DEED BOOKS, 1828 - 1864A - G
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Adams, Isaac to [his son] John P. Adams. " one certain Negro girl Martha Ann, 10 years..." (DOG-1850, p.110, book 16)
Adcock, Rachel to Lewis P. Allen."...life estate in the following Negroes to wit, Viny, George, Caroline, Lucy and Eda ..." (DIT-1843, p.340, book 12)
Allen, Edward to Robert Jeter. "...a certain female Negro slave named Anne and her two children [not named]...:" (DIT-1829, p. 106, Book #4)
Allen, Samuel C. to Clement Wilkins."... four slaves by the following names, man Banister, Boy Jessee, woman Cetty & child John..." (DIT-1844, p.503, book 12)
Allen, Charles P. [of Franklin County] to Calvin H. Willie. "...the undivided interest... in the estate of James Brent bequeathed in his will to the children of Judith Allen of which children the said C. P. Allen is one...following Negroes Anne, Joicy & two small children, Fanny, Mathew, Allen, George, Charlotte, Grey, Harry in the county of Granville in the possession of Julia Allen also John, Richmond, Charity, Mathew, Judy, Easter, Henrietta, Mary, Meract[?] in the county of Charlotte, State of Virginia in the possession of William Johnson..." (DIT-1844,pp.19-21, book 13)
Allen, Benjamin to Augustin Landis. "..undivided interest...under the will of his grandfather the late James Brent of the County of Charlotte and state of Virginia...John, Richmond, Charly, Martha, Judy, Easter, Henrietta with any children the above woman may have now in possession of William Johnson of the said County of Charlotte and in the Negroes following, to wit, Anna, Fanny, Mathew, Allen, George, Ira, Parry, Nancy, Franky and Louisa now in the possession of Mrs. Julia Allen of the said County of Granville..." (DIT-1846, p.101, book 14)
Allen, James E. to Robert B. Gilliam. "...also the following Negroes, to wit, John, Richmond, Charity, Martha, Judy, Easter, Henrietta, Mary, Mncelinet? now in possession of William Johnson of the said county of Charlotte and in Negro woman Anna & her five children, Joicey, Fanny, Martthew?, Allen and George, now in possession of Mrs. Julie Allen of the said county of Granville..." (DIT-1837, pp. 92-94, book 8)
Allen, William L. to [his daughter] Aliza G. Harris. "...one Negro woman by the name of Malisia, one girl by the name of Estelle, one boy by the name of Dick, & one by the name of John..." (DOG-1849, pp.706-707, book 15)
Allen, Joseph to James Allen "...a certain Negro boy named Lewis" (Deed-1854, p. 67, book 18)
Allen, Christine to Martha E. Barker [her daughter] "... a certain Negro girl by the name of Jane". (DOG-1855, p. 379, book 18)
Allen, Thomas B. to Mary E. Lawrence. "...one Negro named Catherine and all the increase that she has or may have on the following condition ...not be sold, not be removed from her possession..." (DOG-1857, p. 321, book 19)
Allen, Cameron W. to Benjamin Y. Sims. "Know all men by these presents that David Hayes...did on the 23 day of July 1847 convey to me as trustee a Negro girl by the name of Mary ...I therefore convey the said Negro to the said Sims..." (DIT1848, p. 26, book 15)
Allen, James to Mary Dolby [his daughter]. "...seven Negroes, to wit, man Dolphin and woman Candis & her children John & Metear[?], and Frances and Silas, and Amanda ..." (DOG-1850, p. 361, book 16)
Allen, James and Thomas B. to Mary Allen & others "...certain Negroes named Ferrel, Charity, Elizabeth" (Deed-1854, p. 58, book 18)
Allen, Thomas B. to William D. Allen [his son]. "...a certain lot or parcel of Negroes to wit, Annis, a woman about thirty two years old & Charry a woman about seventeen years old & Lougenia, her child about two years old..." (DOG-1861, p. 646, book 21)
Alston, Elizabeth to John Mutter (her grandson).." a certain Negro boy named Shepard, supposed to be about sixteen years of age.." (DOG-1839, p.154, book 10)
Alston, Elizabeth to Alexander Wilson Littlejohn [her grandson]. "...a Negro man named George aged about twenty five years..." (DOG-1835, p. 443, book 6)
Amis, William to Alfred Knight. "...woman Clary..." (DOG-1846, p. 298, book 14)
Amis, William to Thomas Cheatham [his son-in-law]. "...boy named Aron about nine years old..." (DOG-1832, p. 466, book
5)Andrews, William (of Franklin County) to Richard Hines (of Wake County) & John D. Hawkins of the county of Franklin."...girl Carolina & boy Jim..." DIT-1842,pp.161-163, book 11)
Andrews, William [reconveyed because of a prior DIT] to Matilda Nuttall. "...woman Martha and her two children Caroline & William..." (Deed-1849, p.233, book 15)
Arrington, Willis to Martha Ann Rice [his daughter, wife of Flemming Rice]. "...a certain Negro girl called and known by the name of Caroline..." (DOG-1839, p. 447, book 9)
Arrington, Willis to Rhoda H. Bridges & children [his daughter]. "...a certain Negro girl called and known by the name of Lucy aged sixteen years last August..." (DOG-1835, pp. 349-350, book 6)
Atkinson, Roger P. to Thomas P. Atkinson [his brother of Halifax Co. VA]. "... quit claim all my right and title to the following Negro slaves now in the possession of Mrs. Elizabeth Alston, to wit, Mary about twenty seven years of age, and Franky, Sally, Miriah, and Pleasant which said Franky and Sally and Miriah and Pleasant are the children of the said Mary, and are mine in right of my wife Margaret M. formerly Margaret M. Littlejohn by virtue of a certain deed of gift made by the said Mrs. Elizabeth Alston her grandmother..." (BOS-1829, p. 100, book 4)
Badgett, Andrew to Drucilla Badgett (his daughter) ..."girl named Phebe, about 18 years old..."(BOS-1839, p.65, book 10)
Badgett, Benton to James Forsythe. "...a certain Negro woman named Gilley about thirty six years old & her child named Horris six months old..." (BOS-1812, pp. 330-331, book 6)
Bailey, Israel to Allen Bailey [his son]. "...one certain Negro boy by the name of Isham..." (DOG-1834, p. 219, book 6)
Bailey, Robert to David Gill. "...two Negro slaves for life named Ransom & Lewis which claim I own and hold as one of the lawful heirs..of my father John Bailey, Senr, dec'd..." (BOS-1844,p.355, book 13)
Bailey, Israel to William Bailey [for his daughter Matilda Davis]. "...a Negro girl by the name of Martha..." (DOG-1834, p. 220, book 6)
Bailey, Israel to Samuel Bailey [his son]. "...one certain Negro girl by the name of Ansey..." (DOG-1834, p. 221, book 6)
Bailey, Samuel to James M. Mangum. "...one Negro boy by the name of Twones?, about seven years old..." (BOS-1834, p. 350, book 6)
Bailey, Israel to Allen Bailey. "...one Negro man by the name of Umphry aged about 28 or 9 years old..." (BOS-1834, pp. 266-267, book 6)
Bailey, Mary to Henderson Bailey [her son]. "...A certain Negro girl by the name of Nancy." (DOG-1853, p. 262, book 17)
Barker, John to Charles Barker [his son]. "...boy Howel..." (DOG-1839, p. 446, book 9)
Barker, John to John G. Barker Jr. [his son]. "...a Negro girl Malissa..." (DOG-1839, p. 444, book 9)
Barker, John to Sally P. Currin [his daughter, wife of Stephen Currin]. "...girl Mary..." (DOG-1830, p. 446, book 9)
Barker, John to Ambrose Barker [his son]. "...girl Fanny..." (DOG-1838, p. 404, book 9)
Barker, John to David Barker [his son]. "...Martha..." (DOG-1839, p. 444, book 9)
Barker, John to Wilson Barker [his son]. "...boy Wesley..." (DOG-1839, p. 447, book 9)
Barker, John to Martha Wilson [his daughter, wife of Samuel Wilson]. "...girl Abby..." (DOG-1838, p. 445, book 9)
Barnes, William to Thomas H. Willie. "... Lamar & her daughter Bekkey..." (DIT-1838, p. 355, book 8)
Barnett, Robert to Thomas B. Barnett. "... all interest in the estate of my father Joseph Barnett... and the following Negroes, namely Fanney, Sucky, John, Rodia, Henry, Samuel, Jinney, Selina & Pleasant..." (Conveyance-1837, p. 205, book 8)
Barnett, Joseph W. to Thomas B. Barnett. "... right title and interest in and to an undivided interest in the estate of my late father Joseph Barnett, Sr. deceased..."the following Negroes, named -Jinny, Selina, Pleasant, Fanny, Susan, John, Rhoda, Henry, Samuel and Rebecca..." (Deed, 1841, pp.303-304, book 11)
Barnett, Elijah to Thomas B. Barnett. "...Nancy, Fanny, Susan, Rhody, John, Henry, Samuel, Jane, Selina, Pleasant..." (BOS-1839, pp. 147-148, book 9)
Barnett, James to Thomas G. Barnett [his son]. "... a certain Negro slave about nine years old by the name of George..." (DOG-1832, p. 296, book 5)
Barnett, Jesse to John L. Henderson. "... also the following slaves, viz, Lewis about 25 years old, John about 22 or 23 years old, and two old Negro women Viney & Lear? each near 60 years old..." (DIT-1832, pp. 220-222, book 5)
