DEED BOOKS, 1746 - 1828

A - G

1746 - 1828 A - G H - N O - Z
1828 - 1864 A - G H - N O - Z

Akin, Isham to Thomas Gober. "...girl slave named Tabb..." (BOS-1803, p. 326, book R)

Akin, William to George L. Moore. "...one Negro man named Winner of the age of eighteen years..." (BOS-1801, p. 477, book Q)

Akin, Goopey [Goossey?] to Messaniah Mitchell. "...man slave by the name of James..." (BOS-1809, p.23, book V)

Akin, John to Thomas Williams. "...my Negro woman Julia about twenty two years of age, my Negro boy Washington about four years of age, a girl child about two years of age, my bay mare about eight years old..." (DIT-1828, pp. 429-430, book 3)

Akin, Isham to John Akin [his son] "...one Negro girl named Lucy..." (BOS-1807, p. 224, book T)

Allen, Samuel to Winia Jenkins [his daughter]. "...one Negro child named Richard Cook..." (DOG-1813, p.354, book W)

Allen, Edward to Parker F. Stone. "...one Negro girl named Ann and two hundred and twenty acres of land..." (DIT-1826, pp.67-68, book 3)

Allison, Mary made an agreement with Jennett Ellison to divide slaves left by their father. The slaves named were Goll[?] which Mary agreed to take for her part... quit all claim, title or right to Negro Jenny & her children Tempy, Prissey, and Molly. (Agreement - 1802, pp. 60 & 61, book R)

Alston & Hamilton, merchants to Robert Bird. "...thirteen Negro slaves, that is to say, Dick, Hall, Thom, John, Richard, Bob, Luckey, Agge, Ann, Christian, Nancey, Betsey, Lucy, Arthur, whatever part of them the deed of trust granted by me to George Alston the 26 of November 1799..." (BOS or Mortgage-1802, pp. 555-557, book Q)

Alston, George, merchant, to Robert Reid. "...thirteen Negro slaves names as follows, viz, Dick, Hall, Thom, John, Richard, Bob, Lucky, Agee, Fanny, Christian, Nancy, Betsy, & Liethy also a bay horse..." (DIT-1799, pp. 301-302, book Q)

Alston, Elizabeth to Salley B. Littlejohn [her granddaughter]. "...girl named Lucey, daughter of Hannah, aged about ten years..." (DOG-1817, p. 344, book X)

Alston, George to Henry Fuller. "... a Negro woman named Nan about forty years of age, also a woman named Lucey about twenty six years of age & her son Anderson who is about six years of age, likewise a woman named Lib about twenty two years of age, & her son named Willis about three years of age & her daughter a sucking child named Mima ...[this could be from Fuller to Alston; these same slaves have been bounced about on paper quite a few times] (Deed-1802, pp. 557-558, book Q)

Alston, Elizabeth to John Mutter [her son]. "...Sam, a boy about 8 or 9 years of age, and Rose, a girl about 7 years of age..." (DOG-1809, p. 154, book V)

Alston, Elizabeth to Alexander Wilson Littlejohn [her grandson]. "...boy named Washington, son of Hannah, aged about eight years..." (DOG-1817, p. 343, book X)

Alston, Elizabeth to [her grandson] James Thompson Littlejohn. "...one Negro boy slaved named Edmund aged about eleven years..." (DOG-1820, p. 252, book Z)

Alston, Elizabeth to Lucinda Jane Littlejohn [her granddaughter]. "...one Negro girl slave named Deanna..." (DOG-1820, p. 252, book Z)

Alston, Elizabeth to Frances Blount Littlejohn [her granddaughter]. "...woman named Sarah (daughter of Dicy) aged about twenty one years and her child named Zachariah aged about one year & seven months..." (DOG-1822, p. 187, book 1)

Alston, Elizabeth to [her daughter] Elizabeth Littlejohn. "...man slave named Robin, son of Dicy, aged about twenty one years..." (DOG-1818, p.2, book Y)

Alston, Elizabeth to [her granddaughter] Ann Wilson Littlejohn. "...girl name Jitney aged about fifteen years..." (DOG-1820, p. 304, book Z)

Alston, Elizabeth to [her granddaughter] Margaret Littlejohn. "...girl named Mary..." (DOG-1820, p. 304, book Z)

Alston, Elizabeth to Sarah L. Daniel [her grand daughter] "...a certain Negro woman named Patsey and her child a girl named Betsey..." (DOG-1828, p. 521, book 3)

Alston, Elizabeth to [her grandson] Joseph Littlejohn. "...boy named Mark aged about seven years..." (DOG-1820, p. 305, book Z)

Alston, Elizabeth to Margaret Atkinson [her grand daughter]. "...man named Lawson aged about twenty two years..." (DOG-1827, p. 193, book 3)

Amis, John to James McDaniel [of South Carolina]. "...a Negro boy by the name of Anderson..." (BOS-1814, p. 393, book W)

Amis, William to William Amis [his grandson and son of John]. "...Negro boy named Bill about twelve years old..." (DOG-1811, p. 268,book V)

Amis, William, Senr. to John Amis [his son]. "...woman named Ann & her future increase together with her two children, Ben & Milly..." (DOG-1813, p. 158, book W)

Amis, John to William Floyd. "...a woman & two children, Ginney aged 32 years, Liza first child two years old, Willis 2nd three months old..." (BOS-1821, p. 270, book Z)

Andrews, George [of Mecklenburg County, VA] to Uel Crowder. "... one Negro girl slave named Lucey..." (BOS-1787, p. 278, book Q)

Apperson, Richard [of Mecklenburg Co. VA] to Charles Yancey. "...delivered at public auction a Negro boy slave named Stephen..." (BOS-1824, p. 270, book 2)

Badgett, James to William Webb. "...the half or moiety of a Negro boy named Oliver..." (BOS-1818, p. 218, book Y)

Badgett, Jonathan of Lunnes (Sumner?) County, Tennessee to William Webb. "...the half of Negro boy named Oliver..." (BOS-1818, p.213, book Y)

Baker, Blake to John Taylor. "...Nelly & her child Lucinda..." (BOS-1808, p. 356, book T)

Ball, Sarah, of full age appeared before me and swore on the Holy Evangelist of almighty God that Negro woman slave of the name of Juns(?) was given to Ann Hackney by William Hackney father of said Ann Hackney. Afterward the said Ann Hackney intermarried with Absalom Davis and after the said marriage she the deponent says she heard the said William Hackney confirm the gift of the said slave to Absalom Davis and his wife, Ann, aforesaid (Jan 7, 1771)" (page 214, Deed Books, I & J)

Ballad, Lucy E. to Thomas B. Littlejohn. "...woman named Judah aged twenty five years..." (BOS-1821, p. 305, book Z)

Ballard, John of Mecklenburg County, VA to William Lanier. "...one Negro man slave by the name of Dick..." (BOS-1797, p. 47 & 48, book Q)

Barnett, Jesse, Snr. to his daughter Martha Barnett. "...Negro child named Susanna about three or four months old..." (BOS-1815, p. 82, book X)

Barnett, Jessee to Pleasant Hart. "...one Negro girl named Cealy..." (Conveyance-1826, p. 131, book 3)

Barnett, Jesse Senr to John Hunt. "...one Negro man Dick black complexion, about 24 or 25 years of age, one Negro boy Lewis black complexion, one Negro boy John black complexion, which property I do by these presents warrant..." (DIT-1825, pp. 214-215, book 2)

Barnett, Jesse to Phebe Barnett [his daughter]. "...one Negro girl named Sarah..." (DOG-1823, p. 449, book 1)

Bates, John to Parker F. Stone. "...Negro girl named Frankey about seven years old..." (BOS-1820, p. 34, book Z)

Baynes, John to Thomas Mutter & Company. "... sum of two hundred pounds current money of Virginia... one Negro man slave named Cue about twenty years of age and one tract of land it being the whole of the tract wherein the John Baynes now lives..." (DIT-1770, p. 312, books I & J)

Beardon, Benjamin, Executor & Priscilla Harris Executrix of Richard Harris dec'd, to Jonathan Knight [of Franklin County]. "...two Negro slaved named Gean & Sam..." (BOS-1805, p. 217, book S)

Bedford, James to Jno. Wilson, Senr. "...one Negro girl named Lucy..." (BOS-1794, p. 92, book P)

Bennett, Lewis to Elinor Bennett, his wife [in care of William Webb]. "...Stephen, Daniel, Peter, Hannah, Charity, Celia, Milly, Phillis, Ben, Alston, Boyd, Letty, Mayoo, & Betty..." (DIT-1823, pp. 324-326, book 1)

Bevel, Joseph to Richard Vincent [his son-in-law]. "...Negro woman named Genney..." (DOG-1800, p. 342, book Q)

Beville, Branch to John Taylor. "...one Negro woman named Nancy & her three children, Tom, Henry & Rody..." (BOS-1809, p.23, book V)

Bird, William & Samuel Smith [of King & Queen County, VA] to David Stovall. " ...two Negro girl slaves named Livy & Dinah..." (BOS-1799, p. 291, book Q)

Bishop, Philys to Thomas Blanks. "...boy slave named Edmund about 10 years of age..." (BOS-1811, p. 201, book V)

Blacknall, Thomas to Henry Williams. "...a Negro wench & child the wench named Kittey & the child named Bobb..." (BOS-1794, p. 276, book Q)

Blacknall, Thomas to John N. Boswell. "...girl named Meaton aged thirteen years or there about..." (BOS-1821, p. 287, book Z)

Blacknall, Thomas to John N. Boswell. "...woman slave named Peggy aged about twenty two years old and her three children, one by the name of Tom, aged about five, one by the name William and the other an infant name unknown..." (B-1822, p. 160, book 1)

