Individuals of part-African or African descent named in
Acts of the Jamaican Assembly 1760-1810by Edward Crawford
These Private Acts of the Jamaican Assembly relating to people of African or part-African descent from 1760 to 1810 have been extracted by Edward Crawford from the list of Jamaican Assembly Acts at the Public Record Office, Kew, London. Apart from those which involved legal rights of individuals I have added a few cases where those of African descent were named in the Acts of the Assembly for different reasons.
From 5.1.1762 the Jamaican Assembly placed restrictions on the maximum amount of money and property (£2,000) that could be left to those of African or part-African descent. Though this was contrary to the principle of English common law, which gave absolute discretion to dispose of property, it was agreed by the Privy Council. (The Privy Council had the right to veto any act of American Colonial Assemblies.) However, many exceptions were made by the Assembly to this Act and they nearly always involved the children of a wealthy and powerful man. These private Acts giving exemptions are varied in the form that they follow. Sometimes they give a parish and sometimes not, sometimes a father and sometimes not, sometimes the relationship between the people mentioned in the document is plain and sometimes not. There should always be a date. Each session of the Assembly ran from end of October to Christmas Eve and each Bill had three readings. Where the Assembly sits at an odd time it is during a war or when there is an emergency. My dating of the Acts is not entirely consistent as between the three readings of the Act and its final passing into law. Most frequently it is the last reading.
The term "with certain restrictions" is almost invariably used. These restrictions relate to political rather than property rights as the individuals named and their offspring do not have the right to most specified offices in Jamaica or to sit in the Assembly. They may also be debarred from appearing as a witness in court against white men unless they had been assaulted or robbed. It should be remembered that at the time the vast majority of the population in Britain had no political right to vote so this may not have been seen as such a grave disadvantage though their inability to bear witness in court, which did not happen to the politically disenfranchised in England, must have been regarded as a very significant handicap. In a very few cases it seems the Act did not use the term "with certain restrictions". It will be noted that there were only five such Acts after 1794 and the years of the great slave revolt in San Domingo. There are none after 1802 though the reason or reasons for this are still unclear to me.
In nearly every case it is said that the individuals given rights have been baptised in the Church of England and educated so they will probably appear in the baptismal records. All the cases mentioned must involve people of high social status and large property. No one else would have sufficient importance or wealth to ask for their private affairs to be regulated by the legislature and for them to gain exemptions from the law. For this reason the fathers mentioned, when they are mentioned, can almost certainly be identified from other sources. To take one example at random William Patrick Browne [CO139/23 (138)] is listed among the 147 subscribers to the Civil & Natural History of Jamaica published in 1756.
Finally for those unfamiliar with the terms, there is the vocabulary of a racially obsessed society which uses specialised words for people with different racial origins. A mulatto is someone with one white and one black parent, a quadroon someone with three white grandparents and a mustee (or octoroon) someone with seven white great grandparents. There are also words for intermediate origins such a sambo for someone with three black and one white grandparent. However such an individual would probably not have had the prestige and influence to be the subject of one of these laws and I cannot find one.
The Acts themselves are quite long-winded. If using them for genealogical purposes the original text should be examined as further information might be found. For further general historical information about these laws see Samuel J. and Edith F. Hurwitz, "A Token of Freedom: Private Bill Legislation for Free Negroes in Eighteenth Century Jamaica", William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., 24 (1967), 423-31, this is on line as an image.
For further lists of the freed see {Census of 1730 - CO137/19 (pt.2)/48; Census of 1774- CO137/70/88; Census of 1788 - CO.137/87; "Mulattoes, Quads, Negroes able to bear arms," Add. Mss. 12,435, British Library, London; St. Andrew Parish Register, 1666-1780, St. Catherine Parish Register, 1667-1764, Manumissions, vols. 5 & 7, Jamaica Archives; Wills, vols. 1 - , Island Record Office; Kingston Parish Register, 1722-1774, Island Record Office Armoury, Spanish Town, Jamaica.}. This last list of documents is thanks to Dr. Trevor Burnard of Brunel University. ERC
Some Acts of the Jamaican Assembly from 1760 to 1810
(The number in brackets immediately after the PRO reference is the number of the Jamaican Act and is important if seeking to get a photocopy of the page from the PRO. The Acts themselves are handwritten in large heavy bound volumes. Typos, errors and any omissions are my responsibility.)