Barnett, Matilda [widow of Joseph Barnett] to Thomas B. Barnett. "... all interest to all of the Negroes... namely Fanny, Susan, John, Rhody, Henry, Samuel, Jenny, Thomas, Selina, Pleasant..." (Release-1830, pp. 16-17, book 5)
Barnett, Jessee F. to Willie Smith. "...a certain female Negro slave named Harriett fourteen years of age, sound in body & mind..." (BOS-1834, p. 221, book 6)
Barnett, Thomas G. to Willie Smith. "...a certain male Negro slave named George twelve years of age..." (BOS-1834, p. 222, book 6)
Barnett, James to Jesse Barnett. "...one Negro girl named Harriet..." (BOS-1832, p. 297, book 5)
Barnett, James to Jesse Barnett [his son]. "... a certain Negro slave about seven years old by the name of Archer..."(DOG-1832, p. 224, book 5)
Barnett, Jesse to James Barnett. "... girl named Ede about ten years of age..." (BOS-1805, p. 297, book 5)
Barnett, Thomas B. [acting as executor of Joseph Barnett, Senr, dec'd] to Jesse Barnett, Junr. "...one Negro girl named Hanah about twelve years of age which girl is well and sound as far as I know..." (BOS-1829, p.. 111, book 5)
Barnett, James to Joseph P. Davis [for his daughter Mary A. Davis]. "...girl Vilet and her increase..." (DOG-1831, p. 479, book 5)
Barnett, Jesse to George Farrar. "...also the following slaves, viz, Lewis about 22 years old, John about 20 years old, Viney a woman about 55 years old, and Sear a woman about 565 years old..." (DIT-1830,. pp. 350-351, book 4)
Barnett, James to Jesse Barnett. "...Eady about thirty nine years old, Sarah about three..." (BOS-1834, p. 45, book 9)
Barnett, Thomas B. to James C. Cooper & John A. Downey. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Abram, Rhoda, Sally, Jane, Elizabeth, Edmond, Fanny, Sucky, Henry, Sam, Lucy, Ann, Isabella, little Henry, Sarah, Betsey, little Adam, Caroline, Mason, Anne, and Adam, twenty one in number, also five (5) head of horses..." (DIT-1848, pp.409-411, book 14)
Barrows, James W. to George W. Blacknall. "...Negro woman Fanny and child Lucy, slaves for life with all their future increase". (BOS-1859, p. 201, book 20)
Baskerville, John W. to William Hawkins [of Warren County, NC]. "undivided interest in...man Edward, woman Manerva & her four children." ( DIT-1849, pp.249-250, book 15)
Bates, John to Absalom Davis. "... two Negroes, to wit, a certain Negro woman named Milly aged about forty years and her child Ned aged about eighteen months..." (BOS-1818, p. 295, book 4)
Battle, William H. [of Franklin Co] to Thomas Amey. "...slaves Frank and Lydia which was conveyed to me by virtue of a deed in trust executed by Nathaniel Hunt of the County of Franklin on the 5th day of September 1828..." (BOS-1829, p. 127, book 4)
Beasley, Stephen, Jr., as trustee for Washington H. Thomas, to Betsey W. Thomas.." a certain Negro woman and her three children names of Ann, Anthony, Almira and Ritter Ann.." (BOS-1839, p.358, book 10)
Beasley, Stephen Senior to Sally P. Beasley [his grand daughter]."..one Negro girl named Frances..." (DOG-1843, p.311, book 12)
Beasley, Fleming to Lemuel Currin, Jr. "...three Negroes slaves by the names of Emily, Mitchell & William.." (BOS-1840,p.113, book 10)
Beasley, Fleming to Sally P. Beasley [his daughter the wife of William Yancy Bailey]. "...three Negroes, viz, two boys James and John and one girl, Mary and the increase of the said girl Mary..." (DOG-1844, p.146, book 13)
Beasley, James to Stephen Beasley. "...the following Negroes (to wit) Celestia, Adaline and her two children Fanny and Paty together with their increase". (Deed-1835, p. 163, book 7)
Beasley, Stephen to James Beasley. "...a Negro man named Lewis..." (BOS-1831, pp. 154-155, book 5)
Beasley, Stephen to James Beasley [his son]. "...Ben and Celestia Attaline?..." (DOG-1828, p. 376, book 4)
Beasley, Stephen to Fleming Beasley [his son]. "...boy named William..." (DOG-1833, p. 68, book 6)
Beasley, Stephen to Stephen Beasley [his son]. "...boy named Daniel..." (BOS-1833, p. 144, book 6)
Beasley, Stephen to James Beasley. [his son]. "...boy named Harrison..." (DOG-1833, p. 68, book 6)
Beasley, Stephen to Stephen Beasley [his son]. "...the following Negroes, to wit, Eliza, Mary Ann, Juleanne, together with all of their increase..." (DOG-1833, p. 143, book 6)
Beasley, Fleming to William A. Philpott. "...also two Negro women named Rachel and Rosella [Rosetta ?]" (DIT-1852, pp. 398-400, book 16)
Beasley, Stephen to [his grandson] James T. Beasley. "...Woman Elizabeth and her two children Sarah and Major." (DOG-1848, p. 139, book 15)
Beasley, Fleming to Joseph H. Gooch. "...one Negro woman named Eliza and her two children named Caroline and Sarah..." (DIT-1852, pp. 396-397, book 16)
Beasly, Stephen to Robert Beasly [his son]. "...man Simon[Limon?]" (DOG-1854, p. 382, book 17)
Beck, Frederick to William and Jesse Beck [his sons]. "...man Nelson, man Lewis, Lucy and her increase, Amy and her increase, boy James, boy Jubil?, boy ....boy Harry, boy John, Bets and her increase, Arch and Harriet and her increase, to be equally divided at my death..." (DOG-1839, pp. 228-229, book 9)
Bell, Hester C. to Titus Grandy. "...all my right and title and interest in a certain Negro woman of mine named Louisa for and in consideration of a certain Negro woman of the said Titus Grandy named Mowning..." (BOS-1860, p. 517, book 20)
Bell, Hester C. to Edla L. Grandy & others [his daughter and grandchildren] "...my Negro woman Esther and all her children which she now has together with all the future increase..." (DOG-1860, p. 517, book 20)
Bennett, Martha to James A. Russell. "...Dolly and her two children John and Edmund, with the increase of Dolly." (DIT-1850, p. 136, book 16)
Blackley, Woodson to James Jenkins."... a Negro woman named Patsey twenty eight years of age..." (BOS-1844, p.530, book 12)
Blackley, James [constable] to Allen Bridges. [he sold the claim of John B. Smith] "...at public auction at the court house door in Oxford...Patsey, Helen, Louisa, Esther, Ben & Allen..." (BOS-1846, p. 91, book 14)
Blackly, James & Halyard to Joseph Kearney of Franklin County. "...man named Pleasant..." (BOS-1829, p. 217, book 4)
Blacknall, Jonathan T. to Josiah Crudup [?]. "...three Negroes namely Rose & her two children Jun & Emily..." (BOS-1845, p.19, book 14)
Blacknall, Jonathan T. to Josiah Crudup [?]. "...one Negro girl named Molly..." (BOS-1845, p.18, book 14)
Blacknall, Charity to John Blacknall. "...a Negro man slave named Harry..." (DOG-1846, p. 233, book 14)
Blacknall, Elizabeth to [her son] Richard Blacknall [of Orange County]. "... one Negro boy by the name of Buck about eighteen or twenty years old..." (DOG-1846, p. 470, book 14)
Blacknall, Betsey to John Blacknall [her son]. "... a certain female Negro slave by the name of Sukey about twelve years of age..." (DOG-1831, p. 200, book 5)
Blacknall, Thomas to John Blacknall [his son]. "...three Negro boys, to wit, one by the name of Ellick, one by the name of Arch, the other by the name of Washington..." (DOG-1835, p. 426, book 6)
Blacknall, John Sr. to John Blacknall, Jr. "...a certain Negro girl called and named Amy..." (BOS-1835, p. 164, book 7)
Blacknall, George to Thomas A. Stewart. "...purchase of Negro Henrietta, aged eight years" (BOS-1856, p. 284, book 19)
Blacknall, Charity B. to John Blacknall [her brother]. "...in consideration of the love and affection which I have and bear to my brother... a Negro girl named Ann, aged about twenty years and her infant child aged about six or seven weeks". (DOG- p. 30, book 18)
Blackwell, John to William H. Webb. "...man named Lewis, fifty five years of age..." (DIT-1837, p. 35, book 8)
Blackwell, I. P. to A. C. Harris. "...Henry, Horace, Ive, Delia, Hannah, and Amy(Ann?)..." (BOS-1864, p. 759, book 21)
Bladsoe, Macon to Edward Jones, Jun. & Alfred Jones. "one Negro girl Fanny" (DIT-1837, p.1, book 7)
Blalock, Millington to Thomas Blalock. "... Harriet, Lucie, Ausburn and Haywood..." (BOS-1837, p. 151, book 8)
Bledsoe, Mekins to James Bullock. "...one Negro girl about thirteen years old named Fanny..." (DIT-1831, p. 85, book 5)
Bledsoe, Nathaniel & wife Margaret to Thomas B. Coley. "...the following Negroes together with their increase (to wit) one Negro woman named Amy aged fifty-six years, one woman named Fanny twenty years old, one boy named Henry two years old..." (BOS-1843, p. 104, book 16)
Booth, Thomas to Stephen K. Sneed. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Henry a shoemaker, Bob & Willis blacksmiths, Abraham Sykes, Abraham the stage driver, Edith and her child Lucy..." (DIT-1830, p. 398, book 4)
