Kern-Clifton Roll of Cherokee Freedmen - 1897Surnames extracted by Stephanie K. Martin-Quiatte
Census of the Freedmen and their descendants of the Cherokee Nation taken by the Commission appointed in the case of Moses Whitmire, Trustee of the Freedmen of the Cherokee Nation versus the Cherokee Nation and the United States in the Court of Claims at Washington, D.C; the said commission being appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, and Composed of William Clifton, William P. Thompson and Robert H. Kern, this roll being made from the testimony taken before said Commission in the Cherokee nation between May 4th and August, 10, 1896, in accordance with the provisions made and entered in the final decree of record in the above cause. Second, Contesting Freedmen and their Descendants found by this Commission entitled to be enrolled as citizens of the Cherokee Nation, and to share in the distribution of funds found in said decree.
Note: The roll has been grouped into pages of ten (10) to assist the researcher. Names with an asterisk (*) denotes that the surname appears more than once in that group only.
To see the actual roll you may visit the NARA site at On the welcome page double click on the heading "Research Room". This will take you to a page entitled "The Research Room" In the second paragraph double click on the link that says "Nail Database". On the next page double click on "Search Archival Holdings". On the next page double click on "Nail Standard Search". On the search form enter "Kern - Clifton Roll" . The search should bring up one item, click on "Display Results". Next click on "Full Results", and finally "Links to Digital Copies".
Pages 1-10 Alberty White Adair Patterson Lowe Duncan Burgess Anderson Ross* Brown* Daniels Armistead Whitmire*Lane* Bradford* Coody Taylor Needham Foster* Chambers* Bird Downing Rowe Buffington Ledman Morgan Choteau Vann Cordrey* Lynch Johnson Thompson Thomas Dixon Lyons Brakebill Foster* French Melton Downing Kirk Sanders Martin Badridge Page 11-20 Vann* Scales French Morris Bell Starr Buffington Musgrove Lasly Foster* Lynch* Williams* Thompson Martin * Bean* Love Whitmire* Jones Lowe Ratcliff Frye Rogers* Claggett Bryan Weber Brown Sanders Murrell Nave Rider Morris Scott Leek Keys Lowery Chisolm (Chism) Landrum Sutton Lampton Hughes Gibson Page 21-30 Whitmire* Gibson* Bean* Owens Martin* Glass Vann* Lynch Nave* Eaton* Johnson Jones Alberty LeFlore Adams* Sanders Foreman Dennis Buford Hardiman Claggett Weber Gibson Hopkins Blynt Buffington Landrum Chambers Thompson Johnson Smith Melton Brown Grimmett Crawford Markham Ward Pack Munson Evans Peterson Madden Rider Ragsdale Ratcliffe Davis Blair Moore Ellis Rogers Davis Page 31-40 Landrum Whitmire Lynch Sanders Nave Ross Martin Bowles Wright* Nelson Campbell Scott Vann Markham* Rogers Alberty* Weber* Roach* Rider* Drew Lowe Frye Ratcliff Ellis Mlton* Milin(?) Butler* Choteau* Vann* Woodward* Musgrove Brewer Ross Foreman Rogers * Walker* Rowe Sanders Anderson Waters McConnell Stidman Johnson Lasley Page 41-50 Foster Poorboy Robinson Chase Moore Buffington* Thornton Vann* Mays Davis Kirby Jones Johnson Brewer Sheppard McIntosh Beck* Grimmett Nevins* Thompson* Tucker Riley Foreman Skates Dalwood Ross Smith* Logan Mayfield Fields Mackey* Leavis Milman Dasby Austin McCracken Mayfield* Walker* Burgess Vrewer Porter Davis* Brown Starr Parris Johnson* Crapo* Lewis Workman Hill Lowery Williams Alberty Wilson