thomas Bobbitt [his son-in-law] "...a Negro girl by the name of Sally, now about the age of fifteen or sixteen years, & a Negro girl by the name of Susan about ten or twelve years old to have & to hold" (DOG-1859, p. 359, book 20)
Parker, Lucy to Samuel T. May [her grandson]. "...one little Negro, a boy named Lewis, aged about twelve months, the son of Negro woman Vilet." (DOG-1835, p. 254, book 7)
Parker, Lucy to Harriet P. Lemay [her granddaughter]. "...one little Negro girl named Amy, the daughter of Negro woman Vilet, aged about two years and six months." (DOG-1835, p. 254, book 7)
Parrish, Shadrack to Lewis Taylor. "... also eight Negroes, to wit, man Willis, woman Tilly, boy Patten Jim & girl Sarah, boy Willis, boy Armstead, and boy Madison..." (DIT-1830, pp. 428-429, book 4)
Parrish, Jesse [administrator of the estate of Richard & Mary Hutcherson, dec'd of Mecklenburg Co, VA] to Ann Brame. "...at public sale to the highest bidder one certain Negro boy named Epps?..." (BOS-1839, p. 322, book 9)
Parrish, Robert W. to Augustine Landis. "...interest in a Negro woman Caroline..." (DIT-1851, p. 331, book 16)
Parrot, James P. & Eliza Melton [who are to be married] to James B. Jackson. "...her right, title and interest in ...Mima, Brady and Major..." (marriage contract-1848, pp. 50-51, book 15)
Paschall, William to Daniel A. Paschall. "...man named John..." (BOS-1839, p. 322, book 9)
Paschall, Dennis to Woodson and Kenelin [?] H. Higgs. "... all my right, title & interest in & to the following Negroes, to wit, Zack, Ephriam, George, Luke, Silas, Ceasar, Beck, Jim, Frankey, Patty, Martha, Rosetta, Margaret, Burt,..[Paschall had bought them in 1839 as stated in Deed Book #8, page 120]..." (BOS-1842, #12,p.35, book 12)
Paschall, Dennis J. [as commissioner appointed to sell slaves belonging to the estate of Joseph G. Norman, dec'd] to Thomas Barnett. "...slave named Edward..." (BOS-1837, p. 138, book 9)
Paschall, Edwin to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...a Negro woman named Anaka and her child a Negro woman named Riney and her three children John, Harry, and William..." (DIT-1829, p. 172, book 4)
Paschall, Dennis to George Levister. "...woman named Louseannah & her two children William & Henry..." (BOS-1845, p.429) [see Jeffreys to Paschall, p.121 this book], book 13)
Paschall, Dennis to George A. Harris. "...a certain Negro girl Lotty aged about thirteen years..." (BOS-1835, p. 374, book 8)
Paschall, Zebulon M. to Daniel A. Paschall. "...all the undivided interest which I have in & to one hundred acres of land one Negro man by the name of Landy..." (Deed-1839, p.241, book 11)
Paschall, L. A. (trustee for Anderson Walker) to William Montague. "By virtue of a Deed in Trust executed to me by Anderson Walker for certain purposes...I do on this day at the dwelling house of said Anderson Walker expose to public sale for cash a certain Negro boy named Billy aged about seventeen years, and William Montague being the last and highest bidder..." (BOS-1841, p.302, book 11)
Paschall, Dennis T.[administrator] to Presley Floyd. "...a certain Negro boy by the name of Norflet about eleven years of age, the property of the said Willis Johnson..." (BOS-1831, p. 116, book 7)
Paschall, Donaldson to Daniel A. Paschall. "... my undivided interest in a certain Negro man named Landy[?].." (Deed-1841, p.240, book 11)
Paschall, Lunsford A. [as trustee for Erwin Paschall] to Dennis Paschall. "...sell at public auction to the highest bidder a certain Negro woman named Anaka and her child [not named]..." (BOS-1830, p. 284, book 4)
Paschall, Dennis [administrator of William Martin, dec'd] to Catharine Wood. "...girl named Vinetta about 8 years of age..." (BOS-1830, p. 377, book 4)
Paschall, Z. M. & others to James A. Russell. "...Negro man Frank aged about fifty years..." (BOS-1863, p. 668, book 21)
Paschall, Edwin P. to Augustin Landis. "...one Negro man named Jo, one woman Lucy, and child Henry, one small boy by the name of Jo purchased of Daniel A. Paschall..." (DIT-1849, pp. 483-484, book 15)
Paschall, L. A. to William L. Peace. "...one half of the purchase money for Negro man Edmond sold by me as Trustee for D. P. Paschall..." (BOS-1857, p. 539, book 19)
Paschall, Daniel A. to Thomas Morriss. "...one thousand dollars in full for purchase of Negro man Anderson about forty years old I hereby warrent said Negro to be sound in body and mind..." (BOS-1859, p. 74, book 21)
Paschall, L. A. to James Hackabay. "...8th of November 1847, James Richards and Archibald Richards executed to me their deed of trust conveying certain Negroes I, as the trustee named in said deed did on 17th day of the month after giving due notice thereof, expose to public sale for cash the following Negro slaves, to wit. Sally, aged about thirty years, Lucy aged about two years, and Nancy & Ann aged about eight years the sum of two thousand and fifty one dollars for the said four Negroes" (BOS-1847, p.32, book 18)
Paschall, D. A. to James Kittrell & wife Lucy. "...Negro man by the name of Henry, aged about twelve years & Negro girl by the name of Caroline, aged about six years" (DOG-1847, p. 683, book 19)
Paschall, D. A. to A. Landis. "...a full payment for Negro man Tom aged about twenty years" (BOS-1858, p. 687, book 19)
Patterson, James R. to John N. Gill. "...the following property, to wit, eleven Negroes men, women and children that is to say by name Billy[?], Dass[?] Huey, Frank, Lucy, Cary, Martha, Charles, Mary, Suckey, Isabel & Agness, Martha (Martha, Charles & Mary being the children of Cary)..." (DIT-1843,pp.104-106, book 12)
Patterson, James R. to Lunsford A. Paschall."...one Negro man named Major, one set of Blacksmith's tools..."(DIT-1843, p.124, book 12)
Pattom, William to John Blacknall. "...also the following Negroes, to wit, Sucky & her children, Charles, Greese, Elener, Anny, Jim a carpenter & Lotty..." (DIT-1838, pp. 1-3, book 9)
Patton, James to George Burns. "...likewise the following Negroes, viz, Daniel, Jim, Tom, James, Bake, Sam, Hannah, Nancy, Jenney, and girl Betsey..." (DIT-1839, pp. 71-73, book 9)
Patton, William C. to George Williams. "...one Negro boy named Terry and one Negroe girl named Charity..." (BOS-1840,p. 109-110, book 10)
Peace, John T. to Elizabeth Peace. "...one Negro boy named William..." (BOS-1844, p.356, book 13)
Peace, James B. to Dennis Paschall. "...expose to publick sale for cash all the right title & interest of Calvin Higgs in the following Negroes, to wit, Zack, Ephraim, George, Luke, Silas, Beck, Frankey, Patty, Jim, Ceaser, Martha, Robert, Margaret & Burt, which Negroes are now in the possession of Susan Higgs & which she has a life time estate..." (BOS-1837, p. 120, book 8)
Peace, Henry W. to Robert B. Gilliam. "...also a Negro woman Lucy aged about 17 and her child Gabriel an infant..." (DIT-1831, pp. 477-479, book 4)
Peace, Henry W. to Lemuel Peace. "... one Negro woman... Rose, & four children...Solomon, Mary, Daniel & William, also a Negro woman Lucy & her son Gabriel five or six weeks old, also a male boy called Cesar about eight years old, Tom about 6 years old, Mingo about 4 years old, and Charles about 2 years old..." (DIT-1831, pp. 476-477, book 4)
Peace, John Snr. to John Peace. "...also eight Negroes named Hetu?, Kitty, Rebeckah, Jack & Tom, Anne & two children & there future increase..." (DIT-1831, pp. 485-486, book 4)
Peace, Mariah to Thomas I. Gregory. "... one Negro Phillip, one other boy Doctor by names...." (Deed-1844, pp.498-499, book 12)
Peace, John Senr. to John W. Jinkins. "...woman Tabby and her four children Lethy, Tom, Martha & Rhoda..." (DIT-1831, pp. 524-525, book 4)
Peace, John to James Patton. "...one Negro woman named Milley & one Negro boy named Benjamin..." (BOS-1828, pp. 61-62, book 4)
