
7:54:58 PM    Opening "Slaves 5/19/98"

Online Host:  

EdwardBall:   has entered the room.


EdwardBall:   GFS Angela?  I'm here.

GFS Angela:   yes you made it!!!!

EdwardBall:   Evening to everyone.


GFS Angela:   

One Minute To Curtain Time.

:Good Evening Everyone!!!!

WELCOME to a very special   evening that we have planned!

This evening we are most fortunate to have a nationally known visitor to our

meeting..........Mr Edward Ball who is author  Of the pivotal work

"slaves in the family." before he begins i wish to thank all

of you for coming and showing your interest and support.

Many thanks to our leader and Dr. Valencia King Nelson who is the mentor 

of most of us here online and a special welcome to our guest Mr Edward Ball.


Thanks, Angela.

GFS Angela:   

To Introduce Our Speaker This Evening.....

The Leader Of The Genealogy Forum

George Ferguson Is Here.(GFL George)

Who Will Introduce Our Speaker To You.

Gfs Angela:   Let Us Give Him Our Attention At This Time

GFL George:   

Thank You Angela


GFL George:   

I would like to welcome you all to the African American SIG

in the Golden Gate Genealogy Forum on America Online.


GFL George:   

We are  pleased this evening to welcome Mr. Edward Ball

author of the book, "Slaves in the Family".  Edward Ball opens his 

book with an old family joke.  "There are five thing we don't talk 

about in the Ball family," his father would say.  "Religion, sex, 

death, money, and the Negroes."   The Ball family of the low country 

of South Carolina made its money growing rice on more than 20 

plantations.  The Balls enslaved almost 4,000 Blacks between 1698 and 1865. 


GFL George:

       Mr. Ball is a former Village Voice columnist and a descendant of 

one of the South's largest slaveholding families.  He has chosen to open 

the doors to this terrible family past, and feels compelled to come to 

terms with the plantation past.  He has researched thousands of documents.  

He has interviewed family  and descendants of former slaves in the United 

States, and has interviewed descendants of slave traders in Africa.  His 

book paints a fascinating and compelling portrait of one family's history 

and the lives of the many that they enslaved. 


We in the Genealogy Forum are very proud and honored to present to 

you Mr Edward Ball, Mr. Ball...!


Thanks, George.


I began Slaves in theFamily in 1994, after attending a  family reunion 

in South Carolina.I had been living in New York,working as a print journalist.

When I was a child, my father used to tell me stories about the plantations

once owned by our ancestors. 


The first member of the family got into  plantation slavery in 1698, 

and the last got out when stragglers from Sherman's Army arrived on 

the lawns of the plantations to force emancipation.  As George said,

between those two dates, the Balls enslaved close to 4,000 Africans 

and African Americans. My calculation is that the descendants of those 

workers numbhe  black and 

white famlies who lived on the Balls' rice plantations, and part journalism

tell the story of my attempt to find and my meetings with, descendants of

"Ball slaves."  George, do you want to start with a question?**

GFS Angela:   

Mr. Ball, we will have questions asked first by one of our 

staffers..... GFSMarol.....Marol, the floor is yours..


GFS Marol:    

What were the primary motivations, for you, in beginning 

the search for "Slaves in the Family"?


       (I'll Go Into Caps For Easier Reading.)

I Was Born In Savannah, Ga, And Raised In Louisiana, Florida, And  South 

Carolina.  Although As A Family We All Knew About The Ball Plantations, 

What We Knew Most About Were "Us"--The People In The Big Houses.  

My Father Never Said Much About The Slaves.  Theirs Was An Untold Story. 

I Wanted To Put Their Lives On An Equal Footing With The Lives Of The 

Whites, To Learn About What They Overcame, What They Laughed At, Wore,

How They Worked, Loved, Worshiped.  i Wanted To Tell A Black And White 

Story--Not A Black Story, Not A White One, But A Shared Tale.**

GFS Marol:    

Will you provide a brief summary of your findings?



I Found That The Descendants Of The Last Generation Of People Enslaved 

By The Balls, Based On Normal Rates Of Increase, Migration, And Other 

Variables, Number, As I Said, Between 75,000 And 100,000 People.

about Half The Families Remain In The South, Half Live Elsewhere.  Most 

Of Those Who Left Did So After 1920, And Especially After 1945.  From SC

.they Went North Along The East Coast.