The general form of the Act was "to entitle to the same Rights and Privileges with English subjects, with certain restrictions" but I have generally left this out. A few acts name those freed, though seldom with a surname, for loyalty. From the evidence here these never get these rights and privileges.
CO139/21 (12) Anne Petronella Woodart, spinster, a free mulatto. 14.11.1760
CO139/21 (25) Foster, Pembroke, George, Cuaffee, Billy a mulatto, Blackwall, Billy, Yankee, Philip, London, Moll, Quaco, Nero, Congo, Molly Beckford, Silver Jemmy and Will to be set free paid £5 and £5 a year hereafter for being loyal in a slave rebellion. 18.12.1760
CO139/22 (44) Robert Penny and Lucy Penny the reputed children of Robert Penny esq deceased of the parish of St Catherine by Anne Forrord, a free mulatto woman. 24.11.1762
CO139/22 (47) An Act for making free a negro man slave called Jack Pearson belonging to the estate of William Ricketts esq deceased. 1.12.1763 (Helped in suppressing a slave rebellion.)
CO139/22 (49) Charles Price a free mulatto, 21.12 1763
CO139/22 (52) Milbe Johnson, Catherine Johnson his wife free mulattoes, his daughter Mary Elizabeth Johnson, 1.12.1763
CO139/22 (58) Mary Morris of Kingston a free quadroon and Charlotte Sterling, reputed daughter of Robert Sterling esq, 30.12.1763 (see Act 591)
CO139/22 (68) To free Cato, the negro slave of Arthur Forrest. 9.11.1764 (He betrayed a slave conspiracy.)
CO139/22 (73) John William Hicks a free quadroon of St Thomas in the East, 18.12.1764
CO139/22 (76) John Davidson of the parish of Clarendon a free mulatto man. 12.8.1766
CO139/22 (86) Elizabeth Frances Freeman Ripley, Cleopatra Freeman Ripley, Susannah Freeman Ripley, Ann Freeman Ripley, Mary Freeman Ripley, Elizabeth Freeman Ripley reputed daughters of John Ripley by Emma Freeman, a free negro woman and Henry Freeman Ripley the reputed son of the late John Ripley and William Gibson the reputed son of James Gibson of the parish of Kingston pastry cook by the said Cleopatra Freeman Ripley. 12.8.1766
CO139/22 (87) Elizabeth Tickle of the parish of Kingston, a free mulatto woman 12.8.1766
CO139/22 (88) Elizabeth Diston of the parish of Kingston, a free mulatto woman and Ann Cossley, Mary Cossley, John Cossley, Richard Cossley and Peter Cossley, the reputed sons and daughters of John Cossley esq of the said Elizabeth Diston. 12.8.1766
CO139/22 (89) Frances Willey of the parish of St Andrews a free mulatto woman and Mary Willey, the daughter of Frances Willey begotten by William Willey in wedlock and Charles McGlashan and Jean McGlashan the reputed son and daughter of Duncan McGlashan, practitioner in physic by the same Mary Willey. 12.8.1766
CO139/23 (113) Act to free two Negro men slaves and compensate their owners Yorke, belonging to the estate of Ballard Bickford and Cuaffee belonging to Charles James Sholto Douglas. 21.12.1767 (For services in a slave rebellion, Yorke defended his mistress and Cuaffee betrayed a conspiracy.)
CO139/23 (138) To enable William Patrick Browne esq of the parish of St John to dispose of his property as he shall think fit notwithstanding the Act of 1762. 31 12.1768
CO139/24 (153) to entitle Anne Shermore, widow and relict of Nicholas Shermore a white man and Jane Brooks, Mary Brooks, Priscilla Brooks, Martha Brooks and Ruth Brooks, the reputed daughters of George Brooks esq of the Parish of St Elizabeth by Mary Powell a free mulatto woman and James Brooks, Richard Brooks, Joseph Brooks and Edward Brooks, the reputed sons of the said George Brooks and Mary Powell, 23.12.1769
CO139/25 (nothing)
CO139/26 (204) Dugald Clark of the parish of St Thomas in the East a free mulatto man the reputed son of Robert Clark late of the parish of Hanover. 21.12.1771 (see 538)
CO139/27 (225) An act for making free a mulatto man Will, belonging to the estate of William Jones and paying to the Hon. Archibald Sinclair & Richard Welsh the value of the said mulatto man . 16.12 1772. (He discovered the murderer - a mulatto, Sam - of a white man. The murderer was burnt alive.)
