DEED BOOKS, 1746 - 1828O - Z
HOME 1746 - 1828 A - G H - N O - Z 1828 - 1864 A - G H - N O - Z
O'Brian, Patrick to Robert Dickens. "...three Negroes namely, Alsey aged 23 years, Edmond aged 6 years, Isam aged two years..." (BOS-1820, p. 234, book Z)
O'Brian, Patrick to Thomas Jones, trustee for Amos Gooch. "...woman slave about eighteen or twenty years of age named Alsey and her youngest child named Isahm aobut two years of age..." (DIT-1820, p. 109, book Z)
O'Bryan, Joseph [of Person Co.] to William Brinkley. "...right and title to Negro girl named Jinney belonging to the estate of Patrick O'Bryan...now in possession of Elizabeth O'Bryan, widow..." (Quit claim? - 1809, p. 143, book Z)
O'Bryant, William to Charles Sims. "...one Negro woman named Jenney...property of Elizabeth O'Bryant, consort of Patrick O'Bryant..." (Deed-1807, p. 443, book W)
Obriant, Dennis, John, William,Joseph, & Philip to Mary Ragland. "...relinquish...all claim or title we may or will have to a Negro woman named Rachel...once belonging to the estate of Patrick Obriant..." (Relinquishment-1806, p. 302, book S)
Obriant, Dennis executor of Reuben Ragland, dec'd & Jachariah Pinson in right of his wife to William Williams (son of Nathaniel). "...one Negro man named Christopher." (BOS-1807, pp.146-147, book T)
Obriant, Robert to Nicholas Jones. "...namely one Negro girl named Amy... as a legatee part in William Phillpott's estate..." (DIT-1826, p. 143, book 3)
Obryan, Patrick to Polly Ragland [his daughter]. "...one Negro woman by name Rachel also one Negro girl child by name Pietty, child of Rachel..." (DOG-1799, p. 356, book Q)
Obryant, William [for his wife Elizabeth] to Richard Sneed. "...Negro boy named Green..."(Deed, 1820, p. 32, book Z)
Obryant, Robert to Solomon Philpott. "...namely one Negro girl named Amey, all my legatee part in William Philpott's estate..." (DIT-1823, p. 293, book 1)
Obryant, Robert to Nicholas Jones. "...a certain Negro girl named Amy..." (DIT-1826, p. 64, book 3)
Oliver, John Jr. to John L. Oliver. "...Patience, Daniel, Lucy, John, Fill, Dick, Epraim, Lewis, Phillis, Aggay and Milly and their increase, eleven in number..." (BOS-1820, p. 69, book Z)
Oliver, John to Francis H. Oliver. "...man named Caleb and boy Moses..." (DIT-1820, pp. 67-68, book Z)
Oliver, John L. to William Royster. "...girl slave named Aggey about twenty years of age..." (BOS-1820, p. 144, book Z)
Oliver, Francis H. to Solomon Satterwhite. "...woman named Ged ? and two children Tempey & Sarah..." (BOS-1818, p. 100, book Z)
Owen, John to Lion? Smith. "...love & good will.. one Negro man named charles..." (DOG-1794,p. 146, book P)
Owen, John to John Owen [his son]. "...at my death my Negro man named Shadrack..." (DOG-1899, p. 310, book Q)
Owen, John to Thomas Owen [his son]. "...my Negro man named Patrick..." (DOG-1799, pp. 241-242, book Q)
Owen, John to Daniel Owen [of Wilkes County, Georgia]. "...a Negro girl by the name of Rachel..." (BOS-1803, p. 75, book R)
Owen, Shadrack to William Bullock. "... my Negro man George & two feather beds..." (DIT-1827, pp. 275-276, book 3)
Pace[Pake?], John to Jeremiah Blalock. ".. boy named Mason..." (BOS-1793, p. 5, book P)
Pannell, William to Leonard Henderson. "...man named Peter, & one other Negro man named Will, a grey mare, a bay mare named Pink..." (DIT-1807, pp.108-109, book T)
Pannell, William to Benjamin Fowler [of Person County]. "...one Negro woman named Hannah & her child Julia, one Negro girl named Holly & one Negro girl name Henny..." (BOS-1800, p. 365, book Q)
Parham, Thornton to John Amis. "...woman about the age of thirty years named Jenney, sound and healthy..." (BOS-1817, p. 245, book X)
Parker, George to Samuel Parker [of Wake County]. "...three Negroes, to wit, Rachel, Charles & Jack..." (BOS-1796, p. 243, book Q)
Parker, Samuel [Wake Co.] to Benjamin Fowler [Person Co.]. "... one Negro boy called & known by the name of Watson, aged bout six years..." (BOS-1796, p. 271, book P)
Parker, David to Henry W. Jones. "...boy named Peter..." (BOS-1817, p. 110, book Y)
Parrish, Abel to Albert Sneed. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, man Peter and Willis aged about 18 years & woman Chany and her children Nely, Ellis, Nelson, Deannah & John now in my possession ..." (DIT-1828, pp. 460-461, book 3)
Parsons, William [Prince George Co. VA] to James Lyne. "... two Negro fellows named Toney & Bob..." (BOS-1794, p. 70, book P)
Partie, Charles to William Clement. "...girl child about one year old, also a woman by the name of Betty which the said Clement takes at his own risque who at this time is run away..." (BOS-1813, p.99, book W)
Paschall, Dennis to Stephen K. Sneed. "...a certain Negro woman named Aggy and her three children named Frank, Violet & Henry..." (BOS-1828, p. 487, book 3)
Patterson, Nathaniel to William Patterson and Jane Patterson [his son and daughter]. "... my loving and dear children... the whole of my personal estate & Negro wench named Mary also horses, cows, young cattle, sheep and swine..." (DOG-1774, p.. 142, book K)
Pattillo, Henry to Mutter & Brown. "...three Negro slaves, to wit, Pea?, Joe & Rachel..." (BOS-1794, p.146-7, book P)
Patton, James [for himself and as agent for Alexander Hamilton] to William Powell. "... woman Vina...[she was the slave of William Summerhill] (Relinquishment-1821, p. 280, book Z)
Payton, Thomas [of Cumberland County, as agent for James McDaniel of South Carolina] to John Amis, slave by the name of Jack. (BOS-1815, p. 25, book X)
Peace, John Junr. to Lucy T. Jinkins [his daughter] wife of Wilson Jinkins. "...girl Viney..." (DOG-1807, p. 336, book X)
Peace, John to Lucy Lemay [his daughter]. "...girl Lofa [?]..." (DOG-1817, p. 327, book X)
Peace, John Junr. to his grandchildren, children of his daughter Lucy Talley Jinkins. "...two Negroes named Diner & Billey..." (DOG-1810, p. 340, book X)
Peace, John to William R. Peace [his grandson] "...girl Tilda..." (DOG-1817, p. 336, book X)
Peace, John to Duncan Cameron [of Orange County, town of Hillsborough]. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Duke, Jimmy, Abram & Moss, Negro men; Wimey,a Negro woman, Pleasant, & Dave, boys, children of Wimey, and Frank a Negro woman..." (BOS-1802, pp. 95-96, book R)
Peace, John, administrator of John Dickerson, dec'd, to John Nuttall. "...a Negro woman named Alice aged nineteen years ..." (BOS-1807, p. 143, book T)
Peace, John to John Sutherland. "...a Negro boy named Willie..." (BOS-1806, p. 195, book T)
Peace, John & Isaac Kittrell to Alex Falconer [of Franklin Co]. "...also the following Negro slaves, to wit, Cato, Arthur, Nan, Delila, Nancy, Charlote, & Chloe, Davie, Cato, Dolly, Ester & Fanny...with their increase..." (DIT-1800, pp. 438-440, book Q)
Peace, John & John Dickerson to Archabald Jett [of Norfolk Borough, VA]. "...thirteen Negroes named Jimmy, Mary, James, Pasience, Well, Ned, Tom, Dick, Patt, Fanney, Nancey, Isaac & Harry..." (BOS-1798, p. 243, book Q)
Peace, John to William Walker. "...six Negroes, to wit, Lydon, Amanuel, Phillip, Rose, Ephram, Roger, them & their increase..." (BOS-1803, p. 160, book R)
Peace, John & John Dickerson to Archabald Jett. "...six Negroes named Sarah, Delph, Joshua, Isham, Aaron & Pegg..." (BOS-1798, p. 244, book Q)
Peace, Samuel to Benjamin Hester. "...one Negro man named Bucker..." (BOS-1809, p. 331, book T)
Peace, John to James Wortham. "...woman slave by the name of Lukey..." (BOS-1802, p. 34, book R)
Peace, Susanna to Sarah H. Peace. "...one certain Negro girl known by the name of Zilpah aged nine years also one certain Negro boy known by the name of Booker aged nine months..." (BOS-1822, p. 308, book 1)
Peace, Pleasant to John P. Lemay. "...one Negro man by the name of Cooper, one Negro man by the name of Tom, each of the age of forty years or thereabouts, one Negro man by the name of Pollabus of the age of nineteen years or thereabouts, one Negro woman by the name of Sarah of the age of twenty seven years or thereabouts, and one Negro girl by the name of Franky of the age of twelve years or thereabouts, and one Negro girl by the name of Mary of the age of ten years or thereabouts..." (DIT-1827, pp. 384-385, book 3)
Peace, Susanna to Jane W. Peace. "...a certain Negro woman known by the name of Fanny aged twenty six years, also a certain Negro boy the son of the said Fanny known by the name of Russell aged three years..." (BOS-1822, p. 308-309, book 1)
Peace, Lemuel & others to John Oliver. "...nine Negroes, viz, Mary & child, Elisa, Fanny & two children Daniel and Zelissh, Rhoda and Meyor, Cuffit, Asids, Chansuay, all grown men..." (DIT-1818, pp. 139-140, book Y)
Peace, Samuel to Sarah H. Peace. "...girl named Patsy aged about four years..." (BOS-1818, p. 311, book Y)
Peace, James to William Montague. "...one Negro girl by the named of Honey? about eight years of age..." (BOS-1828, p. 520, book 3)
Peace, John M. to John Lemay. "...one Negro woman by the name of Nancy of the age of thirty nine years or thereabouts, one Negro boy by the name of Dudley about three years old, one Negro girl named Charlotte about six months old, [both children of Nancy]..." (DIT-1829, pp. 386-387, book 3)
Perkinson, Levi to Mary Perkinson. "...girl Betsey aged about nine or ten years..." (BOS-1821, p. 261, book Z)
Perkinson, Levi to Richard Sneed. "...man Jouley..." (BOS-1821, p. 271, book Z)
Person, Joanna to Joseph Taylor. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Christian & her two children Tully & Catina, Rose & her two children, Tamar & John, two Negro men Valentine about twenty years old & Demcy about eighteen years & Booker about twenty five years old, William about twenty five years old, & their future increase...whereas the said Joseph Taylor together with Thomas Eaton of Warren County on a division of the Negro property of the late Gen. Thomas Person, dec'd, when a number of Negroes belonging to said estate were allotted to the said Joanna his widow & relict..." (DIT or BOS-1805, pp. 197-198, book T)