I've Met With About 100 People Whose Ancestors Lived On Ball Plantations.

they Are The People I Wrote About.  They Belong To About Fifteen Famlies. 

They're Middle Class, They're Wage Workers, They're Educated, Illiterate,

Light-skinned, Dark, Christian, Atheist--They Are A Cross Section Of Black

 Americans. While On A 25-City Book Tour In February And March, i Met More 

People, And Others Continue To Contact Me.**

GFS Marol:    

What were any personal and/or institutional barriers in researching

 and documenting your findings?


:I had to overcome my own fear.  

There were,I think, about 350,000 slave owners at the start of 

The civil war.  Their descendants number in the tens of millions, and

we all know who we are.  But we guard the legacy carefully, and don't 

Speak freely about it.  The descendants of slave owners are afraid of being

scapegoated.  Getting over a nameless fear was a personal obstacle, but 

It was also a reason to do the work.in addition, gaining the trust

of black families--that is, getting over their suspicion and fear: i wouldn't

call that an obstacle so much as a reason to go ahead.

,to have catharsis, to try to get further understanding, to release 

some of the poisons left in the wound, to get relief--all of which came after

we got over our fear of one another.**

GFS Marol:    

In your book, you spoke of some opposition of familymembers to 

your researching and writing the book.  Since the book's publication 

have there been any changes in their feelings toward your work and

having written the book?


I'd say the family has taken a hard blow from this book, and is recovering 

from the shock, but is becoming stronger from it, more able to talk about 

the hard stuff. A few familiy members offered support when i began work 

on the book; now that it's done, many more have stepped forward to put their

 approval behind it.there is some gossip that "cousin ed" dwelled on the bad 

parts--the violence, the black and white sex, the enslavement of children. 

 And a small group are focused on One or two details about people they knew, 

and say it got things wrong.  Mainly they're hurt that i didn't kiss the feet 

of our ancestors, but depicted them as i found them in their papers and 

account books.  The Book has certainly given us all something to talk about.**

GFS Marol:    

Considering the opposition of family, and the difficulty of the task, what 

was the catalyst which made you actually start to begin the book?


It happened in the aftermath of a family reunion a few years

ago.  As i mentioned, i was living in new york and decided to attend

this event after many years away from charleston.  Once there,

the stories we told each other--about our ancestors' funny manners, 

their wigs, their loves and hijinks--these were quaint southern stories that left

most of life out of the picture.  I thought it was necessary, that's all.

About time, i thought, that someone from a family like

my own came forward with a straight story about plantation life.**

GFS Marol:    

Many of us saw you on Oprah when you extended an apology to Katie Roper. 

 Are you of the belief that the U.S. should apologize to African Americans

 for slavery, as has been discussed in recent years?


I think that ultimately there should be an apology, but

not right now, because it would not represent the consensus of american 

opinion.  It would be false, and would breed resentment among whites.  

An apology, to be effective for both blacks and whites, to give something to 

Both sides, would need a much better understanding of what slavery

was, and has meant to us, as americans.what would help even more than

an apology, i think, would be some monuments.  We need monuments 

To the slave trade, to the plantations, to auction houses for people... 

Places where people can go and remember, mourn, reflect, and make 

pilgrimage.  We need a museum of slavery.  An institution like hat,

and places of remembrance,might do more.**

GFS Marol:    

What benefit do you feel you have today because your ancestors owned slaves?


I have not financial capital handed down from the slave days, but I

 have much cultural capital. By cultural capital i mean access

to education, housing, and work, freedom of movement, and other 

Entitlements--all things that come to white americans automatically, 

But black americans have to reach for.  The ball family plantations   

Collapsed as a business before the year 1900, and the land was

sold cheaply to pay taxes.there was no inheritance that was

passed down; my grandfather and father had none, and i was a scholarship

student who borrowed money from the government for college tuition.

The social advantages of being a member of a family like my own

are dubious.  Within the small society like charleston, s.c., there may be

measurable benefits (less so for me, now that i've written this book); but

once you leave the state, it's a subject that cannot be brought up

without risk.**

GFS Marol:    

Do you believe that Blacks deserve reparations?