CO139/28 (238) Anne Tingley, a free mulatto woman, Susannah Scott the reputed daughter of William Scott by the said Anne Tingley, Florence Blechynden, Mary Blechynden, Edward Blechynden and Richard James Blechynden, the reputed sons and daughters of Fulton Blechynden, gentleman of Kingston to the said Anne Tingley, 11.12.1773
CO139/29 (271) "An act for making free and rewarding a Negroe woman slave named Attea, the property of the heirs of George Williams esq deceased and for paying for her value. Passed nem con. 10.11.1774
CO139/29 (272) An act to entitle, Mary Smith, Henrietta Cooke Smith, William Smith and Pierce Cooke Smith reputed daughters and sons of William Smith of the parish of St Catherine's Gentleman, by Catherine Smith a free negroe woman. The Bill sponsors Mr Whitehorne & Mr Wheeler Fearon, Saturday 12.11.1774
CO139/29 (273) Frances Sadler, George Cunningham, Samuel Laing, Margaret Bright Sadler and Ann Sadler. The Bill sponsors Mr Richards & Mr Hibbert (no father mentioned.)
CO139/31 (289) Mary Stott a free quadroon woman, John Thomas Ross, Francis Ross, John James Ross & AllanGeorge Ross reputed sons of Thomas Ross of the parish of St Catherine's, merchant. The Bill sponsors Mr Hibbert & Mr Pusey, 29 11 1774
CO139/31 (290) John Donaldson planter of the parish of Clarendon petitioned for same rights and privileges. 2.12.1774
CO139/31 (291) Edmund Hyde, Ann Hyde his wife, Dally Hyde, Sarah Hyde & Thomas Nicholas Swigle. No father mentioned. 15.12.1774
CO139/31 (292) Rebecca Souza, a mulatto & Rebecca Colt a mustee 16.12.1774
CO139/31 (293) Frances Clarke, Shirley Clarke, Ann Clarke, Robert Pawlett Clarke, Thomas Clarke and William Clarke reputed children of Robert Clarke of the parish of St Catherine's gentleman by Charlotte Pawlett a free mulatto woman. The Bill sponsored by Mr Iredell 23.12.1774
CO 139/31, (318) Eleanor Clifford, Mary Clifford, Frances Clifford, Martha Clifford, John Clifford Sarah Pennington daughter of Eleanor Clifford by a white man within two removes of white people all given full rights but not allowed to be members of the Assembly or council, 22.12.1775
CO 139/31, (319) Charity Harry a free mulatto woman (and any children that she has) to be entitled to the same rights, 5.11.1775
CO 139/31, (320) Elizabeth Goldson and her children Thomas Goldson, Elizabeth Goldson, William Goldson, John Goldson, Anne Goldson, George Spragge & Robert Spragge, 6.12.1775
CO 139/31, (321) Francis Jones, William Jones, John Jones, mustees the reputed children of John Jones esq.deceased. Had anwith an estate, given total privileges, 6.12.1775
CO 139/31, (322) James Duany, 18.12.1775
No such acts in CO139/32 & 33
CO139/34 (357) Elizabeth Hutchinson a free mulatto, her children Robert Duff Lyttlejohn and John Lyttlejohn, the reputed children of Alexander Lyttlejohn merchant 21.12.1776, (under certain restrictions)
CO139/34 (358) Elizabeth Duncan mulatto, Elizabeth Hook, Mary Hook, Margaret Hook, Henry Hook, William Hook, Thos Hook and John Hook, reputed children of Duncan Hook, merchant, by said Elizabeth Duncan, of the Parish of Cornwall, 21.12.1776 (under certain restrictions)
CO139/34 (359) Eleanor Barnes free mulatto, her children Nathaniel King, Anne Hylett wife of Robert Hylett coppersmith, reputed children of John King esq, 10.12.1776
CO139/34 (360) Sarah Walter Bolt, free quadroon her children Edward Strudwick and Theodosia Strudwick reputed children of Henry Strudwick esq (decd.) and Samuel Richard Lewis, John Lewis, Susannah Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Louisa Ann Lewis children of said Sarah Walters Bolt by John Lewis esq 7.12.1776