Peace, James B. to James Jinkins. "...one Negro woman Naney aged about twenty one years and her child aged about two years..." (BOS-1829, p. 66, book 4)
Peace, John to Joseph & William Peace of the city of Raleigh. "... woman slave named Cealia about twenty years of age & her infant child a girl about six months of age named Sophia..." (BOS-1823, p. 214, book 4)
Peace, Henry W. to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...one Negro woman called Rose & four children, viz, Solomon, Mary, Daniel & William, a small boy called Cease about 8 years old, Mingo about 4 years old, & Charles about 2 years old..." (DIT-1831, pp. 516-517, book 4)
Peace, Lemuel to Josiah Peace [his brother]. "...the said goods & chattel following, one Negro girl named Celia..." (DOG-1833, pp. 90-91, book 6)
Peace, John M & John P. Lemay to Joseph & William Peace of the city of Raleigh. "...a certain Negro woman slave named Nancy now about forty six years old, designated in said trust deed and a girl named Charlotte about eight years old, and a girl named Delalah about four years old (both children of said Nancy)..." (BOS-1834, p. 436, book 6)
Peace, James B. to James Jenkins. "... the following property which is one Negro slave by the name of Willie Haywood, and Jane..." (DIT-1830, pp. 405-406, book 4)
Peace, John T. to Lucy Sally Peace. "...one Negro boy named Payton and girl named Mourning..." (BOS-1844, pp.356-357, book 13)
Peace, Thomas to Robert Vass. "...the following Negro slaves, one Negro woman Delila & child Spencer and girl Caroline and boy Wash, one girl Polly Ann, one Avcy & boy John, all of which Negroes is hereby sold..." (DIT-1849, 447-448, book 15)
Peace, John T. to Jordan D. Moss. "...woman Amy 23 years old and her child Olinney about one year old..." (BOS-1844, p. 38, book 14)
Peace, Pleasant to William Peace. Refers to Book #3, page 384. "...Negro Cooper, Tom, Pollalus, Sarah, Franky and Mary...several of them have died so that there remains now of the said slaves or their increase only these; Aunt Polla but infirm aged 39 years, Mary 28, Franky 32 and her two children Laura 10 & William 4 years old..." (BOS-1846, p. 150, book 14)
Philpot, Solomon to William A. Philpot. "...one Negro man named Dick aged about 26 years, woman named Hagar aged about 46 years..." (BOS-1839, p. 448, book 9)
Piper, Willliam to Fendal Lousterland. "...Maria, aged about thirty years and her four children viz Horace aged about seven years; Herain aged about six years, Henron aged about five years and Lauretta aged about two years together with all future increase..." (DIT-1861, p. 354, book 21)
Pitchford, William to William Philpott. ...land and "...Negro woman named Judy and her child James with all their future increase, also two mules both bays" (Deed-1864, p. 723, book 21)
Pool, Thomas W. to Donaldson P. & Daniel A. Paschall. "... Woman Julia, eighteen years old, and her two children Fanny, three years old and Henry, one year old..." (BOS-1852, p. 37, book 17)
Powell, James to Benjamin T. Sims. "...one certain Negro man known by the name of Willy..." (DIT-1839, pp. 378-379, book 9)
Powell, Honor to Thomas King. "...one Negro girl by the name of Frankey..." (BOS-1931, p. 31, book 5)
Priddy, Joseph to James Patton. "... three Negroes, to wit, one Negro woman named Hannah, one Negro boy named Wiley, and one Negro girl named Elizabeth..." (BOS-1831, p. 198, book 5)
Pruden, Wilson H. to James Cottrell. "...right, title and interest in and to a Negro slave named Buck now working at the Blacksmith shop of said Pruden at Haysville in the said County of Franklin, which said slave Buck was hired by said Pruden for the present year from the said Co. John Lewis...also all right title, and interest in and to the following Negro slaves to wit, Miriah, Pheby and Frank...were hired by said Pruden and Whitehead in copartnership from divers persons for the present year..." (DIT-1851, pp. 201-203, book 16)
Puryear, H. E. to Thomas and Sarah Reeks. "...my interest in a Negro girl Lucy age twenty years old..." (BOS-1845, p.430, book 13)
Puryear, Sarah to Elizabeth Royster [sisters]."...three Negro slaves, viz, Armelia, Betty and Lewis." (DOG-1836, p. 207, book 7)
Puryear, Henry to Warren Amis. "... woman Amaca[?], man Jeff, man Armstead, woman Syntteg[?], woman Lucy & child Margret[?], boy Sam, Big Rufus, boy File..." (DIT-1841, pp.340-342, book 11)
Puryear, Peyton to Richard A. Hunt & his wife, Elizabeth Hunt [daughter of Peyton Puryear]. "...Sally and her three children, Harry, Meriah[?], and John..." (DOG-1844, p.438, book 12)
Puryear, William to William P. Ligan & his brothers and sisters, his grandchildren in Sumner Co. Tenn. "...woman slave Lucy..." (DOG-1828, p. 473, book 4)
Puryear, Peyton to Elizabeth Melton. "...four Negroes, viz, Major, Lucy, Mariah and her child Billy..." (BOS-1830, p. 376, book 4)
Puryear, Rebecca to James Amis. "...one yellow Negro girl Lucy, one Negro boy Lea..." (DIT-1846, p. 89, book 14)
Ragland, William to Augustine Landis. "...a Negro boy by the name of Fred..." (DIT-1852, p. 459, book 16)
Ragland, William G. to Augustine Landis. "...girl Emily." (BOS-1852, p. 36, book 17)
Raimey, Allen to Stephen K. Sneed & Henry M. Miller. "... that is to say, Howell about the age of 17 years, Eaton about the age of 7 years, William about the age of 13 years, Pointer about the age of ten years, & Isaac about the age of 8 years..." (DIT-1827, pp. 90-92, book 4)
Raney, Thomas to John S. Burwell. "...a Negro man by the name of Tom and a woman by the name of Charity, also a certain tract of land..." (DIT-1845, pp.237-239, book 13)
Raney, Thomas H. to William Paschall. "...Peter 12 years, boy Austin, 13 years." (BOS-1853, p. 185, book 17)
Raney, Thomas to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...the following Negro slaves (to wit) woman Charity and four children, James, Maranda, Albert and Almyra..." (DIT-1850, pp.101-102, book 16)
Reavis, Peter L. and George [administrators of Lewis Reavis, dec'd] to W.W. Vass."...one man named Charley aged about 23 years ald, his wife Louisa, slave aged about twenty three years old together with her three children ages not recollected..." (BOS-1844, p.107, book 13)
Reavis, William W. to Peter L. Reavis."...Polly, Betty, Cillar, Martha, Ned, Hannah, Ann, Albert..." (DIT-1842, pp.308-309, book 11)
Reavis, Lewis to Lewis H. Kettle."... a certain Negro boy slave named Egbert about seven years old.." (BOS-1843, p.280, book 12)
Reavis, Lewis to Sally T. Wyche [his daughter] and James Wyche. "..the three following slaves, to wit, Fanny a yellow Negro girl, Joicey a Negro girl & Ruffin, a Negro boy... "(DOG-1843, p.479, book 12)
Reavis, Samuel to Asa Parham [his son-in-law]. "...woman Betty and her six children and the said girl Nancey and her further increase..." (DOG-1838,p. 44, book 9)
Reavis, Lewis to Elizabeth Kittle."..a certain Negro woman slave named Chaney about seventeeen years of age together with her infant child..." (BOS-1843, p.284, book 12)
Reavis, Lewis to Lewis H. Kittle."...man slave named Jim about twenty years of age..." (BOS-1843, p.284, book 12)
Reavis, Lewis to Alexander Butler."... a certain Negro girl by the name of Mary...a certain Negro man Washington..." (2 different BOS-1843, p.283, book 12)
Reavis, W. W. to Richard C. Puryear. "...one Negro woman slave about twenty five years old named Hester..." (BOS-1835, p. 455, [Perhaps later transferred to Howell Satterwhite?] book 6)
Reavis, Lewis to Lewis H. Kittle. "...girl slave named Sarah about ten years old..." (BOS-1843, p.285, book 12)
Reavis, Lewis to Samuel Brame. "...girl by the name of Peggy..." (BOS-1840, p.92, book 11)
Reavis, Lewis to Mary W. Butler [his daughter]."...Dusey, Rose, Mahulday, John, William, Egbert, Allen, Willis and Patsey..." (DOG-1842,p.82, book 12)
Reavis, Lewis to Lewis Kittle."... boy slave named Tom about ten years old..." (BOS-1843, p.286, book 12)
