DEED BOOKS, 1828 - 1864

H - N

1746 - 1828 A - G H - N O - Z
1828 - 1864 A - G H - N O - Z

Hailey, Phillip [of Mecklenburg County, VA] to Margaret Butler. "...a Negro boy slave named Gilbert about eight or nine years of age..." (Deed-1821, p.477, book 12)

Halliburton, Lovicey to Robert Lundsford [of Person County]. "...Negro woman Booker & her children Sally, Martha, Robert & Betty..." (DOG-1860, p. 397, book 21)

Halliburton, Louisa to Robert Sanford [her brother]. "...a Negro girl Louisa about nine years old." (DOG-1855, p. 592, book 18)

Hamlet, William to Edward H. Hicks. "... for a Negro woman Sinah which woman I have this day sold to said Hicks" (BOS-1854, p. 532, book 18)

Hanks, Green S. to Charles M. Hargrove. "...one Negro woman named Nutty, one Negro man named Jacob, one Negro child named Selly daughter of Nutty, one female infant child called Hester..." (DIT-1830, p. 357, book 4)

Hanks, John D. to Charles M. Hargrove. "...the following Negro men, viz, Jim & Anthony..." (DIT-1833, p. 521, book 5)

Hare, Agness & Others to Richard Bullock...."Delphia, Vice, Delilah, George, Peter, Stephen, Frederick, and Delphia - to have and to hold said Negroes for his life (this was willed to the widow Agness by her husband John Hare, dec'd).. "to Len H. Hare the following property viz, Bob, Mills, Billy, Oliver, Giles, Hannah, Aggy, Rachael, Franky, Amy, Sterling, Harry, Winney, Delilah, Harriet and Tom....to Susan the following property viz -John, Harrison, Simon, Burwell, Henry, Letitia, Mimy, Julia, Alfred, William, Jane, Sally, Vice, Susan and Delphy Junr at her mother's death...to Agness the following property to wit Lewis, Nelson, Jim, Orville, Ned, Harriet, Jinny, Nancy, Mary, Ann, Lucy, Peter, Davy, Joe, and Fany,...[all parties do hereby ratify and confirm the said division] (deed written in 1837, proved in 1840 - pp.151-153, book 10)

Hare, L. H. to James Gooch. "... full purchase of Negro woman and four children, Mary aged about twenty three years and her children Sally aged about six years, Stephen aged about five years, Jessie aged about three years and infant child about 8 weeks old..." (BOS-1858, p. 383, book 20)

Hargrove, Israel to Hartwell W. Hargrove. "...man by the name of Tom..." (BOS-1834, p. 351, book 6)

Hargrove, William to his daughter Nancy Jones Hargrove [wife of Isreal W. Hargrove]. "...the following Negroes, viz, Jim, Davy, City, Everlina, and Annabella. I also give unto my beloved daughter Hester Ann Smith [wife of Samuel W. Smith]... Milly, Martin, Lydia, Adney, Matilda, and Alce..." (DOG-1840, p. 441, book 9)

Hargrove, Israel W. to Virginia Hargrove [his daughter]. "...one Negro man named Bob Hunt about twenty nine years old, one Negro woman named Claey about twenty three years old, one dark colored mule..." (Deed-1864, p. 679, book 21)

Hargrove, Israel W. to son Tazwell Hargrove. "...one Negro man Lawson about twenty eight years old, one Negro woman named Isabella, one dark coloured bay mare about eight years old, one bay horse about nine years old..." (Deed-1864, p. 678, book 21)

Hargrove, Hartwell to Israel Hargrove "I, Hartwell W. Hargrove as an agent of William R. Hargrove, of the county of (??) of the State of Texas sold unto Israel Hargrove Negro girl named Amanda..." (BOS-1853, p. 205, book 17)

Harris, Willis to Joseph McGehee. "... boy named Ned aged about fourteen..." (BOS-1830, p. 504, book 4)

Harris, David Senr. to his children. "...Mary about eleven years of age & Jane about eighty years of age..." (DOG-1830, pp. 235-236, book 4)

Harris, Ivey & Willis to Eaton H. Kittrell. "... Unity, Martha, Lucy, Abby, Peter, and Joe Pointer who were conveyed to me in trust by Absalom Davis..." (BOS-1830, p. 492, book 4)

Harris, David to Washington H. Thomas. "...one Negro girl Jane, about seven or eight years old..." (DIT-1829, pp. 58-59, book 4)

Harris, Hardy to George J. Reavis.." all my right title & interest in & to one Negro boy Nathan, all my right title & interest in & to one Negro woman Cheney..." [late father's estate]...(DIT-1841, p.282, book 10)

Harris, Willis to Robert B. Gilliam..." woman named Rachael & her infant child and her future increase..." (DIT-1840, p.210, book 10)

Harris, George A. to R. N. & D. C. Herndon. "...girl Lotty about thirteen years old." (BOS-1835, p. 233, book 7)

Harris, Willis to Jesse Kelly. "...a certain Negro slave named Ellick said to be about thirty six years of age." (BOS-1834, p. 250, book 7)

Harris, Hanson to Pheremond T. Long. "...a Negro woman Gilly..." (BOS-1844, p.109, book 13)

Harris, Willis to Benjamin F. Harris..."following Negroes, to wit, one Negro man Charles, aged about twenty two years; one Negro Gabe, aged about 20 years; Milley aged about 15 years; & Aggy about forty eight years..." (DIT-1841,pp.364-365, book 10)

Harris, Willis to James R. Duty..."Charles, Gabriel and Milly..." (DIT-1841, p.238, book 10)

Harris, Lawson to Robert T. Gregory.."one Negro man named Sampson, one named Alexander, one boy named George, one named Ned, one woman named Milly..." (DIT-1841, p.127, book 11)

Harris, Haburn & others to Washington H. Thomas. "...two Negro girls Mary and Jane..." (DIT-1832, pp. 307=308, book 5)

Harris, Willis to Thomas V. Duke..."a certain Negro slave by the name of Peter, a BlackSmith aged about thirty years..."(DIT-1840, pp.225-226, book 10)

Harris, Lawson to David L. Wilkerson... "man Sampson, Alexander, one boy George, and one old woman Milly..."(DIT-1840, p.74, book 10)

Harris, Andrew to John W. Vaughn. "...One Negro woman slave for life name of Cherry aged about forty six years, one Negro girl slave for life named Angelina aged about thirteen years..." (BOS-1854, p. 200, book 20)

Harrison, Robert to Archibald Davis. "... 6 Negroes, Abram, Frances, Stephen, Ann, Lewis, and Henry...all my interest of every description in my father & mother's estate..." (DIT-1850, p. 139, book 16).

Hart, Susan to James B. Daniel "...one Negro name named Bob about seventy years of age & one Negro man named Abram about eighteen years of age..."(DIT-1842, p.233, book 11)

Hart, Joseph to Rebecca Crenshaw [his daughter, in Giles Co. Tennessee]. "...the following Negro slaves, Dolly, Ritta and Mary..." (DOG-1826, p. 135, book 4)

Hart, James A.[of Henderson County,Tennessee] to Nancy Hart [late father John G. Hart, late grandfather James Hart, Sr.]. "...the following Negroes, Nancy, Lewis, Woodson, Lawson, Chaves & Caroline, being the Negroes which the said Nancy Hart and Joseph G. Barnett and his wife Mary secured under the will of said James Hart, Sr. during the lifetime of said Nancy Hart and Mary Barnett all of which will more fully appear by reference to the will of said James Hart, Sr...."(Deed, 1842, pp.129-130, book 12)

Hart, M. L. to Abraham W. Venable "...following Negroes, Martha, Stephen, Willis, Hellman, Ralph and Lucy." (DIT-1855, p. 473, book 18)

Haswell, John R. to Allen Bridges. "...one Negro woman named Peggy..." (DIT-1850, pp. 631-632, book 15)

Hatchet, Petronella [of Lunenburg Co. Va] to nephew, Archer Hatchett Gregory of Granville Co. "...Negro girl named Rebecca about nine years old..." ( DOG-1844, p. 522, book 12)

Hawkins, Frank [trustee of the property of Pro. E.A. Jones, offered at public sale to the highest bidder much land and personal property to John D. Hawkins. "...the following Negroes slaves who were offered one at a time and sold one at a time to the highest bidder, to wit, Adam, Guilford, Hampton, his wife Charity and three children... Caroline... Mary... Bellar... Cintha... all of which slaves were purchased by John D. Hawkins at the aforesaid prices together with their future increase, he being the highest and last bidder..." (Deed-1843, pp.216-218, book 13)

Hawkins, George [of Warren County] to William P. Hawkins "The foregoing deed was duly executed...Lucinda and her four children, Stella, Armstead, Curtis & Frederick, also Negro boys Sam and George..." (Deed-1852, p. 87, book 17)

Hawkins, Mary F. to William Hawkins. "...a certain Negro girl slave named Catherine about eight years old." (DOG-1853, p. 240, book 18)

Hayes, Samuel to Whitmell Hayes [his son]. "...girl by the name of Mary..." (DOG-1829, p. 224, book 4)

Hayes, Samuel & Elizabeth Parham [they intend to marry and the listed property is hers] to Donalson P. Paschall. "... four Negroes named Isaac, Judey, Lewis and Henry..." (Marriage contract or settlement- 1837, pp. 164-166, book 8)

Hayes, Samuel, Senr. to James Sims. "...one Negro boy by the name of Billy..." (DIT-1833, p. 538, book 5)

Hayes, John B. to John B. Hutchison. "...one Negro man named Jim, and one Negro man named Roger, and one Negro woman named Sarah, and one Negro child named Humphry, and one waggon..." (DIT-1834, pp. 288-289, book 6)

Hayes, William to Josiah Crudup. "...one Negro man named Bird..." (BOS-1835, p. 518, book 6)