Armstrong Welch Dixon Parks Starr Page 51 - 60 Waitey Vann* Hicks Thompson* Johnson* Ross* Nevins* Mays Ford Brewer Sanders* Nave Brady Carter Sheppard Williams Johnson Corish Mackaye Buffington* Mayfield Reynolds Mackey* Wilson* Bean Alberty Jones Glanderson Aldrich Walker Pin Bean Petitt Humphries Hudson Smith* Tyner* Dickson Bryant White Fields Hall Dean Brown McCullough McIntosh Pinter Welch Landrum Page 61 - 70 Vann* Young Roberson Crossland* Pinder Sanders Hilderbrand McNack Thompson* Landrum Brown* Hall Mackey* Silk Coody Roach* Thomas Keys* Carter Ross Schrimaher Drew* Reed Gunter Eaton Ryder Smith* Gray Ford Dennis Johnson* Waitie Wilson Sheppard Lewis Miller Foreman* Fields Brown* Whitmire Payne Snow* King Glass Hayes Payne Cornish Walker Page 71 - 80 Vann* Bean jenkins Keys LaFlace Schrimsher Mackey* Jones Baldridge* Brewer* Crossland* Drew* Crapo* Fields* Webber* Silk Shepperd Nevins Lewis Watson Nave Taylor Lynch Vansant Brown Riley Walker Foreman* Benge Wright* Eaton Shoate Rogers* Irons Beck Aldridge Tucker Mackaye Kates Cater Johnson Mayes Roach Thompson Nohl Pages 81 - 90 Crossland Nohl Alberty Walker French Ross* Cotton Foreman* Vann* Parris* Harlin Brown* Roach Brewer Sheppard* Ware Drew Pack* Irons Madows Madden Luther Johnson* Sanders Whitmire* Dydas Grimmett Smith* Evans* Coper Humphries Poorboy Goff Fields Swepser Starr Bird Warford Ross Holt Munson keys Musgrove Eagle Dotson Hilstock Dotson Luther Parris Carter Kates Nave Meigs Pages 91 - 100 Meigs Ross* Pettit Humphries* Horn Starr* Smith Hicks* Walker Evans Davis Bird Lowrey* Calvin Bean Reid * Sanders* Thompson* Lassley Fields* Melton* Reynolds Childers Hill Grimmett Walker Nave Williams Riley Youngblood Jones * Harlin Campbell* Chouteau Theadore Chase Sheppard Wilson* McCracken pack Johnson Webber Lipe Vann* Harlin Eagle Mays Clifton Griffin Parris Gentry Reed Landrum Blye Lynch Melton Dotson McClure Martin Page 101 - 110 Gunter Barker Johnson* Benton* Charles Depey Foreman* Crossland Umpherous Riley Jones Whitmire Gunter Roach Jones* Price Davis Morris* Bryant Melton Bean* Skates Nincon Adams Alberty Nave* Hill Leak Daniels Hidson* Brown Carter Thomas Blanket Nelson Scales Theadore Glass Will Price Haul Anderson Mathias Williams Sanders Vann Smith Watson Johnson Foster Powell Chism Rose Buffington* Mayfield Pages 111 - 120 Meigs May* Landrum Whitmire* Fox Coker Mays Claggett Martin* Barnes Ervin Gibson Ragsdale Thompson * Groomer Hayden Buckner Barker Campbell* Davis Blackburn Vann* Thornton Bowlen Allen Rogers Hickey McIntosh Grayson Markham Rider Milman Schrimasher Wright Scott Grimmett Eastman Cleveland Johnson Ross* Smith* Jenkins Nevins Alberty Buffington* Simmons Hopkins Mackey Ford Thomas Jones James Walker Tyner Gentry* Fields Brown Rankin Humphries Merrall Pages 121 - 130 Gales Taylor Brown* Landrum McIntosh William West* Payne Butler Waitey Humphries Dean West Starr Mayfield Polston Keys Wilson Jones Mayfield* McLean Vann Beck Bryant Parris Choate Hilderbrand Warner Markham Chouteau Chambers Lynch* Goldsby Parker Mackey Buffington Meig Day Foster Bean* Rogers Daniels Lee Fountain Austin Tucker Ratliff Hardwick* Lonning Lyons Davis Brown McNair Landrum Richardson McGee Shelton Martin* Downing Jones Loney Mayfield Blackburn Pages 131 - 140 Martin* Bean* Reese Hicks melton Barnett* Townsend* Hardrick Williams Holt Swan Gunter Brown Hill Keys Campbell Laslie Shaw* Robinson Vann Sutton Wallace Ratcliff kennard