Reavis, Peter & George to Lewis Kittle. "...girl named Susan..." (BOS-1845, p. 122, book 14)
Reavis, George I. to D. E. Young. "...2 Negro girls Catherine and Sally together with their increase, which said Negro girls is conveyed to me in trust by Robert Jones, to which said trust authorizes me by consent to dispose of..." (BOS-1849, p. 401, book 15)
Reavis, Lewis [administrator] to Lewis H. Kittle[?]. "...a certain Negro girl named Beck about fifteen years of age..." (BOS-1846, p. 116, book 14)
Reavis, Samuel to Nancy Brame. "...three Negroes named Darcus, Nathan, and Mary" (DOG-1852, p. 303, book 18)
Reeks, John to Henry M. Miller. "...a certain Negro boy named John which is now the subject of a lawsuit in the Superior Court of Granville ..." (DIT-1830, p. 174, book 4)
Reeks, Thomas E. to Willie J. Newman. "...Negro woman Eliza and her child Kitty ..." (BOS-1859, p. 69, book 21)
Reeks, Thomas E. to Willie I. Newman "...Negro woman Eliza and her children to wit, John, Kitty & Ressis...". (BOS-1858, p. 183, book 20)
Richards, Ann to Polly H. Smith [her daughter]..."the following Negro slaves (to wit) Patty and her four children Helen, Lewise[?], Esther, Benjamin, & Vilet, Judith & her child Amy.." [also had a grand daughter named Polly G. Smith] (DOG-1843, p.68, book 12)
Richards, Thomas to James Powell., "...one Negro boy about four years old by the name of Anthony..." (BOS-1828, p. 62, book 4)
Richards, Richard H. to Henry M. Daniel. "...the following Negroes, to wit, Washington about 22 years old, Billey about 25 years old, Mariah about 24 years old, Emanuel about 10 years old, George about 8 years old, Judy about 6 years old, Susan about 3 years old, and Alexander about 18 months old..." (DIT-1830, pp. 349-350, book 4)
Richards, Ann to [her son] Archabal Richards. "...my Negro man by the name of Bob & Sally and her increase & my boy by the name of Louis & Jack..." (DOG-1844, p. 445-446, book 14)
Richards, Ann to [her son] James Richards. "...the following Negroes (to wit) a woman by the name of Ann thirty years of age. Fanney a girl ten years of age, Duncan a boy ten years of age, and Eveline a girl two years of age..." (DOG-1844, p. 446, book 14)
Richards, James & Archibald to Lunsford A. Peachall. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Jack, Sally, Duncan, Fanny, Lews, Lucy, Nancy, Anja, Eveline, Jude & John..." (DOT-1847, p. 356, book 14)
Richards, Horance L. to Thomas Miller. "...convey a certain Negro slave Weston in trust...empower him to dispose of the said Negro boy privately for whatever may be considered his value...the sheriff of Granville to sell certain Negroes of mine, to wit, Jacob, Hanah & Stephen..." (DIT-1848, p. 480, book 14)
Richards, Archibald to James Hockaday. "...boy about two weeks old...called and known by the name of Dick..." (BOS-1850, p.111, book 16)
Richards, James to L. A. Paschall. "...Fanny, Jude, John, Isham & Leathy." (BOS-1853, p. 68, book 17)
Richards, James to James Hockaday "...full pay for Negro child named Fillis aged about six months the youngest child of woman Fanny..." (BOS-1859, p. 510, book 20)
Richardson, Ann & others to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, Jack, Bob, Sally and her two children named Lewis & Lucy, Fanny, Evaline, Judy and boy Duncan, to have and to hold the aforesaid nine Negroes..." (DIT-1845, pp.453-454, book 13)
Ridley, James to Thomas H. Speller [his son-in-law in Bertie Co.]. "...Frankey, Oscar, Amanda, & Claborne & Nancy..." (DOG-1828, p. 341, book 4)
Ridley, Mary to Lucy Edmonds.."in consequence of the love and affection I bear to my sister Lucy ( who first intermarried with a Doct Edmond, and after his decease with a Mr. Colvert from whom she has been divorced and now ...generally known by the name of Lucy Edmonds being that of her first husband)....a Negro woman called Louisa & her two children, a Negro man called Abram, a young woman called Lucy, two Negro boys called Tayler & Alexander, a woman called Charlotte & two girls called Arabella & Maria..." (DOG-1842, #12, p. 4, book 12)
Ridley, Elizabeth to Charles Alexander. [slaves mentioned]... "Otaway, Joshua, Arabella, Letilia, Euphania, Almira, Alexander, Robert, Richard, Frederick, Anderson, Volanard, Rosa, Theophalas, Aaron, Celeslia, Mary, Margaretta, Roberta, and Theodoria..." (DIT-1860, p. 50-52, book 21)
Robards, Nathaniel [sheriff, against John Land] to Gideon Crews. "...girl named Critty..." (BOS-1820, p. 340, book 4)
Robards, Nathaniel [as sheriff] to Gordon Cawthorn. "...Negro Mourning sold by me...against Robert Freear..." (BOS-1828, p. 212, book 4)
Robards, William to Horace L. Robards."...love and affection I have for my children Henry Jones Robards and Jane Eliza Robards...son Horace L. Robards....Negro woman Peggy, Negro man Davy called Conky Davy, Negro man Albert and his wife Nancy,..." (DIT-1838, p.112-113, book 12)
Robards, William to John Henderson. "...boy named Oscar." (Deed-1836, p. 317, book 7)
Robards, William H. to Robert B. Gilliam. "...Primus, Sylvia, Nelly, Jane, Little Primus, Jim, Clinton, Albert, Allen, Hilliard, Pidy, Milly, Jerry, Alzmon[?] .." [Little Primus, Judy, Milly, & Alzeonon [?] who are now on the plantation of the said William H. Robards in the state of Mississippi]. (DIT 1841,p.463, book 10)
Robards, William to Robert B. Gillam. "...Abraham, Stephen & Sukey...in the meantime (Robards) may carry the said Negroes with him to the Western country & work there." (DIT-1841, pp.17-18, book 11)
Roberts, Shadrack to Sarah M. Tilly. "...all my right title in and to one Negro girl a slave named Luisa and aged about seven years" (BOS-1859, p. 398, book 20)
Royster, William H. to William Owen, Thomas Shapard. "...one Negro man named Balaam aged about 46 years, one Negro woman Hegger, aged 43 years, one Negro woman Phebe aged 22 years..." (DIT-1836, p. 171, book 7)
Royster, H. T. to William B. Norman. "...Jessee and Orange, Angelina and her two children, Lukey and her two children, Candis, Sally, Nancy and her three children, Betsy, Nanny, Phoebe..." (DIT-1841,9.276, book 10)
Royster, Marcus [as constable, on the property of Reuben Jones, dec'd] to David I. Young. "... a certain Negro man named Roger, and him the said Roger then and there taken into custody and was duly and legally advertised to be sold to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Oxford on the first Monday in November..." (BOS-1831, pp. 103-104, book 6)
Royster, William H. & Susannah to James A. Pattillo. "...Negro man named Balaam..." (DIT-1841,p.253, book 10)
Royster, William to Willis A. Royster [for his daughter Caroline Elizabeth Thomas]. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, Randal & Christian..." (DIT-1837, p. 297, book 8)
Royster, William H. & Susannah to Royal Royster. "...one Negro man named Baalaam aged about forty eight years..." (DIT-1838, pp. 51-53, book 9)
Royster, Marcus D. [as constable] to David I. Young. "...a Negro man Roger..." (BOS-1834, p. 194, book 6)
Royster, Banister to Ann W. Pittard [his daughter]. "...a certain Negro girl, Bettie(Ritter?)..." (DOG-1861, p. 301, book 21)
Royster, W. H. to Edward Royster, "...one Negro boy George and one Negro woman Caroline..." (BOS-1861, p. 391, book 21)
Royster, W. H. to R. M. Royster. "...one Negro woman Milly and three children Ruffin, Sally, and Estella, Milly's children and one Negro woman Elendes..." (BOS-1861, p. 390, book 21)
Royster, Edward to Emily F. Harris [his daughter]. "... certain Negro woman slaves named Ann & Martha, ages Ann twenty, Martha fourteen years old." (DOG-1855, p. 381, book 18)
Royster, Edward to William H. Royster [his son]. "...Letta, Caroline and George together with all their increase." (DOG-1856, p. 143, book 19)