Hayes, John B. to Jordan Denson of Franklin County. "... one mulatto girl by the name of Amy and her increase, one Negro girl by the name of Minerva, one Negro girl by the name of Rosetty, one ox cart..." (DIT-1832, p. 289, book 5)

Hayes, John B. to Jordan Denson of Franklin County. "... whereas a certain Negro boy by the name of Charles was also left out the former trust by an oversight..." (DIT-1833, pp. 510-511, book 5)

Heflin, James & wife Martha to John D. Bullock "...also Negroes Daniel, Jerry, Isbel, Alfred, Charity, Nancy, Charlotte, Lurcy, Nathan, Becky, Sally, Elias, & Eliza...said Negroes & last mentioned tract of land being in the possession of Mary Hester & said James & Martha Heflin at the death of said Mary Hester being entitled to one tenth of same..."(DIT-1842, pp. 470-472, book 11)

Heflin, James to Lewis Heflin. "... my interest in a parcel of Negroes now owned by Mary I. Hester by the name Daniel, Jerry, Isabell and Alford, Charity, Nancy, Garbel, Nathan, one tact of land..." (DIT-1831, pp. 507-508, book 4)

Heflin, James to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...the following Negroes, Daniel, Jerry, Isbel, Alfred, Charity, Nancy, Charlotte, Lucy, Nathan, Becky, Sally[?], Elias, Eliza, & Martha in which land and Negroes Mrs. Mary I. Hester has a life estate..." (DIT-1845, pp.499-500, book 13)

Henderson, A. E. to John Henderson. William Robards purchased: "... a certain boy named Oscar belonging to the estate of Leonard Henderson, dec'd..." [This is a "quit-claim"] (Deed-1836, p. 317, book 7)

Hendrick, Stephen to [grandsons] George & Alexander Hendrick [sons of John Hendrick]. "...Permilika I give to George & William I give to George Swan and Sally I give to Alexander. I also give to my son John...slaves now in his possession, to wit, Martha & Solomon..." (DOG-1846, p. 114, book 14)

Herndon, R. N. & D. C. to Jeremy Hilliard. "...Negro woman Chaney & her child Lewis... (BOS-1847, p. 347, book 14)

Hester, Isaac P. to Hamilton Hester.."...bargained, sold, and delivered unto the said Hamilton Hester one Negro girl named Mary Ann aged about eleven years.." (BOS-1842, #12, p.21, book 12)

Hester, Mary & others to David Winston. "...one Negro man named Jerry, one Negro man named Ataway..." (DIT-1830, pp. 265-266, book 4)

Hester, H. G. to Joseph & William Hester. "...my interest in the following property of ten Negro slaves, Daniel, Surry, Isbel, Alford, Charity, Nancy, Charles, Nathan, Lousa, Rubus?, Sally & Elias & the tract of land on which my mother Mary Hester now lives..." (BOS-1838, p. 489, book 8)

Hester, Hamilton to William Taylor. "...a Negro man named Alfred..." (BOS-1835, p. 449, book 6)

Hester, Robert to Joseph Howard. "...two Negroes, Miriah woman, and Bob her child two years old..." (DOG-1835, p. 424, book 6)

Hester, Mary I. to Eaton I. White. "... one Negro man named Daniel about thirty five years old..." (DIT-1830, p. 268, book 4)

Hester, Francis, G. to John Ellis. "...woman Lucy and her three children Moses, Martha & Abram. " (DIT-1849, p. 160, book 15)

Hester, Francis K. and Mary C. Allen to Lunsford A. Paschall. "Matthew and Franky..." (marriage contract. These were Mary C. Allen's slaves, 1851, p. 192-193, book 16)

Hester, Frances to Benjamin Cook. "...also the following slaves (to wit) one Negro woman by the name of Lucy about twenty five years of age and her two children Moses and Marthay and their future increase..." (DOT-1848, p. 408, book 14)

Hester, Elijah to William Flemming. "...a Negro woman named Louisa & her child Caroline, both in possession at this time of Dr. William Bonner of Leneala [?] Co., Tennessee..." (DIT-1850, pp. 573-574, book 15)

Hester, Elijah to William Flemming. "...three Negro slaves of the following names and description; Squire aged about forty-five, woman named Venus aged about thirty-six, and a girl named Hannah aged about eleven years..." (DIT-1850, pp. 559-561, book 15)

Hester, Frances to Augustus H. Cook. "...one Negro girl named Eliza between the ages of four & six years, one other girl named Arrenna aged between three & four years..." (DIT-1848, p. 415, book 14)

Hicks, Benjamin to James Hunt. "...girl Miney..." (BOS-1834, p. 73, book 7)

Hicks, James to Clement Wilkins. "... Jincey[?], Malissa, Preston, Mandy, Macklin & Easter..." (DIT-1842, pp.498-500, book 11)

Hicks, William to Jane [Jeane?] Tayloe [Talowe?]. "...girl by the name of Nutte..." (DOG-1814, p. 212, book 4)

Hicks, James [of Granville Co.] to James A. Hicks [of Wake Co],."...a certain parcel of Negro slaves, namely as follows, one woman about forty-two years of age and six of her children, Gincey, Malessa, Priston, Amanda, Macklin, Asberry, also one other woman Lucy and four of her children Julia, Linda, Henderson, & Henry also all my right and title as divised to my first wife Elizabeth Hicks..."(BOS-1844, p.481, book 12)

Hicks, Abner to Joseph Hicks [his son] "...my Negro man Edward" (DOG-1856, p. 113, book 19)

Hicks, Abner to Benjamin W. Hicks [his son] "...my Negroes Richard, William & Caroline..." (DOG-1856, p. 113, book 19)

Hicks, Abner to [his son] Samuel S. Hicks. "...a certain Negro man named Henry." (DOG-1849, p. 533, book 15)

Hicks, Abner to John B. Hicks [his son] "...my Negroes Milly, Jonathan, and Alfred" (DOG-1855, p. 112, book 19)

Hicks, George N. to John B. Hicks. "...three Negroes, to wit, Shack, Angeline & child Betsey..." (DIT-1849, pp.336-338, book 15)

Hicks, Edward H. to Thomas C. Hicks (among other things) "...the following slaves Lucinda, aged about twenty years with all her increase from the date hereof to hold into trust to pay off future debts if necessary" (Deed of conveyance, 1856, p. 614, book 18)

Hicks, Abner to Robert A. Hicks "...in consideration of the love and good will and affection which I have and do bear toward my son Robert A. Hicks of the County of Franklin, my Negro boys Essex and Nicholas..." (DOG-1855, p. 74, book 19)

Hicks, Abner to [his son] Robert A. Hicks. "...a Negro man Isaac..." (DOG-1849, p. 670, book 15)

Hicks, Abner to John B. Hicks. "...a certain Negro slave named Jim aged about eighteen years..." (DIT-1856, p. 110, book 19)

Hicks, Joseph M. to Jonathan Osborn. "...Negro slave Easter..." (BOS-1847, p. 472, book 14)

Hicks, Abner to Samuel Hicks [his son]. "...my Negro boy Henry and my Negro girl Ellen" (DOG-1855, p. 111, book 19)

Hicks, Thomas I. to Thomas C. Hicks. "...deliver to the said Thomas C. Hicks the following slaves to wit; Minney, aged about twenty one years and her child Bella; Hannah aged about eighteen years; Maria, aged about twelve years; and William, aged about twenty-six years." (DIT-1856, p. 616, book 18)

Hicks, Abner to Joseph M. Hicks [his son] "...my Negro man Allen and my Negro boy Edmond" (Deed-1855, p. 112, book 19)

Hicks, Abner to Daniel Stone. "...My Negroes Merinda and her two children Arthur and Hannah" (DOG-1855, p. 597, book 18)

Higgs, Allen H. & wife Eliza to Theophelus A. Sale of the district of Abberville and state of South Carolina. "...a certain Negro woman slave named Betty, aged 21 years, and her two children boy George & Gebl[?] Emma, to have and to hold the above named Negro slaves and their future increase..."(BOS-1845, p.326, book 13)

Higgs, Allen H. & wife Eliza, to Theophelus A. Sale ... district of Abberville and State of South Carolina. "...the following Negroes and their future increase[viz] man Jeffrey & girl Laura [valued at one thousand dollars]. (Deed-1845, pp.324-325, book 13)

Higgs, Allen H. to James B. Peace."...Jack, Ephraim, George, Luke, Silas, Beck, Franky, Patty, Jim, Ceasar, Martha, Rosetta, Major and Kemp...all of which Negroes are divided to him through his mother, Susannah Higgs..." (DIT-1836, p.56-57, book 7)

Higgs, Susannah to John B. Moore. "...three Negroes Abram, Minny & Neverson..." (DIT-1838, p. 240, book 8)

Higgs, Southern...estate division..1835, p. 7, book 7)  to the widow...(not named)
Dudley 25 yrs. $850
Stewart 40 yrs. 700
Anderson 13 yrs. 500
Eliza 15 yrs. 600
Patsey 18 yrs. 575
Lettey (21 yrs and child, 8 mo.) $725
Martha 5 yrs. 300
Becca 3 yrs. 200
Willie 5 yrs. 250
Lot #1 to representative of John Higgs
Ransome 21 yrs 850
Frankey 17 yrs. 600
Lot #2 to representative of Kenelin Higgs
Granville 37 yrs. 700
Hannah 36 yrs. 300
Dorcas 34 yrs. 375
Lot #3 to Casandra White
Daniel 20 yrs. 850
Crecy Ann 8 yrs. 400
Lot #4 to Leonard Higgs
Charles 56 yrs.(unsound) 250
Washington 9 yrs. 450
Peggy 48 yrs. 150
Parthena (no age) 300
Eady 4 yrs. 225
Lot #5 to Daniel Johnson and wife
Isham 7 yrs. 400
Fanny 25, and child Peter,18 mo. $700
Caroline 4 yrs. 225
Lot #6 to Green Stanton and wife
Mary 15 yrs. 550
Aggy 23 yrs.and her child, Betsey 1 yr. - $650
Delphy 5 yrs. 300
Lot #7 to Nelly Johnson
Viney 21 yrs., and child 6 mo. - #650
Anaka and two children Alexander & Isabella (no ages) $550
George (no age given) 300

