Colored Householders
Baltimore City Directory 1822-1823

Transcribed 2000 by Louis S. Diggs, Sr.


The following are the names of African Americans who are listed in the book, Baltimore Directory for 1822 and 1823. The book is published by C. Keenan, and contains the heads of families, and persons in business, alphabetically arranged.

The following are the directions to the readers: (ra) Ridgely's Addition; (sg) Spring Gardens; (wp) Western Precincts; (ep) Eastern Precincts; (fp) Fell's Point; (ot) Old Town; gh (Gallows Hill; (fh) Federal Hill; (lh) Loudenslager's Hill; (Penn. ave.) Pennsylvania avenue; (mm space) Marsh Market Space; (N) North; (S) South; (E) East); (W) West; (!) Persons of color; (ave) Avenue; (st) Street; (dw) Dwelling; (gent.) Gentleman. Note: For these transcripts I have pulled out all of those persons with a (!) opposit their names (Persons of color).

Louis S. Diggs
Catonsville, Maryland

Ackerman, James, caulker, Potter e side n of Pitt ot
Adams, Ellen, market-dealer, Harford e side s of the (???)
Adams, James, labourer, Canton lane n side w of Ceder point lane hc
Adreon, William, cordwainer, Lancaster s side e of Apple alley fp
African Methodist Church, Sharp w side s of Lombard
African Methodist Church, s e corner of Liberty & McEldry ot
African Methodist Meeting, Paca, w side s of Lombard
African Methodist meeting, Strawberry alley, w side n of Fleet fp
African Bethel Church, Fish s side w of Gay
Aikens, Hanns, laundress, Strawberry alley n side n of Gough fp
Ailand, Harriot, laundress, Strawberry alley, n side n of Saratoga
Alexander, Providence, laundress, High s side w of Bridge ot
Alford, Jeremiah, boarding house, 109 1/2 Bond fp
Allen, David, drayman, 45 Green ot
Allen, Jacob, labourer, 75 Apple alley fp
Allen, Edward, labourer, Apple alley, e side w of Fleet fp
Allen, Jesse labourer, Argyle alley, w side s of Wilk fp
Allen, Polly, laundress, Strawberry alley, e side s of Bank fp
Allen, John, labourer, Strawberry alley, e side s of Franklin
Allen, Sarah, laundress, Short allety, e side s of Saratoga
Amos, Isaac, labourer, Friendship, n side w of Hull's lane, ot
Amos, Paul, labourer, Union, n side e of Low ot
Amos, Benjamin, drayman, Union, n side e of Low ot
Anderson, Thomas, labourer, Saratoga, s side e of Pearl
Anderson, Solomon, grocery, 42 Fayette, dw Bottle alley s side e of Cove
Anderson, Samuel, labourer, Brandy alley, s side w of Howard
Anderson, Catharine, laundress, Morris, s e side n e of Ross
Anderson, Abraham, labourer, 36 Saratoga
Anderson, Maria, laundress, Mitchel's alley, w side s of Bath
Anderson, Daniel, boot black, 3 1/2 s Gay, dw Mechanic's, e side s of High ot
Annis, Rachael, laundress, 4 Short ot
Antoney, Robert, labourer, Goodman, w side n of Montgomery fh
Antoney, John, barber, n e cor of Howard & Dutch al, dw Eutaw w side n of New ln
Armor, Anne, laundress, 59 Harrison
Armstead, Samuel, labourer, French, w side opposite High ot
Armstrong, Isaac, labourer, Pleasant alley, e side n of Conway
Armstrong, Darky, laundress, Bridge, w side n of French, foot of gh, ot
Ash, Louisa, laundress, Frederick, w side s of Gay
Assult, Mingo, sailor, Argyle alley, e side s of Fleet fp
August, John Joseph, barber, Queen, s side w of President ot
Augustus, Caesar, labourer, Green, n side w of Low ot
Avisse, James, sailor, Strawberry alley, e side of Smith st fp
Ayares, Thomas, drayman, Homespun alley, s side w of Howard
Ayares, Peter, barber, Paca, w side n of Fayette