Booth, Mary to Henry F. Moore...all interest in the estate of her late father Abner Booth, and..."Negro girl named Arena about ten years old" (DIT-1841,p.237, book 10)
Boyd, Mary Ann [of Halifax County, VA] to William H. Webb. "...the following Negroes, to wit, Caroline, Charlotte aged twenty two years or thereabouts and her two children Ann Victoria aged five years, and Alexander Munroe aged three years..." [one month later, Webb sold these same slaves to William W. Vass, p. 48] (BOS-4th September, 1843, p.47, book 13)
Boyd, James of Hertford Co. NC to John Butler of David Co. Tennessee. "... two Negroes, to wit, James & Dafney his wife. James about forty & Dafney about forty..." (BOS-1822, p. 474, book 4)
Bragg, John W. to Thomas W. Bragg. "...one Negro woman named Martha Ann and child named William...the sum of seven hundred dollars..." (BOS-1860, p. 112, book 21)
Brame, John to Jesse I. Kelley [for his daughter Susan]. "...all right title and interest possessed by me in a certain Negro slave named Fanny (a girl about seventeen years of age) bought by me of James Wyche, guardian of the orphans of David Evans, dec'd..." (DOG-1834, p. 224, book 6)
Brame, John to Samuel Brame [his son]. "...Negro slave named Jordan aged about 20 years." (BOS-1836, p. 424, book 7)
Branch, Rebecca [Buckingham County, Virginia] to [her son-in-law of the same County] Carter H. Bradley. " one Negro man named Carter..." (Deed-1848, pp.576-579, book 15)
Bridges, Willis to Samuel Montague. "...one Negro girl by the name of Caroline..." (DIT-1835, pp. 383-384, book 6)
Briggs, Howel & Henry, to David I. Young..they had hired for the year "...a Negro man Caswill for the sum of one hundred & thirty dollars..." (Deed-1841, pp.59-60, book 11)
Brown, Thomas to Abraham W. Venable.."...the following Negro slaves to wit, Joshua and his wife Pink her infant child Joshua, also her children Maria, Alfred, William, Doctor, Julia, Alexander also Jacob & his wife Eliza and their children Polly, Washington, Jane. Mingo and his wife Nancy and their children, Daniel & Booker; Ben and his wife Mary; Molly, Selly, Mary, George, Shadrack, Jane and old Jim, Frank and Micy. To have and to hold the said Negro slaves to him the said Abraham W. Venable his heirs & assigns forever..."(BOS-1829, p.171, book 12)
Bryant, Rowland to Edward Bryant [his son]. "...one Negro boy named Albert..." (DOG-1843, p.441, book 13)
Bryant, Rowland to Roberson Bryant [his son]. "...two Negroes namely Ally & her child Maria..." (DOG-1843, p. 442, book 13)
Bryant, Rowland to James Bryant [his son]. "...for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear unto my beloved son James Bryant have given & granted and by these presents do give & grant unto him the said James Bryant... two Negro boys namely Edmond & Bob..." (DOG-1843, p.442, book 13)
Bryant, James H. [exr.] to Elizabeth Summerhill. "...a Negro slave man Moses..." (BOS-1847, p.423, book 14)
Bryant, Rowland to George and James Norman [his grandsons]. "...one Negro girl named Eliza..." (DOG-1843, p.444, book 13)
Bryant, Rowland to Elizabeth Somerhill [his daughter]. "...two Negroes namely Jane & Phill..." (DOG-1843, p. 443, book 13)Bryant, James H. [exr. to the last will & testament of Rowland Bryant] to Robert D. Bryant [of Maury County, Tennessee]. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, man Green, woman Merena & woman Mary and her child Rowland..." (BOS-1847, p.423, book 14)
Bryant, Rowland to Marticia & Lucy Ann Norman [his grand daughters]. "...one Negro girl named Lucinda..." (DOG-1843, p.444, book 13)
Bryant, John F. to William Kittrell. "...girl Sela aged abut 16 years..." (BOS-1844, p.2, book 14)
Bryant, Rowland to Elizabeth Somerhill. "...one Negro woman named Charlotte [unsound]..." (BOS-1843, p.1, book 13)
Bryant, Rowland to Polly Clopton [his daughter]."...one Negro boy by the name of Manuel..." (DOG-1843, p.352, book 12)
Bryant, Fenington to George Word. "...woman Mary & her child Easter..." (BOS-1838, p. 46, book 9)
Bryant, Elizabeth [of Maury County, Tennessee, as Executrix of Edward Bryant, dec'd] to Alfred Knight [power-of-attorney to sell]. "...boy Albert" which was a gift from her deceased father-in-law, Roland Bryant. (Power of attorney-1848, p.222, book 16)
Buchanan, Robert to Stephen Beasley. "...Sally, Martha & Juda..." (DIT-1847, p.214, book 14)
Buchanan, Robert to Robert Puryear. "...one old woman Judy". (BOS-1854, p. 444, book 17)
Buchannan, James A. to Agness Hutchison [his daughter]. "...a Negro girl named Margaret..." (DOG-1834, p. 349, book 6)
Buchannon, James A. to Hicky Montague [his daughter]. "...Negro girl named Clary..." (DOG-1834, p. 196, book 6)
Buchanon, Robert to Stephen Beasley. "...Negroes Martha, Sally & Juda..." (DIT-1848, p. 510, book 14)
Buckhannon, David to David I. Young. "...a certain Negro girl named Charity about fifteen years old..." (BOS-1837, p. 49, book 9)
Bulloch, Monroe to James T. Littlejohn."...a certain Negro man named Reuben aged about 29 years and a certain Negro girl Margaret aged about 15 years together with all her future increase..." [love and affection he has for his sister, Susan Russell, wife of William F. Russell] (DIT-1844, p.504, book 12)
Bullock, James to Lewis Green. "...a Negro man Sumpten and his wife Lucey, Rolly a man and his wife Martha Ann, a man by the name of Burton and his wife Aggy and three children Mary, Notice and infant child, and man Franklin..." (DIT-1837, p. 394, book 7)
Bullock, James to Prestley & Robert Webb, children of my wife Martha. "...the following Negroes Stout, Cloe, Enoch, Peter & Margaret..." (DOG-1838, p. 479, book 8)
Bullock, James to Lewis Green. "...a Negro man Rally and his wife Martha Ann, and her two children, and a woman named Aggy & her four children Mary, Notice, Becky and Plumer, and man Franklin..." (DIT-1839, p. 311, book 9)
Bullock, James to Dennis Paschall. "...a certain Negro woman by the name of Isbel and her three children, to wit, Leucyan, Judy, & Milly & their increase..." (BOS-1838, p. 318, book 9)
Bullock, James to Isham Cheatham. "...Mary..." (BOS-1840, p. 444, book 9)
Bullock, John to William Fleming. [refers to another DIT which is located in Book #11, p.470]. "...Daniel, Jerry, Isbel, Alfred, Charity, Nancy, Charlotte, Lucy, Nathan, Becky, Sally, Elias & Eliza..." (BOS/DEED-1845, pp.477-478, book 13)
Bullock, William H. & others to William Amis. "... man Stephen between thirty five and fifty years old..." (BOS-1829, p. 331, book 4)
Bullock, Sarah to Cannon Hopkins. "...one Negro slave boy Duncan about twelve years old..." (Within a land deed-1860, p. 118, book 21)
Bullock, Pamelia to Weldon E. Bullock. "... certain Negro boy slave name John Calvin about eight years old." (BOS-1859, p. 350, book 20)
Burns, George [administrator of the estate of Mary Nuttall, dec'd] to Blair Burwell, his power of attorney to sell "Negro boy Harry belonging to the estate..." (Power Of Attorney-1840, p.167, book 10)
Burton, Horace A. to John L. Henderson. "... the following Negro slaves, to wit, Edmond, Austin, Adam & Betsey..." (DIT-1832, pp. 216-217, book 5)
Burton, Horace A. to William Williams of Warren County, NC. "...a Negro woman Henny about 28 years old and her three children John, Eliza and an infant not named, and their future increase." (Deed-1831, p. 286, book 7)
Burton, John W. to Horace A. Burton. "...Laura, Patsey and Sarah..." (Deed-1831, p. 89, book 5)
Burton, Robert W. to Augustine Landis. "...hired for the present year, to wit, Green, Bob hired from I. Bullock; Bob hired from Daniel's estate, Stephen, Will, John, Willis, Mary, Parthenia, Rose and Betsey...to use the labor of the hired Negroes herein conveyed." (DIT-1853, p. 235, book 17)
Butler, William C. to Martha Butler. "... interest in 3 certain Negro slaves Novel, Hanah & Martha..." (DEED-1837, p. 504, book 8)
Butler, Margaret to David I. Young."...a Negro man named Gilbert, bot by me of Phillip Haley in the year 1821..." (BOS-1843, p. 369, book 12)
Butler, Rufus A. to Martha Butler. "...Hannicner, Norvel, Martha & Lucy..." (Deed-1838, pp. 406-407, book 9)
Butler, Nancy & Elizabeth to David I. Young. " all right...interest.. we have in and to the man Gilbert...which Negro was bot by the said Margaret, our mother, of Philip Haley..." (BOS-1843, p.369, book 12)
Butler, Anderson and John to James H. Young [executor of David I. Young, dec'd]. "...all our interest, right, title, claim, or demand whatsoever in and to a Negro man named Gilbert now in the possession of said J. H. Young, which Negro man was bought by our mother of Phillip Hailey and by her sold to David I. Young, dec'd..." (BOS-1844, p.281, book 13)