CO139/34 (361) Jane Sypmson a free quadroon woman 21.12.1776
CO139/34 (370) Anne Martin a free quadroon woman of the parish of St Catherines 6.12.1777
CO139/34 (371) William Tucker, a free quadroon man of the parish of St Mary 7.11.1777
CO139/34 (372) Mary Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Janet Williams, Charlotte Williams, Margaret Williams, Catherine Williams, Sarah, Williams John Williams, Thomas Williams, George Williams, John Russell Williams reputed children of John Williams esq of the parish of St Anne's, 27.11.1777
CO139/34 (374) Judith Hutt, free mulatto woman, Elizabeth Davidson, Mary Davidson, Judith Millward Benjamin Millward, James Laing John Laing children of Judith Hutt, William Wynne son of Elizabeth Davidson & Samuel Walters of the parish of St Andrews and Mary Walters children of Mary Davidson 5.12.1777
CO139/35 (393) Frances Shawditch a free mulatto, of the parish of Kingston, William Dann, Grace Dann, Rebecca Knowles, John Fisher, Grace Fisher children of Frances. 11.12.1777
CO139/36 (422) Thomas Hanlon, John Hanlon, Felix Hanlon, Elizabeth Hanlon mulattoes reputed children of Patrick Hanloon by Julia Boone a free negroe woman 3.12.1778 (Parish of Kingston)
CO139/36 (423) Elizabeth Foord a free quadroon, Elizabeth Foord, Jean Foord, Margaret Foord 3.12.1778 (Parish of Kingston)
CO139/37a, (445) John Ashbourne a free mulatto, 23.12.1779
CO139/37a, (446) John Breary of the Parish of St Anne a free quadroon 14.12.1779
CO139/37a, (447) William Wagg of the Parish of Kingston a free quadroon 23.12.1779
CO139/37a, (449) Bryan Mackay a free quadroon the reputed son of William Mackay, 17.4.1780
CO139/37a, (450) Johannah Gaul of the parish of St Thomas in the East and her children and grandchildren John McDermit, Samuel McDermit, Charles McDermit and Jannet McDermit and Johannah Troup, Elizabeth Troup, Mary and Elizabeth McDermit. 30.12.1780
CO139/37b (460) Mary Good, Sarah Good, Thomas Good mulattoes and James Curtis, Thomas Merchant, Andrew Yuel and Elizabeth Yuel, quadroons, 1.12.1780.
CO139/37b (465) George Wilson, Sarah Wilson, Margaret Davies, John Wilson Dunn, Sarah Vidal, Richard Davies, Thomas Davies, George Davies and Sarah Davies are possessed of lands and negroes but by "an unfortunate accident of birth" are liable to same penalties as free blacks and are given rights. [Unusual formulation.] 16.12.1780
CO139/37b (474) William Hiatt, John Hiatt, Edward Hiatt, Elizabeth Hiatt, Ann Hiatt and Eleanor Hiatt reputed children of John Hiatt esq, Parish of St Ann 30.12.1780
CO139/37b (478) Richard Jacob, John Jacob, Elizabeth Jacob mulattoes, Catherine McPherson and Elizabeth MacPherson the reputed children of William McPherson, Parish of St David. 22.12.1780
CO139/37b (479) James Cargill, free mulatto with some property, 12.1.1781
CO139/37c (496) Susannah Mitchell free mulatto and her children James Mitchell Davies the reputed son of James Davies esq decd and John Napier, Peter Napier, George Napier, Rachel Napier and Susannah Napier the reputed children of George Napier of the parish of Clarendon.
CO139/37d (519) Edward Brown and Anne his wife, mulattoes of the parish of Clarendon 21.12.1782 who owns property in the parish
CO139/37d (532) John Breary "had a liberal education in Great Britain and is possessed of a considerable estate". 21.12.1782 - (see Act 446.)