Baily, Isaac, wood sawyer, Bottle alley n side e of Paca
Baily, John, drayman, Green s side e of French ot
Baily, Henry, drayman, Brandy alley s side w of Sharp
Baily, Isaac, drayman, Brandy alley s side w of Sharp
Baily, Jacob, labourer, Guilford alley s side e of Goodman st foot of fh
Baker, Adam, woodsawyer, Conway s side w of Charles
Bantem, Sarah, laundress, Long alley, w side s of New lane
Bantoon, John, labourer, Union lane, e side n of Fayette
Baptist, Thomas, labourer, Biddle n side w of Ross
Barber, Benjamin, labourer, Union, n side e of Penn ave
Barger, Nathan, labourer, Howard, w side s of Barre
Barnes, Patience, laundress, Strawberry alley, w side s of Smith st fp
Barnes, Samuel, labourer, Homespun alley, s side e of Howard st
Barnes, Henson, labourer, Friendship, s side e of McElderry ot
Barnett, Benjamin, ship carpenter, Caroline, e side n of Gough fp
Barney, John, labourer, Spring, w side s of Wilk fp
Barroway, Cornelius, black smith, Liberty w side n of necessity alley ot
Barry, Francis, black smith, McElkderry, n w side s w of Friendship, ot
Barton, Henry, labourer, Baltimore, n side w of Asbury
Barton, James, labourer, Baltimore, n side w of Asbury
Basile, James, barber, n e corner of Swan & mm space
Beckworth, Ephraim, drayman, McClellen's alley w side s of Tamany st
Becks, Levin, rope maker, Temple e side s of Pitt ot
Beecho, Moses, drayman, Conway, s side w of Howard
Beeho, Lyman, drayman, Conway, s side w of Howard
Bell, William, labourer, Salisbury, n side w of Harford run ot
Benedict, Charles, fidler, 64 Harrison
Bennett, Peter, house carpenter, FRiendship, n side w of Hull's lane
Bennett, Chloe, laundress, Union, n side e of French ot
Benson, John, waiter, Mechanics, e side s of High ot
Benson, William, labourer, Baltimore, s side e of Cove
Benson, John, labourer, Strawberry allet, e side s of Smith st, fp
Berry, John, labourer, Potter, e side n of McElderry ot
Berry, James, drayman, Union, n side e of Low ot
Berry, Lydia, laundress, Public alley, e side s of Water st
Berry, Wm., labourer, Short, e side n of Orleans ot
Berryman, Sarah, laundress, Eden, w of n of Wilk, fp
Bewley, Silas, labourer, 56 Green ot
Bewley, Philip, labourer, Will, e side n of Queen fp
Bias, James, carter, Asbury, w side s of Pratt
Birmingham, Rebecca, laundress, Carolina E side n of Wilk fp
Black, Polly, laundress, Apple alley, e side s of Lancaster st fp
Black, David, labourer, Wine, n side w of Pine
Blackson, William, labourer, Duke, s side w of Albemarle ot
Blackson, Mary, laundress, Liberty, w side s of McElderry ot
Blake, Isaac, wood sawyer, Happy alley, w side s of Germanst fp
Blake, Maria, laundress, Spring, w side s of Sleigh's lane ot
Blake, Sarah, laundress, Carolina, e side s of Wilk, ot
Blake, Vintsent, labourer, Queen Ann, s w of Cove
Blake, James, labourer, 8 Kip's row, rear of Potter ot
Blake, George, sailor, at the intersection of North and French ot
Blake, Fadden, labourer, Forrest, n side e of Bridge ot
Boaman, Jacob, labourer, Carolina, e side s of Smith fp
Boaman, George, cordwainer, Union s side e of Low ot
Bodley, Stephen, labourer, Guilford alley, n side e of Goodman st, foot of fh
Bodley, Abraham, labourer, Friendship, s side w of McElderry ot
Bodley, Anthony, labourer, Biddle, n side w of Pen av
Bidley, Simon, labourer, 53 Great York ot
Bond, Adam, labourer, n e corner of Charles st and Elbow lane ra
Bond, Mary, laundress, Apple alley, w side s of Alisana st fp
Bond, Henry, drayman, Union, s side e of Low ot
Bonaparte, John, barber, Hanover e side n of Camden
Booth, Diana, market dealer, Union, s side e of Low ot
Booth, Edward, labourer, Booth'a alley, w side n w of Cathedral
Booth, Joshua, caulker, Fleet, n side w of Bond fp
Booth, Rebecca, laundress, Apple alley, e side s of Lancaster fp
Boston, George, labourer, Cherry alley, s side w of Pearl
Boston, Abraham, labourer, Gooseberry alley, s side w of Ross
Boston, Charles, labourer, Goosberry alley, s side w of Ross
Boston, George, blacksmith, Howard, e side n of Camden
Bourke, Thomas, labourer, Front st, n side e of Public alley
Bourke, Thomas, labourer, Happy alley e side n of Lancaster st fp
Bourke, Henry, labourer, Carolina, e side s of Smith fp
Bourke, Clement, teacher, Liberty, e side s of McElderry, ot
Bourke, David, labourer, Aisquith, w side n of McElderry, ot
Bowser, Robert, wood sawyer, Conway, s side w of Charles
Bowser, Henry, sawyer, Spring, w side s of Wilk fp
Bowyer, Moses, fisherman, Washington, n side w of Paca
Bowyer, Philip, labourer, Bottle alley, s side w of Cove
Bradford, Joshua, carter, Short, e side n of Orleans ot
Bradford, James, labourer, 36 Liberty ot
Bredo, Mary, laundress, 67 1/2 Wolf fp
Brightman, Edward, labourer, Montgomery, s side w of Ross
Brightman, Rebecca, market dealer, Montgomery s side w of Ross
Briscoe, Joseph, sailor, 205 Bond fp
Briscoe, Mary, laundress, Strawberry alley w side n of Alisana st fp
Briscoe, Philip, labourer, Eden, e side n of Bank fp
Bristo, David, labourer, Friendship, n side e of Hull's lane ot
Bristor, Jane, whitewasher, Hughes, s side e of Forrest, foot of fp
Brizard, Eliza, market dealer, Carolina, w side n of Fleet fp
Brogden, William, labourer, Whiskey alley, n side w of Howard st
Brogden, William, carter, Lerew's alley, e side s of Tyson st
Brown, John, boot black, under ne cor of Bond & Fell fp, dw
   Star al w side s of Wilk st fp
Brown, Thomas, drayman, Strawberry alley, w side n of Gough st fp
Brown, Margaret, seamstress, Chamberlain's alley, s side e of Eutaw st
Brown, James B., carter, Park lane, sa side w of Pearl st
Brown, Ephraim, blacksmith, Fayette, n side w of Howard, dw Cherry al,
   s side e of Pine
Brown, Fanny, seamstress, Pen av, ne side nw of the Windsor Mill road
Brown, Robert, wood sawyer, Bolton, s side w pof Cathedral
Brown, Susan, laundress, Guilford alley, n side w of Forrest, foot of fh
Brown, Thomas, labourer, Guilford alley, n side w of Forrest, foot of fh
Brown, Charles, labourer, Honey alley, n side e of Goodman st fh
Brown, Francis, stevedore, Ferry road, w side s of Cross st fh
Brown, John, drayman, Asbury, w side n of Pratt
Brown, Joseph, boot black, cellar of the ne corner of Howard and Saratoga
Brown, Joshua, carter, Pratt, n side e of Asbury
Brown, Michael, drayman, ne corner of Howard st and Bottle alley
Brown, Edward, labourer, 95 Pitt ot
Brown, Henry, labourer, Liberty alley, w side n of Fall st ot
Brown, Stephen, potter, Necessity alley, n side w of Friendship st ot
Brown, Joseph, blacksmith, Union, s side e of North ot
Brown, Jacob, wood sawyer, Salisbury, n side w of Harford run ot
Brown, Priscilla, laundress, Salisbury, n side w of Harford run ot
Brown, James, blacksmith,100 Bond fp
Brown, Nathan, labourer, Bridge e side nof French ot
Brown, Pheana, laundress, Fayette, s side w of Pearl
Brown, Jacob, labourer, Brandy alley n side e of Eutaw
Brown, Deliah, laundress, Hammond, n side w of Cove
Bruce, Peter, waiter, President's alley, n side e of Exeter st ot
Bruce, George, wood sawyer, Strawberry alley, e side s of Gough st fp
Bryan, Silvia, laundress, Bank, n side w of Calvert
Bryson, John, labourer, s side e of Goodman fh
Bryton, Thomas, care of ulcers, Hill, n side e of Hanover
Buchanan, Joshua, bay trader, Orleans st, s side w of Sharp ot
Buck, James, labourer, 36 Liberty ot
Budd, Samuel, white washer, 44 High ot
Butcher, James, labourer, German, n side e of Cove
Butler, Maria, laundress, Friendship, s side w of McElderry ot
Butler, Jane, laundress, Inloe's alley, n side ew of Lerew's alley
Butler, Rachel, laundress, Calvert, w side n of St. Paul's
Butler, Romulus, labourer, Twelve foot alley, e side s of Chapple alley
Butler, Mary, laundress, 61 Waggon al
Butler, Elizabeth, laundress, 60 Harrison
Butler, Amos, labourer, Short e side n of Orleans ot
Butler, John, carter, Harford ave, w side n of Harker's Rope Walk ot
Butler, Ralph, drayman, Fayette, s side w of Pearl
Butler, Clement B., oyster house, 7 Hanover
Butler, Henry, labourer, Wiskey alley, n side e of Paca st
Butler, Joseph, cooper, sw corner of Wiskey alley and Howard street
Butler, Joseph, sailor, Apple al, e side n of Lancaster st fp
Butler, Mary, laundress, Pearl, e side s of Saratoga
Butler, George, boot black, cellar of 42 n Charles
Butler, Matthias, sailor, Biddle, n side w of Ross
Byas, Perry, drayman, Howard st, w side n of French ot