Person, Joanna to John W. Philpot. "...the sum of six hundred & fifty four pounds Virginia money...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Job aged about fourteen years, Ester nineteen years old, Celia nine months old,Betty fifty years old, Cesar fifty five years old, Abby forty five years old, Phillis forty years old, Joseph sixty years old, Manuel fifty years old, Abram thirty years old, Fanny six years old, Phillis three years old, William three years old, Hannah twenty six years old, Mary ten months old..." (BOS-1806, p. 194, book T)
Person, Joanna to John W.Philpott. "...one Negro woman named Elizabeth aged about eighteen years old & her child Phillip about two months old..." (BOS-1805, p. 214, book S)
Person, Joanna to Polley Thomas. "...two Negro boys named Seaver and Marke..." (BOS-1805, p. 223, book S)
Person, Joana to Mary Thomas of [Spotsylvania County, Virginia]. "...Hanah and all the children she has or shall have, also Rose and her increase..." (BOS-1806, p. 251,, book V)
Person, Joanna to May Thomas, widow of Edward Thomas [of Spotsylvania County, Virginia]. "...Henry aged thirty years, Naney aged fifty years." (BOS-1806, p. 56, book T)
Person, Benjamin Eaton to William Johnson of Franklin County. "...two Negroes, one a boy by the name of Bird, the other a girl by the name of Tempy..." (BOS-1803, p. 221, book R)
Person, Joanna to Richard Thomas [her nephew, of Bourbon Co. KY]. "...boy named Herculus about fourteen years of age..." (BOS-1802, p. 63, book R)
Person, Joanna to Benjamin Eaton Person. "...Negro girl by the name of Tempy..." (B-1803, p. 221, book R)
Person, Joanna to Polly Thomas. "...woman named Ailey aged about twenty years old and her child Vina about two years old..." (BOS-1803, p. 14, book S)
Person, Thomas to Nathaniel Robards. "...the following Negroes, to wit, Burwell, Nancy, Celia, Jenney, Ben, Mag, Eveline, Fillis, Alexander, Newman, Patience, Anderson, Micajah, Edmund, Ellen, York, Emanuel, Parker, George, Miny, Polly, Chaney, Soloman, Rose, Dilsey, Margaret, Mildred, Caroline, Calvin, Ruth, Grace, Maranda, Haywood, Thornton, Mary, Susan, Amey, Aaron, John, Tempy, Ezekeil, Burton, Anna, Amenia, Harry, Bob, Tom, Willis, Betsey, Chaney, Soloman, Fanny, Eliza, Cynthia, Rachel, Madison, Judy, Martha, Harriet, Jeffrey, Lucy, Sally, Linda, Tabby, Herbert, Lidia, Daniel, Haywood & Kimp in all sixty nine together with their increase..." (DIT-1828, pp. 479-481, book 3)
Person, Benjamin E. to Thomas Person. "...fifteen Negroes namely, Jeffery aged about 40 years, John aged 38 years, Alford aged 36 years, Eppey aged 34 years, Sollomon aged 28 years, Bob aged 24 years, Cay aged 50 years, Old Suca aged 60 years, Judia aged 45 years, Betsey aged 25 years, little Suca aged 25 years, Marry aged 16 years, Chaney aged 12 years, Rachel aged 10 years, Willis aged 3 years, for the sum of sixteen hundred & sixty six pounds, thirteen shillings..." (BOS-1806, p. 250, book Z)
Person, Thomas to John D. Hawkins [of Franklin Co]. "... also the following Negro slaves, to wit, Burwell, Nancy and her ten children Solomon, Bob, Tom, Aaron, John, Mary, Fanny and her child Rachel and her three children, Witty, Polly, Sucky, Patience & her two children Newman, Jeffry, York, Frank & Sarah and her five children, Willis, Amy & her six children, Charles and Isbell and their increase...(DIT-1824, pp. 1-3, book 2)
Person, Thomas to William Compton. "...four Negro slaves, to wit, one man aged about forty five years named Frank, one woman aged about forty three named Sarah, one girl aged about nine years named Charity, one boy aged about seven years named Orvill & one girl aged about three years..." (BOS-1825, p. 287, book 2)
Phillips, Thomas H. to Leonard Henderson. "...three Negroes, viz, one man named Daniel, one boy named Willie & one named John..." (DIT-1808, pp. 393-394, book T)
Phillips, Thomas H. in trust to Robert Hamilton because of a debt to James & William Hamilton, merchants. "...one Negro man named Daniel..." (DIT-1803, pp. 353-354, book R)
Phillips, Thomas H. & wife Susannah to Thomas D. Ridley. "...man named Wilie, one other named John. One Negro woman named Mary, and one other woman named Jeanny. One horse named Ball, one double gigg and harness..." (DIT-1820, pp. 149-150, book Z)
Philpott, John W. to Mary Thomas [of Spotsylvania Co, VA]. "...two Negro slaves, to wit, Hester and Mark..." (BOS-1815, p. 84, book X)
Pinson, Zachariah & Mary, his wife to Bryant Ragland. "... do hereby relinquish and quit claim...right, title, and interest in one certain Negro woman slave named Mill and her increase..." (Quit-claim, p. 380, book 1)
Pittard, Samuel [of Person County] to Humphrey Pittard. "...two Negroes, to wit, a woman and a child, named Easter and Jerry." (BOS-1809, p. 351, book V)
Pool, Sarah to Elizabeth Pool [her sister]. "...one Negro girl named Leanna..." (DOG-1801, p. 438, book Q)
Pool, Thomas to Bartholomew Strum. ".. one Negro boy named Charlie about seven years old..." (BOS-1794, 110-111, book P)
Pool, Thomas & John Gordon to James Ceke[?]. "...a Negro girl named Charlote..." (BOS-1795, p. 47, book Q)
Pool, Thomas to John Young. "...the sum of ninety-five pounds VA money... one Negro woman named Melinda with three children named Hariot, Ben and Celia..." (BOS-1792, pp. 4-5, book P)
Poole, Thomas to James Hart. "...girl named Betty about fourteen years of age..." (BOS, 1792, p.3, book P) forty-eight pounds
Poole, Thomas to George Norman. " one Negro slave named Jacob about fourteen years old..." (BOS-1794, p. 70, book P)
Pope, Joel to McCall, Elliot & Co. of Glasgow, merchant. "... two Negroes, viz, one about 20 years old named Essex, the other three years old named Jack, also one green handled pen knife..." (BOS-1774, p. 89, book K)
Pope, John, Junr. to Isaac Kittrell. "...one Negro woman by the name of Easter of the age of nineteen years...' (BOS-1795, p. 270, book P)
Pope, Joel to John Baird & Co. "... one Negro wench named Matt with her increase & three cows and calves..." (DIT-1774, p. 123, book K)
Potter, William to John Peace. "...girl called Oney..." (BOS-1776, p. 342, book Q)
Potter, Thomas to Thomas B. Littlejohn. [because of a debt to Cooke & Littlejohn] "...Frank, Jacob, Sarah, Lizza, Burrell, Maria, Bridgett, and Charrity..." (DIT-1815, pp. 380-381, book W)
Potter, Thomas & Thomas Reeks to Cooke, Butler & Sneed... Thomas Potter put in trust Negro man Jacob and man Frank...Thomas Reeks put in trust man Abram and boy Humphrey...Leslie Gilliam to sell the Negroes and discharge the debt. (DIT-1815, pp. 284-285, book W)
Potter, Thomas to James Butler." man by the name of Daniel formerly the property of John Hawkins..." (BOS-1810, p.47, book V)
Potter, Thomas to Thomas Person. "...Frank, Jacob, Sarah, Lizza, Burwill, Betty, Maria, Bridgett, Charity..." (DIT-1815, p.288, book W)
Potter, Robert to James Wssmith[?] Wawmoth. "...one Negro woman slave named Lucy..." (BOS-1803, p. 159, book R)
Potter, Thomas to James Webb Smith. "...a Negro girl slave named Salley & her increase..." (BOS-1796, p. 26, book Q)
Poujaud, Augustus to William Robards. "... for the hire of sundry Negroes slaves both for the last and present year to be worked... Spotswood Burwell for the hire of Nelson... Richard Bullock for the hire of Allen... William Hargrove for the hire of Henry... Richard Bullock for the hire of Hutchings..." (DIT-1827, pp. 185-186, book 3)
Power, Nathaniel to Benjamin H. Wortham. "...two Negro slaves, to wit, Sucky & John..." (BOS-1825, p. 133, book 3)
Preddy, Robert to Nelson Nailing. "..one Negro wench & child, the wench named Amy & the child Dudley..." (BOS-1796, pp. 273-274, book P)
Preddy, George to Susanna Byrum [his daughter of Wake County]. "...child Davis..." (DOG-1819, p. 269, book Y)
Primrose, Temperance to Dick H. Dolley. "...a Negro woman named Tiller aged about forty years and a boy named Moses aged two years..." (BOS-1823, p. 380, book 1)
Procter, Richard [of Warren County] to Jennet Allison. "...one Negro girl named Hannah..." (BOS-1798, p. 127, book Q)
Pruit, John, to Thomas Pruit [his son]. "...three Negroes to wit, Will, Mary & Moses..." (DOG-1813,, p.283, book W)
Pruit, John to Willie S(L)anders [of Wake County]. "...one Negro girl by the name of Cary aged about three years..." (BOS-1808, p. 283, book T)
Pruit, Susanna to Stephen Bridges. "...girl by the name of Silvey..." (DOG-1820, p. 350, book Y)
Pruit, Thomas to William Lawrence. "...woman and child named Penny & Martha..." (BOS-1819, p. 105, book Z)
Pruitt, Doak and William Hanks to Israel Hargrove. "...one certain Negro wench named Mary together with her future increase..." (BOS-1802, p. 336, book R)
Pulliam, John B. to Duncan Cameron [in trust for William Pannell]. "... the following slaves & their future increase, to wit, one Negro boy named Tom of the age of eighteen years, one Negro boy named Adam of the age of eighteen years, one Negro woman named Dolly of the age of thirty years, one Negro woman named Leney of the age of twenty three years, one Negro girl named Amy of the age of sixteen years, one Negro girl named Lucy of the age of eight years, one Negro girl named Vaney of the age of eight months, also six head of horses & three beds of furniture..." (DIT-1802, pp. 547-549, book Q)
Pulliam, John B. to Jonathan Knight. [Pulliam indebted to Cooke & Littlejohn]. "...Negro slave Judah..." (DIT-1812, pp. 398-400, book W)
Pulliam, John to Thomas Norman, Junr. "...Doll, Molly and a young child of Doll, Jina and her two children Nancy and Adam, to him, his executors, administrators and assigns forever, also a Negro woman named Judah, to have in the same manner to him forever. But I, the said John Pulliam, do not warrant the title of the said Negroes to the said Thomas Norman, meaning only to pass my title to them such as it is without any liability on my part should the title prove defective...in trust...for the support of Temperance, wife of John B. Pulliam (names all the children)..." (DIT-1806, p. 185, book W)
Pulliam, John B. to Bryant Kittrell. "...Amey." (BOS-1802, p.250, book V)
Pulliam, Margaret [Peggy] to John N. Pulliam. "...woman & children named Winy, Sam and Narissa between the age of thirty & thirty five ..." (BOS-1822, p. 312, book 1)