Higgs, Susannah to Woodson and Kenelen H. Higgs. "...sixteen Negro slaves (to wit) Zack, Ephraim, George, Cilas, Luke, Beck, Lucy, Franky, Pat, Jim, Ceasar, Martha, Sally, Rose, Major and Rowan..."...with the condition that she remain in possession of slaves and land for the remainder of her life. (Deed-1841,pp278-280, book 11)

Hilliard, Dandridge B. and wife Elizabeth to Stephen Beasley. "...one Negro woman named Sooky..." (DIT-1844, pp.152-153, book 13)

Hilliard, Dandrige B. to David Overby."...the interest I now have in and to the value of two Negroes (to wit) Tom & Hannah hired to me for and during the present year, Tom from Morris Hare and Hannah from Reuben Flemming..."(DIT-1843,pp.159-160, book 12)

Hilliard, Dandridge B. to John. Overby."... one Negro man named Harray..." (DIT-1844, p.501, book 12)

Hilliard D. B. to Lewis D. Burwell. "...my Negro woman Sooky about 19 years old..." (DIT-1842, pp.325-326, book 11)

Hillyard, Betsey to Mary A. Hillyard [her daughter]. "...my Negro man Granderson..." (BOS-1837, p. 401, book 8)

Hobgood, John Senr. & wife, Martha to John Hobgood Junr. "... their interest in the estate of Thomas Goss... namely, John, Cambridge & John, Hannah & Clory..." (Conveyance-1828, pp. 119-120, book 4)

Hobgood, Joseph D., to Samuel Hunt. "...a certain Negro boy slave named Moses about fourteen years old" (Deed-1853, p. 171, book 18)

Hodge, William H. to Henry & Lucy Taylor "my wife's brother and sister of the half blood". "...Jesse, Henry, Jim, Nelson, Lum, and Joe, Suckey with her children William, John, Eliza, Jim and Lucy - Judy with her children Washington, Eliza, and an infant -..." (BOS-1829, p. 64, book 4)

Hodge, William H. to Archibald E. Henderson. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Sam, Abel, Jesse, Aaron?, Brandy, Caswell, Easly, Crassay?, Priscilla and her children Frederick, Mary, Edmond, Ben, Polly, William, Kijiah, Hannah, Leslie, Matilda and the rest of her children, Sally and her children Chenny, Charity, Essex?, Frankey and Mimmy, Patience and her children Violet, Martha, Willis, Dianna, James and Nicholas, Betsey and her children Jacob, Stephen, Lewis, and her youngest child Mourning and her children Peggy, Mary and Grandison, Nancy and child Maria and her children Burwell and Charles, Biddy and her children Sally, Henrietta, William, Martha, Dafney and George, Hannah the daughter of Rachel, Stiller, Billy and Hannah and her four youngest children, and Eve and all her children, to have and to hold..." (DIT-1834, pp. 281-282, book 6)

Hodge, Ann D. to James Hodge. "...woman Kiziah and her child Elizabeth" (Receipt-1858, p. 714, book 19)

Hodge, March B. to James B. Hodge. "...for girl Emily..." (BOS-1858, p. 227, book 20)

Hodge, James B. to James Duty. "... purchase of Negro girl named Lucy." (BOS-1860, p. 528, book 20)

Hogg, Gavin [Raleigh] & others [T. B. Littlejohn] to Joseph B. Littlejohn [Oxford] & Lewis P. Williamson [Tennessee]. "and the slaves following, viz, a mulatto woman Nancy of the age of twenty six years & her children,, to wit, Henry of the age of seven years & Peter of one year, also Phillis a woman of the age of forty five years, Jerimy a man of the age of twenty two years, & Eliza of the age of seven years, upon trust to hold..." [later in the same document...] " also Negro woman Nancy aged about 30 years at 250 dollars, Negro boy Henry (her child) aged about 11 years at 250 dollars, Negro boy Peter (also her child) aged about 5 years at 150 dollars, Negro girl Lucy aged about 5 months (also her child) at 50 dollars & Negro girl Eliza aged about 11 years at 200 dollars, also Negro woman Phillis aged about 49 years at fifty dollars..." (DIT-1829, pp. 132-137, book 5)

Holden, William W. to William Peace. [Holden was Administrator of the estate of Joseph Peace, dec'd, Wake County...a sale was necessary...18th day of November 1844 in the City of Raleigh] "...proceeded to sell...Martha about 27 years old, her infant, and her boy Charles aged about two years, Andrew about nine years old, Madison about eight years old, Judy about twenty five years old, and her child Lucy about two years old, Jim about seven years old, Preston about five years old and Slanley[?] about four years old..." (Deed of Conveyance-1845, pp.372-373, book 13)

Holloway, Samuel and wife Martha to David Overby. [the property came from William Holloway, deceased, late of Mecklenburg County, VA] "...consisting of slaves Brester, John and Landy". (BOS-1849,p. 146, book 16)

Holmes, William to David I. Young. "...a certain Negro woman named Mary about seventeen years of age..." (BOS-1838, p. 115, book 9)

House, Lindsey to James L. Strother. "...one slave, a Negro girl named Roxana, and aged about twelve years" (BOS-1857, p. 579, book 19)

Howard, Allen to Phebe Vass. "...four Negroes, viz, a woman Nancy and her boy child Booker, a boy Jesse and a girl Lucy Ann..." (DOG-1835,p. 423, book 6)

Howard, Thomas to James Gooch. "...one Negro man named Henry, one Negro man named Stepney & his wife Annaca..." (DIT-1840, pp. 520-521, book 9)

Howard, Thomas to Simeon Cozort. "...woman by the name of Kizzy aged about twenty three years..." (BOS-1837, p. 150, book 8)

Howard, Allen to Joseph Lunsford [of Person County]. "...two Negro boys by the names of Jesse & John..." (BOS-1835, p. 516, book 6)

Howard, Solomon to Joseph Lunsford..."Negro slave named Jane aged about thirteen years.." (BOS-1839,p.205, book 10)

Howard, Thomas to Howel G. Pittard. "...one Negro Step and his wife Anakey, Negro boy Doctor, Negro woman Nancey, and Negro boy Abraham and Negro boy Henry..." (DIT-1837, p. 388, book 7)

Howard, B. D. to Joseph Howard "...one Negro man named Bryant aged about eighteen years" (BOS-1857, p. 521, book 19)

Hudson, John to David Overby. "...one Negro boy name Kit which ...as a legacy from my father's estate..." (DIT-1845, p.200, book 13)

Hudson, Cephus, to Anson Cretcher. "...a Negro man named Jack, aged forty three years" (BOS-1856, p. 438, book 21)

Hudson, Cephus to Anson Cretcher. "...a Negro man named Friday aged thirty three years" (BOS-1856, p. 437, book 21)

Hughes, Lucy to W. W. & Thomas C. Hughes... release of claim to land in return for lifetime use of slaves "Negro boy Henry, three Negroes, Mary, Amanda, and Washington" (Deed-1857, p. 355, book 19)

Hunt, James to William Hunt. "...woman Peggy, Negro girl Rhody, and Negro boy Charles..." (BOS-1838, p. 122, book 9)

Hunt, David [of Franklin Co] to James A. Crews [his son-in-law]. "...a certain Negro woman & five children whose names are as follows, Leate aged thirty three years, Zena age ten, Vina age eight, Arrena age six, Indianna age two, Daniel age three months..." (DOG-1839, p. 345, book 9)

Hunt, William to Portius Moore. "...also the following Negroes, to wit, one Negro woman by the name of Margaret otherwise called Peggy about the age of thirty six or seven and two children Rody of the age of six or seven ,and Charles of the age of five..."(BOS-1838, pp. 119-120, book 9)

Hunt, William to James Hunt. "...all my interest in my father's [Samuel] estate which my mother [Sarah] has in her possession... three Negro men, one by the name of Edmond supposed to be about forty three years of age, Joe thirty nine & Squire son on Easter supposed to be about twenty four or five years of age, also three Negro women, one by the name of Easter about forty five or six years of age & Milley her daughter about twenty two or three years of age, Eliza eighteen, Lethy five daughter of Easter & her daughter Leany & Caroline which makes nine Negroes & their increase..." (BOS-1837, p. 86, book 8)

Hunt, John (who had entered into a marriage contract with Lethe Johnson of Franklin County) to Elisha Overton. "...Rose and her sons Charles and Joe...[these were the property of Lethe]...the following Negroes, viz - Charles, Joe and Susan the children of the above named Rose, and Hanah the child of Susan, that is to say, all the said John Hunt's right title and interest in, and to, said Negroes conveyed to him by the ...contract aforesaid...[Overton is to] hire out the Negroes aforesaid or if it shall be found necessary, to sell the boy Joe or any part of said Negroes..."(DIT-1843, pp.300-301, book 12)

Hunt, Groves to John W. Hunt."... one Negro girl named Arrena, one boy named William and one boy named Henry..." (DIT-1841,pp.361-362, book 10)

Hunt, James to Spencer O'Bryant. "...one Negro man named Howel aged about 45 or 50 years..." (DIT-1838, pp. 515-515, book 8)

Hunt, John to Isham Cheatham. "...all interest in the following Negroes, Charles, Lew and Susan?..." (DIT-1838, p. 503, book 8)

Hunt, James to Edward Burton. "... woman Peggy supposed to be thirty six years of age, Negro girl Redy seven years old & Negro boy Charles four years old..." (DIT-1838, pp. 491-492, book 8)