CO139/37d (534) John, Benjamin, Thomas, William Charlton, Eleanor and Elizabeth Candy White, the reputed children of Benjamin White gentleman late of the parish of St Catherine, by Jane McDonald a free negroe woman. 19.12.1782
CO139/37d (536) William Wright of Portland esq to settle his estate as he shall think fit notwithstanding the Act to "prevent exorbitant grants and devises to negroes". It is for Mary Wright, Susannah Wright, Rosamund Wright, George Wright, William Wright, White and Richard Else Wright. 22.2.1783
CO139/37d (537) Thomas Wynter to settle his estate as he shall think fit notwithstanding the Act to "prevent exorbitant grants and devises to negroes". It is for William Rose Wynter and Mary Mede his natural children. 1.3.1783
CO139/37d (538) Dugald Clarke of the parish of St Thomas in the East a free mulatto the reputed son of Dugald Clarke by Else Bayley a free mulatto, 1.3.1783 (see Act 204)
CO139/37d (539) John Ashbourne a free mulatto with considerable property in the parish of St Andrews, 21.12.1782 (a rewording of the original grant).
CO139/38 (548) Dorothy Manning, Thomas Manning, George Manning, free mulattos, of the parish of Clarendon 16.12.1783
CO139/38 (549) Sarah Bonner, Grace Bonner, free quadroons, Mary Bonner, Elizabeth Frances Bonner, John Bonner and Frances Wilson, free mustees, 16.12.1783
CO139/38 (551) Mary Pinnock a free mulatto & Charles Lord her son and William Thompson, Nancy Thompson, Molly Thompson and Archibald Thompson the reputed children of Archibald Thompson merchant of the parish of Kingston of the said Mary Pinnock, 16.12.1783
CO139/38 (557) Grace Needham, a free mulatto, Elizabeth Dikeman her daughter, William Thompson son of Elizabeth Dikeman, Mary Macduffie and Malcolm McDuffie reputed children of Malcolm McDuffie, the parish of St Thomas in the East, 16.12.1783
CO139/38 (559) Thomasina Rosslers, a free mustee woman, 16.12.1783
CO139/38 (563) Anne Williams, Catherine Williams, Sarah Williams, Eleanor Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Thomas Williams, Martin Williams and George Williams reputed children of Martin Williams esq of the parish of St James by Eleanor Williams a free negro woman, 16.12.1783 CO139/38 (564) Patrick Duncan, Edmund Duncan, Sarah Duncan reputed children by Patrick Duncan, planter by Sarah Gray a free mulatto woman, 16.12.1783 (St Ann)
CO139/39 (504) Elizabeth Bowen, a free mulatto of the parish of Westmoreland and her son Patrick Bowen Murray a free quadroon, 23.12.1784,
CO139/39 (589) Patrick Duncan exempt from law to "prevent exorbitant grants and devises to negroes" (He can now leave his money to his children.)
CO139/39 (590) Jane Charlotte Beckford, a free mulatto woman, and George French and Edward French free quadroons her children, 23.12.1784
CO139/39 (591) Sarah Morris free quadroon woman allowing her to leave her property to her natural daughter Charlotte Sterling despite Act to "prevent exorbitant grants and devises to negroes" and Charlotte Sterling to be given full rights and privileges. 23.12.1784 (see Act 58)
CO139/40 (602) Thomas Roper the younger and Joshua Roper, reputed sons of Thomas Roper esq of the parish of Portland, 23.12.1784
CO139/40 (605) Act for Thomas Roper esq. To will or dispose of his estate despite Act to "prevent exorbitant grants and devises to negroes" 23.12.1784
CO139/40 (609) An act to free two negro men, Grog and Isaac, the property of the Hon Simon Taylor esq of the parish of St Mary for their faithful services to the public. 23.12.1784
CO/139/41 (620) James Allen Gorse & Jane Gorse of the parish of Westmoreland, free quadroons, reputed children of John James Gorse, practitioner in Physic and surgery to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions. 24.12.1785
CO/139/41 (621) Jonathan James, a free quadroon man, John James, Montague James & Elen James and Jonathan James junior, John James junior, Anne James and William Rhodes James the sons and daughters of the said John James senior to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions. 24.12.1785
CO/139/41 (622) Sarah Reade, Anne Reade, free quadroons, the reputed daughters of Laurence Reade of Kingston, merchant, deceased by Mary Barrow, a free mulatto woman also deceased to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions. 24.12.1785
CO/139/41 (624) Susanna White, Charles White, James White free mulattoes and John Crawley White, Richard Crawley White and Catherine Gowie free quadroons of the parish of St George the sons and daughters of the said Susanna White and Alexander Gowie and Mary Anne White the lawful wife of the said John Crawley White and Mary White the daughter of the said John Crawley White to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions. 24.12.1785
CO/139/42 (649) Sarah Fisher of the parish of St Ann's, a free mulatto woman and Benjamin Hull, William Hull, James Hull, John Fisher Hull, Henry James Hull & Ann Sarah Hull, the reputed sons and daughters of William Hull of St Anns by the said Sarah Fisher and also Elizabeth Margaret Craig and Charles Robert Craig the reputed son and daughter of Robert Craig of the same place, planter, by the said Sarah Fisher to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions. 23.12.1786 (Unusually John Fisher Hull, Henry James Hull & Ann Sarah Hull, infants and all quadroons are to be sent to England to be bound apprentices and thus given a trade to keep themselves.)