Pulliam, Margaret [Peggy] to Robert Potter. "...two Negro fellows named John & Bristor, a Negro boy named Sam & a Negro woman named Winney..." (DIT-1822, p. 196, book 1)
Pulliam, Peggy to John N. Pulliam. "...a certain Negro fellow named John between the age of twenty and twenty two..." (BOS-1822, p. 313, book 1)
Pulliam, John N. to Stephen Sneed. "...also one Negro woman named Leuey and her child Dennus, one girl named Rose about seven years of age, and a Negro boy named Jerry about seven years of age..." (DIT-1823, pp. 314-316, book 1)
Pulliam, Benjamin to Parker F. Stone. "... one Negro man named London now in the possession of John N. Pulliam of the western district of Tennessee..." (DIT-1827, pp. 187-188, book 3)
Pulliam, John N. to John C. Taylor. "... one Negro fellow named Allen a Blacksmith, one Negro fellow named John about twenty one years of age, one Negro girl named Chany about fifteen years of age, one girl by the name of Hester eleven years of age, Negro boy Stephen about fourteen years of age..." (DIT-1823, pp. 404-405, book 1)
Pulliam, John N. to Dennis Paschall. "...a Negro woman Mitty & her three children Mariah, Jerry, and - - - the Negro woman who now has some small ulcers on the fingers of each hand..." (BOS-1824, p. 307, book 2)
Puryear, Henry to James M. Wiggins. "...the following property, viz, one Negro man named Jeff, one Negro boy named Spencer, and one steed horse..." (DIT-1825, p. 272, book 2)
Puryear, Rebecca to Sneed & Puryear. "...also the following property, viz, four Negroes, Jim, his wife Frankey and her two children Charles & Lucy and their future increase..." (DIT-1825, pp. 236-237, book 2)
Puryear, John to William Amis. "...a Negro woman named Lucinde and her four children by the name of Armstead, Gus, Wiley and Jef..." (BOS-1828, pp. 527-528, book 3)
Qualls, Ann to her son-in-law Tarlton Johnson. "...two Negroes known by the names of Milley & Judy, daughter of Milley..." (DOG-1806, p. 265, book S)
Ragland, James M. to Robert Wilson. "...man named Davey..." (BOS-1826, p. 136, book 3)
Ragland, Evan to James Ragland. "... Negro man named Davy..." (BOS-1823, p. 42, book 2)
Ragland, Obrient to Thomas Pool. "... all such right & title as I have...at the death of my mother Mary Pinson (formerly Mary Obrient) to two Negro boys namely Ben about seventeen or eighteen years of age & Ned about fourteen years of age..." (BOS-1824, p. 129, book 3)
Ragsdale, Pleasant to William Bullock because of a debt to John G. Baptist of Mecklenburg County, Virginia. "...boy by the name of Jack, and one other Negro boy by the name of Manuel, and one other Negro boy by the name of General." (DIT-1813, p.67, book W)
Ragsdale, Pleasant H. to Jones W. Ragsdale. "...a Negro woman by the name of Doll, a Negro boy the name of Jack, and two other Negro boys one by the name of General and the other by the name of George, which said three Negro boys are the children of the said Negro woman Doll. ..." (BOS-1812, p. 92, book W)
Ragsdale, Jones to John Goodloe [of Maury County, Tennessee]. "...slave named Tempy aged about 12 years..." (BOS-1812, pp. 343-344, book V)
Ragsdale, Pleasant to Jones W. Ragsdale. "...Doll, Jack, Manuel, Ginnal & Gevis?..." (DIT-1812, pp.91-92, book W)
Ragsdale, Pleasant H. to Beverly Foster. "...boy by the name of Manuel..." (BOS-1812, p.93, book W)
Ragsdale, Jones W. to Rhoda T. Ragsdale [his daughter]. "...Peggy, daughter of Tabler [?]..." (DOG-1815, p. 335, book X)
Reeks, John & James to Richard Sneed for Rhea & Leonard. "...woman Sarah & her child Rachel..." (DIT-1819, pp. 323-324, book Y)
Reeks, Thomas to William M. Sneed & others. "...woman named Rachel & her child Ben..." (DIT-1819, pp. 61-62, book Z)
Reeks, Sarah to David Satterwhite. "...man named Jessee ?..." (BOS-1818, p. 93, book Z)
Reeks, Sarah to Pleasant Rowland. "...four Negro slaves, to wit, one woman named Winny and three children, Caty, Emily and Franky..." (BOS-1819, p. 215, book Y)
Reeks, John to Stephen Sneed. "...Adam, sold to him last October..." (BOS-1820, p. 350, book Y)
Reeks, Thomas to William Jones. "...Dredd, Rachel, and Moredeth..." (DIT-1819, pp.248-249, book Y)
Reeves, William to Robert Hicks. "...one Negro man by the name of Tom..." (BOS-1796, p. 24, book Q)
Reid, Robert to James Hamilton. "...certain Negro man named Thom..." (BOS-1802, p. 126, book R)
Rhea, Andrew to John Hare. "...Dinah, Louisa, and Mosses..." (DIT-1820, pp. 30-31, book Z)
Rhea, Andrew to Henry H. Allen. "...man by the name of Moses about twenty three years of age..." (BOS-1820, p. 103, book Z)
Rhea, Andrew to Henry H. Allen. "...woman Dinah, girl Laura..." (DIT-1820, pp. 117-119, book Z)
Richards, James to James Sims. "...girl by the name of Tune..." (DIT-1827, p. 186, book 3)
Richards, Major [of Franklin Co.] to William Powel. "...a negro boy named Jackson about five years old..." (Deed-1823, p. 12, book 2)
Ricks, Gilbert [of Goochland Co. VA] to Thomas Ricks. "...a Negro fellow named James... supposed to be about forty years of age..." (BOS-1800, p. 365, book Q)
Ricks, John to Thomas Ricks. "...one by the name of Sarah aged about twenty five years, the other named Harry about three years old..." (BOS-1813, p. 193, book W)
Ricks, John to John Rust Eaton. "...boy named Benjamin ...belonging to Drury Kimball, Senr. ...sold for the express purpose of paying three hundred & fifty dollars to James Hamilton..." (BOS-1807, p.52, book T)
Ricks, Lucy to John Ricks [her son]. "...consideration of the love & tender affection I bear towards my son... three Negroes, viz, the one named Anthony aged twelve years, the other named Barnaby aged nine years, the other Sarah aged five years, also one half of the household & kitchen furniture..." (DOG-1795, p. 201, book P)
Ricks, Lucy to Thomas Ricks [her son]. "...three Negroes, viz, the one named Disey aged thirty years, the other named Drury, aged eleven years, the other named Barshaba aged four years, also one half of the household & kitchen furniture..." (DOG-1795, p.201, book P)
Ricks, Thomas to Taylor Ricks [via Thomas B. Littlejohn]. "...Rachel, Humphry & Meredith..." (DIT-1816,pp. 188-189, book X)
Ricks, Thomas to James Ricks [his nephew]. "...two Negro slaves, one by the name of Sarah aged twenty odd years, the other named Harry aged about six years old..." (DOG-1814, p. 249, book X)
Ricks, John to Richard Sneed. "...woman Sarah and her children Harry, Martha, Dicey, and Rachel..." (DIT-1820, pp. 100-102, book Z)
Ricks, Sarah to [my relation] Jordon Foster [of Warren County]. "...one Negro man by the name of Ben aged nineteen..." (DOG-1820, p. 157, book Z)
Ricks, Sarah to Christopher Foster. "...a Negro man by the name of Jesse, it being the Negro man which I purchased of Micajah Ward..." (BOS-1823, p. 384, book 1)
Ricks, Sarah to Sally Glen [her relation]. "...a Negro woman by the name of Judah..." (DOG-1821, p. 60, book 1)
Ricks, Sarah to Thomas Akin. "...woman and two children named Anny, Martha and Susan..." (BOS-1818, pp.113-114, book Y)
Ricks, John to Willis Lewis. "...a certain Negro woman slave Judy being the Negro recovered by him at March term 1828 of Granville Superior Court of the administrator of Lion Kimball..." (DIT-1828, p. 504, book 3)
Ricks, Sarah to Christopher Foster [her nephew of Franklin Co.]. "... the following property, viz, Rachel, Gilbert, James, Polly, Nelly, Edwin, Sylvia, Rose, Tempy, together with all their future increase..." (DOG-1823, p. 17, book 2)
Ridley, Robert to James Hamilton. "...four Negro slaves... Nanny & her child Lucy & Betty & her child Harry..." (BOS-1805, p. 217, book S)
Ridley, Frances, administrator of the estate of Bromfield Ridley to James Hamilton. "...four Negro slaves, to wit, a woman named Nutty & her three children Rhody, Stephen and her last born named Gabriel with their increase..." (BOS-1804, p. 68, book S)
Ridley, Robert to John Wilson. "...one Negro boy named Collin..." (BOS-1805, p. 219, book S)
Ridley, Frances to Phillip Obrian. "...a certain Negro girl by the name of Lylusak..." (BOS-1799, p. 343, book Q)
Ridley, Frances to Robert Wilson. "...one Negro man name Jacob about eighteen or nineteen years of age...formerly the property of B. Ridley..." (BOS-1802, p. 32, book R)
Ridley, Frances, administrator of Bromfield Ridley to Doctor James Ridley. "three Negroes Cula & her two children Peggy & Abby..." (BOS-1803, p. 193, book R)
Ridley, Frances D. to Benjamin Blunt & his wife Sally [of South Hampton, VA]. She had illegally sold a girl slave named Milley to George Floyd some years ealier, and to compensate for this error she now gives to her daughter and son-in-law ..." a certain Negro woman Louisa of a yellow complexion and her two children Charity and Caesar which have been in their possession for several years..." (BOS-1823, pp. 450-451, book 1)
Ridley, Thomas D. to William Hamilton. As the results of a DIT from Thomas H. & Susannah Phillips, a sale was conducted at the store of James Patton "a Negro man named Wiler...a Negro man named John... for the sum of nine hundred dollars as the price of the two Negroes..." (BOS-1821, pp.. 345-346. book 1)
Ridley, Howel to William M. Sneed. "...a certain Black Negro named Gilbert about the age of thirty eight years..." (BOS-1817, p. 325, book X)
Ridley, Frances to Thomas D. Ridley [her son]. "...a Negro boy slave by the name of Grandison..." (DOG-1822, p. 370, book 1)
Ridley, Thomas D. to William M. Sneed. "...man named Frank...not exceed fifty years of age last March & a Negro boy Jacob...not exceed seventeen years of age the 10th of July last..." (BOS-1817, p. 296, book X)
Riley, Robert, to John Bridges. "...two Negroes one named Peg & the other named Winney.." (BOS-1794, p. 71, book P)
Robard, Nathaniel [sheriff] to John Green. "."...Negro man Peter, and after being duly advertized and exposed to sale..." the slave of James H. Butler. (BOS-1819, p. 309, book Y)
Robards, William to Lewis Patterson. Quit claim deed for "a certain Negro man known by the name of Peter ..." (Quit-claim, 1803, p. 156, book R)
