Colored Householders
Baltimore City Directory 1864

Transcribed 1998 by Louis S. Diggs, Sr.


The following are the names of African Americans who were residing in Baltimore, Maryland for the year ending 1864. The list comes from the book, Woods' Baltimore City Directory, printed and published by John W. Woods, date unknown. The book listed the "Colored Persons" in a separate section. It listed persons by name, occupation, and home address. This section contains about 50 pages, with about 150 names on each page.

Louis S. Diggs
Catonsville, Maryland

Ackwood, Wm., whitewasher, 200 Marion
Ackwood, Wm., whitewasher, alley rear of 171 Preston
Ackermy, Henry, laborer, 22 Wagon al
Adams, Alexander, laborer, 209 Raborg
Adams, Alfred, laborer, 4 Abraham
Adams, Anne, cook, 58 n Front
Adams, Catherine, laundress, 15 Water row
Adams, Dennis, coachman, 11 Temple
Adams, Elizabeth, laundress, 64 Lerew al
Adams, Floyd, laborer, 55 China
Adams, Frances, laundress, 53 Burgundy al
Adams, Hester, laundress, 46 L. Monument
Adams, James H., porter, 139 North
Adams, James P., barber, 2 Harrison, dw 65 Davis
Adams, James H., porter, 100 Orchard
Adams, John, porter, 69 Orchard
Adams, John, porter, 175 Henrietta
Adams, Joseph, cook, 3 Cross al
Adams, Martha, laundress, 7 Salisbury al
Adams, Mary, laundress, rear of 33 King
Adams, Mary, laundress, 55 China
Adams, Mrs. Matilda, laundress, 12 Leadenhall
Adams, Robert, porter, 44 Eislein
Adams, Washington, shoemaker, 77 East
Addison, Dennis, drayman, 140 Dallas
Addison, Joseph, shoemaker, 215 Vine
Addison, Mary, laundress, 337 n Howard
Addison, Wm., laborer, 108 Sarah Ann
Adkisson, Thomas, brickmaker, 224 s Bethel
African Free School, rear of Sharpt st Church
African Methodist Church, Sharp near Pratt
African Methodist Church, Orchard nr Ross
Aiken, John, laborer, 311 S Eutaw
Alcom, Perry, laborer, 61 Dover
Aldridge, Wm. T., coachman, 55 L. Monument
Alexander, Charles, laborer, 6 Shad al
Alexander, Harriet, washerw'n, 45 Tyson al
Alexander, Lydia, 25 Harmony la
All, Samuel, laborer, 585 Penna av
Allen, Alexander, wood sawyer, 174 s Bethel
Allen, Benjamin, porter, 56 Vine
Allen, Enos, sawyer, 102 Dover
Allen, Harriet, 71 s Spring
Allen, Hester, laundress, 148 Chestnut
Allen, John, mariner, al rear of 59 s Bethel
Allen, Margaret, laundress, 57 Plum
Allen, Mary A., washerwoman, read 17 Marion
Allen, Sarah, cook, 53 State
Allen, Sarah, 148 Chestnut
Allensworth, Robert, mariner, 50 East
Allice, Richard, caulker, 63 Williamson al
Allman, Louis, huckster, 53 Chestnut
Allsop, John, oyster shucker, 283 Cross
Allsop, Nancy, laundress, 285 Cross
Allsop, Sarah, nurse, 285 Cross
Allsop, Thomas, oyster shucker, 285 Cross
Allnut, Wm. H., grain runner, 1 Spring Garden av
Almstead, James, laborer, 306 Raborg
Alsop, Robert, butcher, 56 Camel al
Alto, Catherine, cook, 84 Jasper
Alverde, Alice, nurse, 35 Williamson al
Ambrosa, Alex, sawyer, 251 L. Hughes
Ambrose, George, brickmaker, 22 Bankert al
Amos, George, porter, 7 Kimmel al
Amos, Maria, laundress, 3 Grove
Anderson, Mrs. Ann, laundress, 256 Raborg
Anderson, Arthur, butcher, 4 Forrest
Anderson, Arthur, butcher, 14 Jefferson st. ct
Anderson, Mrs. Amelia, laundress, 265 Raborg
Anderson, Augustus, mariner, 210 s Caroline
Anderson, Charles, porter, 20 Biddle al
Anderson, Christopher, 23 Garden
Anderson, Eliza, laundress, 63 Union
Anderson, Elizabeth, laundress, rear of 466 Harford av
Anderson, Emily, laundress, 36 Raborg
Anderson, George D., brickmaker, 25 Jenkins alley
Anderson, Henry, wood sawyer, 4 Fife al
Anderson, Henrietta, laundress, 4 Butler al
Anderson, Isaiah, lumber piler, 6 Welsh al
Anderson, Jacob,m laborer, 50 Hampstead
Anderson, James, carter, 5 Douglass
Anderson, Joseph, hostler, 29 French
Anderson, John, mariner, 102 s Bethel
Anderson, John H., brickmaker, 216 Hamburg
Anderson, John H., porter, 70 Pierce
Anderson, John H., coachman, 72 Davis
Anderson, John, laborer, 37 Moore al
Anderson, John, laborer, 83 Stirling
Anderson, Josiah, drayman, 297 s Eutaw
Anderson, Louisa, 84 Stiles
Anderson, Maria, 91 Moore al
Anderson, Mary E., laundress, 9 Chestnut al
Anderson, Mary Ann, cook, 15 Inloes al
Anderson, Rachel, cook, 3 Inloes al
Anderson, Richard, drayman, 69 Welcome al
Anderson, Robert, 152 n Dallas
Anderson, Samuel, caulker, 7 Guilford al
Anderson, Robert, laborer, 60 Carlton
Anderson, Stephen, laborer, 32 Edward
Anderson, Susan, seamstress, 3 Water's row
Anderson, Thomas, porter, 3 Water's row
Anderson, Thos., porter, cor Biddle and Walsh
Anderson, Virginia, laundress, 74 Holiday
Anthony, Daniel, drayman, 3 s Durham
Anthony, George, drayman, 6 Forrest
Anthony, John, teamster, 111 Chestnut
Anthony, Levi, hackman, 64 Orchard
Anthony, Solomon, laborer, 64 Orchard
Anthony, Samuel, laborer, 64 Orchard
Appleby, Emanuel, brickmaker, 207 Hamburg
Arkama, Charles, mariner, 37 China
Armistead, Joseph, cook, steamer Georgeanna, 141 Chestnut
Armstead, Lewis, laborer, 27 Forrest
Armstrong, Alfred, brickmaker, 4 Herring's court
Armstrong, Ellen, cook, 28 Raborg
Armstrong, John H., sailor, 98 Wecome al
Arthur, Henry, caulker, 107 s Spring
Arthur, Solomon, brickmaker, 1 Tyson
Asbury M.E. Church, (African) East near Douglas
Ash, Thoms, drayman, 9 Raborg
Ash, Vincent, porter, 78 L. McElderry
Ashton, John, drayman, 143 n Caroline
Ashton, Robert H., porter, 143 n Caroline
Askins, Henry, waiter, 155 York
Askins, Henry, waiter, 96 Jasper
Askins, John, huckster, 58 Lewis
Askins, Joesph, drayman, 4 Durham
Askins, James, 39 Lewis
Askins, Levin, hostler, 130 Chestnut
Askins, Mary, cook, 236 L. Hughes
Askins, Thomas, caulker, 101 s Bethel
Asmond, Jesse, waiter, 4 Temple
Astor, Jacob, mariner, 120 Orchard
Atkinson, Abraham, brickmaker, 18 Wayne
Atkinson, Abraham, W., porter, 18 Wayne
Atkinson, Charles, laborer, 18 Wayne
Atkinson, John C., porter, 18 Wayne
Atkinson, Mary, 67 L. Church
Atkinson, Robert, laborer, 24 East
Atkinson, Thomas, brickmaker, 224 e Bethel
Atkinson, Wm., stevadore, 141 s Dallas
Augusta, Mary A., laundress, 78 Richmond
Augusta, Vincent, caulker, 135 s Bethel
Augusta, Abraham, oyster shucker, 135 n Dallas
Augusta, Ann, laundress, 72 St. Mary's
Augusta, David, waiter, 94 Cider al
Augusta, Daniel, whitewasher, 91 L. Church
Augusta, Esau, wagoner, 28 Vine
Augusta, Henry, waiter, 5 Tyson al
Augusta, John, pedler, 64 Burgandy al
Augusta, John, pedler, 54 Burgandy al
Augusta, Victorine, waiter, 5 Tyson al
Ayers, Dennis, waiter, 100 Chestnut al
Ayers, Catharine, 88 Chestnut al
Ayers, Henrietta, cook, 7 Tyson al
Ayers, Harriet, laundress, 108 s Bethel
Ayers, Henrietta, laundress, 56 Short
Ayers, James H., USN, Central av cor Allen al
Ayers, James, laborer, 44 n Sharpe
Ayers, John, waiter, 339 s Howard
Ayers, Lewis, drayman, 172 York
Ayers, Mason, hod carrier, 13 Inloes al
Ayers, Margaret, laundress, 107 Elbow la
Ayers, Rebecca,, laundress, 125 York
Ayers, Wm. B., waiter, 53 L. Pleasant