Caghey, Wm., labourer, Spring, w side n of Gough fp
Calder, Charles, labourer, Hanover, e side s of Busy al
Caldwell, George,. hostler, Aisquith, w side n of Comet ot
Campbell, James, drayman, Friendship, n side e of Orleans ot
Canmung, Henry, labourer, nw corner of Howard and Conway
Carpenter, Charles, waiter, 55 Green ot
Carr, James, wood sawyer, Strawberry alley, w side s of Gough st fp
Carr, Purnell, wood sawyer, Spring, e side n of Bank fp
Carroll, William, fruit shop, 74 n Howard
Carroll, Mary, laundress, Barre, s side w of Sharp
Carter. Richard, labourer, Baltimore, n side w of Cove
Carter, Samuel, labourer, Lerew's alley, w side s of Mulberry st
Casey, Sarah, widow, laundress, German, n side e of Cove
Cassell, William, coachman, Still House, ot
Chalk, Mordecia, gardener, Point lane, w side n of Greenwood farm, ot, cp
Chamberlain, Boston, labourer, 67 Camden
Chambers, Charity, laundress, Strawberry alley, w side s of Franklin st
Chapman,Isaac, labourer, Guilford alley, side e of Goodman, foot of fh
Chase, Basil, drayman, Union, n side w of Bridge ot
Chase, Ennolds, laborer, Pleasant alley, e side s of Brandy alley
Chase, Samuel, laborer, Carolina, e side s of Smith fp
Chestor, Stephen,wood sawyer, Spring, e side n of Gough fp
Chestor, Hannibal, carter, 39 Bank, fp
Chew, Diana, laundress, Fayette, s side w of Pearl
Chew, Thomas, laborer, Pleasant alley, e side n of Conway st
Christy, George, laborer, 6 Potter ot
Ciney, Benjamin,laborer, North, w side s of Green ot
Clannon, Major, drayman, Green, s side w of North ot
Clarke, Solomon, laborer, Bottle alley, n side e of Paca st
Clarke, Jeremiah, laborer, Strawberry alley, w side n of
   Gough st fp
Clayton, James, laborer, Strawberry alley, w side s of Wilk fp
Clayton, Perry, laborer, Strawberry alley, e side n of Wilk fp
Clayton, Philip, laborer, se corner of Ross st & Moore's alley
Clemments, Peter, laborer, Hill s side e of Goodman fh
Clemments, Tabby, laundress, Goodman, e side n of Hill fh
Clevereaux, Thomas, cigar maker, Green w side s of Franklin
Coats, Jeremiah, laborer, Friendship, n side e of Orleans ot
Coats, William, carter, Spring, w side n of Gough fp
Cocks, Benjamin, wood sawyer, Spring w side n of Gough fp
Cockson, Sophia, laundress, Franklin st, s side e of Lerew's alley
Cole, Frank, caulker, 73 Apple alley fp
Cole, Ann, laundress, Howard, wside s of Conway
Cole, Prince, white washer, Short alleyt, w side n of Louisiana st
Cole, Cornelius, drayman, Peach alley, n side w of Pearl st
Cole, Francis, laborer, Moore's alley, ne side sw of Eutaw st
Cole, Mark, coachman, Short, w side n of Orleans ot
Cole, Julia, launmdress, McElderry, se side sw of Friendship ot
Colhoun, Nancy, laundress, German, s side e of Sharp
Collic, Samuel, labourer, Cowpen alley, n side w of Cove street
Connor, Isaac, rope maker, 50 Happy alley, fp
Conway, Joseph, wood sawyer, Hamburg, n side near the anchor factory,
   foot of fh
Conwell, Jeremiah, laborer, Sugar alley, n side w of Forrest street, fh
Cook, Moses, wheel-wright, Bridge, e side s of the
   intersection of Bridge and Britton gh ot
Cook, Henry, waiter, Forrest lane, w side n of Conewago st
Cook, Isaac, laborer, Lerew's alley, e side n of Saratoga
Cook, Charles, laborer, Twelve foot ally, w side s of Mulberry street
Cooley, Catharine, boarding house, Strawberry alley, w side n of
   Alisana st fp
Cooley, Lucy, seamstress, 4 Strawberry alley, fp
Cooley, Frances, laundress, Strawberry alley, e side s of Bank fp
Cooper, Aaron, laborer, Honey alley, n side e of Goodman fh
Cooper, Edward, laborer, Apple allety, e side s of Fleet fp
Cooper, Samuel, caulker, Washington, w side s of Wilk, fp
Copper, Isaac, bricklayer, 545 n Liberty st
Core, Joseph, laborer, Cove, w side n of Franklin st
Cornish, Isaac, sailor, 100 1/2 Bond fp
Cornish, Edward, wood sawyer, Bank, n side w of Eden fp
Cornish, Phillis, laundress, cellar of a house Duke s side w of
   Albemarle ot
Cornish, Jacob, wood sawyer, Argyle alley, e side s of Wilk fp
Corporal, Benjamin, wood sawyer, Guilford alley, n side e of Goodman
   st fh
Corsey, Jarret, laborer, Brandy alley, s side w of Howard
Counte, Edward, mariner, Bank, n side w of Market fp
Coursey, Thomas, laborer, Cowpen alley, s side w of Cove street
Cox, Benjamin, laborer, Cowpen alley, n side w of Cove street
Crawford, Westley, teacher, Camden, s side e of Eutaw, dw Brandy al, n
   side e of Eutaw st
Creery, Richard, laborer, Brandy alley, s side w of Howard street
Crew, Edward, laborer, Howard, e side s of Camden
Crick, Richard, drayman,138 Green ot
Crumwell, Joseph, ship carpenter, Argyle alley, e side s of Fleet st fp
Cromwell, Winny, laundress, Strawberry alley, w side n of Bank st fp
Cromwell, George, shoe store, Liberty, w side s of Lexington
Culeton, George, laborer, High, s side w of Addison st
Culp, Patrick, package case maker, rear of 5 n Liberty
Curry, Rachel, laundress, Lloyd, e side n of Salisbury ot
Curry, John, sawyer, Carolina, e side s of Smith fp
Curtiss, John, labourer, Strawberry alley, e side s of Smith fp
Curtiss, Rosanna, laundress, Strawberry alley, e side n of Alisana fp
Curtiss, Elizabeth, laundress, Carolina, e side s of Bank fp
Curtiss, Henry, drayman, Bridge, w side n of French gh ot
Curtiss, Henry, labourer, Pitt, n side w of Harford run st ot
Cypuss, Philip, waiter, 2 German lane

