Colored Householders
Baltimore City Directory 1835-1836

Transcribed 1997 by Louis S. Diggs, Sr.


The following is being quoted from Baltimore Directory for 1835-6, by R.J. Matchett, Baltimore, 1835. This book provides the names and possibly the residences of citizens of Baltimore in 1835 (it could very well be where the people were working rather than residing), also the names of Churches, along with more information about Baltimore City during those early years.

I have extracted all information concerning African-Americans in Baltimore during that era. Such information is rather skimpy, and really only contains information in two areas: (1) the location of five "African Places of Worship", and (2) the names, occupation and addresses of the "Colored" residing in Baltimore City in 1835 (again, I'm not sure if the addresses listed were residences or places of employment).

There were quite a few "Colored" residing in Baltimore City in 1835. As I go through this list of residents, I am personally under the impression that only working people who are house holders are listed. So that you will have an understanding, the following note appeared before the listing:

(st.) street, (av.) avenue, (al.) alley, (cor.) corner, n. north, s. south, e. east, w. west, (!) colored (these are the only names I extracted); (Com.mts) Commission merchants, (fact) Factory, (dw.) dwelling), (man) manufacturer

"The variety of ways of spelling almost every name pronounced, and there being no rule in the case, renders in impossible for any individual to spell all names correctly; the reader will have therefore when he does not find the name of a house holder (for they only are inserted) in the place where he looks for it, will have to use whatever other spelling will pronounce the same until he finds it."

On page 20, City of Baltimore, are listed the following "African Places of Worship:
Methodists         - - - Sharp near Pratt street
Methodists         - - - Potter street
Methodists         - - - Strawberry Alley
Methodists         - - - Saratoga street, near Gay (This was Bethel Church)
Episcopalian       - - - North, near Saratoga street

Louis S. Diggs
Catonsville, Maryland

Abel, Thomas; labourer, Sugar alley
Adams, Milly, Forest st s of Orleans
Adams, Ellen, washer, Harford road s of the Cross roads
Adams, Adam, sawyer, Short st near Jefferson
Adams, William, waiter, Exeter st n of Hillen
Addison, John, waiter, Centre st near Charles
Addison, Eleonora, washer, 33 n Liberty st
Allen, Sarah, Long alley, s of Saratoga
Allen, Sarah, washer, Forest st n of Madison
Allen, Amos, labourer, Cross st near Johnson
Allen, Samuel, porter, Marion st near Park
Allen, Sarah, washer, Argyle alley s of wilk st
Allence, Peter, drayman, Sarah Ann st w of Chattsworth
Altern, Catherine, Hoffman st w of Ross
Anderson, Wm, rigger, Lancaster st e of Applealley
Anderson, James, barber, 34 Centre Market space
Anderson, Arthur, vicualler, Canal st s of Orleans
Anderson, Thomas, labourer, 85 Lerew's alley
Anderson, Daniel, waiter, Jew alley n of Dutch alley
Anderson, Henry, carpenter, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Anderson, Peggy, York avenue
Anderson, Elijah, labourer, Eden st n of Baltimore
Arieu, Elias C, barber, Penn av n of Franklin st
Armistead, Wm, carpenter, Burgundy alley w of Lunn's lane