Bacon, Harriet, laundress, 33 East
Bacon, John, brickmaker, 72 Burgundy al
Bacon, Philip, laborer, 26 Boyd
Bacon, Rachel, A., 83 L. Church
Bacon, Samuel, laborer, 70 Burgundy al
Badger, Elisha, laborer, 164 Henrietta
Badger, Jarret, drayman, 156 York
Badger, Jarrett, drayman, 134 s Eutaw
Badger, Samuel, porter, 37 Tessier
Bailey, Alexander, brickmaker, 228 L. Hughes
Bailey, Alfred, tavern, 23 Foundry
Bailey, Asbury, whitewasher, 136 Hill
Bailey, Anthony, porter, 42 L. McElderry
Bailey, Elenora, laundress, 36 Carlton
Bailey, Elizabeth, 7 Mechanics' ct
Bailey, Ephraim, tavern, 23 Foundry
Bailey, Francis, steward, 9 Short
Bailey, Francis, laborer, 156 York
Bailey, George, caulker, 147 s Bethel
Bailey, Henry, sawyer, 26 s Dallas
Bailey, Isaiah, laborer, 228 L. Hughes
Bailey, James H., laborer, 213 Raborg
Bailey, Jenkins, waiter, 118 n Central av
Bailey, John, 43 Edward
Bailey, Levin, sailor, 106 s Spring
Bailey, Mary Ann, laundress, 234 s Durham
Bailey, Mary, cook, 138 Orchard
Bailey, Phyllis, laundress, 1 Tyson
Bailey, Perry, hackman, 111 s Bethel
Bailey, Rebecca, l43 s Durham
Bailey, Robert, laborer, 155 Henrietta
Bailey, Susan A., laundress, 74 Chestnut al
Bailey, Samuel, caulker, 160 s Bethel
Bailey, Susan, rear of 81 Watson
Bailey, Thomas H., painter, 7 Mechanic's ct
Bailey, Wm., brickmaker, 276 China
Bailey, Wm., waiter, 25 Hull la
Baker, Isaac, porter, 7 Kimmel al
Baker, Joshua, sawyer, 21 Chestnut al
Baker, Joseph P., gardner, 5 Waters row
Ballard, Caleb, grain measurer, 92 L. Church
Ballard, Churchville, brickmaker, 12 Cecil
Ballard, Georgianna, laundress, 2 Leadenhall
Ballard, James, oyster shucker, 60 Burgundy al
Ballard, Wm. H., brickmaker, 6 Burgundy al
Ballet, George, stevedore, 16 Herrin's ct
Baldwin, Emily, laundress, 44 King
Baldwin, Mrs. Sarah, laundress, 6 Lester ct
Banes, George, laborer, 44 Jefferson
Bank, Richard, painter, Necessity al nr. Exeter
Banks, Burrell, produce, 136 n Charles, dw 38 Richmond
Banks, John, caulker, 7 High al
Banks, John, gardner, 630 Penna. av
Banks, Peter, grain measurer, 10 Edward
Banks, Samuel, laborer, 35 Chestnut
Banks, Wm., waiter, 66 Elbow lane
Banks, Wesley, 136 Central av
Bankhead, Theophilus, teamster, 34 L. Monument
Banning, Jacob, laborer, Tyson nr. Richmond
Banning, Charles, laborer, 86 Plum al
Bantum, Ennals, scraper, 201 Eastern av
Bantum, Horace, laborer, rear of 149 York
Bantum, Sarah, 52 Camel al
Bardley, Jerry, hod carrier, 81 Orchard
Barker, Ann, laundress, 156 Sarah Ann
Barker, Thomas, laborer, Leadenhall nr Hamburg
Barnes, Abraham, wagoner, 203 Mullikin
Barnes, Benjamin, coachman, 55 Josephine
Barnes, Daniel, sawyer, 30 Hill
Barnes, Ellen, laundress, 121 Low
Barnes, Francis, brickmaker, 86 s Dallas
Barnes, Henry, laborer, 190 s Durham
Barnes, John, drayman, 63 Union
Barnes, John, brickmaker, 86 s Dallas
Barnes, John, baggageman, 145 Chestnut
Barnes, John, laborer, 55 Josephine
Barnes, John, farm hand, 17 Union
Barnes, Joseph, drayman, 181 Mullikin
Barnes, Amelia, seamstress, 94 Chestnut
Barnes, James, laborer, 31 Regester
Barnes, John, laborer, 10 Salisbury al
Barnes, Levin, mariner, 211 L. Hughes
Barnes, Nancy, cook, 4 Cohen al
Barnes, Peter, porter, 67 s Dallas
Barnes, Robert, drayman, 5 Short
Barnes, Samuel, waiter, 205 Hamburg
Barnes, Wm. S., porter, 94 Chestnut
Barnes, Wm., caulker, 112 Castle al
Barnet, Elizabeth, 169 s Washington, F.P.
Barnet, Walter, waiter, 90 Central av
Barnett, Oakley, laborer, 30 Forrest
Barnett, Stephen, sailor, 16 Philpot
Barney, Elizabeth, grocery, 75 s Dallas
Barney, George, laborer, 23 Hampstead
Barney, James, laborer, 75 Welcome al
Barney, James, mariner, 56 L. Church
Barney, James, laborer, 16 French
Barney, Lyman, laborer, 53 China
Barney, Robert W., cook, 104 s Dallas
Barney, Wm., confectioner, 102 Henrietta
Barret, Geo., waiter, 71 Somerset
Barret, James, 71 Somerset
Barrett, Wm., drayman, 65 Orchard
Barrick, Thomas, laborer, 13 Mechanics' ct
Barrick, Wm., laborer, 15 Mechanics' ct
Bartney, David, laborer, 212 Dover
Barton, George, waiter, rear of 264 w Baltimore
Barton, Nathaniel, brickmaker, 229 Dover
Barton, Nathaniel, whip sawyer, 218 s Castle al
Barton, Wm., confectioner, 79 Castle al
Base, Washington, laborer, 30 s Bethel
Bask, Joseph, porter, 34 Perry
Bateman, Richard, drayman, 6 Eden ct
Bauno, Henry, whitewasher, 23 Moore al
Bayley, Peter, laborer, 6 Plum al
Baylor, Fielding, mariner, 18 Lester ct
Baynard, Asbury, waiter, 62 Pierce
Beads, Jesse, Windsor mill road nr. Fremont
Beams, Francis, soldier, 48 Pierce
Bean, Dallas, mariner, 135 Hill
Bean, Franklin, 23 Rose
Beard, Ann, laundress, 14 Mott
Beard, Lewis, laborer, 14 Mott
Beard, Joshua, waiter, 14 Mott
Becker, Matilda, laundress, 1 Short
Beckett, Eliza, laundress, 112 Welcome al
Beckett, John, laborer, 135 York
Beckett, Wm., mariner, 280 Montgomery
Beckwith, Lorenzo, fireman, 12 X al
Bell, George W., porter, 207 Hamburg
Bell, Eanson, waiter, 45 State
Bell, Jane, laundress, Stone al near Biddle
Bell, John, carter, 3 White al
Bell, John W., drayman, 90 Burgandy al
Bell, John, brickmaker, 87 n Dallas
Bell, John, laborer, 27 State
Bell, John, porter, 20 Elbow la
Bell, Julia, cook, 27 State
Bell, Mary Ann, laundress, 103 Chestnut
Bell, Rev. Richard P., porter, n w cor Lombard and Sharp
Bell, Solomon, wagoner, 40 East
Bell, Wm. H., brickmaker, 87 n Dallas
Benjamin, Virginia, variety store, 62 Bank
Bennan, Phoeb, 192 Henrietta
Bennen, Charles, gardener, 114 Chestnut
Bennen, James, carpenter, 45 Elbow la
Bennen, John, laborer, 11 Madison al
Bennet, George, laborer, rear of 265 L. Hughes
Bennet, Charlotte, laundress, 36 Welcome al
Bennet, Livus, tanner, 50 s Dallas
Bennet, Joshua V., whitewasher, 81 s Wolfe
Benson, Grafton, baker, 39 Douglass
Bentley, George, porter, 16 Sarah Ann
Bentley, Mary, laundress, 2 Abraham
Bentley, Richard, hostler, 31 Short
Benton, Aaron, laborer, 184 s Howard
Benton, Sarah A., cook, 107 North
Beo, Asbury, drayman, 33 Raborg
Beo, Suney, laundress, 33 Raborg
Berry, Abraham, porter, 9 Raborg
Berry, Abraham, Jr., wagoner, 9 Raborg
Berry, Amelia A., nurse, 80 St. Mary
Berry, Amemus, porter, 25 Arch
Berry, Ellen, laundress, 25 Arch
Berry, George, drayman, 158 East
Berry, George, drayman, 26 Moore al
Berry, Henrietta, laundress, 67 Leadenhall
Berry, James, woodsawyer, 280 s Howard
Berry, Jane, 62 Tyson
Berry, John, porter, 114 Orchard
Berry, John, drayman, 23 Union
Berry, John, fruiterer, 97 Chestnut
Berry, John T., waiter, 9 Raborg
Berry, Matilda, 106 Jasper
Berryman, John caulker, 160 s Bethel
Bethel Church (African) 10 Saratoga
Betts, Mary, 3 Bounty la
Bevans, Isaac, laborer, 170 York
Bevans, George H., mariner, 73 Leadenhall
Bevans, Littlejohn, varnisher, 5 X al
Bevans, Mrs. Lucy, laundress, 73 Leadenhall
Bevans, Mary Ann, laundress, 5 X al
Bevans, Raymond, sawyer, 73 Leadenhall
Bevans, Wm. H., mariner, 73 Leadenhall
Bias, John, brickmaker, 200 s Bethel
Bias, Robert, waiter, 57 Raborg
Bias, Sandy, coachman, 4 Richmond
Bias, Thomas, baker, 178 Mullikin
Biall, Edward, laborer, Russell near Cross
Bibbins, S., laborer, 6 Plum al
Biddle Alley African School, 52 Biddle al
Biddle, George W., brickmaker, 235 Dover
Biddle, Wm., laborer, 235 Dover
Bird, Reuben, laborer, 10 Chestnut
Bishop, Jacob C., waiter, 36 Richmond
Bishop, Manuel, mariner, 123 s Spring
Bishop, Wm. H., barber, 198 w Pratt, dw 19 Hamilton
Bishop, John, laborer, 386 Cross
Black, Cato, straw cutter, 48 Rock
Black, Garrison, laborer, 65 s Dallas
Black, Henry, waiter, 52 Tyson
Black, Willis, boatman, 66 L. Church
Black, John, sawyer, 4 State
Blackison, Millie, 6 Hagers ct
Blacksin, Amelia, seamstress, 85 French
Blackston, Augustus, porter, 26 State
Blackston, Benj., laborer, 176 Mullikin
Blackston, James, blacksmith, 19 China al
Blackston, Neil, oysters, 44 s Dallas
Blackston, Robert, wood saweyer, 37 Park
Blackston, Thomas, fireman, 8 Ivy al
Blackston, Wesley, waiter, 71 Davis
Blackston, Wm., barkeeper, 27 State
Blackston, Wm., laborer, 51 Jefferson
Blake, Dennis, laborer, 32 Shakespear
Blake, James, sawyer, 81 East
Blake, James, mariner, 2 Monmonier's ct
Blake, James, mariner, 276 s Durham
Blake, James, waiter, 2 Monmonier's ct
Blake, James, drayman, 193 s Sharp
Blake, James, sawyer, 81 Fleet
Blake, Jerry, whitewasher, 99 Sarah Ann
Blake, John, whitewasher, 90 Stiles
Blake, John W., engineer, 21 Tyson al
Blake, John, drayman, 38 Short
Blake, Josiah, laborer, 282 Cross
Blake, Julia A., washerwoman, 68 Welcome al
Blake, Margary A., cook, 168 n Howard
Blake, Martha, 13 Cecil
Blake, Matilda, 2 n Dallas
Blake, Peter, brickmaker, 118 Welcome al
Blake, Sarah, laundress, 5 Saratoga ct
Blake, Solomon, sailor, 196 s Howard
Blake, Susan, 3 Forrest
Blake, Thomas, laborer, 5 Monmonier's ct
Blondin, Samuel, waiter, 1 Ivy al
Blunden, James, porter, 108 Welcome al
Boardley, Wm., musician, 54 St. Mary
Bodeley, Deborah, cook, 37 Tyson
Boggs, Jane, 119 Welcome al
Bohern, George, sailor, 46 n Dallas
Boltely, Joseph, waiter, 68 Burgundy al
Boley, Catherine, laundress, rear of 12 State
Boley, John, laborer, rear of 12 State
Bond, Ann, 111 s Chapel
Bond, Andrew, laborer, 49 Jefferson
Bond, Edward, mariner, 160 s Durham
Bond, Edward, waiter, 6 Jew al
Bond, Emory, barber, 81 Cider al
Bond, Francis, carpenter, 171 Tyson
Bond, Francis A., waiter, 91 Hargrove al
Bond, Freeborn, farmer, 94 Orchard
Bond, Geo., soldier, 2 Bether
Bond, Harriet, laundress, 59 Jasper
Bond, Isaac, laborer, 46 Hampstead
Bond, Isabella, milliner, 35 State
Bond, Isabella, 93 Stirling
Bond, James, mariner, 48 Low
Bond, James, barkeeper, 61 Jasper
Bond, James, cook, 170 s Dallas
Bond, Matilda, cook, rear of 265 L. Hughes
Bond, Miranda, chambermaid, 38 Park
Bond, Nathan, waiter, 63 Marion
Bond, Rachael A., 56 Pierce
Bond, Samuel, porter, 33 Forrest
Bond, Susan, confectionery, s w cor Saratoga and Davis, dw 21 Hamilton
Bond, Thos., laborer, 112 n Dallas
Boon, Tower, sawyer, 266 Raborg
Boon, Wm. L., porter, 35 State
Boon, Mrs. Delia, laundress, 84 Dover
Boon, Edward, sawyer, 40 Tyson
Boon, Edward, barber, 9 Gillingham al
Boon, Harriet, 114 s Dallas
Boon, Jacob, wagoner, 104 Welcome al
Boon, Resin, blacksmith, 24 Short
Boon, Joshua, mariner, 52 n Dallas
Boon, Sampson, laborer, 292 s Howard
Boon, Sophia, laundress, 142 Hill
Boon, Thos., laborer, 109 Sarah Ann
Boon, Thos., sawyer, 72 L. Church
Boon, Washington, 102 Tyson
Boone, Dennis, drayman, 2 Peach al
Boone, James, carter, 60 Burgundy al
Boone, Joseph, porter, 2 Peach al
Boone, Perry, porter, 2 Peach al
Boone, Shadrack, huckster, 122 Orchard
Boone, Washington, oyster shucker, 12 State
Booth, Daniel, whitewasher, 70 Lerew al
Booth, Jonathan, porter, 81 Arch
Booth, Wm. H., drayman, 1 Walter row
Booze, James, soldier, 11 Short al
Booze, Thos., laborer, 79 Jasper
Booze, Wm. H., brickmaker, 55 Wayne
Borden, Jackson, laborer, 30 Moore al
Bordley, Geo., laborer, 2 Bell al
Bordley, James, laborer, 66 Wayne
Bordley, Sarah A., 71 Wayne
Bordley, Thos., fireman, 43 China
Bordley, Wm., laborer, 96 Henrietta
Bordley, Wm., brickmaker, 85 Burgundy al
Bordley, Wm. H., oyster shucker, 4 Spring Garden av
Borke, Joe., hod carrier, 37 Biddle
Bose, Louis, waiter, 49 Tyson al
Bosley, Henry, laborer, 36 Lewis
Boston, Abram, baker, 49 King
Boston, Albert, laborer, 30 Wayne
Boston, Anne, cook, 243 Dover
Boston, Ann, 8 Cohen al
Boston, Chas., porter, 217 s Charles
Boston, Daniel,mariner, rear of 81 Watson
Boston, Eliza A., 17 State
Boston, Geo., drayman, 171 York
Boston, Hester, laundress, 15 Eutaw ct
Boston, James, porter, 93 Sarah Ann
Boston, John, hod carrier, 169 Dover
Boston, John, carter, 81 Orchard
Boston, John, carter, 197 s Dallas
Boston, Jos., laborer, 241 Dover
Boston, Nelson, engineer, 243 Dover
Boston, Richard, 51 s Dallas
Boston, Richard, laborer, 41 China
Boston, Robt., laborer, 228 L. Hughes
Boston, Thos., hackman, 64 Davis
Boston, Thos., hackman, 29 Jenkins al
Boston, Wm., sawyer, 48 L. Church
Boston, Edward, carter, 25 Morris al
Boulden, Harriet, laundress, 58 Chestnut
Boulden, James, drayman, 17 Mechanics ct
Boulden, Richard, laborer,  98 Chestnut
Boulden, Spencer, 11 Asquith ct
Boulden, _____, 3 Aisquith ct
Bouldin, Spencer, farmer, 27 Walnut al
Bouldin, Spencer, Jr., soldier, 23 Walnut al
Bouyer, John, waiter, 4 Bethel row
Bowdle, James, drayman, 52 s Dallas
Bowen, Chas., hostler, 48 Burgundy al
Bowen, E., washerwoman, 14 Dawson al
Bowen, Grafton, waiter, 20 Boyd
Bowen, Jane, laundress, 37 State
Bowen, Jos., waiter, 384 Cross
Bowen, Jos., laborer, 261 Raborg
Bowen, Mary, stewardess, 76 East
Bowen, Richard, butcher, 38 East
Bowen, Thos., laborer, 14 Dawson al
Bowers, Chlora A., 32 Pierce
Bowers, Drucilla, 168 Henrietta
Bowers, Francis J., porter, 217 s Howard
Bowers, Isaiah, waiter, 42 China
Bowers, James, laborer, 229 Henrietta
Bowers, Mary A., laundress, 229 Henrietta
Bowers, Nathaniel, carter, 116 Cider al
Bowers, Wm., laborer, 229 Henrietta
Bowie, Ann M., laundress, 192 West
Bowie, Caroline, laundress, 10 Eutaw ct
Bowie, John, caulker, 237 L. Hughes
Bowie, Solomon, porter, 192 West
Bowie, Wm., shoemaker, rear of 211 Raborg
Bowie, Wm., herb doctor, 5 Guilford al
Bowley, Gabriel, laborer, 273 Montgomery
Bowly, George H., oyster shucker, 261 L. Hughes
Bowly, Henry, blacksmith, 261 L. Hughes
Bowly, Priscilla, seamstress, 168 Henrietta
Bowman, Flora, Chapel nr Pratt
Bowman, Jane, laundress, 116 n Dallas
Bowman, Jarrett, porter, Moore al
Bowser, Henry, soldier, 6 McChellan al
Bowser, Henry, waiter, 104 Chestnut al
Bowser, Jacob, drayman, 68 Morris al
Bowser, James, waiter, 12 State
Bowser, Jos., laborer, 24 Douglass
Bowser, Lydia, 6 McClellan al
Bowser, Martha, 4 Mince al
Bowyer, Benj., drayman, Leadenhall nr Hamburg
Bowyer, Benj., fireman, 249 s Eutaw
Bowyer, Emily, laundress, 55 Ross
Bowyer, Geo., drayman, 135 Hill
Bowyer, John, drayman, 81 Orchard
Bowyer, John W., laborer, 167 York
Bowyer, John W., waiter, 4 Bell al
Bowyer, Perry, stevedore, 56 China
Bowyer, Philip, porter, 109 King
Boyd, Chas., mariner, 181 York
Boyer, Chas. F., barber, basement of Miller's hotel, s w cor
     Paca and German, dw 124 Jasper
Boyer, Dorus, laborer, 178 n Central av
Boyer, Mrs. Ellen, 74 L. Church
Boyer, John T., porter, Elbow ln nr Warner
Boyer, Richard F., oyster shucker, 74 L. Church
Boyer, Thos., teamster, 129 Dover
Boyer, Tracey A., laundress, 74 L. Church
Boyce, Ellen, 74 L. Church
Boyce, Lewis, porter, 15 Raborg
Braddicks, Henry, coachm,an, 36 Clay
Bradford, Alexander, mariner, 154 s Dallas
Bradford, Hester, 19 State
Bradford, Isaac, sawyer, 68 Chestnut
Bradford, Jacob, hod carrier, 134 Hill
Bradford, Jos., laborer, 87 s Dallas
Bradford, Mary laundress, 55 Burgundy al
Bradford, Thos., waiter, 28 Wayne
Bradley, Saml, porter, 5 Union
Bradley, Saml. J., porter, 76 Chestnut al
Brady, Chas., laborer, 1 Herring ct
Brady, Isaac, oyster shucker, 241 Dover
Brand, Wm., steward, 99 s Bethel
Brannick, Francis, mariner, 18 Edward
Brannick, Jos., mariner, 9 Edward
Brannick, Rachel, laundress, 84 Plum al
Branson, Stephen, laborer, 210 s Caroline
Brashears, Alex., barber, 63 Arch
Brashears, John, laborer, 320 Hamburg
Brashears, Wm., Alex., barber, 4 Tyson al
Braxton, Judith, seamstress, 64 Pierce
Braywood, Danl., laborer, 178 s Dallas
Brent, Emma M., 5 Binney
Brent, Nicholas, porter, 94 Vine
Brewer, Chas. A., 37 Chestnut al
Brewer, Frances, laundress, 29 Chestnut al
Brewer, Perry, porter, 192 Raborg
Brewer, Sarah, 5 Water ct
Brian, Saml., porter, 152 Tyson
Brice, Abram, fireman, 9 X al
Brice, Alfred, laborer, 3 X al
Brice, James, pressman, 115 Low
Brice, James, steward, 5 Mott
Brice, John, laborer, 31 Guilford al
Brice, John, laborer, 11 Marion
Brice, Richard, laborer, 98 Stirling
Bridge, John A., laborer, 4 Webster al
Bright, Isreal, porter, 44 Orchard
Bright, Thos., laborer, 5 Hull la
Bright, Walter, wagoner, 10 s Spring
Bright, Wm., laborer, 12 Salisbury al
Bright, Wm., H., porter, 44 Orchard
Brightman, George, porter, 48 Vine
Brightman, George H., porter, 71 Union
Brightman, Rebecca, laundress, 48 Vine
Brines, Levin, boatman, 46 L. Church
Briscoe, Gabriel, barber, 134 n Howard
BRISCOE, LEWIS, hair dressing saloon, 134 n Howard
Britton, Catherine S., laundress, 25 Bankert al
Britton, Mary J., washerwoman, 150 n Dallas
Brock, Peter, waiter, 9 Mechanics' ct
Brocton, Charles, 71 Union
Broden, Isaac, hackman, 20 Cider al
Brogden, Matilda, cook, 56 Hargrove al
Brogden, Wm. H., shoemaker, 168 Henrietta
Brooks, Alexander, waiter, 86 Chestnut
Brooks, Agnes S., confectionery, n e cor Calvert and
Saratoga, dw 38 Clas
Brooks, Alexander, hod carrier, 32 s Bethel
Brooks, Ann, laundressm 127 Sarah Ann
Brooks, Augustus, drayman, 81 Orchard
Brooks, Ambrose, laborer, 109 Elbow la
Brooks, Charles, laborer, 45 Mullikin
Brooks, Charles, laborer, 38 King
Brooks, David, laborer, 57 Burgundy al
Brooks, Edward, mariner, 2 Painters ct
Brooks, Ellen, laundress, 216 L. Hughes
Brooks, George H., brickmaker, 229 Dover
Brooks, George, waiter, 62 Orchard
Brooks, Harrison, laborer, 105 n Dallas
Brooks, James, drayman, 132 s Eutaw
Brooks, James, stevedore, 2 Painters ct
Brooks, John, carpenter, 105 Hill
Brooks, Martha, laundress, 32 Hill
Brooks, Rachel, 30 State
Brooks, Richard, laborer, 77 L. Church
Brooks, Richard, carpenter, 105 Hill
Brooks, Samuel, drayman, 107 King
Brooks, Samuel, mariner, 83 Watson
Brooks, Stephen, farmer, 113 King
Brooks, Stephen, laborer, 67 Burgundy al
Brooks, Wm., porter, 38 King
Broom, Mager, butcher, 71 Wayne
Brotton, Samuel, hostler, 25 Chestnut al
Broughton, Dennis, porter, 23 Arch
Broughton, Julia A., 22 State
Broughton, Lucy, washerwoman, 231 Dover
Broughton, Louisa, wqasherwoman, 231 Dover
Brown, Alexander, drayman, 69 Leadenhall
Brown, Alexander, laborer, 13 Cecil
Brown, Anna, cook, 2 Arcade al
Brown, Mrs., laundress, 47 Biddle al
Brown, Annie, midwife, 166 n Front
Brown, Anna M.,. laundress, s Spring
Brown, Ann M., laundress, 104 Jasper
Brown, Anna, washerwoman, 99 Sarah Ann
Brown, Ann E., laundress, 74 Chestnut al
Brown, Benj., brickmaker, 188 Montgomery
Brown, Benjamin, teacher, 282 s Howard
Brown, Baptist L., stevedore, 124 s Bethel
Brown, Benjamin, laborer, 20 Tessier
Brown, Charles, waiter, 50 Tyson
Brown, Charles, waiter, 213 s Howard
Brown, Charles, laborer, 104 Jasper
Brown, Charity, laundress, 6 Clarkson al
Brown, Daniel, oyster shucker, 33 Raborg
Brown, David, brickmaker, 8 Wagon al
Brown, David W., waiter, 9 Raborg al
Brown, David, wagoner, 27 Raborg
Brown, Diana, cook, 23 State
Brown, Edward, coachman, 170 Tyson
Brown, Edward, wagoner, 154 n Eden
Brown, Edwin, carter, 296 s Howard
Brown, Elijah, porter, 89 Gravel al
Brown, Elisha, woodsawyer, 3 Stockton al
Brown, Eliza, cook, 6 Clarkston al
Brown, Eliza, huckstress, 80 East
Brown, Eliza, laundress, 53 Chestnut al
Brown, Eliza, laundress, 11 Jasper
Brown, Eliza, laundress, 138 York
Brown, Elizabeth, 70 Elbow al
Brown, Elizabeth, 104 Jasper
Brown, Elizabeth, pedler, 148 Cathedral
Brown, Ellen, laundress, 54 Chestnut
Brown, Ezekiel, whip sawyer, 242 Durham
Brown, Francis, drayman, 36 Moore al
Brown, George, carman, 14 Chestnut al
Brown, George, porter, 14 Short
Brown, George, waiter, 92 n Spring
Brown, Geo. W., grain measurer, 200 Hamburg
Brown, George, laborer, 172 Dover
Brown, Gustus, hod carrier, 1 Wagon al
Brown, Harriet, 7 Gillingham al
Brown, Harriet, washerwoman, 140 Tyson
Brown, Henry, laborer, 113 Bethel
Brown, Hezekiah, laborer, 75 Johnson
Brown, Isaac, waiter, 9 Tyson al
Brown, Isabella, 54 Vine
Brown, Jacob, 494 Saratoga
Brown, Jacob, carter, 179 York
Brown, Jacob, brickmaker, 188 Montgomery
Brown, Jacob, drayman, 422 s Charles
Brown, Jacob, 22 Marion
Brown, Jacob, laborer, 64 Welcome al
Brown, James, mineral water, Shad al near Grene
Brown, James, laborer, 182 Stirling
Brown, James, drayman, 22 Leadenhall
Brown, James, porter, 121 Hill
Brown, Jeremiah, barber, 4 Light
Brown, Rev. John M., 64 Henrietta
Brown, John T., laborer, 5 Mechanics' ct
Brown, John, laborer, 58 Dover
Brown, John, waiter, 32 Dover
BROWN, Prof. JOHN F., practical phrenologist, botanic leech
artist, and surgeon chiropadist, 176 s Howard
Brown, John H., waiter, 7 Eutaw ct
Brown, John H., porter, Boyd near Perkins
Brown, John, brickmaker, 145 Low
Brown, John, pedler, 119 Short
Brown, John H., porter, 79 Arch
Brown, John, oyster shucker, 103 Welcome al
Brown, John H., drayman, 18 Boyd
Brown, Joseph, wagoner, 3 House ct
Brown, Joseph, saweyer, 11 Chestnut al
Brown, Jacob, mariner, 23 s Bethel
Brown, Joseph, porter, 57 Mulberry
Brown, Joshua, mariner, 11 Jew al
Brown, Joshua, coffee roaster, 48 King
Brown, Joshua, waiter, 62 Josephine
Brown, Kinsey, grain runner, 38 Plum al
Brown, Kinzie, mariner, rear of 40 Hill
Brown, Lizzie, laundress, 27 Durham
Brown, Lewis, M., barber, 36 Stirling
Brown, Lewis, 134 Orchard
Brown, Louisa, laundress, Shad al near Greene
Brown, Louisa, 16 s Bethel
Brown, Louisa, laundress, 223 Dover
Brown, Margaret, 31 Booth
Brown, Maria, waiter, 121 Hill
Brown, Mary, washerwoman, 58 Louis
Brown, Marym washerwoman, 163 s Durham
Brown, Mary Ann, washerwoman, 122 n Spring
Brown, Mrs. Mary, 17 Haw
Brown, Mary J, laundress, 35 Burgundy al
Brown, Mary, cook, 7 Gillignham al
Brown, Mary, cook, 7 Tyson
Brown, Mary, laundress, 4 King
Brown, Nathaniel, sawyer, 153 Hill
Brown, Nicholas, al rear of 171 Preston
Brown, Perry, laborer, 245 Orleans
Brown, Perry, drayman, 4 Boyd
Brown, Phenix, grain runner, 3 Plover al
Brown, Philip, cook, 438 Stirling
Brown, Rachel, 2 Ivy al
Brown, Rachel, cook, 54 Lewis
Brown, Richard, fisherman, 28 Slemmer al
Brown, Richard, grain measurer, 1054 Chestnut
Brown, Robert, laborer, rear of 78 Watson
Brown, Robt. H., stevedore, 16 s Durham
Brown, Robt. H., brickmaker, 48 Davis
Brown, Rosetta, washerwoman, 188 Montgomery
Brown, Ruth, washerwoman, 27 Elbow la
Brown, Samuel, porter, 94 Orchard
Brown, Samuel, waiter, 9 Hamilton
Brown, Sarah, 11 Forresy
Brown, Simon, waiter, 63 Gravel al
Brown, Solomon, laborer, 193 Sarah Ann
Brown, Statia, laundress, 30 State
Brown, Stephen, brickmaker, 46 Wayne
Brown, Susan, 4 Dallas
Brown, Theresa, seamstress, 1398 York
Brown, Stephen F., sawyer, 23 s Dallas
Brown, Thomas, porter, 88 Holiday
Brown, Thomas H., porter, 240 L. Hughes
Brown, Thomas, wood sawyer, 215 s Wolfe
Brown, Thomas, laborer, 6 Chestnut
Brown, Thomas, caulker, 64 Bank
Brown, Titus, laborer, 95 Moore al
Brown, Mrs. Wiley, laundress, 5 Dawson
Brown, Wm., mariner, 4 Inloes al
Brown, Wm., laborer, 151 Durham
Brown, Wm., laborer, 61 s Howard
Brown, Wm. H., waiter, 136 Orchard
Brown, Wm., baker, 112 Central av
Brown, Wm. G., brickmaker, 219 Hamburg
Brown, Wm. H., laborer, 87 L. Church
Brummen, Sarah, 18 Tyson
Bryan, Isaac, farmer, 24 Edward
Bryan, Lewis, oysterman, 55 s Dallas
Bryan, Mary, washerwoman, 68 Elbow la
Bryan, Nathan, drayman, 6 s Bethel
Bryan, Thomas, caulker, 64 Bank
Bryan, Wesley, laborer, 15 Wayne
Buchanan, Daniel, mariner, 211 L. Hughes
Buchanan, James, soldier, 46 Moore al
Buchanan, Samuel, laborer, 93 Gravel al
Buchanan, Thomas, waiter, 13 Temple
Buck, Lizzie, laundress, 59 L. Church
Buck, John, drayman, 76 S Spring
Buckhannan, Thomas, drayman, 167 Jasper
Budd, William, laborer, rear of 78 Watson
Bullette, Heloise, midwife, 101 East
Bundy, Wm., hay presser, 180 York
Burdell, Richard, porter, 11 Lerew al
Burge, Solomon, laborer, 59 Carlton
Burgess, Albert, 23 Morris al
Burgess, Asbury, waiter, 23 Morris al
Burgess, Greenbury, laborer, 35 State
Burgess, John, whitewasher, 18 Foundry
Burgess, Nathaniel, 23 Morris al
Burgess, Nelson, stevedore, 316 Montgomery
Burgess, Robert, porter, 184 Tyson
Burgess, Susan, laundress, 184 Tyson
Burk, Jas., mariner, Ridgaway ct, nr Howard
Burk, Michael, fireman, 43 East
Burk, Phillis, 14 Biddle al
Burk, Wm., caulker, 200 s Dallas
Burke, George, porter, 8 Durham
Burke, George, porter, 22 Pierce
Burke, Harriet, laundress, 48 Diamond al
Burke, James, mariner, 162 York
Burke, Rachel A., 71 s Spring
Burke, Samuel, carter, 6 n Spring
Burke, Samuel, caulker, 215 s Durham
Burke, Thomas, caulker, 71 s Wolfe
Burke, Wm., laborer, 309 s Eutaw
Burley, Benjamin, porter, 20 Elbow la
Burley, Isaac, huckster, 40 Forrest
Burley, George, waiter, 340 n Howard
BURLEY, OSBORNE, provision store, 138 s Charles, dw 63 Centre
Burnes, James, mariner, 198 s Dallas
Burns, Benjamin F., farmer, 20 Boyd
Burns, Edward W., laborer, 20 Boyd
Burns, Lewis, soldier, 10 Boyd
Burr, Aaron, Windsor Mill road nr Fremont
Burr, Elias, waiter, 28 State
Burr, Henry, laborer, 631 Penna. av
Burr, Henry, laborer, Marion ct
Burr, Wm. E,m Chappell nr Fremont
Burris, Henry, 87 Orchard
Burris, John, mariner, 217 L. Hughes
Burrows, Mary, laundress, 49 s Bethel
Bush, John, laborer, 69 Orchard
Buch, Richard, laborer, 38 Jefferson
Butler, Abraham, cooper, rear of 136 German
Butler, Alfred, laborer, 18 Raborg
Butler, Ann, laundress, 97 Gravel al
Butler, Caroline, laundress, 78 Orchard
Butler, Charles, sawyer, 5 Madison al
Butler, Charles, waiter, 44 Vine
Butler, Cornelius, waiter, 26 Tyson
Butler, Edward B., mariner, 40 Raborg

