DEED BOOKS, 1746 - 1828H - N
HOME 1746 - 1828 A - G H - N O - Z 1828 - 1864 A - G H - N O - Z
Hall, John to Ann Waring Todd, his daughter. "...Billy, Suckey, Charles, Patty, Fanny, Abraham, Juliet, George and Milly..." (DOG-1805, p. 159, book S)
Hamilton, James to David Tilman. "...four Negro slaves, to wit, Winney & her three children Justina, John, and her youngest one..." (BOS-1816, p. 86, book X)
Hamilton, Patrick to John Daniel, Junr. [of Warren County]. "...one Negro girl named Lucy..." (BOS-1817, p. 298, book X)
Hamilton, James to Pleasant Rowland. "...girl named Maggy" (BOS-1816, p. 86, book X)
Hamilton, P. to William V. Taylor. " Received this 3rd day of January 1818 of Doctor W. V. Taylor of Oxford five hundred & fifty dollars in bonds being the ? for a Negro girl named Judah which we have sold him." (BOS-1818, p. 47, book Y)
Hamilton, Alexander & company to William G. Bowers. "...man slave named Anthony & his wife Nanny and also her children Milly, Solomon and Maria..." (BOS-1819, p. 48, book Z)
Hanks, Green to Fanny Hanks. "...one Negrow woman by the name of Nutty & child about six months old for the consideration of one Negrow girl Effie..." (BOS-1815, p. 324, book W)
Hanks, Arguel H. to Stephen Dodson. "...boy named Eaton of the age of seventeen years..." (DIT-1814, p. 359, book W)
Hanks, Green to James Samuel Smith. "...woman Nutty and child..." (DIT-1815, pp. 51-53, book X)
Hargrove, Israel to George Flemming. "...one Negro man slave by the name of Peter...(BOS-23 Feb 1799, p. 275, book Q)
Hargrove, Richard to William Hargrove. "...Negro wench Suck & her two children Phill & Ben..." (BOS-1801, p. 97, book R)
Hargrove, James to William Hargrove. "Negro wench Tabb & her future increase, about thirty-seven years of age & Negro girl Nancey & her future increase about three years of age. " (BOS-1806; p.1, book T)
Hargrove, James to William Hargrove. "...one Negroe man slave by the name of David..." (BOS-1806, p. 96, book T)
Hargrove, Martha to Richard Hargrove [her son]. "...two Negroes, viz, Luckey a Negro woman & her child Phil... [reserved for her lifetime in the above Luckey and Phil]. (BOS-1798, p. 212, book Q)
Hargrove, Israel to his sons William, Israel, & Charles...five slaves each, named and valued..." Essia, Ritter, Rachael, Sam & Horace... Mosses, Yearfry?, Henry, Mourning, and Ann... Lawson, Milly, Jack, Genny, Brunswick and Armstead..." (DOG-1828, p. 382, book 3)
Hargrove, Israel to Hartwell W. Hargrove [his son]. "... Bob, Ring, Milly, Chisby? and Salina..." (DOG-1828, pp. 378-379, book 3)
Harris, Samuel to Lewis Amis. "...one certain Negro boy by the name of Luke..." (BOS-1798, p. 276, book Q)
Harris, Sherwood to James Allison. "...a certain Negro girl known by the name of Sally about three years old..." (BOS-1802, p. 552, book Q)
Harris, Sherwood to Robert Allison. "...one Negro boy called & known by the name of Sam..." (BOS-1799, p. 292, book Q)
Harris, Thomas to James Allison. "...one Negro slave named Winne about fourteen years old..." (BOS-1799, p. 278, book Q)
Harris, Sherwood to Robert Allison. "...one Negro girl called & known by the name of Penny..." (BOS-1801, p. 416, book Q)
Harris, Mary to Elizabeth Harris [her daughter]. "...one Negro girl named Rebecca and her future increase...." (DOG-1804, p. 384, book R)
Harris, Sherwood to Joshua Bullock. "...one Negro fellow by the name of Newburn..." (BOS-1803, p. 157, book R)
Harris, Samuel to Thomas Potter. "...one certain Negro slave about eight years old, yellow complected, known by the name of Patsy..." (BOS-1807, p. 168, book T)
Harris, Robert to John Amis. "...a certain Negro girl by the name of Nancey..." (BOS-1805, p.123, book S)
Harris, John to his daughter Henretta Wilkerson. "...a Negro girl slave named Rose and her increase..." (DOG-1806, p. 223, book S)
Harris, Augustine to Richard Cooke. "...one Negro boy by the name of Granville..." (BOS-1808, p. 222, book T)
Harris, Rowland to Lewis Reavis. "...Dilcy and her three children known by the named of Woodley, Debolak?, & Diner..." (BOS-1816, p. 47, book Y)
Harris, John Senr. to Overton Harris. "...girl named Amy about thirty years of age..." (BOS-1813, p. 9, book Z)
Harris, Samuel to Thomas A. Harris [of Tennessee]. "...for the good will and affection ... woman by the name of Cloey, one Negro boy by the name of Sam..." (DOG-1822, p. 231, book 1)
Harris, David & Joseph Hart to George and Thomas Brown. "...one woman named Vina about eighteen years of age and her child Ritter about 2 years of age..." (DIT-1817, p. 27, book Y)
Harris, Samuel to George L. Moore. "...girl named Betty..." (BOS-1817, p. 58, book Y)
Harris, John to [his son] Overton Harris. "...Joseph a boy about ten years of age, Winney a girl about nine years of age, Buck a boy about five years of age, and Charity a girl about two years of age..." (BOS-1811, p. 359, book Y)
Harrison, Charles K., as attorney for Isham Harrison [of the county Gallealen, Illinois], to Stephen Sneed, Senr. "...a certain Black Negro man slave named Isaac now in the possession of Elizabeth Gilliam, widow & relict of William Gilliam Senr. dec'd and bequeathed to her by her dec'd husband...and after her death to Amy Harrison the wife of said Isham Harrison and daughter of the said William & Elizabeth Gilliam..." (BOS-1816, p. 207, book X)
Harrison, John [of Caswell County, NC] to Stephen Sneed. "...one Negro fellow named Nick..." (BOS-1808, p.282, book T)
Hart, Pomfrett to George Boswell. "...one Negro girl by the name of Viney thirteen years old..." (BOS-1827, p. 333, book 3)Hart, Pomphret to Parker F. Stone. "... one Negro girl named Rachel about fourteen years old..." (BOS-1826, p. 195, book 3)
Hart, Pomfrett to Dennis Paschall. "...boy Charles about sixteen years of age..." (BOS-1826, p. 491, book 3)
Harvey, Joseph to Thomas B. Littlejohn. "...the sum of one and twenty five pounds to me...a certain Negro boy named Campbell aged about ten years..." (BOS-1807, pp. 165-166, book T)
Harvey, Joseph to Leonard Henderson (in trust for James Hamilton & company). "...four Negroes, viz, Spencer, Anaca, Jesse & Jack, also one coach & one large bay..." (DIT-1808, p. 257-259, book T)
Harvey, Joseph to Sarah Crossland. "...one Negro girl by the name of Aga..." (BOS-1808, p. 252, book T)
Harvey, William of Pasquotank Co. to John Taylor. "...one Negro woman named Hannah..." (BOS-1804, p. 239, book R)
Harvey, Joseph to Leonard Henderson. "...the following Negro slaves together with their future increase, viz, Simon, Croetan, Scipio, Sophia, Jenny, Asha, Cherry, Milley and Cammett..." (DIT-1804, pp. 302-304, book R)
Harvey, Joseph to James Vaughan. "...also the following Negroes, to wit, Croctan, Asha, Soloman & Fillis..." (Mortgage-1806, pp. 320-323, book S)
Harvey, Joseph to John Taylor. "...one Negro girl by the name of Esley..." (BOS-1808, p. 354, book T)
Harvey, Joseph to Leonard Henderson in trust for John Hare. "...two Negro boys named Harrison & Mills..." (DIT-1808, p. 276, book T)
Harvey, Joseph to Leonard Henderson, in trust for James Hamilton. "...one Negro man named Spencer, one Negro woman Anaca & two boys, to wit, Jesse & Jack..." (DIT-1806, pp. 182-183, book T)
Harvey, Joseph to John Taylor. "...a certain Negro woman named Nelly & her young child called Luida..." (BOS-1808, p. 355, book T)
Harvey, Joseph to James W.Smith. ".. three Negroes & their increase, to wit, Fillis, Senthia, & Scelia..." (BOS-1807, p. 150, book T)
Harvey, Joseph to James Vaughan. "...the following Negroes, to wit, Harry, Sophia, Meriah and Lovina for & in consideration the said James Vaughan has released the following Negroes which I had mortgaged to him for valuable consideration last November....Phillis, Milley & Asha..." (DIT-1806, pp.63-64, book T)
Harvey, Joseph to Stephen Sneed. "... one Negro boy by the name of Jacob & one girl by the name of Edy..." (DIT-1808, p. 328, book T)
Harvey, Joseph to Stephen Sneed. "...one Negro boy named Jacob..." (BOS-1808, p. 353, book T)
Haskins, James to Thomas Webb. "...man by the name of Peppen? supposed to be about forty years..." (BOS-1818, p.135, book Y)
Haskins, Christopher to Creed Haskins. Fifty acres of land was to be held "in trust for the use and benefit of Patt, Eliza, Nick, alias George and Nancey, now free people of colour emancipated by the last will and testament of Creed Haskins... by a decree of the Superior Court of Chancery for the district of Richmond, at the June term of 1826... the testator duly recorded in the county court of Brunswick... land bounded on the east by the land of Thomas Chapman, on the north by the lands of John Hardy and Elizabeth Hendrick on the south by the lands of Israel Hargrove, and on the west by the land of the widow of Reuben Smith..." (Deed-1826, pp. 53-54, book 3)
Hawkins, John to William Hester. ".. boy by the name of Billey about fifteen or sixteen years of age..." (BOS-1793, p. 5, book P)
Hawkins, John to George L. Moore. "...one certain Negro man named Billey about twenty years of age..." (BOS-1800, p. 478, book Q)
Hawkins, Matthew to Solomon Walker. "... one jack knife & a Negro wench by the name of Rody..." (BOS-1789, pp. 93-94, book P)
Hawkins, John to Thomas Potter. "...one Negro man slave named Daniel aged about twenty one years..." (BOS-1805, p. 122, book S)
Hayes, Samuel to Honor Powell. "...one Negro girl by the name Frankey..." (BOS-1828, p. 526, book 3)
Hayes, Samuel to Jane A. Hayes & others, his grand daughters. "...one certain Negro girl by the name of Amey..." (DOG-1828, p. 529, book 3)
Hayes, Samuel to Robert Powel. "...boy named David of the age of seven years old..." (BOS-1823, p. 72, book 2)
Hayes, Samuel to Thomas Powell. "...one certain Negro boy by the name of Doctor..." (BOS-1827, p. 334, book 3)
Hays, Mordicae to Stephen Sneed. "...one Negro man by the name of Awn[?] being... hired by me to said Sneed for present year..." (BOS-1803, p. 156, book R)
Hays, Samuel to Catharene King [his daughter]. "...one Negro girl by the name of Kissy..." (DOG-1826, p. 112, book 3)
Haywood, Abigail to her children. "...woman Dianna & her children Lewis & Samuel with the increase of the said Dianna..." (DOG-1818, p. 315, book X)