Daffan, Joseph, labourer, Hull's land, se side ne of Friendship st ot
Dangerfield, David, carter, Loe, e side n of Front ot
Davis, Isabella, laundress, Bridge, e side n of French gh, ot
Davis, Susan, laundress, Wiskey alley, s side e of Paca st
Davis, Carlos, laborer, 115 Camden
Davis, William, cabinet maker, ne corner of Eutaw st & Dutch
alley, dw Hanover st e side n of Uhler's alley
Davis, James, laborer, Happy alley, w side n of Alisana street, fp
Davis, Freeborn, sailor, Eden, e side n of Gough fp
Davis, Isiah, waiter, Union, s side w of Ross
Davis, James, drayman, Asbury, w side n of Pratt
Davis, Samuel, laborer, Smith, s side e of Carolina fp
Davis, Joseph, laborer, Friendship, n side e of McElderry ot
Davis, Charles, waiter, Low, e side s of Union ot
Davis, Hannah, laundress, Duke, n side w of Wolf ot
Davis, Hager, laundress, Salisbury, n side e of Lloyd ot
Dawson, Lydia, fruit shop, St. Paul's n side e of Charles
Day, Cator, caulker, Alisana, s side e of Ann fh
Deaver, Gabriel, laborer, Ross, ne side nw of Eutaw
Deaver, James, rope maker, Friendship, s side e of McElderry ot
Debbs, William, carter, Goodman, w side s of Henrietta fh
Delias, David, laborer, Cove, e side s of German
Devonshire, Cain, laborer, Strawberry alley, w side n of Wilk street, fp
Dickenson, Perry, laborer, Liberty w side n of McElderry ot
Dickerson, Richard, sailor, Friendship, s side e of McElderry ot
Dickson, James, carter, Union, n side e of Low ot
Dickson, Thomas, laborer, Fayette, s side w of Pearl
Dickson, Henry, laborer, Bottle alley, s side e of Cove
Dickson, Isaac, cook, Pleasant alley, w side n of Conway street
Dickson, Benjamin, cigar maker, upper part of No 3 Cheapside
Diggs, William, laborer, Cove, e side s of German
Disk, Francis, house carpenter, German, n side e of Cove
Dody, Peter, clothing store, se cor of Pratt st & O'Donnell's whf, dw
   Concord, w side n of Pratt
Domain, John, laborer, Union, n side e of Pen ave
Dorre, John, wood sawyer, Bridge, w side n of French, gh ot
Dorsey, Isaac, laborer, Eutaw, w side s of Montgomery fh
Dorsey, Phobe, laundress, Spring, w side s of Dulany fh
Dorsey, Mathais, barber, 13 s Howard
Dorsey, Solomon, laborer, Tyson, n side e of Richmond
Dorsey, Daniel, sailor, Inloe's alley, s side w of North st
Dorsey, Nathaniel, laborer, Hill, s side e of Goodman fh
Dorsey, Lucinda, laundress, McElderry, nw side se of Aisquith ot
Dorsey, James, carter, rear of 44 High ot
Douglas, Samuel, wood sawyer, New lane, s side e of Paca st
Dove, Adam, laborer, Bank, n side w of Wolf fp
Dowden, Solomon, carter, Necessity alley, w side s of Friendship st ot
Downell, Mary, laundress, Pearl, e side s of Saratoga
Downs, Frances, laundress, Guilford alley, n side w of Goodman st fh
Downs, Joseph, laborer, Guilford alley, n sider w of Forrest st fh
Dowton, Nicholas, wood sawyer, 40 n Charles
Draper, G & R, tobacconists, Forrest , s side e of French ot
Draper, Major, cordwainer, Forrest, s side e of French ot
Drummer, Benjamin, laborer, Short alley, e side s of Saratoga street
Dubbin, Johnson, laborer, Primrose alley, s side e of Charles st
Dubois, Joseph, barber, 30 Market, fp
Dulany, Joseph, laborer, Towson's alley, w side n of Saratoga st
Dunbar, Charles, drayman, Chamberlain's alley, n side e of Eutaw st
Duncan, Diana, laundress, 201 Bond fp
Duncan, John, package carter, 12 Lexington
Dunn, Charles, measurer of grain, Harford, e side s of the
   intersection of Harford and Aisquith ot
Dunn, Daniel, market dealer, Union, s side e of Low ot
Durham, Limas, blacksmith, Nelson,. e side n of the Penitentary ot
Durham, Joshua, wood sawyer, Wolf, w side n of Wilk fp
Dyer, Martha, Strawberry alley, w side s of Bank st fp