Hunt, William to Indiana P. Hunt [his niece]. "...girl by the name of Martha aged about twelve months..." (DOG-1839, pp. 324-325, book 9)

Hunt, Groves to Hamilton Hester. "...the following property, viz, one Negro woman named Rhody and her three youngest children Caroline, Fanny & infant (not named) & a Negro boy Davy and a girl Arerra[?]..." (DIT-1842, p.187, book 12)

Hunt, Samuel Sr. to Robert Kyle. "...one Negro boy by the name of Isaih about the age of seven years..." (BOS-1842,p.457, book 11)

Hunt, Thomas to William Philpott. "...man named Isham..." (BOS-1826, p. 162, book 4)

Hunt, John to Samuel Downey. "... man Peter..." (BOS-1830, p. 491, book 4)

Hunt, Samuel to Thomas W. Norman. "...one Negro boy by the name of Horace, one Negro girl by the name of Ritta, and one Negro girl by the name of Mary..." (DIT-1834, p. 279, book 6)

Hunt, John to William H. M. Birchett. "... one Negro man named Dick about thirty years of age, one Negro man named Fed about fifty years of age, one Negro woman named Lucy and her child ..." (DIT-1831, pp. 502-503, book 4)

Hunt, John to William A. Maddox. "...man named Dick about twenty nine years of age, one Negro man named Fed about fifty years old, my interest in a Negro woman named Lucy between twenty and thirty years of age..." (DIT-1830, pp. 402-404, book 4)

Hunt, John to Salley E. Hunt [his daughter]. "...two Negroes, viz, Julian aged nine years the sixth day of November next, and Stephen aged five years the first day of July next..." (DOG-1831, p. 110, book 5)

Hunt, John to Mary Ann Andrews [his daughter]. "...three Negroes, viz, Jane aged nine years old, Charles aged five years, Eady aged four years, together with their future increase..." (DOG-1831, p. 109, book 5)

Hunt, Thomas T. to William V. Taylor. "...four Negro slaves, viz, Kissy, Wesly, Frances and Phill..." (BOS-1829, p. 521, book 6)

Hunt, John to James Hunt. "...one Negro woman by the name of Charity and her two children Sam & Milly, the said Negro woman Charity is about twenty six years of age and her son Sam is about six years of age and her daughter Milley is one year old sometime this last summer, slaves now in my possession..." (Deed-1830, p. 153, book 5)

Hunt, William & others to Lambert Huddleston. "...Negro girl named Mary..." (DIT-1841, p.75, book 11)

Hunt, Thomas T. to Edmund Townes. "...ten slaves, as follows acquired through my wife Mary I. Hunt and given to her as a loan by the late Sally Smith...Mason, a woman about 45 years old; her daughter Levinia about 15 years old & her son Hillmon about 10 years old; also Davy, her grandson ; also Nancy, a woman about 38 years old; her daughter Sally about 15 years old; her daughter Unity about 12 years old; her son Howell, about 11 years old; her son Rufus about 5 years old; and her daughter Harriet about 3 years old..." (BOS-1841,p.90, book 11)

Hunt, Samuel, Senr. to Robert Kyle "...one Negro woman by the name of Massee forty seven years old..." (BOS-1842,p.450, book 11)

Hunt, John R. to Eaton Davis. "...all my individual interest in the following Negroes, man Charles about fifty years old, woman Susan twenty-three years old, and four children Hannah, Jane, Andrew, the youngest name not know now under the care and control of Peyton Duke ..." (DIT-1849, pp. 481-482, book 15)

Hunt, Absolorn to Eliza Hunt. "...a certain Negro child named Emma, aged about four years" (DOG-1861, p. 373, book 21)

Hunt, Absolorn to Richard H. Hunt. "...a certain Negro man Mirrica aged about thirty years" (DOG-1861, p. 374, book 21)

Hunt, David A. to C. W. Lynum. "...Charles, Susan, Hanner, Jane, Susan, Andrew, one other Negro child the name not recollected..." (DIT-1849, pp. 473-474, book 15)

Hunt, Absolom to John Kelly for his daughter Adelia."...a certain Negro slave named Susan, a girl about fourteen years of age ..." (Deed, May 1, 1854, p. 88, book 18)

Husketh, Archibald to Thomas Bridges. "...four Negroes namely one woman Feubuy[?], age about seventy years old, Rodey age about twenty five years old, one small girl Agee about three years old, one boy age about eight months old, which slaves I warrent to be of sound mind and considerable health" (BOS-1860, p. 328, book 21)

Huskey, Archibald to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Mary, Henry, Candis, John & Ellick, in trust nevertheless..." (DIT-1845, pp.322-323, book 13)

Husky, Archibald to William R. Huskey."...one Negro girl by the name of Lindy..." (DIT-1843, p.348, book 12)

Jackson, Ezekiel to Polly Jackson & others. "...one certain Negro woman named Tabby and her child Mima... nevertheless under the following incumbrance having been heretofore conveyed to Demitrus E. Young in trust to secure the payment of a debt due to David I. Young..." (Deed-1830, p. 112, book 5)

Jackson,. Ezekiel to Demetrus E. Young [for David I. Young]. "...a Negro woman named Tabby and her child Mima..." (DIT-1829, pp. 281-282, book 4)

Jeffreys, Senr. William to Thomas King. "...one girl by the name of Avey..." (BOS-1828, p. 32, book 5)

Jeffreys, Elizabeth to Dennis Paschall. "...woman by the name of Louseanna about sixteen years of age & her child William about fourteen months old..." (BOS-1843, p.121, book 13)

Jeffreys, Elizabeth to James Blackly. "...one Negro girl named Winny..." (DIT-1839, p. 102, book 9)

Jeffreys, Elizabeth to Samuel H. Jeffreys. "...a certain Negro boy slave called and known by the name of Mack." (BOS-1847, p.272, book 16)

Jeffreys, Elizabeth to Littleton Jeffreys. "...a certain Negro girl named Nancy about thirteen years old." (DOG-1854, p. 67, book 19)

Jeffreys, Elizabeth to Samuel H. Jeffreys [her nephew]. "...Avaline, Stephen, Winney, and their future increase...retaining to myself a life estate in said Negroes." (Deed-1849, pp. 272-273, book 16)

Jeffreys, H. G. to H. K. Landis. "...my interest in the estate of Elizabeth Jeffreys one slave Winny, one slave Emerline, one slave Stephen, one slave Rubian[?], and one slave William and their increase" (BOS-1860, p. 585, book 20)

Jenkins, Joseph to Jonathan Jinkins. " the following slaves, Roger, Anderson, Fenby?, Sall, & Lucy all of which are now in my possession..." (DIT-1832, pp. 314-315, book 5)

Jenkins, Robert A. to Nathaniel M. Norwood. "...Negro Philis about 30 years old and her child Edmund 3 years old, girl Jane about 10, boy Henry about 8, boy Jim about 6, woman Harvall about 22 & child Sally about 12 mo. old, boy Bob about - -& girl Seved about 40 years old, also Hannah and her three children the oldest a girl named ----the second named George & the youngest an infant not yet named. And also Negro man Frank about 27 years old. To have and to hold the said several Negroes free from the claim or claims of all persons whatsoever..." (DIT-1848, p. 63, book 15)

Jenkins, Rob and Mary to Benjamin Norwood. "...Amy, Milly, child, Elvira and Peter..." (Deed-1853, p. 124, book 17)

Jinkens, David T. to John B. Newsom. "...Negro girl by the name of Patsey..." (BOS-1831. p.14, book 13)

Jinkins, Robert to Nathaniel Macon of Warren County. "...woman named Jenny and her daughter a Negro girl named Betty..." (BOS-1831, p. 62, book 6)

Jinkins, Mary to Henry W. Jones. "...did on the 29th of Dec. 1831, at publick auction sell a Negro girl by the name of Prudence about seven years old..." (BOS-1833, p. 67, book 6)

Jinkins, John to James Jinkins [his son]. "...slave named Mary now about six years, seven months of age..." (DOG-1829, p. 63, book 4)

Jinkins, Robert to Robert Davis. "...Harray about 30 years of age, Ned, James, Washington, Palmer, Howel, Deck, Fravis[?], Nancy, and child Amey, Hannah Ann or Anica, and Henderson, and their increase..." (DIT-1842,pp.518-521, book 11)

Jinkins, Robert to John A. Downey. "...Harry about thirty years of age, Ned twenty five, Jim twelve, and Washington ten..." (DIT-1842, p.453, book 11)

Jinkins, John W. to David Winston. "... also Negro slaves Tabitha, Lethe, Tom & Martha..." (DIT-1831, pp. 448-449, book 4)

Jinkins, David to Anderson Walker. "...a Nigrow girl by the name of Patsey..." (DIT-1831, pp. 480-481, book 4)

Jinkins, David T. to Woodson Blackley. "...Negro woman named Patsey..." (DIT-1841, p.218-220, book 10)

Jinkins, David to Jas. Blackley. "...one Negro girl Patsey & one bay mare five years old..." (DIT-1837, p. 57, book 8)

Johnson, Thomas to R. H. Read. "...one Negro man named Hawkins & two Negro boys Robert and William." (DIT-1842, pp.316-317, book 11)

Johnson, Stephen to Ferrayman T. Long. "...a certain Negro girl Chacy[?] born the 14th February, 1838..." (BOS-1844, p.282, book 13)

Johnson, Charles to Thomas Taylor. "...all my right, title, and interest which I have to the two Negroes Sam and John. (Deed-1836, p. 212, book 7)

Johnson, William [as administrator of Elizabeth Johnson, dec'd, of Roberson County, Tennessee] to Rebecciah Higgs. "...four Negro slaves named as follows, Fanny, a woman and her three children Isham, Caroline and Peter..." (BOS-1836, p. 164, book 7)