Robards, William as administrator of Henry McKinchen, dec'd to John Taylor. "...a Negro boy named Antony..." (BOS-1808, p. 355, book T)
Robards, William as administrator of the estate of Henry McKenchen to John Southerland. "...four Negro slaves, Burwell, Aggy, Ben & Jenny, children of the said Burwell & Aggy, together with their future increase..." (BOS-1808, p. 329, book T)
Robards, Nathaniel to Thomas P. Wortham. "... Negroes Granville & John..." (BOS-1827, p. 293, book 3)
Robards, William [as trustee for Elijah Mitchel] to Solomon Mitchel. "...said Negro woman Dilcey was sold to the highest bidder..." (BOS-1812, pp.1-2, book Y)
Robards, Nathaniel [sheriff] to Samuel Brame. "...by virtue of an execution issued from the county court... for Negro girl Phebe..." (BOS-1821, p. 52, book 3)
Robards, William to James Reeks. "...Sarah and children Martha, Rachael, Dicey and Amey [he had purchased them at a sheriff's sale]...boy Harry..." (Quit claim-1820, p. 142, book Z)
Robards, Nathaniel [sheriff] to Charles E. Johnson. "...writ levied on three Negroes, viz, London, Amey & Stephen..." (had belonged to Polly Taylor. Deed/BOS-1822, p. 73, book 2)
Robertson, Mary - estate: agreement signed by her heirs regarding two Negroes Gabriel and Lucy to James Robertson; Ritter and David to Charles Carter; Aggy and Moses to William Akin; (Article of Agreement-1811, pp.17-18, book W)
Royster, John, Senr. to Edward Royster [his son]. "...one mulatto Negro boy named Armstead..." (DOG-1823, p. 332, book 1)
Royster, John to James Royster. "...a certain Negro woman Patty & two children Elisa & George..." (BOS-1823, p. 282, book 1)
Royster, John to Susanna Royster [his daughter]. "...one mulatto girl named Selina..." (DOG-1823, p. 344, book 1)
Royster, John to his daughter Nancy who married Charles Wright. "...a Negro boy by the name of Frank which they have now in possession..." (DOG-1823, p. 307, book 1)
Royster, John to David Royster [his son]. "...one mulatto Negro boy named Henry..." (DOG-1823, p. 335, book 1)
Royster, John to Elizabeth Shanks [his daughter]. "...one Negro girl most commonly known by the name of Ritter..." (DOG-1823, p. 332, book 1)
Royster, William to Willis A. Royster [his son]. "...four Negroes, viz, Mariah and her two children Pleasant & Eliza & a Negro girl named Rose..." (DOG-1824, p. 137, book 2)
Royster, Wiley to Irby Smith. "... for a deed of trust taken on three Negroes, to wit, Mosses, Sterling & Pat..." (Relinquishment-1823, p. 74, book 2)
Royster, William to Willis A. Royster. "...boy lad by the name of Peter..." (BOS-1826, p. 135, book 3)
Royster, Robert to Joseph A. Norwood. "...Rachel, Lucy, Moses & Titus..." (DIT-1822, pp. 214-215, book 1)
Russell, John C. to John Fuller. "...girl Rachel..." (BOS-1814, p.261, book W)
Russell, John to John C. Russell [his son]. "...man named Tom..." (DOG-1807, p.233, book T)
Russell, John to Anna Russell [his daughter]. "...one Negro girl named Phillis & her future increase..." (DOG-1807, p. 192, book T)
Rust, Jeremiah to Samuel Rust. "...one Negro boy named David [Daniel?] about eight years of age..." (BOS-1797, p. 129, book Q)
Rust, Jeremiah to John Nuttall. "...boy named Daniel." (BOS-1807, p. 144, book T)
Salter, Washington & Henry Lyne & John Hare to Richard Bullock [of Warren Co]. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Quillo, Cetta, Rachel, Demp, Jacob, Miles, Jim, Fanny, Stephen, Chastine, Norris, Cela & three children, including all the family of Quillo & Cella, Rose, Tom, Abel, Milley, Will, Pattey, Jim (shoemaker) Harry, Cammel, Alex, Peggy, Dic & Riley..." (DIT-1801, pp. 558-560, book Q)
Salter, J. to William Butler. "...this day sold & delivered at public auction... Negro boy known by the name of Stephen, which sold Negro boy belonged to the estate of my brother Washington Salter..." (BOS-1802, p. 95, book R)
Salter, John, administrator of Washington Salter, dec'd, to Martha Salter. "....Boy, Jim, Nun, Jacob, Abil, & girl Milla on a credit of six months..." (BOS-1803, p. 325, book R)
Sample, Robert to George Larramoore. "boy named Peppin about eleven years age..." (BOS-1794, p. 71, book P)
Samuel, Andrew to Susanna Anderson Lewis [his granddaughter]. "...one Negro girl named Nancy..." (DOG-1816, p. 181, book X)
Samuel, Andrew to William Murphy [of Greene Co. AL] "...two Negroes named & called Adam & Isaac; Adam about eighteen years of age and Isaac about twenty one years of age... that Negro Isaac is to remain in the possession of the said Andrew during his life..." (BOS-1825, p. 406, book 2)
Satterwhite, Franklin to Thomas Mitchell. "...slave named Anthony..." (BOS-1801, p. 61, book R)
Satterwhite, Smith to Mitchel Satterwhite. "...Esther, Charles, Jenny, Alloway [?], & Simean..." (DIT-1814, pp. 261-262, book W)
Satterwhite, Edwin to Stephen Sneed. "...the sum of sixty three pounds six shillings Virginia currency...two Negro slaves, to wit, Ned & Hannah..." (BOS-1809, p. 330, book T)
Satterwhite, Stephen to Smith Satterwhite. "...boy by the name Moses..." (BOS-1808, p.25, book V)
Satterwhite, Franklin to William Pannell. "one Negro woman named Bell... also one Negro girl named Lilsey..." (BOS-1800, p. 388, book Q)
Satterwhite, Horace B. to William Robards. "...woman named Dolley & Louisa child of said Dolley..."(BOS-1808, p. 254, book T)
Satterwhite, Michael to Joseph Taylor. "...two Negroes Sarah & John, two feather beds..." (BOS-1796, pp.354-355, book P)
Satterwhite, Smith to Willis Ridley. "...Jerry about twelve years old & Otway about seven years old..." (DIT-1812, pp. 44-45, book X)
Satterwhite, Lucy to Edny Sneed [her daughter] and Ann Mariah Satterwhite. "...Cretty ? and Tempe..." (DOG-1819, p. 284, book Y)
Self, Job & Hudson to John Nuttall. "...one Negro boy named Jacob aged eighteen years..." (BOS-1806, p. 301, book S)
Self, Job to John Nuttall. "...a Negro boy named Riddick aged about thirteen years." (BOS-1806, pp. 143-144, book T)
Shapard, William to Thomas Shapard & Francis Royster. "convey and transfer to John Shapard, son of the said William Shapard, one Negro boy named Abram & to Robert Shapard, son also of the said William Shapard one Negro boy named Dick as their own absolute right & property of which Negroes the said William is now possesses..." Children of William were Samuel, Mildred, William, Elizabeth, Royster, James, Lewis, Thomas, Mary, John, Anne, Barnett & Robert. (DIT-1807, pp. 49-51, book T)
Shapard, Samuel B. to William Shapard [his father] "...all my Negroes, (to wit) Old Ishmael, Phil, Peg, Peter, Tamas, Harry, Young Ishmael, Hanner, Jack & Van, my waggon & all my horses..." in exchange for land and "a likely sound healthy Virginia born Negro boy between the age of twelve & twenty-five". (DOG-1788 & 1807, pp.48-49, book T)
Sharp, Starky and Seth Perry [of Hertford County] acting with power of attorney from Jacob Sharp, to John Oakley. "...woman named Rachel, about seventeen year old..." (BOS-1805, p. 13, book S)
Shearman, Elizabeth to John C. Russell. "...all my right, title, interest and demand to one certain Negro man named George, now or late in the possession of Squire Shearman..." BOS-1810, p. 117, book W)
Short, Vinis to Parker F. Stone. "...one Negro man Ned aged about thirty five years, tall & spare, made of a dark complexion..." (BOS-1827, p. 195, book 3)
Short, Wyatt to David Winston. "...all the right, title and interest to two Negroes a boy & a girl by the names of John and Fanny..." (DIT-1826, p. 66, book 3)
Short, Wyatt to Thomas King. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Doctor, Ned, Andrew, Ritter, Fanny, John, Phillis, also two head of horses, eleven head of cattle..." (DIT-1824, pp. 78-81, book 2)
Short, Vines to Thomas L. King. "... two Negro slaves one named Ned and the other Nancey..." (Quit-claim, 1824, pp. 84-86, book 2)
Short, William [of Mecklenburg Co. VA] to Happy Hays [of Franklin Co. NC]. "...two Negroes a boy and girl by the names of Sam and Fanny..." (Agreement-1822, pp. 253-254, book 1)
Short, Wyatt to Parker Stone. "...three Negro men namely Ned, Andrew & Doctor..." (DIT-1824, pp. 219-220, book 2)
Short, Wyatt to Parker F. Stone. "...all right, title & interest to three Negro men namely Toney, Doctor, Samuel, also a boy named Ned..." (DIT-1822, p. 287, book 1)
Sims, William H. [of Warren County, NC] to William Robards. "...one Negro girl about fifteen years of age named Peggy being now in his possession likewise one bay horse..." (DIT-1809, pp. 411-412, book T)
Smith, Ichabod to Polly R. Smith [his daughter]. "...my Negrow girl by the name of Robert..." (DOG-1815, p. 342, book W)
Smith, Ichabod to Abraham Laurence. "...one Negro girl by the name of Patte..." (BOS-1812, p.260, book W)
Smith, Maurice to Samuel L. Downey. "...Woman Chistine & her children Washington, Tempe & Billy..." (BOS-1815, p. 446, book W)
Smith, Frances and Charlotte B. [of Prince Edward County, Virginia] to John Brodie, Senr. "...May, Page & Jenny...property of Alexander Brodie's estate..." (Deed-1813, p. 163, book W)
Smith, Ichabode to Frederick Beck. "...a certain Negro boy about four years old and him known by the name of Nelson..." (BOS-1812, p. 350, book V)
Smith, Edmund to Howel Moss. "...my fourth part of a Negro girl named Silvey of the estate of Wm Daniel, dec'd..." (BOS-1796, p. 25, book Q)
Smith, Reuben to Israel Hargrove. "...fellow Jacob about twenty years of age..." (BOS-1805, p. 67, book S)
Smith, James to Overton Wiles. "...man slave named Stephen which Negro I lately purchased of Maurice Smith..." (BOS-1809, p. 407, book T)
Smith, Ransom to John Nuttall. "...a Negro girl named Milley aged about eight years..." (BOS-1802, p. 126, book R)
Smith, Sihon? [of Wake Co.] to John Owen, junr. "... bargain & exchanged .. Charles for one by the name of Robbin...(Exchange?-1795, p. 146, book P)
Smith, Bennett to James Satterwhite. "...one Negro woman named Judy..." (BOS-1805, p.162, book S)
Smith, Samuel to George Albright.."...girl named Clara supposed to be fourteen years old." (BOS-1807, p. 100, book T)
Smith, Bennett to Joseph Williams, Jur, [of Surry county]. "..a certain Negro girl named Jane..." (BOS-1810, p.47, book V)