Caday, Alfred, fireman, 19 Hull's la
Cager, James, huckster, 19 s Wolfe
Cager, John, woodsawyer, 171 Mullikin
Cager, Geo. W., huckster, 79 s Wolfe
Cagey, Dennis, wagoner, 6 Forrest
Cakel, Mary E., laundress, 3 Peach al
Caldwell, Charles, stevedore, 155 s Regester
Caldwell, James, driver, 155 s Regester
Caldwell, John J., cook, 9 s Dallas
Caldwell, John, hackman, 6 Wayne
Caldwell, Mary E., seamstress, 254 L. Hughes
Caldwell, Wm., laborer, 5 Monmonier's ct
Caldwell, Wm., nurse, 5 Aisquith ct
Caleb, John, grainrunner, 81 Moore al
Calhoun, Charles, blacksmith, 54 Sarah Ann
Calhoun, Elizabeth, laundress, 75 St. Mary's
Calhoun, James, barber, 15 Walnut al
Caliman, Thomas, waiter, 71 Dover
Calk, Joseph, laborer, 90 Leadenhall
Calvert, Wm., cooper, 70 St. Mary's
Camby, John, stevedore, 115 s Dallas
Campbell, Andres, laborer, 7 Bethel row
Campbell, Harriet, laundress, 81 Moore al
Campbell, James E., mariner, 2 College al
Campbell, John, laborer, 13 Eutaw ct
Campbell, Moses, stevedore, 135 Hill
Campbell, Nathan, porter, 96 St. Paul
Camper, Henrietta, laundress, 210 L. Hughes
Camper, Henry, waiter, 89 Thames
Camper, John, cook, 104 s Spring
Camper, Jonathan, sawyer, 210 L. Hughes
Camper, Lara, 79 s Spring
Camper, Levin, whitewasher, 68 L. Montgomery
Camper, Peter, laborer, 65 n Dallas
Camphor, Allen, carter, 232 L. Hughes
Camphor, Caroline, laundress, 11 Vine
Camphor, John, laborer, 326 Hamburg
Camphor, John, caulker, 188 s Howard
Camphor, Mary, cook, 139 Hill
Camphor, Moses, sawyer, 144 York
Camphor, Stephen, sexton, 37 East
Camphor, Wm., brickmaker, 37 East
Cannaday, Hen, waiter, 295 Hamburg
Cannis, Ann E., laundress, 102 Harford av
Carey, Alfred, fireman, 19 Hull's la
Carey, George, laborer, 152 s Durham
Carmack, Lewis, hack driver, 12 Short al
Carmichael, James, laborer, 64 Union
Carpenter, Alex, drayman, 4 Plum al
Carpenter, Carlos, mariner, 63 China al
Carpenter, Eli, laborer, 132 Cider al
Carpenter, George, laborer, 3 Penn al
Carpenter, John, porter, 65 Arch
Carpenter, Nathan, laborer, 29 Forrest
Carr, Daniel, groom, 58 Welcome al
Carr, Frederick, grain measurer, 274 Montgomery
Carr, James, laborer, 3 Biddle ct
Carr, John, brickmaker, 195 s Dallas
Carr, Mrs. Maria, laundress, 18 Elbow la
Carr, Wm., brickmaker, 21 Haw
Carrington, Wm., laborer, 99 Low
Carroll, Charles, porter, 66 Dover
Carroll, James, steward, 7 Mott
Carroll, Henry, drayman, 303 s Eutaw
Carroll, Julia, laundress, 12 Tyson
Carroll, Philip, brickmaker, 100 Dover
Carroll, Samuel, laborer, 133 Hill
Carroll, Samuel B., waiter, 133 Hill
Carroll, Wm., cakes, &c., 6 McClellan al
Carson, Benj., porter, 203 Ensor
Carson, Elias, whitewasher, 213 w Biddle
Carter, Adam, carter, 93 Dover
Carter, Cyrus, laborer, 81 Bethel Row
Carter, Eleanora, laundress, 1 South la
Carter, Mrs. Eliza, 3 House ct
Carter, Harriet, laundress, 9 Saratoga ct
Carter, Jacob, laborer, 27 Chestnut al
Carter, John, whitewasher, 85 Gravel al
Carter, John, barber, 4 Bank la
Carter, John, laborer, 295 s Eutaw
Carter, John, laborer, 20 Greenwillow
Carter, Joseph, waiter, 836 w Baltimore
Carter, Lloyd W., laborer, 31 Guilford al
Carter, Matilda, cook, 121 Hill
Carter, Sarah, 465 Saratoga
Carter, Rachel, laundress, 193 Saratoga
Cassell, Christopher, oyster shucker, 212 Hamburg
Cassell, Evelina, washerwoman, 50 Vine
Cassell, Isaac, drayman, 19 Walnut al
Cassell, Perry, drayman, 16 Warner
Caspar, Robert, mariner, 24 Wayne
Castle, Mary, 29 Jenkins al
Castor, Mrs. Catherine, 68 Burgundy al
Castor, James, express driver, 138 Hill
Castor, John, laborer, 138 Hill
Castor, Walter, drayman, 38 China al
Caston, Charles, whitewasher, 140 Low
Caston, John H., whitewasher. 63 Davis
Caston, Maria, laundress, 63 Davis
Caston, Mary, 6 Bell al
Cator, Rebecca, laundress, 86 Cider al
Caudry, Matilda, 163 s Bethel
Cavender, Catherine, laundress, 132 Cider al
Cephas, Betsey, 51 Short
Cephas, John, whipsawyer, 27 Chestnut
Cephas, John W., waiter, 192 Stirling
Cephas, John, porter, 101 Sarah Ann
Chalk, Mordecai, steward, 134 n Caroline
Chambers, Alfred, barber, basement, 21 n Calvert, dw, 39 n Sharp
Chambers, Mrs. Ann, laundress, 43 L. Plesant
Chambers, Charles, mariner, 22 Leadenhall
Chambers, David, laborer, 15 Salisbury al
Chambers, Edward, laborer, 246 L. Hughes
Chambers, Edward, mariner, 126 Jasper
Chambers, Edward, brickmaker, 128 Hill
Chambers, Elizabeth, washerwoman, 235 Dover
Chambers, Mrs. Emily, laundress, 2 College al
Chambers, Mrs. Jane, cook, 43 L. Pleasant
Chambers, Horace, 9 Philpot
Chambers, John, barber, 291 Saratoga
Chambers, John W., barber, n w cor Saratoga and Chatsworth,
     dw 45 n Sharp
Chambers, Perry, drayman, 45 Penn
Chambers, Sarah, stewardess, 84 Dover
Chambers, Samuel, hod carrier, 98 n Spring
Chambers, Sophia, laundress, 32 Haw
Chaney, James, laborer, 9 Tripolet al
Chaney, Thomas, drayman, 7 Short
Channel, Sarah, doctress, 25 Union
Chaplin, David, laborer, 402 s Charles
Chaplin, Joseph, driver, 143 s Dallas
Chaplin, Wilson, eating house, 12 Water
Chapman, Anderson, hostler, 80 Stiles
Chapman, Daniel, waiter, 11 Arch
Chapman, Perry, drayman, 80 w Centre
Chapman, Sarah, laundress, 43 Park
Chapman, Thomas, waiter, 1 Plover al
Chappel, Annie, laundress, Point lane
Chappel, Jacob, butcher, Point la, near Greenmount cemetery
Chappel, John, laborer, Point la, near Greenmount cemetery
Charles, Elizabeth, nurse, 18 Preston
Charles, Theodore, rope maker, 70 East
Charms, Joseph, carter, 28 Union
Charms, John, mariner, 38 Orchard
Chase, Absalom, laborer, 2 Jew alley
Chase, Allen, laborer, 70 s Dallas
Chase, Benjamin, porter, 37 Raborg
Chase, Catherine, laundress, 7 Biddle
Chase, D.E. at sun office, dw 31 Edward
Chase, Elizabeth, confectionery, 84 Centre
Chase, Elizabeth, laundress, 37 Raborg
Chase, Franklin, laborer, 18 Forrest
Chase, Henry, sawyer, 33 Burgundy al
Chase, Henry, laborer, 210 s Dallas
Chase, James, laborer, 210 s Dallas
Chase, James, mariner, 218 Hanover
Chester, Jeremiah, caulker, 173 s Dallas
Chester, Posey, caulker, 12 Herring's ct
Chase, Joseph, grain measurer, 13 Jew al
Chase, Josephine, dressmaker, 12 Temple
Chase, Josiah, laborer, 66 Welcome al
Chase, Levin, drayman, 11 Hull's la
Chase, Nathaniel, mariner, 210 s Caroline
Chase, Robert, fireman, 11 s Bethel
Chase, Samuel, laborer, 201 Hamburg
Chase, Samuel, carter, 210 s Dallas
Chase, Samuel W., cabinet maker, 180 s Howard
Chase, Samuel, drayman, 222 s Howard
Chase, Rev. Samuel, cor Leadenhall and Hamburg
Chase, Susan, cook, 103 Orchard
Chase, Wm., whipsawyer, 66 Welcome al
Chester, Wm., caulker, 147 s Dallas
Chew, Alexander, whitewasher, 9 Raborg
Chew, Charles, laborer, rear of 47 King
Chew, Benj. A., laborer, 33 King
Chew, Henrietta, washerwoman, 7 X al
Chew, John H., brickmaker, 78 Welcome al
Chew, Josias, soldier, 7 X al
Chew, Perry, cook, 292 s Howard
Chew, Sarah C., 292 s Howard
Chew, Stephen, brickmaker, 78 Welcome al
Chew, Sutton, sailor, 90 Stiles
Cherry, Robert, drayman, 70 Welcome al
Chinn, Addison, laborer, 164 York
Chinn, Henry, laborer, 284 Johnson
Chistler, Eliza, cook, 12 Tyson al
Chubbs, Susannah, washerwoman, 45 n Sharp
Church, John, mariner, 114 s Dallas
Christman, James, caulker, 33 Edward
Christman, Rosette, laundress, 35 Williamson al
Ciphus, Elisha, waiter, 8 Cohen al
Ciphus, Harriet A., laundress, 8 Cohen al
Cisley, Dinah, laundress, 27 L. Monument
Clark, Angenetta, seamstress, 48 Forrest
Clark, Charles, barber, n w cor Pleasant and Holiday
Clark, Daniel, laborer, 224 Chestnut al
Clark, Edward, butcher, 13 Stockton al
Clark, Elizabeth, cook, 98 Henrietta
Clark, Elizabeth, 53 Burgundy al
Clark, Henrietta, cook, 8 Clarkston al
Clark, Hester, laundress, 29 Tyson al
Clark, Lear, laundress, 143 Chestnut
Clark, Lewis, music teacher, 12 Park
Clark, Lloyd, waiter, 2 Pierce
Clark, Perry, laborer, 4 Union al
Clark, Rachel, 45 Carlton
CLARK, ROBERT R, restaurant, n e cor North and Bath
Clark, Robinson, huckster, 48 1/2 Forrest
Clark, Samuel, carter, 9 St. Jame
Clark, William, laborer, 53 Burgundy al
Clark, Wilton F., porter, 17 Raborg
Clayton, John, porter, 4 Vine
Clayton, Levi, laborer, 100 Welcome al
Clemments, Benjamin, laborer, 4 Cohen al
Clements, John, drayman, 16 Morris al
Clinton, David, oysterman, 144 s Regester
Coats, Augustus, waiter, 27 State
Coates, Emanuel, hod carrier, 27 Arch
Coates, Leonard, porter, 87 Orchard
Coates, Simon, laborer, 52 Wayne
Cockey, Joshua, laborer, 25 Canton av
Coffer, John, waiter, 97 Orchard
Coale, Augusta, laundress, 36 Lewis
Coale, John, mariner, 21 Chestnut
Colbert, James, hostler, 30 L. McElderry
Cole, Abraham, boatman, 61 Raborg
Cole, Brnjemin, city boundary, Greenmount Cemetery
Cole, Eliza, huckstress, 166 n Front
Cole, Elizabeth A., laundress, 47 s Bethel
Cole, George, blacksmith, 6 Welch al
Cole, James, hod carrier, 1 Cross al
Cole, John, Windsor Mill road near Fremont
Cole, Lewis, porter, 23 Vine
Cole, Matilda, laundress, 36 Vine
Cole, Moses, porter, 1 Sarah Ann
Coleman, John, caulker, 178 s Dallas
Coleman, John H., grain runner, 143 Hill
Coleman, Mary, laundress, 5 Inloes al
Coleman, Wm., brickmaker, 139 Douglass
Collins, Aidlet, laborer, 5 s Durham
Collins, Geo., butcher, 61 Orleans
Collins, Harrison, 90 Central av
Collins, James, laborer, 8 Hammond al
Collins, John, carter, 83 Jefferson
Collins, John laborer, 83 Jefferson
Collins, Lidonia, laundress, 61 Orleans
Collins, Mary, laundress, 55 Orleans
Collins, Martha, 208 Vine
Collins, Noah, waiter, 29 Edwards
Collins, Purnell, sawyer, 13 s Durham
Collins, Robert, oyster shucker, 28 Spring
Colson, Wm. H., porter, 73 Johnson
Colvin, Matthew, porter, 117 Chestnut
Colvin, Ann, laundress, 26 Welcome al
Colwell, Enneris, steamboatman, 125 s Bethel
Colyer, Grace, feed store, 106 Low
Colyer, Henry, huckster, 100 Low
Commeger, Abraham, porter, 204 Hamburg
Commodore, Ann, 23 Chestnut al
Commodore, George, 23 Chestnut al
Commodore, James, hod carrier, 23 Chestnut al
Commons, Harrison, brickmaker, 105 s Bethel
Conaway, John S., porter, 158 s Bether
Coney, Ann M., cook, 24 Wayne
Coney, Lloyd, drayman, 34 Wayne
Conick, Mary J., laundress, 138 Tyson
Conklin, John O., cigar maker, 17 Waters row
Conklin, Wm. J., barber, 14 s Howard
Conway, Samuel, seamen;s boarding, 162 Eastern av
Conway, Wm., porter, over 71 s Second
Conner, Mrs. Ann, corner Leadenhall and Hamburg
Connor, Charlotte, 4 Leadenhall
Connor, Rebecca, laundress, 4 Leadenhall
Contee, Lucinda, laundress, 62 Wayne
Conyer, Betsy, laundress, 7 Tyson
Cook, Anna E., laundress, 218 L. Hughes
Cook, Catherine, seamstress, 7 Edward
Cook, Charles H., laborer, 44 n Dallas
Cook, Clinton, porter, 62 Wayne
Cook, Columbus, brickmaker, 75 Watson
Cook, Cornelius, wagoner, 67 Union
Cook, Edward, drayman, 54 St. Mary
Cook, Henry, carpenter, 14 York
Cook, Henrietta, laundress, 179 Henrietta
Cook, Jane, 19 Philpot
Cook, John Jr., cooper, 72 Vine
Cook, John, fireman, 19 Chestnut al
Cook, John, cooper, 25 McCellan al, dw 72 Vine
Cook, John, laborer, 95 L. Church
Cook, Louisa, laundress, 17 Booith
Cook, Lawrence, laborer, 38 East
Cook, Mary E., laundress, 29 Raborg
Cook, Margaret, 7 Edward
Cook, Margaret, laundress, 24 Wayne
Cook, Thos., barber, 49 French
Cook, Wm., oyster shucker, 16 Vine
Cook, Wm., cooper, 29 Raborg
Cook, Wm. W., cooper, 27 McCellan al, dw 29 Raborg
Cook, Wm. T., porter, 18 Haw
Cooke, James E., barber, 29 Holiday
Cooper, Aaron, caulker, 166 s Bethel
Cooper, Asbury, brickmaker, 148 s Durham
Cooper, Edward, waiter, 38 Vine
Cooper, Edwin, porter, 61 Orchard
Cooper, Elizabeth, teacher, 190 s Durham
Cooper, George, laborer, rear of 81 Watson
Cooper, Hannah, 27 Foundry
Cooper, Harriet, laundress, 8 n Spring
Cooper, Harriet, laundress, 34 Richmond
Cooper, Henry H., laborer, 233 s Durham
Cooper, Horace, stevedore, rear of 52 Forrest
Cooper, James, steward, 90 L. Church
Cooper, James, caulker, 187 s Durham
Cooper, John, grain measurer, 14 Jordan al
Cooper, John, stevedore, 46 East
Cooper, Joseph, caulker, 10 s Dallas
Cooper, Joseph, caulker, 193 s Durham
Cooper, Julia, laundress, 257 Montgomery
Cooper, Mary, laundress, 185 s Durham
Cooper, Mary, laundress, 42 East
Cooper, Moses, mariner, 46 Davis
Cooper, Oliver, baker, 11 Jefferson
Cooper, Peter, laborer, 34 Short
Cooper, Robert, caulker, 169 s Washington, F.P.
Cooper, Cooper, Sally, laundress, 2 Jew al
Cooper, Thomas J., porter, 40 Park
Cooper, Thomas, caulker, 174 s Dallas
Cooper, Margaret, 98 St. Mary
Cooper, Wm., caulker, 116 s Bethel
Copper, Abraham, laborer, 325 Hamburg
Copper, Emily, cook, 261 Montgomery
Corner, Mary A., 12 Salisbury
Cornish, Charles, wheelwright, 11 Leadenhall
Cornish, Eliza, 308 Raborg
Cornish, Frank, waiter, 124 w Baltimore
Cornish, George, bar tender, 84 Chestnut al
Cornish, George, laborer, 8 Lloyd
Cornish, Hannah A., laundress, 90 Welcome al
Cornish, Henry, waiter, 10 Pierce
Cornish, Henry, laborer, 209 Hamburg
Cornish, Jacob, sawyer, 219 Hamburg
Cornish, James H., mariner, 16 State
Cornish, James H., laborer, 8 Salisbury al
Cornish, Joseph, whitewasher, 39 Chestnut al
Cornish, Kenney, laundress, 62 L. Church
Cornish, Levina, 16 Jasper
Cornish, Liberia, caulker, 239 Dover
Cornish, Priscilla, laundress, 71 Welcome al
Cornish, Samuel, grain measurer, 98 Dover
Cornish, Samuel, laborer, 56 s Dallas
Cornish, Thomas, porter, 65 Leadenhall
Cornish, Thomas, grain measurer, 32 Haw
Cornish, Wm., hay presser, 158 York
Corsey, Michael D., brickmaker, 145 Bank
Corsey, Wm., laborer, 33 Plum al
Cosley, Samuel, drayman, rear of 46 Orchard
Cotanch, George, porter, 83 Pearl
Cotank, Charles, drayman, 14 Haw
Cotes, Samuel, porter, Shad al near Greene
Cotman, Alexander, waiter, 45 n Sharp
Cotman, Maria, laundress, 71 L. Hughes
Cotton, Henry H., waiter, 10 State
Cotton, John H., barber, 1 s Eutaw
Cotton, Martha, laundress, 211 Hamburg
Courcey, John, whitewasher, 21 Jefferson
Coursey, Wm., hod carrier, 133 Camden
Covington, Joseph, cook, 75 Chestnut
Covington, Rachel, 60 s Dallas
Cowley, Mrs. Prody, nurse, 71 n Spring
Cox, John, grain measurer, 152 York
Cox, Wm., waiter, 35 Raborg
Crawford, Alex., hackman, 60 Tyson al
Crawford, Alex., grain measurer, 28 Vine
Crawford, Henry, hackman, 11 Moore al
Crawford, Isaiah, drayman, 12 Elder al
Coulter, David, grain runner, 32 King
Coulter, Moses, laborer, 32 King
Crawford, Wm. J., cigar maker, 3 Hammond al
Creek, Eliza, hucktress, 9 Eutaw ct
Creek, James, sawyer, 6 Chestnut
Creek, Dr. John W., 99 North
Creek, Rebecca, laundress, 1 Bethel al
Credit, Bushrod, drayman, 110 Scott
Creighton, Wm., laborer, 168 s Caroline
Crew, Asbury, whitewasher, 104 Cider al
Crew, Edward, brickmaker, 318 Montgomery
Crew, Francis A., whitewasher, 6 Ivy
Crew, Josephine, laundress, 13 Cider al
Crew, Richard B., brickmaker, 274 s Howard
Crew, William, laborer, 8 Tripolet al
Cromwell, Alex, waiter, 26 Dover
Cromwell, Eliza A., laundress, 187 William
Cromwell, James, drayman, 125 n Spring
Cromwell, John, carter, 67 Johnson
Cromwell, Laura, laundress, 215 L. Hughes
Cromwell, Lydia, cook, 215 s Howard
Cromwell, Mary J., 14 Eutaw ct
Cromwell, Sarah, cook shop, 37 Commerce
Cromwell, Susan, whitewasher, 244 Raborg
Cross, Henry, waiter, 109 St. Paul
Crossley, Richard, porter, 119 King
Crout, Alfred, caster, 402 s Charles
Crout, Alfred, Jr., laborer, 402 s Charles
Crowley, Eli, mariner, 1 Douglass
Cuff, Thomas, waiter, 68 Pierce
Cummins, Enoch, stevedore, 17 Bethel
Cummins, Horace, laborer, 45 East
Cummins, James H., mariner, 39 Hampstead
Cummins, Julia, 138 s Dallas
Curley, Nelson, laborer, 43 Clay
Curry, Kennel, laborer, 41 Cross
Curtis, Abednigo, drayman, 82 Stirling
Curtis, Abraham, paper dealer, 72 St. Mary
Curtis, Charles, coachman, 209 Dover
Curtis, Geo., cook and steward, 103 Chestnut
Curtis, Richard, laborer, 79 Jasper
Curtis, Robert, huckster, 4 Jefferson st ct
Curtis, Wm., laborer, 6 X al
Cyphus, John, carter, 72 Burgundy