Royster, William to James Hester and Wilie Royster. "...boy Dandridge, girl Isabella, boy Frank, boy Jim, child Rollo, girl Cresy, boy Lovell..." (BOS-1852, p. 168, book 17)
Royster, Edward to Reuben M. Royster [his son] "...the following Negroes to wit, Elijah, Lucy & Spencer together with all of their increase..." (DOG-1856, p. 143, book 19)
Rudd, John D. to Lunsford Paschall. "...two Negroes George and Henton..." (DIT-1842, pp.531-532, book 11)
Russell, William F. to Micajah B. Fleming. "...Negro man Damond, blacksmith, now in possession of William R. Suit..."(DIT-1844, p. 515, book 12)
Russell, James to William Russell. "...all interest in a Negro woman named Winney and her child Johanna (the said Negroes are now in the possession of Mrs. Elizabeth Russell she having a life estate in them]..." (BOS-1831, p. 32, book 5)
Russell, Louis H. to John W. Volentine. "...woman by the name of Vicy and four children namely Frank, Judy, and two younger, the names I don't recollect..." (BOS-1849, p. 533, book 15)
Russell, Lewis H. to Armisted R. Burwell. "...boy Ben about sixteen years old, woman Creesy about twenty years old, and man Spencer about forty years old... the Negroes herein conveyed are now in possession of said Lewis H. Russell, but subject to delivery to the said A. R. Burwell on application by him..." (DIT-1849, pp. 359-360, book 15)
Samuel, Andrew & others to James R. Duty, Trustee. "...one Negro man slave named Bob aged about fifty-five years..." (DIT-1836, p. 96, book 7)
Samuels, Andrew to William O. Gregory. "...one Negro man by the name of Bob aged about fifty three years..." (DIT-1838, p. 348, book 8)
Satterwhite, James to Thomas Vass, Junr. "...three Negroes, that is, Mary and her two children, Frances a gril & Tom a boy..." (Conveyance-1843, p.371, book 12)
Satterwhite, David to James M. Satterwhite."...a certain Negro boy named Harray about seventeen years old..." (BOS-1844, p.521, book 12)
Satterwhite, David to James M. Satterwhite. "...Jesse, Polly, Thomas, Aaron, Milly, Caroline, Mordiaine[?], George, Wesley, Mat, Sam, Bettie, Charlotte, Anderson, Henry, Maria, Nancy, Howell, Indianna, Edmond, and Horace..." (DIT-1849, pp. 338-340, book 15)
Satterwhite, Joseph P. to John Satterwhite. "...purchase of Negroes Isham, Jane & her child July..." (BOS-1849, p. 605, book 15)
Sherman, John [as administrator of the estate of David Parker] to Henry W. Jones. "...James and Jerry..." (BOS-1838, p. 323, book 9)
Sherman, John [administrator of David Parker, dec'd] to H.W. Jones."...woman named Pat..." (BOS-1842, p.15, book 13)
Sherman,John & William Parrish to Henry W. Jones. "... Negro boy by the name of Bill age 17 years..." (BOS-1841, p.278, book 11)
Shotwell, Archibald to John B.Webb. "... the hire of Dolly for this year..." (DIT-1820, p. 362, book 4)
Skinner, Joseph [of Chowan County] to Isaac N. Jones. "...the following Negroes, to wit, Billy [waggoner] little Billy, Joe [blacksmith], Wilson, & Edmund..." Thomas B. Littlejohn... by deed bearing date the 20th of July 1826 conveyed in mortgage to Joseph B. Skinner. (Release-1829, p. 97, book 4)
Smith, Maurice & others to Samuel Smith [of Person County]. "... girl by the name of Amey..." (Relinquishment-1828, pp. 6 & 8, book 4)
Smith, Richard I. of Caswell County, Guardian of John B. Smith, to Elijah Williams. "...for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar..a certain old Negro slave Charity (age not known]..." (BOS-1841,p.360, book 10)
Smith, Joseph to Benjamin Thorp [for the use of his daughter, Elizabeth]. "...the following slaves heretofore placed by me in the possession of my son-in-law Thomas Tayler, viz, Dudley, George, Lovely, Anthony, Major, Lervy?, Macklin, Neverson and Henrietta..." (DIT-1833, p. 183, book 6)
Smith, James to William V. Paschall. "...a certain Negro girl by name Emma now residing in Philadelphia..." (DIT-1845, p.422, book 13)
Smith, Samuel to Henry Smith. "...girl named Phebe..." (DOG-1829, p. 217, book 6)
Smith, Harriet W. to William F. Smith. "...two Negro men Aaron & Bill both of bright complexion, Aaron aged about thirty one or two years old, & Bill aged about eighteen years old..." (BOS-1833, p. 219, book 6)
Smith, James W. to Samuel Smith Downey. This is resolution of a dispute over the sale and the "hire-outs" of the slaves belonging to the estate of John G. Smith, especially the hiring of man named London. Also mentioned are Edmond and Daniel. (Instrument-1839, pp. 360-361, book 9)
Smith, John to Lyman Latham. "...for the right & interest of a Negro girl named Sarah, the property of John Clements..." (BOS-1827, p.67, book 5)
Smith, Joseph of Franklin Co. to Joseph Hayes [his grandson]. "...certain Negro girl by the name of Mehaley..." (DOG-1830, p. 223, book 4)
Smith, Ann W. to Thomas Vass. "...a certain Negro man named Dennis about forty years of age..." (BOS-1845, p. 17, book 14)
Sneed, Junius to Samuel Sneed. "...likewise the following Negro slaves, to wit, Stephen and his wife Patty, Lavinia and her two children, Henry & Betsey, Nancey, Jim Strum, Rose & her two children Mary & Leashey?, Peter and Sarah..." (DIT-1829, pp. 157-158, book 4)
Sneed, William M. to Samuel Sneed. "...man named Poplar..." (BOS-1829, p. 183, book 4)
Sneed, William M. [administrator of William Gill, dec'd] to Benjamin Thomasson. "... woman named Charity about thirty years of age and her two twin daughters, Sarah and Viney about one year old the 10th of next March..." (BOS-1817, p. 338, book 4)
Sneed, Richard to Lewis D. Burwell."...Henry, Solomon, Frank, Charles, Alec, Matilda, Polley, Margaret, Tom, Agness, Nancy & child, Judy, Amanda, Julia, Powhatan, Tempe, Rose, Betey, Lucy, Novel, & half of Peter the Blacksmith (the said Richard Sneed owning one half of said Peter)...(DIT-1841, pp.55-57, book 11)
Sneed, Stephen [as administrator of Jechonias Yancey] to William V. Taylor. "...girl named Lizzy..." (BOS-1835, p. 529, book 6)
Sneed, Samuel to William M. Sneed. "...also the following Negroes, viz, Poplar, Caleb, Oscar, Stephen and his wife Patty, Fanny and her children Bradley and Aaron, Betsey and her children Ludlow, Tom, Charlotte & an infant at the breast, Cate and her child Nanny, Jane & Sally, one half of two tracts of land..." (DIT-1835, pp. 485-487, book 6)
Sneed, Richard to William M. Sneed. "...a Negro man named Peter about the age of thirty-seven years which said Negro is a Blacksmith..." (BOS-1843, p. 127, book 15)
Sneed, Richard to A. E. Henderson. "...the following Negro slaves & their future increase, Mildred & her three children Margaret, Tom & Cary; Amanda & her four children Peu[?]poton, Junius, Dollis & William, & George son of Rose..." (BOS-1848, p. 148, book 15)
Sneed, Richard to William M. Sneed. "...Nancy & her three children, Allice, Isabell, & Jones, woman Polly & her three children Ann, Cain & Sally, & Negro man Henry & Charles..." (BOS-1848, p. 128, book 15)
Spears, Samuel to Robert B. Gilliam. "...one Negro man named Daniel aged about 21, one Negro girl named Lucy aged about 17, one Negro child named Alexander aged about 18 months..." (DIT-1831, pp. 445-446, book 4)
Spears, Samuel to George Kittrell. "... one Negro woman named Sarah aged about 40, one Negro girl aged 15 named Mimey, and George about 3 years old..." (DIT-1831, p. 447, book 4)
Spencer, Alexander F. to William V.Paschall. "... Gilly and her three children, Martha Ann, Franky and Robert; Dorcus and her 3 children David, Dolly and Marten, boy Haywood, and girl Parthenia." (DIT-1851, pp. 152-153, book 16)
Stamper, William to George Stamper [his son, in Warren County]. "...three Negro slaves, one a man known by the name of John, one woman Jermima & child Nancey..." (BOS-1829, p.. 41, book 4)