Smith, Bennett to David Dancy for Richard Russell. "...two likely Negro women known by the names of Leah & Rachal." (DIT-1810, p. 179, book V)
Smith, David W. to John P. Smith. "... a certain Negro boy lad named Randol..." (DIT-1828, p. 432, book 3d)
Smith, Mary to Samuel Downey [for her grand daughter Jane]. "...my Negro girl named Peggy about twelve years old with all her increase..." (DOG-1827, p. 371, book 3)
Smith, Joel to Leonard Roberson. "..girl Sukey..." (BOS-1816, p. 179, book Y)
Smith, William [of Warren County] to Alexander Boyd [of Mecklinburg County, VA] for $100,600 plantation in Warren & Granville on both sides of Nutbush Creek, a plantation which once belonged to Hezekiah Strum in Granville county on Island Creek, another plantation in Granville on Grassy Creek, and..."ninety negro slaves...Ben S., Patrick, Stephen D., Jane, Lucy, Nancy, Davy, London, Tom, Elijah, Watt, Ritter, Harry, Squire, Big Isaac, Davy, Hilyard, little Dick, Rachel, Mary, Patty, Molly, Sarah, Dicy, Daphney, old Fanny, Viny, Lucinda, Ben C., Prudence, old Rose, Lily, Sam, Ivine, Phillis, Wake, Jacob, Peter, Gloster, Granville, Silas, Daniel, old Davey, Chavis,John, Ransom, Santee, Amy, Sooky, Jane, Beck, Franky, Aggy, Kissy, Creua, Little Ben, Charely, Judah, Roseany, Milly, Partheny, Abby, Mariah, Hampton, Kitty, Ben (son of Jane), Green, Madison, little Franky, Beddy, Martha, Charlotte, Nathan, Lethe, Emily, little Fanny, Eliza, Sally, Betsy, Mary, Milly, little Rose, Isaac (son of Daphny), Kizziah, Naney, George, Cherry, Prudence, Henderson, Dilly..."[also included was all the other personal property on the plantations named] (DEED-1818, pp. 244-246, book Y)
Smith, Maurice, executor of William Smith, dec'd to Richard Sneed. "...Tempe...to the highest bidder..." (BOS-1819, p. 204, book Y)
Smith, Charles D. to Ann Williams. "...one Negro woman named Fanney about eighteen years old..." (BOS-18, p. 97, book Z)
Smith, Irby to Richard Bennett. "...eight Negroes Clary, a woman, Dilsy a woman, Betsey a girl, five Negro boys, Aaron, Lewis, Stepney, Henry, Thomas..." (DIT-1817, p. 351, book X)
Smith, Irby to Lemuel Smith. "...five Negroes, to wit, three boys & two girls - one girl named Dilcy & one named Pat; and also one boy names Moses, one named Sterling & one named Jacob...(DIT-November 1823, pp. 430-431, book 1)
Smith, Irby to Banister Royster. "...three Negroes, Moses a Negro boy, Sterling a Negro boy & Pat a Negro girl for the purpose of securing the payment..." (DIT-September, 1823, pp. 413-414, book 1)
Smith, Anderson to Samuel Hillman. "...also his right and interest in thirteen Negroes, viz, Lucy & little Lucy & her child now in the possession of Mrs. Mason Smith, the other ten Negroes in possession of Samuel Smith - Jack, Fan, these with the other eight not mentioned for want of knowing their names & their increase, also one bay horse..." (DIT-1820, pp. 134-136, book 1)
Smith, Irby to Craddock Vaughn. "...eight Negroes; Clary - woman, Dilsey - woman, Betsey - girl, Aaron - boy, Lewis - boy, Stepney - boy, Henry - boy, Thomas -boy..." (DIT-1817, p. 350, book X)
Smith, Reuben to Daniel Glover. "...man named Daniel supposed to be about twenty two years of age..." (BOS-1816, p. 208, book X)
Sneed, Stephen to Richard Daniel. " a Negro boy named Anthony of about fourteen years of age..." (BOS-1794, p. 72, book P)
Sneed, Samuel & his wife Jane & Mary Jeter to Rachel Dudley [of Nottoway Co. VA]. "...with the following Negroes, to wit, Humphrey, Patt, Jermmy, Lott, Austin, Salley & James & their future increase ..." (Deed of conveyance-1801, pp. 524-525, book Q)
Sneed, William Morgan, executor of William Agnes Williams, dec'd, to John Stockard. " girl named Kitty being a Negro devised by my said Testatrix to Mary Hamilton wife of James Hamilton..."(BOS-1807, p. 97, book T)
Sneed, William M. administrator of the estate of Joseph P. Davis & Frances Davis [his widow] to Ransome Southerland [of Wake County, NC] "...two men by the name of Jack & Isham, the first about the age of twenty seven on the 14th of April last, and the last about the age of twenty four years on the 20th day of April last..." (BOS-1912, p.30, book W)
Sneed, Stephen to Joseph P. Davis. "...relinquish all the right title, and interest in Negro girl Nelley mentioned in said deed of trust which was conveyed by John Creath to me..." (relinquishment-1820, p. 212, book Z)
Sneed, William M. as administrator of Sarah Sharp, dec'd to Doct. Richard Inge. "...a yellow Negro girl named Critty about twenty three years of age..." (BOS-1819, p. 3, book Z)
Sneed, William M. [administrator for William Gill, dec'd] to Upton Thomasson. "...two Negro boys named James and Erasmus, sons of Charity, these are two small boys..." (BOS-1820, p. 154, book Z)
Sneed, Joseph to Clay & Gooch. "...one Negro woman by the name of Peggie..." (BOS-1818, p. 362, book Z)
Sneed, Joseph to Joseph G. Norwood. "...a certain Negro boy by name of Charles aged ten years or thereabouts, he being a boy given me by my grandmother Mitchell..." (BOS-1818, p. 179, book Y)
Sneed, Stephen to Cliff Finch. "...girl named Priscilla...girl named Hannah, both of which Negroes ...Finch purchased at my sale as trustee of Nathaniel Taylor's property..." (BOS-1821, p. 56, book 1)
Sneed, William M., administrator of Joseph P. Davis to Voluntine Mayfield. "...a certain Negro boy slave of a yellow complexion by the name of Abington about the age of eleven years the 22nd day of November last..." (B)S-1817, p. 244, book X)
Sneed, Stephen [as trustee of Leslie Gilliam], to William McClanahan. "...a certain Negro woman named Norender and her child Henry Randol..." (BOS-1823, p. 394, book 1)
Sneed, Samuel, as administrator, to Stephen K. Sneed. "...a certain Negro man named Adam..." (BOS-1827, p. 293, book 3)
Sneed, Stephen [as trustee for Nathaniel Taylor] to William Webb. "...woman named Patience about thirty three years of age, which Negro said Webb purchased this day at my sale..." (BOS-1822, p. 214, book 1)
Sneed, William M., as administrator of William Gill, dec'd to Howel L. Ridley, the highest bidder. "...fellow named Gilbert about thirty eight years of age, of a Black complexion..." (BOS-1817, p. 329, book X)
Snipes, Nathaniel to James Snipes. "...one Negro girl by the name of Nuty..." (BOS-1805, p. 220, book S)
Snipes, Nathaniel to James, Jesse, & Thomas Snipes [his sons]. land and "...thirteen Negroes, to wit, Rachel, Frank, Ben, Pegg, Cate, Buck, Amy, Sal, Lott, Sam, James, Charlotte, & Rhoda, two horses, ten head of cattle... (DIT-1807, pp. 154-156, book T)
Snipes, Charity & Robert to Thomas I. Hicks. "...release and forever quit claim... two Negro slaves named Abraham and Harry, now in the possession of Thomas Hicks by virtue of any alleged gift from the late Mrs. Constant Hicks, wife of Thomas Hicks, formerly widow of Robert Hester, dec'd... " (Quit-claim-1823, p. 387, book 1)
Snipes, Charity & others to Amos Garrott. "... sell Negro woman named Maria & her child named Emily belonging to the estate of John Snipes..." (BOS-1827, p. 238, book 3)
Somerville, John to James Lewis. "... for 90 pounds VA money... the following Negroes (to wit), Cate & Jerry..." (BOS, 1793, page 2, book P)
Somerville, John to John Collins. "...girl by the name of Jenney..." (BOS-1793, p.42, book P)
Somerville, John of the one part & Susanna his daughter (now intermarried with John Rust Eaton) of the other part...land "...the following Negroes and the future increase of the females (to wit), Little Luke, Sophia, Nick, Jim, Clary daughter of Luke, Abraham (called Ross), Clitty (?), Davey (called Petersburg), Polydore, Jean, Savory,Virgil, Chloe,Charles, Sukey, Henry, Abraham (son of Nancy), Carolas, & Nancy & also a bay mare called the Bullock mare..." (DOG-1802, pp. 117-118, book T)
Spears, John to John Boswell. "...one Negro girl Surene about twelve years old..." (BOS-1821, p. 312, book 1)
Spencer, Thomas to John Nuttall. "...boy named Jerry.. " (BOS-1805, p. 145, book T)
Stamper, John to John Stovall. "...a certain Negro girl named Dicy & her child Frankey..." (BOS-1800, p. 415, book Q)
Stamper, William to Robert Stamper [his son]. "...three Negro slaves, viz, a Negro woman Cealy & her child Henry, and a boy George..." (DOG-1822, p. 369, book 1)
Stanton, Green to Willis Johnson. "...one Negro mail child Jim, the tract or dower of land on which the said Stanton now resides..." (DIT-1824, pp. 112-113, book 2)
Stark, John to James Hamilton. "... one Negro woman named Dinah..." (BOS-1802, p. 98, book R)
Stith, Andrew to Elijah Graves. "...boy by name Madderson..." (BOS-1816, p. 285, book X)
Stone, John to Thomas Powell. "...one certain Negro boy named Nathan about the age of ten years..." (BOS-1926, p. 441, book 2)
Stone, Parker to Chesly Davis. "...girl named Nancy..." (BOS-1816, p. 94, book X)
Stovall, John to Tryon Yancey [his son-in-law]. "...a certain Negro boy by the name of Phill..." (DOG-1799, p. 312, book Q)
Stovall, Wilkins to Littleberry Tucker. "...woman named Harriott and her child aged three months..." (BOS-1824, p. 336, book 2)
Stovall, Wilkins to Thomas Pool. "...one Negro boy named Ben about eighteen years of age..." (BOS-1824, p. 110, book 3)
Stovall, John to [his daughter] Phoebe Royster. "...girl named Bette, which she has now in her possession..." (DOG-1820, p. 169, book Z)
Strum, Hezekiah to James Hart. "...one Negro man named Martin, one Negro man Dick, one Negro woman named Fan, also the whole of my crop of corn & fodder..." (DIT-1824, pp. 206-207, book 2)
Suit, John & Sarah his wife to John Washington to recover the following Negro slaves, Hannah, the older Pheby, Isham, Titia, Vina, Alfred, Polly, which suit is now defending in Orange Superior Court, which said Negroes are conveyed by us to the John Washington by Bill of Sale bearing date the 24th day of October 1791...(BOS-1808, pp. 407-408, book T)
Summerhill, William to John N. Boswell. "...boy named Martin aged about six years old..."(BOS-1821, p. 292, book Z)
Summerhill, William to William Powell. "...woman named Vina aged about thirty five years old..." (BOS-1821, p. 269, book Z)