Earl, Ellen, widow, laundress, Asbury, w side n of Pratt
Edwinson, Charles, labourer, Lerew's alley, e side s of Mulberry st
Eiley, Adam, wood sawyer, Tammany st, s side e of Forrest lane
Elliot, Samuel, drayman, German, n side w of Green
Engle, Kerr, blacksmith, 39 1/2 Bank st fp
Ennis, Elizabeth, laundress, German, n side e of Cove
Ennis, Richard, cordwainer, 62 Happy alley fp
Ennis, Diana, laundress, cellar of a house, Duke, s side w of
   Albemarle ot
Ennis, Benjamin, sailor, Honey alley, n side e of Goodman st fh
Ennis, Hector, wood sawyer, 82 s Charles
Ennolds, William, carter, Spring, e side n of Gough fp
Ereby, Abraham, cordwainer, Cross, s side e of Third fh
Esperance, John, barber, New, n side e of Light
Ester, Mary, laundress, Paca, w side n of Franklin
Evans, Thomas, cook, Bank, s side e of Light

Fairall, Absalom, measurer of grain, Low, nw side ne of Friendship ot
Fairfield, Elizabeth, widow, 71 Will fp
Fantevy, William, labourer, Brandy alley, s side e of Eutaw st
Faulks, John, carter, 56 North
Fell, York, laborer, Pearl, e side s of Saratoga
Fernandis, John, barber, 7 1/2 Bond fp
Fields, Rachel, laundress, Star alley, e side s of Wilk st fp
Fleetwood, Thomas, sailor, Necessity alley, s side e of Liberty st ot
Folks, Henry, boot and shoe maker, 51 n Gay
Foot, Abraham, labourer, Green, n side w of Low ot
Forde, Samuel, labourer, Friendship, n side e of McElderry ot
Forty, Jacob, fruit shop, St. Paul's lane, w side n of
   Chatham st., dw Howard st, e side n of Bottle al
Forty, John, teacher, Liberty, w side n of Pitt, ot
Forty, Ann, laundress, Union lane, e side s of Lexington street
Fowler, Thomas, laborer, Third, e side s of Cross fh
Francis, John, barber, Union, sw side nw of McElderry ot
Francis, John, barber, Lloyd, e side s of Great York ot
Franklin, Thomas, laborer, Howard, w side s of Conway
Franswain, Catharine, laundress, 62 Front ot
Freeman, Edward, labourer, Washington, w side s of Scott
Freeman, Hetty, coloured grocer, 26 Alisana fp
Freeman, Isabella, widow, Tammany, n side e of Liberty
Freeman, Henry, cordwainer, Friendship, s side e of McElderry ot
Frisby, George, blacksmith, McElderry, se side sw of Friendship ot
Frisby, Emanuel, laborer, Mechanic's, w side s of High ot
Frontipia, John, carter, 209 Bond fp
Fuller, Samuel, laborer, Friendship st, n side w of Hull's lane ot

Gade, Adam, laburer, 3 Lerew's alley
Gannet, Hannah, laundress, Apple alley, w side n of Alisana st fp
Gannon, James, house carpenter, Happy alley, e side n of Lancaster st fp
Gardner, Henry, laborer, Honey alley, n side e of Goodman street fh
George, William, labourer, Argyle alley, w side n of Fleet st fp
Gibson, David, laborer, Hill, n side w of Hanover
Gibson, Rachel, laundress, Hull's lane, se side ne of Friendship st ot
Gilson, Richard, carter, Long alley, w side s of New lane
Giles, Phoebe, laundress, Happy alley, e side s of Bankl street fp
Giles, Grace, laundress, Conway, s side w of Howard
Giles, Hugh, laborer, York ave, w side n of Madison ot
Gilyard, Nicholas, blacksmith, Harford, w side n of East ot, dw.
   Harford ave, w side n of the instersection of Bridge and Britton gh ot
Gilyard, Thomas, laborer, Dutch alley, n side w of Howard street
Gist, Elizabeth, laundress, Moore's alley, ne side se of Morris st
Glees, George, laborer, Happy alley, e side s of Alisana street fp
Gould, Richard, carter, Sleigh's lane, n side e of Spring street fp
Gould, Joshua, cigar maker, Spring, w side s of Wilk fp
Goustus, Daniel, grocery & feed store, Bridge, e side s of Union ot
Graham, Churlus, victualler, Bayard, s side w of Market
Gray, Diana, laundress, Duke, n side e of Wolf fp
Gray, David, laborer, Brandy alley, s side w of Howard st
Green, Thomas, barber, Pratt, n side e of Charles
Green, George, wood sawyer, 48 Happy alley fp
Green, Peter, laborer, Strawberry alley, w side n of Gough st fp
Green, George, boarding house, 19 Shakespear fp
Green, Perry, sailor, Argyle alley, w side s of Wilk st fp
Green, John, wood sawyer, Friendship, n side e of McElderry ot
Greenage, Thomas, cordwainer, se corner of Union alley and Eden st ot
Greener, Richard, laborer, Union, n side e of Low ot
Greenwood, Catharine, laundress, Lerew's alley, e side s of Franklin st
Greenwood, Eleanor, laundress, Lerew's alley, e side s of Franklin st
Greenwood, Joseph, waiter, Lerew's alley, e side s of Franklin st
Griffin, Jacob, laborer, Pleasant alley, e side n of Conway street
Griffin, Henry, oyster seller, under 12 Light
Griffin, Henry, waiter, nw corner of Chappel and Twelve foot alley
Griffin, William, blacksmith, 38 Bank fp
Griffin, Jesse, laborer, Moore's alley, ne side nw of Eutaw street
Griffin, Jarvis, laborer, Temple, e side s of Pitt ot
Grimes, Fielding, laborer, Baltimore street, s side w of Washington lane
Gross, Thomas, boot black, cellar of 44 n Howard
Gross, Sarah, Guilford alley, n side e of Goodman street fh
Gustavus, Lutha, house carpenter, Strawberry alley, w side n of Fleet
   street fp
Gustus, Richmond, caulker, Carolina, e side n of Wilk fp