There should be discussion of reparations, but i don't know where it would 

lead, or should lead.black appeals for reparations deserve a fair hearing, 

but the argument faces an uphill drive against majority opinion. The best 

we can hope for at this point is for more americans to entertain the 

reasons why people are asking for reparations,instead of dismissing the 

subject, as it often is done.

I was in Sierra Leonne last year, and the question was put to me many times

 by journalists and others there: "will the u.s.pay reparations to africa for 

the slave trade?"  Few could accept how far this country is from such an act

, and the same goes domestically.**


GFS Marol:    

Are Black people better or worse off because of slavery?


Worse off, of course, because the purposeful underdevelopment of black

 potential during slavery and for a century and more after it ended.  But 

slavery, also of course, gave the world beautiful music and art,profound 

religious traditions,fantastic humor (some of the bestjokes are at the 

expense of maussa), black self-reliance,and other traits that it would 

be wrong to overlook.**

GFS Marol:    

Thank you Mr. Ball.  At this time I would like to turn the stage back 

over to GFS Angela.

GFS Angela:   

Thank you GFSMarol. 

Mr. Ball several of our members have forwarded questions to me also to

present to you....I present a few of them here before we open the floor

for questions from the audience.

GFS Angela:   

One of our members LBAll, wishes

to know if your research has indicated whether many of the former slaves

kept the surname BALL after they were freed?


Maybe one in twenty took the name ball after 1865.  The majority 

took surnames from ten or twentymiles away.  My research Suggests 

that, at least in the s.c. Low country, it was unusual

efor black families to adopt the surname of their former owner.**

GFS Angela:   

Did you find any pattern or relocating from  SC and moving to other states

such as MS or Ohio after becomeing free?


The Path Of Migration Was Usually Straight North, To D.C., 

Baltimore,  Philadelphia, N.y., Boston.  In The 1950s And 1960s People 

Began Moving Throughout The Country. I Found No Specific Migration 

To Ohio Or Ms.**

GFS Angela:   

Another member KGomill asks if the surname Gomillion surfaced 

in your research. this was a name prominent around Edgefield 



No, i'm afraid it did not.  96, of course, is way west of the coastal 

rice plantation district. Most of the families i studied stayed, 

during slavery, in the same place.**

GFS Angela:   

CHY2 asks about the surname MUNN among the former slaves?


No, i Don't Recall It.  However, If You Get My Book, In One Of The 

Last Chapters I List All The Surnames Taken By Former Ball Slaves. 

There Were About 130 Of Them.**

GFS Angela:   

A few more general questions.....

while on your book tour you indicated that you feel that a new project

might emerge from the reaction of many persons to your book.

Would you please share with ouraudience what shape your

new project is taking and of what it may consist?


I Haven't Got News For You On That Score.  i Just Stopped 

Traveling At The End Of April, And Am Gathering My Thoughts. 

 Any Ideas From You Would Be Welcome.**

GFS Angela:   

Now that your book is out, many persons have made 

discoveries about their own families.One of our regular members

here on AOL has been able to add 3 generations to her family 

resulting from your research,and has been in contact with you 

This situatio might repeat itself many times  over the next few 

years.If others wish to contact you are you available for ushc contact 

from your  readers?


To Contact Me, It's Best To Write Me A Letter:

Edward Ball, 

c/o Farrar, Straus & Giroux,                     

19 Union Square West, 

New York Ny 10003. **

GFS Angela:

At this time we will open the floor to our audience

many of whom have questions that they would

like to ask you directly.


GFS Angela:   

We will ask that those with questions for you,please  indicate them

with the symbol ?

If you have comment please indicate it 

with the symbol !

GFS Angela:   

GFSSelma, can you tell us from whom the 

first question comes?


GFS Selma:    The first question is from EWhack

              SADONYA:      she left wanted to know if he had any Oakman


No Oakman.  Tell Her To Have At Look In Chapter 16 Of My Book 

For The Surnames.**


              AVande7517:   ?What documents did you used to get back to 

              1698 in SC?


              Roots N SC:   ? When doing your research, did you find any good source 

              records for slavery in SC?


Many Sources, a World Of Them.the Two Or Three Best Places 

Are The South Caroliniana Library In Columbia, Sc; The State Archives In

That City; And The S.c. Historical Society In Charleston.  Much, Much

Can Be Uncovered About People, Including Biographical Details,

From Close Study Of The Surviving Records.**


              Roots N SC:   Thank you.