Badger, Francis, blacksmith, Britton st sw of Neighbour
Badger, Benjamin, drayman, Sharp st near Busy alley
Bannen, Charles, labourer, s Charles st extended
Bannon, Elizabeth, Eutaw st s of Conway
Barker, Basil, shoemaker, Charles, near Montgomery st
Barley, John, labourer, Bank st e of Eden
Barnes, Ann, washer, Short alley
Barnes, Happy, Fleet st e of Bond
Barnes, Frances, washer, German st near Cove
Barnes, Isaac, labourer, Mulberry st e of Cove
Barnes, David, waiter, William's alley, near William St
Barnes, David, porter, Potter st near Douglass
Barnes, Charles, porter, L. Hughes st near Light
Barnes, Wm., Caulker, Wolf st s of Fleet
Barnet, Mary, Market alley n of Fayette st
Barnet, Perry, ship carpenter, Washington st n of Fleet
Barton, George, woodsawyer, ne cor Gay and Frederick sts
Barton, Henry, w end Baltimore street
Barton, Mary, w end of Baltimore street
Bateman, Edward, drayman, Canal street s of Orleans
Bayley, John, labourer, William street near Cross
Bayley, John, labourer, William st near Cross
Beeches, Rachael, washer. East street s of Douglass
Beefelt mrs Margaret, Eutaw street n of Lombard
Beems, Wm, boot and shoemaker, Sharpe st 1 door s of Pleasant
Bell, Robert, brickmaker, Columbia street near Cove
Bell, Elizabethm Market alley n of Fayette street
Bell, Robert, porter, 56 Park street
Bennet, Stephen, sawyer, Jefferson street e of Asquith
Bennet, Rachael, Washington square n of Baltimore street
Bennet, Robert, waiter, Forest st s of Orleans
Bennet, Peter, carpenter, Forest street s of Orleans
Bennet, Garret, labourer, Guilford alley near Light street
Berry, Daniel, barber, Paca street n of Fayette
Berry, Martha, Low street
Berry, John A, carpenter, Long alley, n of New street
Berry, John, fruit dealer, Mechanics alley s side
Berry, William, rope maker, Cross street near William
Bes Julia Ann, Asbury lane
Bethel Church, Saratoga st near Gay
Bett, Charles, labourer, Penn. avenue extended
Billingsly, Henry, sawyer, 10 s Liberty street
Bishop, Rigden, Dutch alley e of Paca street
Bishop, Perry, carter, Sugar alley
Bond. Stephen, porter, L. Pleasant st near College alley
Bond, Washington, rear of 91 Pitt st
Bond, mrs Washer, Columbia st between Howard and Eutaw
Bonum, Dumont, paper hanger, 39 High st
Boon, Philip, brickmaker, Short alley
Boon, Benjamin, carter, Chesnut alley w of Pearl st
Booth, John, stevadore, Jefferson st 1st door e of Short
Booth, Wm. labourer, Caroline st n of Gough
Booth, Edward, ship carpenter, 13 Tyson st
Bordley, Anthony, Fayette st e of Pine
Boston, Daniel, boarding house, 114 Bond street
Boston, Daniel, Charles street near York street
Boston, Daniel, carter, Bust alley near Sharp street
Boston, Maria, Market alley n of Fayette st
Boston, Jacob, labourer, Forest st n of Douglass
Boston, Mary, washer, Caroline st s of Wilk
Bounaparte, John, barber, 41 e Baltimore st
Boulden, Spencer, porter, Forest st s of Douglass
Bouldin, Wm. labourer, Granby st 4 doors e of the Falls
Bowzer, Daffnel, boarding house, 51 South st
Bowzer, Moses, porter, 42 Park st
Bowers, Nathaniel, labourer, Pierce st w of Pearl
Bowers, Daniel, victualler, Caroline st s of York
Bowers, Horace, drayman, Sarah Ann st w of Chatsworth
Bowers, Nathaniel, carter, Sarah Ann st w of Chatsworth
Bowley, Joseph, labourer, Bounty alley
Boyer, Emily, washer, Cove st near Conway
Boyer, Wm., drayman, Sugar alley
Bracker, Richard, caulker, Eden st s of Gough
Braddox, Henry, Marion st near Park
Brice, Susan, washer, Low street w of Aisquith
Brice, Richard, labourer, 7 Block street
Brice, Kinsey, coachman, Short st n of Jefferson
Bridges, Edward, waiter, Holiday street n of Saratoga
Bright, Clement, teacher, East st s of Douglass
Bright, Sarahm washer, Mulberry st near Park
Bright, Charles, fidler, Harford road s of the church
Bright, Cloudsby, carter, Bounty alley
Briscoe, Susan, Pearl street n of Lexington
Briston, David, Porter, Forest st s of Orleans
Briton, Henry, drayman, Wine st e of Pine
Britton, Mary, washer, Star alley n of Bank st
Brogden, Austen, drayman, Chestnut st w of Pine
Brook, Sarah, Peach al. w of Pearl street
Brook, Henrietta, Granby st e of the Falls
Brooks, Robert, caulker, Caroline st s of Water
Brown, Mary, Carpenter's alley
Brown, Ann, Guilford alley near Light st
Brown, Anderson, carter, Columbia st beween Eutaw & Paca
Brown, Jacob, Sugar alley
Brown, Perry, labourer, Guilford alley near Light st
Brown, Charlotte, Sugar alley
Brown, Edward, drayman, Douglass st w of Forest
Brown, Joseph, blacksmith, Spring st n of Gough
Brown, Philip, waiter, Hull's lane n side of Aisquith
Brown, Jacobn, drayman, s Charles st extended
Brown, Catherine, Union st e of Penn. av.
Brown, Henry, caulker, Strawberry alley n of Fleet st
Brown, Jeremiah, blacksmith, Saratoga st w of Cove
Brown, Stephen, labourer, Happy alley n of Lancaster st
Brown, Brisel, carter, Park Lane w of Pearl st
Brown, Perry, labourer, Canal st s of Orleans
Brown, Thomas, huckster, Bond st n of Gough
Brown, Jane, Guilford alley near Charles st
Brown, Jas, carter, Necessity alley betw. Fxeter & Potter sts
Brown, Peter, Davis st near Bath
Brown, Ann, Aisquith st n of Thomson
Brown, James, 54 Park st
Brown, Isaac, labourer, 7 Lerew's alley
Brown, Mary, Eutaw st s of Conway
Brown, Edmund, Eutaw st opposite Barre
Brown, Wm., Bounty alley
Brown, Maria, Long alley s of New st
Brown, Thomas, carpenter, 41 Pearl st
Brown, Sarah, Wagon alley near Howard st
Brown, Andrew, Salisbury st w of Harford run
Brown, Thomas, carter, Strawberry alley n of Bank st
Brown, Othello, labourer, Low st w of Aisquith
Brown, Robert, caulker, Argyle alley s of Wilk st
Brown, Rachel, huckster, Asbury st
Brown, Nancy, Cross st near Johnson
Burk, Thomas, labourer, Happy alley n of Lancaster st
Burk, Thomas, stevadore, Happy alley n of Lancaster st
Burk, Thomas, ship carpenter, Happy alley n of Lancaster st
Burke, Alexander, barber, se cor Camden and Charles sts
Burke, Thomas, waterman, Peirce st w of Pearl
Burke, Henry, labourer, Caroline street n of Pratt
Burke, Clement, schoolmaster, East street o t
Butler, mrs., washer, Columbia st betw. Howard & Eutaw
Butler, Mary, Dutch alley w of Eutaw street
Butler, Francis, seaman, 46 Fleet street
Butler, George, Holland st e of Eden
Butler, Joshia, cooper, shop Baltimore st w of Pearl, dw
     German street w of Green
Butler, Joseph, labourer, Pearl street n of Saratoga
Butler, Nancy, Harford avenue n of the church
Butler, Charles, sawyer, Argyle alley s of Fleet street
Butler, Josiah, cooper, Pine street w side n of Fayette
Byas, Alfred, drayman, Franklin st e of Cove