Blacknall, Thomas to William Powell. "...girl named Cate aged six years old..." (BOS-1826, p. 493, book 3)

Blackwell, John to the children of Ann Malone [his grandchildren]. "...my Negro girl named Isabel & her increase [the same Negro girl which was loaned their mother]..." (DOG-1817, p. 343, book X)

Blackwell, James to Samuel Young. "...two Negroes, one named Joseph aged about twenty nine years, the other named Alfred aged about thirteen years..." (DIT-1820, pp. 130-131, book Z)

Blackwell, Judah to Temperance Blackwell [her mother]. "I give to my mother Temperance Blackwell my Negro girl Abigale during her life & after her death she and her increase, if any, is to return to myself..." (DOG-1823, p. 449, book 1)

Blackwell, Fleming G. to Cannon & Young. "...one Negro man named Moss..." (Mortgage/BOS-1823, p. 418, book 1)

Bledsoe, John to James Bullock. "...man called & known by the name of Fill aged about twenty four years old..." (BOS-1815, p. 326, book W)

Bollinger, Jacob [of Lincoln Co., NC] to Thomas Williams. "...a Negro girl named Anne about nine years of age..." (BOS-1798, p. 210, book Q)

Bonner, Ezekiel to George Roberson. "...two slaves named Patsy & Isaac..." (BOS-1815, p. 85, book X)

Bonner, Ezekiel [son of Thomas Bonner] "...never to claim one particle of the property that my father gave me.." document names slaves Hanner, Bob, Penny, little Hanner, Patt. Was this so that Moses Bonner could have all of the inheritance, or was it for altruistic reasons ? (Quit-claim, page 292, book V)

Bonner, Thomas to Thomas Moore [who married his daughter Linny] of the county of Williamson, state of Tennessee. "...one Negro girl Hanner..." (Article of agreement-1814, p. 284, book W)

Bonner, Thomas to Ezekiel Bonner [his son]. "...332 acres ...horses, lands, Negroes, Hanner, Bob, Penny, Little Hanner, Patt..." (Deed, 1808, pp. 312-313, book T)

Bonner, Thomas to Fredric Beck. "...girl by name Charrot..." (BOS-1802, p. 555, book Q)

Booth, Thomas to William V. Taylor. "... slaves with their increase, to wit, two Negro men named Abraham & Simon, Ned, Mike, Dick, Lewis, John, Dorcas, and her four children, viz, Godwin, Selius, Moses & Adam, Paters?, Chaina, Presey and her two children, viz, Sikes and Nancey & Mary and her two children, viz, Joe & Emily..." (DIT-1824, pp. 203-205, book 2)

Booth, Abner to Joseph Norwood. "...a certain Negro man by the name of Drummer..." (BOS-1926, p. 444, book 2)

Booth, Thomas to Samuel Hillman. "... the following Negroes, to wit, Lucy of the age of twenty eight, Edith of the age of twelve years, Minerva of the age of ten, Polly of the age of eight, Eliza of the age of six years, Catharin of the age of four, and Abraham of the age thirty years..." (DIT-October, 1823, pp. 400-401, book 1)

Booth, Thomas to Joseph B. Littlejohn. "... the following property and estate, to wit, five Negro men: America, twenty five years of age, Ruffin twenty one years of age, Henry twenty seven years of age, Willis nineteen years of age, & Bob eighteen years of age, also the following Negro boys: Pleasant fourteen years of age, Billy twelve years of age, John eleven years of age & Alfred eight years of age, also the following Negro woman & children : Mariah twenty six years of age with her child William, Lucy eighteen years of age with her child Sookey, Milly about forty year of age with her two children Lucinda & Susan, Sooky thirty six years of age, also the following Negro girls: Eliza twelve years of age & Mary four years old..." (DIT-August,1823, pp. 398-400, book 1)

Booth, Thomas to Barnard Howard. "...woman slave named Priscilla aged about eighteen years, and her child Harrison aged about two years... " (BOS-1820, p. 334, book Z)

Booth, Thomas to William V. Taylor. "...and also the following Negro slaves, Abram, Simon, Ruffin, Moriek, Willis, Ned, Abram, Dick, Mike, Darcas and child Goodwin, Julius, Lucy, Edith, Minerva, Polly, Catharine & Eliza and their increase..." (DIT-1824, pp. 43-46, book 2)

Boswell, Ann to John Amis. "...one grown man named Currel..." (BOS-1817, p. 329, book X)

Boswell, John to [his son] John Nuttall Boswell. "...two Negro boys named Jessey and Sam..." (DOG-1810, p. 118, book V)

Boswell, John to James Allen Buchanan. "...one Negro boy name Tom..." (BOS-1800, p. 416, book Q)

Boswell, Joseph to John Jenkins. "...three Negro slaves, viz, Bridget, Martha & Isham..." (BOS-1818, p.56, book Y)

Bowers, William to William Duke. "...Harry a man, Stephen a lad, and Lucy a girl...[slaves of Dudley House because of a debt due to Benjamin Kittrell].(Deed-1821, p. 275, book Z)

Bowles, John to Bartlett Bowles [his son]. "...all my goods and chattels, to wit, one Negro man by the name of James, one Negro girl by the name of Dinah, one Negro man named Lank & also one Negro woman by the name of Sarah, nine head of cattle..." (DOG-1808, pp. 315-316, book T)

Boyd, John to Josiah Daniel. "...one Negro woman named Bett ..." (BOS-1798, p. 388, book Q)

Boyd, Alexander [Mecklenburg Co. VA] to Henry Fitts [Warren Co, NC]. "...also the following Negro slaves: Chavous, Dafney, Rose, Isaac, Davy, Jinnie, Ben, Rilla, Patty, Fanny, Leatha, Litty, Sarah, Mary, Betsey, Ratter, Isaac, Luci (now at Island Creek), Edmund, Jim, Moses, Matt, Kit, Tom, Fred, Jim, Edmund, Henry, Amos, Cesar, Martin, Andrew, Anthony, Patty, Shade, Nathan, Ritty, Eliza, Robert & Mary, Martha, Elinder, Ritty, William, Lucy, Burwell, Philip, Lucy, Daniel, Charity & Fanny...& the future increase of the females of said slaves..." (DIT-1823, pp. 457-460, book 1)

Bradford, Philemon, extr to the estate of Richard Clopton to John Nuttall. "...one Negro man named Gilbert." (BOS-1807, p. 145, book T)

Brame, Dicky to John Brame. "...a certain Negro known by the name of Winston..." (BOS-1808, p. 282, book T)

Brame, Dicky to Henry Rowland. "...a Negro girl by the name of Pat about five or six years old..." (BOS-1816, p. 90, book 3)

Brame, Samuel to Absalom Yancey. "...relinquish all right, title and interest... Negro girl Phebe..." (BOS-1825, p. 52, book 3)

Brame, Dicky to William Ragland. "...boy named Richmond..." (BOS-1806, p. 380, book 2)

Brame, Thomas to John Brame. "...two Negroes known by the name of Kizzey and Lewruy?..." (BOS-1824, p. 307, book 2)

Brame, Thomas to James Starke [of Warren Co]. "...one Negro woman Betsey & child Mary..." (BOS-1826, p. 237, book 3)

Branson, Leonard to Lewis Bennett. "one Negro man by the name of Peter..." (BOS-1806, p. 148, book T)

Brassfield, G. to Vincent Rust. "...girl by the name of Oney..." (BOS-1808, p. 332, book T)

Bressie, Yerby to James McCauley. "...a certain Negro boy between thirteen & fourteen years old named Ben..." (BOS-1808, p. 221, book T)

Bressie, Yerby to Evan Ragland. "..boy by the name of David..."(BOS-1809, p. 353, book T)

Bridges, Stephen to James Hockoday. "...Negro fellow named James..." (DIT-1828, p. 412, book 3)

Bridges, John to his children and grandchildren. " "...daughter Susanna Rust, one Negro girl by the name Silvahi...daughter Fanny Cavener, one Negro woman by the name of Peg...son Daniel Bridges, one Negro by the name of Ned...son Joseph bridges, one Negro boy the name of Phill...son Stephen Bridges one Negro by the name of James...grandson John Bridges, [son of Drury Bridges] one Negro woman by name Phariby...grandson John bridges [son of Joseph Bridges] two Negro boys by name of Richard & Tom..." (DOG-1819, p. 258, book Y)

Brintle, Jacob to Patrick Hamilton. "...one Negro woman named Beddy and her daughter named Amey..." (BOS-1823, p. 428, book 3)

Brintle, Jacob to Patrick Hamilton. "...one Negro man slave named Jim..." (BOS-1823, p. 42, book 2)

Brodie, John to Thomas Mitchel. "...fellow by name of Lewis" (BOS-1811, p. 203, book V)

Brodie, Edmond G. to [his son] Thomas Lewis Brodie. "...six Negroes named Winney, Letha, Peter, Omney, Dick & Piety..." (DOG-1819, p. 24, book Z)

Brodie, John Senr. [of Montgomery County, Tennessee] to his grandson John Henry Brodie. "...a certain Negro boy named William now in the possession of Dr. John Brodie of Warren County..." (DOG-1819, pp.296-297, book Y)

Bryant, Rowland to John Debow Murphey [son of his daughter Tabitha Murphey and her husband John G. Murphey] "...a certain Negro boy by the name of Green..." (DOG-1816, p. 183, book X)

Bryant, Temperance to George Robertson. "...one male slave named Ben..." (BOS-1818, p. 267, book Y)