CO/139/43 (654) Robert Hilton Anguin, Sarah Hilton Anguin, John Anguin & Frances Anguin free quadroons, the reputed children of John Anguin of the parish of St Annes by Frances Jones a free mulatto woman lately deceased to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions. 22.12.1787
CO/139/43 (656) An act to enable John Anguin to leave his money to anyone of colour despite the past Acts of the Assembly. 22.12.1787
CO/139/43 (660) John Lynch a free mulatto, Elizabeth his wife a free quadroon woman & Grace Anne Lynch, Elizabeth Banton Lynch, Mark Lynch, Eleanor Banton Lynch, Margaret Banton Lynch, Frances Jane Lynch, John Saunders Lynch, Benjamin Banton Lynch, Priscilla Lynch & William Lynch born in lawful wedlock to the said Elizabeth to the same rights and privileges under certain restrictions. 22.12.1787
CO/139/43 (666) Penelope Brewer of the parish of St George a free mulatto woman and John Ashton, a free man of colour and Helen Ashton his wife, the daughter of the said Penelope Brewer to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions. 22.12.1787
CO/139/43 (668) Repeats 649 above relating to the Hull family. 22.12.1787
CO/139/44 (nothing)
CO/139/45 (692) Anne Fleming of the Parish of the parish of St Andrew, a free mulatto woman to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1788
CO/139/45 (693) Samuel Smith Facey and Lydia Facey, Elizabeth Facey, Dorothy Facey and Philip Facey free mulattos of the Parish of St Catherine's the reputed children of the late Sampson Facey of that parish and Elizabeth Bagnold, MaryBagnold, Thomas Bagnold, Susanna Bagnold, Joseph Bagnold and John Bagnold the reputed children of Thomas Bagnold by the said Lydia Facey to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1788
CO/139/45 (694) Richard Clarke of the parish of St Catherines and Rose Clarke of the parish of Port Royal, free quadroons, to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1788
CO/139/45 (697) To enable John Russell to dispose of his estate as he shall think fit in favour of his natural children Alexander Russell a free mulatto and Isabel Russell, Elizabeth Russell and Jennett Russell, free quadroons. 6.12.1788
CO/139/45 (698) As above in 697 with the same names to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1788
CO/139/45 (699) Alice Giles, a free quadroon woman of the parish of Kingston to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1788
CO/139/45 (700) Theodore Leslie, Alexander Leslie, George Leslie, James Leslie, Jean Leslie, free mulattos the reputed children of George Leslie of the parish of Westmoreland to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1788
CO/139/45 (701) George Cunningham, Samuel Laing and Margaret Bright Sadler, free mustees to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1788
CO/139/46 (723) William Sylvester, George Sylvester, Edward Sylvester, Elizabeth Sylvester, Sarah Sylvester, Margaret Sylvester, Mary Sylvester and Martha Sylvester of the Parish of St James free mulattos and Edward Martin, Francis Martin, Elizabeth Martin and Jane Martin free quadroons the several children of the said Sarah Sylvester, Henry Gibbs, a free quadroon son of the said Margaret Sylvester and Henry Ward a free quadroon son of the said Martha Sylvester to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 19.11.1789
CO/139/46 (732) see. It gives the right of George Leslie to leave his money to those named in Act 700 above.19.11.1789
CO/139/46 (733) Elizabeth Robertson of the Parish of Kingston, a free quadroon woman and her several children Sarah Stiles, Cuthbert Thornhill, Anne Robertson Gibbs, Walter Gibbs and Catherine Swainson, free mustees, to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 5.11.1789
CO/139/46 (734) Catherine Thomson, a free quadroon woman of County Surrey to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 20.11.1789
CO/139/46 (735) Frances Pedder of the parish of Kingston, a free quadroon woman and her several children James Ellis, Richard Ellis, Elizabeth Jane Campbell, Edward Rowley, Joshua Rowley, free mustees, to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 20.11.1789