Heggie, William to Thomas Heggie [his son]. "...a Negro boy slave named Minge about four years of age..." (DOG-1814, p. 246, book W)
Heggie, John to Alexander Smith. "...a woman by the name of Amery, a girl by the name of Welthy, & two boys by the name of Loveless & Joseph..." (DIT-1819, p. 322, book Y)
Heggie, John to George & Thomas Brown [via Thomas B. Littlejohn]."...Molly, a Negro woman and her five children, viz, Liza, Nancy, Fanny & Letty, girls, and George, a boy..." (DIT-1819, pp.255-256, book Y)
Henderson, Leonard to William Hargrove. "... woman slave by the name of Tempy and her two children Milly & Willis..." (BOS-1822, p. 394, book 1)
Hendrick, William [of Mecklenburg Co. VA], to James Wortham. "... one Negro boy called Peter, aged twelve years..." (BOS-1793, page 2, book P) forty-five pounds currency
Henning, Lewis to Leonard Daniel. "... one Negro man named Randol about twenty seven years of age..." (BOS-1799, p. 314, book Q)
Hester, Isaac to Robert Hamilton. "...woman named Hannah & her child named Gracie..." (DIT-1812, p.95, book W)
Hester, Benjamin to Ezekiel Vass [for the natural affection I bear my daughter Frances who intermarried with Ezekial Vass] "...Negro girl named Phillis..." (BOS-1810, p. 87, book V)
Hester, Benjamin to Robert Wilson. "...for the natural affection I bear my daughter Rebeckah who intermarried with Robert Wilson ...boy name of Lewis or Lewey..." (DOG-1810, p.24, book V)
Hester, Jeremiah to Parker F. Stone. "... purchased at William Hester's sale a Negro girl named Aggy and Parker F. Stone has become his security for the payment of the purchase money..." (Deed-1817, p. 218, book X)
Hester, Benjamin to John Wiggins [his son-in-law married to his daughter Susan]. "...one Negro girl slave now of the age of 14 years named Fanny...now in his possession..." (DOG-1816, p. 184, book X)
Hester, Benjamin to his daughter Milly Barnes, for the love, good will & affection. "...girl by the name of Fetey[?]." (DOG-1816, p. 83, book X)
Hester, John to David Wilkerson. "...one Negro woman named Lucy one Negro boy named Spencer, one Negro boy child named William, one Negro boy child Daniel, twenty eight head of hogs..." (DIT-1826, p. 104, book 3)
Hester, Mary & William to Thomas Boothe for Thomas & Joseph Littlejohn. "...one Negro woman slave named Mary (or Polly) aged about forty years, one Negro man slave named Charles aged about twenty years, and one Negro boy slave named Ned aged about thirteen years..." (DIT-1819, pp.282-283, book Y)
Hester, Benjamin to Milly Barnes [his daughter]. "...girl by the name of Feby ..." (DOG-1816, p. 311, book 2)
Hester, Joseph and Elijah Hester agree to divide the slaves according to their father's will. "...I, the said Joseph Hester do take for my part of said Negroes two girls & one child, Morier of the age of seventeen and her child Peter, and Venus of the age ten years... Elijah Hester do take for my part of the said Negroes a woman Jinny about forty years old and man Squire of the age twenty one..." (Agreement-1822, p. 329, book 1)
Hester, John to Parker F. Stone. "...one Negro woman named Lucy & child named Ritter..." (BOS-1819, p. 35, book Z)
Hester, Mary to Nathaniel M. Taylor for Thomas B. Littlejohn. "...all the right, title , interest, claim or demand which she has in or over two certain Negro slaves named Gid & Judah left to her by the will of her husband the late William Hester..." (DIT-1819, pp. 336-337, book Y)
Hester, Henry [Mecklenburg Co. VA] to his grandchildren Martha Hester & others. "...woman named Lucy aged about twenty five years and her two children Emily and Jere? ..." (DOG-1818, p. 16, book Y)
Hester, Henry [Mecklenburg County, VA] to Howell Frazier. "...woman Lisse and her child Dice..." (BOS-1818, p. 7, book Y)
Hester, Zachariah to his brother-in-law (Andrew Badget's) children, Rebecca Baggett & others. "...to Rebeckah Badgett girl by the name of Leathy, Druscilla Badgett another girl by the name of Isabella, to Elizabeth Ann Badgett another boy by the name of Anderson, fourthly, Mary C. Badgett another girl named Athe [Lila?]..." (DOG-1819, pp. 105-106, book Z)
Hester, Mary to Jane Hester. "...Amy, Nelsey and Grandison it is to be understood that the above named Negroes was left me by my husband William Hester..." (BOS-1819, p. 52, book Z)
Hester, Elizabeth [widow of Joseph Hester, dec'd] to Elijah & Joseph Hester. "...woman Jinny, and boy Jerre after which to decend to my sons Joseph & Elijah Hester...the increase of said woman is Mouer and Venus and Mouer's child Peter..." (Quit claim, 1822, p. 324, book 1)
Hester, Jeremiah to Parker F. Stone. "...woman Aggie supposed to be about twenty one years old..." (BOS-1818, p.101, book Y)
Hicks, James to Israel Hargrove. "...two Negroes, one named Judah about thirty eight years old, & the other named Lewis about three years of age..." (BOS-1798, p. 211, book Q)
Hicks, Richard willed slaves to Jane Hicks, which descended to Chisley Daniel heir of Jane Hicks. "...Nannah, Sam, Chartie, Patience, Harry, Annekey & her two children & their increase... being now in the possession of my two nephews James & Leonard Edwards... assign all my right, title & interest to James & Leonard Edwards..." (Quit-claim -1798, p. 393, book Q)
Hicks, Robert to Parker F. Stone. "...girl named Nancy..." (BOS-1816, p. 95, book X)
Hicks, Robert to Robert Hicks, Junr. "...also my Negro man Dick and my Negro girl Fillis & my Negro wench Bet, and my Negro girl Gean[?], and my Negro boy Cato..." (DOG-1783, pp.327-328, book S)
Hicks, Thomas as guardian of Lucy Hester, orphan of Robert Hester, dec'd, to Thomas Vass [Voss?], Junr. "...one Negro girl named Molly..." (BOS-1805, p. 300, book S)
Hicks, Robert to his daughters Mary and Kindness Hicks. "...Dick, Daniel, Crawley & Tuck to be equally divided between them..."(DOG-1805, pp.174-175, book S)
Hicks, Robert to Thomas Hicks [his son]. "...also a Negro man named Primus & a Negro boy named Boston..." (Deed-1778, pp. 305-306, book S)
Hicks, Nathaniel to Anne Rainwater. "... My well beloved friend..three Negroes, one man named Charles, one woman named Ester, one boy named Jack & also all & singular my goods, chattels, household..." (Gift-1781; p. 147, book O)
Hicks, Harris to Phillip Bishop. In exchange of a Negro woman & child, not named, Harris Hicks grants to Bishop 150 acres of land. (Deed-1793, p. 161, book N)
Hicks, Robert to Thomas Hicks [his son]. "consideration of the love and affection... Negro man named Primus -?- Negro boy named Boston... track of land and Negroes to remain to the use of Robert Bell, son of Thomas Bell & Sarah Bell & grandson of the said Robert Hicks..." (DIT-1778, p.208, book L)
Hicks, Harris to Jams Satterwhite. " girl Liddy about eight years old..." (BOS-1794, p. 147, book P)
Hicks, Robert, Snr. to Robert Hicks, Jnr. (his son) Land and property to include "...also my Negro man Dick & my Negro girl Fillis & my Negro wench Bet & my Negro girl Geen(?) and my Negro boy Cato..." (Deed-1783, pp.259-260, book O)
Hicks, Bishop to William Floyd. "... woman named Alie..." (BOS-1796, p. 272, book P)
Hicks, Abner to Daniel Stone & wife [his son-in-law & daughter]. "...my Negro woman Denise and her child John..." (DOG-1825, p. 291, book 2)
Hicks, Robert to Robert B. Hicks [his son, of Warren Co.] "...a Negro woman named Viney, daughter of Milley aged about fifteen years..." (DOG-1825, p. 329, book 2)
Higgs, John to George Floyd. "...one certain Negro girl by the name of Amy, five beds & furniture..." (DIT-1828, pp. 437-439, book 3)
Hill, Herbert [of Halifax County, NC] to William Moore of Granville County, town of Williamsborough. "...one Negro man slave of the age of about twenty five years named Abel..." (BOS-1797, p. 25, book Q)
Hillard, Benjamin to Mary Lewis. "...a Negro girl named Jenny..." (BOS-1801, p. 476, book Q)
Hillman, Samuel to John Hester. "...two Negroes, to wit, a Negro man named Jesse about eighteen years of age, and a Negro boy named Otway about fifteen years of age..." (BOS-1817, p. 354, book X)
Hillman, Samuel to Dennis L. Kindrick. "...a Negro boy slave about nineteen years of age, it being one of the slaves conveyed to me in the deed of trust executed by Isaiah Holden.,...named Randol..." (BOS-1821, p. 274, book Z)
Hillman, Samuel to William Webb. "...by virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by Isaiah Holden...a Negro girl slave named Rosetta, she being one of the slaves conveyed as aforesaid..." (BOS-1821, p. 339, book Z)
Hillman, Samuel to Stephen K. Sneed. "...by virtue of a deed of trust executed by Isaiah Holden to me ...for the benefit of Thomas and Jos. B. Littlejohn....girl slave named Patsey about eight years of age..." (BOS-1821, p. 258, book Z)
Hillman, Samuel to Alexander Hamilton. "...also his right in three Negroes now in the possession of Mrs. Mason Smith ...Lucy and little Lucy, and her child..." (DIT-1822, p. 115, book 1)
Hillman, Samuel to Henry W. Jones. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Anna & her infant son Ben (Anna supposed to be about thirty two years of age) & Sally a daughter of Anna about seven or eight years of age..." (BOS-1821, p. 307, book 1)
Hillyard, William to James W. Smith. "...four Negroes by the names of Fanny, Edmund, Ritter, & Charlotte..." (BOS-1803, p. 158, book R)
Hinton, Spencer to William Moore. "...one Negro woman & child slaves named Alse & Sucky..." (BOS-1803, p. 290, book R)
Hobgood, John to Thomas Hobgood. "...one Negro woman named Jude, one boy named Alford, about six years of age, also one boy named Manville about four years old, also one boy about two years old named George, also one Negro woman about sixteen years of age named Vice ..." (BOS-1808, p. 233, book T)
Hobgood, John to Lewis Daniel [trustee] for John Washington. "...woman named Nancey..." (DIT-1816, p. 256, book X)
Hobgood, Hezekiah, Jr. to Lewis Daniel as trustee for John Washington. "... one Negro woman named Edy and a Negro boy named James..." (DIT-1817, pp. 216-217, book X)
Hobgood, Hezekiah to Nicholas Jones. "...woman slave named Edy about twenty seven years of age and her child named Harriet aged about six months [had these in right of his wife Elizabeth, late Elizabeth Walker]..." (DIT-1817, p. 326, book X)