Dairing, Samuel, grain measurer, 108 Tyson
Dall, Joseph, grain measurer, 32 Vine
Dallas-st Methodist Church, Dallas between Eastern and Canton avs
Dansbury, James, laborer, 184 Mullikin
Dany, David, drayman, 309 s Howard
Daricks, Richard, whitewasher, 17 Raborg
Darkins, Abigail, washerwoman, 39 n Sharp
Darkins, Hester, cook, 94 Henrietta
Darry, James, carter, 88 East
Dashields, Isaac, laborer, rear of 261 L. Hughes
Dashiel, James, drayman, 14 s Dallas
Dask, Rachael A., laundress, 6 Dallas
Dauf, Adam, sawyer, 29 Slemmer al
Davidge, Charles, waiter, 164 Tyson
Davidge, Charles, laborer, 93 Watson
Davidge, Mary, 78 Richmond
Davidge, Thomas, waiter, 15 Stockston al
Davidge, Wm., waiter, 92 Richmond
Davidson, Wm., porter, 62 Josephine
DAVIGE, EMILE, shaving and hair dressing salon, 43 s Paca
Davis, Alex G., barber, 6 n Calvert, dw 7 Etna la
Davis, Ann, washerwoman, 215 Dover
Davis, Benjamin, 16 Temple
Davis, Daniel, hod carrier, 107 Welcome al
Davis, Elijah, tanner, 84 Stirling
Davis, Eliza, 86 Jasper
Davis, Fanny, laundress, 157 York
Davis, Fanny, 97 Chestnut
Davis, Hamilton, porter, 19 Temple
Davis, Hannah, 77 Welcome al
Davis, Henrietta, 1 Painter's ct
Davis, Henry L., drayman, 55 Chestnut al
Davis, Henry, mariner, 58 Lerew al
Davis, Jacob, engineer, 50 Forrest
Davis, James, mariner, 75 Watson
Davis, Jeffrey, oyster shucker, 157 n Dallas
Davis, Joseph, hod carrier, 111 Sarah Ann
Davis, James, laborer, 15 s Regester
Davis, John, engineer, 18 Edward
Davis, John, laborer, 55 Biddle al
Davis, John, drayman, 180 Tyson
Davis, John, laborer, Russel near Cross
Davis, Joseph, drayman, 5 Albert al
Davis, Louisa, laundress, 50 Vine
Davis, Levim waiter, 15 Plover al
Davis, Lizzie, laundress, Half Moon al
Davis, Laura, cook, 30 Raborg
Davis, Louisa, laundress, 30 Raborg
Davis, Maria, laundress, 69 Davis
Davis, Mary Ann, huckster, 136 York
Davis, Noah, shoemaker, 4 and 5 Marion
Davis, Peter, porter, 62 Davis
Davis, Robert, waiter, 78 North
Davis, Reina, Half Moon al
Davis, Susan, laundress, 3 Gillingham al
Davis, Sarah, laundress, 3 Tyson
Davis, Wm., porter, 4 Cecil
Davis, Wm., porter, 8 s Dallas
Dawson, Mary, laundress, 69 Chestnut al
Dawson, Nancy, laundress, 131 Welcome al
Dawson, Philip, steward, 28 McKim
Dawson, Sarah A., laundress, 61 Cross
Dawson, Wm., hostler, 61 Arch
Day, Cato, caulker, 119 s Bethel
Day, Maria, 100 Stirling
Day, Woolford, laborer, 10 Ivy al
Deal, James H., sailor, Pleasant 2d door from Holiday
Deal, John H., oyster shucker, 131 Hill
Dean, Alexander, laborer, 86 Raborg
Deaver, Alexander, laborer, 52 Carlton
Deaver, Charles, butcher, 26 Jefferson
Deaver, Francis, 7 Stirling
Deaver, George, huckster, 7 Stirling
Deaver, James, huckster, 12 Short
Deaver, Smith M., druggist, 38 Clay
Decount, Sarah Ann, 39 Low
DeCoursey, David, coachman, 42 Orchard
DeCoursey, Solomon, cook, 116 Holiday
Deets, Isaac, porter, 22 Biddle al
Deets, Richard, Chapel near n Fremont
Deble, Morris, blacksmith, 95 Watson
Deford, Annie, laundress, 42 East
Deffew, Charles E., fireman, 32 Elbow ln
Deguzee, Carl, sailor, 97 s Bethel
Delaney, Wm., laborer, 376 Cross
Demby, James, drayman, 88 Watson
Demby, Jeremiah, brickmaker, 7 Iron al
Denby, Austin, drayman, 21 Jefferson
Denby. Mary A., laundress, 110 s Bethel
Denby, Mrs., rear of 213 York
Delosher. Frederick, drayman, 22 Wayne
Dennis, Emory, stevedore, 48 Sarah Ann
Dennis, George, shoemaker, 32 Sarah Ann
Dennis, Henry, laborer, 159 York
Dennis, John, laborer, 119 s Durham
Dennis, Maria, laundress, 221 s Durham
Dennis, Robert, waiter, 146 Tyson
Dennis, Wm. H., brickmaker, 120 s Dallas
Dennison, Philip, drayman, 51 Orleans
Denny, John, sailor, 106 Henrietta
Dent, James, laborer, 13 Jasper
Denton, Annie, chambermaid, 41 n Sharp
Derry. Emanuel, waiter, 16 Jordan al
Derry. Matthias, drayman, 89 Hill
Derry, Wm., measurer, 137 n Caroline
Derrickson, Alfred, laborer, 41 Elbow la
Derix, Joshua, laborer, 59 Orchard
Dertier, Alexander, cook, 9 L. Montgomery
Dett, Joshua, laborer, 99 Moore al
Devetere, James, brickmaker, 4 Patapsco av
DeWard, Wm. H., barkeeper, 5 South la
Diamond, Charlotte, 99 s Bethel
Dickenson, Charles, laborer, 48 Low
Dickenson, Elijah, porter, 3 Joy al
Dickerson, Henry, waiter, 83 Burgundy al
Dickerson, Henrietta, 118 Welcome al
Dickerson, James, laborer, 297 s Eutaw
Dickerson, James, waiter, 23 Hull's la
Dickerson, Lewis, driver, 11 Philpot
Dickerson, Marcellus, 4 Lloyd
Dickerson, Richard, mariner, 24 Forrest
Dickson, Eliza, seamstress, 246 L. Hughes
Dickinson, Wm., stevedore, 139 s Caroline
Dickson, Theodore, laborer, 15 Cecil
Diggs, Aaron T., butcher, 4 Peach al
Diggs, Anna, cake shop, 7 Bell al
Diggs, Anne, laundress, 5 Kimmel al
Diggs, Benjamin, laborer, 88 n Dallas
Diggs, Cyrus M., laborer, 13 Neighbor
Diggs, Emeline, laundress, 121 Sarah Ann
Diggs, Hiram, laborer, 25 Harmony al
Diggs, John, waiter, 33 Jasper
Diggs, Lewis, laborer, 196 s Howard
Diggs, Sarah, laundress, 121 Sarah Ann
Dikes, Elizabeth, laundress, 2 Dawson al
Dikes, Jacob, porter, 6 South
Dillard, Wesley, wagoner, 243 Orleans
Dillehay, James, porter, 354 West
Dillehay, Thomas, drayman, 331 s Howard
Diller, John, laborer, 298 s Howard
Diller, Mitchell, cook, 298 s Howard
Discoll, Mary Ann, laundress, 35 Short
Dixon, Alexander, brickmaker, 190 Henrietta
Dixon, Ann, 14 Wagon al
Dixon, Daniel, brickmaker, 10 Hammond al
Dixon, Daniel, laborer, 12 Reese al
Dixon, Eliza, 116 s Washington, F.P.
Dixon, Mrs. Elizabeth, laundress, 42 China
Dixon, Isaac, laborer, 42 Lewis
Dixon, James F., soldier, 108 Cider al
Dixon, James, laborer, 43 n Sharp
Dixon, John, porter, 86 Welcome al
Dixon, James, oyster shucker, 49 L. Church
Dixon, John, mariner, 86 Welcome al
Dixon, Juliana, stewardess, 92 n Dallas
Dixon, Leah, laundress, 59 L. Church
Dixon, Mary, washerwoman, 237 Dover
Dixon, Philip, 73 Chestnut
Dixon, Rayney, laundress, 62 L. Church
Dixon, Richard, mariner, 52 East
Dixon, Robert, 38 s Dallas
Dixon, Wm., laborer, 2 Stockston av
Dobbin, John, brickmaker, 157 West
Dobson, Henry, whitewasher, 60 Union
Dobson, James, laborer, 32 Lewis
Dobson, Perry, stevedore, 38 Lewis
Dobson, Shadrack, fireman, 298 s Howard
Dobson, Wm., laborer, 2 Forrest
Dode, Louis, tailor, 38 w Pratt
Dode, Peter, clothier, 38 w Pratt
Dodson, Peter, confectioner, 146 Hill, dw 144
Dodson, Peter, Jr., 144 Hill
Door, Henrietta, washerwoman, 136 n Caroline
Doran, Frances, cook, 116 Jasper
Dorman, Daniel, grain measurer, 274 Montgomery
Dorman, Wm., brickmaker, 37 Plum al
Dorritee, Jacob, caulker, 162 s Dallas
Dorsey, Abraham, porter, 60 Pierce
Dorsey, Alex, 103 North
Dorsey, Allen, waiter, 90 Cider la
Dorsey, Benjamin, porter, 72 Josephine
Dorsey, Benjamin, mariner, 94 n Dallas
Dorsey, Caroline, laundress, 47 Tyson al
Dorsey, Charity, laundress, 186 Henrietta
Dorsey, Charles, hostler, 59 Raborg
Dorsey, David, carter, 100 Stirling
Dorsey, David, brickmaker, 42 Patapsco av
Dorsey, Edward, huckster, 1 Butler al
Dorsey, Ellen, washerwoman, 1 Cross al
Dorsey, Ellen, laundress, 17 Tyson al
Dorsey, George, engineer, 51 Low
Dorsey, Hanson, lumber wagoner, 134 Orchard
Dorsey, Harry, hod carrier, 97 Sarah Ann
Dorsey, Henry, hod carrier, 40 Hill
Dorsey, Horatio, mariner, 8 Morris al
Dorsey, James, drayman, 304 s Howard
Dorsey, James E., laborer, 16 Pierce
Dorsey, John, porter, 5 Chapel al
Dorsey, John, tanner, 116 n Front
Dorsey, Joseph, laborer, 119 Hill
Dorsey, Julia, laundress, 10 Tyson
Dorsey, Lemuel, drayman, 11 Union al
Dorsey, Levi, oysterman, 24 Tessier
Dorsey, Lewis, laborer, 92 Henrietta
Dorsey, Martha, laundress, 4 Half Moon al
Dorsey, Matthew, pickler, 3 Mechanic's ct
Dorsey, Nathan, drayman, 4 Wayne
Dorsey, Richard, laborer, 161 n Dallas
Dorsey, Richard, laborer, 42 Haw
Dorsey, Samuel, drayman, 42 Union
Dorsey, Sarah A., laundress, 20 Leadenhall
Dorsey, Tracey, laundress, 29 Raborg
Dorsey, Teresa, 50 St. Mary
Dorsey, Wm., grain measurer, 37 Park
Dorsey, Wm., hod carrier, 119 York
Dorsey, Wm., brickmaker, 29 Raborg
Dorsey, Wm., puddler, 174 Dover
Dorsey, Wm., grain runner, 35 Park
Dorson, Thomas, drayman, over 131 Hanover
Dougherty, Louisa, 190 Mullikin
Dougherty, Samuel, caulker, 169 s Bethel
Dougherty, Zachariah, lab'r, 3 Monmonier's ct
Douglass, Amos, porter, 37 n Sharp
Douglass, Benj., sailor, 62 Welcome al
Douglass, George, waiter, 15 Rose
Douglass, John, waiter, 14 L. Monument
Douglass, John H., waiter, 78 Centre
Douglass, Joseph, waiter, 12 Chestnut al
Douglass, Mary, seamstress, 14 L. Monument
Dowden, Abram, laborer, 13 Union
Dowden, Benj., laborer, 60 Richmond
Dowden, Mary, laundress, 6 Raborg
Dowden, Miranda, laundress, 3 Spring Garden av
Dowden, Philip, laborer, 43 Lewis
Downes, Julia A., laundress, 110 s Bethel
Downey, Robert, laborer, 104 Henrietta
Downs, Blake, hod carrier, 30 Carlton
Downs, Dora, laundress, 75 Josephine
Downs, Eliza, laundress, 106 Cider al
Downs, Geo. W., brickmaker, 82 L. Church
Downs, Harrison, caulker, 6 Warren, F.P.
Downs, Geo., blacksmith, Windsor Mill road
Downs, Isaac, laborer, 234 Vine
Downs, Isaac, porter, 73 Sarah Ann
Downs, Isaac, laborer, 17 Douglass
Downs, James, porter, 17 Rose
Downs, Joseph, porter, 4 Wagon al
Downs, Joseph, laborer, 106 Henrietta
Downs, Lucinda, laundress, 6 X al
Downs, Mary E., laundress, 6 X al
Downs, Robert, laborer, 167 York
Downs, Thomas, laborer, 188 s Durham
Downs, Wm., mariner, 4 Clarkson al
Downs, Wm., mariner, 106 Cider al
Doyle, Edward M., drayman, 19 State
Doyle, James, oyster shucker, 11 Biddle
Doyle, James, hackman, 19 State
Doyle, Lucy A., laundress, 9 High al
Doyle, Matilda, 207 Raborg
Doyle, Wm., hackman, 76 North
Draoer, Daniel, barber, 74 East
Draper, Garrison, tobacconist, 162 Forrest
Draper, Henry, caulker, 93 L. Church
Draper, John, musician, 94 East
Drewett, Wm., bruch fiunisher, Chestnut al w of Pearl
Drickus, James, coachman, 51 Park
Driver, Floretta, 18 Rose
Driver, Edward D., carter, 115 York
Driver, Jermiah, brickmaker, 131 York
Driver, Lydia, laundress, 12 X al
Druett, Mary, washerwoman, 132 Tyson
Dubois, Emile Joseph, laborer, 183 Mulberry
Duceaux, Mrs., 41 Park
Duckery, James, carter, 26 Wayne
Duckett, Mary, laundress, 85 Moore al
Dudley, John,. mariner, 13 Philpot
Dudley, Samuel, laborer, 23 Philpot
Duff, Charles, fireman, 36 King
Duffin, Ann M., laundress, 12 Tyson al
Duffin, Thomas, 51 Moore al
Dulaney, Thomas, waiter, 132 s Durham
Dunbar, George, grain measurer, 62 Mulberry
Duncan, Benjamin, farmer, 254 Raborg
Dungee, John, waiter, 19 Hull's la
Dungee, John, carter, 69 East
Dungee, James, drayman, 34 n Front
Dungee, Wm. N., cabin maker, 62 East
Dunkins, Wm., oyster shucker, 8 Cecil
Dunn, John, grain measurer, 141 Hill
Dunson, Ann, house cleaner, 7 Marion
Dunson, Charles H., grain measurer, 112 Henrietta
Dunson, Henry, soldier, 7 Marion
Dunson, Nancy, 218 L. Hughes
Durand, Frances, carter, 172 Tyson
Durand, Nathaniel, waiter, 148 Tyson
Durham, Henry, cooper, 80 Elbow la
Durham, Thos., Windsor mill road nr. Fremont
Durkin, Wm., laborer, 26 Raborg
Durkins, Henry, gardner, 209 Chestnut al
Dutton, Charles, laborer, 137 Chestnut
Dutton, Levi, wagoner, 12 St. James
Dutton, Robert, mariner, 165 n Dallas
Duval, Isaac, sawyer, 15 Arch
Duval, Richard, drayman, 44 Moore al
Duvall, Steven, hod carrier, 60 Josephine
Duvall, Tobias, sawyer, 57 Josephine
Dyer, Joseph, brickmaker, 62 Elbow la
Dyer, Levin, laborer, 34 King
Dyer, L.D., ice cream, 117 Camden
Dyer, Nathan, oyster shucker, 308 s Howard
Dykes, Wm., hod carrier, 165 York
Dyott, John Major, laborer, 114 Welcome al
Dyott, Richard J., grain runner, 114 Welcome al
Dyson, Charles, laborer, 165 Montgomery
Dyson, John, drayman, 99 Dover
Dyson, Chancy, laundress, 165 York

Eady, Rebecca, laundress, 103 Tyson
Eady, Samuel, mariner, 103 Tyson
Earl, Perry, laborer, 44 L. Monument
Earle, Wm., brick moulder, 46 Sarah Ann
Ease, Anna, laundress, 2 Plum al
Ease, John, drayman, 2 Plum al
Eastep, Daniel, 8 Elder al
Easton, Samuel, fireman, 108 Dugan's whf
Ebb, William F., 54 St. Mary
Ebenezer Methodist Church, 247 Montgomery
Edam, Joshua, grain runner, 51 L. Pleasant
Eddicks, Henrietta, laundress, rear of 47 King
Edonson, Martha, laundress, 1 Butler al
Edwards, Abraham, stevedore, 84 L. Church
Edwards, Anna, 120 s Spring
Edwards, Edward, laborer, 130 Dover
Edwards, Joseph, waiter, 5 Jew al
Edwards, Serena, laundress, 5 Jew al
Effert, Thomas, brickmaker, 14 L. Paca
Elbert, Henry, carter, 85 East
Elder, Hester, 21 State
Elias, Daniel, tanner, 113 Moore al
Ellagood, Ann, 58 s Dallas
Elliott, Ann, 202 Vine
Elliott, Isaac, drayman, 28 Arch
Elliott, John, whitewasher, 133 Hill
Elliott, Jane, Marion ct
Elliott, Louisa, cook, 19 Tyson al
Elliott, Maria, dressmaker, 62 Lerew al
Elliott, Robert, drayman, 15 Tyson al
Ellis, George, hod carrier, 146 York
Ellis, John T., laborer, 89 L. Church
Ellis, John, mariner, 1 South la
Ellis, Susan E., laundress, 54 Lewis
Elzey, Snead, laborer, 203 Hamburg
Emmerson, James H., laborer, 43 Clay
Emmerson, Stephen, 85 Orchard
Emory, Charles, waiter, 96 Tyson
Emory, Charles, grain measurer, 278 s Howard
Emory, Charles, drayman, 188 s Howard
Emory, Jacob, porter, 96 Tyson
Ennells, Charles, laborer, 131 York
Ennels, Stephen, wheelman, 222 Hanover
Ennis, John W., brickmaker, Clinton
Ennis, Thomas, mariner, 238 L. Hughes
Evans, Cooper, stevedore, 26 East
Evans, Charles, brickmaker, 11 Bounty la
Evans, Daniel, mariner, 66 Elbow la
Evans, Francis, laborer, 70 St. Mary's
Evans, George, bartender, 98 Tyson
Evans, Maria, laundress, 22 French
Evans, Randall, bartender under Howard house, 98 Tyson
Evans, Thomas, 98 Tyson
Evans, Thornton, caulker, 138 Hill
Eves, John H., grain measurer, 205 Hamburg