Summerhill, William to David Moss. "...one Negro woman named Vinna..." (DIT-1821, pp. 53-55, book 1)
Sumner, Jethro [of Gates Co] to Benjamin Sumner. "...a certain Negro man by the name of Valentine aged about twenty one years..." (BOS-1826, p. 149, book 3)
Sym, Wythe [of Brunswick County, VA] to James Tony. "...girl named Violet, she & her increase to him & his heirs forever..." (BOS-1806, p. 261, book S)
Talley, Dyer to James Hamilton. "...five Negroes, viz, Frank & Dinah & their three children Frank, Lucky, & Leithey..." (BOS-1802, p. 194, book R)
Taylor, Joseph to Mitchel Satterwhite. "... and also two Negroes Sarah & John, two feather beds..." (Deed-1799, pp. 223-224, book Q)
Taylor, John [of Mecklenburg County, VA] to Israel Hargrove. "...a Negro man by the name of Peter..." (BOS-31 Jan. 1799, p. 275, book Q)
Taylor, Charles to Osborn Jeffreys, Junr. [Person Co.] "... one hundred & seven pounds, ten shillings... one Negro wench called Daphne & her two children, Cassandra & Unity..." (BOS-1792, p.6, book P)
Taylor, Miles to Duke Kinball. "...One Negro girl named Lucy..." (BOS-1808, p. 330, book T)
Taylor, Joseph to Mary Ann Lewis [his daughter, wife of Willis Lewis]. "...the following Negro slaves, William, Patty, George, & Milley his wife & her children, Mary & her son Stephen, Edmond, Keziah, Enoch, Charlie, Nancy & James ..." (DOG-1797, pp. 375-376, book P)
Taylor, Edmund to John Taylor. "...his proper share of the lands & seven Negroes, namely Sam & his wife Nanny with their five children & all their future increase..." (BOS-1796, p. 292, book P)
Taylor, Nathaniel M. to Sneed & Booth. "...one Negro man aged thirty years named James, one other aged eighteen named Brittain, one boy aged fourteen named John..." (DIT-1818, pp.209-211, book Y)
Taylor, Thomas P. to Charles E. Johnson of Chowan Co. "... one Negro man named Sam & one other Negro man named John..." (BOS-1827, p. 255, book 3)
Taylor, John & wife Lucy, accepted from the executors of James Lyne & Henry Lyne, his son, the following Negroes, viz, Toney, John, Shoe [?],Jim, Shadrack, Jeffery, Nancy, Damon, Polly, Luccey & old Easter, as their full property of the personal estate of Jas. & Henry Lyne, dec'd..." (Division of estate-1816, p. 293, book X)
Taylor, Richard to Jane Thorp [his daughter]. "...Ephraim and Billy together with my riding horse..." (DOG-1826, p. 351, book 3)
Taylor, Thomas to Mary Jenkins. "...the high regard, love and respect... and further as a reward for the duties rendered as a nurse toward me and my mother in times of sickness... a Negro woman named Mima..." (DOG-1825, p. 292, book 2)
Taylor, Thomas to Joseph Taylor [his nephew]. "...one Negro slave named Edmond (son of Polly)..." (DOG-1825, p. 255, book 2)
Taylor, Anderson Lewis to James Nuttall. "...also the Negro man named Billy aged about twenty, one Negro man named Jimmey aged about forty five, one Negro woman named Jinny about twenty five & her five children viz, Betey, Robert, Fill, Fanny & Mariah, one Negro woman named Reney aged about twenty six & her four children viz, Ann, William & Cretia & Davis, to have and to hold the said land & Negro slaves..." (DIT-1825, pp. 393-394, book 2)
Taylor, Lewis to Natt M. Taylor. "...also a woman named Peney about twenty four years of age, also a Negro girl named Patsey aged about eleven years, also a girl named Anna aged about nine years, also a boy named William aged about - years, also a girl named Cretia aged about five years,..." (DIT-1821, pp. 354-355, book Z)
Taylor, Polly [of Franklin Co.] to [her granddaughters] Martha and Mary Taylor, children of my son Thomas P. Taylor. "...to Martha Ann one Negro girl named Jinney daughter of Anney.... to Mary Frances one Negro girl named Polley daughter of Anney..." (DOG-1820, p. 208, book Z)
Taylor, Robert and Warner, trustees to a DIT to us by Patty Taylor to secure to Benjamin P. Thorp...do hereby release and relinquish to Thomas P. Taylor all the right ...in two Negroes Sam and Burton mentioned in said deed...(Release - 1820, p. 41, book Z)
Taylor, Nathaniel & W. Sneed to Elizabeth Pulliam. "...a Negro girl Nancey aged twelve years..." (BOS-1822, p. 203, book 1)
Taylor, Nathaniel to Stephen Sneed. "...all the right, title & interest in the estate of Jane Taylor, mother of Nathaniel, being one sixth part of fourteen Negroes bequested to his mother during life... also one Negro boy named John about eighteen years of age, being the only boy he has at present in possession... " (DIT-1822, pp.251-253, book 1)
Taylor, Lewis to Thomas Booth. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, one Negro man named Gabriel aged about twenty eight years, one Negro man named John aged about twenty seven years, one Negro man named Charles aged about twenty years, one Negro man named Dick aged about nineteen years, one Negro man named James aged about twenty seven years, one Negro man named Stephen aged about twenty two years, one Negro boy named Willis aged about fourteen years, one Negro boy named Thompson aged about twelve years, one Negro boy named Jaimy aged about thirteen years, one Negro man named Nat aged about twenty seven years, one Negro woman named Levisha aged about twenty and her two children named Anthony and Harry, one Negro woman named Pink aged about twenty years, and her three children, one Negro woman named Hetty aged about thirty years, one Negro girl named Martha aged ten years, to have and to hold the said negro slaves ..." (DIT-1822, pp. 149-151, book 1)
Taylor, Nathaniel to Stephen K. Sneed. "...one Negro woman named Patience aged about thirty years, one girl Prissilla aged seven years, one girl named Hannah aged five years, one boy named ---- aged two years, the children of said Negro woman Patience, one woman named Rachel aged twenty five years, one girl named Grissey aged eight years, one girl named Ritter, aged five years and one boy named Jubas ages two years, the children of said Negro woman Rachel..." (DIT-1820, pp.84-85, book Z)
Terrell, Jephthah to Jephthah Terrell, Jrnr. " one Negro boy by the name Job." (DOG-1807,p. 55, book T)
Terrell, John to John Boyce [of Wake County, NC]. "...the following Negro slaves, one woman named Hanner, one named Lott & her child named ? about one year of age, which Negroes I, the said Terrell bought of his mother & Lemuel Cook..." (DIT-1822, pp. 281-282, book 1)
Terrill, Jephthah Senr. to Jephthah Terrill Junr, [of Wake County, NC his fourth son]. "...two Negroes, one Negro woman the name of Hannah & one Negro girl by the name of Lot..." (BOS-1808, p. 329, book T)
Terry, Rowland to his son Thomas Terry. "...boy named Hary..." (DOG-1815, p. 25, book X)
Terry, Roland to Henry Wilson, Senr. "...one Negro boy named John..." (BOS-1824, p. 172, book 2)
Thomas, Mary [of Spotsylvania County, VA] to John W. Philpott. "...fifteen Negro slaves, to wit, Hanner, Fanny, Billy, Fillis, Mary, Sulsse [?], Moses, Bartlet, Roose, Tamer, John, Dudly, Lewis, Tabby & Caye..." (BOS-1815, p. 83, book X)
Thomason, William to Thomas Vass. "...one Negro man slave named Randolph..." (BOS-1800, p. 343, book Q)
Thomason, Benjamin to John Fowler. "...three Negroes...Charity, Viny and Sarah..." (BOS-1819, p. 171, book Y)
Thomasson, Thomas to John Spears. "...one Negro man named Frank about forty three years of age..." (BOS-1821, p. 283, book 1)
Thomasson, Lydia to Parker F. Stone. "...relinquish, release and forever quit claim... Hester, Eliza & infant, the Negroes awarded to him as administrator ..." (Conveyance-1823, p. 440, book 1)
Thomasson, Lydia to Archer Cawthon. "...all right, title and interest in father's estate...also one Negro woman Easter, one boy Sam, and one boy Willis, one girl Liza & one child at the breast, all the children of Easter..." (DIT-1823, pp. 409-411, book 1)
Thomasson, Lydia to Dennis Paschall. "...boy Willis about seven years of age for the sum of one hundred & fifty dollars..." (BOS-1825, p. 308, book 2)
Thomasson, Benjamin to Patrick Hamilton. "...eleven Negro slaves, viz, one Negro man named Sam aged between thirty & thirty five years, Becky his wife about the same age & three children, Jumtina? a daughter aged about 6 years, Egbert a boy aged about four years and her youngest child named Granville aged about two months; Charity a Negro woman aged about thirty years & four of her children, viz, Erasmus a boy aged about 5 years, Sarah & Vina twin girls aged about three years and the youngest child which is nameless aged about one month, and a Negro man named Peter aged..." (DIT-18119, p. 259, book Y)
Thomasson, Nelson to Meredeth Crews. "..one certain Negro man slave named Sam, 22 years old..." ((DIT-1821, p. 320, book Z)
Thomson, John to Daniel Glover. "... on Negro girl by the name of Elizabeth..." (BOS-1794, p. 93, book P)
Thornton, John to Claborn Robertson. "...girl named Lively..." (BOS-1814, p. 344, book X)
Thorp, John Senr. to Martha Howard [his daughter]. "...man named Ben...also one Negro woman named Delse..." (Deed-1797, p. 138, book Q)
Thorp, John, Snr. to John Thorp, Junr. "...one Negro boy named Major..." (DOG-1793, p. 156, book N)
Thorp, John Senr. to [his daughter] Martha Howard [of the county of Ohio, Kentucky]. "...one Negro girl named Febe & her increase..." (DOG-1811, p. 270, book V)
Thorp, John Senr. to Sarah Terry [his daughter]. "... for the love & good will.. one boy named Fill... one girl named Ann..." (DOG-1795, p. 127, book P)
Thorp, John, Senr. to [his son] Terry Thorp [of the county of Ohio, Kentucky]. "...one Negro man named Henry..." (DOG-1811, p. 269, book V)
Thorp, John Senr. to Judith Clement [his daughter]. "... boy named Suice..'garl' named Tabitha..." (DOG-1795,p. 128, book P)
Thorp, John, Senr. to [his son] John Thorp, Junr. [of the county of Breckenridge, Kentucky]. "...one Negro boy named Peter..." (DOG-1811, p. 271, book V)
Thorton, John "enters the birth of a Negro boy named Lewis, Oct 19, 1750... ditto birth of Negro boy named Dick, December 25, 175?.. ditto, birth of a Negro boy named Anthony, born november 5, 1751." (Deed book C-2, page 709)
