February 1848Transcribed and submitted by Aaron Dorsey
Edward Means Succession
Peyton Stanley
State of Louisiana Parish of DeSoto * Be it known that before me this day M. W. Holman Recorder and Exofficia Notary Public in and for the Parish of DeSoto State of Louisiana duly commissioned and sworn came and appeared William B. Means Executor of the Succession of Edward Means deceased who declared that for the consideration of the sum of five hundred and seventy dollars payable as follow "to wit" one third in cash and the balance payable in one and two years from date thereof in equal installments secured by promissory notes. He does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey, transfer, assign and set over with a full guaranty against all troubles, debts, mortgages, claims, evictions, donations, alienations and other encumbrances whatsoever unto Peyton Stanley a resident of this Parish and the State above mentioned his heir and assigns who being here present accepting the same for himself the following described slave belonging to the succession of Edward Means deceased "to wit" a Negro Boy named Spencer of dark complexion aged about eighteen years for the security of the payment of the said remaining sum the said Stanley executing his tow promissory notes bearing like dates with these presents each for the amount of one hundred and thirty dollars and signed by Thos P. Call as security said notes bearing eight percent per annum interest from date until paid and in order to identify the said notes with this act of sale I the said Notary have prepared the same _______ above my ordinary signature across the face of said notes.
To have and to hold the said Slave unto the said purchaser Peyton Stanley his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Vendor hereby further promises that he his heirs shall and will forever warrant and defend the title to the Slave herein conveyed against all legal claims and demands whatsoever. And the said Vendor moreover transfer unto the said purchaser all the rights and actions of warranty to which he is entitled, against all the former proprietors of the slave herein conveyed subjugating said purchaser to all the paid rights and actions to be by him enjoyed and exercised in the same manner as they might have been by the present Vendor. And in order to secure the punctual payment as well as the interest and costs that my accrue thereon the Vendor requires and the Vendee consents that the property herein conveyed remain specially mortgaged and hypothecates and shall have the force of a confession of judgment. The purchaser agrees not to alienate, convey or encumber the property herein conveyed in any manner shape or form whatsoever. The purchaser waives the production of a mortgage certificate from the Recorder in this Parish thereby exonerating me said Notary from any liabilities whatsoever.
Done and passed in my office in the Parish of DeSoto aforesaid in presence of Wm Long and Francis Powell Witnesses of lawful age and domiciliated in this Parish who hereunto sign their names with the parties and me said Recorder and Notary on this the 18th day of February in the year One thousand eight hundred and forty eight. Signed W. B. Means, Peyton Stanley attest Wm Long, Francis Powell M. W. Holman Recorder and Notary
Filed for record February 18th 1848 M. W. Holman Recorder and Notary
J. S Carr Deputy Recorder
Edward Means Succession
Thomas P. Hall
State of Louisiana Parish of DeSoto * Be it known that before me this day M. W. Holman Recorder and Exofficia Notary Public in and for the Parish of DeSoto State of Louisiana duly commissioned and sworn came and appeared William B. Means Executor of the Succession of Edward Means deceased who declared that for the consideration of Eleven Hundred Dollars payable as follows to wit One third cash the Balance payable in one and two years from date thereof in equal annual installments secured By promissory notes. He does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey, transfer, assign and set over with a full guaranty against all troubles, debts, mortgages, claims, evictions, donations, alienations and all other incumbrances whatsoever unto Thomas P. Hall a resident of the Parish and State above mentioned his heirs and assigns who being here presented accepting the same a certain Negro Boy named Stephen of dark complexion aged about twelve and a Girl named Frankez of dark complexion aged about eighteen years. For the security of the payment of the said sums the said Hall executed his two promissory notes bearing like date with these presents each for the sum of Three Hundred and sixty five & 66/100 Dollars and signed by Henry Marshall as security and in order to identify the said two notes with this act of sale I the said Recorder have prepared the _____________ above my ordinary signature. The notes above mentioned is to draw interest at the rate of eight percent per annum interest till paid.
To have and to hold the said slaves unto the said purchaser Thomas P. Hall his heirs and assigns forever. And the Vendor hereby further promises that He his heirs shall and will forever warrant and defend the title to the said slaves herein conveyed against all legal claims and demands whatsoever The said Vendor moreover transfer unto paid Purchaser all the rights and actions of warranty to which he is entitled against all the former proprietors of the slaves herein conveyed subjugating the said Purchaser to all the said rights and actions to be by him enjoyed and exercised in the same manner as they might have been by the present Vendor And in order to secure the punctual of the notes herein described as well as the costs and interests that may accrue there The Vendor requires and the Vendee consents that the property herein conveyed shall remain specially mortgaged and hypothecates and shall have the force of a confession of judgment. The Purchaser agrees not to alienate, convey or encumber the Property herein conveyed in any manner shape or form whatsoever. The purchaser being here present waives the production of a mortgage certificate from the Recorder in this Parish thereby exonerating me said Notary from any liabilities whatsoever.