Farmer, Squire, laborer, 240 Montgomery
Farrell, Mary A., 10 Jasper
Farris, Leach, laborer, 99 n Dallas
Fax, Hester, laundress, 103 Low
Felton, Rezin, carter, 208 Raborg
Fennel, James, laborer, 79 Moore al
Ferguson, Benjamin F., barber, 1 Cohen al
Ferguson, Benjamin F., barber, 118 Garden
Ferguson, Eliza, 20 s Bethel
Ferguson, Samuel, carter, 1 St. James
Fergusson, Maria, laundress, 35 Plum al
Fernandis, John A., barber, 128 s Broadway
Fickel, Eli, porter, 73 East
Fields, Aaron, wood sawyer, 2 Temple
Fields, Eliza, laundress, 3 Edward
Fields, Martha, laundress, 272 L. Hughes
Fields, Sarah, laundress, 47 Park
Fillmore, Philip, waiter, 2 Jew al
Finlay, Daniel, moulder, 27 Moore al
Fischer, Frederick, laborer, 2 s Dallas
Fisher, Alice, laundress, 48 Wayne
Fisher, Charles O., caulker, 128 s Bethel
Fisher, Esquire, whitewasher, 49 Dover
First Presbyterian (colored) church, Madison, bet Park and Cathedral
Fisher, Jacob, stevedore, 55 Hampstead
Fisher, Jane, 97 s Bethel
Fisher, John, laborer, 196 n Exeter
Fisher, Margaret A., 195 s Dallas
Fisher, Maria, cook, 6 Butler
Fisher, Nancy Ann, laundress, 5 Collins' ct
Fisher, Samuel T., porter, 256 Raborg
Fisher, Thomas, blacksmith, Dewberry al nr Baltimore
Fisher, Toy, mariner, 222 L. Hughes
Fisher, Wm. J., barber, 39 n Sharp
Fisher, Wm., laborer, 317 s Howard
Fitch, Elizabeth, cook, 216 Hanover
Fleetwood, Ann M., laundress, 48 Tyson
Fleetwood, Charles, waiter, 48 Tyson
Fleetwood, Charles, waiter, 4 Eutaw ct
Fleetwoodm Wm., teacher, 78 Chestnut al
Fletcher, John, laborer, 47 State
Florida, Thomas, musician, 66 Burgundy al
Fokes, Jane, laundress, 16 Eutaw ct
Foote, Margaret, 96 Tyson
Foote, Wm., porter, 98 Raborg
Ford, Elizabeth, seamstress, 6 Raborg
Ford, George J., porter, 219 s Howard
Ford, Hannah, 110 Jasper
Ford, Henry, cap trimmer, 90 St. Mary
Ford, John L., laborer, 6 Chestnut
Ford, Lucinda, confectionery, 86 w Centre
Ford, Mary C., laundress, 257 Montgomery
Ford, Samuel, whitewasher, 187 Dover
Ford, Sarah, 14 Warren, F.P.
Ford, Thomas, barber, 100 Orchard
Foreman, Annie, 4 Short al
Foreman, Andrew, coachman, 40 Clay
Foreman, David, whitewasher, 195 Ensor
Foreman, Francis, 74 Orchard
Foreman, John A., porter, 2 Bethel row
Foreman, John, drayman, 58 Orchard
Foreman, Mary, laundress, 5 Tyson al
Foreman, Maria, laundress, 70 s Howard
Foreman, Richard, 37 Forrest
Foreman, Richard, boatman, 3 Marion ct
Foreman, John, caulker, 6 Salisbury al
Forrester, James, barber, 24 Dover
Forrester, John, porter, 16 Lester ct
Fortie, Charles, barber, 102 Dover
Fortie, George, shoemaker, 6 Elbow la
Fortie, Henry, drayman, 93 East
Fortie, Jacob H., drayman, 79 s Greene
Fortie, Lewis, teacher, 83 East
Fortune, John A., sexton, 29 Rose
Fortune, Julia, 110 Dallas
Fortune, Susan, 16 Spruce al
Foster, Celestia, cook, 215 Hamburg
Foster, Daniel, drayman, 102 s Spring
Foster, Wm., steward, 211 s Bethel
Foster, Wm., hod carrier, 29 Biddle al
Fosset, Lev, sexton, 1st Constitutional Church, 29 Haw
Fountain, Alfred, grain measurer, 228 Montgomery
Fountain, Charles, fireman, 92 n Spring
Fountain, Samuel, porter, 35 Dover
Fowler, Ann M., seamstress, 36 n Spring
Fowler, Isaiah H., barber, 2 s Dallas
Fowler, Isaac H., barber, 199 Lioght
Fowler, James, porter, 104 Sarah Ann
Fowler, Josiah, laborer, 4 X al
Fowler, Leonard, brickmaker, 75 Johnson
Fowler, Lloyd, carter, Windson Mill road
Fowler, Thomas J., brickmaker, 73 Johnson
Fowler, Wm. H., brickmaker, 73 Johnson
Francis, Eliza, laundress, 5 Inloes al
Francis, John, boarding, 184 Eastern av
Francis, John, waiter, 35 Raborg
Francis, John, barber, 8 Chestnut
Francis, Lewis, whitewasher, 33 Chestnut al
Francis, Owen, hod carrier, 17 Harmony la
Franklin, Abraham, 16 Short
Franklin, George, whitewasher, 155 York
Franklin, Jesse, 88 Moore al
Franklin, John E., laborer, 26 Raborg
Franklin, Thomas A., drayman, 378 Cross
Frazier, Basil, cook, 48 Dover
Frazier, Caleb, laborer, 141 Hill
Frazier, Mrs. Elizabeth, laundress, 160 s Eutaw
Frazier, Frances A., washerwoman, 84 n Spring
Freeland, George, grain runner, 128 Dover
Freeland, James, drayman, 128 Dover
Freeman, Francis, cook, 30 York
Freeman, George, 17 Jasper
Freeman, Isaac, porter, 116 Tyson
Freeman, James H., shoemaker, 76 East
Freeman, P., laborer, 55 Forest
Freeman, Samuel, waiter, s e cor Fayette and Harrison
Freeman, Sarah, 14 Herrings ct
Freeman, Wm., laborer, 72 L. McElderry
Freeman, Wm., huckster, 47 Mullikin
Frisby, Ann, laundress, 79 w Fayette
Frisby, Joseph, laborer, 301 s Eutaw
Frisby, John, laborer, 13 Ross
Frisby, Julia, chambermaid, 57 Hargrove al
Frisby, Perry, 6 Short al
Frisby, Richard, porter, 78 s Howard
Frisby, Richard, laborer, 20 Edward
Frisby, Spencer, laborer, 44 Lewis
Fuller, Chase, 249 Orleans
Fuller, George, waiter, 249 Orleans
Fullman, George, waiter, 83 Orchard
Furguson, Sarah, chambermaid, 327 s Eutaw

Gail, George H., 2 L. McElderry
Gains, John, teacher, 6 Peach al
Gains, Levin, porter, 74 Stiles
Gains, Moses, laborer, 6 Peach al
Gaines, John, brickmaker, 240 Montgomery
Gaines, Joseph, whip saweyer, 138 West
Gaines, Noah, whitewasher, 251 s Charles
Gaines, Philip, laborer, 112 n Dallas
Gaines, William R., porter, 49 French
Gaiter, Henry, whitewasher, 2 Jordan al
Gaiter, Rachel, 3 Iron al
Gaither, Richard, laborer, 39 Arch
GAITHER, WASHINGTON, feed store and livery stables, 9
Columbia, dw 2 Elbow la
Galamason, Charles, caulker, 170 s Dallas
Gale, Annie, 116 Orchard
Gale, John, laborer, 87 n Spring
Gale, Robert, whitewasher, 110 Orchard
Gale, Raisin, hod carrier, 84 Jasper
Gales, James, waiter, 17 Union
Galloway, Geo. W., laborer, 129 Welcome al
Galloway, Hiram, grain runner, rear of 47 King
Galloway, Isaac, laborer, Vine al rear of 29 Amity
Galloway, John, grain measurer, rear of 47 King
Galloway, Melinda, washerwoman, rear of 47 King
Galloway, Eliza, cook, 133 Chestnut
Galloway, Wm., waiter, 4 Salisbury al
Gamble, John, mariner, 51 Holiday
Gannon, Peter, laborer, 67 Wayne
Gannon, Nobel, laborer, 49 Low
Gant, Alfred, laborer, 12 Stockton al
Gant, John, farmer, 58 L. Church
Gant, Margaret, laundress, 6 Butler al
Gant, Richard, huckster, 139 Hill
Gant, Samuel, carter, 69 Union
Garber, Ann M., 7 Etna la
Gardner, Elizabeth, boarding, 21l Vine
Gardner, James, cauker, 109 n Dallas
Garner, Elizabeth, 111 North
Garner, Mary, 23 Jenkins la
Garner, William, steward, 78 Cider al
Garrett, Augustus, laborer, 8 Forney al
Garrett, Anne, laundress, 24 Union
Garrett, Edward, 51 Elbow la
Garrett, Julia A., laundress, 24 Union
Garrett, Mrs. Maria, 68 Elbow la
Garrett, Richard, porter, 86 Elbow la
Garrett, Richard S., whitewasher, 13 Pine al
Garrett, Thomas, mariner, 8 Jew al
Garrett, Thomas, laborer, 334 n Howard
Garrett, William, coachman, 8 Jew al
Garrett, William, huckster, 74 Chestnut al
Garretson, Charles, hostler, 8 Madison al
Garrison, James, coachman, 17 Tessier
Garrison, Jeremiah, teamster, 48 Union
Garrison, Jermiah, engineer, 239 L. Hughes
Garrison, John, carter, Patapsco al nr Charles
Garrison,, Isaac, coachman, 105 Chestnut
Garrison, Nathaniel, waiter, 21 Arch
Gassaway, Francis, carter, 76 Moore al
Gassaway, Henry N., coachman, 59 Moore al
Gassaway, Joshua, plasterer, 12 Edward
Gassaway, John, grain runner, 152 York
Gassaway, Nicholas, porter, 111 North
Gaskins, Moses, waiter, 50 n Sharp
Gates, William, brickmaker, 18 Jasper
Gatch, Edward, brickmaker, 14 n Spring
Gayno, Orlando, waiter, 16 Jew al
Generals, Stephen, laborer, 262 Hamburg
Gent, John, porter, Waters ct near Biddle
Gent, Henry, Chapel, near N. Fremont
Gent, John, oyster shucker, 7 Waters ct
Gent, Richard, Chapel, near N. Fremont
George A. Washington, waiter, 19 Warren
Gibbs, Anna, laundress, 3 Water's ct
Gibbs, Charles A., coffee roaster, 42 King
Gibbs, Henry, grain measurer, 92 Leadenhall
Gibbs, Lewis, whitewasher, 40 East
Gibbs, Susan, laundress, 32 Short
Gibson, Andrew, whip sawyer, 169 n Dallas
Gibson, Benjamin, drayman, 133 Aisquith
Gibson, Belinda, laundress, 203 Raborg
Gibson, Clara, laundress, 7 Gillingham al
Gibson, Edward, whip sawyer, 169 n Dallas
Gibson, Emily, 56 s Dallas
Gibson, Ellen, worker, 156 York
Gibson, Garbriel, stevedore, 71 Forrest
Gibson, Garrison, carman, Hog al
Gibson, George, drayman, 16 Pierce
Gibson, George, drayman, 51 Tyson al
Gibson, Henry, stevedore, 36 China
Gibson, Ishmael, barber, 43 s Paca
Gibson, Jacob,m laborer, 36 Perry
Gibson, Lewis, carriage driver, 5 Bethel ct
Gibson, Mary Ann, 4 Arcade al
Gibson, Sarah, washerwoman, 39 n Sharp
Gibson, John, brickmaker, 16 Philpot
Gibson, John H., mariner, 62 Welcome al
Gibson, Malachi, hackman, 233 Montgomery
Gibson, Mary, washerwoman, 23 State
Gibson, Philip, cook, 74 Pierce
Gibson, Perry, laborer, 81 Dallas
Gibson, Lewis, brickmaker, 60 Sarah Ann
Gibson, Mary, laundress, 70 Josephine
Gibson, Nathaniel, hackman, 231 L. Hughes
Gibson, Sarah J., 2 Mince al
Gibson, Sophia, laundress, 32 Short
Gibson, William, sawyer, Hogg al
Gibson, Wm., laborer, Francis nr Madison la
Gibson, Watt, laborer, 85 s Spring
Giddings, Daniel, grain runner, 47 L. Pleasant
Giddings, John, laborer, 106 Ensor
Giddings, Marshall, porter, 51 Chestnut
Giddings, Mack, hostler, 15 State
Gidley, David, barber, 10 Hill
Gidley, David, barber, 101 Hill
Gidley, Perry, blacksmith, 259 L. Hughes
Gilbert, Caroline, laundress, 1 Bell al
Gilbert, Jane, laundress, 108 Cider al
Gilbert, John, laborer, 12 Chestnut
Gilbert, Martin, eating house, 13 L. Paca, dw Elbow la
Gilbert, Matilda, laundress, 2Union al
Gilbert, Paca, whitewasher, 23 Foundry
Gilbert, Sidney, 153 York
Giles, Levi, porter, 7 Stogden al
Giles, Mary, laundress, 5 State
Giles, Nathan, carter, 78 Welcome al
Giles, Urias, wagoner, 237 Orleans
Giles, Wm., laborer, 46 Eislein
Gilley, Wm. W., barber, 1 Forrest
Gilley, Annie M., laundress, Half Moon al
Gilley, Levi, spring maker, 15 Stockton al
Gilliott, Abraham, mariner, 90 Welcome al
Gilliard, Edward, blacksmith, 188 Harford av
Gillard, James, confectionery, 186 Harford av
Gilliard, Julia, 80 L. McElderry
Gilmore, Alexander, hod carrier, 23 Chestnut
Gilmore, Ira,  s Dallas
Gilmore, John, waiter, 4 Plover al
Gilyard,,, Charlotte, washerwoman, 73 Davis
Gilyard, George, boatman, 16 n Dallas
Gittings, Elizabeth, laundress, 50 L. Church
Gittings, Isaiah, hostler, 12 Vine
Gittings, Sarah, laundress, 66 Gravel al
Glaxo, Stephen, whitewasher, 271 Orleans
Glascoe, James, waiter, 29 State
Glascoe, Solomon, sawyer, 43 Douglass
Gleaves, Thomas, fireman, 2 Union al
Glees, Charles, laborer, 41 East
Glenn, Samuel, whitewasher, 170 York
Goins, George, hackman, 150 Tyson
Goins, Robert, porter, 181 Henriets
Gioodwin, Joseph, soldier, 32 Hill
Goold, John, brickmaker, 103 s Spring
Golden, Charles, carriage driver, 79 w Fayette
Golden, Joshua, laborer, 33 Park
Golding, Wm., laborer, 155 n Exeter
Goldsberry, Charles, hod carrier, 263 Raborg
Goldman, Jane, 290 e Fayette
Goldsbough, Elizabeth, cook, 101 Hill
Goldsbough, Henry, hod carrier, 1 Tripolet al
Goldsbough, Scipio, waiter, 64 Chatsworth
Goldsbough, Thomas R., barber, 33 Morris al
Goldsbough, Washington, brickmaker, 83 Welcome al
Goldsbough, Wm., carter, 87 Moore al
Goldsbough, Mary A., laundress, 64 Chestnut al
Good, Richard, laborer, 14 Stockton al
Goodwin, Ephraim, porter, 160 Penna av
Goodwin, Eton, porter, 36 Morris al
Goodwin, Charles, mariner, 68 Wayne
Goodwin, Louisa, laundress, 55 Burgundy al
Gooseberry, Thomas, wagoner, 193 s Dallas
Gooseberry, Elizabeth, 63 s Dallas
Gose, Philip T., porter, 79 Burgundy al
Gonnett, Washington, hay measurer, 180 York
Gordon, John, laborer, 32 Morris al
Gough, Mrs. Annie, chamberlmaid, 66 Dover
Gough, Francis A., 118 s Dallas
Gough, Lloyd, laborer, 235 Booth
Gough, Martha, laundress, 15 State
Gould, Daniel, whitewasher, 39 Moore al
Gould, Frances, seamstress, 26 Raborg
Gould, John, laborer, 22 Wayne
Gould, Charles, furniture, 48 Carlton
Gould, John A., drayman, 289 Hamburg
Govans, Charity, 131 Aisquith
Govey, James, driver, 69 Dover
Grabe, James, laborer, Philpot al
Grace, Alexander, caulker, 41 s Bethel
Grace, John, caulker, 41 s Bethel
Grady, John, coachman, 2 Plover al
Graham, Maria, laundress, 114 Sarah Ann
Graham, Maria, 57 Jasper
Grain Carriers' Hall (colored), 45 Commerce
Grandason, Charles, laborer, 43 Douglas
Grandison, Charles, porter, 10 Beaufort
Granger, Wm. A., drayman, rear 98 Chestnut
Grant, Alice, laundress, l Biddle ct
Grant, Charity, 3 College al
Grant, Mark, blacksmith, 133 n Caroline
Grant, Nancy, huckstress, 230 Hanover
Graves, Alewxander, mariner, 104 Orchard
Graves, David, drayman, 64 St. Mary
Graves, George W., laborer, 311 s Howard
Graves, Joseph, grain measurer, 270 s Howard
Graves, Wm. H., laborer, rear of 47 King
Gray, Albert, laborer, 7 Bankers al
Gray, America, farmer, 11 Mechanics' ct
Gray, Cumberland, butcher, 191 Ensor
Gray, David, laborer, 104 Henrietta
Gray, David, drayman, 25 Ross
Gray, Delia, laundress, 166 York
Gray, Emeline, laundress, 72 s Howard
Gray, Ellen, 92 St. Mary
Gray, Frances, 17 Walnut al
Gray, George, carter, 72 Burgundy al
Gray, Horcace, laborer, 105 Welcome al
Gray, James, carter, 151 Low
Gray, James, whitewasher, 17 Jordan al
Gray, James, porter, 3 Salisbury al
Gray, Mary A., laundress, 37 Raborg
Gray, Nelson, porter, 11 Edward
Gray, Rachel, 12 X al
Gray, Richard, laborer, 164 Park
Gray, Richard, carter, 218 Raborg
Gray, Samuel, laborer, 3 Page al
Gray, Shadrach, mariner, 135 Hill
Gray, Silas, laborer, 218 Dover
Gray, Susan, laundress, rear if 98 Chestnut
Gray, Wm., waiter, 6 Richmond
Gray, Wm. J., undertaker, 86 Park
Gray, Wm., waiter, 57 w Centre
Grayson, Eliza, 118 Holiday
Grayson, George, laborer, 314 Montgomery
Grayson, Henry, laborer, 70 Orchard
Grayson, John, laborer, 224 Hanover
Grayson, Mrs. Mary, 225 Dover
Grayson, Nobel, soldier, 17 Booth
Grayson, Sam'l B., whitewasher, 242 Hughes
Greatfield, Eliza, mantuamaker, 38 Clay
Greatfield, Alfred, laborer, 78 Morris al
Green, Alice, laundress, 12 George al
Green, Alfred, laborer, 78 Morris al
Green, Ann M., 45 Tyson al
Green, Benj., vook, 216 Hughes
Green, Catherine, laundress, Spring Garden av
Green, Catherine, laundress, 42 East
Green, Mrs. Caroline, 50 Cross
Green, Charles, herb doctor, 4 Leadenhall
Green, Charles, teacher, 243 s Eutaw
Green, David, caulker, 225 s Durham
Green, David, laborer, 1 Water's ct
Green, Edward, laborer, 54 China
Green, Emory, brickmaker, 88 Elbow la
Green, Emory, laborer, 37 Burgundy al
Green, Empraim, laborer, 59 Josephine
Green, Eli, drayman, 35 Jordan al
Green, Garrison, laborer, 2 Arcade al
Green, George, laborer, 2 Stockton al
Green, George, caulker, 170 s Bethel
Green, George, hostler, 246 Raborg
Green, George, brickmaker, 7 Peach al
Green, George, sawyer, 224 s Durham
Green, George, laborer, 54 Chine
Green, George, waiter, 23 State
Green, Harriet, 127 e Baltimore
Green, Harris, laborer, 47 Carlton
Green, Henry, caulker, 183 s Dallas
Green, Hooper, stevedore, 137 s Dallas
Green, Jacob, china packer, 218 Hughes
Green, James, waiter, rear of 47 King
Green, James, oystershucker, 8 Cecil
Green, James, laborer, 121 s Bethel
Green, James, caulker, 212 s Dallas
Green, Jane A., 14 Hamburg
Green, John, brickmaker, 50 Cross
Green, John E., laborer, 90 St. Mary
Green, John H., waiter, 120 Orchard
Green, John, laborer, 121 s Bethel
Green, Joseph, porter, 18 Sarah Ann
Green, Joseph, express driver, 42 Short
Green, Louis, laborer, 27 s Regester
Green, Martha, seamstress, 33 Tyson al
Green, Mary A., cook, 6 Bethel row
Green, Robert, laborer, 177 s Durham
Green, Robert, drayman, 18 s Bethel
Green, Richard, lumber wagoner, 82 n Spring
Green, Richard, waiter, 83 Gravel al
Green, Richard, laborer, 11 Ross
Green, Samuel, laborer, 94 L. Church
Green, Vincent, mariner, 45 Guilford al
Green, Wm., plasterer, 260 Rabord
Green, Wm., brickmaker, 617 Light
Greenfield, Mary, 9 Walnut al
Greenwood, Perry, porter, 42 Vine
Greenwood, Samuel, porter, 315 s Eutaw
Gregg, John, laborer, 13 Water's row
Grievous, Ida, dressmaker, 110 s Bethel
Griffin, Charlotte, cook, 186 Henrietta
Griffin, Edw., cigar maker, 144 Hill
Griffin, Edward, barber, 155 n Dallas
Griffin, Edward, cigar maker, Montgomery nr Sharp
Griffin, Harriet, washerwoman, 79 Welcome al
Griffin, Henry, wood sawyer, 85 n Spring
Griffin, John T., barber, 188 s Howard
Griffin, John H., grain measurer, 45 Jefferson
Griffin, John T., barber, 71 Montgomery, dw 188 s Howard
Griffin, Levin, mariner, 1 Gillingham al
Griffin, Lemuel, brickmaker, 190 s Howard
Griffin, Mary A., 197 s Durham
Griffin, Matilda, washerwoman, 128 s Dallas
Griffin, Nelson, mariner, 48 Chestnut
Griffin, Perry, laborer, 47 Elbow la
Griffin, Richard, cigar maker, 36 Clay
Griffin, Robert, laborer, 67 Wayne
Griffin, Wm., brickmaker, 130 Hill
Griffin, Wm., porter, 69 Leadenhall
Griffith, Chares, soldier, 142 Sarah Ann
Griffith, Lemuel, brickmaker, 124 Hill
Grififith, Mary E., laundress, 182 West
Grinnage, Levi, laborer, 53 Dover
Grinnage, John, laborer, 53 Dover
Grinnell, James, mariner, 8 Wayne
Grooms, Francis, laborer, 14 Mechanic's ct
Grooms, Nathaniel, barber, Western hotel, dw 66 St. Mary
Grooms, Nelson, butcher, 197 Stirling
Grooms, John E., waiter, 118 Holidal
Grooms, Joseph, barber, 66 St. Mary
Grooms, Othello, drayman, 183 Tyson
Gross, Araminta, laundress, 27 Ross
Gross, Basil, laborer, 318 Hamburg
Gross, Benjamin, drayman, 313 s Howard
Gross, Charles, porter, 55 Raborg
Gross, Charles, driver, 17 Tessier
Gross, Colbert, soldier, 85 Hill
Gross, Daniel, waiter, 12 Jew al
Gross, Deborah, laundress, 37 Raborg
Gross, Dennis, porter, 37 Raborg
Gross, Dinah, laundress, 163 York
Gross, Dinah, laundress, 73 Plum
Gross, Edward, laborer, 319 s Howard
Gross, Mrs. Elizabeth, 182 Henrietta
Gross, Emily, laundress, 55 Raborg
Gross, Francis, laundress, 49 Elbow lane
Gross, Frisby, sailot, 60 Welcome al
Gross, Harriet, laundress, 85 Hill
Gross, Henry, mariner, 56 Orleans
Gross, Henrietta, cook, 91 Moore al
Gross, Rev. Henry, 55 Orleans
Gross, Isaiah, laborer, 318 Hamburg
Gross, Jacob, laborer, 92 Chestnut al
Gross, Jane, laundress, 261 L. Hughes
Gross, Jeremiah, laborer, rear of 147 York
Gross, John L., mariner, 41 Forrest
Gross, John W., laborer, 211 Hamburg
Gross, Josiah, porter, 27 Tyson al
Gross, Joseph, laborer, 167 York
Gross, Kinzie, grain measurer, 106 Henrietta
Gross, Lloyd, laborer, 83 Chestnut
Gross, Lucretia, 90 Tyson
Gross, Mary, laundress
Gross, Mary E., washerwoman, 129 Welcome al
Gross, Philip, rope maker, 35 Edward
Gross, Philip T., porter, 79 Burgundy al
Gross, Prince, laborer, 165 n Dallas
Gross, Richard, drayman, 236 L. Hughes
Gross, Samuel, laborer, 321 s Howard
Gross, Sophia, washerwoman, 165 n Dallas
Gross, Sophia, laundress, 133 Aisquith
Gross, Susan J., laundress, 261 L. Hughes
Gross, Wm., waiter, 12 Jew al
Gross, Wm. H., brickmaker, 329 s Howard
Grosset, Henry, laborer, 50 Lewis
Govins, Charity, laundress, 133 Aisquith
Grove, Henry, rope maker, 247 L. Hughes
Gruner, Robert, hostler, 31 East
Guest, George, caulker, 126 s Bethel
Guy, Ann, 54 East
Guy, Charles, whitewasher, 72 Lerew al
Guy, Henry, brickmaker, 8 Lester st
Guy, William, 54 East
Gwinn, James, laborer, 198 Ensor
Gwinn, Thomas, waiter, 100 Tyson
Gwynn, John, laborer, Necessity al