              BCraft1608:   Do you know of a SC slave holder--Ann Heatly Lovell?


No, But There Were Thousands Of Slaveholders, Of Course.**

              Mzinga:       ?Mr. Ball, do you know what happened to slaves who were 

sold (or taken) away from the BALL plantations? Were they sold to 

others in the area, sold inland, or sold further south? Also, did any 

Balls own plantations elsewhere?


That's The Most Difficult And Agonizing Question.  Some Were Sold After A

 Run-in They Might Have Had With Overseers. Some Were Sold Because A 

Playboy Needed Money.  Some Were Transferredbetween Ball Plantations.  

The Most Common Event Precipitating A Sale Would Be The Death Of A Ball 

Patriarch.  In 1819 There Was An Auction Of 350 Peoplewhose Destinies 

Cannot Be Reconstructed, Although It Is Likely That These Famlies Were 

Forced To Walk Across Georgia, Ala., And Mississippi To New Cotton Plantations 

There. The Records Of The Slave Buyers And Middlemen Are, At Least In S.c., 

Simply Not Good Enough To Say What Happened To People.  Having

,Said That, However, There Was One Case Of A Family Sold By The Balls 

To Another Slaveowning Clan, The Manigaults, Who Had A Plantation On T

he Savannah River.  Six Or Seven People In That Family, In About 1847, R

an Away From The Manigault Place Twice, And Were Recaptured.  They Later 

Died, All Of Them, From  Some Disease.  Good Luck Researching This--It's An

 Important Aspect Of The Legacy That Should Be Told.**

              Mzinga:       Thank you for your insightful answers!

              Jawote:       ? did slaves take a overseeers name as a surname


Interesting.  Some Took The Namemcknight, Which Was That Of An  Overseer, 

But Most Took The Names Of Slaveowning Families Who Didn't Live In The 

Neighborhood, Like (In The Case Of The Balls), Simmons, Manigault, 

Cordes, Gadsden, Vanderhorst, Etc.**

              DrCRG1:       ?Edward, how are you most changed by this endeavor?


I've Released Fear.**


              PercyPC:      ?I appreciate the resistance you received-I'm trying to get 

info from family, My ancestors were sons of owner.How else can I get 

some of the slave info from family?.


Good Luck.  Keep Trying.**....

A Family Has Many Parts.try The Younger Members; Write

Them Cordial Letters, Try To Gainth Their Curiosity.  It May Be That They

Don't Have Information, Anyway.the Family Papers Might Have Been

Deposited In An Archive Somewhere,And Those Are What You Really Want.**

              PercyPC:      Thanks!

              AudreyB951:   Did you have any sources for information about Kate Wilson?  

I am her gggranddaughter here in Atl..



Hi!  You Must Know Edwina Whitlock And Mae Gentry And The Gang.

,Have A Look In My Book In The Chapter About The Harleston Family.  There Are

Footnotes With Sources.  Some Of It Is Oral Tradition, And Bits And Pieces

Are Paper Documentation.**

              Kdberr:       I belong to genealogy listservs and it's hard to motivate 

whites to share their info. Any suggestions?



About Whites Sharing Data, What Responses Do You Get, Kdberr? **


              Kdberr:       Responses range from helpful to re-fighting the Civil War.

 A lot of guilt and explanations.A lot of times, nothing.


It Sounds Like The State Of Current Conversation On Race In General.  

i Don't Have A Magic Key.  i Mean, Genealogy Is Traditionally A Way 

That Insecure People Use To Connect Themselves To A History Greater 

Than Themselves, And Find Distant Glory In The Past. So I'm Not 

Surprised You Have Trouble.try All Of Your Wiles: Perseverence, 

Cordiality, Intellectual Lures,And So On.  i Imagine You'll Have Spotty 

Luck. Of Course Blacks Do Genealogy For Other Reasons, But Traditionally 

Genealogy, As Used For Generations By The Daughters Of The American 

Revolution And That Kind Of Person, Is Not A Pure Sport.**

GFS Angela:   Caryacrack go ahead


The Descendants Of The Ball Slaves, If I Had To Generalize,    Which Is

 Dangerous Because Everyone

Has A Particular Way Of Assimilatingthe Legacy Of Slavery, And Therefore 

Has Had A Different Way Of Dealing With Me--But To Generalize, They Reacted

 Initially With Shock.  They Were Stunned That I Had Come Into Their Lives. 