Hobgood, Hezekiah to Nicholas Jones. "...three Negroes, to wit, a Negro woman called Edy about twenty seven years old, and a boy child one of the said Edy's children about eight years of age, and a girl child of said Edy about four months old..." (DIT-1817, pp. 262-263, book X)
Hobgood, John to Thomas Cozort. "...three Negroes, to wit, Penny & her two children Lewis & Christiana..." (BOS-1816, p. 246, book X)
Hobgood, Hezekiah to Samuel Hillman. "...woman named Edy about twenty seven years of age and also a certain Negro boy named Jim about seven years of age, the son of the aforesaid Edy..." (DIT-1817, p. 28, book Y)
Hobgood, Hezekiah to Thomas & Joseph Littlejohn. "...doth grant, bargain sell & deliver to the said Thomas Booth a Negro woman named Edy aged about thirty years and her child named Harriet aged about sixteen months, which Negro Edy & Harriet the said Hezekiah Hobgood has in right of his wife Elizabeth, late Elizabeth Walker..." (DIT-1818, pp.64-65, book Y)
Hobgood, Hezekiah to Nicholas Jones. "...woman named Edy aged about thirty years and her child named Harriet aged about fifteen months [these same slaves had been named in two prior deeds in trust.]= (DIT-1818, p. 59, book Y)
Hobgood, Hezekiah to Thomas B. Littlejohn. "...having first given twenty days public notice by advertizing in three of the most public place in the county and the proceeds of the said sale of...woman Edy aged about thirty years and her child Harriett aged about one year..." (DIT-1818, pp. 38-39, book Y)
Hockaday, James to William Hockaday [his son]. "...Rachel & Allen..." (DOG-1813, p.134, book W)
Hockaday, James to James Hockaday his grandson. "...boy by the name of Bob." (DOG-1807, p. 146, book T)
Hockaday, James to Warrick Hockaday, [his son of Halifax County], "...girl by the name of Milley..." (DOG-1813, p. 108, book W)
Hockaday, James to Elizabeth Hockaday [his granddaughter, daughter of his son William Hockaday]. "...Negro girl by the name of Gracy..." (DOG-1808, p.1, book V)
Hogg, Samuel to James Hamilton. "...a certain Negro lad called Davey..." (BOS-1804, p.71, book S)
Hogg, Samuel to Benjamin Wood. The result of a public sale because of a DIT. "...woman by the name of Sarah..." (BOS-1815, p.437, book W)
Hogg, Samuel to James Hamilton, merchant. "...a Negro lad named Davey..." (BOS-1803, p. 194, book R)
Hogg, Samuel to Abbinton Kimball. "...one certain Negro boy slave by name of Peter..." (BOS-1799, p. 61, book R)
Holden, Isaiah to Thomas B. Littlejohn & others. "... Negro slaves, to wit, Billey, Randol, Stephen, Jack, Anson, Ben, Ann, Rosetta, Patsey & Salley which said Negroes are left in the possession of the said Isaiah..." (DIT-1820, pp. 163-164, book Z)
Holdin, Isaiah to Thomas B. Lewis. "...one Negro boy named Stephen about 16 years of age, one likewise Negro boy named Jack about 12 years of age..." (DIT-1820, p. 176, book Z)
Holloway, David to Lewis Bennett. "...one Negro girl called by the name of Easter of the age of sixteen years..." (BOS-1807, p. 166, book T)
Hood, Thomas to George Alston, for a debt to John Nutall. "...the following Negro slaves, viz, Jack a man aged about 21 years, Sam aged 19 years..." (DIT-1804, pp. 263-264, book R)
Hooker, Elizabeth & others to Eleanor Lyon. "...all the right and title in a certain parcel of Negroes, viz, one Negro woman named Wenny aged 35 years, one Negro boy Willis, born 25th day May 1814, and one other boy named Charles Hillard, born 19th July 1823, and one other girl child named Harriet Rebecca, born 12th day of May 1826..." (BOS-1826, p. 137, book 3)
House, William G. to his children. "...two Negroes, to wit, Cary a boy about eight years old & Nancy a girl about four years of age..." (DOG-1814, p. 279, book W)
House, Sarah to Cooke & Montague. "...Harry, Stephen & Lucy..." (DIT-1820, p. 184, book Z)
Howard, Thomas of the first part and Howell Pittard of the second part and John Ridley of the third part. "...eight Negro slaves, to wit, Henry, Abram, Doctor, Kissey, Kossney?, Step, Anekey, and Nancy..." Howard was in debt to Ridley. (DIT-1836, book S)
Howard, Barnard to Francis & Adnah Roberson. "...woman named Isabell aged about thirty years..." (BOS-1821, p.215, book Z)
Huffman, Benjamin to Jesse Bonner. "...one Negro boy called and known by the name of George about thirteen years of age..." (BOS-1805, p. 69, book S)
Hunt, James to his nephew John Hunt. "...land... four hundred acres whereon he now lives lying on both sides of great Island Creek... four Negro slaves who are now in his possession, viz, Hannah, James, Sarah, Clu..." (DOG-1772, P. 1, book K)
Hunt, William to Thomas Knott. "...one Negro woman and child by the names of Mary and Arabres..." (BOS-1811, p. 282, book V)
Hunt, William to Joshua Kittrell. "...one Negro girl named Ollie about seven years old..." (BOS-1797, p. 67, book Q)
Hunt, John to Andrew Badgett. "...woman named Milly, one man named Samuel, one boy named Peter, & one girl named Charity..." (DIT-1814, p. 243, book W)
Hunt, Sarah to William Hunt [her son]. "to have, hold, and enjoy one Negro boy named Alreus? about seven years old..." (DOG-1824, p. 238, book 2)
Hunt, Thomas to John D. Hawkins. "...George a bootmaker, Willis & Joseph..." (DIT-1824, p. 75, book 2)
Hunt, Edward to Mary Ann Hunt [his daughter]. "...the following Negroes: Sary, Frank, John, Lewis, Jordan, Owens, Armsted, Martin, Zeana, Winney, Hannah, & Anake & their increase..." (DOG-1824, p. 98, book 2)
Hunt, Thomas to Nathaniel Robards. "...and the following Negroes, Henry a carpenter, George a shoe and boot maker, Mat waggoner and team, Scella, Harry, Jim, Linder, Fanny, Charles, James, Willis, Wyatt, Nam, Elender, Paul, Wesley, Erasmus, Clarissa, Cary, Sam, Isbel and her three children and her future increase, and Jessee a weaver..." (DIT-1826, pp. 433-434, book 2)
Hunt, Thomas to Nathaniel Robards. "... the following Negroes: James a mason, Jessee a mason, Erasmus, Willis, Amos & his wife Isbel and two children Sulla & Paul, Henry, Sam a plantation hand..." (DIT-1823, pp. 424-426, book 1)
Hunt, Thomas to Sarah D. Sumner [his daughter]. "...five Negro slaves, viz, Negro woman Abby and her three children Adelia, Tom & Phill, and Negro woman Betty..." (DOG-1825, p. 346, book 2)
Hunt, Edward to Edward Hunt, Jnr. [his son] "...also the following Negroes: old Tom, Ben, young Tom, Dell, Jim, Emily, Luno, Anderson, Ede, Vilet & Isbil..." (DOG-1824, p. 100, book 2)
Hunt, Thomas to Thomas T. Hunt. "...track of land...and the following Negroes; Henry a carpenter, Mat wagoner & team, Scella?, Jim, Linder, Fanny, Charles, James, Graves, Willis, Wyatt, Nancy, Ellender, Paul, Wesley, Erasmus, Clarissa, Mary, George a shoe and boot maker, Sam, Isbel and her three children, and Jesser a weaver, ten head of horses..." (DIT-1825, pp. 432-433, book 2)
Hunt, Edward to Ralph Hunt [his son]. "...the following Negroes, Lawrence and his wife Feocby?, Dick, George, Jacob, Elijah, Phil, Dinah, Nancey & Tempe and also the following other Negroes, Dave & Kiziah..." (DOG-1824, p. 99, book 2)
Hunt, James to Thomas D. Ridley. "...man slave named Reubin aged about thirty years more or less..." (DIT-1821, pp. 306-307, book Z)
Hunt, Thomas to Joseph Taylor. "... also the following Negroes: Carter, Delry & their eleven children & their three grand children, Sam a carpenter, his wife Lucy and their four children, and Lautter & her child, Charles a Negro man, his wife Rachel & two children, George a young man, Aby & two children..." (DIT-1823, pp. 402-403, book 1)
Hunt, John to William Bullock. "... Negro man Dick..." (DIT-1827, p. 278, book 3)
Hust, Mary [of Halifax Co., NC] to Alexander McCullock. "... plantation included a Negro fellow named Sandy, a Negro wench named Dianah..." (DIT-1763, pp. 1-2, Deed Book E)
Inge, Francis [of Warren County] to Israel Hargrove [a trade for cash and a Negro girl named Easter] "...a certain Negro girl named Sooky supposed to be about eighteen years of age, as a swap or exchange for his Negro girl Easter...whereas my son Francis Inge had made a sale without having the power to do so...being a minor..." (BOS-1816, pp. 192-193, book X)
Jackson, Judith to William Jackson [her son]. "...Big Davie, Little Davie, Mima & her child and future increase, Squire, Ann, Old Silver & one horse & mare..." (DOG-1822, p. 238, book 1)
Jackson, Ezekiel to Peyton Wood. "... a certain Negro girl slave by the name of Polly..." (DIT-1823, p. 406, book 1)
Jeffers, William [of Franklin County] to James Allison. "... one Negro slave named Ealay..." (BOS-1799, p. 278, book Q)
Jeffers, William Senr. to Thomas King. "... one Negro boy by the name of Jim about three years old..." (BOS-1823, p. 73, book 2)
Jeffreys, William Senr & Junr. to Thomas L. King. "...girl named Elesce..." (BOS-1817, p. 19, book Y)
Jeter, Robert to Samuel Pittard. "...one Negro girl named Easter..." (BOS-1798, p. 361, book R)
Jeter, Mary [of Wake Co.] to Robert Jeter [her son]. "...one Negro girl named Rosey about the age of thirteen years..." (DOG-1803, p. 264, book R)
Jeter, Samuel to Barnett Jeter [his son]. "...in consideration of the natural love & affection... the following Negro slaves, to wit, one Negro man named Lewis, one Negro woman slave named Isabel & her two children named Edy & Tim & Negro woman Bess & a sorrel mare & their future increase, six head of cattle..." (DOG-1795, p. 178, book P)
Jeter, Samuel to Caty Davis and Augustine Jeter Davis, daughter & son of Augustine Davis, late of the state of Georgia. "... my two said grandchildren, Caty Davis & Augustine Jeter Davis... one Negro man slave named Ben, to my daughter Molley Davis, widow & relict of Mr. Augustine Davis, a life-estate in the man Ben..." (DOG-1795, p. 179, book P)
Jeter, Samuel to James Hicks [his grandson] son of Bishop Hicks. "...for the natural love & affection which I have... one Negro man slave named Bob, reserving to the use & labour of this Negro slave Bob unto Bishop Hicks & his wife Caty... until my said grandson shall attain an age of twenty-one..." (DOG-1795, pp. 180-181, book P)