Cager, James, labourer, Wolf street ne of Gough
Calhoun, Peter, drayman, Run alley n of Lexington st
Callender, Elijah, labourer, German st near Cove
Calvill, George, sawyer, Harford road n of the Church
Camlous, George, Eutaw st s of Conway
Campbell, Wm., waiter, Salisbury alley e of Exeter st
Campbell, James, drayman, Forest st s of Orleans
Campen, Levin, labourer, Sterling st n of Monument
Cansper, Stephen, sawyer, Caroline st s of Pratt
Carmack, Joel P., porter, East st n of Douglass
Carmack, Joshua, Short alley
Carman, Wm., barber, Water st w of Commerce
Carr, Purnell, Argyle alley n of Alice Anna st
Carroll, Wm., boarding house, 29 s Howard st
Carroll, Cecil, porter, Sarah Ann st w of Chatsworth
Carroll, mrs., washer, Montgomery st nr Charles
Carter, Samuel, sawyer, 16 Lerew's alley
Carter, philip, sawyer, York avenue
Caution, Samuel, sailmaker, Herring alley n of Stiles st
Cavender, Robert, cook, Granby st s of Pratt
Chambers, Perry, Salisbury st w of Harford run
Chambers, David, labourer, Franklin st e of Cove
Chance, Wm., cooper, Homespun alley
Chaplin, David, drayman, Light near Hamburg st
Chase, John, cooper, Forest street s of Douglass
Chase, Hannah, washer, near intersection of Ensor street and Harford avenue
Chase, L., Pleasant st near Park
Chase, William, labourer, Apple alley near Fleet street
Chase, Samuel, sawyer, Strawberry alley n of Fleet street
Chenk, A., East street s of Douglass
Chester, Stephen, Starr alley n of Bank st
Chester, Samuel, Happy alley n of Alice Anna street
Chew, Ann, Lee st e of Charles
Chew,-------, beer seller, Potter st n of Douglass
Chew, John, carter, Guilford alley, near Light street
Christian, Charles, labourer, Pleasant st near College alley
Christmas, Caleb, caulker, Henrietta street near Charles
Christmas, James, labourer, Forest st nw of Monument
Clark, Robinson, fireman, Painter's court
Clark, Jarvis, seaman, Forest st n of Douglass
Clark, Rachel, Biddle alley w of Ross street
Clark, Octavia, Hampstead st e of Spring
Clark, Lewis, barber, Sarah Ann w of Cove
Coaker, Susan, Mott street
Coats, Jeremiah, drayman, Forest st s of Orleans
Coats, Mary, Spring st s of Gough
Coats, Isaiah, hackman, Potter st s of Douglass
Coats, Samuel, porter, Sharp near Busy alley
Coburn, Daniel, shop keeper, nw cor Lombard & Charles sts
Coburn, Daniel, tavern, 58 Bond st
Coby, Ann, Run alley s of Lexington st
Cochran, Susan, Low st w of Aisquith
Cole, Jane, white washer, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Cole, Diana, Fleet st w of Market
Cole, Phillip, labourer, Cross st near Johnson
Collins, Richard, rigger, Pitt st s side of Eden
Collins, Perry, brickmaker, Caroline st s of Pratt
Colson, Harriet, washer, Sugar alley
Conclin, Oliver, segar manufacturer, 4 North st
Conklin, mrs. Margaret, Biddle st w of Penn. avenue
Conklin, mr., cigar maker, Biddle st w of Penn. avenue
Cook, Thomas, porter, w end Baltimore st
Cook, John, cooper, w end of Baltimore street
Cook, mrs, washer, Harford avenue n of church
Cook, Leonard, seaman, Spring st n of Gough
Cook, Thomas, carter, Peirce st e of Cove
Cook, Charlotte, washer, Pine st w of Franklin
Cook, Henry, waiter, Centre st near Charles
Cooley, Providence, washer, Hull's lane w of Aisquith st
Cooper, Wilmer, labourer, Sugar alley near Charles street
Cooper, Martha, Camden st near Howard
Cooper, Isaac, Necessity alley betw Exeter and Front sts
Cooper, Phillis, Lloyd st 1 door from Baltimore
Cooper, William, caulker, Wolf st n of Wilk
Cooper, Henry, drayman, Eutaw st n of Conway
Cooper, Robert, Happy alley n of Wilk street
Cooper, Hynson, labourer, Welcome al bet Hanover & Sharp st s
Cooper, Jane, washer, 30 n Frederick st
Corner, Isaac, rope maker, Cross st near William
Corner, William, stevadore, 56 Happy alley
Cotton, Daniel, sawyer, Biddle alley w of Ross street
Cougo, Levi, seaman, cor Long lane & Madison st
Coulson, Minty, York ave, 55 s Calvert St dw Ross st extended
Coursey, David, shoemaker, Hill street near Charles
Cox,  Charlotte, huckster, Forest street s of Douglass
Cox, June, Centre street near St. Paul
Cranch, Mary, Happy alley n of Alice Anna st
Crawford, Rachel, Centre st near Charles
Creek, Charlotte, French st near High
Cromwell, William, waiter, Davis street near Pleasant
Cromwell, Edward, cordwainer, Camden street near Pleasant
Cromwell, Isaac, drayman, Eutaw st s of Conway
Cromwell, George, Conway st near Eutaw
Cromwell, Joseph, labourer, Sarah Ann st w of Chatsworth
Cromwell, Gabriel, barber, Busy alley
Cromwell, John, hackman, Franklin street e of Cove
Crumminer, William, Short alley from Caroline st w of Spring
Cummins, Samuel, waiter, Water street w of Caroline
Cummins, James, Bank street w of Happy alley
Cummins, Simon, East street n of Douglass
Cure, Daniel, labourer, Park lane extended
Curtis, Abednigo, musician, Harford road e side at 1st milestone