Buchanan, James to Caleb Brassfield. "...girl by the name of Lucy about the age of eighteen..." (BOS-1826, p. 177, book 3)

Bugg, Samuel [Mecklinburg Co. VA] to William Cawthorn. "...man slave known by the name of Mack..." (BOS-1793, p. 176, book P)

Bullock, Micajah to McCall, Elliot & Co. "... one Negro wench names Rose and also one mare..." (DIT-1775, p.248, book K)

Bullock, James of Warren County to James H. Lyne. "...one Negro boy by the name of Toney..." (BOS-1817, p. 296, book X)

Bullock, Edward to Elkanah Lyon. "...a certain Negro girl named Phidea about the age of six years..." (BOS-1814, p. 354, book X)

Bullock, Micajah to David Goodloe. "...boy named Ephram about nine years old..." (BOS-1821, p. 104, book 1)

Bullock, Benjamin to Richard Sneed. "... also thirteen Negro slaves, to wit, Toney, Orange, Richmond, Clarissa, Milly, Chana, Pat, Sook & a small child of Chana [say 10 months old the named not recollected] also Delpnie and her three children, to wit, Amy, Duncan, & Tisha, also Edmond..." (Dit-1828, pp. 402-406, book 3)

Bullock, Micajah to Micajah Bullock [of the state of Tennessee]. "... boy named Jim age nine years..." (BOS-1826, p. 96, book 3)

Bullock, Micajah to Elizabeth Briant. "...girl named Nanny aged eight years..." (BOS-1826, p. 95, book 3)

Bullock, William to [his son-in-law] Doct. Richard Inge. "...Nazareth, Quiller, Delia, Tabby & her children, Randolph, Eliza, Lethe, Mary, David & Martha and Cretia & her two children Henry & Tom..." (DOG-1819, p. 10, book Z)

Burnett, Lewis to David Parker. "...girl named Aggy about six years old, one Negro boy named Peter about four years old..." (BOS-1817, p. 249, book X)

Burnett, Jacob to James Patton. "...also one Negro man named Jim about eighteen years old..." (DIT-1823, p. 368, book 1)

Burnett, Jacob to Alexander Marrow. "... one Negro man named Richard..." (DIT-1823, p. 408, book 1)

Burton, Robert to John Taylor, son of Edmund. "...three Negroes, to wit, Harry about 12 years old, Frankey about 10 years old & Minor about 8 years old with their future increase..." (BOS-1800, p. 363, book Q)

Burton, Robert & Frank N. W. Burton to James Lewis. "...girl by the name of Sal & her future increase..." (BOS-1802, p. 554, book Q)

Burton, Robert to John Taylor, son of Edmund. "...three Negroes, to wit, Anthony about 37 years old, Aga his wife about 37 years old, & Betty their daughter about 14 years old..." (BOS-1800, p. 363, book Q)

Burton, Hatchings [of Sumner County, Tennessee] to William Marrow. "...one Negro girl about the age of fifteen or sixteen years by the name of Peggy..." (BOS-1806, p. 214, book S)

Burton, James to Frances Ridley. ...relinquishing right to "a Negro girl by the name of Barbara..." this is followed by Frances Ridley as administrator of Bromfield Ridley's estate, to Dennis Obriant..."three Negroes, one woman by name of Barbara aged twenty years, one Negro girl by name of Holly aged four years, one Negro child by name of Lovey aged nine months..." (BOS-1799, p. 344, book Q)

Burton, Frank N. W. [as executor of the late Judge Williams] to James Lewis. "... a certain Negro girl by the name of Anna..." (B-1801, p. 550, book Q)

Burton, Robert to John Taylor, son of Edmund. "...five Negroes, to wit, Mucca a woman - - - Rhode her daughter about seven years old, Aga another daughter about five years old, Ben a son about 3 years old & Na? another son about one year old..." (BOS-1800, p. 364, book Q)

Burton, Robert to Willie Jones. "...the following slaves, to wit, Kitt, Dulsey, Anthony, Rachel, Liddy, Nicholas, Virgil, Daphne, Harry, Aucton, Alee, Sarah, Matilda, Dempspy, Sandy, Henos[?], Frankey, Nanny, Minor, & Barnett..." (DIT-1795, pp. 214 & 215, book Q)

Burton, Robert to Henry Johnston[?]. "...one Negro girl named Jenney about 10 years old..." (BOS-1794, p.43, book P)

Burton, Robert [Extr of John Burton, late of the Co. of Mecklenburg VA] to John Taylor. "one Negro boy named Ned of the age of eleven years..." (BOS-1795, p. 213, book P)

Burton, Hutchings to Stephen Sneed. "...girl by the name of Peggy..." (mortgage-1804, p. 324, book R)

Burton, Frank N. W., one of the Executors of the late Judge Williams, to Lazarus Trayburn. "...girl named Lucky..." (BOS-1803, p. 126, book R)

Burton, Hutchens Gordon to Tabitha Burton. "...two Negro slaves, to wit, Kate and youngest child of said Kate..." (BOS-1802, p. 192, book R)

Burton, Robert to John Taylor. "...two Negro girls named Henny & Anna..." (BOS-1794, p.111, book P)

Burton, H. G. to Stephen Sneed. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Nanney a woman, Molley, Frankey, Aron, Nanncy & Cain her children - which said Negroes being mortgaged by my mother Mary Burton to James & Henry Lyne and since by her to me..." (BOS-1803, p. 324, book R)

Burton, Robert & Frank Burton to William Smith. "...the following Negroes, Celey, Sally, Surina, and their future increase..." (BOS-1804, p. 97, book T)

Burton, James M. to Frank N.W. Burton. "...two Negro slaves named Davy and Rhina..." (BOS-1803, p. 234, book R)

Burton, Robert, Executor of the last will of John Burton to Stephen Sneed. "...one Negro woman named Rachel & her child named Cegness[?]..."(BOS-1803, p. 157, book R)

Burton, Robert [acting as high sheriff] to John Peace. "...levied on the following Negro slaves, the property of said John Dickerson, to wit, Philis, Alse, Sue, Amey, Rhoda - Dinir, Wiley, Lonnon, Solomon, Temp, Crisy, Nimmy, Betty - Jenny, Jim, Patrina, Will, Ned, Tom, Dick, Betty, Alfred, Lisky, Feriba, Sarah, Charles, Delpha, Joshua, Isham, Aaron, Dorcas, Chany, Pol, Fife, Steward, Hampton, Leo, Manuel, Phill, Winney, Peg, Frank, Heater, Ben, Mary, Aggy, Jack, Dick, Betty, Fife, George, Fanny, Jack, Nanny, Pott, Parmy, little Abraham, Isaac, quarter Abram, Sterling, Harry, Hanner, clubfoot Abram, Lucy, Dudley, Jane, Rachel and four children Joseph, Jack, Killes & James, and Stephen - which said Negro slaves after being advertised the length of time specified by law was exposed to public sale by said sheriff....in parcels of one, two , three as stated below...[prices paid for each individual/parcel is given]..." (BOS-1803, pp.231-232, book R)

Burton, Mary of the first part, James & Henry Lyne of the second part & Leonard Henderson of the third part....John Mitchel and Hutchens G. Burton being indebted to James & Henry Lyne... the following Negro slaves...in trust... Nancey, a woman, Polley, Frankey, Aaron, Nancey & Cain children of Nancey..." (DIT-1803, pp. 167-168, book R)

Burton, Robert to John Taylor. "...Negro woman & her future increase Celler..." (BOS-1809, p. 354, book T)

Burton, Robert to Nathaniel Williams. "...the sum of ninety pounds current money of Virginia... woman slave named Barbara & her two male children namely Arthur & Charles..." (BOS-1793, p. 219, book T)

Burton, Robert as executor of the late John Williams to John Taylor. "...woman called & known by the name of Decy...& also her three children and all her future increase..." (BOS-1807, p. 147, book T)

Burton, Frank N. W. to James Hamilton. " ...woman named and called by the name Rhina, formerly the property of Bromfield Ridley estate" (BOS-1806, p. 2, book T)

Burton, John W. to Thomas Hunt. "slaves Fanny and Warren..." (DIT-1821, p. 74, book 1)

Burton, John W. to Thomas Hunt. "...three Negro slaves known by the names of Ben, Warren, & Fanny..." (DIT-1822, pp. 125-126, book 1)

Burton John W. to Leonard Cardwell. "...five Negro slaves known by the names of Ben, Fanny, Warren & Jenny & her child..." (DIT-1822, pp. 146-147, book 1)

Burton, Fanny & Eliza to each other [division of slaves]. "...Easter, Gillis, Rosetta, Harriott, Jinny, Rhoda, Rachel, Nancey, Henrietta, Virgil, Pleasant, Kitt, Rowena & Gabriel..." (Agreement-1828, p. 474, book 3)

Burton, Augustus to Horace A. Burton [his brother]. "...boy Adam about eighteen years old which boy was given to me by my father in his will..." (BOS-1825, p. 492) "I assign my interest to the within Negro man or boy to Wm Williams of Warren..." (Horace A. Burton, 1828, book 3)

Busby, William to Israel Hargrove. "...one certain Negro boy named Tom..." (BOS-1804, p. 360, book R)

Butler, James H. to Thomas B. Littlejohn. "....man slave named Griffin aged about thirty five years, by profession a house carpenter..." (BOS-1817, p. 248, book X)

Butler, James H. to John Green. "...sold and delivered to the said Leslie Gilliam the following property, to wit, Griffin, Peter & Daniel..." (DIT-1816, p. 217, book X)

Butler, James H. to Lewis Green. "...the Negro slaves as follows, to wit, Edmond, Amy, Edy, Molly and Peter..." (DIT-1824, pp. 220-221, book 2)