Stanton, Green had a DIT with Lunsford Paschall who sold these slaves to James R. Duty."..Betsey Ann and Sandy which Negroes were sold to the highest bidder for cash on the 7th day of November 1843 as the property of Green Stanton under a deed of trust executed to me as trustee by said Stanton to secure sundry debts due..." (BOS-1843, p.354, book 12)
Stanton, Green to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...Mary, Aggy, Betsy, Ann, Sandy, Zachariah and Franky and their future increase..." (DIT-1842, pp.542-544, book 11)
Stark, Kizer[?] to William B. Hamilton. "...one Negro man John aged about eighteen years, also one Negro man Peter aged about forty-five, also all right, title and interest which he the said Kizer I. Stark has or may have in and to the following Negro slaves, to wit, one Negro man Fred aged about twenty-three years, one Negro woman Judy aged about twenty-three, one Negro girl Lucy aged about ten years, one Negro girl Lucinda aged about four years, the above four Negroes last described having been bequeathed to the children of Mrs. Sarah Stark by her father the late Samuel Moss..." (DIT-1849, pp. 314-316, book 15)
Stark, James to Lunsford A. Paschall. "... Fed, Judy & child Cena, Tamer, Mynna, Lucy..." (DIT-1849, pp. 265-267, book 15)
Stark, James R. to David T. Barker. "...the following property to wit, all his growing crop of corn, wheat, and tobacco, also all his right, title, and interest in Negroes Fed, Judy, Lucinda, Lucy, Winney, and Tanner with all their increase - the said Negroes were willed by Samuel Moss, dec'd to James T. Stark and wife during their lives and afterwards to their children, also all his right, title, and interest in three hired Negroes for the present year - Daniel, Bob & Franky..." (DIT-1849, pp. 326-327, book 15)
Stone, Samuel to his children. "...two Negroes by the name of Hall and Nick?..." (DOG-1833, p. 156, book 6)
Stovall, Wilkins to Jane Aiken. "... also I loan unto her Negro boy Jim for two years for the purpose of opening a plantation afterwards to be delivered to my son, John Stovall - also I give unto her my Negro boy Isaac whom she is to take into possession at Christmas..." (Conveyance-1826, p. 160, book 4)
Strum, Sarah H. to T. I Gregory. "...boy Stephen..." (DIT-1842, pp. 165-166, book 11)
Strum, Bartholomew to William Strum. "... boy named Bill..." (BOS-1829, p. 165, book 4)
Strum, Thomas to Sarah H. Peace. "...two Negro slaves(to wit) Doctor & Stephen..." (Marriage contract-1840, p.96, book 10)
Suit, Riley to James B. Peace. "...slave by the name of Hanour and her child named Lisia..." (DIT-1820, pp. 341-342, book 4)
Suit, William to Robert Suite [his son]. "...one Negro boy named Elijah..." (DOG-1851, p. 378, book 16)
Suite, William to Harriet Suite [his daughter]. "...one Negro girl named Martha and her increase..." (DOG-1851, p. 354, book 16)
Swinney, Robert to Albert Sneed. "...also one Negro girl of a yellow complexion named Harriette..." (DIT-1832, pp. 334-336, book 5)
Taylor, Lewis to Daniel A. Paschall. "...the following Negroes now in my possession, to wit, John, Anthony, Phil, Alfred, Lucy and Maria..." (DIT-1833, p. 51, book 6)
Taylor, William V. [of the state of Tennessee] to William F. Henderson. "...one old Negro woman named Betty..." (DOG-1837, p. 158, book 8)
Taylor, Elizabeth H. to [her husband] Thomas P. Taylor. "...certain Negro slaves herinafter mentioned to his use during his natural life...George, Henderson, Patrick, Maclin... and after his death the said Negroes to be returned to my two daughters, to wit, Martha Ann Fuller, wife of James Fuller, and Mary F. Fuller, wife of William Fuller... (Conveyance-1844, pp.450-451, book 12)
Taylor, Lewis to L. G. Watson. "... boy named Phill, a Negro girl named Lucy, and another boy named Antony..." (DIT-1832, p. 406, book 5)
Taylor, Lewis to Daniel Paschall. "...a Negro man by the name of Nat & a Negro girl by the name of Lucy..." (DIT-1831, pp. 74-75, book 5)
Taylor, Lewis to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...one Negro man named John and his wife named Pink and her youngest child..." (DIT-1831,p. 4, book 5)
Taylor, James H. and John C. Taylor to Ann Young. "...Negro girl Agnes, and child & their future increase & Negro boy Cook..." [ given to Ed Sp (n?)eed for the separate property & estate of Mrs. Ann Young, wife of Henry Youny.] (Deed of convenyance, 1841,pp.490-491, book 10)
Taylor, Warner to Absalom Yancey and William Brown. "...Daniel, Spencer, Shadrack, Pheby, Newmon, Henderson, Hilliard, Fanney, Mimey, Jim, Quan, Betty, Aggy, Edmund, Joe, Tom, Billy, Anderson, Hannah, Barbary, Franky, Rachel, Ruffin, Amey, & Creacy..." (BOS-1825, p. 169, book 4)
Taylor, Ann to James H. Taylor. "...the following Negroes, viz, Lucy and Rosetta..." (DIT-1834, p. 104, book 6)
Taylor, Drucela to James Winston. "...three Negroes (viz) a woman by the name of Julia Ann and her age being 19 years & two children (viz) a girl by the name of Susan of age three years and a boy of the age of three months by the name of David, for and consideration of the sum of six hundred dollars..." (BOS-1835, p.40, book 7)
Taylor, Elizabeth H. to William W. Fuller & wife [her daughter]. "Lucy, Henrietta, Polly, Amy, and Francis..." (Deed-1851, p. 348, book 16)
Taylor, Lewis to Henry A. Taylor [for his daughter Cary Ann Paschall]. "... for the sole separate and exclusive use ...Jane and her son Terry" (DOG-1852, p. 436, book 18)
Taylor, Lewis to Westly Brummitt. "...woman Mariah aged about twenty three years..." (BOS-1846, p. 78, book 14)
Taylor, Lewis to Elizabeth Toole. "...in full pay for Negro girl Pattey aged about 15 years old..." (BOS-1846, p. 157, book 14)
Thomas, Betsey to Fleming Beasley. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Ausilvestor[?] and her three children Elmira, Anthony & Henry..." (listed as a Bill of Sale but reads as a Deed in Trust-1842, p.467-468, book 11)
Thomasson, Thomas to William S. McClanahan. "...the following named Negroes...Richmond a Negro man, Emely a young woman & her child John Henry one year old... Martha a girl... Nelly a girl... Nathan a boy... the above named Negroes have heretofore been conveyed to James M. Wiggins as trustee..." (BOS-1838, pp. 153-154, book 9)
Thomasson, Southern H. to George Burns. "...man slave named Tom aged about forty years now in the possession of said George Burns..." (BOS-1831, p. 31, book 5)
Thomasson, George P. to William A. Eaton. "...also a Negro boy slave named Ben about twelve years of age..." (DIT-1831, pp. 115-116, book 5)
Thomasson, Thomas to James M. Wiggins. "...one Negro man named Richmond aged forty years, one Negro woman named Mima aged thirty years, girl Emily aged sixteen years, girl Martha aged thirteen years, girl Nelly aged twelve years, boy Nathan aged eight years, girl Ellen aged six years..." (DIT-1835, p.. 391, book 6)
Thomasson, Thomas to Doctor Cole. "...girl by the name of Eleanor about 8 years old, one other Negro girl by the name of Mimey about 40 years old..." (DIT-1837, p. 44, book 8)
Thomasson, Benjamin to James M. Wiggins. "...one Negro girl named Mariah aged about seven years and one Negro boy named Aaron aged about four years..." (DIT-1830, pp. 353-354, book 4)
Thomasson, Benjamin to Samuel Craft. "... boy named Joel aged nine years old November last, and a Negro girl named Mary aged seven years old March last..." (BOS-1829, p. 283, book 4)
Thomasson, William [of McDowell County, NC] & others to Meredith Crews. "...Mary aged about twenty two years and her two children Sarah and Mariah..." (DIT-1848, p. 512, book 14)
Thornton, Richard to Elizabeth Royster. "...a certain Negro girl by the name of Eliza" (BOS-1855, p. 143, book 19)
Thorp, Benjamin P. to Richard Thorp [his son]. "...Charity, Darky, Susanna, Patsy, Mary, Rose, Sally, Rebecca, Allen, Joel, Thompson, Wesley..." (DOG-1838, p. 163, book 9)