Tison, Moses, John Joiner, & Willey Speer, [all of the County of Pitt], to John Wilson. "... a certain Negro girl named Rossey aged fourteen years..." (BOS-1799, p. 277, book Q)
Toone[Goom?], James & Sarah to John Taylor. "...girl named Bettey about seven years of age..." (BOS-1792, p. 91, book P)
Torril, John to "my dutiful son Hozokiah Torril.. Negro fellow called Frank". (DOG, 1758, pp. 540-541 Book C-2)
Turner, Charles to George Burnes. "...one Negro woman named Serina and her child named Parker..." (BOS-1826, p. 524, book 3)
Twisdale, Beckum [of Mecklenburg Co., VA] to William Bullock. "...three Negroes, viz, John, Frank & Libey[?] & certain child of two years old..." (BOS-1812, p.30, book W)
Vass, Thomas to Charles Smith. "...one Negro boy named Stephen..." (BOS-1809, p. 116, book V)
Vass, Vincent [Caroline Co. VA], to Thomas Vass. "...the sum of fifty pounds... a certain yellow Negro boy by the name of Joe..." (BOS-1793, p. 4, book P)
Vass, Thomas Senr. to Thomas Vass Junr. "...one Negro man slave named Randolph..." (BOS-1801, p. 554, book Q)
Vass, Thomas and wife Lucy to Thomas Hicks. "...quit claim... two Negro slaves named Harry & Abraham..." (Quit-claim-1822, p. 306, book 1)
Vass, Thomas to [his son-in-law] Fleming Beasley. "...three Negroes, viz, Leathy a woman nineteen years of age, Eliza five years of age & Rose two years of age..." (DOG-1818, p.4, book Y)
Vass, Thomas to [his daughter] Sarah Hester. "...one Negro boy named Jessee..." (DOG-1817, p. 6, book Y)
Vick, Samuel W. W. [sheriff of Nash County] to Moses Mordicae [of Wake County]. "... against Joseph Arrington administrator of William ? levied on a Negro boy named William... for sale to the highest bidder at the court house in Nashville..." (BOS-1823, p. 13, book 2)
Vincent, Richard, executor for Joseph Beavel, dec'd to John Nuttall. "a Negro man named Tom..." (BOS-1800, p. 389, book Q)
Wade, Robert to James Downey, Senr., in trust for his children. "...give, grant, bargain, sell & confirm unto my children that I have by my wife Rebecca Wade, two Negroes to each child, in manner & form as followeth, to be under the age of twenty one years & taken out of the family of Negroes given to my wife Rebecca Wade by her father James Downey since our intermarriage...to my son Downey Wade, Negro boy Will, son of Hannah & girl Rachel, daughter of Fanny...to my son Robert Wade, Negro boy Elijah, son of Hanner & girl Mary, daughter of Fanny...to my son Charles Wade, Negro boy Anderson, son of Hanner & girl Isbel, daughter of Fanny...to my daughter Peggy Wade, Negro boy Daniel and girl Oney, daughter of Hanner...to my daughter Patsey Wade, Negro boy Henry, son of Fanny and girl Lucy, daughter of Hanner...to my daughter Polly Wade, Negro boy Abram, son of Phillis, and Rose daughter of [ditto], and should my wife Rebecca Wade hereafter have more children by me, I do by these presents bind myself to give them Negroes in like manner & form as the above named children..."(DIT-1805, pp. 296-297, book S)
Wade, Isabell to James Claxton. "... my interest, rights, title, claim to a certain female slave named Molley & her increase, late the property of Andrew Wade of Halifax Co. VA ... in the possession of William Roberson of Mecklenburg Co. VA, executor of the last will & testament of Andrew Wade, my grandfather..." (BOS-1792, p.110, book P)
Wade, Benjamin to McCall, Elliot & Co. of Glasgow. "... thirty-eight pounds current money for one Negro wench about thirteen years old named Sucky and all services benefits and profits of the said Negro wench..." (DIT-1774, pp. 209-210, book K).
Wagstaff, William to Demetrius E. Young. "...a certain Negro man slave named Lewis and a woman named Elvira & her increase..." (DIT-1828, p.509, book 3)
Walker, Samuel to Lewellin Jones. "...the following Negroes, Peter & Winney..." (BOS-1800, pp. 532-533, book Q)
Walker, Samuel to George Alston [money paid to Samuel Walker's son William]. "...woman named Drussella..." (BOS-1795, p.305, book P)
Walker, William for John Hamilton to Richard Thomason. "...one Negro boy by the name of Tom..." (BOS-1798, p. 275, book Q)
Walker, Wm. for John Hamilton to Joshua Kittrell. "...five Negroes, viz, Sarah, Delpha, Joshua, Isham & Aaron..." (BOS-1799, p. 242, book Q)
Williams, Ralph of Person County to Phillip Bullock. "...one Negro man named Gill ..." (BOS-1797, p. 67, book Q)
Walker, Samuel to William Walker. "...one Negro girl by the name of Tiller & her increase..." (BOS-1806, p. 168, book T)
Walker, William to Jarrot Walker [his son]. "...Viney about twenty one years of age and one Negro boy son of said Viney about four years old..." (DOG-1811, p. 222, book V)
Walker, Samuel to Julius Walker his son. " one Negro boy by the name of Jim..." (DOG-1807, p. 149, book T)
Walker, Edmund to George Robertson. "...girl called Nancy..." (BOS-1804, p.10.)
Walker, Wm for John Hamilton to John Spears. "... one Negro girl by the name of Pasience..." (BOS-1798, p. 243, book Q)
Walker, Samuel to Polly Jones. "...girl slave named Winney..." (BOS-1803, p. 202, book Y)
Wall, Major to Thomas Pittard. "...a negro girl named Minier?..." (BOS-1807, p. 167, book T)
Waller, John to Robert P. Jones. "...one Negro woman by the name of Esther & her youngest child named Hannah..." (DIT-1828, p. 304, book 3)
Waller, John to Samuel Yarbrough. "...one Negro woman called and known by the name of Esther and her infant child Hannah..." (DIT-1828, p. 350, book 3)
Walton, Timothy [of Smith Co. Tenne.] to John Walton [his son]. "...Wiley, Franky, Judah, Fanny, Bill, Isham, Tom, Davey, Hannah, Barbary, Malvina and Ritter...when the said John arrives at the age of twenty one years..." (DOG-1822, pp. 187-188, book 1)
Walton, Dolly [executrix of John Walton] to George Boswell. "...girl named Jearry..." (BOS-1820, p. 222, book Z)
Ward, James to John Terrell. "...one Negro woman by the name of Sukey..." (BOS-1808, p. 406, book T)
Ward, James to Leonard Roberson. "...a certain Negro girl named Brett aged five years..." (BOS-1818, p.136, book Y)
Ward, James to Leonard Roberson. "...boy named Squire of seven years..." (BOS-1818, p.120, book Y)
Washington, John & Rebecca [his wife] to Lewis Daniel and Martha, his wife. "... girl named Phillis. " (DOG-1812, p. 350, book V)
Washington, John [sheriff] to Benjamin Wortham. "...girl named Bridy at which Negro was before such sale the property of Richard M. Cook..." (BOS-1817, p. 181, book Y)
Washington, John to [his daughter] Rowena Wortham. "...Harry, Jude, Alford, Manuel, George, Dice, Jessee, Tempy, and Vina, Alexander, Neverson, Hanah, Isham, Ritor,Vina, Alford, Polly and Sucky, Aggey, Soloman, Amey, Isbell, Suckey, Milly, Rigy, chenny, Woodson, Geaw, Rachal, Ransom, Toney, Ramey, Silar, and Giny, James, David, Dick and Anney, David,Hester, Manuel and Will, Liza, Allison and Abram,..." (DOG-1820, pp. 157-158, book Z)
Watkins, John [Charlotte Co. VA] to Thomas Mutter. "...one Negro girl slave named Henrietta about twelve years of age..." (BOS-1793, p. 69, book P)
Watkins, Thomas to Nathaniel Daniel. "... a Negro boy named Edmond of the age of seventeen years..." (DIT-1824, pp. 53-54, book 2)
Weathers, James to Dick H. Dolby. "... girl named Emmelly aged eleven years..." (BOS-1824, p. 371, book 3)
Weathers, William to Davis Levister. "...three Negroes, to wit, one Negro woman named Fillis aged about 35 or 40 years, one boy named Henton aged about 4 years, one other boy named ---aged about 2 years..." (BOS-1821 p. 338, book Z)
Webb, Mary Gray [of Mecklenburg County, VA] to Mary Wilkins. "...Jemima a Negro woman about twenty five years old & a Negro boy by the name of Gilbert about two years old..." (BOS-1807, p. 380, book T)
White, Valentine to Mary Wilkins. "...girl named Tabitha and her future increased..." (BOS-1805, p. 11, book S)
White, Joseph to Samuel Jeter. "... girl by the name of Patsey..." (BOS-1828, p. 523, book 3)
Whitehead, Richard [Mecklenburg Co. VA] to Robert Elliott. "... boy name Christopher..." (BOS-1793, p.43. book P)
Whitehead, Richard [Mecklenburg Co. VA], to Gideon Johnson "... boy named Nelson for the sum of thirty-nine pounds..." (BOS-1793, pp.3-4, book P)
Whitehead, Wilson to Bryant Ragland. "... three certain Negroes, viz, Rachel, Piety & Anderson..." (Release-1826, p. 253, book 3)
Wiggins, Lucy to John Wiggins. "...all and every part & portion of estate of her dec'd husband...an undivided share or child's part of five Negroes, to wit, Ben, Tempy, Citty, Mary & Jordan..." (DIT-1822, p. 231, book 1)
Wiggins, John to Richard Sneed. "...one Negro girl named Fanny & her child William..." (DIT-1826, p. 93, book 3)
Wiles, Habum to Robert Downey. "...Oney, Bill, Susanna, Moses, & Nansey." (BOS-1810, p. 145, book V)
Wiles, Overton to Joseph M. Daniel [of Charlotte Co. VA]. "...the following property, to wit, two Negro men, one named big Charles and the other named Granderson, a Negro boy named Thompson, and a Negro girl named Milly..." (DIT-1824, pp. 209-210, book 2)
Wilie, Thomas H. to William McKissock of Person county. "...girl Nancy aged about fourteen years..." (BOS-1814, p. 272, book Y)
Wilkerson, Benjamin & George Robertson to Lewis Bennett. "...one Negro man called by the name of Harry now of the age of thirty years..." (BOS-1807, p. 167, book T)
Wilkerson, William to Robert Sanford, Junr. "...one Negro girl name Mary about fourteen years of age..." (BOS-1809, p.49, book V)
Wilkerson, William to Falconer & Knott. "...Mary & Moses..." (DIT-1814, p. 194, book X)
Wilkerson, David to Lewis Wilkerson. "...two Negro boys called and known by the names of Joe and Isham..." (BOS-1819. p. 70, book Z)
Wilkerson, Susannah & Hardiman Hays to Cannon & Young. "...girl named Mary & her increase..." (BOS-1822, pp. 192-193, book 1)
Wilkerson, Martin to William Terry. "...one Negro man Ben..." (DIT-1821, pp. 360-362, book Z)
Wilkerson, David to John Eastwood. "...a certain Negro girl about fourteen years of age by the name of Dicy..." (BOS-1820, p. 70, book Z)
Wilkins, Richard to William Potter, David Mitchel, John Potter & John Coleman. "...land on both sides of Michals Creek... containing 200 acres... also two Negroes, to wit, Bob & Beck, fifteen head of Cattle..." (DIT-1775, pp.271-272, book, K)