Cannaday, Wyatt to James Williamson. "...two Negro men Ephraiam a blacksmith about thirty two years old, and James about thirty three years old..." (BOS-1836, p. 458, book 9)
Cannady, Wyatt to Nathaniel E. Cannady [his son]. "...boy slave called and known by the name of Sollomon aged about fifteen years." (DOG-1837, p. 341, book 7)
Cannady, Sam H. to Allen C. Perry. "...Presly, Aesey and their increase forever." (DOG-1855, p. 238, book 18)
Carter, Frederick to H. L. Robards. "...man named Squire aged about forty eight years..." (BOS-1844, p.17, book 13)
Carter, Edward H. to Lunsford A. Paschall..."following Negro slaves, to wit, Jim, Stephen, Isham, William, Dowsy, Winney, Clem, Sarah and Nancy..." (DIT-1841, pp.233-234, book 10)
Carter, Edward H. to Robert B. Gilliam."...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Sam, Henry, William (generally called Badger), and Lizzy..." (DIT-1843, p.146, book 12)
Carter, Edward H. to R.N. & D.C. Herndon."... two Negroes namely, man Champ and young woman Purlina..." (BOS-1843, p.292, book 12)
Carter, Edward H. to Joseph H. Gooch, Sheriff. [There is some question that the slaves did not belong to Carter]."...Lizzy, Sam, Hannah, Anthony, Nancy, Stephen, William (otherwise called Badger), Jim & Isham..." (DIT-1843, pp301-302, book 12)
Carter, Edward H. to Frederick Carter."...Jacob, Harriet, Betsey, Louisa, Lucy & Phillis..." (DIT-1843, pp.303-304, book 12)
Cavender, Frances to George W. Thomasson. "...three Negro slaves, i.e., Nelly a woman about twenty years old and her two boy children Benjamin about three years old, and Haywood about two years old..." (BOS-1832, p. 298, book 5)
Caviner, John to Edward and Thomas Speed & Lunsford A. Paschall. "...one eighth part of a certain Negro woman named Piety aged about sixteen years...interest I may have under the will of my brother Bryant Caviner..." (Deed-1838, p. 264, book 9)
Cawthon, Archer to Robert B. Gilliam. "...and the following Negroes: Newman a Negro boy about fourteen years old, Anne a woman about nineteen years old and her child an infant [not named]..." (DIT-1830, p. 277, book 4)
Cawthorn, Gordon to John Eaton. "... woman by the name of Mourning..." (BOS-1831, p. 224, book 5)
Cawthorn, Archer to James Wyche. "... together with twelve slaves, to wit, John, Thompson, Newman, Jesse, Harculus, William, Nancy, Ann, Maria, Charlotte, Maria? which slaves are now in the Wilcox County, Alabama & Harry now in the county of Granville..." (DIT-1832, pp. 354-355, book 5)
Cazort, Hubbard to Martha Waller [his daughter]. "...a negro woman named Cintha and four children one named Mima about eight years old, one boy named Jessee about six years old, one girl named Eleanor about two years old, one girl named Milly about six months old..."(BOS-1834, p. 263, book 6)
Cazort, Hubbard to Nancy Clement [his daughter]. "...woman by the name of Ruce? and her two children by the name of Andrew and Cruner?..." (DOG-1820, p. 235, book 4)
Chambliss, Mary to Susan Gooch [her daughter]. "...a certain Negro girl by the name of Rilley which I purchased of James Gooch in the year of eighteen hundred and twenty and which bill of sale is on record..." (DOG-1833, p. 503, book 6)
Chambliss, Robert to James Bullock. "...five Negroes, namely, Moss?, Mary, Glassco, Susan, & Harculas..." (BOS-1833, p. 66, book 6)
Chandler, David to Phebee Chandler [his daughter]. "...one Negro woman named Aggy and her two children Sally Ann and Elender..." (DOG-1838, p. 410, book 8)
Chandler, David to Phebe Chandler [his daughter]/ "...one Negro girl named Rachel..." (DOG-1838, p. 422, book 8)
Chandler, David to Maryann Overby [his daughter]. "...woman named Winney & two children by the name of Elender & Emily..." (DOG-1838, pp. 392-383, book 8)
Chandler, David to Nancey Overby [his daughter]. "...woman by the name of Hulda?, one Negro girl by the name Harriet..." (DOG-1838, p. 363, book 8)
Chandler, David to Thomas Chandler [his son]. "...one girl by the name of Ritter, one boy by the name of Spottwood, one bed & furniture,"etc. (DOG-1836, p. 341, book 7)
Chandler, David to Littleberry Chandler [his son]. "...boy by the name of Squire, one Negro boy by the name of Stephen." (DOG-1836, p. 353, book 7)
Chandler, David to John Chandler of Mecklenburg Co. VA [his son]. "...one Negro girl named Mary Ann together with all her future increase..." (DOG-1832, p. 2, book 6)
Chandler, David [for the benefit of his daughter Rebecca Downey] to William and Thomas Chandler. "...nine Negroes namely, China, Henry, Julia, Davy, Lawrence, Maurice, Littleberry, Washington & Moses..." (DIT-1828, p. 51, book 4)
Chandler, Daniel to John Overby. "...also one Negro man named Bob, one Negro woman named Milly..." (DIT-1850, pp. 565-567, book 15)
Cheatham, James to James Cheatham, Jr. "...a certain Negro man named Moses supposed to be about 40 years old..." (DOG-1832, p. 432, book 5)
Cheatham, James to Eliza & Prudence Cheatham [his daughters]. "...a certain Negro girl, Julia by name, supposed to be 15 years of age..." (DOG-1832, p. 433, book 5)
Cheatham, James to Isaac Cheatham [his son]. "...girl named Parthenia about twelve years of age..." (DOG-1832, p. 505, book 5)
Cheatham, Isham to Rebecca Cheatham [his daughter. "...a certain Negro slave named Nancey that I purchased of Samuel Reavis to her and her heirs forever...". (DOG-1859, p. 331, book 20)
Clardy, Margaret to Charles Hargrove. "...a certain Negro girl slave and her increase named Fanny to hold in trust for sole use of Frances Paschall..." (DIT-1857, p. 582, book 19)
Clay, Peter to Adnah Robertson. "... one female slave name of Ann..." (BOS-1830, p. 435, book 4)
Clay, Pamela & others to Archibald Clay "...a Negro woman named Cynthia and child Angeline the mother aged about 17 years & child about three months..." (BOS-1857, p. 645, book 19)
Clay, Allen to Peter Hays. "...one Negro woman named Cary about thirty years old and two children a boy named Francis about two years old and one girl child not one year old named Susan..." (BOS-1859, p. 271, book 20)
Clayton, Thomas to Willie Royster."...man named Seth now in the possession of Mary Pinson..." (BOS-1843, p.310, book 12)
Clement, Mary P. to William Clement [of Tennessee]. "...Sam, Caty & James Ohely..." (BOS-1837, p. 65, book 8)
Cobb, Jesse H. to Ann P. Dortch. "...the love and affection which I ...bear towards the said Ann... woman named Louisa and girl Emma, now in possession of her..." (DOG-1833, p. 144, book 6)
Coghill, Lucy to [her daughter] Damsel Debnam. "one certain Negro slave named Madison" (BOS-1848, p. 224, book 15)
Coghill, Lucy to [her daughter] Damsel V. Debnam. "... one certain male Negro slave named Vincent & two certain female Negro slaves named Nancy & Julia..." (Deed-1850, p. 627, book 15)
Coghill, Lucy to [her grandson] James McGraw [McCraw? names other grandchildren as Frank McGraw & Sally McGraw]. "... one certain male Negro slave commonly called Len or Leonard, one certain female Negro slave commonly called Mary..." (Deed-1850, pp.624-625, book 15)
Cole, Doctor [of Franklin County] to John White. "...four Negroes, viz, woman Leathy, a boy named -France, a boy Hilliard, & Cilas..." (BOS-1844, p. 296, book 14)
Cole, Doctor to William McClanahan. "...whereas Thomas Thomasson conveyed two slaves to me in trust for certain purposes...the female Negro slave named Ellen mentioned therein..." (BOS-1837, p. 121, book 8)
Compton, George C. to John S. Burwell. "...a Negro man Daniel aged about twenty five, Harriet a Negro woman aged about thirty three years, Marietta a Negro girl aged about fifteen years..." (DIT-1846, p. 93, book 14)
Conyers, John [of Franklin County] to James Hicks. "...slave woman Lucy & her three children and a girl named Louisa..." In 1840 John conyers conveyed a Negro woman named Lucy and her three children and a Negro girl by the name of Louisa...for the use & profit of Nancy Hicks formerly Nancy Conyers, daughter of the said Ephram who married a certain James Hicks...Negroes have increased to this times as follows, Lucy and six children viz, Anderson, Julia, Linda, Daniel, Henry, and Henderson, also Louisa..." [Nancy Hicks was the grantor's sister. Anderson & Daniel are the children of Lucy...he relinquished his claim. (Deed of conveyance, 1844, p. 118, book 14)
Cook, Thomas Y.[?] to Ferryman T. Long. "... a certain Negro girl Oney about fourteen years old..."(BOS-1840, p.88, book 12)
Cook, Thomas Y.[?] to George Callett[?] ."... man Buck or Billy..." (BOS-1843, p.310, book 12)
Cook, Thomas Y.[?] to James B. Peace."...two Negro women Nelly & Rachel..." (DIT-1843, pp.90-91, book 12)
Cook, Thomas Y.[?] to Gaston E. Brown. "...a certain Negro girl Winney five years old..."(BOS-1842, p.488, book 11)