CO/139/46 (749) Sarah Wallace of the Parish of Kingston, free mulatto, Jane Frazier and Elizabeth Delpratt free quadroons, daughters of the said Sarah Wallace and Michael Parker, Hannah Parker, Samuel Delpratt Campbell, John Delpratt Campbell, free mustees the several children of the Sarah Delpratt and William Steele, John Steele, Jane Steele and Thomas Charles Cadogan, free mustees, children of Jane Frazier and Elena Delpratt Allardyce, Martha Delpratt Allardyce, free mustees, children of the said Elizabeth Delpratt to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 20.11.1789
CO/139/47 (771) George Bedward of the Parish of Westmoreland to leave his estate to his grandson, George James Bedward a free quadroon, 10.12.1790
CO/139/47 (772) George James Bedward a free quadroon, to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 10.12.1790
CO/139/47 (774) Frances Bowen Baker of the Parish of Westmoreland, a free mustee woman and Robert Bowen Baker, John Wedderburn Baker, Francis Bowen Baker, William Baker, George Bridges Rodney Baker, Jane Baker and Frances Baker the several children of the said Frances Bowen Baker to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 10.12.1790
CO/139/47 (775) Mary Blake of the Parish of Kingston a free mulatto woman and James Blake and John Blake free mulatto men, the reputed children of Nicholas Blake decd; late of the parish of St Elizabeth, Margaret Dunbar a free quadroon, daughter of the said Mary Blake and Sabena Eleanor Tierney, Margaret Robertson, Francis William Robertson and Mary Anne Robertson the infant children of the said Margaret Dunbar to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 10.12.1790
CO/139/47 (776) Thomas McGhie, Mary McGhie, free mulattoes, the reputed children of Robert McGhie of the parish of Trelawney by Sarah McGhie a free negro woman to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 10.12.1790
CO/139/47 (800) Susanna Freeman Ripley, Anne Freeman Ripley, Mary Freeman Ripley, Elizabeth Freeman Ripley, free mulattos, and Frances Riply Edie, Thomas Edie, Ebenezer Edie, Alexander Edie, Ann Edie, free quadroons, the reputed children of Ebenezer Edie gentleman by the said Elizabeth Freeman Ripley to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 9.12.1791
CO/139/47 (801) Francis Green, Elizabeth Anne Green, Sarah Green, Margaret Green, Anne Darby Green, Catherine Green, Daniel Green, and John Henry Green, free mulattos, the reputed chidren of David Rodrigues Candingo of the parish of Kingston merchant by the late Anne Darby deceased, a free black woman, to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 9.12.1791
CO/139/47 (802) To enable John Heath of St Annes to leave his estates to his reputed children 9.12.1791
CO/139/47 (803) Charles McDermott, Mary McDermott, Catherine McDermott, Thomas McDermott, Jane McDermott, Elizabeth McDermott, free mulattos, the reputed children of Charles McDermott of the parish of St Anne by Mary Cyrus, a free black woman, to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 9.12.1791
CO/139/47 (818) Susannah Young of the parish of St Elizabeth, a free mulatto woman and her children William Salmon, John Salmon, Charles Salmon, Edward Salmon, Sarah Salmon, Anne Salmon, Susannah Salmon, free quadroons, to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 16.12.1791
CO/139/47 (846) Daniel Saa, a free mulatto, Thomas Saa the reputed son of the said Thomas Saa by Anne Parke a free mulatto woman to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 19.12.1792
CO/139/47 (858) Elizabeth Bailey of the parish of St Catherine, a free mulatto woman, and her several children Dennis Cooke, Charles Cooke, Catherine Cooke, Thomas Barnfield Tyndale, Mary Barnfield Tyndale, free quadroons to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 21.12.1792
CO/139/47 (859) Colinet Mcneil of the parish of St Mary, a free quadroon woman and her children John Nicholas Baker and Sarah Baker, free Mustees to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 21.12.1792
CO/139/47 (860) Eleanor Thomas and Juliet Thomas of the parish of St Catherine, free mulatto women and Edward Henry Lyon and Benjamin Lyon, free quadroons the children of the said Eleanor Thomas to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 21.12.1792
CO/139/48 (873) Thomas Drummond, Esther Drummond, Adair Drummond and John Drummond, free mulattos, reputed children of John Drummond of the parish of Westmoreland, practitioner in physic and surgery to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1793