Done and passed in my office in the Parish of DeSoto aforesaid in presence of S. P. Jones and Wm Long of lawful age and domiciliated in this Parish who hereunto sign their names with the parties and me said Recorder and Notary on this the 18th day of February in the year One thousand eight hundred and forty eight. Signed W. B. Means Exc = T. P. Hall attest S. P. Jones Wm Long, M. W. Holman Recorder and Notary
Filed for record February 18th 1848 M. W. Holman Recorder and Notary
J. S Carr Deputy Recorder
Edward Means Succession
John Greenwood
State of Louisiana Parish of DeSoto * Be it known that before me this day M. W. Holman Recorder and Exofficia Notary Public in and for the Parish of DeSoto State of Louisiana duly commissioned and sworn came and appeared William B. Means Executor of the Succession of Edward Means deceased who declared that for the consideration of the sum _______ hundred and eighty six 33/100 Dollars Cash in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged Do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey, transfer, assigns and set over with a full guaranty against all troubles, debts, mortgages, claims, evictions, alienations, donations and other incumbrances whatsoever unto John Greenwood a resident of the Parish and State above mentioned who being here present accepting and acknowledging delivery and possession of the following Negro Slaves to wit Sarah a negro woman of dark complexion and aged about fifty five years and Caroline a girl of yellow complexion aged about sixteen years.
To have and to hold the said Slaves unto the said purchaser John Greenwood his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Vendor hereby further promises that he and his heirs shall and will forever warrant and defend the title to the Slaves herein conveyed against all legal claims and demands whatsoever. The said Vendor, moreover transfer unto the said purchaser all the rights and actions of warranty to which he as Executor is entitled against all the former proprietors of the Slaves herein conveyed subjugating said Purchaser to the said rights and actions to be by him enjoyed and exercised in the same manner as they might have been by the present Vendor. And the said Greenwood further waives the production of a mortgage Certificate from the Recorder of Mortgage in this Parish thereby exonerating me said Notary from any liabilities whatsoever
Done and passed in my office in the Parish of DeSoto aforesaid in presence of W Long, _______ Witnesses of lawful aged and domiciliated in this Parish who hereunto sign their names with the parties and me said Recorder and Notary on this the 18th day of February in the year One thousand eight hundred and forty eight. Signed W. B. Means Exc = John Greenwood attest W Long, ______, M. W. Holman Recorder & Notary
Filed for Recorder February 18th 1848 M. W. Holman Recorder
J. S Carr Deputy Recorder
Edward Means Succession
James E. Nott
State of Louisiana Parish of DeSoto) Know all men by these presents that I, William B. Means executor of the succession of Edward Means decease for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred and seven Dollars payable as follows, to wit, one third cash the balance at one and two years from date in equal annual installments have this day granted and sold unto James E. Nott of Mobile Alabama a certain negro woman slave for life belonging to said succession of dark complexion aged about twenty one named Dilsey
To have and to hold the said slave unto the said James E. Nott his heirs and assigns forever and to secure the payment of said remaining sum of four hundred and seventy one 33/100 dollars he has mortgaged and hereby specially mortgages hypothecates the said slave above mentioned unto the said William B. Means until the full and final payment of the said sum of said money which is further secured by the execution of two certain promissory notes signed by Rufus Nott and Sally W. Nott wife of said Rufus Nott their notes being given as additional security for the payment of said purchase money bearing even date with these present and each for the sum of two hundred and thirty five 00/100 dollars bearing eight percent interest from date till paid and the purchaser further stipulates not to alienate said slave and John M. Landrum also signs these presents and conveys to said James E. Nott any and all rights title and interest he may have in and to said slave for the consideration of one dollar the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged it being expressly understood that said John N. Landrum is freed from all warranty both as to title and soundness and is fully discharged and the parties relinquish all claims against him in the premises.
This February 19th 1848 (signed) W. B. Means Exc., John N. Landrum, James E. Nott by B. Anett (attest) (signed) R. H. Foster - - State of Louisiana Parish of DeSoto be it remembered that on this the 26th Day of August A. D. 1848 personally appeared before me M. W. Holman Recorder & Notary duly commissioned and sworn according to law, B. H. Foster witness of the foregoing act and deposeths on oath and says that he saw the parties sign their names thereto for the purposes therein contained - Sworn and subscribed to in presence of J. E. Cunningham and W. H. Farchild, witnesses of legal qualification and me the said Recorder and Notary on the day month and years before written (Signed) R. H. Fost (attest. Signed) J. E. Cunningham, W. H. Farchild, M. W. Holman Recorder & Notary
Filed for recording