Bynum, Archibald to George Brassfield, guardian for Thomas Banks [of Wake County]. "...boy nearly one year old known by the name of Jim..." (DIT-1803, p. 57, book T)

Bynum, Archibald to George Brassfield [of Wake County, NC]. "..one certain Negro girl of a yellow complexion by the name of Amey now about fourteen months of age..." (BOS-1805, p. 56, book T)

Cameron, Duncan [of Hillsborough, Orange County] to William Hillyard. "...woman Winney & two children Pleasant & Dave, & a Negro woman Frank..." (BOS-1802, p. 97, book R)

Canaday, John [of Wake County] to Jeptha Terrell. "...my part of a Negro Linda & her child & their future increase, the Negro that my father willed to me after my mother's death..." (BOS-1812, p. 87, book X)

Cardwell, Leonard to Albert Sneed. "...two Negro girls Minerva aged about four years & Violet aged about three years, together with their increase..." (DIT-1822, pp. 248-249, book 1)

Carnell, William of [Orange County] to William D. Carrington & Ephram Carrington of [Orange County]. "...all my undivided share of the estate of my father Moses Carnell, dec'd ...five Negroes, to wit, Lucy, Washington, Lydia, Easter, & Jack, four head of horses..." (DIT-1822, pp. 126-127, book 1)

Carrington, Nathaniel to James Webb & others. "... also the following Negroes, George, Molly, Beccy, Nan, Nelly, Maria, Bob Green, Mima, Manirva, Peter, Duoley?... (DIT-1827, pp. 289-290, book 3)

Carstarphen, James [of Halifax Co., NC] to George Norman. "...a Negro slave (man) by the name of Dick, about twenty seven years of age..." (BOS-1800, p. 362, book Q)

Champion, Abraham to James Thomas. "...one Negro girl named Milley..." (BOS-1797, p. 88, book Q)

Chandler, Joel to William Chandler of Hancock County, GA. "...one Negro girl by the name of Lucy & her increase & one mulatto boy by the name of Randol..." (BOS-1799, p. 300,book Q)

Chandler, Joel to Tabitha Neal [his daughter]. "...two certain Negroes by the names of Sarah & Chaina..." (DOG-1799, p. 245, book Q)

Chandler, Joel to Jane Stamper [his daughter]. "...two certain Negroes by the names of Dice and Anica..." (DOG-1799, p. 245, book Q)

Chandler, Joel to David Chandler [his son]. "...two certain Negroes by the names of Fann & Roger... the within named Joel Chandler is to hold in his possession & have the use of the within named Negroes during his life..." (DOG-1799, p. 244, book Q)

Chandler, David to Joel C. Yancey [of Orange County]. "...four Negroes as follows, viz, Julia about thirty three years of age & her child a girl named Ellender about four years old, a boy named Jeff about sixteen years of age, and a girl named Liza about twelve years of age..." (BOS-1825, p. 243, book 2)

Chandler, Thomas to Alexander Smith. "...one Negro woman named Nutty [with her future increase], one Negro boy named Jeff, one Negro boy named Jacob, one Negro girl named Caroline [with her future increase], and the whole of my land..." (DIT-1824, pp. 177-178, book 2)

Chandler, John to James B. Cozart. "...man by the name of Moses..." (BOS-1822, p. 161, book 1)

Chapman, Taylor to Jones Ragsdale. "...one Negro boy by the name of George about eighteen years of age..." (BOS-1802, p. 98, book R)

Christian, Cyrus to Nathaniel Robards. "...woman slave named Amey about thirty years of age, a Negro girl slave named Sophia about nine years of age, a Negro boy slave named Kiver about eleven or twelve years of age, a Negro boy slave named Peter about five years of age, and a Negro girl slave named Hannah about two or three year of age... (DIT-1821, pp. 357-358, book Z)

Christian, Cyrus to Thomas Booth . "...woman about thirty years of age, a little inclined to be yellow, named Amey and one Negro boy of the same colour named Peter about three years of age, a son of the said Amey..." (DIT-1819, pp. 331-332, book Y)

Christian, Cyrus to Samuel Hillman. "...two Negroes, viz, Bob of fourteen years of age and Silvey of the age of one year..."(DIT-1824, pp. 136-137, book 2)

Christian, Cyrus to Leslie Gilliam. "...girl Sophy about seven years of age..." (DIT-1820, pp.210-211, book Z)

Christopher, Jonathan of the first part, Henry McKinchen of the second part, and Washington Norwood and William Blackwell, merchants under the firm of Norwood and Blackwell of the third part. "...boy Moses..." (DIT-1805, pp. 33-34, book S)

Clay, William H. to David Graves & others. "...also a Negro man named Edmund and two women named Nancy & Polly also all my stock of horses, hogs, cattle & sheep..." (DIT-1817, pp. 259-261, book X)

Clay, James to Solomon Satterwhite. "...man named Bob..." (BOS-1819, p. 293, book Z)

Clement, William & others to George Freeman & his wife Isabella. "...a certain Negro girl called Anaka..." (relinquishment-1821, p. 332, book Z)

Clements, John to Obriant Wilkins. "... one bay mare, one Negro girl named Sarah, two feather beds and furniture..." (DIT-1827, pp. 279-280, book 3)

Clements, William & others to William R. Welch & wife. "...a certain Negro girl called little Milley..." (conveyance-1821, pp. 345-346, book Z)

Clements, Woodson [sheriff] to Richard B. Taylor. "...the following Negroes supposed to be the property of John Evans, to wit, Nancy, Amy & Daniel..." (BOS-1822, p. 261, book 1)

Cobbs, James to Thomas Pool. "Rec'd of Thomas Pool... for the right & title of Zachariah Pinson in a certain Negro boy named Ned which was sold this day by virtue of an execution in favour of Thomas Claton & wife against said Pinson." (BOS-1822, p. 110, book 3)

Cocke, James to William Cocke [of Person County]. "...three Negro slaves, viz, Jim, Pater & Milley..." (BOS-1805, p. 159, book S)

Cook, Claborn & Mack Roberts to James Allen Buchanan. "...a Negro girl named Gilley..." (BOS-1803, p.129, book R)

Cook, Claborn to James A. Buchanan. "...boy the name of Stephen..." (BOS-1803, p. 127, book R)

Cook, Richard H. to Thomas S. Webb. "...two Negroes, to wit, Jack & Silvy..." (DIT-1816, p. 56, book Z)

Cooke, Richard Donaldson to Richard Cooke. "...one Negro girl by the name of Harriett..." (BOS-1808, pp.192-193, book T)

Cooke, Richard Donaldson to Michael Redwile. "... one Negro fellow by the name of Harvey, to me delivered by the said Richard Donaldson Cooke... [exchanged for sixty acres of land]... " (BOS-1778, pp.228-229, book L)

Cooke, R. to Eliza Cooke, daughter of his son Thomas Cooke. "...a certain Negro girl named Martha, daughter of Silvia..." (DOG-1810, p. 217, book V)

Cooke, Richard H. to Samuel Webb. "...Anderson & Reuben..." (DIT-1816, p. 142, book X)

Cooke, Richard to Thomas Webb. "...Sam, Jack, Lib, and Charles..." (DIT-1815, p. 117, book X)

Cooke, Thomas to Robert Hicks. "...two Negroes, to wit, a woman and her child named Lile and Daniel..." (BOS-1817, p. 245, book X)

Cooke, Claborn H. to Shem Cooke. "... one Negro girl named Amey, three feather beds & furniture..." (DIT-1827, pp. 250-251, book 3)

Cooke, Shem to James B. Peace. "... the following Negroes, viz, Pleasant, Hannah, Adeline, Eveline, & Maria..." (DIT-1828, pp. 305-306, book 3)

Cooke, Claborn H. to Shem Cooke & James B. Peace. "...one Negro boy by name John, one other boy name Henry..." (DIT-1827, pp. 249-250, book 3)

Cooke, Thomas to Benjamin Hawkins [of Franklin county]. "...Harry, Cato, Lucky, Henry, Jordan, Jiles, and Hector..." (DIT-1821, pp. 187-188, book Z)

Cooke, Shem to John M. Cooke. "..Negro boy named William..." (BOS-1821, p. 445, book 2)

Cooke, C. H. to William Nailing. "...one Negro boy named Nelson... said Negro Nelson was born the 22 June 1814..." (BOS-1823, p. 438, book 1)

Cooke, Claborn H., constable, to David Goodloe. "...man named Jesse sold by me this day all the right & interest of Thomas Cooke..." (BOS-1821, p. 101, book 1)

Cooper, James to Samuel Hays. "...two Negro boy slaves, one named Doctor about seven years of age, one named David about five years of age, they being two Negroes purchased by me at a sale of the property of Samuel P. Butler..." (BOS-1821, p.. 117, book 1)

Cooper, James to Samuel Hays. "...for Martha Butler & her children ...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Negro man George about twenty five years of age, one Negro woman named Hannah about forty years of age, and her infant child a female about three or four months of age named Martha, and a Negro boy named Norval about three or four years of age..." (DIT-1821, pp. 138-139, book 1)

Cosby, William to Obediah Farrar. "...one Negro woman called and known by the name of Fanny and her child by the name of Billy..." (BOS-1807, p. 395, book W)

Cosby, William to Obadiah Farrar. "...one Negro woman & child, the woman known & called by the name of Fanny & her child called by the name of Morsau [?]..." (BOS-1807, p. 164, book X)

Cosby, William & Mary to Obediah Farrar."...one Negro woman & a male child, the Negro woman called & known by the name of Fanny & her child by the name of Billey" (BOS-1810, p.22, book V)