Jeter, Samuel to Robert Jeter [his son]. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Abram, Adam, Daphney, & her child Tom, & their future increase, one feather bed..." (DOG-1795, p.180, book P)
Jeter, Samuel to Dudley Jeter [his son]. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Brieton ?, Gilbert, Hannah, Milley & Charity the daughter of Isabel..." (DOG-1795, p. 182, book P)
Jeter, Samuel to Caty Hicks[his daughter], wife of Bishop Hicks. "...slaves & their future increase, namely Lucy & Delcie? ..." (DOG-1795, p. 183, book P)
Jeter, Jessee to Joseph B. Littlejohn. "...Amy & her five children, Stephen, Lewis, Eleanor, Sophia Ann and Martha Ann..." (BOS-1827, p. 507, book 3)
Jett, Arch [of Norfolk, VA] to Richard Thomason. "...one Negro boy named Ned..." (BOS-1798, p. 277, book Q)
Jinkins, Elias to his daughters Patsey & Ann Lewis Jenkins. "...four Negroes named Bell, Thom, Harry & Robert & their future increase..." (DOG-1801, p. 437, book Q)
Jinkins, Thomas to Richard Cooke. "...a certain Negro girl by the name of Silvia..." (BOS-1808, p. 223, book T)
Jinkins, Thomas to John Bridges. "...a certain Negro fellow slave named George about 52 years old..." (BOS-1798, p. 128, book Q)
Jinkins, Thomas to Frederick Beck. "...Negro girl Tealah?..." (BOS-1808, p. 226, book T)
Jinkins, Thomas to John Jinkins. "...one Negro woman named Jenney abut 35 years old..." (BOS-1807, p. 331, book T)
Jinkins, Thomas to Stephen Garrott. "...a certain Negro girl slave named Melina about six years of age..." (BOS-1823, p. 381, book 1)
Jinkins, Ann to William Huff [of Franklin Co]. "...a certain Negro man named Adam..." (DIT-1823, pp. 412-413, book 1)
Johnson, Archer Senr. to Edmond Freeman. "...do lend unto Edmond Freeman for the use and behalf of Elizabeth Clardy during her life one Negro man (Peter) which said Negro I purchased from Tarlton Johnson, son of the said Elizabeth Clardy... paying to Elizabeth Womack one third of the value of the Negro and to Sally Mitchell one third of the said value... " (Deed-1804, p. 323, book R)
Johnson, Stephen to Philemon Bradford. "...a Negro woman named Frank..." (BOS-1799, p. 292, book Q)
Johnson, Stephen to the children of his daughter Betsey Bragg. "...one servant named Judah..." (-1811, p.103, book W)
Johnson, William & John [brothers] quit claim to "girl named Agness about nine years of age wherein our mother Kezia Akin has a life estate...that James Akin her husband being at present vested... girl has been sold? to satisfy debt? (Quitclaim- 1795, pp. 331-332, book P)
Johnson, Anderson to William M. Ballard. "...two Negroes known by the names of Fanny about twelve years old and William about ten years old..." (BOS-1817, p. 290, book X)
Johnson, Archer to his grandchildren "...to Betsey A. Thomasson & her two children two Negroes, to wit, Edward about eleven years old & Abram about three years old; to Little B. K. Freeman, Salsbury about eight years old & Mason about six years old; to Mary A. Freeman, Lesey about eight years old & Summersell about two year old & Readin Blunt Morris, Sarah about three years old...with all their future increase..." (DOG-1809, p. 314, book T)
Johnson, Archer to Allen & Anderson Johnson to act as trustees for his grandchildren Isham, Nancy, & Matthew Morris until they reached the age of twenty one years or marry. "...to Isham - Dianna, a Negro girl about four years old...to Nancy - Lethe a Negro girl about four years old...to Matthew - Sicily a Negro girl about three years old, with their future increase..." (DOG-1806, p. 222, book S)
Johnson, Thomas to Samuel Hillman. "...woman named Yisby ? ..." (DIT-1821, pp. 337-338, book Z)
Johnson, Jessee [of Mecklenburg Co. VA] to Patrick Hamilton. "...one Negro woman slave named Judy, not exceeding twenty one years of age..." (BOS-1823, p. 268, book 2)
Johnston, William to Samuel Smith. "...all the right, interest & title which I have...to a Negro girl Agg, about twelve years of age, left to myself & brother John by Nath'l Robertson..." (BOS-1797, p. 128, book Q)
Johnston, John [of Newberry Co, South Carolina] to Samuel Smith. "...the one half of a Negro girl Agness which I am entitled to by the will of my father..." (BOS-1801, p. 477, book Q)
Jones, Martha & Barnett Jones, executors of Brereton Jones, dec'd, to David Parker. "...girl by the name of Tab about thirteen or fourteen years of age..." (BOS-1812, p. 368, book W)
Jones, Vinkler, Senr. to Vinkler Jones Junr. [his son]. "...Tom, Phillis, Leuvey, Tom [son of Leuvey], Davie, Clinton, Julia, Lotty, Warner, Salley, Viney, Eveline, Haywood, Caroline, & others..." (DOG-1815, p. 382, book W)
Jones, Vinkler, Junr, to Vinkler Jones, Senr [his father]. "...all my Negroes, to wit, Tom Phillis, Lucy, Tom (son of Lucy) Davie, Clinton, Julia, Letty, Warren, Sally, Viney, Eveline, Haywood, Caroline, & others..." (DOG-1814, p. 248, book W)
Jones, Robert to Samuel Walker. "...three Negroes, to wit, [G?]Soll, Frankey & Mary..." (BOS-1802, p. 35, book R)
Jones, Vinkler, Snr. to Vinkler Harwood Jones. "...boy Daniel..." (DOG-1813, p. 129, book W)
Jones, Vinkler, Senr., to Caroline Emily Jones, daughter of my son John Jones. "...one Negro woman named Dolly & all her future increase from the date after my death..." (DOG-1808, p. 328, book T)
Jones, Willis [Wake Co,] to Robert Hicks. "...man called & known by the name of Peter which Negro was formerly the property of Isaac Hicks..." (BOS-1796, pp.304-305, book P)
Jones, Luellen [Lewellen] of Franklin County to Lewis Patterson. "...man slave named Peter..." (BOS-1802, p. 159, book R)
Jones, Vinkler Senr. to Mary M. Jones [his granddaughter, daughter of Westwood A. Jones] "...a certain Negro girl slave named Sally..."(DOG-1817, p. 287, book X)
Jones, Vinkler to Frank Jones, Junr. [his brother]. "...one Negro boy slave named Haywood..." (DOG-1817, p. 325, book X)
Jones, Roger to Lewellen Jones "...one Negro girl slave named Winney..." (BOS-1797, p. 46, book Q)
Jones, Vinkler to Elizabeth N. Jones [his granddaughter, daughter of his son Westwood Jones] "...one Negro girl slave named Caty..." (DOG-1795, p. 435, book Q)
Jones, N. to Hezekiah Hobgood, relinquished his right to Negro girl named Edy and to her child named Harriet. (Release of claim-1817, p. 340, book X)
Jones, Roger to Robert Jones. "...one Negro man slave named Fed, also one Negro girl slave named Poll. .." (BOS-1797, p. 47, book Q)
Jones, Vinkler to Martha C. Jones [his granddaughter, daughter of Westwood A. Jones] "...girl slave named Whitley Jane..." (DOG-1817, p. 289, book X)
Jones, Edward to Thomas Brown. "...boy slave named Abram about seven years old..." (BOS-1803, p. 70, book S)
Jones, Molley to Robert Jones. "...two Negro slaves by the name of Britton and ? ..." (BOS-1821, p. 14, book 1)
Jones, Samuel to Radford Gooch. "...one Negro boy by the name of Albert..." (DIT-1821, p. 72, book 1)
Jones, Nicholas, Thomas Booth, Leslie Gilliam & Thomas Jones as trustees for Hezekiah Hobgood sell "...Negro woman slave named Edy and her child named Harriet...together with a child, aged about three months named Mark, the increase of said Edy..." to Thomas B. Littlejohn, the highest bidder. (BOS-1819, pp. 288-289, book Y)
Jones, Lewellen to Thomas L. King. "...girl about ten years of age named Peggy..." (BOS-1817, p.119, book Y)
Jones, Thomas [administrator of Nancy Harris] to Granderson Philpott. "...a certain Negro girl named Milly about sixteen years old belonging to the estate of Nancy Harris..." (BOS-1827, p. 494, book 3)
Jones, John to Spencer O'Brien. "...boy named Jack Dogan now in the town of Petersburg and State of Virginia..." (DIT-1827, p. 184, book 3)
Jones, Robert to James Hunt. "...man named Joshua..." (BOS-1818, p. 52, book Y)
Jones, Robert & David McClure , merchants & copartners in trade, to Latinus & Marcus Armsted & others. "...George, Ned, Phill, Betsey & Mary..." (DIT-1819, pp.253-254, book Y)
Jones, Robert to Lewellen Jones. "...Joshua, James, Isham, Ellis & Mary & Robert Skidmore, Richard Blackman and so fourth..." [Although this is a direct quotation from the deed, it is not clear what it means. It likely is a Deed in Trust.] (BOS-1818, pp.96-97, book Y)
Jones, Vinkler, Senr. to [his son] William Jones. "...Lark, Nan, Dilcy & her children, Vinus & Orange, Lea, Lucy, Lewis, Edley, Man, Granville, Angelina, Franklin, Silvia and her two children Jane, Julietta, Hampton, Dick, Jinney, Amanda, Mary & her child, Comodore, Chancy, Tom & James, & Jeffrey..."" (DOG-1819, pp. 285-286, book Y)
Jones, Robert & Lewellen to James Hunt. "...one Negro woman named Mary about thirty five years of age & two children named Evelina & Robert..." (BOS-1818, p. 69, book Y)
Jones, Robert to Lewellen Jones. "...girl named Mary Ann about eight years old..." (BOS-1818, p. 63, book Y)
Jones, Robert, administrator of James Kittrell, dec'd, to William Williams. "...one certain Negro Easter..." (BOS-1819, p. 28, book Z)
Jones, Robert to Lewellen Jones. "... one Negro girl about ten years of age named Peggy..." (BOS-1818, p. 72, book 2)
Jones, Robert to Claborn Cooke. "...woman named Fanny and her child Nancey..." (DIT-1820, p. 65, book Z)
Jones, Rueben to Gabriel Jones, Jnr. "...two certain Negro children one a girl by the name of Margaret & her increase, the other a boy by the named of David..." (BOS-1825, p. 284, book 2)
Jones, Thomas & wife Betsy to [our mother] Mary Harris. "...boy by the name of Peter aged two years and six months..." (DOG-1820, p. 99, book Z)
Jordan, Thomas to Stephen Sneed. "...one Negro boy named Ned of the age of twelve years the 7th day of last May..." (BOS-1812, p.16, book W)
Jordan, Thomas to Thomas Coghill. "...girl named Betty, about ten year old..." (BOS-1812, pp.43-44, book W)
Jordan, Turner ... his will stated that his slaves were to be divided upon the death of his widow... his children, now of age, agreed to divide them among themselves... "...to Polly Jordan, three small Negro children, to wit, Jim, Littleton & Matthey; to Archibald Jordan, one Negro man named Frank; to James Hicks in right of his wife Sally, a Negro woman named Aggy; to Arthur Jordan, a Negro girl named Lilvy; to Frederick Wiggins in right of his wife Nancy, a Negro wench named Amy..." (Mutual agreement-1802, p. 94, book R)