Cook, Thomas I.[?] to William Montague. "... a certain Negro girl Susan aged about seven years old..." (BOS-1840,p.404, book 11)
Cook, Thomas Y. to George Callet. "...a certain Negro girl Rachel..." (BOS-1844, p.185, book 13)
Cooke, Delaney R. to Robert Jeter. "...woman by name Clary, one Negro boy named Nelson..." (DIT-1830, p. 266, book 4)
Cooke, Thomas to Claborn H. Cooke of Franklin Co. "... the following Negroes; Miles, Buck, Nelly & her three children, Nancy, Oney, & Rachel, Hariot & her four children Amy, Lucy, Sophia & July Ann..." (DIT-1831, p. 514, book 4)
Cooke, Thomas B. to William H. Battle [both of Franklin Co]. "...also the following slaves, William, Henry, Donalson, Frances, Roell, Dinah, Marian, Lucy, Roberta, Christmas and Tabitha..." (DIT-1838, pp. 198-199, book 9)
Cooper, James C. to James W. Downey. "...boy Sam, slave for life sold by me as trutee in a deed in trust executed by Thomas B. Barnett for purposes therin specified...for Fanny, a woman slave for life sold by me as trustee, in like manner as boy Sam above named...payment in full of the purchase money for Lucy and her three children, viz, Ann, Isabella, & Henry all slaves for life and sold in like manner ...for Henry, a slave for life...for Sarah & her child Adam...for Sucky slave for life ..." (BOS-1848, p.491, book 14) [Thomas Barnett adds to this. "...Sam, whose age is about 18 years, Fanny whose age is about 54 years, Lucy whose age is about 28 years, and her three children - Ann, Isabella, & Henry - whose respective ages are about seven, four, and one year, Henry whose age is about 20 years, Sarah whose age is about 27 years, and her child Adam whose age is about six years and Sucky whose age is about 30 years...release, quit claim, and convey unto the said James W. Downey..." pp.491-492]
Cox, James D. to James M. Wiggins, land plus interest in "...Amy, Anne, Anderson, Green and Edmund." (Deed-1854, p. 233, book 18)
Cozart, Mary to Simon Cozart [her son]. "...Negro woman named Crener and boy named William, one named Billey, one named Ambrose, one named Gilbert." (DOG-1836, p.416, book 7)
Cozort, Mary to John Rogers. "...girl by the name of Ritter aged about 7 years..." (BOS-1845, p.472, book 13)
Creath, John to Robert Birchett. "...one Negro man named Peter, one Negro man named Mat & one Negro girl named Jane..." (DIT-1832, p.182, book 5)
Crews, Gideon to [his son] William A. Crews. "...a certain Negro girl slave name Milly about seventeen years old and all of her increase..." (DOG-1848, p. 496, book 14)
Crews, Gideon to Manson Breedlove [his son-in-law]. "...a certain Negro woman slave named Susan about twenty one years old and child Gilbert... (DOG-1847, p.389, book 14)
Crews, James to Edward Crews [beloved son] "...one Negro boy twenty eight years old by the name of Abram to have and to hold..." (DOG-1855, p. 230, book 20)
Crews, Gideon to [his son-in-law] John Sears. "... a certain Negro girl slave named Emily about twenty-two years old and her child Mary..." (DOG-1849, p. 409, book 15)
Crews, Gideon to [his son] Benjamin F. Crews. "... a Negro slave named Jane about twenty years old..." (DOG-1847, p. 24, book 15)
Curren, Lemuel to Edward Hunt. "...one Negro woman about twenty nine years old named Emely & one child Cajah about three years..." (BOS-1848, p. 433, book 14)
Cutts, Sarah to William H. Cutts. "...a Negro man slave about 45 years old by the name of Peter" (BOS-1857, p. 539, book 19)
Cutts, Sarah to John W. Rice. "...One Negro man Peter also one woman Margaret and girl Missourie Ellen the said Negroes are now hired out" (DIT- 1854, p. 52 and p. 99, book 18)
Daniel, Cephas to A. E. Henderson [for the benifit of his wife Arena Daniel & children]..."woman named Esther & her four children named Delia, William, Washington & Jane & their future increase..."(DIT-1840,pp.310-311, book 10)
Daniel Cephas to A. E. Henderson..."one Negro man named Jim.." (DIT-1841, pp.367-368, book 10)
Daniel, Zadock of Wake County to Elizabeth Ann Grisham [his daughter]. "...my Negro woman Jinny and her two children Nelson and Silvy..." (DOG-1832, p. 402, book 5)
Daniel, Agnis & others to Samuel Williams. "...for the good will and affection the undersigned have for the wife and children of our brother Nathaniel Williams...a Negro woman slave named Matilda & her child Daniel... [children of the said Nathaniel, viz, Thomas, Samuel, Reubin, Sally, Patty married to William Loyd... this deed is made in pursuance of what we understood to have been the wish and intention of our father..." [signed by Agnis Daniel, Mary Thomasson, and Willie W. Williams]. Deed written in 1832, p.183, book 13)
Daniel, Mary to Washington H. Thomas [of Person County]. "...one certain Negro girl named Emily aged about seventeen years and one certain Negro boy Alexander aged about twelve or fifteen years together with the increase of the said girl, both which Negroes I warrant to be well..." (BOS-1835, p. 377, book 7)
Daniel, Meredith to William Owen. "...boy named Woodson..." (DIT-1830, p. 275, book 4)
Daniel, Henry [administrator of Joseph Hart] to Hugh Terrence. "...one Negro woman named Sylva and her two children Peter & John..." (BOS-1829, p. 135, book 4)
Daniel, Richard to Isabella Daniel [his daughter]. "...my Negroes Lucky & her children to wit, Jordan, sometimes called Lucky, Henry, Julia Ann, Joanna & Harriett..." (Deed-1856, p. 47, book 19)
Daniels, William to L. C. Edwards. "...Jim aged about thirteen, Betty aged about eight years" ...in trust for use of his wife Elizabeth Daniels. (DIT-1859, p. 473, book 20)
Davis, James W. to Lewis D. Burwell..." Lucinda, Henry, John and Willis, Negroe slaves..." (DIT-1840, pp.130-131, book 10)
Davis, John to Latna Montague. "...two Negroes named Lucy & Albert..."(BOS-1841,p.81, book 11)
Davis, Robert [as trustee for Robert Jenkins, Sr.] to Robert A. Jenkins. "...Palmer, Howel, Dick, Hannah, Ann, Henderson & Amey..." (BOS-1843, p.88, book 12)
Davis, Cyrus Junr. to Samuel Gooch. "...one Negro woman Isbell and her 2 children Hillman & Wesly..." (DIT-1832, pp. 190-191, book 5)
Davis, James W. to Robert Mebane..[James is indebted to his mother Susan A. Davis]"...woman named Lucinda, one boy named Henry, one named John...". these had belonge to his father Jonathan Davis...(DIT-1840,pp.93-94, book 10)
Davis, John to Duncan Kennady (of Wake county)."...five Negroes (viz) Adkin, Squire, Ned, Helen and Lydia..." (DIT-1843, pp.298-299, book 12)
Davis, Absalom to Howel Satterwhite. "...a certain Negro man by the name of Charles..." (BOS-1828, p. 161, book 4)
Davis, Absalom & Allen Raimey to Ivey Harris. "... Amey a Negro woman & child Phill, Eliza a girl, Skep a boy, Unity a woman and her children named Martha, Lucy, Abey, and Peter [from Davis]...woman Easter and her three children named John, Mary & Joshua [from Raimey]..." (DIT-1829, pp. 136-137, book 4)
Davis, Dolphin to John Davis ..."...one Negro boy by the name of Daniel aged eight years old..." (BOS-1837,pp.482-483, book 10)
Davis, Cyrus to John Fowler. "...three Negroes, one wench by the name of Isabella, one boy by the name of Hillman, one other boy by the name of Wesly..." (DIT-1828, pp. 51-52, book 4)
Davis, Thomas T. [of Warren County] to Charles Hargrove. "...boy by the name of John..." (BOS-1828, p. 124, book 4)
Davis, Absolom to Allen Raimey [Maury co. Tenn.]. "...twenty nine Negroes named as follows: Merica, Stephen, Matt, Jeny, Jesse, Anthony, Gabriel, Isham?, Unity, John, Howell, Martha, Lucy, Abby, Peter, Fanny, Andrew, Aggy, Sally, Molly, Charles, Eaton, William, Jane, July, Parthena, Buckkey, Eliza & Mary..." (BOS-1828, p. 112, book 4)
Davis, Absalom to Eaton H. Kittrell. "... six Negroes, to wit, Unity aged about thirty five years old, and her five children named as follows, Martha, Lucy, Abby, Peter, and Joe Pointer..." (BOS-1830, p. 494, book 4)
Davis, Mary A. to William H. Boyd, deed conveying to him the slaves in the proceedings..."...Henry, Minerva and children Dance, Betsy and Martha, and Betty and daughter Diley together with the increase and their future increase..." (Deed-1860, p. 325, book 21)
Davis, John, Sr. to William Boyd. "... relinquish right and title to slaves Henry, Minerva & children Isaack, Betsey, Martha and Betty & daughter Delcey" (Deed-1854, p. 420, book 19)
Davis, James to Archibald Davis. "...woman Lucy aged about 50 years formerly slave of K. H. Higgs..." (DIT-1846, p. 162, book 14)
Debnam, John to Thomas Debnam. "...slaves named Vincent, Julia, & Nancy & Madison..." (DIT-1850, p. 51, book 20)
Debnam, J. B. to L. A. Paschall. "...Negro slaves, Ben, Louisa, Mary, Delila, Henry, Creasy, Robert and Francis & child..." (DIT-1858, p. 55, book 20)