Johnson, Mathew V. to N. N. Southall.."all right title and interest in Goodwin Smith, dec'd estate...one Negro woman Minny, one boy Collins, and one girl Lucy..." (DIT-1841, p.284, book 10)

Johnson, Stephen to his children Mary G. Minnis, Martha I. Johnson, Sally A. Johnson, Celistia R. Johnson, Drucilla F. Johnson & Lucindia A. Johnson. "...to my above named children the following named Negroes (to wit) Jinny, Solomon, Moses, Louisa, Lucy, Nancy, William, Pamelia, Joe, and an infant (Jinny's youngest child) and Oney, and Haywood, for their proper use and benefit..." (DOG-1842, p.457, book 11)

Johnson, Thomas to John Reed. "...one Negro boy Robert eight years and ditto William six years old & one Negro man named Hawkins about twenty years old..." (DIT-1838, pp. 452-453, book 8)

Johnson, Ann [Charlotte County, Virginia] to James E. Allen [her grandson]. "...woman named Anna about twenty one years of age and her three children with their future increase..." (On loan-1831, p. 81, book 5)

Johnson, R. I. [as trustee for James Woodson of Guilford County] to John T. Sanford. This deed is very confusing because it states that a William M. Ellington was the last and highest bidder, at the Rockingham Court House. It also spells one name three different ways in the same document, i.e., Sanford, Sandford, Sandfield. Nevertheless, the slaves named were "...Lucy, John, Harriet, Hannah, George, William, Henry, Peter, Abram, Jim & several others with names not then recollected, to wit, Bob, Lucinda, Martha (and a child of Hannah lately born and not named)." The original deed of trust was from James Woodson to Reuben Johnson in 1849. See also deed on page 336 of Woodson and Woodson to Sandford. (BOS-1850, pp. 335-336, book 16)

Johnson, Ann to [her daughter] Matilda Nuttall. "...woman Martha about 25 years old, Caroline her daughter about two, also a boy child about eight months old..." (DOG-1847, p. 296, book 14)

Johnston, William to George W. Blacknall. "...certain Negro slave named Kit, aged about 23 or 24 years" (Mortgage-1860, p. 91, book 21)

Jollie, William I. & wife to John Bullock. "...the following Negro slaves (viz) Patience, Margaret, and Rachael..." (DIT-1851, p. 405, book 16)

Jones, Everard to James Wyche. "...also the following slaves, to wit, Jim, Stephen, Anthony, Isam, Ben, Jacob, Nancy, Harriet & her children Sam & Betsey, Hannah & her children Robert & William, & Martha together with the future increase of the females..." (DIT-1831, pp. 514-515, book 5)

Jones, Jonathan to Marquis Lafayette Jones [his son]. "... woman named Rhoda & her child named Hubbard..." (DOG-1830, p. 292, book 4)

Jones, Robert to D. E. Young."...full payment for one Negro girl Peggy..." (BOS-1842, p.195, book 12)

Jones, Ruffin T. to Samuel Rogers. "...Negro boy Bill about twenty years of age..." (BOS-1843, p.311, book 12)

Jones, Leuellin to Thomas A. Marrow [for his wife Ann Jones]. "...Isaac a boy about six years old, Abby a girl about twelve years old, Lucy a girl about ten years old, and Adelaine a girl about five years old..." (Agreement-1837, pp. 485-486, book 8)

Jones, Fowler to Samuel Forsyth. "...a certain Negro man by the name of Toney ...$470" (BOS-1820, p.35, book 7)

Jones, Protheus E. A. to Frank Hawkins. "...and the following Negro slaves, to wit, Jim, Jeffry, Gilford, Mark, William, Harrment?, Armistead, Hampton, Hanner & her children & their future increase, Silvey and all her children & their increase, Edny and all her children & their future increase, Charity... Lucy, Mary, Caroline, Edmund & Cynthia ..." (DIT-1840, pp. 503-505, book 9)

Jones, Amos T. to Samuel Duty."...also three Negroes to wit, Jane[?], Isaac, and Adaline[?]..." (Deed-1843, p.137, book 12)

Jones, Leuellin to Thomas F. Marrow. "...seven Negro slaves, to wit, Peter a man aged about twenty five years, Sterling a boy aged about eighteen years, Dillard? a boy aged about thirteen years, Isaac a boy aged about six years, Abby a girl aged about twelve years, Lucy a girl aged about ten years and Adeline a girl aged about five years..." (BOS-1837, p. 468, book 8)

Jones, Lewellin to Robert Jones Junr. "... the following Negroes, to wit, Dilsey, Peter, Starling, Caroline, Abby, Betty, Isbel, Adaline, Phillis, & Milly..." (DIT-1832, p. 274, book 5)

Jones, Robert, Jr. to George Reavis."...Jinney (Negro woman) man Fed, man Essex, boy Caswell, boy Orange, girl Jane, boy Buck, little girl Sally, girl Catharine, woman Hannah, man Arthur, boy Nolly, boy Andrew, Chaney a gril, Daphney a woman, Lethe girl, James a man, Harry a man, Britten a man, Gloster, a man, and all the increase of the said slaves..." (DIT-1841, pp.169-171, book 11)

Jones, Reuben to William Jones of Butts Co. GA. "one Negro man by the name of Roger..." (BOS-1828, p. 32, book 6)

Jones, Isaac to Shepard K. Kollock. "... the following Negro slaves, to wit, Sarah aged about 45 years, Letty aged about 20 years & her children Emily & Sarah, Lucy aged about 35 years, Harriet aged 18 years & her child Anderson, Bridget aged 16 years & her two children Louisa & [blank space], Sarah aged 14 years, John aged 11 years, Mary aged 9 years, Prudence aged 7 years, Christian 5 years, & Robert aged about two years..." (BOS-1828, p.. 40, book 5)

Jones, Henry W. to James Currin. "...grant unto James Currin & his wife Susan, my daughter, one Negro girl by the name of Martha, ten years old the 21st of June next..." (DOG-1844, p.169, book 13)

Jones, Gabriel to John Puryear. "... about the year 1822 ... Negro woman by the named Scilla [who was] about 18 or 19 years of age..." (BOS-1831, p. 223, book 5)

Jones, Protheus E. A. to Frank Hawkins. "...thirty three Negroes, to wit: Jim, Jeffry, Guilford, Mark, Wiliam, Hammit, Armistead, Hampton, Hanner and all her children and their future increase; Silvy and all her children and their future increase; Edny and all her children and her and their future increase, Charity and all her children and their future increase; Lucy, Mary, Adam, Caroline, Edmund & Cynthia; also big Hanner and her child and their future increase & one third of a Negro carpenter in the possession of Col. Thomas Rix [?]..." (DIT-1842, pp.184-185, book 11)

Jones, Henry W. to Benjamin F. Jenkins & wife Nancy, my daughter. "...one Negro girl by the name of Rose fourteen years old 17th of April next, which Negro is valued by myself to be worth three hundred & twenty-five dollars at this time..." (DOG-1846, p. 666, book 15)

Jordan, William H. to Jonathan A. Tayloe of Bertie Co. "...the following slaves namely Jeff aged about thirty one years, Stephen aged about thirty, Ben aged about twenty one, Brad aged about eighteen, and Willis aged about seventeen years, to hold the same upon trust..." (DIT-1830, pp. 261-262, book 4)

Jordan, William W. [state of N.C.] to William H. Jordan [State of Gerogia] "$4,050 in payment of the following Negro slaves one man named Henry, one man named Stephen, one woman named Mary and her child Worley, and one woman named Margarett" (BOS-1862, p. 486, book 21)

Kean, Phebe to George Burns. "...a certain Negro boy slave named Henry aged about nineteen years..." (DIT-1835, p. 490, book 6)

Kean, Phebe to George Burns. "...one Negro boy (slave) named George aged eleven years, also one other Negro boy (slave) named Moses aged nine years..." (DIT-1835, pp. 478-479, book 6)

Kean, Thomas & P. to John Devereux. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Louisa aged about twenty eight, Isaac her son aged about seven, Hampton her son aged about five, Suckey her daughter aged about four, and Hannah her daughter and about two... [that he] may sell & dispose of the said Negroes at such time as he may think proper..." (BOS-1835, p. 442, book 6)

Kean, Phebe & Thomas H. to the Executors of the estate of Moses Griffin. "...boy Stephen about twenty years of age, Lawson [John?] sixteen years old, Henry sixteen years old, Ivan? eleven years old, Nancy thirteen years old, Juliet thirteen years old, Iris? ten years old, Ann nine years old, Luna twenty years old and her child Susan three years old..." (DIT-1832, pp. 284-285, book 5)

Kelly, Jesse to John Kelly [his son]. "...a certain Negro slave named Moses a boy about sixteen years old valued at one thousand dollars." (DOG-1859, p. 488, book 20)

Kimball, Abington to Zadock Rice. "...boy known by the name of Abraham..." (DIT-1838, p. 344, book 8)

Kinball, Abington to Lunsford Kinball. "...Bartlett, Lucindy, Frank, Abram, Lucy, Selsey, Easter ..." (DEED-1840, pp.399-400, book 10)

Kittrell, Jonathan to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...Robert, aged about thirteen years, Bryant about eleven years, Henry about nine years, Commodere aged about seven years, and girl Cass about five years." (DIT-1836, p. 112, book 7)

Kittrell, Jonathan to R. B.Gilliam. "...Robert, aged about 13 yrs., Bryant about 11 years, Henry about 9 yrs., Commodore, 7 yrs, girl Cass about 5 yrs..." (DIT-1836, p.2, book 7)

Kittrell, Jonathan to Thomas D. Harris. "...two Negroes namely boy Commedore and girl Cas.." (DIT-1842, pp.522-523, book 11)