Harran, George, laborer, 15 Jenkins al
Habury, John, brickmaker, 169 York
Hacket, Charles, cooper, 28 Harford av
Hacket, Rachael An, waiter, 86 Camden
Hacket, Wm, of brick yard, 98 n Dallas
Hackett, Charles, grain measurer, 4 Harnden ct
Hackett, Doras, 54 East
Hackett, George A., coal, 52 Forrest
Hackett, Julia A., laundress, 214 L. Hughes
Hackett, Margaret, cook, 60 L. Church
Hackett, Mary, huckstress, 166 n Front
Hackett, Philip, brickmaker, 60 L. Church
Hagget, Tobias, porter, Franklin house
Haley, Alexander, mariner, 191 s Dallas
Haley, Mrs. Henrietta, laundress, 8 X al
Hall, Ann M., 6 X al
Hall, Mrs. Ann, laundress, 148 s Eutaw
Hall, Andres, laborer, 134 Chestnut
Hall, Abraham, whitewasher, 120 Cider al
Hall, Arthur, oyster shucker, 265 L. Hughes
Hall, Arthur W., furn. carter, 49 East
Hall, Basil, drayman, 50 China al
Hall, Benj., laborer, 100 Lee
Hall, Charles, shoemaker, 63 Williamson al
Hall, Charlotte, laundress, 76 Orchard
Hall, Daniel, hay packer, 8 Boyd
Hall, Edward, waiter, 12 Pierce
Hall, Elias, drayman, 103 Orchard
Hall, Eliza, 91 Moore al
Hall, Elizabeth A., dressmaker, 14 Chestnut
Hall, Elizabeth A., 31 n Sharp
Hall, Freeborn, brickmaker, 66 L. Church
Hall, George, hod carrier, 119 York
Hall, George, porter, 5 Union
Hall, Gracey, 53 s Bethel
Hall, Hannah, cook, 45 Raborg
Hall, Jason, laborer, 46 Eislein
Hall, John, porter, 23 WEelcome al
Hall, John, laborer, 49 King
Hall, John, drayman, 78 St. Mary
Hall, John, confectioner, 14 Chestnut
Hall, John, oyster shucker, 83 Watson
Hall, John, whitewasher, rear 46 St. Mary
Hall, John A., brickmaker, 87 Elbow la
Hall, John D., barber, 116 Ross
Hall, Joseph, laborer, Chapel near n Fremont
Hall, Joseph, hay packer, 8 Boyd
Hall, Joshua, mariner, 43 s Charles
Hall, Kilt, laborer, 105 Low
Hall, Lewis, H.S., brickmaker, 261 Hamburg
Hall, Mary E., huckstress, 90 L. Church
Hall, Mary, 13 s Central av
Hall, Mary, 72 St. Mary
Hall, Mrs., 105 s Durham
Hall, Nathan, hay packer, 8 Boyd
Hall, Pricilla, laundress, 5 Tessier
Hall, Rachel A., boarding, 240 Montgomery
Hall, Sarah, laundress, 78 Chestnut
Hall, Sarah, laundress, 248 Orleans
Hall, Simon, laborer, 211 Raborg
Hall, Solomon, laborer, 21 Raborg
Hall, Thomas, porter, 5 Marion
Hall, Virginia, laundress, 3 Saratoga
Hall, Washington, engineer, 58 Vine
Hall, Wm., huckster, 43 Jordan al
Hall, Wm. H., laborer, 215 s Howard
Hall, Wm., laborer, 42 Union
Hall, Wm., laborer, 62 Wayne
Halley, Isaiah, laborer, 13 Salisbury al
Hambleton, Wm., laborer, 83 Jasper
Hamer, Joseph C., barber, 41 Centre Market space, dw 92 L. McElderry
Hamilton, Anne, laundress, 5 Low
Hamilton, Caroline, cookshop, 18 w Lombard, dw 98 East
Hamilton, Ellen, laundress, 25 L. Montgomery
Hamilton, Georgianna, 2 Cohen al
Hamilton, Henry, drayman, 98 East
Hamilton, Mary J., washerwoman, 6 Tyson al
Hamilton, Richard A., drayman, 3 Bethel ct
Hamilton, Ross, drayman, 6 Bethel ct
Hamilton, Wm., laborer, 4 Arcade al
Hammond, Anne, cook, 39 Plum al
Hammond, Ann, 22 Eutaw ct
Hammond, Mrs. Aramenta, 185 Dover
Hammond, James, 60 East
Hammond, John, laborer, 96 s Dallas
Hammond, John, laborer, 22 Wagon al
Hammond, John, barber, 32 Peach al
Hammond, Robert, coachman, 60 Lerew al
Hammond, Rev. Savage L., 46 Diamond al
Hammond, Sophia, cook, 130 n Spring
Handy, Albert, soldier, 38 n Frederick
Handy, Alexander, drayman, 151 s Caroline
Handy, Ann, 38 n Frederick
Handy, Ellen, laundress, 20 Union
Handy, Geo. W., laborer, 143 Low
Handy, Isaac, oyster shucker, 20 Union
Handy, James A., undertaker, 166 s Caroline
Handy, John, sailor, 27 Hull la
Handy, Samuel, waiter, 20 Union
Hanson, Adelaide, 22 Marion
Hanson, Louisa, laundress, 95 Moore al
Hanson, Maria, laundress, 15 Chestnut al
Harden, Edward, whitewasher, 1 Biddle al
Harden, Elizabeth, laundress, 16 Boyd
Harden, George, carter, 82 Elbow la
Harden, James, waiter, 189 Ensor
Harden, James D., tailor, 189 Ensor
Harden, Jane, laundress, 44 Lewis
Harden, Jeremiah, waiter, 189 Stirling
Harden, Joseph, mariner, 68 n Spring
Harden, Matthew, grain measurer, 44 King
Harden, Moses, whitewasher, Harmony la
Harden, Samuel, whitewasher, 67 Arch
Harden, Samuel S., whitewasher, 67 Arch
Harden, Wesley, 6 Harden ct
Hardy, Abby, laundress, 42 Greenwillow
Hardy, Albert, waiter, 294 s Howard
Hardy, Albert, whitewasher, 179 Ross
Hardy, Anthony, sawyer, 316 Raborg
Hardy, Daniel, carter, 294 s Howard
Hardy, Elias, waiter, 32 Wayne
Hardy, H. John, waiter, 133 Chestnut
Hardy, Joseph, brickmaker, 294 s Howard
Hardy, Matthias, waiter, 294 s Howard
Hardy, Samuel, carter, 294 s Howard
Hardy, Susan, laundress, 201 Hamburg
Hardy, Wm., waiter, 112 Welcome al
Hargrave, Stewart, laborer, 28 Short
Harlan, Daniel, drayman, 38 Morris al
Harmac, Margaret, 127 n Caroline
Harman, Henrietta, laundress, 76 East
Harman, Isaac, laborer, rear of 215 L. Hughes
Harman, Maria, laundress, 87 Hill
Harman, Thoroughgood, whipsawyer, 36 Hill
Harmond, Rachel, 133 Stirling
Harney, Mrs. Elizabeth, 61 Arch
Harnday, Catherine, laundress, 39 Plum al
Harney, John, waiter, 17 Tyson al
Harney, Thomas, barber, 223 s Eutaw
Harpin, Zachariah, laborer, 196 Stirling
Harriday, Samuel, oyster shucker, 131 Hill
Harriday, Wm., whitewasher, 106 Orchard
Harris, Alex., plasterer, 17 Leadenhall
Harris, Alfred, waiter, 16 Slemmer al
Harris, Amelia, laundress, 60 Wayne
Harris, Ann, 260 s Ann
Harris, Araminta, 179 Dover
Harris, Caroline, 126 Jasper
Harris, Catherine, 308 s Howard
Harris, Cator, gardner, 11 Waters ct
Harris, Charles, laborer, 69 Easy
Harris, Charles, caulker, 13 s Bethel
Harris, Daniel, bricklayer, 260 s Bond
Harris, Elias, waiter, 9 State
Harris, Eliza, 1 Chapel al
Harris, Eliza, washerwoman, 46 China al
Harris, Eliza, laundress, 24 Marion
Harris, Mrs. Eliza, cook, 34 China
Harris, Frederick, 68 Short
Harris, ,_____, hod carrier, 194 s Howard
Harris, Mrs. Milcah, 170 Dover
Harris, Mary, 16 Slemmer al
Harrod, David, brickmaker, 61 Jasper
Harris, Geo., drayman, 21 High al
Harris, Geo., Windson mill road, nr Fremont
Harris, Henry, porter, 66 Cider al
Harris, Henrietta, laundress, 9 China
Harris, Jacob, whip sawyer, 81 Welcome al
Harris, Jacob, laborer, 262 L. Hughes
Harris, James, laborer, 72 Welcome al
Harris, James A., brickmaker, 46 China
Harris, James H., carter, 46 China
Harris, James, oyster shucker, 17 Leadenhall
Harris, James, boatman, 61 Raborg
Harris, James A., brickmaker, 76 St. Mary
Harris, James, waiter, 11 Water row
Harris, James A., hod carrier, 129 Welcome al
Harris, John, bricklayer, 260 s Bond
Harris, John, sawyer, 59 Cross
Harris, John H., caulker, 41 s Bethel
Harris, John, carter, 148 n Dallas
Harris, John, bricklayer, 10 Warren, F.P.
Harris, John, boatman, 61 Raborg
Harris, John, carter, 106 Burgundy al
Harris, Joseph, musician, 118 Hill
Harris, Lucretia, 11 Tyson al
Harris, Margaret, laundress, 8 Clarkston al
Harris, Maria, laundress, 35 Park
Harris, Mrs. Martha, laundress, 34 China
Harris, Philip, drayman, 214 Hanover
Harris, Philip, drayman, 93 Moore al
Harris, Phoebe, laundress, 84 Jasper
Harris, Richard, laborer, 129 Welcome al
Harris, Richard A, brickmaker, 46 China
Harris, Robert, wheelman, 61 Raborg
Harris, Robert J., waiter, 135 Hill
Harris, Rosetta, 195 Ensor
Harris, Thos. J., barber, 104 s Dallas
Harris, Thos., whitewasher, 22 Short
Harris, Wesley, waiter, 24 Marion
Harris, Wm., laborer, Chapel, nr n Fremont ext
Harris, Wm., butcher, 840 w Baltimore
Harris, Wm. H., porter, 38 Park
Harrison, Andrew, sawyer, 42 Carlton
Harrison, Delia, 52 Davis
Harrison, Daniel, laborer, 65 Welcome al
Harrison, Jesse, fruits and cakes, 19 n Sharp
Harrison, Thomas, wagoner, 52 Camel al
Harrod, David, drayman, Jasper nr Franklin
Harrod, Henrietta, cook, 143 York
Harrod, Major, brickmaker, 3 Peach al
Hartman, Isaac, oyster shucker, rear of 215 L. Hughes
Harvey, Harriet, 33 Williamson al
Harvey, Joshua, laborer, Windson mill road nr n Fremond
Harvey, Thos., barber, 70 1/2 Hanover, dw 223 s Eutaw
Harvey, Volinda, 2 Salisbury al
Haskins, James, drayman, 6 Chestnut
Hatten, Dennis, laborer, 18 Douglass
Hatchinson, Wesley, musician, 19 Walnut al
Hawsey, Hannah, fruiterer, 206 Montgomery
Hawkins, Alex, waiter, 3 Tyson
Hawkins, Catharine, laundress, 49 Jasper
Hawkins, Edward, porter, 39 York
Hawkins, Elmira, laundress, 159 York
Hawkins, Henry, whitewasher, 81 Elbow la
Hawkins, James H., waiter, 32 Tyson
Hawkins, Jane, laundress, 71 Forrest
Hawkins, Jane, laundress, 83 Moore al
Hawkins, Julia, whitewasher, 8 McElderry's ct
Hawkins, Luther, 50 Chestnut al
Hawkins, Mary, 55 Raborg
Hawkins, Mary, 12 Lewis
Hawkins, Mrs. Patience, seamstress, 81 Elbow la
Hayden, Richard, 13 Jefferson
Hay, Geo. W., brickmoulder, 154 York
Hays, Joseph, brickmaker, 157 West
Hays, John H., oystershucker, 209 Hamburg
Hays, Elizabeth, laundress, 209 Hamburg
Hayward, Edwin, porter, 8 Pierce
Hayward, Mahale A., laundress, 7 Tripolet al
Haywood, Henry, laborer, 58 n Dallas
Hazleton, Henrietta, 9 Gillingham al
Hazzard, Rebecca, laundress, 33 Williamson al
Headen, Isaac, mariner, 25 Forrest
Hearse, James, mariner, 194 Henrietta
Heath, Thomas, brickmaker, 47 Leadenhall
Heath, Edward, grain measurer, 90 East
Hebrews, Elijah, laborer, 106 n Spring
Hebron, John B., laborer, 64 Union
Height, James, waiter, 16 Rose
Helmsley, Levi, carter, 169 Sarah Ann
Hemsley, William, 34 Jordan al
Henderson, Catherine, 9 X al
Henderson, Elizabeth, laundress, 26 Raborg
Henderson, John, coachman, 9 Marion
Henry, George W., stevedore, 83 n Dallas
Henry, Hebrew, drayman, 194 s Howard
Henry, Jonas, waiter, 216 Hanover
Henry, John, drayman, 193 s Sharp
Henry, John, drayman, 293 Hamburg
Henry, Levin, laborer, 105 King
Henry, Major, laborer, rear of 55 Forrest
Henry, Maria, laundress, 215 L. Hughes
Henry, Palestine, drayman, 88 Leadenhall
Henry, Phoebe, 42 Greenwillow
Henry, Thaddeus, grain measurer, 231 Orleans
Henry, Theordore, drayman, 88 Leadenhall
Henry, Washington, fireman, 57 Plum
Henry, William, hod carrier, 13 Arch
Henry, Wm., stevedore, 145 s Spring
Henry, William, laborer, 65 Welcome al
Henson, Albert, furniture wagon, 16 Wagon al
Henson, Ames, laborer, 135 s Bethel
Henson, Basil, whitewasher, 4 Inloes al
Henson, Charlotte, laundress, 5 Peach al
Henson, Charlotte, cook, 135 York
Henson, Dawson, caulker, 10 s Bethel
Henson, Eliza, 8 s Bethel
Henson, George, drayman, 102 East
Henson, Hariette, laundress, 27 French
Henson, Henry, brickmaker, 14 Spruce al
Henson, Jacob, laborer, 31 Dover
Henson, Jacob, barber, 122 n High
Henson, James, brickmaker, 14 Spruce al
Henson, James, waiter, 67 Elbow la
Henson, James, brickmaker, 5 Peach al
Henson, James, laborer, 111 s Bethel
Henson, Jeremiah, oyster shucker, 92 Chestnut al
Henson, John, laborer, 64 Sarah Ann
Henson, John H., coachman, 95 Jasper
Henson, Joseph, laborer, 5 Peach al
Henson, Nathaniel, laborer, 122 Jasper
Henson, Peter, hod carrier, 149 Sarah Ann
Henson, Samuel, sawyer, 67 Leadenhall
Henson, Rebecca, huckster, 108 s Bethel
Hrmon, Matilda, 16 Slemmer al
Hicks, Charles, laborer, 69 East
Hicks, Eliza, dressmaker, 105 Orchard
Hicks, Hinson, laborer, 96 Chestnut
Hicks, Horace, coachman, 105 Orchard
Hicks, ____, whitewasher, 95 Gravel al
Hicks, John D., waiter, 220 Hanover
Hicks, Lewis, waiter, 19 Jew al
High, James, carter, 131 n Caroline
Hight, Joseph, steward, 28 s Dallas
Hight, Joseph, mariner, 45 s Dallas
Hitchins, Augustus, barber, 75 Bethel
Hill, Abel, 54 s Dallas
Hill, Charles, hay seller, 5 Chestnut al
Hill, Charles, drayman, 208 Dover
Hill, Charlotte, seamstressm 40 Tyson
Hill, Eben, carter, 64 s Bethel
Hill, Edward, hay dealer, 5 Chestnut al
Hill, Emeline, laundress, 205 Hamburg
Hill, George, coachman, McKim nr Eager
Hill, James H., teacher, 285 Hamburg
Hill, Joseph, mariner, 8 Edward
Hill, Joseph, coachman, 122 Cider al
Hill, Joshua, laborer, 2 Forrest
Hill, London, sawyer, 126 Hill
Hill, Lorenzo, laborer, 239 Orleans
Hill, Maria, cook, 32 Edward
Hill, Mrs. M. J., dressmaker, 47 Raborg
Hill, Richard, steward, 47 Raborg
Hill, Sarah, 57 L. Pleasant
Hill, Susan, 25 Jefferson
Hill, Sylvester, porter, 128 Cider al
Hill, Thomas, carter, 285 Hamburg
Hill, Thomas, waiter, 47 Tyson
Hill, Thomas, steward, 25 Jefferson
Hill, Wm., tanner, 112 Chestnut
Hill, Wm., mariner, 33 Wayne
Hill, Wm., 27 s Regester
Hillen, Joseph, huckster, 139 Low
Hillyard, Hezekiah, porterm 86 n Spring
Hillyard, Robert, drayman, 112 St. Mary
Hiner, Jacob, porter, 24 Jefferson
Hiner, John, laborer, 56 Forrest
Hiner, Sarah, plain sewing, 198 Eden
Hines, Arthur, mariner, 134 n Dallas
Hines, Barney, hod carrier, 134 n Dallas
Hines, Hugh, hod carrier, 134 n Dallas
Hines, Isaac, laborer, 138 Chestnut
Hines, Isaiah, laborer, 134 n Dallas
Hines, Sophia, laundress, 135 Chestnut
Hinesman, James, laborer, 12 Short al, F.H.
Hinson, Caroline, washerwoman, 42 Tyson al
Hinson, Mary, 113 King
Hipkins, John, waiter, 5 St. James
Hirst, John, barber, 116 Central av
Hirst, Margaretm 116 Central av
Hitch, William, laborer, Chestnut al near Pine
Hitchens, Henry W., caulker, 192 s Bond
Hitchens, Samuel, hackman, 294 e Fayette
Hitesman, Jacob, laborer, 106 Central av
Hobbs, Lucinda, laundress, 192 Tyson
Hodges, Abram B,m 63 Chatsworth
Hodges, George, drayman, 83 French
Hodges, Mary J., laundress, 36 Wayne
Hoganm Alexander, waiter, 32 Tyson
Hogan, James, drayman, 97 Moore al
Hogan, James, drayman, 83 French
Hogan, Mary T., Half Moon al
Holden, Celeste, laundress, 7 Bankert al
Hollan, Susan, laundress, 37 Low
Holland, Edward, 110 Harford av
Holley, George, porter, 118 Jasper
Holley, Wm., wagoner, 11 Marion
Holliday, David, waiter, 8 Eutaw ct
Holliday, Harriet, 7 Walnut al
Holliday, James, waiter, 7 State
Holliday, Joshua, hod carrier, 3 Stone al
Holliday, James, hostler, Stone al near Biddle
Holliday, Wm., laborer, 15 Tessier
Holliday, Philemon, drayman, 4 Bradenbaugh alley
Hollin, Henrietta, cook, 12 Reese al
Hollin, Joseph, oyster shucker, 176 Mullikin
Hollingsworth, James, whitewasher, 215 Mullikin
Hollingsworth, John, butcher, 138 n Spring
Hollingsworth, Abraham, butcher, 1 Durham
Hollins, Ellen, laundress, 30 Burgundy al
Hollins, Jonas, wagoner, 39 Hampstead
Hollis, Edward, porter, 158 York
Hollis, Wm., laborer, 101 Spring ct
Hollis, Wm., laborer, 112 Chestnut
Holloway, Aberdeen, waiter, 7 State
Holly, Joseph, porter, 117 St. Paul
Holly, Susan, seamstress, 117 St. Paul
Holmes, Allen, laborer, 323 s Howard
Holmes, Elizabeth, 3 Gillingham al
Holmes, Henry, laborer, 29 Plum al
Holmes, Mrs. Jane, 211 Hamburg
Holmes, Solomon, wagoner, 3 House ct
Honey, John, 104 Stirling
Hooper, Charles, laborer, 66 L. Church
Hooper, George, carter, 202 Hamburg
Hooper, Isaac, cake shop, 52 s Howard
Hooper, Henry, laborer, 137 Low
Hooper, Jacob, laborer, 127 York
Hooper, Rebecca, laundress, 8 Short al, F.H.
Hooper, Selina, laundress, 100 Chestnut
Hopewell, Edward, laborer, 27 Moore al
Hopkins, Charles E., cook, 43 State
Hopkins, Daniel, carter, 23 Chestnut
Hopkins, Henry, porter, 104 n Dallas
Hopkins, H. John, shoemaker, 98 Low
Hopkins, Joseph, sailor, 42 n Dallas
Hopkins, Joseph, rope maker, 320 Harford av
Hopkins, Pricilla, laundress, 84 Chestnut
Hopkins, Solomon, 25 L. McElderry
Hopkina, Violet, laundress, 14 Camden
Horsey, John, grain runner, 247 n Charles
Horsey, Nancy, laundress, 5 Tyson
House, Sophia J., laundress, 38 Orchard
Houston, Henry, hay huckster, 59 L. Monument
Houston, Jacob, carter, 7 Iron al
Howard, Adelaide, laundress, 5 Dawson al
Howard, Ann E., cook, 3 Bell al
Howard, Catharine, cook, 68 Jasper
Howard, Charles, whitewasher, 16 Stockton al
Howard, Charles, waiter, 51 Burgundy al
Howard, Dennis, carter, 251 s Eutaw
Howard, Mrs. Diana, laundress, 81 Elbow la
Howard, Emily J., 55 Raborg
Howard, Elizabeth, laundress, 29 Sharp
Howard, Eli, cook, 67 Sarah Ann
Howard, Grafton, laborer, 44 Canal al
Howard, Greenbury, oysterman, 7 Jasper
Howard, Henry, laborer, 111 Jasper
Howard, Henry, stevedore, 242 Raborg
Howard, Isaiah, waiter, 28 McKim
Howard, Isaiah, waiter, 128 Chestnut
Howard, Jerry, porter, 37 L. Monument
Howard, Jacob, carter. 142 Low
Howard, John, laborer, 164 Raborg
Howard, John, laborer, 7 Dawson
Howard, John, porter, 133 Stirling
Howard, John, laborer, 134 York
Howard, Joshua, carter, 88 Stiles
Howard, Joshua, soldier, 4 Dawson al
Howard, Lloyd, barber, 4 Eutaw ct
Howard, Mary, seamstress, 17 Union
Howard, Moses, sawyer, 48 Park
Howard, Mary, cook, 8 Dallas
Howard, Nicholas G., porter, 91 Chestnut
Howard, Samuel, laborer, 86 L. McElderry
Howard, Samuel, barber, 15 State
Howard, Sarah, Sarah, laundress, 3 Burgundy al
Howard, Samuel, barber, 12 s Liberty, dw State near Mulberry
Howard, Samuel, laborer, 5 Ivy al
Howe, George, laborer, 4 Jordan al
Hoy, Lucinda, 21 Jasper
Hoyt, James S., laborer, 210 s Caroline
Hubbard, Mary, 18 Chatsworth
Hubbard, Mary, laundress, 22 Short
Hubbard, Rebecca, laundress, 138 Chestnut
Hudson, Andres, laborer, 126 Sarah Ann
Hudson, Daniel R, restaurant, 28 and 30 Foundry
Hudson, Levi, barber, 116 n Eutaw, dw 21 Hill
Hudson, Levi, pedler, 201 Mullikin
Hudson, Lemuel T., waiter, 114 Holiday
Hudson, Margaret, laundress, 126 Sarah Ann
Hughes, Arthur, sawyer, 64 Welcome al
Hughes, Benjamin, laborer, 118 n Dallas
Hughes, Edward, drayman, 208 Mullikin
Hughes, George, fruit dealer, 124 s Bethel
Hughes, Hester, 10 Jefferson
Hughes, Hester, laundress, 249 s Charles
Hughes, Israel, laborer, 128 n Dallas
Hughes, John, mariner, 42 Chestnut
Hughes, James, carter, 207 Mullikin
Hughes, Joseph, brickmaker, 55 Williamson alley
Hughes, Laban, boatman, 149 n Dallas
Hughes, Levi, sawyer, 208 Mullikin
Hughes, Robert, drayman, 54 Camel al
Hughes, Sarah, 7 Raborg
Hull, Aaron, laborer, 173 Mullikin
Hunter, Robert, blacksmith, 51 State
Hunter, Wm., preacher, 34 Edward
Hunter, Robert, laborer, 21 Rose
Hurse, John, barber, basement 64 w Fayette
Hurlbut, Lewis, laborer, 108 Dugan's wharf
Hutchins, Alexander, drayman, 50 East
Hutchins, Elizabeth, laundress, 6 Cohen al
Hutchins, Samuel, drayman, 118 Cider al
Hutchins, Sarah, laundress, 40 Jefferson
Hutchison, George, soldier, 13 Leadenhall
Hutton, Henry, sofa spring maker, 49 Moore al
Hutton, Nathan, barber, 74 Burgundy al
Hutty, Elizabeth, milliner, 227 s Bond
Hyatt, Wm., ship scraper, 135 s Dallas
Hyer, Samuel, blockman, 122 s Bethel
Hylon, John, laborer, 3 Bell al
Hyman, Mrs. Sarah, laundress, 56 Burgundy alley
Hyson, Catharine, laundress, 120 St. Mary's
Hynson, Henry, whitewasher, 35 Douglas
Hynson, Peter, whip sawyer, 6 Short al, F.H.
Hynson, Wm., scowman, 34 Edward
Hythe, Henry, waiter, 214 Hanover
Hutty, John, mariner, 227 s Bond