Debnam, John B. to Thomas C. Debnam. "...one Negro woman named Pressy and her two children, Dolphus and John in Trust for the sole, separate and exclusive benefit and support of my wife Damsel Debnam during her natural life" (Deed-1859, p. 316, book 20)
Debnam, John B. to Thomas H. Stewart. "...full payment of Boy Jessie, slave for life..." (BOS-1857, p. 694, book 19)
Debnam, Thomas to Damsil Debnam [his mother] relinquished his claim to title and interest in slaves "...Vincent, Nancy, Julia, Lavory, George & Frank..." (Deed, 1860, p. 90, book 21)
Dedman, Henry H. to Frederick M. Clack. "...also the following Negroes, to wit, Nelson, Luicy?, Oway, Fanny, Four, Andrew, Deck, Edmund, Isaac, Mary, and their future increase..." (DIT-1838, pp. 311-312, book 8)
Dedman, Henry H. to Banister Royster. "...namely Nelson, Luvicy?, Onny?, Fanny, Tom, Andrew, Dick, Edmond, Isaac, Mary..." (DIT-1838, pp. 440-442, book 8)
Dickerson, William to Augustin Landis. "...also a Negro woman Peggy & her child John..." (DIT-1837, p. 27, book 8)
Dortch, William [as trustee for William Williams sold on 9th Dec. 1828] to Allen Raimey. "...a woman slave named Easter and her 4 children, viz, Pointer, John, Isaac & Joshua..." (BOS-1829, p. 111, book 4)
Downey, James to Braxton Land. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, Abel about twenty three years of age, his wife Beckey & her child Thomas, Bob aged seventeen years, Nathaniel aged twenty three years, Hand? aged twelve years, Anthony aged ten years, Eady aged twelve years, & Mahala aged twenty seven years..." (DIT-1832, pp. 121-122, book 5)
Downey, James to James M. Wiggins. "...five Negroes namely John aged about 50 years, Abel about 26 years, Mahela aged about 30, Abington about 4, and Joseph about 1 year old..." (DIT-1834,p. 55, book 6)
Downey, James to James Downey, Senr. "...nine slaves namely Mahela, Abel, Natt, Harrod, Carroline, Catherine, Abington, Joe & John..." (BOS-1834, p. 275, book 6)
Downey, Mary & Sally W. Downey to John R. Hicks. "...two Negro slaves, viz, Emmily and David..." (DIT-1832, p. 483, book 5)
Downey, James to James Wiggins. "...Abel about twenty five years old, Nathaniel about twenty three, Harrod about thirteen, John about fifty six, Abington about three, Mahala about twenty seven, Caroline about six, Catharine about four..." (DIT-1832, p. 283, book 5)
Downey, S. S. to Thomas B. Barnett. "...as payment in full for Abram..." (BOS-1839, p. 140, book 9)
Downey, James W. to Ann A. Smith. "...all the right, title, & interest which I have in and to a certain Negro woman named Sarah and her child Adam, a boy ten or twelve years old, the said two slaves being now at the late residence of Samuel I. Downey..." (BOS-1851, p. 319, book 16)
Downey, John A. & James W. Downey...and Ann A. Smith. "...whereas the said Ann A. Smith by deed bearing date the 10th day of April, 1837...conveyed to Samuel I. Downey all her slaves, and their future increase...transferred all right title and interest which they or either of them as legal ? under the will of said Samuel I. Downey...Fielding, George, Henry, Evans, John Henry, Dick, Calvin, Joshua, Tom, Campbell, Robert, Jack, Judity, Anne, Emily & her two children Moses & Franky, Harriet & her child James, Phebe, Rachael and her child Betsey, Mary, Miney, Frances & Adam...also as legatees with interest in two slaves Lovelace and Peter...all of the estate of the said Samuel I. Downey..." (Deed-1851, pp. 296-297, book 16)
Duke, Thomas V., Peyton, and Doctor M. Duke (sons of William Duke) "...Charles, Anderson, Nancy, & her infant child, and Mary and her three children Jackson, Elizabeth and Lucy...the said Negro woman Mary should remain in the possession of him..." [This is an agreement the sons made to let the woman Mary and three children Jackson, Elizabeth & Lucy remain with their parents...and man Charles is to stay with Thomas Duke; man Anderson (now in Warren County) to go with Peyton Duke; and Nancy with her infant child is to go to Doctor M. Duke...](Deed-1841,p.101-102, book 11)
Duke, Mansfield to Lundsford Paschall."... Negro woman Mary and her children, three or four in number names not recollected..." (DIT-1843,p.74, book 12)
Duke, Thomas V. to John Ellis."...Charles, Sandy, Marinda and child Haywood...all interest in the undivided Negroes now in the possession of [his father] William Duke (to wit) Mary, Elizabeth, Jackson, Nelly, and Lucy..." (DIT-1842,pp.539-540, book 11)
Duke, Mansfield to Peyton V. Duke. "...all my undivided right, title, and interest in & to the following Negro slaves, to wit, Mary and her five children, viz, Elizabeth, Jackson, Lucy, Washington, Milly, and Davy..." (Release ? 1847, p. 406, book 14)
Duncan, George to Anderson & Alfred Duncan [Person County?]. "...the Negro woman therein mentioned... Negro man Peter..." (Release-1835, p. 350-351, book 6)
Dutton, Stephen to Washington H. Thomas. "...man named Providence..." (DIT-1830, p. 279, book 4)
Duty, Samuel to Joshua Floyd. "... Milly & her six children named as follows, Stephen, Mary, Frank, Lucinda, Flora & Emely..." (BOS-1827, p. 125, book 4)
Duty, Samuel to Amos T. T. Jones. "...one Negro girl by the name of Jane, one Negro boy by the name of Isaac, one gray mare..." (DOG-1844, p.184, book 13)
Duty, Samuel to Amos T. T. Jones (for love and affection) "Negro woman Jane aged about fifteen years..." (DOG-1841,p.104, book 11)
Duty, Samuel to Parthenia Harris [his daughter]. "...a Negro girl by the name of Nancy about fifteen years of age" (DOG-1859, p. 405, book 20)
Duty, Samuel to [his daughter] Mary A. Davis. " two Negro slaves Easter a woman aged about thirty-eight and her youngest child named Lucy being about fifteen months old..." (DOG-1850, p. 737, book 15)
Eastwood, John to Elizabeth Bowlin, wife of Willis Bowlin now of Orange County. "...Negro girl child named Emila now rising two months old..." (DOG-1830, p. 58, book 6)
Eastwood, Abraham & Jesse Chambers to Mary Eastwood. "...man by the name of Jerry..." (BOS-1837, p.259, book 8)
Eastwood, Mary to Presly Wright [her son]. "...a certain young Negro boy named Daniel aged about seventeen years old..." (DOG-1838, p. 33, book 9)
Eastwood, John to Mary Wright. "...also two Negro slaves Dennis & Shadrick..." (Marriage contract-1834, pp. 425-426, book 6)
Eaton, John S. to John R. Eaton. "...a Negro girl named Lavenia..." (BOS-1829, p. 65, book 4)
Eaton, George C. to John O'Brien, Senior..."woman Peggy being not above 27 years of age & in all respects sound & healthy..." (Deed, 1841, p.258, book 10)
Eaton, John to Elizabeth I. Freear & children. "... I have purchased the following Negroes, to wit, Julia and her four children Mary, Sam, Flora & Joseph..." (BOS-1832, p. 295, book 5)
Eaton, John R. to Mary G. Taylor [his daughter]. "... Abraham, Jessey, Dow, Kiziah, Nancy, Sally, Rosetta, Enoch, Christopher, Henney and Susan..." (DOG-1829, p. 381, book 3)
Eaton, John L. to Robert F. Sturdevant. "...Negro slave by the name Isaac..." (BOS-1854, p. 433, book 17)
Edwards, Thomas to Robert Mabin. "...boy Grandson..." (BOS-1830, p. 434, book 4)
Edwards, Charles B. to Mary Eastwood. "...one Negro girl by the name of Mary about ten years old..." (DIT-1838, pp. 447-448, book 8)
Ellington, William H. & William Thomasson to Leon H. Hare. "...woman Mary and her two children Sarah and Miney[?] and also the child she is at this time pregnant with..." (BOS-1843, p. 375, book 14)
Ellis, James to Sally Sears (his daughter in Henry County, Tennessee) "...the following Negro slaves which I have heretofore loaned to her and now in her possession, to wit, Negro woman Jenny aged about twenty years and her two children, viz, Henry a boy about two years old, and a girl (name not known) about two or three months old, together with the future increase of the said woman Jenny..." (DOG-1842,p.403, book 11)
Ellis, James to Benjamin F. Crews (his son-in-law). "...a Negro slave named Caroline about twelve years of age..." (DOG-1842,p.363, book 11)
Ellis, James to Willis Daniel. "...Sarah, a woman about the age of nineteen years, her child George about nine months old." (DOG-1836, p. 419, book 7)
Ellis, James to James Crews. "...Stephen, Horace, Charles, Silvy & Mariah and ? ? and her two children Martha & William, Moses, Sophia, Mariah and Ellen with the future increase of the female slaves [it being the same property conveyed to James A. Crews on the 8th February 1850 to secure the payment of a debt to the said James Crews]..."(DIT-1850, p.10, book 16)