Thorp, Benjamin P. Sr. to Ann L. Green [his daughter] and others. "...and to my said grandchildren the said William, Isabella, Martha, Caroline, Benjamin, Robert & Lucins- as well as for their further advancement...the following slaves viz- Federick, Buck, Frank, Billy, Jordan, Samuel, Isaac, Frank, Robert, Fanny, Clarisa, Rose, Ailsey, Cretia, Nancey, Rebeckah, Hannah, Nanny, Matilda, Eda, Elizabeth, Simeon, Haywood, Mary, Henry, & Virginia and their increase..." (Deed-1840,pp.330-331, book 10)
Thorp, Benjamin P. to Peterson Thorp. "...Charlotte, Bud, Lettle, Ritter, Burton, Nat, Newman, Helen, Thompson, Harriett, Andrew, Mary, Daniel and Notice..." (DIT-1848, pp. 296-299, book 15)
Thorp, Benjamin, Snr. to [his son] William Thorp. "...the following Negro slaves (viz) Winey, Sally, Winny, Ony, Phillis, Betty, Isam, Hercules, Iby, Frances, Jordan, Isaac & Rebecca, to have, hold & enjoy all & singular the said Negro slaves..." (DOG-1840, 16-17, book 15)
Thorp, Benjamin to [his daughter] Elizabeth Brodie. "...Big Rye, Washington, Little Rye, Louis, Wiley, Mariah, Elen, Sylvester, Nelty, Natha, Adeline, Polly, Cynthis, Betsey..." (DOG-1848, pp. 388-389, book 15)
Thorp, Benjamin to Lewis Thorp. "...three Negroes to wit Barbay, Sylvia and Celia...." (Deed-1847, p. 478, book 14)
Thorpe, Benjamin to Peterson Thorpe [his son]. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, George, Mathew, Abram, Mima, Rhody, Vircha?, Mary, Aggy, & Nancy..." (DOG-1828, p. 26, book 4)
Thorpe, Benjamin, Sr. to Elizabeth Brodie. "... Negro slaves Lelva, Mariah and two children." (DOG-1846, p. 397, book 18)
Thorpe, Benjamin to Lucy Thorpe [his daughter] land plus "...Rachael, Eugenia, Billy, Martha, Anderson, Addison, Ann, Sally, Polly, Ruben, Strephens, James, Green, Judy, and Gidion." (DOG-1848, pp. 305-06, book 18)
Thorpe, Benjamin, Jr. [hired out] to Thomas H. Raney two Negro boys to learn the carpentry trade. "...to wit, Henry and Alexander..." for four years apprenticeship. (Bond-1851, p. 287, book 17)
Thorpe, Benjamin to Lucy Thorpe "... for Negro man Haywood" (BOS-1855, p. 333, book 18)
Thorpe, Benjamin P. to Jane Thorpe [his wife]. "...a certain Negro slave named Strefon(?) about twenty five years old." (BOS-1855, p. 305, book 18)
Thorpe, Benjamin P. [as trustee for Elizabeth Taylor] to William Fuller. "...the following slaves to wit. Jenny, Henrietta, Polly, Amy, Frances, a girl Caroline the increase of Henrietta" (Deed, 1855, p. 454, book 18)
Tippet, James to Richard Bullock. "...right and title in and to a Negro woman by the name of Leathe and all her increase... Leathe was given by a deed of gift made the 29 of January 1806 by Archer Johnson to Nancy A. Morris...who has since intermarried with James C. Tippett... Lethe is not in my possession nor never has been... was improperly carried away from this county by John Morris father of Nancy Morris, to parts unknown ... I found out that the said Negro was sold in the state of Louisiana... a suit has been brought there..." (BOS-1829, pp. 117-118, book 4)
Tippett, Samuel to Richard Bullock. "...all my right and title in and to a Negro woman by the name of Leathe and all her increase, the said Negro Leathe was given by a deed of gift made the 29th day of January 1806 by Archer Johnson to Nancy A. Morris, which Negro the said Nancy was to receive when she became twenty one years of age... Nancy A. Morris has since intermarried with James C. Tippett...Leathe is not in my possession nor never has been...[was taken by John Morris, father of Nancy, to parts unknown to me until a few years ago I found out that the said Negro was sold in the state of Louisiana and has since had several children, a suit has been brought there for the recovery of said Leathe..." (Release-1829, loose paper... added to this is a 1854 note from L. A. Paschall, Public Register for the county, saying that it is a certified Bill Of Sale. (Book 4)
Toney, John M. to Alexander Moseley. "...John M. Toney of the State of Virginia...a woman named Ellen, her child Billy, and a boy named Sam, and the future increase of the said Ellen..." (Deed-1861, p. 395, book 21)
Tucker, Littleberry to William R. Hargrove. "...two Negroes, i.e., Harriet about twenty seven years of age & her child Mary about four years of age..." (BOS-1834, p. 309, book 6)
Turner, Thomas to Moses Neal. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, man Crispen[?], Jack & Tom, James, boys Hardy and Orville, woman Rose and Courtoney and Courtrisyt[?] son Jackson together with her three other children, two boys and an infant..." (DIT-1845, pp.506-507, book 13)
Turner, Archibald A. to Mrs. Carolina G. W. F. Blacknall."...girl named Rachel aged about ten years..." (BOS-1842, p.198, book 12)
Turner, Judeth to William L. Peace. "...in full for my half in Negro man Edmund (a house carpenter)." (BOS-1857, p. 565, book 19)
Turner, Thomas to James Turner & William B. Hamilton [of the City of Richmond and State of Virginia]..." the love and affection I bear to my wife and children...the following......to wit, Tom Thornton, Tom Jones, America, Austin, Everett, Jim, Nick, Gedeon, Alick, Henry, Crispen, George, Rapp, Isaac, Thomas Curtis, Lewis, Roger, Robert, Orville, Daniel, Henry, George, Charles, Jackson, Peter, Nancy, Cole, Hannah, Matilda, Daniel, Christiana, Betsy, Ann, Sally Collins, Adeline, Beck Williams, McKethan, Rose, Roselwida, Jane, Julia, Tempe, Fanny, Margaret, Lydia, Sarah, Mary, Emily, Martha Ann, Frederic, Livy, Ned, Becky, Bryan, Mary, Emily, Althen, Louise Turner, Tom, Ned, Asa, Burwell, Alexander, Tabby, Frank, Pleasant, Mary, Phyllis, James, Edmond, Flora, Sally America, Cornelia, Mary, Susan, Betsey, Brutus, Allen, William, Jiny, Albert, Richard, Isaac, Lucy, Edmdund, Jack, Dicey, Isabella, Maria, Benjamin, Reuben, Harriet.....thirty three shares stock held by me in the Roanoke Navibation Company (Deed-1846, pp. 257-258, book 14)
Turner, Dury R. to John R. Hicks. "...his interest by hire of a Negro man named Sambo hired by the said Drury R. Turner for the current year from Elizabeth Frees[?] one Negro girl named Mariah, one old woman named Lydia, and all right, title, and interest...to the following slaves bequeathed in the 2nd term of the last will and testament of Samuel Moss, dec'd, to wit, Mariah and Charity her child, Abby, and Jim, and all right, title, and interest...in an old woman named Luna being one half of the said Luna in remainder after the termination of the life estate of the mother of the said Drury R. Turner and which said Negro woman Luna is now in the possession of James Cheatham who purchased the said life estate provided..." (DIT-1849, pp. 322-326, book 15)
Valentine, Rigdon to Elizabeth Howel. " one servant by the name of Neverson..." (BOS-1832, p. 466, book 5)
Vass, Thomas, Senr to [his daughter] Eleanor Hunt."... four Negroes (viz) [first name indistinguishable] Caroline, Margaret, and Harry and their increase..." (DOG-1842, p.333, book 12)
Vass, Thomas, Senr. to Martha Vass [his daughter]."...five Negroes, viz,two women, Sarah and Mary and three children Dennis[?], Owen and Elizabeth and the increase of the said women Sarah and Mary ..." (DOG-1843, p.368, book 12)
Vass, Thomas, Junr. to James M. Satterwhite."... one woman Nancy and her two children Emily, a girl, and Booker, a boy..." (Deed of conveyance, 1843, p.368, book 12)
Vass, Thomas, Sen to William W. Vass [his son]. "...a certain Negro woman slave named Maria and her seven children, to wit, Green, Isabel, Crudup, Isaac, Mandy, Smith, and Mary, and all her and their present and future increase..." (BOS-1845, p. 22, book 14)
Vass, Thomas to Robert H. Vass. "... a Negro girl Fany, daughter of woman Jane". (BOS-1853, p. 179, book 17)
Vaughn, Vincent to Vincent Vaughn Jr. [his son] "...girl by the name of Margret..." (DOG-1837, p. 250, book 8)