Jordan, Thomas to James Vaughn. "...boy named Tom about five years old..." (DIT-1812, p.71, book W)
Jordan, Thomas to Thomas Coghill. "...one certain Negro woman known by the name of Seley, also on Negro boy known by the name of Ben, which Negro Ben is a child of the above named woman Seley, the boy about 4 years old, and the woman about 20 years of age..." (BOS-1811, p. 299, book V)
Jordan,Thomas to William Robards. "...one Negro slave Cebily & her child Ben..." (DIT-1809, pp. 408-409, book T)
Kemp, Henry to Israel Bailey. "...man by the name of Will & also a Negro boy by the name of Garmore..." (BOS-1803, p. 125, book R)
Kennon, William to William Bullock. "...for the natural love & affection.. his only daughter Betsey Kennon by his last wife Betsey Kennon... six Negroes, to wit, Tom, Dinah, Cuff, Phillis, Savory & Sall, which the said William Kennon had by & with his last wife to have & to hold all...(DOG-1772, pp. 93-94, book K)
Kennon, Elizabeth [of Wake County] to Dennis Obriant. "...one Negro man named Dick..." (BOS-1796, p. 25, book Q)
Kerr, John [as trustee for John Nance] to Robert Mabin. "...after publick advertisement to sale a certain Negro girl Rebecca..." (BOS-1828, p. 527, book 3)
Key, James to Frederic Beck. "...girl Jinney...(was once included in a mortgage to James Daniel & brothers)." (BOS-1808, p. 254, book T)
Key, James to James Daniel & Brothers, merchants. "...the following Negroes, to wit, Tenor, Lucy, Jinncy, & Sam..." (Mortgage-1805, p. 95, book S)
Key, James to his children Chisley, Jefferson, Judith, James, & Beverly Key. "...the following Negroes, to wit, Balaam, Mourning, Nancy, George, John, Nell, Annaky, Nancy Taylor daughter of Mourning, Rose, Billy and Yarmoth?..." (DOG-1805, p. 245, book S)
Kimbal, Drury to his son Duke Kimbal. "...one Negro girl named Lizey & her increase aged ten years old..." (BOS-1805, p. 221, book S)
Kimball, Abington to William M. Sneed. "...Ben, Easter, Lyley..." (DIT-1817, pp. 280-281, book X)
Kimball, Drury to Leonard Henderson. "...two Negro boys, viz, Phill & Thom..." (DIT-1808, pp.63-65, book V)
Kimball, Abington to Robert Wilson. "...man by name Peter aged 25 years..." (BOS-1816, p. 82, book X)
Kimball, Drury to Pleasant Kimball [his son]. "...girl by the name of Delilah about five years old..." (DOG-1803, p. 125, book R)
Kimball, Dury Senr. to Drury Kimball. " ...two Negroes, to wit, a certain fellow by the name of Bob, & a wench by the name of Winney, his wife..." (DOG-1799, p. 311, book Q)
Kimball, Drury to John Reeks [his son-in-law]. "...one Negro girl named Lucy aged thirteen years..." (DOG-1799, p. 311, book Q)
Kimball, Drury to Lewis Bennett. "...one Negro woman named Winney..." (BOS-1807, p. 149, book T)
Kimball, Abington & Ann to Ann Laughten, the wife of John L. Laughten. "...girl named Cretty[?]..." (DOG-1813, p. 159, book W)
Kimball, Abington & Ann to James Hunt [for the love & affection] "...boy named Jim..." (DOG-1813, p. 158, book W)
Kimball, Abington to Christopher Foster. "...man slave by the name of Bill about twenty two years of age..." (B-1825, p. 431, book 2)
Kimball, Abington to Stephen K. Sneed. "...fellow known by the name of Bartlett, and one by the name of William..." (DIT-1823, pp. 346-347, book 1)
Kimball, Abington to Joseph P. Davis. "...girl named Nelly conveyed by John Creath to Stephen Sneed in trust..." (Relinquishment,1821, p. 216, book Z)
Kimball, Lewis to Lewis Paschall. "... one Negro woman now in the county of Warren known by the name of Betty aged about thirty years old..." (D-1828, p. 413, book 3)
Kimball, Abington to Stephen K. Sneed. "...woman Easter to be sold to the highest bidder for ready money..." (DIT-1820, p. 47, book Z)
Kimball, Duke to Solomon Satterwhite. "...one Negro girl called Lizzey..." (BOS-1809, p. 215, book Z)
Kindrick, Elizabeth to her three children Dennis L., James, & Mary W. Kindrick. "...Sarah & her two children Lutissh [?] and Patty..." (DOG-1816,, p. 166, book X)
King, George and Susanna King to Thomas King...relinquishing their rights to "Burgess and Lucy & her two children." lent by Thomas Lanier to Mary Lanier. (Relinquish-1810, p. 108, book V)
King, George, Susannah [his wife] & Thomas [his son], to Hegdon Robertson. "...quit claim...to a certain Negro woman named Nelly, now in possession of the said Hegdon Robertson..." (Conveyance-1811, p. 168, book 1)
Kittrell, John to Jas. H. Bryant. "...boy slave named Peter..." (BOS-1814, p. 247, book X)
Kittrell, John to James H. Bryant & Jas. H. Spears. "...three Negroes, viz, a certain Negro woman slave named Esabel, a Negro boy named Benjamin & a Negro girl named Fanny..." (BOS-1814, p. 244, book X)
Kittrell, Jonathan to John Morse [of Henderson County, Kentucky] "...two Negro men by the names of Jack & Mingo- at his death...to the children of Mary Morse, dec'd, who was my daughter..." (DOG-1812, p.8, book W)
Kittrell, John of [Roan County, Tennessee] to James H. Bryant. "...woman slave named Tempy for to satisfy John Thomasson of Cumberland County, for a Negro girl twelve years old..." (BOS-1817, p. 290, book X)
Kittrell, Isaac to William Amis. "...one Negro man named Nat, sound & healthy..." (BOS-1801, p. 476, book Q)
Kittrell, John to William Floyd. "...one Negro man slave named Herculus about twenty years of age..." (BOS-1814, p.391, book W)
Kittrell, John to Moses Neal. "... one Negro woman named Patt and her two children namely one girl named Chaney and one boy named George..." (D-1823, p. 351, book 1)
Kittrell, Isaac to Mary Kittrell & his other children, named. "...four Negro girls by name Rose & Winney and Harriott & Mima..." (DO-1826, p.180, book 3)
Kittrell,Samuel to George Alston. "..girl named Mary..." (BOS-1807, p. 96, book T)
Knight, Jonathan [extr. of Jonathan Knight, dec'd] to John Amis. "...one Negro boy named Anderson belonging to the estate of Jonathan Knight dec'd..." (BOS-1809, p. 141, book V)
Knight, Jonathan Jun, Exor of Jonathan Knight, Senr, dec'd to William Amis. "...two Negroes, viz, Randol & Lithe..." (BOS-1809, p. 426, book T)
Knight, Jonathan to Jordan Denson & Henry Goodloe [of Franklin County]. "...Nat, Zean?, Lethe, Chain, Rachel, Daniel, David, Major, Shamer/Thamer?, Hanner, Tom, Isham, and Jean..." (DIT-1820, pp.332-333, book Y)
Knight, Jonathan to Thomas B. Littlejohn. "...a certain Negro woman slave named Judah, at that time aged about eighteen years..." The DIT that Knight made in 1812 named Judah as security for John B. Pulliam. (BOS-1818, p. 306, book Z)
Knight & Hillman to David Hunt of Person County. "...girl slave named Lethe about sixteen years of age..." (BOS-1821 p. 340, book Z)
Knott, Thomas to Gideon Crews. "...a Negro woman slave named Mary aged about twenty four years & her child Ambrose aged about two years..." (BOS-182, p.23, book W)
Knott, David A. to Thomas B. Littlejohn. "...Negro boy slave named Ellisha aged about five years... was received by me as part of my wife's portion in the division... her father's estate, the late Robert Downey..." (BOS-1815, p. 39, book X)
Knott, David to James & Robert Hamilton. "...one Negrow girl named Mary and one Negrow man named Bill..." (DIT-1812, p. 308, book W)
Knott, Thomas to John Oliver. "...Mosses, Andrew, David & Milly as well as all my interest in the estate of John Walton, dec'd arising from my intermarrying with Barbary Walton..." (DIT-1816, pp. 340-341, book Y)
Knott, Joseph to John Groves. "...Negro woman Darcus..." (DIT-1828, p. 410, book 3)
Kollock, Shepard K. [of Norfolk, VA] to Sarah S. Kollock [his daughter] "...one Negro woman named Lucy and her
children named Sandy & Kizzey now in the possession of Mrs. Elizabeth Alston ..." (DOG-1828, p. 518, book 3)Land, James to William Griffin. "...a certain Negro woman by name of Mehalah & her child..." (BOS-1820, p. 71, book Z)
Landis, Abraham to Abraham Laurence. "...girl by the name of Selie..." (BOS-1808,p. 260, book W)
Lane, Alfred to Mary Wood. "...man slave named Morris, aged about thirty five years..." (BOS-1825, p. 355, book 2)
Lane, Alfred to Portious Moore [of Person Co. who was executor of the estate of Elizabeth Pulliam. These slaves were to go to her daughter Martha Lane.] "...five Negroes to wit, Leathy, Tempy, Mary, Susan & Hannah & their increase..." (Relinquishment-1826, pp. 128-129, book 3)
Lanier, William to Lesly Gilliam. "...two Negro slaves Phillis & Judah... a bill of sale which will appear in the possession of Lesly Gilliam made from John Cooke of Mecklenburg County, VA..." (BOS-1803, p. 157, book R)
Lanier, William H. to Lesley Gilliam. "...one Negro boy named Watt about nine years of age..." (BOS-1804, p. 260, book S)
Lanier, William H. to James Lyne. "...two Negroes (viz) Dick and Mulatto girl Silvey..." (BOS-1807, pp. 52-53, book T)
Lanier, William to Henry Johnston. "...one Negro man slave by the name of Daniel..." (BOS-1797, p. 127, book Q)
Lanier, W. H. to Peter F. Farrar. "...one Negro woman by the name of Agga & child by the name of Jeffrey now about one year old..." (BOS-1802, p. 245, book R)
Lanier, William to William Blackwell. "...one Negro boy named Randolph about 12 or 13 years of age..." (BOS-1807, p. 53, book T)
Lanier, William to James Lyne. "...man named Jeffrey. " (BOS-1807, p. 54, book T)
Lanier, Thomas to William Lanier [his son]. "...nine hundred acres of land... also eleven Negroes, viz, Jeffrey, Young, Jack, Brunwick, Yonker, Frank, Gloucester, Aggey, Rachel, Jenny, Silvey, together with their increase..." (DOG-1790, p. 31, book N)
Lanier, William to Peter Field Farrar. "...two Negroes, viz, Judith a girl about ten years of age and Frank a boy about six years of age..." (BOS-1805, p. 72, book S)
Lanier, William to Lesley Gilliam. "...being entitled to two Negroes slaves by name Jacob & Stephen as it appears from the record of Mecklenburg County Court...to be enjoyed by Lesley Gilliam his heirs & assigns after the death of Delley Cook..." (BOS-1803, p. 158, book R)
Lanier, William to Stephen Sneed. "...one Negro boy named Anthony about eleven or twelve years of age..." (BOS-1801, p. 510, book Q)