Ellis, James to James A. Crews. "...the following Negro slaves to wit, Stephen, Horace, Charles, Silvey & her two children Martha & William, Moses, Sophia, Mariah & Ellen with the further increase of the female slaves..." (DIT-1850, pp.584-585, book 15)
Ellixon, Mary to Maurace I. Hart."... Geberil, Harry, Sally, Judy and Mary & Henry..." (DIT-1843, p.341, book 12)
Estes, Triplet T. to A. W.[?] Venable. "...the following property, to wit, one Negro man Henry, one Negro woman Nancy and her two children James & Jany, one Negro woman Judy, two horse, one yoke of oxen..." (DIT-1845, pp.224-225, book 13)
Estis, John W. to "...rec'd of Jonathan M. Stone for the purchase of John W. Estis interest in the following Negroes to wit, Alfred, George, Nelson, Joanah, and Dicey, which was sold as the property of John M.[?] Estis to satisfy sundry Fi Fa's in my hands against him..." (BOS-1860, p. 543, book 20)
Evans, David to John Brame. "...two Negroes, a boy and a girl, the boy is named Aaron, the girl Martha..." (BOS-1837, p. 61, book 8)
Ezell, William to William M. Walker. "...I have this day put in for to William M. Walker...too Negroes named as follows Maria supposed to be 17 years ould and her son Sam in his 4 year to secure him for being security to the said William Ezell for a Negro man Mark hired of Doctor L. Hare..." (Deed-1842, p.316, book 11)
Ezell, John H. to James W.Brame."...also an undivided interest in the following Negroes, to wit, Manuel, Quent, Becca, Rosa, Elizabeth, Charles, Peter, girl Jane." (DIT- 1846, p. 168, book 16)
Ezell, John H. to James Brame, his undivided interest in "Manuel, Quine[?], Becca, Rose, Liz, Tilda, Charles, Petwr, and girl Jane..." (Deed-1846, p. 38, book 14)
Ezell, John H. to Daniel A. Paschall. " all the right, title, interest & claim which the said Ezell has in right of his wife or in any other way has in the following Negro slaves, to wit, Manuel, Quint, Becca & girl Jane being the Negroes now in possession of Mrs. Judith Turner in Granville County." (DIT-1851, p. 133, book 16)
Farrar, John to Alex Farrar. "...a Negro slave Miner about 27 years old, a Negro woman Beck with her three children Edney, Milley & Oscar, a Negro woman Rhoda & her six children Sally, Frederick, Sookey, Jane, Edmund & Giles..." (DIT-1830, pp. 181-182, book 4)
Fleming, Milly H. to [her son] William Fleming. "...a woman by the name of Nancy aged about fifty-seven & another woman named Martha about seventeen years old..." (DOG1848, p. 47, book 15)
Fleming, William to Susan A. F. Hester [his daughter] "...the following Negro slaves named Austin, Eliza, Patty, Maryann, and Margaret and all their children..." (Deed-1856 p. 330, book 20)
Flemming, Milley H. to Thomas B. Flemming [her son]. "...boy Jordan about two years old..." (DOG-1835, p. 373, book 8)
Flemming, William [as trustee] to Benjamin Bullock. "...a Negro girl contained in the trust by the name of Rilly to publick sale and sold the same to Benjamin Bullock he being the last and highest bidder..." (BOS-1832, p. 93, book 6)
Flemming, Milly H. to William Flemming [her son]. "...one Negro child Rebecca one month old..." (DOG-1835, p. 374, book 8)
Flemming, Milley H. to William Flemming. "...one Negro woman by the name of Cathron, about twenty three years old..." (BOS-1837, p. 382, book 8)
Floyd, William to Stephen Floyd. "... one Negro girl slave, about three years and five months old, by the name of Betsy..." (BOS-1828, p. 1, book 4)
Floyd, Sally to James Floyd [her son]. "... my Negro woman Lucy after my death..." (DOG-1838, p. 486, book 8)
Floyd, George to Daniel A. Paschall. "...one Negro woman named Sarah, two beds of furniture,..." (DIT-1834, pp. 285-286, book 6)
Forrest, William P. to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...Rhoda & child Harriett & woman Mary..." (DIT-1842,pp.147-149, book 11)
Forsyth, William to Susan Forsyth. "...one Negro boy by the name of Haywood aged four years of a yellow complexion..." (DOG-1853, p. 725, book 21)
Forsyth, William to Susan Forsyth. "...one Negro girl by the name of Dicey..." (DOG-1849, p. 726, book 21)
Forsyth, John to Nancy Waller "...my right title and interest to a certain Negro man by the name of Horris[?]..." (Deed-1842, p. 609, book 20)
Forsythe, William to Sarah A.H. Adams "...for love and affection...two Negroes, one boy by the name of Frank about fourteen years old, Mary a girl about eight years old" (Deed-1855, p. 358, book 19)
Foster, Peter of Franklin Co. to Allen Cozort. "...man slave now admitted to be in his possession by the name of Cyrus..." (BOS-1830, p. 218, book 4)
Fowler, Edmon F. to Thomas I.[?] Rainey "...a certain Negro boy by name Jerry..." (DIT-1842,p.262, book 11)
Fowler, Thomas T. to Lewis P. Allen."...all interest in the following Negroes [it being his wife's, Jane Fowler's, life estate in the same]... (to wit) Sam, Peter, Press, and Soloman..." (DIT-1843, pp.354-355, book 12)
Fowler, Hillman to James T. Gill. "...one certain Negro woman known by the name of Selina and two children Manson and Martha..." (DIT-1852, p. 544, book 16. See pp.558-559 for the same transaction)
Fowler, Hillman to James T. Gill. "...a certain Negro woman by the name of Selina and two children Manson & Martha..." (DIT-1852, pp. 558-559, book 16. See p. 544 for the same transaction)
Fraizer, Howel to James Hunt. "...girl by the name of Polly..." (BOS-1835, p. 73, book 7)
Frazier, Howel to Henry W. Jones. "... boy by the name of Able about ten years of age..." (BOS-1830, p. 465, book 5)
Frazier, Howel to Gideon Crews. "...boy slave by the name of Anderson aged about seven..." (BOS-1824, p. 285, book 4)
Frazier, James to Col. Joseph Amis. "...the following Negro boys, to wit, Willis & Lovelace, both of which is under ten years of age..." (DIT-1834, p. 345, book 6)
Frazier, Howel to Henry W. Jones. "... one Negro boy by the name of Ned supposed to be 12 years old..." (BOS-1834, p. 460, book 6)
Frazier, Howel to Isaac N. Jones. "...one Negro woman named Judah aged about 20 years & her child names James aged about twelve months..." (BOS-1828, p. 98, book 4)
Frazier, Charles H. & Isabella Hunt to A. Landis "...Negro slaves Chana, Henry, Judy, David, Lawrence, Maurice, Littleberry, Washington, & Moses, nine in number" (Marriage contract, 1854, p. 142, book 18)
Frazier, Elizabeth to Stephen Blackwell. "... full payment for woman Lucy Ann and her three children Mary, George and Faithy". (BOS-1853, p. 180 & 230, book 17)
Freeman, Hatchwell to William Qualls..." Negro boy by the name of Grandison aged fourteen..." (BOS-1842, #12, p.26, book 12)
Freeman, William to Martin Freeman. "...a certain Negro woman by the name of Amey and her two boy children by the name of Lewis & Cyrus..." (DIT-1828, pp. 53-54, book 4)
Freeman, Hatchwell to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...also one Negro man named Lewis..." (DIT-1845, pp.224-225, book 13)
Freeman, William to Randol Minor. "...two Negro boys now in my possession named Cyrus and Lewis, children of my Negro woman Amey..." (DIT-1828, p. 38, book 4)
Fulford, Benjamin W. to Mary G. Fergerson. "...two Negro slaves, namely one woman named Hannah aged about thirty five years, one girl named Tempy aged about eleven years..." (BOS-1837, p. 247, book 8)
Fuller, James [as constable, against Alexander H. Nuttall] to Dennis T. Paschall. "...girl by the name of Joameale..." (BOS-1839, p. 323, book 9)
Gill, Peter to John W. Volunting. "...girl by the name of Frankey about sixteen years of age..." (BOS-1839, p. 442, book 9)
Gill, John N. [trustee] to Thomas Marrow. "...Daphney & her child Lucy, Martha aged about six years, Agnas, aged about ten years, Isbel twelve years old and Sucky aged about fourteen years. The forgoing Negroes were sold by me...as Trustee for James R. Patterson..." (BOS-1844, p.2, book 13)
Gill, Joseph to Thomas Amis. "... in full purchase four Negroes (to wit) John twenty-six or seven years of age. Mary twenty-nine years of age & her child Sarah between one & two years of age, Gilbert a boy ten years of age..." (BOS-1841, p.185, Book 12)
Gill, Peter to John H. Rowland [his son-in-law] "...a certain woman Ann Eliza aged about seventeen years..." (DOG-1857, p. 261, book 20)
Gilliam, Leslie [sheriff] to Samuel Rogers."...two Negro boys Solomon & Jacob, sold as the property of John Blacknall to satisfy sundry executions in my hands in favor of..."(BOS-1839, p.114, book 12)
Gilliam, Edmond to James Jinkins. "...girl named Gilly..." [David Winston, the witness for this transaction had moved to Tennessee and it was necessary for someone in that state to attest to his signature] (BOS-1831, p.419, book 13)