Cosby, William to John P. Finch. "...woman named Nanny, three feather beds, bedsteads..." (DIT-1817, p. 50, book Y)

Craft, William to Josiah Farmer. "...girl named Isbel..." (BOS-1794, p. 91, book P)

Creath, John to Stephen K. Sneed. "...girl named Molley about eighteen years old..." (DIT-1821, pp. 203-204, book Z)

Creath, John to Stephen K. Sneed. "...girl named Nelly about eleven years old..."(DIT-1819, pp.39-40, book Z)

Creath, John to Joseph P. Davis. "...girl named Nelley..." (BOS-1821, p. 235, book Z)

Crenshaw, Gideon to Charles Crenshaw. "...one Negro woman named Hanner, one horse & stock of cattle..." (BOS-1798, p. 211, book Q)

Critcher, John to John Fussell [?]. "... one Negro man slave named Daniel..." (BOS-1802, p. 98, book R)

Crowder, Willey to William Walker. "...a likely Negro girl by the name of Joan..." (BOS-1799, p. 246, book Q)

Culbreath, Thomas [of Mecklenburg County, Virginia] to Thomas Hunt. "...lad named Burt, & three women, named Sarah, Abigal and Winney..." [for a debt to William Bullock] (DIT-1812, pp.44-45, book W)

Culbreth, James to John Hunt. "...one Negro man Buck, black complexion & about 24 or 25 years of age..." (DIT-1824, pp. 213-214, book 2)

Currin, James to Young Miller & Co. "... four hundred acres... likewise one Negro man named Jupiter, one Negro boy named Davey, one Negro woman named Patt, one Negro girl named Agge..." (1772-DIT, pp. 65-67, book K)

Dalby, John to John Amis. "...one sound & healthy Negro boy named Primus..." (BOS-1798, p. 182, book Q)

Dalby, John to William Wood. "...one Negro girl named Sarah..." (BOS-1807, p. 195, book T)

Dalby, John to William Butler. "...one Negro boy named and called Ben..." (BOS-1803, p.. 292, book R)

Dalby, John to Lewis Amis. "...a certain Negro boy named Phil about eighteen years of age..." (BOS-1803, p. 196, book R)

Daniel, John to James Jinkins Daniel, Nancey Daniel & Patsey Jenkins Daniel [his children]. "...in consideration of the love & affection...sum of five shillings... four Negro slaves (named) Hagar, Daniel, Creacey & David..." (DOG-1796, p. 351, book P)

Daniel, Joseph Senr. to Martin Kee [his son-in-law of Chester, S. C.]. "...boy named Tom about eight years of age..." (BOS-1818, p. 355, book X)

Daniel, Josiah to Henry Graves [Person County]. "... for & in consideration of the love, good will, & affection which I have... a Negro girl by the name of Sucky..." (DOG-1794,p.109, book P)

Daniel, James K. to Josiah Brown of Person County and Thomas Daniel of Granville County. "...three Negroes now in possession of Abraham Brown & Isaiah Richardson of Chatham County, to wit, one Negro woman named Chloe about forty three years of age, one Negro boy named Gabriel about seven years of age & one Negro boy named Joe about four years of age..." (BOS-1803, p. 87, book R)

Daniel, Elizabeth to Josiah Brown of Person County [daughter Martha is the wife of Brown]. "...girl by the name of Nell..." (Deed-1814, p. 412, book W)

Daniel, Chisley to [his sons] John G. Woodson, & Beverly Daniel. "...Sydney and her child Judith, Albert, Washington, Hannah, Joshua, Elijah, Daniel, John, Ritter, Nell, & Sampson; [in addition , to son Beverly] Nureissa[?], Abram, Alexander, Lucy, Eliza, O. H. Perry, Murrier, Frank, Preindent, Billy, Margery, & Carter..." (DOG-1814, p. 263, book W)

Daniel, Thomas to William H. Gilliam. "...girl named Sarah of age of 16 or 17 years..." (DIT-1820, p. 205, book Z)

Daniel, Thomas to Hardy Harris. "...a certain Negro boy Tom..." (DIT-1820, p. 206, book Z)

Daniel, Woodrow to Beverly & Judith Daniel. "...woman by the name of Christian and her daughter, a child by the name of Amy...two certain slaves , to wit, Mary An and Scot...[Negroes having been divided in the last will of C. Daniel] [Wording not clear. See original]" (BOS-1820, p. 107, book Z)

Daniel, John Jnr. to Nelley Daniel. "...girl by the name of Milly about fourteen years of age..." (BOS-1820, p. 319, book Z)

Daniel, John to Richard Sneed. "...girl named Viney about three or four years of age..." (BOS-1820, p. 242, book Z)

Daniel, Elizabeth to Samuel Daniel. "...woman named Mary..." (BOS-1822, p. 185, book 1)

Daniel, Meredeth to Demetrus E. Young. "... also one Negro man named Adam, one Negro boy lad named Woodson..." (DIT-1827, pp. 281-282, book 3)

Daniel, Woodson to Samuel Hillman & Thomas B. Littlejohn. "...thirteen slaves...Jinney, Charles, Amey, Lucy, Franky, Kessey, Henry, James, Milly, Nancy, Mary, Eliza & Nell..." (DIT-1820, pp. 123-128, book Z)

Daniel, Elizabeth [widow of Josiah Daniel] to Samuel Daniel [her son]. "...Rachel and Ned..." (DOG-1821, p. 159, book 1)

Davie[s?], William [of Columbia County, Georgia] to Thomas Pool. "...all that is now coming to me and my wife Nancy Gill, daughter of Colonel William Gill, dec'd...I have received a small Negro boy named Reuben which was obtained by a lawsuit against William M. Sneed, administrator of William Gill, dec'd... which my wife was entitled to..." (Deed of conveyance - 1819, pp. 315-316, book Y)

Davis, Jonathan [of Franklin Co.] to James Satterwhite. "...one Negro girl named Dinah..." (BOS-1799,, p. 343, book Q)

Davis, Soloman to Isham Akin. "...man by the name Long James..." (BOS-1806, p. 382, book T)

Davis, Baxter to John D. Hawkins. "...two certain Negro girls by the names of Amy and Sucky about the age of fourteen or fifteen years each..." (BOS-1803, p. 230, book R)

Davis, Absalom to Thomas Chiles of Montgomery County, NC. "...a certain Negro man by the name of Gorven ? aged about forty four years...(BOS-1802, p. 31, book R)

Davis, Soloman to [his daughter] Messeniah Mitchel. "...the slave Milley and all her increase, and the increase of her increase which Negro slave Milley I put into the possession of my said daughter in the year 1773 or thereabouts..." (DOG-1802, p.107, book W)

Davis, Francis to James Crews. "...man named Tom..." (B)S-1817, p. 355, book X)

Davis, Humphrey to John Gordon. "... land ... two Negro men Jack & James..." (DIT-1772, pp.15-16, book K)

Davis, Francis to David Satterwhite. "...a young Negro man named Mordicai of yellow complexion..." (BOS-1817, p. 243, book X)

Davis, James H. to William W. Reavis. "...two Negro men by the names of Jim and Matthew, one wagon & team of horses..." (DIT-1823, pp. 429-430, book 1)

Davis, Absalom to Rozy Kittrell [his niece]. "...Julia a woman, and Hanner..." (DOG-1823, p. 527, book 3)

Davis, Chesly to Thomas B. Littlejohn. "...a certain Negro woman slave named Nancy, aged about twenty two years ..." (BOS-1819, p. 301, book Y)

Davis, Francis to Joseph P. Davis. "... a certain Negro man named Phill aged about forty three years..." (BOS-1821, p. 136, book 1)

Davis, James H. to William R. Voluntine. "...two Negro men servants by the name of James & Matthew..." (DIT-1826, pp. 110-111, book 3)

Davis, William to John Jinkins. "...one Negro by the name of Harry..." (BOS-1822, p. 391, book 2)

Davis, Jonathan to James L. Wortham. "...interest to the following Negroes which belonged to James Wortham, dec'd, viz, George, Edmond, Charles, Daniel, Joseph, Charlotte, Ruben & Mary..." (BOS-1823, p. 123, book 2)

Debnam, Charles Y. [Franklin Co. NC] to Joshua Kittrell. "... a Negro woman slave called Dinah..." (BOS-1794, p. 92, book P)

Delony, William to John Brodie. "...make over, convey all the right & title I have in a certain Negro girl called & known by the name of Polley unto Stephen Sneed...for identity it is a Negro sold by Capt. John Munford several years past to this Sneed..." (BOS-1797, p. 93, book Q)

Dennis, John to John Washington. "...boy named Mansel..." (BOS-1810, p. 223, book W)

Dickens, Robert [of Person County] to William Mielejohn [Miclejophn?]. "...woman named Frank alias Faney being the same Negro woman I bought of James Norfleet the 12th day of February, 1777...bill of sale duly recorded in the county of Gaston[?] together with her four following children to wit, Seth, Cressy, Anderson & Ever[?]gain..." (BOS-1798, p. 36, book R)

Dickens,, William [executor of the last will and testament of Barnett Pulliam, deceased] to William Webb. "...Negroes David, Caesar and James..." (Deed-1813, pp.174-176, book W)

Dickens, William to Mark Jones. "...three Negroes...boy named Richard, a boy named Gilbert & a girl named Rhody..." (BOS-1815, p. 348, book Z)