Lanier, Robert & Robert Nance to Henry W. Young. "...one Negro boy by the name of Tom about 20 years of age..." (BOS-1815, p. 219, book X)
Lanier, William & James & Henry Lyne, merchants. "...eighteen Negroes to wit, Brunswick, Younker ?, Dick, Glaster, Sam, Great Lucy, little Lucy, Jenny, Silvey, Jeffrey, Rachel, Amey, Watt, Randol, Bob, Shadrick, Frank, & Rachels youngest child name unknown, together with the stock of horses & cattle..." (DIT-1802, pp. 560-561, book Q)
Lanier, William executed to James & Henry Lyne a bond which included as security... "Negro Brunswick, Younker, Dick, Glastor, Sam, Great Lucy, Little Lucy, Jenny, Silvey, Jeffrey, Rachel, Amey, Harry, Watt, Randal, Bob, Shadrack, Frank, Jesse, Matilda, Amos, Salley, and Judy, & their future increase..." (DIT-1804, pp. 212-213, book R)
Lanier, William to Stephen Sneed. "... one Negro boy named Bob about seven years old next December..." (BOS-1801, p. 510, book Q)
Lassiter, William to Sarah Liles. "... one Negro girl of the name of Rebeccah." (DOG-1807, p. 55, book T)
Lawrance, Henry to John L. Weathers. "...one Negro girl by the name of Eliza the age of fourteen years old..." (BOS-1825, p. 428, book 2)
Lawrence, Lucy to Mary Chambless. "...one Negro girl by the name of Delpha..." (BOS-1819, p. 219, book Y)
Leathers, William Junr. to Benjamin Hoffman. "...woman known by the name of Charity about thirty years of age..." (BOS-1805, p. 160, book S)
Leitch, John to William Penn. "...a Negro man by the name of Frank..." (BOS-1804, p. 261, book S)
Lemay, Samuel to Lewis Bennett. "... four Negroes, to wit, Rachel, Jessey, Saml & Isham ..."(BOS-1793, p. 71, book P)
Lemay, John P. to Thomas Lemay. "...one Negro woman called and known by the name of Murny of the age of twenty three years, one Negro boy by the name of Tom of the age of four years, and one Negro girl called and known by the name of Jenny of the age of fifteen years..." (DIT-1828, pp. 387-389, book 3)
Levain, Thomas [of Washington Co. NC] to John Hampton. " ...a certain Negro woman by the name of Levina..." (BOS-1826, p. 449, book 2)
Lewis, Howell to Willis Ridley [his grandson]. "...eight Negroes, viz, Phillis, Isaac, Joe, Rody, Lucy, Stephen, Milly and Peggy, them and their increase forever..." (DOG-1811, p. 258, book V)
Lewis, Bressie to James McCauley [of Guilford County, NC]. "...one Negro boy named Kelscik?..."(BOS-1808, p.220, book T)
Lewis, Robert to John Taylor. "...one Negro man named Patrick about 25 years old..." (BOS-1802, p. 127, book R)
Lewis, Howell to his granddaughter Mildred Kennon [of Wake Co.] "...a Negro woman by the name of Annekey, also a Negro boy named Billey, son of the said Negro woman Annekey, also a Negro girl named Charity and Negro girl named Polley both daughters of the said Negro woman Annekey..." (DOG-1806, p. 221, book S)
Lewis, James [of Person County] to Thomas Taylor. "...boy slave named John..." (BOS-1805,pp.147-148, book T)
Lewis, Robert to Robert Allison. "...deliver to Mary Allison, daughter of the above Robert Allison, one Negro girl of the name of Rachel about fifteen years of age..." (BOS-1795, p. 273, book P)
Lewis, Robert to Lewis Taylor. "... two Negro woman named Creacy & Sucky..." (BOS-1795, p. 237, book P)
Lewis, Willis to Henry M. Miller [of the city of Raleigh]. "...Willouby, Kisey, Mary, Elen Eliza, Willis, Sam, Elijah, Critty, Alexander, Isabella, Daniel, Betsey, Ferry, Willouby junr, Anthony, Tempy, Willis, Enoch, Edmund, Pleasant, Calvin, Jesse, Dick, Polly, Nully, Sam, Joe, George, Matilda, Luthur, Yellow Dick, Eve, Howell, Richard, Jacob, Creasy, Coleman, Fred, Bollings, John, Ki Jamet?, Henry, Henderson, William, Warner, Beverly, Susan, Ben, Moses, Eve, Fanny, Bowen, Patty E., Edmund, Janes E., Franky, Job, Suckey, Stephen, old George, old Milley, Enoch B., Cambridge, Milley I, Creasy, Elvira, Eveline, Jane, Frances, Little George, Candis, John F., Amey, Johny, Milley, Phill, Washington, Munroe, Lucinda, Moses, Milley, & Milley Parker, & their increase..." (DIT-1828, pp.481-483, book 3)
Lewis, Willis to Nathaniel Robards. "...Hector, Peggy, Winney, David, Unity, Suckey, Cambridge, Carlas, Nancy, Betsey, Stephen, Patrick, Sidney, Lewis, Fanny[C], William, Lawrence, Tom, Phoeby, Judy, Andrew, Billey, Siler, Happy & child Winney, Nutty, Abram, Bob, Nowelle, Lawson, Eady, Mariah, James, Massey, Caroline, Janey, Caroline daughter of Janey, Nancy[K], Jane, Isabell, Salley, Little Fanny, Betsey, Margaret, Sam, Frank, Charles, Lucy, Mingo - - in all fifty Negroes together with the following which I purchased at the sale of Doctor Thomas Hunts property, to wit, Ben, Abraham, Sam, Isbell, and two children Marilla, Matt & Nancey in all eight together with their increase..." (DIT-1828, pp. 475-478, book 3)
Lewis, William to Elizabeth Lewis [his infant daughter]. "...one Negro girl named Maria..." (DOG-1824, p. 257, book 2)
Lewis, William to Samuel Smith. "... the following slaves, to wit, Jacob, Alfred, Sam & John..." (DIT-1823, p. 349, book 1)
Lewis, Willis to William Webb. "...also the following slaves now living on the crossroad trail of land... Billey, Lawson, Jesse, Careless, Huton, Mingo, Little Sam, Phill, Frank, Johncannon?, Nancy and her children Stephen, Milly, Patrick, Wellington, Smith and Lewis, Fanny and her children, William, Lawrence, Tern?, Phaiby, Judah, also Hannah and her children Munroe and Lucinda, also Peggy and her children, Winney, Davy, Unity and Suckey, also Sallah and her children Nutty, Abraham and Robin, also Happy and her children, Mima, also Edy and her children Maria, James, Massey, and Emeline..." (DIT-1827, pp. 270-272, book 3)
Lewis, James M. [of Mecklenburg County, VA] to Mary Harris. "...girl known by the name of Tempe about twelve years old..." (BOS-1820, p. 159, book Z)
Lile, William to Dick H. Dolby. Lile traded a parcel of land for "one Negro woman Tillar and her youngest child Moses to be delivered to the said Lile..." (Trade-1823, p. 96, book 3)
Little, W. W. to James Vaughan. "...boy named Peter..." (BOS-1795, p. 335, book P)
Little, William P. to Benjamin Person. "...girl known by the name of Rachel, daughter of Lucy." (BOS-1804, p.4, book T)
Little, William P. to Benjamin E. Person. "...a certain Negro girl known by the name of Rachel, daughter of Judah and Kay which said Negro girl was drawn by Mrs. Mary Ann Little in the division of the Negroes of Gen. Thomas Person, dec's..." (BOS-1805, p. 417, book 1)
Littlejohn, Joseph [as trustee for Thomas Potter] to William V. Taylor. "...a Negro girl Bridget and her child were offered for sale and William V. Taylor...the highest bidder..." (BOS-1815, p. 333, book X)
Littlejohn, Joseph B. [as trustee of Thomas Potter] after advertising, sold girl Lizzy to William Green who was the highest bidder. (BOS-1815, p. 13, book X)
Littlejohn, Joseph to Polydore Johnston. "...do grant, bargain and sell unto Polydore Johnston, a free man of colour...a mulatto child named Sally, the daughter of wench Amy, and at this time about nine months old..." (BOS-1811, p. 275, book V)
Littlejohn, Thomas [as trustee for John Heggie in deed book "Y", page 255] to Thomas Brown. "...Molley and her young child Mary, Lette, Fanney, George, Nancey and Lizzy..." (BOS-1820, p. 202, book Z)
Littlejohn, Thomas to Willis Lewis. "...three Negro men slaves, viz, Robin, Pleasant, and Griffin..." (DIT-1827, pp.318-319, book 3)
Littlejohn, Thomas B. to Sarah B. Kollock [his daughter]. "...the following Negro slaves now in her possession, to wit, Jack about forty eight years old, Sarah aged about thirty five years, Anne aged about fourteen years, Nancy [daughter of Phillis] aged about twenty-five years and her two children Mimah aged eight years, and Ritta aged about six years..." (DOG-1821, p. 125, book 2)
Littlejohn, Thomas B. to John Nuttall. "...also the following slaves, to wit, Sylvia & her children Polly, Patsy, Dick, Viny, Suckey & Lawson, Maria & her children, Washington, Lewis, Sam & Harvey, Lucinda & her children Joe & - - - Rose & her children Tempy & Ritter, Molly & her child Eliza, Frank, Davy, & Harry..." (DIT-1825, pp. 364-365, book 2)
Littlejohn, Thomas to John Nuttall. "...six Negro slaves, viz, Milly aged about sixteen years, Frankey and her two children Carolina & Isabella, Mimah and her son Richard..." (DIT-1827, pp. 312-313, book 3)
Littlejohn, Thomas to John Nuttall. "...also a Negro woman named Judah aged about thirty five years..." (DIT-1827, pp. 321-323, book 3)
Littlejohn, Thomas B. to Joseph B. Skinner [of Chowan Co.]. "... all interest in the estate remaining unsold belonging to the devisee of William Littlejohn, dec'd... the following Negro slaves, viz, man Billy (waggoner) aged forty five years, little Billy aged thirty years, Blacksmith Joe aged thirty one years, Wilson aged thirty years, and boy Edmund aged about thirteen years..." (DIT-1826, pp. 189-190, book 3)
Littlejohn, Joseph to Mary E. Williamson [his daughter]. "...Rosetta & her children Lavinia, James & Eliza, Linda & her children Emily & [blank space], and Negro man Amiss..." (DOG-1827, p. 194, book 3)
Littlejohn, Thomas B. to Galvin Hogg. "...a mulatto woman Nancey of the age of twenty six years, and her children Henry of seven years and Peter of one year, Phillis a woman of the age of forty five years, Jimmy a man of the age of twenty two years, and Eliza of the age of seven years..." (DIT-1824, pp. 198-199, book 2)
Littlejohn, Joseph to Poledore Johnson, a free man of colour, all my right and title to a mulatto child named Edmond, the offspring of Amy a slave belonging to me, and of which child the said Poledore Johnson is the reputed father, for the consideration of fifty dollars paid to me... (BOS-1822, p. 166, book 1)
Littlejohn, Thomas B. to William Webb. "...a Negro girl slave named Sarah aged fourteen years on the 31st day of may last..." (BOS-1822, p. 167, book 1)
Lockhart, Samuel to Southan Higgs. "...Darkis & Harry..." (Mortgage-1804, pp. 8 & 9, book S)
Lockhart, Samuel to John Kelly, Junr. "...woman Darkis and her child Harry..." (BOS-1805, p. 122, book S) These two people were at one time mortgaged to Southan Higgs who relinquished his right to them.