Gilliam, Leslie (Sheriff) to David I. Young. Two slaves belonging to Henry E. Puryear, were sold at the courthouse door by the sheriff and David I. Young became the highest bidder. "man Armstead at the sum of two hundred twenty five dollars and for the woman Lucy at the sum of three hundred & three dollars & fifty cents." (BOS-1842,pp.451-452, book 11)
Gilliam, Leslie [sheriff, against James & Henry Young] to William Montague. "...boy by the name of Harry..." (BOS-1830, p. 494, book 4)
Gilliam, Leslie [sheriff] to Samuel Rogers."...Angelina & two children Frank & Isabella sold as the property of Horace T. Royster by virtue of sundry executions from the County Court of Granville at the instance of Mary D. Hester and others..." (BOS-1842, p.119, book 12)
Gilliam, L. [Sheriff] to R. B. Gilliam, full purchase money "for Negro man Henry sold by me as sheriff of Granville County by virtue of executions in favor of Stephen Wilson against Thomas Kean and Phebe Kean" (BOS-1837, p. 256, book 18)
Gilliam, L. [Sheriff] to R.N.J.D.C. Herndon "$50 for the purchase money of Doct H.T. Roysters interest in a Negro man by the name of Frank now in the possession of Col. Thomas R. Reekes (?), sold by virtue of sundry executions in my hands at the instance of Mary D. Hester" (BOS-1854, p. 268, book 18)
Gilliam, William H. to Elizabeth Kingsbury [his daughter and wife of Russell H. Kingsbury]. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Chaney & her child Henrietta, Emily aged abut twelve years, Daniel aged about twenty-one, Chestun aged about eighteen, Hamett aged about ten, Rufus aged about fourteen years, & Haywood aged about sixteen years." (DOG-1850, pp. 647-648, book 15)
Glover, David to Edward A. Lewis. "...also the following Negro slaves [viz] woman Sally, Kipiah, Indiana, John, William, Joseph, Jinney, Margaret, Jim, [of the estate of A. D. Glover, dec'd] (DIT-1845, pp.313-314, book 13)
Glover, Daniel to Israel W. Hargrove. "...boy named Mintus?..." (BOS-1831, p. 30, book 5)
Glover, Daniel R. to Robert Shanks. "...payment for three Negroes named Milly, Denah & Wesly..." (BOS-1838, p. 19, book 9)
Glover, David B. to James R. Duty "...one Negro boy named Henry (commonly called Harry) to be of the age of ten years..." (BOS-1841, p.272, book 11)
Glover, Daniel to Nathaniel C. Daniel. "... the following slaves, to wit, Henry, Nelson and Silvy ..." (DIT-1831, p. 83, book 5)
Glover, Mary to Abraham D. Hunt & wife. "...Milly & Roads & their increase..." (DOG-1851, p. 306, book 16)
Gooch, Joseph H. (sheriff) to Horace L. Robards.."...seven hundred and fifty dollars for purchase of Negro woman Lizzy, three hundred & forty nine dollars for purchase of Negro woman Hannah, four hundred & ninety nine dollars for purchase of Negro man Sam, four hundred & eighty five dollars for purchase of Negro boy William (called Badger) two hundred dollars for boy Isham, seventy two dollars for boy James, two hundred and fifty for boy Jacob, and seventy one dollars for purchase of Negro woman Harriet. Said Negroes were sold by me at the court house in the Town of Oxford after due advertisement according to law, as the property of Edward H. Carter to satisfy sundry executions in my hands..." (BOS-1844, p.423, book 12)
Gooch, Joseph H. [sheriff] to Horace L. Robards. "...woman Betsey & two children Lucy & Louisa sold by me as sheriff...at the instance of R.N. & D.C. Herndon..." (BOS-1844, pp.28-29, book 13)
Gooch, Daniel to his children. "...one Negro boy named Frank ...boy named Stephen...girl named Ritter .... girl named Minerva ...boy named Granville ... girl named Mariah ... boy named Moses ... girl named Emily... girl named Lucinda... boy named Calvin ... girl named Hannah ... girl named Harret ... girl named Charity ..." (DOG-1835, pp. 503-504, book 6)
Gooch, Daniel, Sen. to Rachel Howard [daughter]. "...one Negro named Sam and one Negro girl named Masiah." (DOG-1837, p. 423, book 7)
Gooch, Sally to William Shanks. "...one small Negro girl slave about twelve years old named Mary..." (BOS-1836, p. 481, book 8)
Gooch, James to Mary Chamblis. "...a certain Negro girl by the name of Rilley ..." (BOS-1820, pp. 415-416, book 5)
Gooch, James to Albert Sneed. "... one Negro girl Railly..." (DIT-1830, p. 174-175, book 4)
Gooch, Joseph H. [Sheriff] to Jos. N. Hicks. "...in full for the purchase of all the right, title & interest that Jos. P. Satterwhite has in the following Negroes, to wit, Isahm & Jane sold to satisfy sundry Fi Fe's in my hands against said Satterwhite at the instance of Solomon G. Wilson [?] and others." (BOS-1850, p. 547, book 16)
Gooch, J. G. [Sheriff] to E. C. Fondau. "...woman Parthenia & child, boy by the name of Henry and woman sold to satisfy a ven exps..." (BOS-1859, p. 219, book 20)
Gooch, J. H. to S. Beasley. "...purchase of Negro woman by the name of Eliza" (BOS-1856, p. 538, book 19)
Gooch, Joseph H. [Sheriff] to Augustine Landis. "...two Negroes by the name of Billy and Anderson which was sold at the courthouse door in the town of Oxford on the 2nd day of March in all respects as the law directs as the property of David A. Paschall..." (BOS-1858, p. 146, book 20)
Goodloe, Samuel R. to Henry Goodloe. "...a certain Negro child aged about three years named Betsey..." (BOS-1835, p. 361, book 8)
Goodloe, Daniel R. to D. E. Young. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, Betty [woman] & Nancy & Healon & William, the three last children of Betty, also Mary [woman] and Daniel her child..." (BOS-1839, p. 319, book 9)
Goodwin, Lemuel to Elizabeth Steward. "...girl known by the name of Patsey..." (DOG-1838, pp. 470-471, book 8)
Goodwin, Lemuel to Samuel W. Smith. [his grandson]"...also eight Negroes, viz, Lea, Elege, Dafney & children viz. Margaret, Amanuel, Isabeller, Charity , and a girl named Martha which is given to Elizabeth Steward her life time..." (DOG-1839, pp. 265-266, book 9)
Goodwin, Samuel to William Suit. "...one Negro woman named Ann aged eighteen and girl named Penny aged about two years & one boy named Mark aged about two months" (BOS-1838, p. 341, book 19)
Gordan, William to Maurace S. Hart. [William Gordan was indebted to James H. Young, as extr. of D.I. Young, dec'd; he placed in trust] "...one Negro man Bob Ragland, one Negro woman Leaty, one girl Nully, one boy Stephen, three head horses..." (DIT-1845, pp.490-491, book 13)
Gorden, Robert to Robert Beasley. "...also one Negro woman named Nice aged about 18 years & a girl child aged about 8 months named Polley, also one Negro boy named Laton aged about 24 years, also one mule, one grey horse..." (DIT-1834, pp. 200-201, book 6)
Gordon, Calvin to Royal Royster. "...all of my interest in Zackariah Hester's estate consisting of two Negro boys by the names of Alexander & William and a parcel of land..." (DIT-1838, pp. 386-387, book 8)
Gordon, Howel to Richard Harris."...Negro man Minor aged about 55 years..." (DIT-1850, p.63, book 16)
Gordon, William to Robert T. Beasley. "...one Negro woman Leathy and child Caroline..." (DIT-1852, pp. 484-485, book 16)
Gordon, William to John Royster. "...the following property, to wit, one Negro man Bob Raglin, one Negro woman Sicly, one Negro girl Milley, four head of horses..." (DIT-1849, pp. 176-177, book 15)
Goss, Thomas to William Forsyth. "...one certain Negro girl by the name of Angilene aged three years... and also one Negro woman by the name of Milly aged seventy years..." (DIT-1838, pp. 511-512, book 8)
Goss, Thomas to Rowland Goss. "...girl named Angaline..."(DIT-1844, pp.74-75, book 13)
Graves, Betsey B. to Cornelia M. Graves [her grand daughter]. "...a certain Negro girl by the name Amy Eliza about seven years old..." (DOG-1829, p. 349, book 6)
Green, William M. to Stephen K. Sneed. "...a Negro boy named Charles..." (BOS-1829, p. 65, book 4)
Griffin, Lewis to James M. Overby."...also Negro man Anderson..." (DIT-1843, p.161, book 12)
Grisham, James [of Henderson, Granville Co.] to Charles B. Root [of the city of Raleigh]. "...the following slaves Abram & Robert, men, - Mary a woman, Nancy & her two children one named Rebecca & the other an infant unnamed..." (Deed-1850, pp. 683-684, book 15)
Grissom, Willie to Gerome Grissom [son] "...one Negro woman Lettice and her infant child about twelve months old" (DOG-1857, p. 485, book 19)
Grisson, Turner B., and wife Lucy Ann, to William T. Lawrence.."...seven Negroes and all their increase namely, Gilbert, Mary, Squire, Moses, Henry, Lucy Ann & Nancy, which interest consists of one seventh part of..." (BOS-1841,p.448, book 10)
Grisson, A. to Willie H. Grisson. "...one Negro boy Nelson about seven years old..." (BOS-1837, p. 399, book 8)
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