Hackett, Philip, laborer, Short, e side n of Orleans, ot
Hackett, William, laborer, Upton, w side s of Hartford ave, ot
Hackett, Benjamin, sailor, Busy alley, n side w of Hanover street
Hackett, Charles, laborer, Friendship st, n side w of Hull's lane, ot
Hall, Don Carlos, boot black and varnish manufactory sellar of 124
Baltimore, dw Salisbury, s side e of Exeter, ot
Hall, James, wood sawyer, Hamilton, n side w of Lombardy
Hall, Levin, labourer, Saratoga, s side w of North
Hall, Thomas, blacksmith, Baltimore, n side w of Cove
Hall, Sarah, laundress, Gooseberry alley, s side w of Ross st
Hall, Edward, labourer, Star alley, w side n of Fleet st, fp
Hall, Milly, laundress, 71 Apple alley. fp
Hall, Moses, house carpenter, Bottle alley, n side w of Paca st
Hall, Gracy, boarding house, Bond, e side s of Wilk, fp
Hall, William, labourer, Queen Ann, n side e of Cove
Handy, Abraham, laborer, Fountain st, n side w of Castle alley, fp
Handy, Jeffry, wood sawyer, Bond, w side s of Gough, fp
Hanson, Joseph, drayman, Liberty, e side s of McElderry, ot
Harden, Samuel, laborer, Saratoga, s side e of Pearl
Harden, Charles, laborer, Twelve Foot Alley, e side s of Chappel alley
Harden, Henry, minister of the Gospel, Pearl, w side s of Lexington
Harden, Pepin, carter, fh commons. e off Goodman st
Hardy, Mary, seamstress, Lerew's alley, e side n of Saratoga st
Harris, Jacob, wood sawyer, Ruxton lane, s side e of Charles st
Harris, Moses, laborer, Friendship st, n side w of Hull's lane, ot
Harris, William, laborer, Friendship, n side w of Hill's lane, ot
Harris, Robert, laborer, 61 Union, ot
Harris, William, boot black, cellar of 6 Hanover, dw 65 n Liberty
Harris, Jacob, laborer, Happy alley, e side n of Lancaster st, fp
Harris, Stephen, cook, Howard st, w side n of Homespun alley
Harris, Benjamin, waiter, Strawberry alley, e side s of Smith st, fp
Harris, Edward, ship carpenter, Spring, w side s of German, fp
Harris, John, laborer, Cove, w side n of Franklin
Harris, Edward, nailer, Rock, e side s of Hammond
Harris, Susan, laundress, sw corner of Hanover and Camden
Harris, John, drayman, German, s side e of Cove
Harris, John, cordwainer, 113 Camden
Harris, James, boot black, Great York, s side e of Lloyd, ot
Harris, Moses, blacksmith, Dulany, s side e of Bond, fp
Hartshorn, Limas, laborer, Lerew's alley, e side n of Inloe's alley
Hawkins, Frances, laundress, Strawberry alley, e side s of Gough st, fp
Hebrews, Lemuel B., dyer and scourer, 19 Mulberry
Hebrews, Stephen, dyer and scourer, 24 Lexington
Hebrews, Margaret, widow, 10 Dutch alley
Henderson, William, laborer, Union alley, s side e of Eden, ot
Henderson, Isaac, laborer, Hammond, s side w of Cove
Henson, James, laborer, 49 S Charles
Hibbard, Charles, drayman, Potter, e side n of McElderry, ot
Hicks, Ann, laundress, Hill, n side w of Hanover
Hicages, Fanny, fruit shop, Eutaw, w side s of Saratoga
Hill, William, laborer, Charles st, e side s of Elbow lane
Hill, David, carter, Strawberry alley, e side s of Smith st, fp
Hill, Sarah, laundress, Spring, w side s of German, fp
Hill, Bartin, laborer, e side s of German, fp
Hill, David, wood sawyer, Mechanic's, e side s of High, ot
Hill, Edward, laborer, Wolf st, e side n of Broad alley, ot
Hill, James, carter, Holland, n side e of Aisquith, ot
Hill, Jacob, laborer, Hill, n side w of Hanover
Hoahs, Sarah, laundress, French alley, n side e of Charles st
Holden, Joseph, wood sawyer, Fleet, n side e of Bond, fp
Holland, Mary, laundress, rear of 26 Alisana, fp
Holliday, Elizabeth, laundress, Hammond's alley, w side n of Cowpen
Holliday, Charlotte, laundress, Asbury, e side e of Baltimore
Holliday, Richard, laborer, Bottle alley, s side e of Howard st
Holliday, George, laborer, 83 North
Holliday, Anne, ladies' doctress, Green, n side w of Bridge, ot
Hollily, James T., barber, High, ne side se of Low, ot
Hollins, Esther, laundress, Bridge, e side s of the
   intersection of Bridge and Britton, gh, ot
Hopkins, Mager, laundress, Graden, e side s of Biddle
Hopkins, Charles, drayman, Hartford, e side s of the
intersection of Hartford & Aisquith, ot
Howard, William, laborer, rear of 30 n Frederick
Howard, Lucy, laundress, Potter, e side n of Pitt, ot
Howard, Charity, laundress, Garden, e side s of Biddle
Howard, David, sailor, Forrest lane, w side s of Saratoga st
Howard, Henry, laborer, Twelve foot alley, e side n of Chapel alley
Howard, Cassy, widow, laundress, German, n side w of Green
Howard, Charles, laborer, Brandy alley, n side e of Eutaw st
Howard, William, laborer, 2 Strawberry alley, fp
Howard, Samuel, laborer, Spring e side s of Bank, fp
Hull, John, oyster house, 58 North
Husbands, Lymas, barber, North, e side n of Forrest, ot
Hutchins, James, drayman, FRiendship, s side w of McElderry, ot
Haytt, Samuel, cordwainer, Happy alley, e side n of Lancaster st, fp
Hyeth, Hester, carpet weaver, 66 Apple alley, fp
Hylent, Caleb, caulker, Lancaster s side e of Wolf, fp
Hyner, Samuel, victualler, Pitt, s side e of Eden, ot
Hyner, Jacob, victualler, NE corner of Eden and Holland, ot