Longmire, William, Snr. to his granddaughter Charlotte Duke. "...my right & title to a Negro girl named Ritha..." (DOG-1816, p. 140, book X)
Longmire, William to Temperance Bryant [for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear unto...friend] "...a certain Negro man named Ben about the age of forty years..." (DOG-1816, p. 141, book X)
Love, Allan to Humphrey Davis. This deed refers to the relinquishment of a Deed of Trust to John Gordon Dal--?? July 25, 1772, of his land & two Negroes (not named) deed was "recorded in Granville County Court in Feb 1773" (Page 205, book O)
Lowell, Samuel to Lion Kimball. "...one Negro girl known by the name of Selse about fourteen or fifteen years of age..." (BOS-1797, p. 127, book Q)
Luman, Joseph [of Franklin Co.] to Isham Kittrell. "...a Negro man slave called Sterling ? ..." (BOS-1795, p. 553, book Q)_
Lumkin, Anthony & Sarah to David Tillman. "...one sound Negro girl named Nancy..." (BOS-1808, p. 382, book T)
Lumpkin, Anthony to Thomas Brown. "...boy named John about eight or nine years of age..." (DIT-1812, p. 115-116, book W)
Lumpkin, Sarah to John Tilmon [my dear relation] of Montgomery County. "...John & Milly..." (DOG-1815, p.403, book W)
Lumpkin, Sarah to Elizabeth [wife of Thomas Childs], and her children William and Judith Childs [of the District of Abbeville, state of South Carolina]. "...my Negro woman Lisha to Elizabeth, my Negro boy Anthony to William, my Negro boy James, son of Lisha, to Judith..." (DOG-1815, p. 402, book W)
Lumpkin, Sarah to Nancy Childs & others [of the District of Abbeville & state of South Carolina]. "...Woman Jinny & her sons Henry & Elijah & her daughter Elizabeth...girl Happy..." (DOG-1815, pp. 416-417, book W)
Lumpkin, Sarah to David Tilmon [my relation]. "...three Negro slaves, viz, Amos, Anderson & Caesar..." (DOG-1814, p. 412, book W)
Lumpkin, Sarah to David Tilman. "...Molly & Susanah, her daughter..." (BOS-1815, p. 36, book X)
Lumpkin, William to Alexander Hamilton. "...woman named Winey with her children Justine & John..." (DIT-1812, pp. 353-354, book V)
Lumpkin, Anthony to Thomas Brown. "...a certain Negro boy named Paul about thirteen years of age..." (B-1805, p. 69, book S)
Lumpkin, Sarah to Anthony Lumpkin [her husband]. "...two fellows Herculas & Harry & woman named Jemima and her future increase..." (DOG-1808, pp. 214-215, book T)
Lumpkin, Sarah to Elizabeth Childs [her niece]. "...three Negroes, to wit, Kate, Mourning & Jourdan..." (DOG-1801, p. 455, book Q)
Lumpkin, Sarah to Edmund Lumpkin (son-in-law?). "...fellow named Stephan, son of Sal & James" (DOG-1804, p. 10, book S)
Lumpkin, George to Sally Lumpkin [his sister]. "...one Negro girl named Mary & her increase..." (DOG-1828, p. 522, book 3)
Lumpkin, George to Patsey [his sister]. "...one Negro girl named Patsey..." (DOG-1828, p. 524, book 3)
Lyne, Henry to Susan Lyne [his daughter]. "...girl named Sarah, daughter of Lucy...' (DOG-1817, p. 212, book X)
Lyne, Henry to Ann Martin Lyne [his daughter]. "...a girl named Phillis, daughter of Lucy..." (DOG-1816, p. 211, book X)
Lyne, Henry to the executors of James Boyd, dec'd of Franklin County. "...Sucky, daughter of Celia, John son of Milly, & Aggy daughter of Sabina, one tract or parcel of land..." (DIT-1814, pp. 70-72, book X)
Lyne, Henry to James Vaugham. "...thirteen Negro slaves to wit, Dick, Kitte, Vincy,, Nutty, Celia, Trip, Thomas, Mary, Sabina, Darry[?], Anny, Jupeter & Judah [because of a debt to James Hamilton]..." (DIT-1814, p. 239, book W)
Lyne, Henry to John Hare. "...Lucy, Phillis, Rachel, Sarah, Lovina, Sylvia, Grace, Katey, Edmund, Matilda, Willis, Milly, Mima, Hannah, Alec, Sally, Polly, Peter, Andrew, Jim, Tom, Daniel, Alic, Billy, Jim, Jenny & their future increase..." (DIT-1815, pp. 376-377, book W)
Lyne, Henry to Lucy Foster Lyne [his daughter]. "...girl named Viney, daughter of Lucy..." (DOG-1817, p. 212, book X)
Lyne, Henry to William Lyne [his son] "...boy named Edmund, son of Silvia..." (DOG-1817, p. 213, book X)
Lyne, Henry to Fanny Lyne [his daughter]. "...girl named Rachel, daughter of Lucy..." (DOG-1817, p. 211, book X)
Lyne, Henry to Edmund Pitt of Orange County. "...woman Sabinah & child and Negro girl Judah..." (BOS-1814, p. 208, book X)
Lyne, Henry to Stephen K. Sneed. "...Lucy and her two children Fanny about two years old and James about two months old..." (BOS-1821, p. 334, book Z)
Lyne, Henry to John Taylor Junr. "...boy named Billey..." (BOS-1820, p. 42, book Z)
Lyne, Henry to John Hare. "...a Negro girl called Betty." (BOS-1812, p. 137, book Y)
Lyne, Henry to Leonard Henderson. "...Nutty and her child Peggy..." (BOS-1821, p. 317, book Z)
Macklin, Ann to James Lewis [natural affection I bare for him as a friend & relation]. "...woman by the name of Caty, twenty years of age..." (DOG-1809, p.26, book V)
Mann, Arnold [of Cumberland County, NC] to "...my beloved son and daughter Henry H. Vincent & Susanna, his wife...one Negro girl named Winney..." (DOG-1816, p. 246, book X)
Mann, John to Obedience Mann. "...boy named Charles..." (BOS-1822, p. 213, book 1)
Mann, John to James White. "...girl named Cate about eleven years old..." (BOS-1822, p. 206, book 1)
Marshall, William to Stephen Sneed [to cover loans to William Blackwell and James Vaughn]. "...man Babel, woman Hannah, Tab, Nutta & Manuel, Haby, Dennis & Tom..." (DIT-1811, pp.229-230, book W)
Marshall, John [1st part], William W. Green of Mecklenburg Co. Va & Robert Burton of Granville [2nd part] & Richard Jones Halifax & Wm Marshall, Dancy McCraw & Arthur Moody of Mecklenburg Va [3rd part] ...land, livestock ..."also ten Negro slaves (viz) Jack, Liller, Tom, Dick, Cate, Edy, Amy, Letty, Jinney, Milley..." (DIT-1791, pp. 7-9, book P)
Marshall, William to James Hamilton. "...man by the name of Diner about twenty six years of age." (BOS-1810, p. 161, book V)
Marshall, William to James Lyne & James Boyd & Co. "...seven Negroes, to wit, four men, Caswel, Babel, Brandy & one boy Limus & one woman with her two children..." (D-1809, pp. 412-413, book T)
Marshall, John Senr. & Junr. to Charles and John Kennon. "...one Negro man named Jack about sixty years of age, one other Negro man named Jim about twenty years of age, one Negro girl named Letty about thirteen years of age, one Negro boy named Dick about ten years of age, one Negro boy named Anthony eight years of age, also one black horse about fourteen years old, one bay mare nine years..." (BOS-1801, p. 62, book R)
Mason, David to Joseph Taylor. "... man named Harry (a weaver by trade) about thirty years of age..." (BOS-1795, p. 355, book P)
Mason, Nancy to Drucilla Mason [her daughter]. "...one Negro girl by the name of Sally & her increase now living in my possession..." (DOG-1827, p. 464, book 3)
May, Thomas to Robert & Rachel Bailey [his daughter]. "...my Negro girl Hester, now about seven years old..." (DOG-1828, p. 522, book 3)
May, Thomas to Susannah Dickins [his daughter in Wake County]. "...a certain Negro girl slave for life, named Nelly about seven years old..." (BOS-1828, p. 423, book 3)
May, William to Thomas Cole. "...all right, title & interest in one wench & three children by named Ausley and Temperance and Hester and Neley..." (BOS-1822, p. 310, book 2)
Mayfield, John to John White. "...also one Negro man slave by the name of Harry, a carpenter by trade..." (DIT-1820, pp. 80-81, book Z)
Mayfield, John to Fielding Kittrell. "...woman named Fereby aged about twenty seven years old..." (BOS-1820, p. 42, book Z)
Mayfield, Voletine to William Griffin, "...woman by name of Patty now hired & in possession of said William Griffin..." (BOS-1818, p. 181, book Y)
Mayfield, Sally to Atha Thomas. "...the following Negroes & property, to wit, four Negroes and their future increase, namely, Mimey a woman about 25 or 30 years of age, a boy by the name of Edmond, Ruth a girl and an infant girl all children of Mimey, one mare and colt..." (DIT-1824, p. 223, book 2)
McCauley, James [of Guiford County, NC] to Yerby Bressie. "...boy by the name of David five years old the 25th day of last December..." (BOS-1808, p. 223, book T)
McClenahan, Spence to George Floyd. "...a parcel of Negroes named as follows, Ben, Chery, Sally, Fanny, Rachel, Isabella, & Winney..." (DIT-1827, pp. 328-329, book 3)
McClure, David to William Gaston [of Craven County]. "...Silvia, aged about eighteen years, heretofore the property of the said William Gaston, and by him conveyed..." (Mortgage-1813, p. 64, book W)
McClure, David & Robert Jones to Jones & Pope [Petersburg, VA]. "...men George, Ned, Phill & girls Betsey, Mary ..." (DIT-1819, p.251, book Y)
McClure, David to William G. Bower. "...Phill, Eady, Thea, Betsey, Humprey, Many, Creacey, Catey and Christopher..." (BOS-1821, p. 289, book Z)
McClure, David & Robert Jones to Brown & Armsted [of Petersburg, VA]. "...also one Negro fellow named Phill, one Negro girl named Betsy & one Negro girl named Mary...George, Ned..."(DIT-1819, pp.249-251, book Y)
Meadows, James to Michael Meadows. "...woman by the name of Franky about the age of twenty-one years..." (BOS-1811, p. 361, book V)
Meadows, James to son Ephraim Meadows. "...three Negroes David aged about sixteen years & George about 13 years & Mimy about 7 years." (BOS-1811, p. 192, book V)
Meadows, James to Michael Meadows. "...one Negro child by the name of Amey, a daughter of a certain Negro girl Franky..." (BOS-1808, p.44, book V)
Mercer, Jeremiah [of Currituck Co.] to George Alston. "...a certain Negro woman named Mary & her child named Mariamore..." (BOS-1799, p. 300, book Q)
Miller, Owney? M. to John Eaton. "...three young Negroes, viz, Robert, Allen and Betsey, the children of Aaron and Fanny..." (BOS-1829, p. 521, book 3)
Millner, Richard to John Millner. "...one Negro woman named Alec, one Negro girl named Pink, one Negro girl named Easter, one bay mare, two sorrel mares..." (BOS-1798, p. 211, book Q)
Mitchel, John to John Taylor, son of Edmund. "...one Negro boy named Anthony ? about fifteen months old..." (BOS-1800, p. 364, book Q)
Mitchel, John to William Robards. "...the following Negroes, to wit, Judy a Negro woman, Littleton & Lantee children of this Judy & a bay mare about four years old..." (BOS-1803, p. 195, book R)
Mitchel, John to Thomas Bartholimew [?]. "...girl slave named Violet with her future increase..." (BOS-1802, p. 34, book R)
Mitchel, Thomas to Willis Lewis, Thomas Taylor & Anson Mitchel. "...also the following Negroes, viz, Phill, Lewis, Roger, Stephen, Isaac, Nanny, Charity, Big Sarah, Sarah..." (DIT-1816, p. 229, book X)
Mitchel, Thomas to John Taylor. "...a Negro man by the name of Anthony..." (BOS-1802, p. 130, book R)
Mitchel, John to Stephen Sneed. "...one Negro slave by the name of John or Jack, about twelve or thirteen years of age..." (BOS-1801, p. 38, book R)
Mitchel, Charles to John Allison. "... one Negro man named Ben..." (BOS-1800, p. 510, book Q)
Mitchel, Josiah to William Elixson. "...man named Sambo about eight and twenty years old..." (BOS-1796, p. 305, book P)
Mitchel, David to Samuel Hillman. "...Edmund & Phillis..." (DIT-1825, p.314, book 2)