Impy, John, laborer, 52 n Dallas
Iness, Elisha, porter, 2 Hamilton
Innes, Teresa, laundress, 37 Chestnut
Innes, John, laborer, 2 Albert al
Inse, Ellen, cook, 143 Hill
Ireland, John, laborer, 3 Bell al
Ireland, Perry, tavern, 25 Saratoga
Isaacs, Jane, 134 n Howard
Isaacs, Perry, teamster, 9 Jew al
Israel Church, (Colored Methodist Protestant), 211 Chestnut

Jace, Dorsey, laborer, 13 Walnut al
Jack, John, barber, 1 Myer's ct
Jackson, Andrew, waiter, 284 s Howard
Jackson, Arthur, steward, 123 Hill
Jackson, Benjamin, caulker, 208 s Bethel
Jackson, Charles, laborer, 5 Page's al
Jackson, Eliza, 75 Davis
Jackson, Elizabeth, cook, 186 Henrietta
Jackson, George, laborer, 159 s Regester
Jackson, George, sawyer, 77 Leadenhall
Jackson, Harriet, laundress, Necessity al
Jackson, Henry, mariner, 21 Tyson al
Jackson, Henrietta, 16 Marion
Jackson, Henry, shoemaker, 12 Mott
Jackson, Henry, rope maker, 33 Edward
Jackson, Henry, coachman, 53 L. Monuments
Jackson, Henry, laborer, 37 Burgundy al
Jackson, Henry, whitewasher, 71 Cider al
Jackson, Hester, 54 Vine
Jackson, Ignatius, carter, 314 e Fayette
Jackson, Isaacm coachman, 74 Lerew al
Jackson, Jacob, sexton, 3 Bethel row
Jackson, James, porter, 26 Park
Jackson, James, laborer, 166 York
Jackson, James T., porter, 131 Tyson
Jackson, James W., whitewasher, 87 Gravel al
Jackson, James, waiter, 74 Holiday
Jackson, John, caulker, 6 s Dallas
Jackson, John H., whitewasher, 58 Pierce
Jackson, Louisa, whitewasher, 28 Edward
Jackson, Margaret, 18 Short
Jackson, Maria, seamstress, 54 Vine
Jackson, Martha, office tender, 77 Chestnut
Jackson, Martha, washerwoman, 116 s Bethel
Jackson, Martha A., laundress, 40 Lewis
Jackson, Martha, laundress, 54 Williamson al
Jackson, Mary A., washerwoman, 58 s Dallas
Jackson, M., washerwoman, 58 s Dallas
Jackson, Mary Ann, laundress, 169 York
Jackson, Mary A., confectionery, 17 Hamilton
Jackson, Mary A., laundress, 198 York
Jackson, Maulsby, stevedore, 205 Mullikin
Jackson, Maulsby, Jr., waiter, 205 Mullikin
Jackson, Perry, 69 Lerew al
Jackson, Peter, coachman, 1 Ivy al
Jackson, Peter, laborer, 38 East
Jackson, Philip, drayman, 66 Orchard
Jackson, Rachel, 95 s Bethel
Jackson, Rachel Ann, cook, Chestnut al nr Pine
Jackson, Richard, farmer, 17 Raborg
Jackson, Reuben, restaurant, 11 Saratoga
Jackson, Samuel, 12 State
Jackson, Samuel F., laborer, 14 Pierce
Jackson, Samuel, laborer, 152 s Dallas
Jackson, Sarah, laundress, 282 Aisquith
Jackson, Sarah, 8 Welsh al
Jackson, Sophia, 3 Wagon al
Jackson, Stephen, caulker, 205 Mullikin
Jackson, Susan, laundress, 18 Short
Jackson, Thomas, porter, 223 s Eutaw
Jackson, Tilghman, carter, 11 Jordan al
Jackson, Wesley, laborer, 31 Chestnut al
Jackson, Whittington, mariner, 95 s Bethel
Jackson, Wm., coachman, 21 Tyson al
Jackson, Wm., caulker, 165 s Bethel
Jackson, Wm. H., shoemaker, Saratoga near Calvert, dw 12
Jackson, Wm., brickmaker, rear 78 Watson
Jackson, Wm., coachman, 160 Park
Jackson, Wm., laborer, 45 L. Monument
Johnson, Aaron, 34 Clay
Johnson, Aaron, laborer, 21 Douglass
Johnson, Abraham, sawyer, 110 Cider al
Johnson, Adams, hackman, 76 North
Johnson, Albert, whip sawyer, 81 Welcome al
Johnson, Alexander, boarding, 149 s Caroline
Johnson, Alexander, 24 McKim
Johnson, Alfred, grain measurer, 6 Tripolet alley
Johnson, Andrew, laborer, 34 Carlton
Johnson, Ann M., 1 Union
Johnson, Ann, laundress, 58 Dover
Johnson, Aquilla, coal, 94 Elbow la
Johnson, Archibald, laborer, 2 Pearl al
Johnson, Arthur, laborer, 32 Wayne
Johnson, Benj., whitewasher, 41 Guilford al
Johnson, Bethany, laundress, 8 Edward
Johnson, Betty, 3 Forrest
Johnson, Caroline, 55 L. Pleasant
Johnson, Catharine, laundress, 6 Tyson al
Johnson, Catharine, laundress, 16 Tyson al
Johnson, Chas, 5 Moore al
Johnson, Chas., woodsawyer, 192 s Dallas
Johnson, Chas. A., farmer, 6 Forney al
Johnson, Chas, hostler, 44 L. Monument
Johnson, Chas. H., drayman, 40 Union
Johnson, Charlotte, 53 Raborg
Johnson, Cornelius, carter, 151 n Dallas
Johnson, Cresa, laundress, 150 n Dallas
Johnson, Ellen, laundress, 9 Hagar ct
Johnson, Ely, 10 Elder al
Johnson, Emily, laundress, 46 Douglass
Johnson, John, brickmaker, 56 Orleans
Johnson, Charcilar, laundress, 38 Tyson
Johnson, Cassandra, laundress, 12 Hull's la
Johnson, Charles, laborer, 190 s Dallas
Johnson, Charles, laborer, 116 Sarah Ann
Johnson, Charles, 74 L. McElderry
Johnson, Charles, porter, 269 Montgomery
Johnson, Comfort, cook, 51 State
Johnson, David, brickmaker, 58 Dover
Johnson, David, caulker, 109 s Spring
Johnson, Dennis, coachman, 63 L. McElderry
Johnson, Edward, drayman, 43 Moore al
Johnson, Edward, porter, 40 Park
Johnson, Edward, hackman, 124 Aisquith
Johnson, Elijah, L. S., cook, 47 China al
Johnson, Eliza A., chambermaid, 35 Williamson al
Johnson, Eliza, cook, 59 Jasper
Johnson, Elizabeth, 240 L. Hughes
Johnson, Ellen, laundress, 153 West
Johnson, Ellen, laundress, 26 Raborg
Johnson, Emma, 179 Henrietta
Johnson, Frank, laborer, 89 Dallas
Johnson, Franklin, drayman, 25 China
Johnson, Garrett, sawyer, 77 Elbow la
Johnson, George, carter, 88 L. Church
Johnson, George, laborer, 299 s Eutaw
Johnson, George, carter, 54 Burgundy al
Johnson, George, laborer, 4 Jew al
Johnson, George, drayman, 287 Raborg
Johnson, George, waiter, 53 Short
Johnson, George, waiter, 345 n Howard
Johnson, George H., sawyer, Shad alley near Greene
Johnson, George, laborer, 32 Hill
Johnson, George, porter, 85 L. Church
Johnson, George T., barber, 7 Raborg
Johnson, Georgeanna, cook, 197 s Sharp
Johnson, Hannah, laundress, 18 Cider al
Johnson, Harriet, teacher, 36 Tyson
Johnson, Harriet, laundress, 21 Douglass
Johnson, Harriet, 45 Raborg
Johnson, Henrietta, 109 Orchard
Johnson, Henry, hod carrier, 19 Harmony la
Johnson, Henry, whitewasher, 37 Chestnut
Johnson, Henry, 179 s Dallas
Johnson, Henry, porter, 160 Sarah Ann
Johnson, Hester, 56 Burgundy al
Johnson, Horace, porter, 71 Sarah Ann
Johnson, Horace, whitewasher, 51 Dover
Johnson, Isaac, laborer, 186 West
Johnson, Isaac, laborer, 117 Sarah Ann
Johnson, Isaiah, hostler, 18 Stockton al
Johnson, Jacob, whitewasher, 31 State
Johnson, Jacob, porter, 218 L. Hughes
Johnson, James, waiter, 60 Vine
Johnson, James, mariner, 64 Elbow la
Johnson, James, porter, 26 L. Monument
Johnson, James, laborer, 155 Low
Johnson, James, laborer, 22 Tessier
Johnson, James, carter, 88 L. Church
Johnson, James, mariner, 31 Guilford al
Johnson, James, laborer, 44 Dover
Johnson, James, laborer, 268 s Howard
Johnson, James, brickmaker, 212 Hamburg
Johnson, James, drayman, 13 Tyson al
Johnson, James, 111 Moore al
Johnson, James, carter, 44 Greenwillow
Johnson, James, shoemaker, 6551 w Fayette, dw East near Fayette
Johnson, James, carter, 79 Chestnut
Johnson, James, Jr., carter, 226 Hanover
Johnson, James, H.A., barber, 27 1/2 German, dw Howard near Franklin
Johnson, Mrs. Jane, cook, 56 Burgundy al
Johnson, Jarrett, hay dealer, 75 Moore al
Johnson, Jeff., whitewasher, 71 L. McElderry
Johnson, Jeremiah, drayman, 33 Jew al
Johnson, Jeremiah, soldier, 131 Sarah Ann
Johnson, John, hostler, 39 Forrest
Johnson, John F., laborer, 5 Painter's ct
Johnson, John W., photographer, 26 Jasper
Johnson, John, brickmaker, 269 Montgomery
Johnson, John, 247 Orleans
Johnson, John, woodsawyer, 12 Wagon al
Johnson, John, laborer, 161 s Bethel
Johnson, John, sawyer, 141 s Durham
Johnson, John, brickmaker, 72 n Spring
Johnson, Joseph, grain measurer, 2 Harden's court
Johnson, Joseph, drayman, 305 s Howard
Johnson, Joseph, porter, 240 L. Hughes
Johnson, Joseph, 45 Carlton
Johnson, Joshua, waiter, 52 Sarah Ann
Johnson, Joshua, eating saloon, basement 11 Mercer, dw 14 State
Johnson, Joshua, whitewasher, 14 State
Johnson, Julia, laundress, 72 L. Church
Johnson, Julia, 188 s Bethel
Johnson, Julia, 27 Jordan al
Johnson, Julia A., hair picker, 196 s Sharp
Johnson, Leah, 33 Short
Johnson, Lewis, laborer, 14 State
Johnson, Littleton, cook, 69 Sarah Ann
Johnson, Louisa, 84 Stiles
Johnson, Lucy, doctress, 54 L. McElderry
Johnson, Lucy, washerwoman, 15 Wayne
Johnson, Natilda, laundress, 140 York
Johnson, Maria, cook, 80 Welcome al
Johnson, Mary C., 1 Short al
Johnson, Mary, 32 Burgundy al
Johnson, Mary, 5 Hagar's ct
John Wesley (African) M.E. Chapel, cor Hughes and Sharp
Johnson, Mary, washerwoman, Fayette near Ann
Johnson, Mary A., cook, 2 Dallas
Johnson, Mary, 175 Mullikin
Johnson, Mary Ann, laundressm 194 n Exeter
Johnson, Mary E., laundress, 8 Edward
Johnson, Maurice, laborer, 30 Perry
Johnson, Nancy, cook, 31 Tyson al
Johnson, Nathanie, oyster shucker, 81 Watson
Johnson, Paul, laborer, 2 Shad al
Johnson, Nicholas, laborer, 47 s Howard
Johnson, Perry, grain measurer, 211 Hamburg
Johnson, Philip, sawyer, 220 Hanover
Johnson, Phillis, laumdress, 34 Burgundy al
Johnson, Pleas, drayman, 131 Stirling
Johnson, Mrs. Priscilla, 23 Elbow la
Johnson, Rebecca, laundress, 2 Half Moon al
Johnson, Rebecca, laundress, 13 Arch
Johnson, Richard, brickmaker, 2 L. May
Johnson, Richard M., whitewasher, 1 Bell al
Johnson, Richard, waiter, 73 Dover
Johnson, Robert, laborer, 59 Carlton
Johnson, Robert, huckster, 29 Stirling
Johnson, Robert, waiter, 19 Jasper
Johnson, Rose A., laundressa, 53 Raborg
Johnson, Samuel, oyster shucker, 49 L. Pleasant
Johnson, Samuel, porter, 53 Short
Johnson, Samuel, laborer, 18 L. Monument
Johnson, Samuel, laborer, Ridgaway ct near Howard
Johnson, Samuel, sawyer, 217 L. Hughes
Johnson, Samuel, laborer, rear of 193 e Lombard
Johnson, Samuel, drayman, 245 s Eutaw
Johnson, Samuel, porter, 64 Dover
Johnson, Samuel, porter, 143 Hill
Johnson, Samuel, fireman, 22 s Dallas
Johnson, Sarah, 214 Raborg
Johnson, Sarah, nurse, Shad al near Greene
Johnson, Sarah, 41 n Sharp
Johnson, Stanley, waiter, 102 Lexington
Johnson, Stephen, butcher, 129 n Caroline
Johnson, Stephen, 4 s Dallas
Johnson, Stephen, 107 Chestnut
Johnson, Stephen, coachman, 90 Raborg
Johnson, Stephen, 32 Dover
Johnson, Stephen, porter, 107 Chestnut
Johnson, Susan, washerwoman, 41 China
Johnson, Susan, 96 Chestnut
Johnson, Theodore, sawyer, 141 s Durham
Johnson, Thomas, huckster, 7 Raborg
Johnson, Thomas, brickmaker, 53 Raborg
Johnson, Thomas, stevedore, 4 Salisbury al
Johnson, Thomas, laborer, 46 Moore al
Johnson, Thomas, laborer, 13 Arch
Johnson, Thomas, soldier, 15 Tyson al
Johnson, Thomas, laborer, 402 s Charles
Johnson, Thomas, huckster, 69 L. McElderry
Johnson, Thmas C., waiter, 36 Raborg
Johnson, Titus, deck hand, 1 Bethel row
Johnson, Triphenia, 41 Tyson
Johnson, Walter L., barber, 4 n Gay, dw 29 Stirling
Johnson, Walter, barber, 4 n Gay
Johnson, Wesley, waiter, 47 L. Monument
Johnson, Wesley, hostler, 124 Tyson
Johnson, Wm., laborer, 112 Sarah Ann
Johnson, Wm., laborer, 214 Dover
Johnson, Wm., carter, 30 Chestnut
Johnson, Wm., laborer, 107 n Dallas
Johnson, Wm. H., waiter, 26 Tessier
Johnson, Wm., laborer, 15 Eutaw ct
Johnson, Wm., saw sharpener, 34 Jefferson
Johnson, Wm., laborer, Harford av near city limits
Johnson, Wm., expressman, 54 Burgundt al
Johnson, Wm., oyster shucker, 107 Welcome al
Johnson, Wm., brickmaker, 55 Johnson
Johnson, Wm., carter, 39 Burgundy al
Johnson, Wm., 108 s Dallas
Johnson, Wm. D., waiter, Shad al nr. Greene
Johnson, Wm. E., drayman, 104 Welcome al
Johnson, Wm., laborer, 13 Arch
Johnson, Wm., laborer, rear of 47 King
Johnson, Wm., 55 Davis
Johnson, Wm. H. T., porter, 68 Davis
Johnson, Wm., carter, 122 s Bethel
Johnson, Wm., sawyer, 5 Guilford al
Johnson, Wm., cook shop, 126 w Lombard, dw 48 Pine
Johnson, Wm., brickmaker, 261 Raborg
Jolly, Henry, laborer, 2 Clarkson al
Jolly, Isaac, butcher, 12 Edward
Jones, Aaron, laborer, 205 Raborg
Jones, Abraham, mariner, 72 Burgundy al
Jones, Alfred, brickmaker, 5 Spring Garden av
Jones, Alfred, laborer, 40 Carlton
Jones, Amelia, 35 Raborg
Jones, Amos, laborer, 15 Booth
Jones, Andrew D., bottler, 26 Douglass
Jones, Anna, cook, 1 Bethel ct
Jones, Anne, cook, 87 Hill
Jones, Arance S.,. laborer, 24 Haw
Jones, Arthur, oyster dealer, 28 Jew al
Jones, Arthur, oyster shucker, 8 Cecil
Jones, Asbury, cook, 319 n Howard
Jones, Asbury, waiter, 115 Chestnut
Jones, Betsey, laundress, 71 Chestnut
Jones, Chas. P., waiter, 100 Raborg
Jones, Charlotte, laundress, 79 L. Church
Jones, Clinton, laborer, 41 Guilford al
Jones, Collins, barber, 23 Edward
Jones, Daniel, laborer, 36 n Sharp
Jones, David, porter, 7 Jew al
Jones, David P., waiter, 100 Raborg
Jones, Edward, mariner, 92 Henrietta
Jones, Edward, driver, 169 s Dallas
Jones, Eli, caulker, 64 s Bethel
Jones, Eli, painter, 121 s Bethel
Jones, Elijah H., hod carrier, 37 Edward
Jones, Eliza, 12 Chestnut al
Jones, Eliza, 72 Gravel al
Jones, Elizabeth, 18 Jasper
Jones, Emanuel, fruiterer, 263 Montgomery
Jones, Emily, laundress, 242 Raborg
Jones, Geo., laborer, 220 L. Hughes
Jones, Gracey, seamstress, 263 Montgomery
Jones, Grason A., 42 Forrest
Jones, Hambleton, laborer, 56 Williamson al
Jones, Hannah, 24 Eutaw ct
Jones, Henry, hostler, 109 St. Paul
Jones, Henry, groom, 24 Wayne
Jones, Henry, mariner, 83 L. Church
Jones, Henry, sawyer, 104 Elbow la
Jones, Henry, hod carrier, 79 L. Church
Jones, Henry, laborer, 89 Stirling
Jones, Hester A., laundress, 62 Williamson al
Jones, Horace, laborer, 49 s Howard
Jones, Hugh, porter, 206 Henrietta
Jones, Isaac,  brickmaker, 12 Boyd
Jones, Isaac, laborer, 252 Raborg
Jones, Isaac, laborer, 57 Tyson
Jones, Isaiah, porter, 32 WEayne
Jones, Israel, caulker, 183 Mullikin
Jones, Jacob, laborer, 120 Jasper
Jones, James, coachman, 128 Chestnut
Jones, James, porter, 10 Mott
Jones, Jas. D., laborer, 4 Peach al
Jones, James, waiter, 72 Orchard
Jones, James, brickmaker, 86 L. Church
Jones, James, coachman, 4 Hamilton
Jones, James, coachman, 40 Tyson
Jones, Jenkins, porter, 225 s Howard
Jones, John, porter, 4 Vine
Jones, John, carter, 47 Tyson
Jones, John, cook, 212 s Castle al
Jones, John, caulker, 137 n Dallas
Jones, John, waiter, 31 State
Jones, John, coachman, 4 Vine
Jones, John W., whip sawyer, 6 Inloes al
Jones, John W., laborer, 222 Hanover
Jones, John, drayman, 63 Orchard
Jones, John, hod carrier, 157 Tyson
Jones, John A., hair perfumer and manuf of hair dye, 23 e Baltimore
Jones, Joshua, whip sawyer, 7 High al
Jones, Kenzey, mariner, 142 Hill
Jones, Leah, laundress, 10 Mott
Jones, Littleton, laborer, 89 Hill
Jones, Louisa, laundress, 44 King
Jones, Margaret, laundress, 96 Henrietta
Jones, Mary E., laundress, 246 L. Hughes
Jones, Milly, 187 Henrietta
Jones, Noah, steward, 231 s Durham
Jones, Peter M., whitewasher, 9 Douglass
Jones, Prince, waiter, 94 Tyson
Jones, Richard, caulker, 45 Mullikin
Jones, Robert, carter, 9 Iron al
Jones, Robert, laborer, 210 s Caroline
Jones, Robert, waiter, 22 n Greene
Jones, Robert, drayman, 21 Stockton al
Jones, Royston, laborer, 26 Forrest
Jones, Samuel, laborer, 347 n Howard
Jones, Samuel, laborer, 12 Chestnut al
Jones, Samuel, porter, 3 Gillingham al
Jones, Sarah, cook, 100 Henrietta
Jones, Selina, 188 s Durham
Jones, Sophia, 165 s Spring
Jones, Thomas, stevedore, 113 s Bethel
Jones, Thomas, wood sawyer, 1 Lewis
Jones, Thomas, waiter, 44 King
Jones, Thomas A., shoemaker, 76 s Bond, dw 94 s Dallas
Jones, Thomas, laborer, 287 s Eutaw
Jones, Thomas, barkeeper, 43 Jefferson
Jones, Thomas, waiter, 25 Edward
Jones, Wm., fireman, 182 West
Jones, Wm., sawyer, 41 Hampstead
Jones, Wm., oysterman, 135 n Dallas
Jones, Wm., cooper, 10 Mott
Jones, Wm. H., waiter, 47 s Howard
Jordan, Antoinette, 103 Orchard
Jordan, James H., cabinet maker and undertaker, 74 Holiday,
     dw 131 Chestnut
Jordan, Ferdinand, huckster, 129 n Spring
Jordan, John C, undertaker, 93 Mulberry
Jordan, John, cabinet maker and undertaker, 129 Chestnut
Jordan, Joshua, cabinet maker, 129 Chestnut
Joyce, Phillis, laundress, 82 Elbow la