Kittrell, Abigail to William Montague. "...boy Lew..." [she was executrix of Fielding Kittrell] (BOS-1840, p.68, book 10)

Kittrell, George to Cliff Finch [Franklin County]. "...boy by the name of Hand[Hard?] about ten years of age..." (BOS-1833, p. 139, book 6)

Kittrell, William to Egbert B. Kittrell [his son]. "...one certain Negro boy by the name of Tom..." (DOG-1837, p. 75, book 8)

Kittrell, Jonathan to Isaac Cheatham..."one Negro boy Commedore about 11 years old, one Negro girl about 9 years old..." (DIT-1840,pp.26-27, book 10)

Kittrell, Jonathan to Thomas D. Harris. "...one Negro boy Commedore about 12 years old, one Negro girl Cas about 10 years old..." (DIT-1840, p.34, book 11)

Kittrell, Jonathan to Benjamin Harris. "...also one Negro boy Commodore aged about 16, also a girl Catherine aged about thirteen..." (DIT-1847, p. 209, book 14)

Knight, Woodson to Parker Stone & Richard Bullock. "... four... woman Sarah & child, one boy Phill twelve or fifteen years old...one boy Ben ten or fourteen years old... which I left in the possession of Benjamin Perry of Smith Co. Tennessee..." (BOS-1831, p. 496, book 4)

Knott, Francis to Bartlett Knott [his son]. "...Mymy, Allen, Jim, Nancy, Piety, Lizzy, & Mary..." (DOG-1830, p. 497,book 4)

Kollock, Shepard R. to Isaac N. Jones [married two sisters]. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Sarah aged 45 years, Letty aged 20 years & her two children Emily & Sarah - Lucy aged 35 years, Harriet aged 18 & her child Anderson - Bridget aged 16 years & her two children Louisa and William, Sarah aged 14 years - John aged 11 years - Mary aged 9 years - Prudence aged 7 years - Christian aged 5 years - & Robert aged 2 years..." (BOS-1828, p. 99, book 4)

Land, Branton to Robert H. Vass. "...one Negro woman Pleasant, one horse, (etc.)..." (DIT-1859, p. 199, book 20)

Land, Braxton to John A. Downey. "...one Negro woman named Pleasant ..." (DIT-1848, p. 87, book 15)

Landis, Augustin to William Dickerson. "...woman named Peggy & her child John..." (Deed-1837, p. 168, book 8)

Lanier, Robert to John Landers. "... one certain Negro woman named Jincey and three children Edmund, Tom & Cyrena..." (BOS-1829, p. 283, book 4)

Lassiter, William to Sarah Puryear. "...for the love and affection which I have and bear unto my beloved daughter...one Negro girl by the name Armelia, aged about three years. " (DOG-1835, p. 208, book 7)

Lassiter, James to John O'Brian. "... Negro slaves Isaack, Dorsey, Betsy and Henry and their increase which were ...bequeathed to me by the will of my late father Davis Lassiter" (BOS-l855, p. 333, book 18)

Lassiter, Elizabeth to Fabian A. Royster [her son-in-law]. "...six Negro slaves (to wit), Mary, Rosella, Pricilla, Micajah, Indianna & John..." (DOG-1851, p. 305, book 16)

Latham, Lyman to William Barnes [his father-in-law]. "..a Negro girl named Fanny aged about twelve or thirteen years... woman named Famer aged about fifty years, and a Negro girl named Becky aged about nine years..." (BOS-1837, p. 157, book 8)

Laurence, William to Charity Hester [his daughter]. "...woman by the name of Ginney..." (DOG-1831, p. 372, book 5, book 5)

Laurence, Abraham to Anna Cardwell [his daughter]. "...a certain Negro woman named Mary and her child Hannah..." (DOG-1835),p.203-4, book 10)

Lawrence, William to Lucy Ann Grisham [his daughter]. "...a certain Negro girl by the name of Nancy..." (DOG-1831, p. 222, book 5)

Lawrence, William to Martha M. Fletcher [his daughter]. "...a certain Negro girl by the name of Mariah..." (DOG-1831, p. 371, book 5)

Lawrence, William to William Lawrence, Jr. [his son]. "...girl by the name of Fanny..." (DOG-1832, p. 449, book 5)

Lawrence, William to John Lawrence [his son]. "...girl by the name of Marthy..." (DOG-1831, p. 397, book 8)

Lawson, Francis to James Gooch. "...one Negro man by the name of Banister and one girl by the name of Fenny." (DIT-1836, p. 193, book 7)

Legion, John [of Wake County] to Susan Fenner Hicks [his daughter]. "...Jacob, John, Charlotte, Rose, Ann, Serina, Davy, Clary & child Cornelia and Catherine..." (DOG-1846, p. 77, book 14)

Lemay, John to Thomas Lemay. "... that is to say one Negro man called and known by the name of Charles about forty three years old, one Negro woman called and known by the name of Peggy about thirty five years old..." (DIT-1830, pp. 366-367, book 4)

Lemay, John P. to William and Joseph Peace. In 1827, Pleasant Peace executed a deed of trust to Joseph & William Peace of Raleigh, NC. "...Cooper, Pollalus, Sarah, Franky and Mary, of these only Pollalus, Mary and Franky & her two children Laura & William survive..." (BOS-1846, p. 144, book 14)

Lemay, John C. to James R. Duty. "...Ritter, Martha & three children (viz) Sarah, Lucy & Susan, Caty & two children (viz) Emeline & Edney..." (DIT-1850, pp. 701-702, book 15)

Levister, Davis to William R. Levister [his son] "...one Negro girl named Seller about fourteen or fifteen years old..." (DOG-1845, p.377, book 13)

Levister, Davis to George Levister. "...girl Myra aged about sixteen years..." (BOS-1845, p.430, book 13)

Levister, W. R. to R. T. Long. "...certain Negro slave woman by the name of Dorsey and her two boy children the oldest named Henry and the other named Joe" (BOS-1857, p. 538, book 19)

Lewis, Willis to Benjamin P. Thorp. "...slave named Nanny also Davy, Nancy, Buck, Frederick, Dimond, Henry, Cook and Frank" ...[results of a DIT between Lewis Green of the one part, the said Willis Lewis of the second, and the said Benjamin P. Thorpe of the third..] (BOS-1823,pp.19-20, book 10)

Lewis, Joseph to Drewry S. Marrow & others. "... Amelia, Peggy, Betsy, Hannah, Sharper[?], Fanny & Charlotte, which said slaves under the will of the late Elizabeth Marrow were bequeated to her daughter Nancy during her life in trust for the use and benefit of her ...[Nancy is now dead...also] "Negro boy Robbin ..." (Agreement-1840, #12, p.43, book 12)

Lewis, Joseph to Ann Wiggins [his daughter] two Negro girls named Sarah and Franky..." (DOG-1840, p.128, book 10)

Ligon, John to Thomas C. Hicks. "...two Negro boys Isaac & Lewis..." (BOS-1846, p. 80, book 14)

Littlejohn, Thomas B. to Roger P. Atkinson [his son-in-law]. "...a Negro woman slave named Mimah and her child Richard aged about eight years..." (BOS-1829, p. 99, book 4)

Littlejohn, Thomas B. to George Burns...received a bond for..."Negroes Lucy & her child Betsey, Baker, and Negro man James. Also Charles A. Nuttall's bond with security for Negro girl Fanny which said Negroes were sold as the property of John Nuttall, deceased, by me as commissioner appointed therfor..." (BOS-1839, p.145, book 12)

Littlejohn, Thomas B. [acting with power of attorney for the estate of William Hester, dec'd] to Isaac N. Jones. "...one Negro man slave named Ned aged about twenty one years, and one Negro girl slave named Mary aged about three and a half years..." (BOS-1829, p. 63, book 4)

Littlejohn, Thomas B. to Thomas B. Lewis. "...Robin, Pleasant, Reuben, & Davy..." (DIT-1836 p.12, book 10)

Littlejohn, Thomas B. to Isaac N. Jones [his son-in-law]. "...Billy [waggoner] little Billy, Joe [blacksmith], Wilson & Edmund..." (BOS-1829, p. 97, book 4)

Littlejohn, Thomas B. [acting for the legatees of William Hester, dec'd] to Howel Frazier. "...one Negro slave named Judah, and her child James..." (BOS-1828, p. 64, book 4)

Littlejohn, Thomas B. to John R. Hicks "...Negro slaves to wit; Pleasant, Reuben, Robin, Andrew, Milly, Franky and her children Caroline, Isabella, William, Frederick, and Alexander..." (DIT-1840, pp.85-86, book 10)

Littlejohn, Thomas B. to Isaac N. Jones. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Frank, Molly & her child Eliza Jane, Lucinda & her children Joe & Lucy..." Thomas Brown & John Nuttall quit claim to named slaves. (BOS-1829, p. 98, book 4)

Littlejohn, James to Lydia Dozier of Petersburg, Virginia. "...Negro man Miles a certain Negro girl named Alice, about twelve years of age..." (two deeds and/or bills of sale, plus land, 12 March 1858, pp. 624-626, book 19)

Litttlejohn, James T.(of the city of Raleigh) to Alexander T. Jones (of Mecklengurg County, VA) "...one Negro man by the name of Edmond, aged about 27 years - together with my interest in one other Negro (boy) by the name of Henry, aged 23 years..." (BOS-1841, p.221, book 10)

Longmire, William to Mitchell Satterwhite. "...one Negro man Jim, one gray mare, household and kitchen furniture..." (DIT-1840, pp. 437-438, book 9)

Longmire, William to Howel Pittard. "...one Negro man by the name of Jim supposed to be fifty years of age, one bay mare..." (DIT-1831, pp. 70-71, book 5)

Longmire, Elizabeth to [her daughter] Emily B. Green, wife of William Green. "...Negro girl by the name of Caroline aged fifteen years..." (DOG-1850, p. 757, book 15)