 They Were Also Suspicious, In Some Cases, That I Was Not To Be Trusted.  

Usually I Brought To The Table Research About Their Family Background--

The Names Of Their Ancestors, Where They Lived, What They Did, Whether

 They Tried To Escape--That They Themselves Did Not Have.  And This Helped

 Set The Tone Of Our Relationship. After We Spent Some Weeks And Many

 Visits With One Another, Gradually We Developed Mutual Trust, And Became 

Part Of Each Other's Lives.**

              Caryacrack:   Edward, were any of them openly hostile to you?


Two Or Three Were Openly Hostile, But I Expected Many People

 To Be Bitter. i Think My Desire To Reconcile Was Obvious Once 

We Sat Down, And That Made Some Difference.  However, There 

Were Some People Who Refused To Talk With Me, And We Could 

Not Even Make That First Step.**

              AVande7517:   ? Where the Vanderhorst's apart of your research?


There Were Former Ball Slaves Who Took The Name Vanderhorst.  

Some Of Them Came From A Place Called Comingtee Plantation,25 

Miles North Of Charleston.  But I Didn't In The End Meet Any Of Their

 Descendants. Have A Look At My Book And See If The Places And People In It

Ring A Bell With Any Of The Old Folks In Your Family.**

              P FShands:    Mr Ball...As you meet the general public presenting 

your book could you do us a favor and let people know  their wills 

and bill of sales should be out on the net to help others trace their roots


              AVande7517:   EDWARD thanks


As I Go Around Giving Talks, i Make a Point Of Urging People Who Have 

Plantation Papers In Their Possession To Give Them To Archives Or 

University Libraries In The Counties Where The Plantations They

Concern once Stood.**


              KGomill411:   Did you come across white young jpeople

              doing reasearch also?


I Don't Believe So, But Have A Look At Chapter 16.**

Evross358:    Most people that are none black, would have other 

reasons for genealogy than black people, in my opinion.

              KGomill411:   Were the plantations the same in upper SC

              as well a lower SC?

GFS Angela:   

KGomill what do you mean, young white people researching slaves?

              KGomill411:   I actually meant doing research on their

              ancestors who were slave owners?


              Kristel360:   NoodleDee, I am still confused by that 

              statement he made.


I've Met Plenty Of People Of The Type I Mentioned Earlier--

Those  Who Want To Associate Themselves With Wealth And 

Early American History.  I've Met Some People Who Are 

Interested In Researching Their Own (Slaveowning) Families 

For Better Reasons.  i Hope To Meet More.**

              KGomill411:   Do you think that the white descendants may be

              leary of Blacks researching and finding out about their ancestors

              Elizabe309:   Last month I gave a lecture to my DAR 

              chapter on black genealogy. 

              Elizabe309:   The response was wonderful and many came

              up and said they had info to share


              PercyPC:      KGomil, no kidding!

              Waiwai001:    AA he gave an address earlier , where to reach him

              Mzinga:       ?Was wondering if any BALLs married and migrated elsewhere

              Mzinga:       with their slaves (away from the rice plantations)??

              Kdberr:       He doesnt confuse me! He's describing "*my* people came over

               in the Mayflower'' syndrome! Mine didnt!


              KGomill411:   I didn't get to my point, Percy P

              AA6JZ: Sorry...

              Caryacrack:   KD, I hear ya


Eventually We Will Get Somethinglike A Shared History, White 

With Black, Side By Side, Which Is After All The Way We Have 

Lived As      a Nation.  Just Now We Have A Curiously Segregated 

History, Black Story telling On One Side, And White On The Other.     

If We Pull Together We Can  Do Better.**

GFS REB:      

GFS Angela:   GFSMarol, you have a comment or observation?

GFS Marol:    I wanted to credit the Genealogy Staff and Pittsburg,

 PA Chapter of AAHGS for their questions I posed earlier.

GFS Marol:    I also had a question

GFS Angela:   go ahead Marol.


GFS Marol:    How many of the slave descendants chose to use ficticious 

names in your book?


Yes, Elizabeth, i Heard Your Comment.we Need More Of That.**


In Answer To Gfs Marol, i Think Two Or Three Chose To Use 

Fictitious Names.**

GFS Marol:    Thank you.