Dackins, Robert, labourer, Bishop's alley s of Stiles st
Dailin, James, caulker, Spring st e of Gough
Dansberry, Ritson, labourer, Douglass st w of Forest
Davis, Robert, labourer, Park st extended
Davidge, Elizabeth, Chestnut alley, w of Pearl st
Davis, Susan, Biddle alley, w of Ross st
Davis, Samuel, labourer, Caroline st s of Water
Davis, John, tanner and currier, 58 n Gay st
Davis, Mary, washer, Grant st near Lombard
Davis, Wm., carter, s Charles st extended
Davis, Wm., labourer, Pine st n of Mulberry
Davis, Joseph, potter, Happy alley n of Gough st
Davis, Samuel, sawyer, s e corner Water and Caroline sts
Davis, James, drayman, Saratoga st e of Cove
Day, Cato, caulker, Happy alley n of Alice Anna st
Deber, Francis, Run alley n of Fayette st
Delong, Prout, weaver, Cove st near Pratt
Delony, Gray, Strawberry alley near Wilk st
Delosher, Isaac, labourer, Peirce st w of Pearl
Denby, Patience, 8 s Liberty st
Denny, Samuel, sawyer, Forest st n of Douglass
Deror, Rachel, Forest st n of Madison
Dickerson, Betsey, washer, Short alley
Dickerson, Richard, seaman, Forest st s of Douglass
Dickerson,--------, sawyer, Cross st near William
Dickinson, Wm., steward, Spring st n of Gough
Dickinson, Robert, labourer, Long lane w of Holland st
Dickson, Richard, labourer, Montgomery st near Charles
Dickson, Hager, washer, Bank st e of Eden
Dickson, James, hackman, Gay st e of Belle Air market
Dickson, James, hackman, Forest st n of Douglass
Dillon, Sally, shop keeper, Star alley n of Alice Anna st
Diggs, George, whitewasher, Eutaw st s of Camden
Diggs, Wm., drayman, Cove st s of German
Dixon, Perry, hackman, Douglass st e of Forest
Dixon, Henry, sawyer, Pratt st road
Dobson, Henrietta, Low st between Potter and Exeter
Doekins, Robert, brickmaker, Sugar alley near Charles st
Doer, Ruth, Sterling st n of Monument
Dorsey, James, Spring st n of Gough
Dorsery, Edward, seaman, Douglass st w of Forest
Dorsey, Henry, blacksmith, Biddle alley w of Ross st
Dorsey, Charles, carter, Pearl st s of Saratoga
Dorsey, Charles, carter, Jew alley n of Dutch
Dossou, Joseph, barber, 53 Centre Market space
Douglass, Samuel, drayman, w end of Baltimore st
Dowden, Isaac, drayman, Hull's lane 6 doors e of Forest st
Dowden, Solomon, sawyer, Forest st s of Douglass
Doyle, Richard, labourer, Eager alley near Mulberry st
Draper, Garrison, tobacconist
Ducket, ------, Eutaw st opposit Lee
Duff, George, cordwainer, Pearl street s of Saratoga
Duncan, Hetty, washer, Eden st s of Pitt
Dungy, John, seaman, Douglass st w of Aisquith

Edwards, Sarah, 30 Bond street
Elder, Esther, washer, Pierce st e of Pine
Elliott, Robert, waiter, Eutaw st opposite Barre
Elliott, Samuel, porter, Baltimore st w of Pearl
Ennalls, Wm., caulker, Spring st n of Gough
Ennalls, Jacob, labourer, Cove st extended
Evans, Hooper, seaman, intersection Har. av. and Ensor st
Evans, James, potter, Forest st s of Douglass