Longmire, Elizabeth to [her son] James Longmire [of Stewart Co., Tennessee]. "...two Negroes by name Pleasant and Jane, one grey horse called Jerry." (DOG-1848, p. 135, book 15)

Lynch, Benjamin W. to Francis Norwood of Person County. "...two Negro girls Sopha & America..." (DIT-1842,pp.229-231, book 11)

Lyon, Elizabeth to Nancey & John Flemming [her daughter]. "...woman by the name of Sally..." (DOG-1837, pp. 383-384, book 8)

Mageehee, Shemuel to James Shaw [of Franklin Co.] "...one Negro man by name Howel bequeathed unto my wife Jane Mageehee by her grandmother Mrs. Frances Cavender as by reference to her will..." (DIT-1849, pp. 251-252, book 15)

Maize, Jonathan [of Orange County] to Joseph H. Gooch, in trust for his daughter who had married Haywood Gooch. "...three Negro slaves, to wit, Ibby, Henry, and Amy..." (DIT-1851, p. 371, book 16)

Mallory, Charles to Ann Eliza Mallory [daughter of William I. Mallory]. "...Rositta, a girl aged nine years and Isaac a boy aged five years together with the increase of the girl." (BOS-1837, p. 418, book 7)

Mallory, Charles to Charles B. Nance & David Nance, children of John Nance...my two nephews by marriage..."one Negro woman named Easter about fifty two or three years of age..."(DOG-1843,p.224, book 12)

Mallory, Charles to Nancy R. Fairbank [his daughter in Tennessee] "Negro girl Emily, aged 14 or 15 yrs..." (DOG-1836, p.10, book 7)

Mallory, Charles to Fanny Nance [wife of John Nance]. "...Easter together with the increase of the said negrow woman Easter..." (DOG-1840,p.181-182, book 10)

Mallory, Elizabeth to Caroll Nash [her nephew]. "...one Negro slave Leeke, aged twenty nine years". (DOG-18-? p. 98, book 20)

Mallory, Elizabeth to John Nance & others. "...Frances and her son Henry and all the future increase of Frances" (DOG-1855, p. 468, book 18)

Mallory, Elizabeth to Elbert Nance and Virginia Nance. "...One Negro boy slave named Daniel about five or six months old" (DOG-1855, p. 469, book 18)

Maneer, William to Lewis F. Hicks. "...also one Negro woman slave named Bonitor? and her child a boy named John, also a Negro boy slave named Abram..." (DIT-1828, pp. 52-53, book 4)

Mangum, Samuel to Rebecca Freeman [his daughter]. "...one Negro woman by the name of Mary about sixteen years old..." (DOG-1861, p. 401, book 21)

Marrow, Elizabeth to her children Nancy, Drury, Esther, Elizabeth, Alexander & Thomas. "... the following Negro slaves, to wit, David, Molly, Jack, Caroline, Pheby, Watt, Ned & Lucy..." (DOG-1833;, p. 509, book 5)

Marrow, Elizabeth to all her children. "...Priscilla & her children namely John, James, Ann, Bonapart, Barnwell, Nancy, Aggy and Anthony..." (Conveyance-1833, pp.. 509-510, book 5)

Marrow, Drewry F. & others to Joseph Lewis."... a certain Negro boy named Robin now about five years of age..." for the use of Nancy Lewis. (Conveyance-1841, #12,p.44, book 12)

Marrow, Thomas to Daniel Clack. "...one Negro man named Peter [by profession a Blacksmith] aged about thirty five years..." (BOS-1833, pp.64-65, book 6)

Marrow, Drury S. to Mary A. Marrow [niece]. "...one Negro girl slave named Frances aged about seven years being the daughter of woman Nancy" (DOG-1857, p. 419, book 19)

Marrow, Drury to Richard Thorp. "...woman Ann Gibs aged about 27 years..." (BOS-1847, p. 236, book 14)

Marrow, Mary S. to Elizabeth D. Satterwhite [her niece] "one Negro girl named Ann, daughter of woman Nancy, aged about five years" (Deed-1857, p. 363, book 19)

Mayfield, Sally to Isaac Winston. "... one Negro girl known & called by the name of Ruthy about eight years of age or thereabouts..." (DIT-1831, p. 95, book 5)

McClanaham, S. L. to Adkin Ward. "...in full for purchase of Negro woman Nelly" (BOS-1859, p. 333, book 21)

McClanahan, William to Thomas Thompson. "...Richmond, aged 40 years, and Martha a girl aged about fourteen or fifteen.." (BOS-1837, p. 385, book 7)

McClanahan, William to Fanny Blacknall. "...and also the following Negroes, to wit, a man Jack & girl Dorcas..." (Marriage contract-1832, p. 437-438, book 5)

McClenahan, Frances to William Floyd. "...a certain Negro man named Jack (better known by the name of Jack Sawyer) aged about fifty five years old..." (BOS-1834, p. 398, book 6)

McCraw, Frances to James McCraw. "... five Negroes, viz, Mary & her four children namely Curtis, Harret, Armstead & Frederick..." (BOS-1829, p. 62, book 4)

McCraw, Frances to James McCraw. "...girl named Charity about sixteen years old..." (BOS-1829, p. 61, book 4)

McCraw, Francis M. to George Blacknall. "...two Negro servants by the names of Mary & Lew..." (Deed-1857, p. 649, book 19)

McGehee, William R. to John Y. McGehee. "...woman Lethy and girl Casandra..." (BOS-1847, p. 146, book 18)

McGehee, John Y. to William R. McGehee. "...all the right and title unto William R. McGehee, I, John Y. McGehee have in two Negroes left to me by Lemuel McGehee, deceased will, woman Hannah and boy Howell, for and in consideration as legatee of Lemuel McGehee dec'd..." (BOS-1849, p. 141, book 18)

McGraw, James M. [of Hall County, Georgia] to Joseph W. Hawkins [of Warren County, NC] "...the following Negro slaves, that is to say Curtis, Armistead, Frederick, and Harriet...for the sole and separate use of the said Sally McGraw [wife of Francis McGraw of Granville County, NC]". (Deed-1836, pp. 168-169, book 7)

McVey, John to McVey Chandler [his grandson]. "... after my death two Negro girls Matilda about thirteen years old and Lucy about ten years old and their increase..." (DOG-1831, p. 501, book 4)

Meadows, Hawkins to Dennis Tilly. "Negro girl, a slave named Amy and aged about twenty years old..." (BOS- 1854, p. 5, book 19)

Mecham, Samuel B. [trustee] to William D. Williams...Deeded the interest that Allen H. Higgs had in his father's estate, Negroes...unnamed and numbers unspecified...Williams was the highest bidder. Was Williams a slave trader? (BOS-1836, p. 296, book 7)

Melton, Henry [of Giles Co. Tenn.] to Stephen Beasly and Thomas Pool. There is a will of his brother Stephen Melton, in dispute. "...one Negro man named Beverly..." (Transfer-1828, pp. 125-126, book 4)

Miller, Henry [of the city of Raleigh] to John Eaton. "...a certain Negro girl named Harriett..." (BOS-1829, p. 65, book 4)

Miner, Henry to James Gill. "...one Negro woman by the name of Matilda, one Negro boy by the name of Andrew, one Negro woman by the name of Candis, one other woman by name of Matilda..." (DIT-1842, pp. 509-510, book 11)

Miner, Henry of the first part, and Thomas T. Hester of the second part, to Benjamin Williams of the third part "...a Negro boy by the name of Andrew, a Negro woman by the name of Candis..." (DIT-1842, p.490, book 11)

Minnis, James to William D. Allen. "... for Negro girl Elizabeth." (BOS-1852, p. 88, book 18)

Minor, David & Joseph to Lindon Philpot."...two Negroes Harrison & Amy..." (DIT-1843, pp.280-281, book 12)

Minor, John, Senior to Lucy Minor [his daughter]. " ...Negro man named Charles..." (DOG-1839,p.61, book 10)

Mitchel, Samuel to Jno. Lunsford [of Person Co.]. "...one Negro man by the name of Nick aged about forty four years ..." (BOS-1838, p.34, book 9)

Mitchell, Capt. Samuel to Thomas Sneed. "..."Negro woman Marurva & her two children Joe & Harriet; Marurva 18 years old, Joe 3 years old, & Harriett 16 months old..." (BOS-1841,p.502, book 10)

Mitchell, Gideon to R.N. & D. C. Herndon."...a Negro boy Frank..." (BOS-1843, p.286, book 12)

Mitchell, Willie to [his son] Ambrose Mitchell. "...Piety, Dave and Joshua which slaves I do not wish him to account for in the final division of my estate after my death..." (DOG-1853, p. 314, book 17)

Mitchell, Booker to William White [his son-in-law]. "...one boy William..." (DOG-1864, p. 736, book 21)

Mitchell, Willie to Calvin Mitchell [his son]. "Sarah and Caleb..." (DOG-1853, p. 315, book 17)

Mitchell, Willie to Willie Mitchell [his son]. "Allen and Erster..." (DOG-1853, p. 315, book 17)

Mitchell, Booker A. to John W. Mitchell [his son]. "...boy Sam..." (DOG-1864, p. 736, book 21)

Mitchell, Willie to [his son-in-law) Richard Holden [of Franklin Co.] "...three Negro slaves, viz, one woman by the name of Eliza of the age of twenty & her child Solomon & a boy by the name of George of the age of eight years..." (DOG-1848, p. 120, book 15)

Mitchell, Willie to his daughter Charlotte and son-in-law Richard Holding. "... Amey and Anderson..." (DOG-1853, p. 316, book 17)

Mitchell, Willie to [his son] Ambrose Mitchell. "...one Negro boy slave by the name of Soloman..." (DOG-1848, p. 118, book 15)