GFS Angela:   

We have to dim our lights..........

this has been an  incredible evening!!!!!!!!!!   I wish to personally 

thank Mr. Edward BALL       for joining us this evening.By the way....

for any of our Old timers......you might recall one EdBall in the 

SIG..  Mr. Ball did occaasionally   join us a couple of years ago.

              NOTLAWFSM2:   Mr Ball I really enjoyed your talk 

              GFS Selma:    Clap, Clap

              MaryT73352:   Applause!!!

              Mzinga:       were USCT. 

              Caryacrack:   Thank you Mr. Ball

              Mazie325:     thanks Angela

              Waiwai001:    *applause*

..            Spburriss:    This has been an excellent, excellent presentation and question and answer period.  

              Kdberr:       Yes Angela this has been great. thanks to Ed Ball and the Afrigeneas folks!!!!

              AudreyB951:   Thank you for inviting Ed Ball.  This was great !

              Mzinga:       Bravo Bravo Bravo

              ADailey720:   Applause!!!

GFS REB:      *applause*

              LBall3466:    <>o..

              KGomill411:   Applause, I really enjoyed this!

EdwardBall:   My Pleasure Being Here.**

              Caryacrack:   Percy, please mail me sometime....I would love to chat

              Bipsylou:     Thanks loads!!

GFS Marol:    CLAP, CLAP, CLAP! Thank you so much for speaking to us this evening!

GFS Angela:   it is GREAT to have you back

              SpeedRoots:   Hi Cary

              NOTLAWFSM2:   Thank you all for the experience especially GFS Angela

              CREATVCNCP:   Applause  and  hope to meet  when???

              PercyPC:      THANKS EDWARD and Great Job!

              SandraBM:     Great presentation!!!

              Caryacrack:   hey speed, you were so quiet

              NOTLAWFSM2:   who made it all possible

              JSherbs:      Thanks Mr. Ball,  very interesting

              LBall3466:    Hi to everyone This Evening matter of fact !  {{}}

              COMPBEN:      THANKS1111

GFS Angela:   and we congratulate you on your tremendous 

work!!!!!!!! Many Thanks To You For Your Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks For The Forum.  Everyone:Keep Working, And Reach Out To 

Those White Folks Who Might Be Your Relatives, Too.  They Need To 

Know, And Come To Terms.**

              Waiwai001:    THANK YOU! Mr Ball

              KGomill411:   Thank you, Edward, I must get your book!

              Evross358:    This was a great and interesting evening, thank you, Mr. Ball

              COMPBEN:      I Am Enjoyimg Your Book!!

GFS Angela:   

The formal part of this session has ended, and many thanks     to all of you for

joining us here!!! I appreciate the adjustments that all of you have made 

to this room  with the double screen a new one for all to work with.

              ARGYTMC:      Very interesting presentation.

.             Spburriss:    Honor To All Our Ancestors!!!!!

              NoodleDee:      yes ALL of them

              NOTLAWFSM2:   How long before it will be in Paperback > Anyone have a clue ?              

              Glo In Va:    Thanks Mr Ball for having the courage to write 

              the book which I really enjoyed. Good night all.        

              Evross358:    I also am still reading the book, and enjoying it immensely

              CREATVCNCP:   Is  there  more  for  those who choose to stay in room??  

                                                                                                  This  is  my  first  visit.

GFS Angela:   

Thank you Mr. Ball!!!!!!!

Good night and thank you very much Edward!!!!!


You're Welcome, Angela. I'm Afraid I'll Have To Jump Off Here.

       Look Forward To Seeing You Another Time.  Good Night.**

GFS VKN:      \/\/ \/ \/ Clapping

GFS Marol:    Thank you too Angela and VKN

              AudreyB951:   I am reading the book now and will finish it in a few days.

              PercyPC:      Thanks Angela, Super Job!

              NOTLAWFSM2:   So very crowded   tonight   Loved it

GFS Angela:   thanks Percy!!!

              CREATVCNCP:   Thanks  for  retrieving  me  from  limbo,  Clint.

              SpeedRoots:   byeeeeee

GFS Angela:

Good night to all see you next week in our regular room.

Our formal meeting is adjourned. You are free to remain and fellowship.

and mingle..but at this time......the Logs Are Closed.

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