Fairfield, Walter L., cigar maker, 15 Holland st
Farnandis, John, barber, Bond st s of Lancaster
Farrell, Absolom, Low st
Fell, Hannah, Chestbut alley w of Pearl st
Ferguson, Benjamin, brick maker, Comb near Busy alley
Ferguson, Benjamin, labourer, L. Hughes st near Light
Fields, John, carpenter, Canal st n of Pitt
Flamer, Nancy, Spring st s of Pratt
Fleetwood, Wm., Pleasant st near Park
Fleetwood, Benjamin, mariner, Mulberry st near Park
Ford, Hannah, washer, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Ford, John, labourer, Spring st s of Wilk
Ford, Alexander, labourer, Bank lane n side o t
Ford, Nace, labourer, 21 Lerew's alley
Fortie, George, cordwainer, Chatsworth st n of George
Fortie, Jacob, 55 Park st
Fortie, Henry P, drayman, East st n of Douglass
Fortie, Jacob, teacher, East st n of Douglass
Fowler, Leonard, Johnson st near Cross
Fowler, Mary, Park st bet Saratoga and Lexington
Fowler, Mary, milkwoman, Johnson st
Francis, Joseph, labourer, Fleet st w of Market
Francis, Marym 71 Bond st
Francis, Pompey, St Mary st s of Wilk st
Francis, Jno., coloured boarding house, Fleet st e of Caroline
Francis, Perry, labourer, nw cor Long lane and Orleans st
Francis, Thomas, labourer, Biddle alley w of Ross st
Franklin, Isaiah, labourer, Bond st n of Pratt
Franklin, Peter, whitewasher, Montgomery st near Charles
Frazier, John F., mattrras maker, Biddle alley w of Ross st
Freeman, Samuel, brickmaker, commons n of Spring Gardens
Freeman, Scipio, labourer, Johnson street
Freeman, George H., shoemaker, Low st w of Aisquith
Freeman, Henry, shoemaker, sw cor Douglass & Forest sts
Freeman, Nathaniel, labourer, Bank lane n side o.t.
French, Priscilla, Strawberry alley near Pratt st
Frie, William, brickmaker, Pratt street road
Frisby, Robert, caulker, Fleet st e of Caroline
Frisby, Edithe, white washer, 30 n Frederick street
Frisby, Perry, woodsawyer, 30 n Frederick st
Fuller, Thomas, labourer, Centre st near Charles

Gale, Archibald, drayman, Exeter street s of French
Gardner, Christopher, Monument st e of Sterling
Garl, Francis, labourer, Richmond st near Cathedral
Garnish, Edward, sawyer, Bank st w of Eden
Garret, Thomas, dyer, Sterling st n of Monument
Garret, Thomas, labourer, Howard st extended
Garret, Solomon, drayman, 35 Lerew's alley
Garrett, Robert, comb maker, Peace alley e of Lunn's lane
Garretson, Ralph, carpenter, Temple st
Garretson, Wiley, hackman, Neighbour st bet York & Harford aves
Garrow,  Nicholas, labourer, Marion st near Park
Gater, Dennis, blacksmith, Conway st n of Cove
Gavins, Daniel, feed store, 60 Gay st o t
Geddings, Rachel, washer, 63 s Howard st
Gent, Maria, Chestnut alley w of Chatsworth st
Gibbs, Peter, porter, Jew alley s of Lexington st
Gibbs, Ann, midwife, Columbia st bet Sharp and Howard
Gibson, Affey, Spring st n of Gough
Gibson, Philip, stewart, Potter st n of Douglass
Gibson, Matilda, alley from Caroline st w of Eden
Gibson, Joseph, labourer, Columbia st betw Eutaw and Paca
Gibson, --------, sawyer, Union st e of Penn avenue
Gibson, Wm., labourer, Peach alley w of Chatsworth st
Gibson, Nancy, washer, Salisbury alley e of Exeter st
Gibson, Basil, labourer, Long alley n of New st
Gilbert, Wm., labourer, Fayette st e of Pine
Gilbert, Joshua, white washer and wall colourer, Low st between Exeter
     and High
Gilliard, Susan, washer, Harford avenue near the Church
Gilliard, Nicholas, blacksmith, Briton st n e of Neighbour
Gilliard, Charlotte, washer, Chamberlain alley near Eutaw st
Gilmore, Isaac, porter, German st near Green
Gist, Jacob, caulker, Starr alley n of Fleet st
Golden, Charles, Fleet st w of Bond
Golder, Robert, physician, 67 s Howard st
Goldsborough, Richard C., ship carpenter, Wolf st n of Wilk
Goldsborough, Moses, plaistererm Chatsworth st n of George
Goldsborough, Joseph, labourer, Cove st s of Franklin
Gould, Robert, porter, Asbury st
Gould, Richard, labourerm Eden st n of Bank
Gould, Samuel, labourer, Park st extended
Goulding, Wm., labourer, Pine st w of Mulberry
Goven, Daniel, feed store, Aisquith st s of Douglass
Grace,  Adams, sawyer, Argyle Alley n of Alice Anna st
Grace, Thomas, labourer, Happy alley n of Lancaster st
Grainage, Frances, Chatsworth st s of Franklin
Grant, Charles, Canal st n of Holland
Grant, Charles, Labourer, Park st extended
Gray, Daniel, drayman, Eager alley near Mulberry st
Gray, Thomas, labourer, Frence st w of Potter
Gray, Samuel, grain carrier, Water street e of Lloyd
Gray, Jerry, labourer, Saratoga street w of Cove
Gray, Charles, labourer, Chestnut alley e of Pine street
Gray, Sally, Montgomery street near Charles
Gray, Thomas, drayman, 31 Lerew's alley
Green, William, brickmaker, Light street near Austen
Green, Benjamin, labourer, East street s of Douglass
Green, David, labourer, Fayette street w of Pearl
Green, Ann, Moore alley w of Eutaw street
Green, Kitty, Spring st n of Gough
Green, John, sawyer, Forest st s of Douglass
Green, Edward, labourer, Happy alley n of Lancaster street
Green, Charles, labourer, Caroline st n of Wilk
Green, Sophia, Argyle alley s of Wilk st
Green, Richard, porter, Hill street near Charles
Green, Richardm labourer, Hamilton st near St. Paul's lane
Green, David, carpenter, Half Moon alley, e of East st
Green, William, sawyer, Salisbury st 1 door e of Lloyd
Green, Charles, whitewasher, Market alley w of Fayette st
Green, John, measurer, Welcome al.  bet Sharp and Hanover sts
Green, Thomas, barber, 4 Light street
Greenbaum, John, pedlar, New street e of Paca
Greenwood, Peter, labourer, Sugar alley near Charles street
Greenwood, Samuel, porter, Fayette st e of Pine
Greenwood, Isaac, Light street near Hamburg
Grimes, Fielding, carter, Park lane w of Pearl street
Groce, Benjamin, Pierce street w of Pearl
Grooms, Emory, Douglass street w of Forest
Grooms, William, carpenter, Asbury street
Grooms, N., clothier, L. Hughes st near Light
Gross, Abraham, drayman, Necessity all  betw Exeter & Front sts
Gross, Benjamin, waiter, Eutaw st s of Conway
Gross, Samuel, gardner, Welcome alley bet Sharp & Hanover sts
Gross, Henry, labourer, Cross street near William
Gross, William, labourer, Welcome all bet Sharp & Hanover sts
Gross,--------, sawyer, Peach alley w of Pearl st
Guy, Samuel, grave dealer, Light st near Austen
Gwinn, Charkes, Potter street n of Douglass
Gwinn, William, labourer, Forest st n w of Monument