Vaughn, Bedford to William Daniel. "...payment for two Negroes named Will & Martha. Will, a man about sixteen years old the same Negro purchased by the undersigned from L.M. Smith; Martha, a girl about fourteen years old raised by the undersigned" (BOS-1856, p. 598, book 18)
Venable, Samuel W. to John P. Speed [?] & Isabella A. Venable."...the following Negroes and other personal property (to wit) Maria, Sam, Robertee and John..."(DIT-1843, pp.386-388, book 12)
Venable, Abraham to John S. Speed[Sneed?] & other creditors..."...the following slaves to wit, Jim, Taylor & Martha his wife, and Charles, Agnes, Sicily, Sucky, Jennetta, Lewis, Stephen, Clampa, Benjamin, Solmey[?], Mary, Squire, Mary Eliza, John, Booker, Nicy, Margaret, Paul, William, little Lucy, Gilbert, John, Jack, and Eliza, Abraham, George, Meshum, Granderson, Abram, Harry and Mary his wife, old Jim, Frank, Shadrack, old Jack, Lucy, Molly, Judy,..." (DIT-1843, pp.150-154, book 12)
Venable, Abraham to S. S. Sneed & Thomas B. Venable."... Jacob & wife, Elna, Washington, Jane, Joel, Harriet An, David, Sam, Fanny, William..." (DIT-1843, pp.383-384, book 12)
Venable, A. W. [as trustee for the estate of Trepiett T. Estes] to John D. Hawkins. "...Negro slaves, to wit, Nany & her children Lucy, Mark and Mary & Judy..." (Deed-1847, p. 373, book 14)
Volentine, J. W. to Henry W. Avery. "...woman named Frances and her two children named George & Isham..." (BOS-1845, p. 3, book 15)
Wagstaff, Mary to James A. Russell [acting for Mary was Donaldson P. Paschall]. "...A Negro slave by the name of Cornelia being the slave named in the said deed of appointment." (Deed, 1855, p. 593, book 18)
Walker, William, Sr. to William Walker, Jr. "...a certain Negro woman by the name of Sarah about nineteen years old and one Negro girl child of said Sarah by the name of Polly about five weeks old" (BOS-1833, p. 354, book 19)
Walker, Jarret to Clement Wilkins. "...one Negro man named Sam..." (DIT-1848, p. 476 ? Note: the pages of this deed book are badly misnumbered, book 14))
Waller, Carter to Mary Lyon [his daughter]. "...for the consideration, the love and good will and affection I have... Negro girl Seely, about fourteen years old and her increase..." (Deed-1857, p. 89, book 20)
Waller, Nancy to John Nance. "...a Negroe boy by the name of Tony of the age of fourteen years..." (DOT-1847, p. 340, book 14)
Washington, Delphia to Horace Robards. "... Barnett & Amey.." (DIT-1843, pp.68-69, book 12)
Watkins, Thomas to John Speed. "...one Negro girl named Mariah about sixteen years of age..." (DIT-1834, p. 257, book 6)
Watkins, Thomas to James Hart. "...one Negro girl named Marie & her future increase..." (DIT-1833, p. 490, book 5)
Watson, Loton G. to Samuel Sneed. "... one Negro girl called and known by the name of Nancy between ten & twelve years of age..." (DIT-1830, pp. 183-185, book 4)
Weathers, Samuel to Howel Cooke. "... his interest in the estate of Stephen Johnson, dec'd, in two Negroes Amy & Billey..." (DIT-1832, p. 188, book 5)
Weathers, James to Priscilla Weathers [widow of his son William who left her in indigent circumstances with three or four little children] "...one Negro boy (now a man), known by the name of Lewis and aged about 21 years..." (DOG-1939, p.37, book 10)
Weathers, William to Thomas B. Hays [trustee]. "...Negro boy Bassel about ten years of age..." (DIT-1837, pp.389-390, book 7)
Weathers, James to Francis Dent. "...man by the name of Hilliard about thirty seven years old." (BOS-1840, p.181, book 10)
Weathers, James to Hatchivell Freman. "...a certain Negro man by the name of Lewis about twenty six years of age...(BOS-1846, p. 387, book 14)
Webb, Martha to Prisly and Robert Thomas Webb [her infant children]. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, Cloe, Enoch, Peter and Margarett..." (DOG-1832, pp. 216-217, book 6)
Webb, William H. to William W. Vass. "...said Negroes Caroline, Charlotte and her two children Ann Victoria and Alexander Monroe..." (BOS-17th October, 1843, p.48, book 13) [see Boyd to Webb, p.47 this book]
West, John to T. Vass, Sr. "...boy Henderson now five or six years old". (BOS-1836, p. 230, book 7)
Wheeler, Elizabeth to Thomas A. Mitchell. "... girl named Emiley, one cow & calf, two feather beds..." (DIT-1832, pp. 270-271, book 5)
Wheller, Elizabeth to James Bullock. "...one certain Negro girl called & known by the name of Emily aged about thirteen years of age..." (BOS-1832, p. 449, book 5)
White, Philip to Holly Mitchell [his daughter]. "...girl Jude about twenty years old, one named Viny aged about thirteen years..." (DOG-1833, p. 146, book 6)
White, Nancey to James Wyche. "...the following Negro slaves named Mary, Oliver, Gillia, Goodman, Nancy, Mary, Poggy & Patsey..." (Conveyance-1837, pp. 460-462, book 8)
White, Philip to Jaccey Sims [his daughter]. "...the following Negroes, to wit, a boy named Peter about sixteen years old, a girl named Lunda about twelve years..." (DOG-1833, p. 218, book 6)
White, James A. to James Fuller. "...a certain Negro boy named McDaniel..." (DOT-1847, p. 328, book 14)
White, James A. to John Satterwhite. "...woman Fanny & her boy George, & girl Candis..." (BOS-1846, p. 665, book 15)
White, William H. to John Satterwhite. "...purchase money for Negro girl Evalina aged 6 years..." (BOS-1846, pp. 605-606, book 15)
Whitehead, William H. to James R. Duty. "...all my interest as heir three Negro slaves to wit, Lucy, Kiziah, and Sarah, hired by me for the present year..." (DIT-1852, p. 404, book 16)
Whitfield, William to Lunsford A. Paschall. "... Sarah and Phill..." (DIT-1843, p.349, book 12)
Wiggins, Frederick to John L. Henderson. "...the following property namely one Negro man (slave) named Jere, and one Negro woman named Tamer and three Negro boy children of Tamer, to wit, Homer?, John and William..." (DIT-1832, pp. 404-405, book 5)
Wiggins, Thomas H. to William Jones. "...interest to one Negro boy named Dennis aged about fourteen years..." (DIT-1839, p. 289, book 9)
Wiggins, James M. to Thomas Thompson [for a debt owed McClanahan]. "...Negro man Richmond aged forty years, Negro woman Mima aged thirty years, girl Emily aged sixteen years, girl Martha aged thirteen years, girl Milly aged twelve years, boy Nathan aged eight years, girl Ellen aged six years..." (Deed-1837, p. 384, book 7)
Wiggins, James to William McClanahan. "...Negroes Richmond and Martha." [formerly belonged to Thomas Thompson] (BOS-1837, p. 383, book 7)
Wiggins, G. C. to James D. Cox. "... five Negroes namely Amy, Anne, Anderson, Green and Edmund now in the possession of Mrs. Celia Wiggins..." (DIT-1832, pp. 311-312, book 5)
Wiggins, James H. to Len H. Hare. "...a Negro woman Tempy and her child Betsy-Ann, a boy Richard, a man Ben, a man Jim, and a boy Owen -and the future increase of said Negroes..."(DIT-1842, pp. 444-446, book 11)
Wiggins, Thomas T. To James R. Duty. "...right and title in & to two Negroes named Sarah and Franky together their increase (said Negroes were given by Joseph Lewis to Ann Wiggins, wife of said Thomas)..." (DIT-1842, pp.217-219, book 11)
Wiles, Overton to Thomas Brown. "...Charles a man about 28 or 29 years of age, Molly a woman about 23 years of age, Jane a girl between 3 or 4 years old, and Anthony a boy about one year old..." (BOS-1829, p. 126, book 4)
Wilkerson, Martha to Lucy Ann Bracher. "...one Negro girl named Harriet..." (BOS-1835, p.10, book 7)
Wilkerson, Lewis to Charles Dunkin & wife [Ritter was his daughter]. "...one certain Negro boy child Jim an infant..." (DOG-1831, p. 28, book 5)
Williams, Mary to Richard Sneed (for her son Nathaniel). "...boy by the name of Peter..." (DIT-1831, p. 12, book 5)
Williams, Nath to James Williams. "...negro man named Arther" (BOS-1839, p.1, book 10)
Williams, James to Robet A. Jenkins. "...Negro man named Arther" (BOS-1840, p. 1, book 10)