Dickerson, John to William Harmon Peace [his nephew & son of John Peace, who is the son of William Harmon Peace, late of Hanover Co. VA]. "... the following Negro slaves, to wit, Dudly, big Lucy & her son James, Jenny, Jethro, Rachel & her children Daniel, Ann, & Lucy; Stephen, Sukie & Killis... reserving to myself & my wife Elizabeth a life estate..." (DOG-1796, pp. 325-326, book P)

Dickerson, John to John Peace [his nephew & son of William Harmon Peace, late of Hanover Co. VA]. ...in consideration of the love I bear... the sum of five shillings... for these parcels of land in the following acres... 462 - 172 -400- 250-100- 200- 250-450- 240-640- 430- acres?] and "the following Negro slaves and their increase, to wit, Sterling, Abram, little Abram, Dick, Eife?. Ebo Jack, George, Roger, Harry, Jack, Mosses, Isaac, Clubfoot Abram, Hector, Ponmey, Ben, Frank, Hannah, Pegg, Dorcas, great Jenny, (Betty Ebo?), Phillis, Dinah, Winney, little Betty, Pats, Mary, Aga?, Fanny, Sid, Alec, Cvy?, (Anna daughter of Phillis), Cresy, Temp, Winney, (Betty, daughter of Temp), Alford, Leasia, Penny, Emmanuel, Philip, Wellie London, Davy, Chaney, Sarah, Mary [daughter of Dorcas], Fife [son of Dorcas], Stewart, Jim, Patience, Will, Ned, Tom, Dick, Charles, Deffy, Joshua, Isham, Nana & Rhody; excepting & always reserving to my self & my wife Elizabeth a life estate respectively in & to all..." (DOG-1796, pp.306-307, book P)

Dickerson, John to Nelson Nailing. "... one Negro man named Roger..." (BOS-1797, p. 415, book Q)

Dickerson, William to Jonathan Kittrell. "...girl named Hannar..." (BOS-1818, p.52, book Y)

Dickins, Robert [of Person Co.] to William Dickins [his son]. "...six hundred & eight acres together with the following Negro slaves, to wit, Big Dick, Andrew, Little Dick, Merias, & Sarah & also their future increase..." (Deed-1795, pp.161-162, book P)

Dickins, Robert to William Webb. "...three Negroes, to wit, Alney aged twenty four years, Edmond aged six years, Isam aged two years,...sound both in body and mind except a blemish on one of Alsey's eyes, the right..." (BOS-1820, p. 226, book Z)

Dolbey, John to Micajah Dolbey. "...two Negro boys named Abraham about five years of age, and Daniel about three years old..." (BOS-1818, p. 95, book Z)

Dolby, John to Thomas B. Littlejohn. " boy slave named Archer..." (BOS-1809, p.26, book V)

Dolby, Knight to Nicholas Byurs. "...girl named Hannah, aged three years..." (BOS-1818, p. 180, book Y)

Downey, John to Habocom Wiles [for his granddaughter, Peggy Wiles]. "...two Negroes George Lawrence and Lewis, aged about 12 & 17 years of age..." (BOS-1810, p. 141, book V)

Downey, John to Robert Downey [his son]. "...three Negroes viz, Davey son of Nancy, Nancy and her child Eve..." (BOS-1810, p. 178, book V)

Downey, John to Robert Downey [his son]. "...four Negroes, to wit, Moses, William, Susanna & Nancy..." (DOG-1807, p. 193, book T)

Downey, John to Robert Downey [his son]. "...three Negroes to wit, George & his wife Nanny & child..." (BOS-1810, p. 141, book V)

Downey, James to Thomas Potter. "...one certain Negro man slave named Frank which Negro was formerly sold by Potter to James W. Smith..." (BOS-1806, p. 215, book S)

Downey, James to Samuel Smith Downey [his son]. "...big Sam, Howel, Mary, Davy, and yellow Rachel..." (DOG-182, pp.38-39, book W)

Downey, John to Parker F. Stone. "...Negro girl named Leathey..." (BOS-1820, p. 34, book Z)

Downey, Matthew to Stephen Sneed. "...also one Negro boy Isham [a black spare made boy]..." (DIT-1823, pp. 117-118, book 2)

Duke, Green to John Hunt. "...Fed & Petro, Lucy..." (BOS-1828, p. 494, book 3)

Duty, George of Person County to Ann Duty. "...two Negroes Eliz Luce & child Mason..." (BOS-1803, p. 128, book R)

Duty, Jabez? to Robert Wilson. "...girl by the name of Darkis aged thirteen years..." (BOS-1810, p.25, book V)

Duty, Jaboz[?] to John Wiggins. "...man named Ephram, which Negro is about 25 years of age..." (DIT-1820, p. 58, book Z)

Earls, John to Hamilton & Company [James M. Burton of Hamilton & Co.] "...two Negro boys, one by the name of Abram, the other by the name of Hardy..." (DIT-1810, pp. 185-187, book V)

Edwards, James to James Satterwhite. "...one Negro woman named Mourning..." (BOS-1805, p. 161, book S)

Edwards, James to Samuel Hogg. "...a Negro girl by the name of Sarah, one ditto by the name of Judy, one ditto by the name of Clary & her child, one tract of land whereon the said James resides on the waters of Grassy Creek..." (DIT-1813, p. 150, book W)

Elixson, William to John Webb. "...woman by the name of Judah, girl by the name of Jane..." (DIT-18182, p.31, book W)

Ellington, Jones to Moses Neal. "...one Negro woman named Lydia..." (DIT-1822, p. 262, book 1)

Ellis, Joseph to Jepheniah Waller. "... Negro slave by the name of Job..." (BOS-1703, p.12, book P)

Evans, Weneford & others to Nelson Nailling. "...girl named Jenney..." (BOS-1822, p. 14, book 2)

Falconer, Alexander, trustee between Isaac Kittrell & Thomas Dent, to James Wortham (who was the highest bidder). "...a certain Negro wench named Doll & her child Jemimah..." (BOS-1802, p. 35, book R)

Falconer, Alexander as trustee between John Peace, Isaac Kittrell & Thomas Durt to John Goss (who was the highest bidder). "...woman named Estar..." (BOS-1802, p. 33, book R)

Falconer, Alexander, trustee between John Peace Senr, Isaac Kittrell & Thomas Dent to Joseph Peace & William Peace. "...a certain Negro fellow named Arthur..." (BOS-1802, p. 551, book Q)

Falconor, Alexander, trustee between John Peace Senr., Isaac Kittrell & Thomas Dent to James Hamilton who was the highest bidder. "...a certain Negro woman named Nan..." (BOS-1802, p. 550, book Q)

Farley, Thompson [of Charlotte Co. VA], to William Ogelvie. "... girl by name Eliza..." (BOS, 1793, p.3, book P) twenty-eight pounds

Farley, John J. to James Young. "...woman slave by name Hannah..." (BOS-1821, p. 341, book Z)

Farrar, Richardson [of Mecklinburg Co, VA] to Stephen Sneed, Sr. "...boy Isham..." [Farrar got possession of Isham by his marriage to Susanna Baskerville, widow of Edward Baskerville...and was sold to discharge said Farrar's proportion of debts due from the estate of said Edward Baskerville]. (BOS-1815, pp. 95-96, book X)

Farrar, Abel to Francis N.W. Burton, for Robert Hamilton & Co. "...woman named Aggy and girl [Aggy's daughter] Clarissa." (DIT-1811, pp. 193-195, book V)

Farrar, A. I to John Norwood. "...two Negroes namely Levitiers and William..." (BOS-1825, p. 452, book 2)

Field, James to Henry Young. "... also the following slaves to wit, Big Andrew & Little Andrew and Malinda..." (DIT-1824, pp. 127-129, book 2)

Field, James to Samuel Downey. "... a Negro man by the name of Tom, George & James..." (DIT-1823, pp. 120-121, book 2)

Field, James to William Swepson. "...also the following Negro slaves by name, Stephen, Lewis, Jim, Peter, George, Tom, Bob, Andrew, Peter, Andrew 2nd, Sam, Ned, Franky, Lucy, Polly, Sally & infant child Sally 2nd, Violet and her two children Harriot & Jane, Peggy & her child Peggy 2nd, Malindy, May, Sopha, Edmond & Jane to have and to hold..." (DIT-1824, pp. 221-222, book 2)

Finch, Edward to Nathaniel Robards. "...one Negro woman by the name of Matilda & her two children David about seven years old, and Jenny about two years old, also a boy by the name of James Maddison about six years old & their increase..." (DIT-1826, p. 105, book 3)

Fleming, Milley to George Byars. "...boy named Joe now in the occupation of the said George Byars..." (BOS-1810, p. 326, book Z)

Floyd, William to Guy Clapton. "...a certain Negro fellow named Hercules sold by James H. Bryant to Guy Clapton [?]..." (BOS-1817, p. 219, book X)

Floyd, Pleasant to William Floyd. "...one Negro gal by the name of Caty..." (BOS-1821, p. 271, book Z)

Floyd, George [of Warren County] to Pleasant Floyd. "...girl named Caty..." (BOS-1821, p. 288, book Z)

Ford, Mathey to Alexander Hamilton. "...one Negro man named Anthony with his wife Nance & her child Emilly..." (DIT-1807, pp. 352-353, book V)

Forsyth, James to Samuel Webb. "...a certain Negro woman by the name of Gilley about thirty seven years old & her child by the name of Harris about eighteen months old..." (DIT-181;4, p. 274, book W)

Forsyth, James to Benton Badget. "...one Negro wench named Gilly upwards of twenty one years of age & child named Clary ...one year of age..." (BOS-1799, p.414, book Q)

Foster, Christopher to Fleming Lumpkin. "...woman by the name of Polly..." (B-1825, p. 308, book 2)