Hace,  Samuel, labourer, Eden st n of York
Hacket, Samuel, 76 s Howard street
Hacket, Charles, drayman, Forest st n of Douglass
Hacket, Philip, sawyer, Low street w of Aisquith
Hacket, Hester, Biddle alley w of Ross street
Hammer, Eliza, seamstress, Short alley
Hammer, Patrick, carpenter, 64 s Howard street
Hammond, Peter, waiter, Sharp st near Saratoga
Hammond, Andrew, Spring st n of Gough
Handy, Prestman, labourer, Guilford alley near Light st
Handy, Ishmael, painter, Harford road n of Lumber yard
Handy, George, carter, Harford road n of Lumber yard
Hanson, James, blacksmith, Welcome alley bet Sharp and Howard streets
Harden, Jas, 9 s Calvert st dw Ensor st opp. Catholic Church
Harden, Lucy, Pearl st n of Lexington
Harden, Thomas, blacksmith, Jefferson st 7th door e of Short
Harrison, Sally, cook, 36 Light street
Harrison, Nicholas, labourer, Davis street, near Pleasant
Hart, Shade, brickmaker, Annapolis road near Spring Gar.
Haskins, Dabney, Ruxton street
Haw, Robert, Spring st s of Gough
Heath, Hester, carpet weaver, Apple alley n of Fleet st
Hebrew, Stephen B., dyer and scourer, 24 Lexington st
Helms, Henrietta, cook, Hawk st
Hemsley, Joshua, carter, Marion st near Park
Henry, Richard, labourer, Green st s of Pratt
Henry, Samuel, drayman, Saratoga st e of Cove
Henry, Robert, seaman, Happy alley n of Gough st
Henson, Joseph, drayman, East st s of Douglass
Henson, Isaac, labourer, East st n of Pitt
Henson, James, drayman, East st s of Douglass
Higgins, James, labourer, 122 Wolf street
High, James, carter, Mill street near Pratt
High, James, carter, Forest st s of Orleans
Hileaura, Lazarus, Douglass st w of Forest
Hill, Thomas, carter, Welcome alley betw Howard & Sharp sts
Hill, Charles, drayman, Gay st e of East
Hill, Edward, drayman, Peirce st e of Cove
Hill, Joseph, porter, Union st w of Ross
Hill, Henrietta, washer, East st n of Pitt st
Hill, Robert, seaman, Strawberry alley s of Wilk st
Hiner, Jacob, victualler, Canal st n of Holland
Hiner, Samuel, victualler, Pitt st e of Eden
Hinson, Crissy, huckster, Sugar alley
Hinson, Perry, sawyer, 37 Lerew's alley
Hodges, Maria, washer, Forest st s of Douglass
Holland, mrs., washer, Hull's lane 7 doors w of Aisquith st
Holland, James, labourer, Happy alley n of Gough st
Holliday, Harriet, Apple alley s of Baltimore st
Hollis, David, labourer, Douglass st e of Forest
Hollon, Mary F., teacher, Sharp st bet Lexington & Saratoga
Holmes, Thomas, sawyer, s Charles st extended
Hooper, Sarah, Eutaw st near Spring gardens
Hooper, Adelia, Ruxton st
Hopkins, Hannah, Davis st near Pleasant
Horney, Julian, Run alley s of Lexington st
Horsey, Samuel, labourer, Guilford alley near Light st
How, Wm., labourer, Spring st s of Wilk
Howard, Samuel, drayman, Mechanics' alley s side
Howard, Mary J., Baltimore st w of Cove
Howard, Joshua, Half Moon alley, e of East street
Howard, Carlos, gardner, Peirce st e of Cove
Howard, Deliah, Biddle alley w of Ross st
Howard, Nicholas, labourer, Potter st s of Low
Howard, James, hackman, Low st between High and Front
Howard, Francis, Run alley n of Lexington st
Howard, Rachekm huckster, Market alley n of Fayette st
Howard, Catherine, Brewhouse alley n of Camden st
Howard, James, hack driver, Centre street near Charles
Howard, Chloe, Davis st near Pleasant
Hubbard, Charles, labourer, Potter st n of Douglass
Hudson, William, caulker, Wolf st s of Fleet
Huffington, Benjamin, grocer, corner Charles and Lombard
Hughes, James, North st near Saratoga
Hurmay, Harriet, Long alley s of New st
Hutson, Joseph, seaman, Happy alley n of Alice Anna st
Hutching, Joseph, white washer, 29 Lerew's alley
Hutchins, James, labourer, Ensor st n e of Monument
Hutchins, Rachel, Cove st s of Saratoga
Hutchinson, J C, hatter, Forest st n of Gay
Hynson, James, waiter, 30 n Frederick street
Hynson, John, blacksmith, Montgomery st near Charles