Kager, John, wood sawyer, 104 Central av
Kane, Charlotte, laundress, 36 s Dallas
Kane, Dripple, laborer, 45 s Bethel
Kane, John, mariner, 249 s Charles
Kane, Keziah, laundress, 115 s Dallas
Kane, Lydia, 75 s Spring
Kane, Richard, whitewasher, 101 Hill
Kane, Samuel, laborer, 200 Hamburg
Kane, Thomas, laborer, 9 Cecil
Kane, Wm., laborer, 20 Leadenhall
Karney, Ralph, laborer, 73 s Bethel
Keith, Charles, caulker, 184 s Dallas
Keith, Daniel, caulker, 42 s Caroline
Kelso, Allen, laborer, 147 s Dallas
Kelson, Henry, laborer, 149 n Dallas
Kell, James, brickmaker, 74 Burgundy al
Kellum, Geo., steamboatman, 90 Welcome al
Kelly, Dandridge (Mason & K) 27 Hamilton
Kelly, George M., barber, 8 n Eutaw, dw 74 Cider al
Kelly, John, laborer, 2 X al
Kelly, Joseph, 93 n Dallas
Kelly, Washington, laborer, 1 Aisquith ct
Kemp, Henrietta, laundress, 20 Cider al
Kemp, Joseph, brickmaker, 20 Cider al
Kemp, Sarah, laundress, 16 Marion
Kemp, Sarah, washerwoman, 106 Jasper
Kennard, James, waiter, 34 Clay
Kennedy, Alexander, drayman, 83 Hamburg
Kenner, Thomas, brickmaker, 332 Aliceanna
Kennerd. Isaac, hostler, 47 n Sharp
Kent, Ann, chambermaid, 267 L. Hughes
Kent, Wm., whitewasher, 6 Mechanics' ct
Keer, Richard, laborer, Necessity al
Kesety, Nancy, laundress, 15 China
Key, Lucy, 49 China
Keyer, Frank, laborer, 137 York
Keys, James, cake shop, 87 n Spring
Keys, Jeremiah, wagoner, 47 Chestnut al
Keys, John, laborer, 3 Arch
Keys, Wm., brickmaker, 140 s Durham
Keys, Wm., oysterman, 68 Josephine
King, Charles, hod carrier, 42 Hill
King, Samuel, coachman, 8 Forney al
Kirkly, Lewis, laborer, 57 Elbow la
Knight, Mary, tavern, 19 Marion
Knight, Sarah A., 186 s Durham
King, George, laborer, 14 Leandenhall
Knotts, Eliza., laundress, 196 s Howard
Konig, Hane, washerwoman, 43 n Sharp
Konish, John, driver, 49 Carlton
Kyne, Edward, wagoner, 212 Hamburg

Lafontaine, Jane, huckstess, 103 Orchard
Landley, Thomas, mariner, 87 Jefferson
Lane, Abraham, coachman, 40 L. Pleasant
Lanes, Jane, laundress, 64 Short
Lanes, Mary, laundress, 64 Short
Lanes, Sophia, laundress, 64 Short
Lankford, George, 33 Short
Lankford, John H., laborer, 203 Hamburg
Lamar, Mary, rear of 64 Mulberry
Landsell, Wm., waiter, 55 L. Pleasant
Lanman, George, mariner, 1 Gillingham al
Lanman, Wm., laborer, 2 Spring Garden av
Lapratt, Lewis, barber, 42 Moore al
Laprade, Lewis, barber, under Howard Bank, dw 47 Moore al
Larkins, Henrietta, laundress, 65 Union
Larkins, James, drayman, 74 Jasper
Latty, John H., fireman, 32 Elbow la
Laurel Cemetery, (colored) office 18 Courtland
Laurens, Chas., laborer, 37 Williamson al
Lavat, Charles, porter, 143 Low
Lawrence, Harkness, laborer, 200 Bethel
Lawrence, Harriet, chambermaid, 37 Park
Lawrence, Henry, laborer, 14 Jew al
Lawrence, Jesse, huckster, 304 Raborg
Lawrence, Susan, laundress, 113 Sarah Ann
Lawrence, Wm., laborer, 28 Wagon al
Lawrence, Wm., laborer, 12 Warren, F.P.
Laws, Beverly D., barber, 41 1/2 Centre Market space, dw 37 n Sharp
Lawson, Aaron, brickmaker, 241 L. Hughes
Lawson, Anna, laundress, 6 Short
Lawson, Joseph, laborer, 241 L. Hughes
Leatherberry, Charity, laundress, 6 Leadenhall
Lebark, Charles, barber, 217 e Baltimore
LeBurn, Frances, chambermaid, 7 Bethel row
Lecompt, Witzen, stevedore, 123 s Spring
Lee, Alexander, brickmaker, 61 Welcome al
Lee, Andrew, whitewasher, 2 Short st ct
Lee, Ann, laundress, 15 Hull la
Lee, Catherine, laundress, 49 Chestnut
Lee, Charles, L.J., porter, 188 Park
Lee, Charles, porter, 188 Park
Lee, Clem, 72 s Dallas
Lee, Cornelius, woodsawyer, 34 Morris al
Lee, Deborah, laundress, 47 Tyson
Lee, Denard, drayman, 8 Hull la
Lee, Elijah, coachman, 47 Tyson
Lee, George, steward, 15 Hull la
Lee, Harriet, cook, 6 Bethel row
Lee, Henry W., barber, 124 Forresy
Lee, Henrietta, laundress, 14 Short
Lee, Hester, laundress, 71 s Dallas
Lee, Isaiah R., caulker, 30 Short
Lee, James H., drayman, 11 Haw
Lee, Jesse, porter, 51 China
Lee, Jacob, whitewasher, 78 n Exeter
Lee, John H., drayman, 10 Vine
Lee, Joseph, caulker, 31 Short
Lee, Levi, laborer, 34 Morris al
Lee, Levin, laborer, 9 Salisbury al
Lee, Maria, chambermain, 306 s Howard
Lee, Mary J., cook, 6 Bethel row
Lee, Nancy, laundress, 1 Douglass
Lee, Nathaniel, laborer, 118 Holiday
Lee, Rebecca, 6 Temple
Lee, Robert, 46 s Dallas
Lee, Wm., caulker, 121 n Dallas
Leiper, Robert, waiter, 34 L. Monument
Leisure, Lewis, cigar maker, 90 Jasper
Lemar, Amos, laborer, 50 Moore al
Lemmon, Catherine, huckstress, rear of 98 Chestnut
Lemmon, Hetty, laundress, 41 Douglass
Lemmon, James, drayman, 96 Stiles
Lemmon, Richard, stevedore, 106 s Bethel
Lemmon, Wm., 292 e Fayette
Leonard, Lewis, laborer, 57 Mulberry
Leonard, Robert, whitewasher, 171 York
Lester, George W., huckster, 137 Hill
Levy, Charles, drayman, 7 House ct
Levy, Jerome, barber, 114 Holiday
Lewey, John, caulker, 164 s Dallas
Lewis, Agnes, 115 s Durham
Lewis, Andrew, coachsmith, 54 Pierce
Lewis, Amanda, laundress, 153 Sarah Ann
Lewis, Cassandra, 141 n Caroline
Lewis, Edward, porter, 155 n Exeter
Lewis, Elijah, plasterer, 43 Jefferson
Lewis, Elizabeth, laundress, 28 State
Lewis, Francis, porter, 16 Biddle al
Lewis, Francis, porter, 37 Davis
Lewis, George W., porter, 40 Orchard
Lewis, Jesse F., laborer, 6 n Poppleton
Lewis, John, oyster shucker, 1 Dawson al
Lewis, John M., drayman, 69 Jasper
Lewis, Laura J., tailoress, rear of 265 L. Hughes
Lewis, Lydia Ann, laundress, 33 Park
Lewis, Malvina, confectionery, 33 Park
Lewis, Margaret, 165 s Dallas
Lewis, Mary, laundress, 9 Biddle ct
Lewis, Peter, caulker, 132 s Durham
Lewis, Thomas, laborer, 211 Dover
Lilly, Elizabeth, laundress, 9 Biddle ct
Lilly, Mary, laundress, 134 n Spring
Limberry, Wash., porter, 186 Park
Lindsey, Benjamin, laborer, 3 Tyson ct
Lindenberger, Maria, 40 Wayne
Lindsey, John, brickmaker, 238 Raborg
Linn, Caleb, brickmaker, rear of 3 Cider al
Linn, David, blacksmith, 35 Chestnut al
Linn, Wm. H., brickmaker, 35 Wayne
Linthicum, Francis J., laborer, Williamson al
Lisles, Richard, grain runner, 126 Cider al
Little, Apolonia, 106 North
Lively, James, waiter, 104 Chestnut
Lively, S., tinner, 34 Davis
Lloyd, Eliza, seamstress, 94 Henrietta
Lloyd, Joshia, fireman, 92 Henrietta
Lloyd, Rosa, 11 Bounty la
Lloyd, Wm., caulker, 180 s Bethel
Lockerman, Benjamin F., stevedore, 135 Hill
Lockerman, John H., stevedore, 432 Mullikin
Lockerman, John, brickmaker, 108 Welcome al
Lockerman, Henry, 70 Chestnut
Lockerman, Levin, stevedore, 8 s Dallas
Lockett, Wm., helper, 120 McElderry
Locks, Elsha, laborer, 319 s Howard
Locks, John, caulker, 319 s Howard
Locks, Stephen, mariner, 1 Swan al
Lodge, Eta, 16 Warren, F.P.
Logan, Hanson, hod carrier, Vine al rear of 31 Amity
Logan, Mary, 34 Jordan al
Logan, Wm., laborer, 14 Water row
Loggins, Peter, porter, 190 Tyson
Lomack, Lomack, stewardess, 74 Stiles
Lomack, Thomas, huckster, 84 Orchard
Lomas, Maria, whitewasher, 57 L. Pleasant
Lometz, Lometz, 11 Iron al
Long, Charles, laborer, 88 Orchard
Long, Mary A., cook, 94 Henrietta
Loudon, Levi, caulker, 104 s Bethel
Louse, Simon, waiter, 20 Morris al
Love, Dinah, 9 Jasper
Loveday, Perry, laborer, 125 Welcome al
Lovely, Henry, cigar maker, 87 East
Low, Maria, chambermaid, 70 East
Lowbar, Arminta, 46 King
Lowry, John, porter, 110 Jasper
Lowry, John, laborer, 90 Raborg
Lox, Vincent, caulker, 109 s Spring
Lozier, Alexander, hod carrier, 8 Sarah Ann
Lucas, Charlotte, laundress, 114 Welcome al
Lucas, Joshua, brickmaker, 35 Harmony la
Lucas, Robert, drayman, 46 Haw
Lucas, Thomas G., fireman, 15 Cider al
Lucatt, Louis, whitewasher, 37 Low
Luckett, Wm., blacksmith, 82 L. McElderry
Lyle, John, whitewasher, 85 Jefferson
Lyles, Jesse, post and rail builder, 109 Jasper
Lyles, Thomas, barber, 185 Henrietta
Lyles, Josephine, seamstress, rear of 12 State
Lymberry, George W., porter, Park near Richmond
Lynch, Abraham, whitewasher, 24 Boyd
Lynch, John, laborer, 51 L. Monument
Lynch, Lewis, laborer, 57 Carlton
Lynn, Perry, blacksmith, 223 Dover
Lurton, Isaac, hod carrier, 107 Jasper
Lurton, Mary, laundress, 107 Jasper

M thru Z Listings

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