Foster, Beverly to David Ragsdale. "... a certain Negro woman by the name of Doll, one gray horse, one bay horse..." (BOS-1823, p. 311, book 1)

Foster, Beverly to Francis H. Oliver. "...boy named George..." (BOS-1818, p. 271, book Z)

Foster, Christopher to James Gunn. "...a Negro woman named Jessee aged about forty years..." (BOS-1825, p.49, book 3)

Fowler, Benjamin to John Walker. "...a certain Negro boy slave known by the name of Summer..." (BOS-1797, p. 130, book Q)

Fowler, Thomas [of Wake County] to John Fowler. "...one certain Negro man slave by the name of Adam..." (BOS-1809, p. 330, book T)

Fraizer, Ephram to John Fraizer & Howel Fraizer. "...the following Negroes & their future increase, Sarah, Charity & Daniel..." (DIT-1809, p. 315, book T)

Fraizer, Ephraim & Barnett to Howel Fraizer. "...one Negro woman & child by the name of Billy & Jim..." (BOS-1810, p.43, book V)

Frazier, Ephraim to Barnett Pulliam. " Negro slaves and their future increase, to wit, James, Sarah, Dan, --ity?, Darkis, Amy, Lettle, James..." (DIT-1808, p.45, book V)

Frazier, Howel to William Floyd. "...man named Pleasant..." (BOS-1810, p. 292, book V)

Frazier, Ephraim to Barnett Pulliam. "...two Negroes to wit, Lewis & Betty; Lewis about seventeen years old, Betty about six years old..." (BOS-1810, p. 44, book V)

Frazier, Jeremiah to John Frazier [his son]. "...one Negro fellow named London..." (BOS-1803, p. 128, book R)

Frazier, Jeremiah to Howel Frazier [his son]. "...fellow named Pleasant..." (BOS-1803, p. 130, book R)

Frazier, Ephraim to his daughter Mary Frazier. "...three young Negroes named as follows Chaney, Manyard and Betty..." (DOG-1805, p. 165, book S)

Frazier, Barnett to Ephraim Frazier. "...one Negro woman Betty and five children, Davy, Hanner, Frank, Anthony and Edmond..." (BOS-1806, p. 300, book S)

Frazier, John & Howel to William Frazier. "...girl by the name of Aimy about seven years of age..." (BOS-1816,, p. 160, book X)

Frazier, William to Richard Cooke. "...one Negro man slave named Harry about fifty years old, & one Negro boy slave names Jessee about nine years old..." (DIT-21st day of july, 1809, pp. 370-371)...later, on 5th September 1809, Richard Cooke sold ..."man Harry sold for twenty one pounds, ten shillings, Negro boy Jessee sold for one hundred twenty two pounds ten shillings, one sorrel horse with a blaze face sold for fifteen pounds ten shillings...." does not say to whom sold but did indicate sold to satisfy Col. James Smith's debt. (p. 371, book T)

Frazier, Howel to Henry Jones. "...a certain Negro boy slave named Brawdy, aged ten years..." (BOS-1823, p. 261, book 2)

Frazier, Howel to Elizabeth Pulliam. "...girl named Nutty..." (BOS-1823, p. 173, book 2)

Frazier, Lemuel to Maurice Smith. "...said Negro fellow named Daniel..." (DIT-1824, pp. 109-111, book 2)

Frazier, Howel to David Parker. "... one Negro boy slave by the name of Jim aged about thirteen years old..." (BOS-1822, p. 344, book 1)

Frazier, Howel to Stephen K. Sneed. "...eight Negro slaves, viz, Lish a woman aged about thirty years, Dice a girl aged about twelve years, John a boy aged about seven years, Polly a girl aged about five years, Fanny Pen a girl aged about three years, Franky a girl aged about five months, Abel a boy aged about six years, and Ned a boy aged about three years..." (DIT-1826, pp.28-29, book 3)

Frazier, Howel to Stephen Sneed. "...eight Negro slaves, viz, Dilce aged about twenty nine years, Cain aged about eleven years, Abel aged about eight years, Ned aged about five years, Polly aged about seven years, Fanny aged about five years, Jim aged about two years, and Claiborn aged about ten months..." (DIT-1828, pp. 396-397, book 3)

Frazier, Howel to Stephen Sneed. "...four Negro slaves, Lish & her three children, Dice, John & Polly..." (DIT-1821, p. 66, book 1)

Freear, William E. to Robert Freear. "... the following Negroes Julia & her two children Mary & Sam, and Negro Jenny, and also all my right in Fanny's three youngest children Robert, Allen & Billy and also all my right in said Fanny's future increase..." (BOS-1826, p. 181, book 3)

Freear, Robert to Thomas Read. "...Julia & two children, Mary & Sam... also Negro girl Harriot..." (BOS-1828, p. 497, book 3)

Freear, Robert to George Johnson [of Warren County]. "... assigns the following property or Negroes, viz, Jefferson, Britton, and Aaron, three Negro men or fellows..." (DIT-1826, pp. 106-107, book 3)

Freear, Robert to John Eaton. "... one Negro girl named Livina..." (BOS-1828, p. 315, book 3)

Freear, Robert to John R. Eaton. "...the following named slaves, to wit, Simon, Gambo, David, Washington, Jefferson, and William..." (BOS-1827, p. 270, book 3)

Freear, William E. to Robert Freear. "...the following Negroes, Aron, Jefferson & Britton..." (BOS-1826, p. 180, book 3)

Freear, Robert to Gordon Cawthorn. "...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Aaron, Jefferson, Britton, Simon, Gambe, Neptune, David, Aggy, Henry, William, Julia, Sam, Mary, Levina, Harriet, Washington, Mariah, Robert, Allen, Betty, Caty, Mourning, Suckey and Liddy and the future increase of the said female slaves, also eight head of horses..." (DIT-1828, pp.. 307-308) (this is repeated [copied again] on pp. 308-310: book 3)

Freear, Robert to John R. Eaton. "...two Negro men Mingo & Everet..." (BOS-1827, p. 236, book 3)

Freeman, Anderson & Anderson Johnson, as trustees for Betsey Ann Thomasson & her children & others, to William M. Ballard of Orange County. "...woman named Edwards[?] about nineteen years old, Daniel son of said Edwards about two years old, and an infant son of the aforesaid Edwards aged about two months..." (BOS-1817, pp. 305-306, book X)

Freeman, Anderson, John Thomasson, & Betsy Ann Thomasson to William M. Ballard of Orange County. "...Edward, Judith and Daniel [Edward's child]. Said Negro Edwards about eighteen, Judith ? , and Daniel, said Judith child about three years old..." (BOS-1817,, p. 279, book X)

Freeman, Claborn A. to William Allison. "...one Negro wench named Jane suppose to be about thirty five years of age..." (BOS-1802, p. 193, book R)

Freeman, Gideon to Richerson Freeman [his son]. "...one Negro man named Nat..." (DOG-1822, p. 102, book 1)

Freeman, Hatsville to David Winston. "...man named Lewis about 25 years of age..." (BOS-1827, p. 493, book 3)

Fuller, William to John Spears. "...woman named Pat..." (BOS-1796, p.273, book P)

Fuller, Washington to Thompson Glenn, in trust for John Jones McLeroy. "...five Negroes known by the names of Allen, Roben, Chaney, Cherry & Peter..." (DIT-1803, pp. 349-350, book R)

Fuller, Washington to Nathaniel Macon [of Franklin County, NC]. "...one Negro boy called & known by the name of Robin..." (BOS-1805, p. 169, book T)

Fuller, Henry to Jonathan Hicks [of Warrenton County, South Carolina]. "...for the sum of one hundred Spanish milled dollars...one Negro girl by the name of Mima about three years old..." (BOS-1803, p. 291, book R)

Fuller, Henry to George Alston. "...a Negro man slave named Dempsey..." (BOS-1794,p.110, book P)

Fuller, Ezekiel to James Hamilton. "...one hundred & forty three acres of land...more or less, also three Negroes, to wit, Thom, Sarah & Easter, likewise one sorrel horse..." (DIT-1802, pp. 99-100, book R)

Fuller, Ezekiel to John Nuttall. "...girl named Dinah..." (BOS-1802, p. 32, book R)

Fuller, Samuel, John, & Jonathan to William Fuller. "...one Negro girl slave named Hanner about sixteen years old..." (BOS-1803, p. 159, book R)

Fuller, Judy, executrix of Henry Fuller to William Fuller. "...Negro woman Rachel..." (BOS-1802, p. 553, book Q)

Fuller, Phereby, relict of Samuel Fuller, to Joseph Smith. "...one certain Negro girl named Chany aged ten years old now in possession of said Joseph Smith..." (Deed-1805, p. 164, book S)

Fuller, Henry, Sr. to Leonard Henderson. "...woman named Lucy also one Negro boy named Mack..." (DIT-1808, pp. 386-387, book T)

Fuller, Henry, to William Robards. "...woman named Silvia, her child named Isam..." (BOS-1807, p. 253, book T)

Fuller, Washington to Joseph Smith. "...a Negro man named John..." (BOS-1805, p. 163, book S)

Fuller, Washington & Polly his wife to Nathaniel Mason [of Franklin County]. "...woman known by name Abby & her increase..." (BOS-1801, p. 553, book Q)

Fuller, Washington to Joseph Smith [of Franklin County]. "...woman named Fanny, one Negro girl named China aged nine years, and a Negro boy named Allen about thirteen years old, being part of the Negroes willed me by my father Samuel Fuller, deceased..." (BOS-1805, p. 158, book S)

Fuller, Washington to Joseph Smith of Franklin County. "...two Negroes, to wit, a Negro woman called & known by the name of Annica & her child called & known by the name of Paticana..." (BOS-1805, p. 219, book S)