Ireland, Jesse, shoemaker, Douglass st w of Forest
Isaac, Maria, Low st e of Aisquith
Island, H., washer, 216 n Howard street
Isles, John, labourer, French st n of Front

Jack, John, barber, Chestnut alley w of Pearl st
Jackson, Eliza, washer, Bounty alley n of Caroline
Jackson, John, carter, cor Ann and Bank sts
Jackson, Willis, cordwiner, Hamilton st near St. Paul
Jackson, Elijah, Wagon alley n of Liberty street
Jackson, Daniel, miller, Ensor st near Monument
Jackson, James, caulker, Alice Anna st w of Wolf
Jackson, Julia A., Moore alley w of Eutaw street
Jackson, Isaac, ship carpenter, Happy al. n of Alice Anna st
Jackson, William, labourer, Sarah Ann st w of Chatsworth
Jackson, Nathanm, labourer, Eden st s of Baltimore
Jackson, Wesley, labourer, Biddle alley w of Ross st
Jackson, Thomas, labourer, Montgomery st near Charles
Jackson, Shadrack, sawyer, Douglass st w of Forest
Jackson, R., brickmaker, Commons n of Spring gardens
Jacobs, Nathan, labourer, Pine st n of Mulberry
Jacobs, Elias, painter and glazier, Mulberry st n of Park
Jakes, Frederick, 11 s Calvery st, dw Park st betw Richmond
     and Madison avenues
Jefferson, Thomas, carpenter, Hull's lane n side e of Forest st
Jefferson, Simon J., barber, Light st near York
Jefferson, Philip, labourer, s Eutaw st n of New
Jefferson, Isaac, carter, High st s of Pratt
Jefferson, Thomas, boot black, Sharp st near Lexington
Jefferson, Philip, Eutaw st n of New
Jeffrey, Ann, Exeter st s of French
Jenkins, Margaret, Salisbury st n side w of Harford run
Jenkins, -----, Hoffman st w of Ross
Jenkins, Samuel, stevadore, Alice Anna st w of Wolf
Jenkins, Joshua, labourer, Strawberry alley n of Fleet st
Jennings, Thomas, Eutaw st s of Conway
Jennings, Thomas, shoemaker, Jefferson st 5th door e of Aisquith
Jennings, Thomas, labourer, Biddle st w of Penn av.
Johns, Moses, 30 n Frederick st
Johns, Moses, oyster and ice cream man, 90 s Sharp st
Johns, Francis, porter, corner Eutaw and Conway sts
Johnson, Jane, huckster, Forest st s of Douglass
Johnson, Henry, labourer, Park lane w of Cove street
Johnson, Elizabeth, Short st near Jefferson
Johnson, Alexander, Cove st extended
Johnson, James, sawyer, Strawberry alley n of Wilk st
Johnson, Job, labourer, Chatsworth st s of Franklin
Johnson, Edward, labourer, Strawberry alley n of Wilk st
Johnson, Nancy, Pearl st s of Saratoga
Johnson, Cato, seaman, Happy alley n of Lancaster street
Johnson, Samuel, blacksmith, Long alley n of New street
Johnson, Noah, cooper, Happy alley n of Fleet street
Johnson, Eli, drayman, Eutaw st opposite Barre
Johnson, Nathaniel, labourer, Happy alley n of Fleet st
Johnson, Samuel, labourer, 10 n Sharp st
Johnson, Sally, Strawberry alley n of Pratt street
Johnson, Henry Jr., cordwainer, Hawk Street
Johnson, John, waiter, Saratoga st extended.
Johnson, Thomas, brickmoulder, Park lane e of Pine street
Johnson, Nathan, labourer, 167 Bond street
Johnson, Clara, 37 Lerew's alley
Johnson, Fanny, German st near Cove
Johnson, James, carter, Sugar alley
Johnson, John, labourer, William st near Cross
Johnson, William, waiter, Pleasant st near Park
Johnson, Susan, Hamilton st near St. Paul's lane
Johnson, Samuel, drayman, Long alley s of New street
Johnson, Solomon, tanner, Cove st near Pratt
Johnson, Rachel, Peace alley, w of Pearl street
Johnson, Thomas, gardner, Peach alley w of Pearl st
Johnson, Susan, Peach alley w of Pearl street
Johnson, Sandy, Sarah Ann st w of Chatsworth
Johnson, William, labourer, 3 Forest st n of Douglass
Johnson, Ann, huckster, Forest st n of Douglass
Johnson, Spencer, shoemaker, s w cor French and Forest sts
Johnson, Joseph, labourer, Forest st n of Madison
Johnson, William, Hill street near Charles
Johnson, mrs., huckster, Hill st near Charles
Johnson, Jno, confectioner, Saratoga st near Colonade baths
Johnson, John, carter, Exeter st n of Gay
Johnson, Jas, cordwainer, Long alley n of New street
Johnson, William, waiter, Conway st near Eutaw
Johnson, Henrietta, Low st s of Aisquith
Johnson, Aaron, labourer, Guilford alley near Light street
Johnson, Charles, sawyer, Bank st
Johnson, Thomas, gardner, Peach alley w of Pearl st
Johnson, Spencer, shoemaker, cor York av & Monument st
Jones, Isaac, drayman, Howard st near Barre
Jones, Robert, carter, Argyle alley s of Fleet st
Jones, James, brick maker, 69 s Howard st
Jones, Israel, caulker, Forest st n of Douglass
Jones, Joseph, cheese dealer, Thames st w of Ann
Jones, Thomas, carpenter, Mulikin st e of Eden
Jones, Sally, Garden st near Richmond
Jones, Mary, Moore alley w of Eutaw st
Jones, Christopher, East st s of Douglass
Jones, Wm., Moore alley w of Eutaw st
Jones, Kinsey, labourer, Star alley n of Wilk st
Jones, Gideon, carpenter, Canal st n of Holland
Jones, Rachel, washer, Happy alley n of Lancaster st
Jones, James, drayman, Asbury st
Jones, Jacob, carter, Carpenter's alley
Jones, Mitchell, wagoner, Hill st near Charles
Jones, Peter, Wagon alley near Park st
Jones, mrs., huckster, Busy alley
Jones, Thomas, labourer, Sugar alley
Jones, Harry, Sugar alley
Jones, Isaac, labourer, Williamson alley
Jones, Rachel, Williamson alley
Jones, Andrew, porter, Douglass st w of Forest
Jones, Marshall, labourer, Cove st extended
Jones, David P., porter, 45 Pearl st
Jones, Richard T, brick maker, Eutaw st opposite Barre
Jones, David, drayman, cor Green and Gayette sts
Jones, Sarah, 26 s Liberty st
Lones, Letitia, 28 s Liberty st
Jones, James, sawyer, Centre sy near St Paul
Jordan, John, cabinet maker, Potter st n of Low
Jubb, Martha, Happy alley n of Lancaster st