Cunningham Wright Holt McNair Rider Still* Lynch Freeman Mayfield Thompson Todd Landrum Daniels Claggett Henry Vann* Eaton Duncan Murrell Smith Meigs* Hopkins* Smith Lane Ward* Whitmire Webber* Beck* Brown Cushenberry Towers Baldridge Thomas Page 141 - 150 Norwood martin* Ross* Rogers* McCormick Johnson* Schrimasher * Bean* Daniels Ward Vann* Rowe Kirk Anderson morgan French Thompson* latty Hilderbrand lafew Glass Smith McClure Campbell Sanders Green (?) Wilson Cross Brady Nero Musrat Moore* Lowery* McAwee Hill Arnold Cross* Neal* Howard Thomas Chambers Chouteau Busby Carter McCoy Haynes Brewer Shepard Scales Gunter Washington Steel Riley Beck Mays Pages 151 - 160 Johnson* Whitmire* Chambers Adair Rowe Brown Ball Smith* Wolff Webber* Johnson Curry Holt* Nivens Fields Starr* Grimmett Jones Thornton Kirks McNair* Riley Hilderbrand Towers Martin* Bryant Looney* Ross* Willis* Williams Ward Hudson Alberty Waite McLean Vann Alexander Shad Archie Harris Griffin Manley Rose Freeman Colbert Eastman Graves* Melton Jones Hailstock Landrum Rider Bean Page 161 - 170 Taylor Whitmire* Hill* Ross* McAnair Shields Bell Thompson* Carter Nicholson Alberty* Harris Martin Curry Harris* Riley Duncan* Shields* Manley* Musgrove Montgomery Tipps Taylor Landrum* Daniels Johnson Sykes Hughes Williams Grimmett Hicks Jones Lee Brady hayes Smith Shepherd Thornton Ward Nave Pee* Vann* Ridge* Melton* Bowles Gaslan Reese Coody Page 171 - 180 Grimmett Blye Campbell Ramsey Martin* Bean Adams Daniel Lynch* Towers Albert McLean Barkum Vann* Morry (moria) Hill Taylor Mason Davis* Howard Gaines * Nash Jones Grooms Johnson* Humes Carter Harper Webvb Brown Thompson Harper Coody Hazelridge Turner Gunter Holt Landrum Nave Little Webber Riley Flinn Pee Webber Rogers Adams Whitmire Wolff* Durant Shobe melton Powell Alberty Bell Ross Robinson Page 181 - 189 Webber Ross Phillips Walker Bean Martin* Tucker* Whitmire Foster Adams* Banks Ross* Burney Vann* Henderson Parson McCurtain Murrell Vinton Mays Williams Roach Patterson Thompson* Blackwell Coody Tinnon Sorrell West Thomas Riley* Rider Leak Lowery Hardrick Childers Sanders Hayes Rogers Cash* Brewer Looney Wright Allen Whitmire Beason Pack Webber Still McNair Pertle Scott johnson* Curls* Miller Hamilton Ratcliff Hare Page 189 Supplemental Roll of Unauthenticated Applicants Barker Bowlin Sanders Smith Landrum Wilson West Sanders Folsom Woodward Page 190 - 192 Vann* Riley* Seals Drew Irons* Crossland Nohl Nave Benge Harlin Brown Foreman* Ross* Fields* Swepster Eagle Whitmire Meigs Reid Lasley Sanders* Reynolds Chouteau* Chase Parris McClure Gunter Roach Johnson* Davis Hudson White Mackey Welch McNac Crossland Thompson* Smith Ford Wilson Drew Hayes Glass Jenkins Schrimasher Payne Page 194 There is no information to indicated if these names are authenticated or unauthenticated. Mackey Hester Thompson Lowery Hall Page 196 Supplemental list of persons whose names appear on the rejected list, submitted by the Cherokee Freedman Commission and held by the Indian Office to be entitled to share in the distribution of funds belonging to the Freedmen of the Cherokee Nation. Kell Rider Perryman Taylor Cucumber Chambers Jones Hampton Harlin Kimbrough Buffington* Webber* Manley* Beck* Daniels* Newton Bell Lewis* Williams Duffin Moss Keys McNair Tucker Mays McPherson McLish Watson Hill Harris
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13 February 2000
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