Mitchell, Willie to [his son] Willie Mitchell, Jr. "...two Negro slaves, a woman by the name of Mathew of the age of 14 years old and one girl by the name of Emily 8 years old..." (DOG-1848, p. 117, book 15)

Mitchell, Willie to [his son] Calvin Mitchell. "...three Negro slaves, a woman by the name of Mary of the age of twenty years & child Ellen & a boy by name of William of the age of eight years..." (DOG-1848, p. 119, book 15)

Montague, Young to (settlement of the estate of Robert Sharks [Shanks?], mentioning several slaves in the settlement. "...Phillis, Nathan, Susan & Tom to the widow...Nathan to William Shanks...John & Caroline to Robert Shanks...to Lucy, now wife of Washington Wilkerson Negroes Leloy & Farry ...to Susan now wife of Allen Gordon, Negro Judy ...to Mary now wife of Young Montague, Negro Tom ...to Elizabeth, now wife of George W. Pettard, Negro Susan ..." (1862, pp. 492-493, book 21)

Moore, Portius [of Person County and Executor of the estate of Elizabeth Pulliam] to Mary Butler, daughter of Elizabeth Pulliam. Moore paid in Negroes the money owed Butler. "... Molly, Eady, Amey, Peter & Edmund... [also transferred land] together with a Negro child named Phillis the child of the above named Eady..." (Transfer-1928, pp. 127-128, book 4)

Morris, Stephen to Kennon Parham. "...man Jacob, in the State of Virginia..." (BOS-1846, p. 237, book 14)

Moss, James to John Newton. "... three Negroes Candiss a woman about twenty six years of age, George about three years of age, and Henny about six months old..." (BOS-1826, pp. 497-498, book 4)

Moss, Benjamin to Daniel A. Paschall. "...a Negro woman by the name of Harriett and child by the name of Caroline..." (DIT-1842, p.514, book 11)

Moss, Franklin to Charles Floyd[?] and wife Louisa. "...woman Caroline and her four children Emely, Delila, Francis & Geneva with their future increase..." (DOG-1845, p. 57, book 14)

Munn, Alexander to William Bullock. "...all the Negroes left by my father to my mother...divided between my brother Franklin and myself... John, Frankey & Silvey... Creasia & other small children of Silvey there names not known by us at this time..." (BOS-1821, p. 259, book 4)

Murray, Thomas [of Charlotte County, VA] to Abner N. Jones of Granville County "...a certain Negro girl named Winney aged about thirteen years..." (BOS-1845, p.399, book 13)

Murray, Thomas of Charlotte County, VA. to his son James Murray of Granville County. "...one Negro boy by the name of Henry..." (BOS-1841, p.209, book 11)

Murray, Thomas to Thomas H. Murray [his son]. "...girl named Louisa of about the age of fourteen..." (DOG-1838, p. 113, book 9)

Murray, Thomas to James Murray [his son]. "...one Negro girl Caroline..." (DOG-1839, p. 440, book 9)

Murray, Thomas, Sr. to James Murray [my son]. "...Daniel & Hannah & their increase..." (DOG-1846, p. 240, book 14)

Murray, Thomas to James Murray. "...a Negro boy by the name of George..." (DOG-1846, p. 241, book 14)

Murray, Thomas to David Hayes [his grandson]. "...Negro boy Charles..." (BOS-1846, p. 238, book 14)

Murray, Thomas, Sr. to James Murray. "...Negro woman by the name of Phillis & her child Handy..." (BOS-1846, p. 239, book 14)

Murray, Thomas to David Hayes. "...Negro girl by the name of Mary Anderson..." (BOS-1846, p. 238, book 14)

Murry, Thomas H. to James Sims. "...girl named Louisa of about the age of 14..." (BOS-1838, p. 162, book 9)

Nance, John Jr. to Charles Mallory ."...one Negro woman named Easter, about fifty two years of age..." (BOS-1843, p.215, book 12)

Newton, John [of Mecklenburg County, VA] to his daughter Elizabeth Walker. "...two Negro slaves named Lucey aged about seventeen years and Negro slave child Bob about nine months old, the child of the said Negro slave Lucey..." (DOG-1861, p. 420, book 21)

Norman, Thomas W. to William B. Norman (his son). "...Boston[?], Jim, Lovelace, Grandison, Dolly, Matilda, Emeline,& Caly..."(DOG-1841, p.271, book 10)

Norman, Sally to Jesse Pittard [her nephew]. "...one Negro woman Lucy & her two daughters Amey & Milley..." (she was the daughter of George Norman (DOG-1829, pp. 221-222, book 4)

Norman, Laura [John Fullerton of the City of New York] to John Johnson. "... the following slaves Biddy, Phillis, old Fanny, Tom, Isham, Milly, Rhody, Harriet, Susan, Armstead, Stephen, Camel, Lewis, Robert, Emeline, Bryant, Rettn, Sandy, Charles, Doctor, Collier, & Nutty with their increase from the 16 November 1852 up to and from and after this time. To have and to hold the sum to him the said John Johnson his heirs and assigns in trust to and for the sole separate and inclusive use & benefit of the said Laura until and from and after the solemnization of the said marriage" (Marriage Settlement, DIT, November Court 1854, p. 221 later revoked, then made with Richard P. Taylor, p. 339 & 340, later still [1 Dec 1855] sold all claim to her father's estate to A.R. Burwell. Deed book 18))

Norward, Elizabeth to Nancy Pitchford. ...relinquishes her right in the slaves "...Amey, Milly & child, Elvira and Peter..." They were once the slaves of Benjamin Norwood and are named on other documents on pp. 121-125. (Deed-1852, p. 119, book 17)

Norwood, Rebecca to Thomas B. Barnett. "...one Negro boy named Henry about five years old, my crop of corn on hand..." (DIT-1839, pp. 409-410, book 9)

Norwood, William A. to Richard Sneed & others [he was deeply in debt]. "...Jim, Stephen, Sally, Happy, Raymond, Lillyann, Harry, Betsey, Washington, Enoch, Eliza, Mathew and their future increase..." (Deed-1836, pp. 77-78, book 7)

Norwood, William A. to John Henderson. "...one Negro man slave named Stephen, one Negro boy slave named Alford, one boy named Raymond, one boy named Harry, one girl named Betty about five years of age, one boy named Washington son of Sally, one Negro woman Happy & child about four months old..." (DIT-1833, p. 484, book 5)

Norwood, William A. & Edward to Archibald E. Henderson. "...the following Negroes, viz, Silvy & her two children Henry & Stephen, Sally & child Enoch & a girl by name Lilly Ann aged about twelve years. The three first Negroes belong to Edward W. Norwood & the balance to William A. Norwood. Also Betsy & Washington belonging to the said William A. Norwood..." (DIT-1835, pp. 445-446, book 6)

Norwood, Elizabeth P. to Hartwell W. Hargrove. "...woman named Sicily and her four children, Enol, Jane, Isom & Malinda..." (BOS-1839, p. 324, book 9)

Norwood, William A. to Thomas L. Williams, "...boy name Raman, about twelve years old..." (BOS-1834, p.145, book 10)

Norwood, Benjamin [of Warren County, Kentucky] & others to James Overby & wife. Benjamin will take in his possession [his mother Elizabeth now has them]..."a Negro girl about 16 years old and an old Negro man named Lawson as his full portion...delivery of said Negro girl Lizzy...Lawson is to remain in the possession of the said Elizabeth..." (Deed-1853, p. 231, book 17)

Norwood, Benjamin to Nancy Pitchford. "...Peter, Milly & child & Amy, child..." (BOS-1852, p. 123, also p. 125, book 17)

Norwood, Joseph to Wesley Pitchford. "...Peter, Elvira, Amy, Milley and their children and all their increase..." (BOS-1853, p. 122, book 17)

Nunn, Joshua to Thomas L. Williams. "... all the right , title, and interest of the said Nunn in and to one Negro girl named Margaret ..." (DIT-1842,p.132-133, book 11)

Nuttall, Charles to Isaac Cheatham. "...my Negro man Joe, supposed to be about two & twenty years old..." (Mortgage-1838, p. 211, book 8)

Nuttall, Alexander to James Blackley. "...the following property, viz, Negro man Peter, Negro woman Beckey, her three children the wife of Peter & one boy James age 9 years old..." (DIT-1838, pp. 544-545, book 8)

Nuttall, James to Horace L. Robards. "...in the following property, to wit, Negroes Bob, Judy & her children Hawkins and Doctor & Judy called house Judy..." (DIT-1838,pp. 228-231, book 8)

Nuttall, John to Mary James Patton [his daughter]. "...also seven Negroes, viz, Sam a blacksmith and Lethe a woman and her five children, Henry a lad, Penny, Julia, Margret, and Betsey girls..." (DOG-1828, p. 199-200, bok 5)

Nuttall, James to John Blacknall. "... and likewise the following Negro slaves, to wit, Soloman [shoe maker], Fanny and Susan, Sam and Eliza, her children, Allice a yellow girl, Ivoy[Judy?] ..." (DIT-1831, pp. 92-94, book 5)

Nuttall, A. H. to Willis Hutcherson. "...man Frank..." (BOS-1838, p. 25, book 9)

Nuttall, Matilda C. to William J. Andrews. "...Negro woman Martha and her two children Carolina & William..." (Mortgage-1848, p. 97, book 15)

Nuttall, Matilda [of Henderson, Granville Co.] to Philemon B. Hawkins [of Franklin Co.]. "...three Negro slaves, Martha and her two children, Caroline a girl about four years, and William a boy about three years..." (DIT-1849, p. 154, book 15)

Nuttall, Emily to L. A. Paschall. "...woman Judy and her child Ann." (BOS-1853, p. 69, book 17)

Nuttall, Edmund & Sarah E. Ware to Augustine Landis. "...Dianna, Mary, Rosy and Mark..." (DIT-1851, pp. 420-422, book 16)


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