CO/139/48 (918) Robert Kuckahn, Edward Kuckahn, Samuel Kuckahn, William Kuckahn, Thomas Kuckahn, Jane Kuckahn, Mary Kuckahn, Anne Kuckahn, free mulattos, the reputed children of Jesser Samuel Kuckahn of the parish of St Andrews, to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1793
CO/139/48 (919) Frances a free mulatto woman of the parish of Kingston and her children Robert Steinson, Alexander Steinson, Maria Steinson, Charlotte Steinson, Stewart Steinson, Fanny Steinson, free quadroons to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1793
CO/139/48 (920) Ann Middleton of the parish of Kingston, a free mulatto woman, and her children Clotworthy Bruce, Rosanna Bogle, Anne Bogle, Archibald Bogle, George Bogle, Hugh Bogle and Janet Bogle, free quadroons, to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 6.12.1793
CO/139/48 (921) Thomas Young, Sarah Young and John Young of the parish of Port Royal, free quadroons, the reputed children of Richard Young, mariner, deceased late of that parish to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 19.12.1794
CO/139/48 (922) Anne Evans of the parish of Kingston, a free mulatto woman, and her several children named Sarah Evans, Frances Cathamah, Anne Deane, Dorothy Henry free quadroons and Anne Deane Clark and James Deane Clarke, free mustees, the children of the said Dorothy Henry to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 19.12.1794
CO/139/48 (923) Sarah Spragges of the parish of Port Royal, a free quadroon woman and her several children Edmund Baillie Lemoin, Anthony Duart and Sarah Duart, free mustees, to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 19.12.1794
CO/139/48 (924) John Moncrieff of the Parish of St Mary's, a free quadroon man, a planter and Milborough his wife and their several children Mary Moncrieff, Benjamin Scott Moncrieff, Elizabeth Moncrieff, John Moncrieff, Jean Moncrieff, Milborough Moncrieff, Anne Maria Moncrieff to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 19.12.1794
CO/139/48 (926) Act for rewarding and making free a sambo man slave, George on the Lancaster estate. in the parish of St Elizabeth, property of the heirs of Sam Warren Foster decd. 19.12.1794
CO/139/48 (950) Anne Davis of the parish of St Thomas a free mulatto woman and her several children George Omealley, Bridget Omealley and Anne Omealley, the reputed children of John Omealley esq of St John in the Vale to all rights and privileges under certain restrictions 19.12.1794
CO/139/49 (1,097) William Ferguson, Richard Ferguson, Charles Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson, John Ferguson, Mary Ferguson, Sarah Ferguson, Elizabeth Ferguson, Catherine Ferguson, and Jean Ferguson, free mulattos, the reputed sons and daughters of James Ferguson of the parish of Trelawney. 13 12 1799
CO/139/50 (1,138) George Thompson a free quadroon, the reputed son of Robert Thompson of the parish of Kingston esquire and to John Thompson a free quadroon the reputed son of the said Robert Thompson. 26.1.1801
CO/139/50 (1,139) William Duncan, a free quadroon, the reputed son of Patrick Duncan , planter of the parish of St Anne, deceased, by Sarah Grey a free mulatto woman. 26.1.1801
CO/139/50 (1,179) John Douglas, Sholto Douglas, Archibald Douglas, Robert Douglas, Edmund Douglas, Catherine Douglas, and Elizabeth Douglas, free quadroons and the reputed children of Peter Douglas of the parish of St John in the county of Middlesex to the same rights and privileges under certain restrictions 7.12.1801
CO139/51 (1,213) John Davidson, Peter Davidson, James Davidson, Margaret Davidson and Janet Davidson, free quadroons and reputed children of Mary Hay a free woman of colour of the parish of St Mary to the same rights and privileges under certain restrictions. 18.12.1802
CO139/51 (1,240) To emancipate the slave Samuel Banbury under certain restrictions. 18.12.1802
CO 139/52-57 There are no more acts granting privileges up to the end of 1810. There are probably no more until the repeal of the Act of 1762. There is
CO139/56 Emancipation of Affleck, a servant of governor Eyre Coote, being taken to England and who by law is not allowed to leave the island as a slave.
25 July 2000
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