Impsey, Betsy, fruit shop, cellar of 18 Wilk, fp
Ireland, Jesse, boot black, cellar of 5 Granby, ot
Islard, Bristo, laborer, Hartford, e side s of the
   intersection of Hartford and Aisquith, ot

Jackson, Charles, Hartford ave, w side opposite Chalmer's ropewalk,
   gh, ot
Jackson, Diana, laundress, Apple alley, e side s of Bank st, fp
Jackson, William, wood sawyer, Homespun alley, n side w of Howard st
Jackson, Solomon, wood sawyer, Carolina, e side s of Smith, fp
Jackson, James, laborer, Greenwich, n side e of Smith, fp
Jackson, Murray, stage driver, Goodman, e side s of Hill, fh
Jackson, Philip, laborer, Short, w side s of Jefferson, ot
Jackson, Thomas, caulker, Timberneck lane, s side e of Sharp st
Jackson, George, stage driver, 2 Friendship, ot
Jackson, Teena, laundress, 10 Low, ot
Jakes, Frederick, waiter, 14 Chatham
James, James, laborer, Ross, sw side nw of Eutaw
James, Samuel, wood sawyer, Moore's alley, ne side se of Morris st
James, Peter, caulker, Fleet, n side w of Bond, fp
James, John, laborer, cellar of No 3 Friendship, ot
Jamphier, Peter, gardener, Price, sw side NW of Biddle
Jefferson, Mingo, stevedore, Potter, e side n of McElderry, ot
Jefferson, Isaac, carter, 45 Green, otImpsey, Betsy, fruit shop,
   cellar of 18 Wilk, fp
Jenkins, Nancy, laundress, Asbury, w side s of Pratt
Jennett, Disiery, widow, confectionery, Front, e side n of Pitt, ot
Jenny, Monday, measurer of grain, 111 Camden
Jessimin, John, sailor, Strawberry, w side s of Bank, fp
Johns, Isaac, waiter, Strawberry alley, e side n of Mulberry st
Johnson, James, barber, 8 Franklin
Johnson, William, laborer, Hartford ave, w side opposite
   Chalmers's ropewalk, gh, ot
Johnson, Philip, blacksmith, Hartford av, w side opp Chalmers's
   ropewalk, gh, ot
Johnson, Cleary, laundress, Bond, w side s of Dulany, fp
Johnson, Nathan, laborer, 155 Bond, fp
Johnson, Mary Ann, widow, laundress, German, n side e of Cove
Johnson, Joseph, laborer, Whiskey alley, s side e of Paca st
Johnson, Cleary, huckster, Apple alley, e side n of Lancaster st, fp
Johnson, Lucy, laundress, 52 Happy alley, fp
Johnson, David, wood sawyer, 34 Happy alley, fp
Johnson, Richard, laborer, Union lane, e side s of Lexington st
Johnson, Richard, wood sawyer, Chamberlain's alley, s side e of Eutaw st
Johnson, Samuel, laborer, Strawberry alley, w side s of Smith st, fp
Johnson, Sarah, laundress, Strawberry alley, e side s of Smith st, fp
Johnson, Cato, sailor, Strawberry alley, e side s of Smith st, fp
Johnson, Samuel, laborer, Spring, w side s of Gough, fp
Johnson, Susan, laundress, w side n of Wilk, fp
Johnson, William, laborer, Kimmel's alley, w side s of Lexington st
Johnson, Maria, laundress, long alley, w side s of New lane
Johnson, Samuel, laborer, Gooseberry alley, s side w of Ross st
Johnson, Abraham, laborer, Greenwich, n side e of Catherine
Johnson, George, laborer, sw corner of Hammond and Cove
Johnson, Philip, laborer, Cowpen alley, n side e of Hammond's alley
Johnson, William, laborer, Richmond, ne side se of Tyson
Johnson, John, laborer, 61 North
Johnson, Benjamin, laborer, ne corner of Chapel and Twelve Foot alleys
Johnson, John, barber, McCellan's alley, w side e of Tammany st
Johnson, William, oyster house cellar, 37 n Charles
Johnson, Edward, measurer of grain, 67 French, ot
Johnson, William, barber, 3 n Gay
Johnson, Peter, well digger, Forrest, e side n of Montgomery, fh
Johnson, Samuel, wood sawyer, Hill, n side w of Hanover
Johnson, Samuel, rope maker, Guilford alley, n side w of Forrest st, fh
Johnson, Henrietta, laundress, Hartford st, e side s of the
   intersection of Hartford and Aisquith, ot
Johnson, John, laborer, Busey alley, n side w of Hanover st
Johnson, Francis, laborer, Friendship, n side e of McElderry, ot
Johnson, Isaac, sailor, Friendship st, n side e of Hull's lane, ot
Johnson, William, laborer, Necessity alley, n side e of Liberty st, ot
Johnson, Jonathan, carter, 78 Friont, ot
Johnson, Philip, laborer, s side s of High, ot
Johnson, Samuel, rear of 24 Granby, ot
Johnson, Nicholas, carter, Broad alley, s side e of Exeter st, ot
Johnson, David, carter, Salisbury, s side e of Lloyd, ot
Johnson, Clarke, laborer, Steven's alley, n side e of Short st, ot
Joice, Charity, laundress, Bridge, e side n of French, gh, ot
Jones, Benjamin, blacksmith, Whiskey alley, n side e of Paca st
Jones, Arthur, laborer, Ann, w side s of German, fp
Jones, David, laborer, sw corner of Howard & Camden
Jones, Abraham, caulker, Wolf, w side n of Wilk, fp
Jones, Ireal, caulker, Wolf, w side n of Wilk, fp
Jones, Thomas, laborer, Star alley, w side n of Fleet st, fp
Jones, Clement, caulker, Star alley, e side s of Wilk st, fp
Jones, Francis, sailor, 3 Star alley
Jones, Francis, laborer, Howard, w side n of Conway
Jones, Isaac, measurer of grain, Howard, w side s of Barre
Jones, Ann, laundress, Spring, w side n of Wilk, fp
Jones, Andrew, carter, Moore's alley, ne side se of Morris st
Jones, Wm., drayman, New lane, s side e of Paca st
Jones, Wm., wheelwright, Bolton, s side e of Richmond
Jones, Philip, laborer, Baltimore, n side w of Cove
Jones, James, drayman, Asbury, w side n of Pratt
Jones, Lloyd, barber, 24 Fayette
Jones, Sarah, laundress, Calvert, w side n of Franklin
Jones, Lydia, laundress, Uhler's alley, n side w of Charles st
Jones, Henry, market dealer, Guilford alley, s side e of Goodman st, fh
Jones, Henry, laborer, Guilford alley, s side e of Goodman st, fh
Jones, Jacob, stage driver, Hartford, e side n of Forrest, ot
Jones, James, stage driver, Hartford, e side n of Forrest st, ot
Jones, Elisha, fisherman, Cross, s side e of Third, fh
Jones, Charlotte, laundress, Potter, w side s of McElderry, ot
Jones, Joseph, laborer, Duke, s side w of Albermarle, ot
Juliss, Maythe, widow, laundress, German, n side e of Cove.