Wilkins, Richard Junr. of Wake County- quit claim. "...a certain Negro wench named Fann, and a child named Watson, purchased by Richard Wilkins Senr. at a public sale from the estate of Woodson Daniel, deceased, which is in the possession of George Brassfield..." (BOS-1791, p. 239, book R)
Wilkins, Allen [of Wake Co.] to John Lyon. "...a certain Negro girl about fourteen years old & her -?- known by the name of Lear..." (BOS-1811, p. 243, book V)
Williams, Samuel Farrer to George Fleming [of Warren County]. "... one certain Negro girl by name of Silvey..." (BOS-1797, p. 89, book Q)
Williams, Ralph to Joel Chamblis. "...man by the name of Gilbert..." (BOS-1795, pp.269-270, book P)
Williams, John to Benjamin Fowler. "...girl named Nance..." (BOS-1796, p. 335, book P)
Williams, William to Samuel Smith. "...Amey"... who was in the estate of Samuel Smith. (Relinquishment-1828?, p. 523, book 3)
Williams, William Junr. to Stephen Sneed. "...also the following Negro slaves, viz, Gilbert, Richmond, Harry, Tom, Lucinda, Joshua, Easter, Pointer, Isaac, John [of John], Hannah a girl, Isham a boy, Celer a girl in the possession of Absolom Davis, John the Blacksmith & his tools, Christopher & his tools, & Negro woman Chaney & man Kit..." (DIT-1827, pp. 325-326, book 3)
Williams, William Jnr. to Richard Sneed. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, Gilbert, Richmond, Harry, Tom, Lucinda, Joshua, Easter, Pointer, Isaac and John, also the following Negroes, viz, Hanah a girl, Isham a boy, and Celler a girl in possession of Absalom Davis..." (DIT-1827, p. 256, book 3)
Williams, Nathaniel to Albert Sneed. "... the following Negro slaves, viz, Dorcas & Betty & Ben..." (DIT-1828, pp. 423-424, book 3)
Williams, Nathaniel to Albert Sneed. "...the following Negro slaves, Matilda, Andrew, Rachel & Lucy..." (DIT-1828, pp. 425-426, book 3)
Williams, Nathaniel to Mary Thomasson [his daughter]. "...relinquish... Negro woman Betty & her children Creasy and Harry...which are now and have been for several years past in the possession of said Mary Thomasson..." (Conveyance-1826, p. 49, book 3)
Williams, William Jnr. to Jessee H. Cobb. "...one blacksmith named John with his tools, Christopher with his tools, Chaney & Skip..." (DIT-1827, p. 257, book 3)
Williams, Nathaniel to Margaret Daniel [his daughter]. "...my Negro woman Lucy and her three children Patrick, Solomon and Sam..." (DOG-1826, p. 444, book 2)
Williams, Benjamin to William Barnes & wife Milly [his mother and her second husband]. "...relinquish... all right to Negro woman Feby..." (Quit-claim-1825, p. 312, book 2)
Williams, William to William E. Dortch. "...also the following slaves, viz, Gilbert, Richmond, Harry, Tom, Lucinda, Joshua, Easter, Pointer, Isaac & John..." (DIT-1827, pp. 247-248, book 3)
Williams, Nathaniel to Abner Williams of Person Co. [his son]. "...one Negro woman by the name of Milly and her child by the name of Luiza..." (DOG-1825, p. 331, book 2)
Wilson, Henry and Samuel Ryal [of Richmond County, VA] to Thomas Owen. "...a Negro boy slave by the name of Canada..." (BOS-1804, p. 376, book R)
Winn?, Charles to Samuel Downey. "...fellow named Paul which said Negro is now at work at the blacksmith trade in the shop of David Mitchell in Oxford..." (DIT-1820, p. 346, book Z)
Winston, Isaac [of Franklin County] to John Mayfield. "...two Negroes named Mimey [?] & Edmond..." (BOS-1816, p. 141, book X)
Winston, David [as trustee of Wyatt Short in 1825] to Isaac Husketh. "...two Negroes, one boy named John...one girl named Fanny..." (BOS-1828, p. 492, book 3)
Wood, Peyton to William Thomason. "...boy named Robin..." (BOS-1794, p. 175, book P)
Wood, Peyton to James Daniels and Brothers, Merchants. "...three Negro slaves to wit, Mary, Annica & Riller..." (DIT-1805, p. 274, book S)
Wood, Misael to John Pope. "...man named Munday..." (BOS-1804, p. 361, book R)
Wood, Peyton Senr. to John Craig [of Orange County], to secure a debt to James Daniel & brothers..." three Negro girls by the names of Mary, Annice & Ritter..." (BOS-1808, p. 277, book V)
Wood, P. to William Gooch. "...Creasy & John, them & future increase..." (DIT-1806, p. 288, book S)
Wood, Peyton to James Downey. "...four Negro slaves, viz, Ruth, Patience, Hasty & Nancy..." (DIT-1804, p. 272-273, book R)
Wood, Peyton to Samuel M. Clay. "...woman by the name of Cresha and her child by the name of Alfred." (BOS-1810, p. 218, book V)
Wood, William to Catharine Lyon [his daughter] "...one Negro girl named Sarah which she has had in her possession since the twenty fourth day of December, 1807, during which time she had two children for which I have no claim..." (DOG-1822, p. 324, book 2)
Wood, William to John Lyon [for his daughter Elizabeth]. "...two Negroes, to wit, one woman named Lucy and a girl named Eady..." (DOG-1826, p. 178, book 3)
Worrell, Thomas to William Glover. "...the following property, viz, six Negroes namely Sam, Ameral, Ben, Phillis, July, & a girl named Phillis..." (DIT-1829, 512-513, book 3)
Wortham, Edward to Thomas P. Wortham [his son]. "... one Negro girl named Nutty about five years old..." (DOG-1826, p. 295, book 3)
Wortham, Janet to Jonathan Davis and James Wortham. "... for and in consideration of five Negroes, Rebecca, Randolph, Ritar, Eve & Emmaline, being an over portion of her share of the estate of James Wortham, dec's doth bargain...relinquish...all her right ...to the land belonging to the estate..." (Relinquishment-1823, p. 124, book 2)
Wortham, Edward to Thomas P. Wortham. "... one Negro girl named Milla..." (BOS-1825, p. 335, book 3)
Wright, Gideon to James H. Bryant. "...one Negro man by the name of Isaac formerly belonging to Griffin Wright, dec'd..." (DIT-1823, pp. 313-314, book 1)
Yancey, Charles to George Norman. "...woman slave named Phebe about eighteen years of age & her child named Bob about three weeks old..." (BOS-1801, p. 475, book Q)
Yancey, Absalom [of Mecklenburg County, VA] to William Amis (youngest). "...woman named Katy & her three children by the names of Frank a boy, Fanny & Anna girls..." (BOSS-1809, p. 381, book T)
Yancey, Thornton Junr. to William Puryear. "...one certain Negro man Charles..." (BOS-1802, p. 130, book R)
Yancey, Jechonias to Thomas Brown. "...boy named Dick aged about eleven years..." (BOS-1804, pp. 71 & 71, book S)
Yancey, Philip to Tryon Yancey. "...three Negroes, to wit, Jane, Liza & Parker..." (BOS-1802, p. 128, book R)
Yancey, Lewis to Henry Yancey [his son]. "...the following Negroes, to wit, one woman named Frank, one man James, one girl Hannah, another girl Nut, one boy Wake, one other boy Ben, one girl Pat, one other boy Goin, one other boy Watt, one other boy Lyrus, & one other boy George, making in the whole eleven..." (DOG-1800, p. 362, book Q)
Yancey, Absalom, Sen. [of Mecklenburg County, Virginia] to Thomas Appling. "...Jim about twenty five years of age..." (BOS-1810, p.24, book V)
Yancey, Thornton to Tryon Yancey [his son]. "...one certain Negro woman Rachel & her child Betty & future increase..." (DOG-1802, p. 552, book Q)
Yancey, Henry to M. D. Johnson. "...James, Road, Moses, Isham, Phill, Hannah, Mariah, Jenny, Frank, Peter, Ivy, Nut, David, Boneparte, Jessee..." (DIT-1814, pp. 303-304, book W)
Yancey, Tryon to John Puryear. "...woman Rachel & her child Betty..." (BOS-1802, p. 555, book Q)
Yancey, Absalom & Thomas Falkner to William Lassiter. "...boy named Granderson...the said boy was purchased of Edward Lewis of Mecklinburg Co. VA as belonging to his wife..." (BOS-1815, p. 135, book 3)
Yancey, Absalom to Henry M. Miller. "... bargain and deliver Negro man Jack and all the leather in the tanyard..." (DIT-1828, p. 484, book 3)
Yancey, Lewis to [his son] Henry Yancey. "...Negro of mine by the name of Claborn which was sold by Jno. Washington, sheriff, a Negro man by the name of Essin...[who was] in a low state of heath..." (Certificate-1818, p. 213, book Z)
Yancey, Lewis to Mary L. Christmas of Warren County [his granddaughter]. "...a certain Negro girl called Janey, daughter of Pol..." [this was witnessed by Lewis Y. Christmas] (DOG-1806, p. 182, book X)
Yancey, Jackson to Samuel Hillman. "...one old Negro woman named Letetca supposed to be about forty or forty five years of age, one Negro girl named Maria about twelve years of age, one Negro girl named Salley about ten years of age, one Negro man named Jacob about twenty years of age, one Negro boy named Nelson about eighteen years of age..." (DIT-1821, pp. 341-344, book Z)
Yancey, Jackson M. to Thomas B. Littlejohn. "...woman slave named Sally aged about thirty years..." (BOS-1819, p. 10, book Z)
Yancy, Lewis to Lewis Y. Christmas. "...Nanny & Chaney, the daughters of Polly..." (DIT-1817, p. 271, book X)
Yarbrough, Elam to George Winston. "...one Negro girl by the name of Penny and one Negro boy by the name of Sidney..." (DIT-1826, p. 65, book 3)
York, Thomas to Edwin Powell. "...girl named Lane aged eleven years old." (BOS-1806, p.58, book T)
York, Thomas Senr. to Robert Powell. "...one Negro woman named Moll..." (BOS-1811, p. 272, book V)
York, Thomas to Joseph Smith [of Franklin County, NC]. "...one Negro man called & known by the name of Abram..." (BOS-1807, p. 332, book T)
Young, Samuel to James Hester. "...man named Lewis aged between forty and fifty years, one girl named Jude aged about sixteen, one named Mary aged about fourteen, one named Sylva aged about twelve years..." (DIT-1828, p. 502, book 3)
Young, John to Henry Young [his son]. "... a certain Negro man named Parker, Negro boys Sam and Nelson, a small Negro girl named Lucinda, a Negro woman Chaney & her three children Martha Ann, Peter and Melvina, also Jimima..." (DOG-1823, p. 393, book 1)
Young, Demetrius to Maurice Smith. "...one Negro woman named Dolly & her increase..." (DIT-1823, pp. 451-452, book 1)
Young, John to Smith Young [his son]. "...a certain Negro man named Ben, a Negro woman named Isabel and her four children, Ivey, Jacob, Gabriel & Mariah with two other Negro girls Phebe & Rose..." (DOG-1818, p. 55, book 2)
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