Mitchel, David to Samuel Hillman. "...Negro woman Suckey..." (DIT-1825, pp. 385-387, book 2)
Mitchel, Robert B. to Benjamin H. Wortham. "...girl named Rose, aged about thirteen years old..." (BOS-1818, p. 180, book Y)
Mitchel, David to John Hunt. "...also six Negro slaves, to wit, Edmond, Phill, Phillis, Sookey, Charity & Isbell and all other good & chattels..." (DIT-1826, pp. 87-89, book 3)
Mitchel, Messenier to William Griffin. "...girl name of Tanner..." (BOS-1818, p. 131, book Y)
Mitchel, Messenier to [her daughter] Mary Ann Glover. "...man by name of John & wife by name of Wealthy & their four children by named of Eliza, Mary Ann, Abaslow & Sarah, there being six in number..." (BOS-1818, pp. 123-124, book Y)
Mitchel, Messenier to [her daughter] Mary Ann Glover & children. "...boy by name of Hyman..." (DOG-1818, p. 123, book Y)
Mitchell, John to Thomas Potter. "...one certain Negro woman slave by the name of Sarah about twenty two years of age..." (BOS-1806, p. 216, book S)
Mitchell, Robert [of Sumner County, Tennessee] to William Marrow. "...small Negro boy by the name of Dick..." (BOS-1806, p. 262, book S)
Mitchell, Anson to William Lasater. "...boy slave named Santee aged about fifteen years..." (BOS-1810, p.48, book V)
Mitchell, Misenier to Joseph G. Norwood. "...one Negro girl named Suckey of the age of nine or ten years..." (BOS-1815, p. 436, book W)
Mitchell, Thomas to Hannah Russell. "...girl by the name of Cumfort about seven years of age a little yellowish..." (BOS-1816,, p. 85, book X)
Mitchell, Thomas to Robert Harris [of Orange County]. "...one Negro woman by the name of Mariah..." (BOS-1816, p. 441, book W)
Mitchell, John to James W. Smith. "...a certain Negro woman slave named Amey & her children, to wit, her daughter Fanny, her son Davy & if born before this the child she was big with when I left home..." (BOS-1807, p. 195, book T)
Mitchell, Misenier to Joseph Sneed [grandson] "...two Negroes Charles & Milly..." (BOS-1810, p. 182, book X)
Mitchell, Elijah to Stephen Sneed. "...one Negro man by the name of Doctor..." (BOS-1812, p. 15, book X)
Mitchell, Elijah [of Raleigh, for Robert Burton & others] to Stephen Sneed"... Judah and her three children, to wit, Wallace, Rhitta, and Caleg..." (BOS-1815, p. 26, book X)
Mitchell, John & Salley his wife to Fartton? Johnson. "...a certain Negro named Peter conveyed by Archer Johnson to Edmond Freeman in trust for Elizabeth Clardy during her life & after her decease to one third of said Negro to the aforesaid Sally..." (BOS-1808, p. 284, book T)
Mitchell, John to Thomas Potter. "...one certain Negroe slave girl about five years old, of a yellow complexion, named Liza." (BOS-1807, p. 146, book T)
Mitchell, Elijah to William Robards. "...six Negro slaves Delcey, Anthony, Daniel, Sante, Vinah & Erasmus..." (DIT-1809, p. 409, book T)
Mitchell, David to Samuel Hillman for Hunt & Person. "...Edmund, Isaac, Phebe, Phill..." (DIT-1819, pp. 320-321, book Y)
Mitchell, David to Stephen Sneed. "...one Negro man slave named Phill a brick mason by trade about twenty seven years of age, one Negro woman slave named Charity about forty five years of age, one old Negro woman slave named Gabel..." (DIT-1821, pp. 12-13, book 1)
Mize, Lewis to Thomas Jones. "... and also one Negro woman named Hariet & her child named Jim, the woman aged about sixteen years & her child aged about six months..." (DIT-182;3, pp. 350-351, book 1)
Moore, Jesse to Edward Weaver. "... a certain Negro woman named Pat about forty years of age..." (BOS-1799, p. 277, book Q)
Moore, Lemuel & Lucretia, his wife to Isarel Bailey. "... girl named Lucy..." (BOS-1827, p. 179, book 3)
Morris, John to George Alston. "...man slave named Abraham aged about eighteen years..." (BOS-1808, p. 222, book T)
Morris, Reddin B. to Thomas A. Mitchell. "...girl named Sarah..." (BOS-1827, p. 349, book 3)
Morris, Redding B. to James Tippet. "...one Negro girl by the name of Sarah..." (BOS-1827, p. 295, book 3)
Morris, Isham Allen to Richard Bullock. "...a certain Negro woman named Dianna...all the increase and offspring of the aforesaid Negro woman Dianna. .."(BOS) "The Negro woman and children conveyed by the within bill of sale are not in possession of I. Morris, the woman was given to him by his grandfather Archer Johnson to put in his possession when he arrived at full age or married, and was carried out of the state by Jarrett Morris and improperly disposed of some years before Isham Allen Morris arrived at full age..." (1823, p. 345, book 1)
Morse, Reuben to Ransom Smith [his son-in-law]. "... in consideration of the love, good will & affection... three Negroes known by the name of Rachel, Peter & Milly..." (DOG-1794, p. 93, book P)
Morse, Phillis to Thomas Reavis. "..girl by the name of Dorcas..." (BOS-1794, p.175, book P)
Moseley, Mathew to Jesse Snipes. "...one certain Negro lad by named Adam..." (BOS-1799, p. 292, book Q)
Moss, Wiley [of Wake County] to Israel Hargrove. "...one Negro boy named George..." (BOS-1802, p. 129, book R)
Moss, Reuben & Howell Moss to Arthur Harris [of Montgomery County, NC]. "...girl named Rose..." (BOS-1807, p. 253, book T)
Moss, Howel to William Moss [his son]. "... boy slave by the name of Daniel aged nine years old, sound both of body & mind..." (BOS-1824, p. 239, book 3)
Moss, Howel to William Moss [his son]. "... a Negro girl named Lucy aged three years..." (DOG-1826, p. 239, book 3)
Moss, David to Anderson Paschall. "...seven Negroes named as follows, Nutty and her three children Mary, Ralph and Perlina, three men Jack, Harry and Squire, fifteen head of cattle..." (DIT-1820, p. 199, book Z)
Moss, Howel to Benjamin Moss [his son] "...hereby ratify, and confirm a gift which I made to him of a Negro girl named Frankey sometime in the year 1814...(DOG-1823, p. 12, book 2)
Moss, Howel to James Moss [his son] "...Negro boy named Virgil..." (DOG-1823, p. 448, book 1)
Moss, Howel to James Moss [his son]. "...man by the name of John..." (BOS-1826, p. 179, book 3)
Moss, Howel to James Moss [his son]. "...one Negro girl named Bella aged 7 years..." (DOG-1826, p. 178, book 3)
Moss, Howel to William Moss [his son]. "...ratify and confirm a gift which I made to him of a Negro boy named Guilford sometime in the year 1819..." (DOG-1823, p. 71, book 2)
Mutter, John [of Petersburg, VA] to Lewis Amis. "... a certain Negro girl named Kate about the age of twelve years..." (BOS-1803, p. 195, book R)
Mutter, Thomas [of York County, VA] to James Lewis. "...Viney & her six children, Jenny, Jack, Anna, Polly, Milley, & Alexander & Betty & her two children, Ransom & Viney..." (BOS-1801, p. 32, book R)
Mutter, John [of Petersburg Virginia] to Thomas Brown of Granville County, NC. "...the following Negroes which he has now in possession, viz, a Negro woman named Sarah, her son Joshua, her daughter Anny & Jeany, and her young child (a girl) about a month old; likewise a Negro woman named Cate and her child (a girl) about three months old..." (BOS-1803, p. 225, book T)
Nailing, Nelson to Robert Preddy. "...one Negro fellow named Dudley..." (BOS-1795, p. 272, book P)
Nailing, Nelson to Jesse Garrott. "...one Negro man slave by the name of Roger..." (BOS-1809, p. 407, book T)
Nailing, Nelson to William Nailing [his son]. "...man Anderson..." (DOG-1823, p. 11, book 2)
Nailling, Nelson to his children [named]. "..twenty nine Negroes, to wit, Sam, Clary, Henry, Arthy, Newman, Haywood, Ann, Clary, Frank, Suck, Nice, Ruth, Dilley, Cary, Edmond, Epr, Ben, Sary, Jordan, Sceally, Mary, Mirre, Pressy, Mill, Tom, Ray, Dudley, little Dudley & Nelson & their future increase..." (DOG-1825, p. 366, book 2)
Nall, Martin to Thomas Robinson [of Wake County.] "...a Negro slave named Will..." (BOS-1797, p. 129, book Q)
Nance, John Junr. to John P. Kerr. "...a certain Negro girl Rebecca about four years of age..." (DIT-1828, p. 409, book 3)
Nance, John Junr. to Mary Wilkerson. "... all interest... in two certain Negroes, Anderson and Reuben..." (DIT-1827, p. 277, book 3)
Neal, Ichabod to Nathaniel Daniel. "...man named Fill of the age of twenty eight or thirty years..." (DIT-1821, p. 85, book 1)
Night, Stephen to Richard Cooke. "... one Negro man by the name of Jo..." (BOS-1803. p. 196, book R)
Noblin, William to Joseph Hart. "...boy named Marvell about ten or twelve years of age..." (DIT-1820, p. 183, book Z)
Norman, Thomas, Senr. to Thomas W. Norman [his son]. "...Silvey, Fanny, Biddy, Neverson, Osbun, Little John, Suckey, Hawkins, Amey & Henry..." (DOG-1815, p. 317, book W)
Norman, Thomas to John Norman. "... six Negro slaves...one Negro man named Anthony about twenty six years of age, also man named Demus, about eighteen years of age, also one woman named Bette, about thirty years of age, also one woman named Esther about twenty eight years of age, also one girl named Judah about eight years of age, & also one girl named Dilley about six years of age..." (BOS-1799, pp. 312-313, book Q)
Norman, Thomas to Barnett Pulliam. "...one Negro man named Isaac about twenty years of age, also one Negro woman named Winney about eighteen years of age, also one Negro girl named Beneaber about four years of age, also one Negro boy named Scotland about three years of age, & also one Negro child named Ann about one year old..." (BOS-1801, p. 551, book Q)
Norman, Thomas to Bryant Kittrell. "...one Negro man named Cesar about twenty three years of age, also one Negro girl named Haster about twenty years of age..." (BOS-1801, p. 33, book R)
Norman, Matthew to Samuel Hillman. "...the property following, to wit, one Negro woman named Fanny aged twenty two or twenty three years and her two children, boys, one named Alfred aged about four years, the other named Edmond aged about six months, four beds and bedsteads..." (DIT-1821, pp.120-121, book 1)
Norwood, Jourdan to Joseph P. Norwood [his son]. "...Edmond & Harry..." (DOG-1812, p.31, book W)
Norwood, John to Albert Sneed. "...Vice, William & Fanny..." (DIT-1828, pp. 466-467, book 3)
Nunn, Thomas to William Bullock. "...three Negroes, viz, Sharlotte & her two children Reuben & Mary..." (BOS-1807, p. 224, book T)
Nunn, Alexander to Obadiah Farrar. "...woman named July supposed to be eighteen years old & her boy child named Major supposed to be eighteen months old..." (BOS-1805, p. 14, book S)
Nunn, Thomas to Edward Seavel [?]. "...one Negro girl named Phillis about eleven years old..." (BOS-1802, p. 96, book R)
Nuttall, John to James Hamilton. "...a Negro woman named Hannah..." (BOS-1802, p. 96, book R)
Nuttall, John to James Norwell of Franklin County. "...Negro woman named Dianah..." (BOS-1802, p. 36, book R)
Nuttall, Edwin to Mary Nuttall. This is a loose piece of paper that was photocopied on top of page 518. It mentions that Mary Nuttall gave to Edwin " one Negro boy named Harry aged about thirteen years..." This paper is dated 1833.(Book 3)
Nuttall, John to Thomas Peyton [of Cumberland County]. "...three Negroes, viz, Rachel and her child Jane, & Hannalee, girl about ten years old..." (BOS-1815, pp.179-180, book Y)
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