Williams, Nathaniel Sr. to James and Nathaniel Williams Jr. "...I have this day bargained, sold, and delivered to Len H. Hare one Negro woman Matilda & three children..." (DIT-1842, pp.524-525, book 11)
Williams, Harris to Isaac P. Hester...for the hire of a "...Negro girl Sally Ann of Thomas B. Barnette, Guardian of John T. Owen." (DIT-1842, pp.171-172, book 11)
Williams, William B. to Meradith Crews. "...Negro woman Rachel." (DIT-1841, p.227, book 10)
Williams, Nath to Richar Sneed. "...Negro man named Charles" (BOS-1839, p.2, book 10)
Williams, Nathaniel to Leonard Hare."...boy Pink..." (DIT-1842, p.131, book 11)
Williams, Mary (of Granville County) to Nathaniel Williams (of Person County) ."...two Nego men viz Arthur & Bob.." (BOS-1842, #12, p.32, book 12)
Williams, William D. to Howel G. Pittard. "...his interest in four Negroes, the subject of a suit by Susan Higgs... named Milly & her children..." (DIT-1838, pp. 38-39, book 9)
Williams, Nathaniel to Albert Sneed. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, Dorcas, Andrew, Lucy, Betty, & Ben together with my household & kitchen furniture..." (DIT-1828, pp. 48-49, book 4)
Williams, William B. to Peter L. Reavis. "...a sorrel horse, carry all, harness, Negro woman Rachel, two cows & calves..." (DIT-1839, pp. 386-387, book 9)
Williams, Nathaniel Junr. to Nathaniel Williams Senr. "... verbally sometime in the year 1824 bargain sell to my father Nathaniel Williams Senr... my Negro girl Matilda aged about twelve years..." (BOS-1828, p. 124, book 4)
Williams, William B. to Lyman Lathem."... one Negro woman Rachel..." (DIT-1842, pp.550-551, book 11)
Williams, William to James G. Rainey of Caswell County [trustee]. "...One Negro man Simon and Negro woman Rachael..." (DIT-1837, p. 476, book 7)
Williams, William D. to Howell G. Pittard. "...interest in and to three Negroes namely, Jinny and two children Milly and George..." (DIT-1839, pp. 371-372, book 9)
Williams, A. D. to Josiah Crudwfs (?). "...Sally and her six children: Betsy, Mary, Charles, Sarah, Frances, Alfred & Jane." (BOS-1857, p. 359, book 19)
Winslow, Edward Lee & Warren Winslow to Charles T. Mallett of the Bank of the State of NC & John W. Might of the Bank of Cape Fear in Fayetteville, NC, all of Cumberland County. "...Negroes Katy, Penelope & child, William, Old Deck, Cyrus, Sam, Peter, Jim, Davey, George, Secret Deck [in North Carolina]; Dick, Wilson, Andrew, Manual, Henry, Juddy, Polly, Celia, Margaret, Busly, Susan, Louisa (in Yazoo,Mississippi) [these all belonged to Edward Lee Winslow.]... also named George, Margaret, Jane, Eliza & child, Jack, Caroline, Selma & child David - as belonging to Warren Winslow... land in several states, all furnishings from large houses..." (DIT-1840,pp.465-479, book 10)
Winston, Thomas to William Peace (for love and affection..) "...girl by the name of Emily..." (DOG-1839,p.263, book 10)
Winston, Thomas to Ransom Jackson. "...Negro girl by the name of Rose..." (DOG-1839,p.495, book 10)
Winston, George to Mary Clement. "...the following Negroes, Mary & her two children, Ellick & Jacob..." (BOS-1837, p. 248, book 8)
Winston, James to Allen Bridges. "...two Negroes (viz) a woman by the name of Julia and her age being 23 years old and one child by the name of Pherry Green, about two years old the 6th day March 1840..." (BOS-1839, p.7-8, book 11)
Winston, Moses to Patsey Peace [his daughter]. "...give a certain Negro girl by the name of Frances..." (DOG-1844, p.155, book 13)
Winston, Thomas to Ann Jackson. "...for the love and affection I have for the said Ann Jackson I do by these presents lend...one Negro girl named Lelat worth five hundred dollars...during her life..." (Deed-1839, p.511, book 13)
Wood, George to James Royster. "...and also one Negro girl named Eliza aged about ten or twelve years..." (DIT-1835, p. 397, book 6)
Wood, William [for his daughter Catherine] to Clement Lyon. "...woman named Beedy..." (Deed-1826, p. 231, book 5)
Wood, Mildred to John C. Griffin. "...a Negro girl Harriet & her increase forever" (DOG-1854, p. 132, book 18)
Wood, Mary Ann to Henry Jones. "...full payment for Negro girl Eliza Jane aged about fifteen years..." (BOS-1858, p. 212, book 20)
Woods, Thomas to Calvin H. Willie."...the following property (to wit) one Negro boy by name William about 22 years old..." (DIT-1843, p.141, book 12)
Woodson, Dr. Allen & Dr. J. T. Woodson to John T. Sandford, of Granville County. [see page 335 for deed of R. J. Johnson to John T. Sanford] "Whereas the late John Morehead of Rockingham County did convey by deed and registered in said county a Negro girl Lucy to his son John Morehead to be held by him to the sole use of his daughter Eliza Woodson during her life...the said Lucy hath children Harriet, John, Hannah, George, Lucinda, Henry, Bill, Peter, Martha, and Abraham & grandchildren Jim & Bob, and an infant girl unnamed, child of said Hannah (said Jim and Bob being children of said Hannah) and whereas Dr. Alexander Woodson of Guilford County did marry the said Eliza Woodson...and whereas I desire to move to some other state and take my said son ...Delia Josephine Woodson, daughter of said Eliza Woodson..." (BOS-1850, pp. 336-337, book 16)
Wortham, Thomas P. to William Wortham. "...man Granville..." (BOS-1829, p. 218, book 4)
Wortham, George to Lunsford Paschall. "...man Neverson, 28 years." (DIT-1850, p.127, book 16)
Wright, Warren [Winslow?] to Russell Kingsbury. "....Four slaves Hester, Smith, Harriett and Waller." 1852. (BOS-1852, p. 95, book 17)
Wyche, James to James Brame. "...a female Negro slave named Charlotte..." (BOS-1837, p. 370, book 8)
Wyche, James [guardian of the children of David Evans dec'd] to John Brame. "...sold to the highest bidder ...Fanny, the property of said children..." (BOS-1834, p.145, book 6)
Yancey, Tryon to H. G. Pittard. "...also the following Negro slaves, to wit, one woman by the name of Cornelia & her three children Lewis, Ann & George, also one woman by the name of Hanah, also one girl by the name of Mahaley, also all my right title & interest in and to my late father-in-law Thomas Blacknall, dec'd, estate...." (DIT-1840, pp. 500-503, book 9)
Yancey, Tryon to H. G. Pittard. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, one Negro woman by the name of Cornelia & her son Louis, Ann Moriah & her daughter, also all my household & kitchen furniture of every description..." (DIT-1839, p. 291-292, book 9)
Yancey, Charles to Henry M. Daniel. "... one Negro man by the name of Spencer..." (DIT-1829, pp. 185-186, book 4)
Young, John W. [Ext.] to Benjamin Y. Sims. "...full for purchase money of Negro girl Louisa sold by me as executor of William Kittrell dec'd..." (BOS-1845, p.476, book 13)
Young, Henry to Abraham W. Venable. "... the following Negroes, to wit, one woman Aggy and her four children, March - years old, Moll 45 or 50 years old, Ben 21 or 22 years old, Cupid 45 or 50 years old, Ned 50 or 60 years old, Judy 50 or 55 years old, Violet 23 or 24 years old and her three children, Mary 25 or 30 and her four children, John 30 or 32 years old, Anthony 28 or 30 years old, Ritta 7 or 8 years old, Henry 4 or 5 years old, Abednego 55 or 60 years old, Jane about 4 years old, Manieah? about four years old and a boy named Everchild?, and Sally's child 18 months old..." (DIT-1830, pp.. 256-257, book 4)
Young, Thomas Y. [W?] [of Wake County] to Willie Rogers. ...the thirteen slaves of James Allen, dec'd. "...Cajon age twenty five years, Mary age twenty years, Prudence sixteen years of age, Harrat fourteen years of age, Mariah twelve years of age, Martha nine years of age, Wesley fifteen years of age, John eleven years of age, Lewis five years of age, Leb forty years of age, Lucy & Aggy, Hannah twenty two years of age..." [undivided fifth part of the above described Negroes] (Deed-1846, p. 142, book 14)
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