Fussell, John to Leonard Henderson. "...four Negroes, to wit, Burchett, Hampton, Nan & Rok ." (DIT-1808, pp.54-55, book V)

Fussell, John to William Murphy. "...a certain Negro man named Daniel about twenty five years old of a yellow complexion..." (BOS-1803, p. 243, book R)

Gill, John N. to Thomas Pool. "...four Negroes, that is to say, a Negro woman named Peg about thirty five years of age and her three children namely Nancy about sixteen years of age, Lawson about eighteen years of age, and Simon about eight years of age..." (BOS-1816, p. 248, book X)

Gill, Joseph to [his daughter] Frances E. Gill. "...Socky and Miley..." (DOG-1818, p. 118, book Y)

Gill, Joseph to [his daughter] Drusiller Gill. "...Naten and Viney..." (DOG-1818, p. 119, book Y)

Gill, Joseph to [his daughter] Salley Gill. "...Annaky, Katy and George..." (DOG-1818, p. 118, book Y)

Gilliam, Lesly to Mach C. Duke. "...boy by name Billy about six years of age..." (BOS-1813, p. 261, book W)

Gilliam, Leslie, administrator of John Ballard, deceased to William Murphey. "...man slave by the name of Tom about twenty years of age..." (BOS-1803, p. 281, book R)

Gilliam, Leslie to Stephen V. Sneed. "...man named Hary, one Negro man named Watt, one Negro woman named Jicey and one Negro woman named Lucky..." (DIT-1821, pp. 17-19, book 1)

Gilliam, Leslie to James H. Cobbs. "...one Negro man slave named Harry, one other Negro man slave named Wat, one Negro woman slave named Sooky, one Negro woman slave named Jinny, and one other Negro woman slave named Durender or Norender with her three children Sam, Horrace & Emaline together with their future increase..." (DIT-1822, pp. 122-123, book 1)

Gilliam, Leslie to Stephen Sneed. "...woman Dorender and three children, Samuel, Horrace and Emaline & their future increase, Negro woman Siller and her future increase..." (DIT-1821, pp. 98-99, book 1)

Glasgow, Richard to his children John, Rebecca, & William when they reached the age of 21 or marry; eight slaves named. "Cate, Jincey, George, Mimey, Elijah, Tabb, Winney & Lizzy... [also named] to John Glasgow boy named Macklin...to Rebecca Glasgow, a Negro girl named Mimly & her future increase... to William Glasgow a Negro boy named Anderson..."(DOG-1802, p. 74. book R)

Glasgow, Richard & Amey [his wife] to John Glasgow [his son] "...the following eight slaves Kate, Jany, George, Mimey, Elijah, Tabb, Winny, Eliza and their increase..." (DOG-1811, p. 191, book V)

Glasgow, William to George Floyd. "...one certain Negro man by the name of Anderson and all my part of twenty other Negroes at the death of my father, by the names of Pat, Jordan, Simon, Peter, Macklen, Alce, Cherry, Hanner, George, Jane, Lisey, Rachel, Amey, Winney, Isaac, Lucinda, Elijah, Cathron, Charles and Jim..." (DIT-1825, pp. 435-436, book 2)

Glasse, William to Robert Puryear. "... man named Ambrose..." (BOS-1795, p. 176, book P)

Glendening, Sally to [her brother] Thomas Lile. "...my Negro man Ransom..." (DOG-1820, p. 11, book Z)

Glenn, John to James Nuttall. "...also Ephram a Negro man and Lucy a Negro woman..." (DIT-1820, pp. 147-148, book Z)

Glenn, John to James Nuttall. "...two Negro women named Jenny and Betty..." (DIT-1820, pp.159-161, book Z)

Glover, Ransom to Daniel Glover. "...girl named Crease..." (BOS-1815, p.389, book W)

Glover, Ransom to Daniel Glover. "...boy named Nelson supposed to be six years of age..." (BOS-1813, p. 389, book W)

Glover, Ransom to Joseph Norwood. "...woman by the name of Lucy about thirty eight years of age, and her child by the name of Jury[?] about two years of age..." (BOS-1813, p. 128, book W)

Godby, Russel & George to James Hart. "....woman named Clarissa Harlot about nineteen years of age & her child named Tempy about two months old..." (BOS-1795, p. 304, book P)

Gooch, Gideon. ...he gave to his "daughter Elizabeth, wife of William Gooch a certain Negro girl named Lelia & her future increase but prior to making this will this William & Elizabeth had the aforesaid Negro girl in possession for many years & this Lelia had children before the will was made which children was never mentioned in the will..." (disagreement, signed by several, 1803, pp. 209-210, book R)

Gooch, Rowland to Daniel Gooch. "...woman named Abby and girl named Viney..." [for the use of his daughter Rachael Adcock] (DIT-1812, p.26, book W)

Gooch, Gideon. Bond mentions his will "...also two Negroes Jack & Nomery[?] living at said place..." (BOND-1803, pp. 218-219, book R)

Gooch, Rowland to Davis Parker. "...boy named George..." (BOS-1803, p. 327, book R)

Gooch, Amos to Elizabeth Landish, wife of David Landish. "...girl named Cherry..." (DOG-1812, p. 352, book V)

Gooch, Joseph to James Smith, Ser. "...girl by the name of Tanney, in trust for his wife Ann...Negro Jenny & her increase to be equally divided between his three sons (to wit) Daniel, Amos & William Gooch..." (DIT-1804; p. 51, book T)

Gooch, James to William Flemming. "...one Negro girl by the named of Ritty..." (D-1828, pp. 393-394, book 3)

Gooch, Daniel to John Kerr. "...a certain Negro man named Stephen also a Negro woman named China & her child Caroline..." (DIT-1827, p. 224, book 3)

Gooch, Claborn [White Co. Tennessee] to Parker F. Stone. "... one Negro woman Hester aged about forty years old..." (BOS-1827, p. 192, book 2)

Gooch, Roland to Daniel Gooch. "...man named Ceaser..." (DIT-1818, p. 126, book Y)

Gooch, Daniel to Robert Maben. "... Negro woman China & her child Carolina..." (BOS-1828, p. 492, book 3)

Gooch, Roland [Orange County] to Daniel Gooch Senr. "...two Negroes, to wit, boy by the name of Ebednego, girl named Rachel...in trust for the use of my daughter Susannah Landers..." (Deed-1818, pp.111-112, book Y)

Gooch, Amos to Mary Harris. "...woman bout fifteen years of age by the name of Susannah..." (DOG-1820, p. 102, book Z)

Goodloe, David to Stephen Sneed. "...a certain Negro slave named Jesse about thirty seven years old..." (BOS-1821, p. 45, book 1)

Gorden, John [of Northumberland County, VA] to John Moss. "...a Negro woman named Kate about twenty four years of age & her daughter named Hannah about six years of age & her son named Griffin about eighteen months old..." (BOS-1795, p. 163, book Q)

Gordon, Archibald to James Hart. "...girl named Rachel about three years old..." (BOS-1805, p. 67, book S)

Gordon, John to Joseph Gooch. "... Negro James, a boy..." (BOS-1795. `p. 236, book P)

Gordon, Archibald to Joseph Hart. "...woman named Judy about twenty two years of age & her child Silvey about five months old..." (BOS-1805, p. 66, book S)

Gordon, Robert to Lunsford A. Paschall. "...and also one Negro woman named Naney aged about thirty two years, also one gray mare..." (DIT-1825, pp. 77-78, book 3)

Grant, Thomas [Wilks co. Georgia] to John Owen, Junr. "... man by the name of Ben..." (BOS-1794.p. 237, book P)

Graves, Mary, John, Ralph & James Hart to William Graves, Junr. "...a Negro boy slave named Dick about eleven or twelve years of age..." (BOS-1801, p. 60, book R)

Graves, David & Lewis Yancey, executors of the estate of Henry Graves to Ralph Graves. "...their equal parts of one Negro woman named Jane..." (BOS-1797, p. 128, book Q)

Graves, Henry L. to Robert Dickens. "...man named Anderson..." (BOS-1825, p. 429, book 2)

Graves. John to William Graves. "...one boy called Solomon..." (BOS-1801, p. 476, book Q)

Green, Lewis to Thomas Taylor. ".. man slave by the name of Charlie..." (BOS-1795, p. 212, book P)

Green, Lewis & Robert Crawley to Thomas Hix. "...a Negro girl slave about the age of fifteen years known & called by the name of Nancey..." (BOS-1703, p.7, book P)

Green, John [of Wake County as trustee of James Butler] to Thomas B. Littlejohn. "...Griffin, Daniel & Peter... James H. Butler did on March last make sale of one of the said Negroes, viz, Griffin to Thomas B. Littlejohn..." (Deed-1817, pp. 284-285, book X)

Green, Lewis to Elizabeth Pulliam. "...a Negro girl Vienna..." (BOS-1822, p. 197, book 1)

Green, Lewis to Portius Moore. "... a parcel of Negroes to wit, Edmond, Peter, Amy, Molly & Edey having been conveyed to me in trust by James H. Butler..." (BOS-1826, p. 94, book 3)

Green, John to Elizabeth Pulliam. "...man by the name of Peter about the age of twenty five years..." (BOS-1819, p. 305, book Y)

Green, Lewis to Willis Lewis. "...Negroes Frank, Cook, Dimond, Buck, Frederick, Sam, Henry, Davy & Nanny..." (DIT-1822, p. 185, book 1)

Gresham, George [Richmond Co. VA], to James Lewis. "... boy... Prince..." (BOS-1792, p.6, book P)


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