Kay, James, sawyer, Happy alley n of Fleet st
Keith, Daniel, caulker, Spring st s of Pratt
Kelly, Sewell, meal seller, Har. av n of the Church
Keys, John, carter, Light street near Austen
Keyser, Samuel, cooper, Fayette st e of Pine
Kiar, Daniel, hair dresser, 28 Pratt st near Charles, dw
     Montgomery street w of Charles
King, Nancy, Run alley s of Fayette street
Knight, Robert, carterm 29 Union st
Knox, Stephen, labourer, Strawberry alley n of Wilk st

Landsdale, Walter, labourer, Carpenter's alley
Lane, Caroline, Pine st s of Peirce
La Prat, John, barber, Peirce st w of Pearl
Large, Richard, carter, Salisbury st w of Harford run
Lavellia, John, barber, Ensor st n e of Gay
Lawrence, Herculus, Happy alley n of Fleet st
Lebar, Ely, hack driver, 40 Park st
Lebrun, Solomon, Bond st n of Wilk
Ledgwick, Francis, Carpenter's alley
Lee, Levin, drayman and blacking maker, Short st
Lee, Wm., seaman, Herring's alley n of Stiles st
Lee, rev. Philip, Howard st near Barre
Lee, Daffney, washer, 71 s Howard st
Lee, Samuel, sawyer, 61 s Howard st
Lee, Rebecca, Ruxton st
Lee, Charles, labourer, Busy alley
Lee, Joseph, labourer, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Lee, Saml., white washer and wall colourer, Low st e of Aisquith
Lee, Philip, drayman, Run alley n of Fayette st
Lee, Wm., drayman, 51 n Sharp st
Lee, Charles, jr., Davis st near Bath
Lemmon, John, Strawberry alley n of Gough st
Le Parde, John, barber, Paca st n of Lexington, dw Peirce
     street w of Pearl
Leshure, Lewis, cigar maker, Biddle alley w of Ross st
Levi, Sally, washer, intersection Harford avenue & Ensor sts
Levington, William, pastor of St. James's Church, 52 s Howard
Lewis, Andrew, blacksmith, Run alley n of Lexington st
Lewis, Ann M, Pine st s of Peirce
Lewis, William, waiter, Hull's lane 10 doors w of Aisquith st
Lewis, John, seaman, s e cor Strawberry alley & Wilk st
Lewis, John, Ross st e of Paca
Lewis, John, barber, Lexington st w of Eutaw dw Pine st s of Peirce
Lewis, Catherine, Park st extended
Lillett, Elizabeth, Chestnut alley w of Pearl street
Lillett, John, labourer, East st n of Douglass
Limas, William, drasyman, Pleasant st near Park
Locke, Alex, Peirce st w of Pearl
Lockman, Dabiel, sawyer, Low st Stillhouse row
Lockman, Fanny, washer, Ivy alley
Lodge, Moses, seaman, Happy alley n of Gough st
Lomas, David, caulker, Fleet street e of Bond
London, James P, Potter street n of Douglas
Longly, John, brickmaker, Eutaw st opposite Barre
Louden, Jentry, Star alley, n of Fleet st
Lovet, Perry, drayman, Low st bet High and Exeter
Lowe, David, porter, Marion street near Park
Lucas, George, labourer, 13 Concord street
Lucky, John, wheelwright, 3 Sterling street
Lurton, Grace, Lee st e of Charles
Lynch, Henry, Howard street near Richmond

M thru Z Listings

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