Kager, Plater, laborer, Bolton, s side e of Richmond
Kelly, Andrew, laborer, Rock, w side s of Hammond
Kelly, Phoebe, laundress, sw corner of Hughes and William, foot of fh
Kennedy, Robert, laborer, Forrest, s side w of French st
Kerr, Ann, seamstress, 53 Great York, ot
Keys, Thomas, laborer, 36 Liberty, ot
Kiar, Daniel, barber, 28 Pratt, dw Montgomery, s side w of Goodman, fh
Kinnard, Nicholas, drayman, Smith, s side e of Carolina st, fp
Knowl, John, barber, ne corner of Howard and Dutch alley, dw 42 North
Knox, Sandy, bootblack, Howard, e side s of German, dw Forrest lane, e
   side n of Conewago st

Lane, Mary, laundress, Hull's lane, s side e of Friendship st, ot
Lane, Dunbar, laborer, County, e side n of German, fp
Lane, Benjamin, home carpenter, Cove, w side s of Baltimore
Lecteaux, Charles, barber, 1 1/2 Great York, dw Pen ave, ne side nw of
   Morris st
Lee, Jacob, woodsawyer, Liberty, e side s of M'Elderry, ot
Lee, James, woodsawyer, 56 Green, ot
Lee, Lucy, laundress, Britton, e side s of the intersection of Bridge
   and Britton, ot
Lee, Levin, waiter, Lerew's alley, w side n of Franklin st
Lee, Charles, laborer, Brandy alley, s side w of Howard st
Lee, John, woodsawyer, Apple alley, w side n of Lancaster st, fp
Lertoro, Jacob, laborer, Brandy alley, s side w of Howard st
Levalins, James, laborer, Columbia, e side n of Prince, ot
Levy, Thomas, laborer, Mechanic's, e side s of High, ot
Lewis, Nancy, laundress, Britton, e side s of the
   intersection of Bridge and Britton, ot
Lewis, Henry, laborer, Britton, e side s of the intersection of Bridge
   and Britton, ot
Lewis, Richard, laborer, Forrest lane, w side s of Conewago st
Lewis, James, laborer, Wiskey alley, s side w of Howard st
Lewis, John, caulker, Will, e side s of Philpot, fp
Lewis, John boot black, under 34 s Charles
Lewis, Fortune, carpenter, Strawberry alley, e side s of Mulberry st
Limas, William, drayman, Fayette, s side w of Pearl
Little, Emanuel, laborer, Richmond, ne side nw of Cathedral
Lloyd, Edward, woodsawyer, Apple alley, e side s of Fleet st, fp
Lloyd, Henry, laborer, 81 North
Loany, Phoebe, laundress, Spring, w side s of Wilk, fp
Lockerman, Mary, seamstress, Guilford alley, n side e of Goodman, fh
Locks, John, carter, Apple alley, e side n of Bank st, fp
Locks, Jacob, laborer, Apple alley, e side s of Bank st, fp
Locks, Somerset, laborer, Spring, e side n of Gough, fp
Logan, James, drayman, Calvert, w side n of Franklin
Lomac, David, caulker, Carolina, w side n of Gough, fp
Lomac, Davis, caulker, Strawberry alley, w side n of Gough st, fp
London, James P., boot black, under 124 Baltimore
Low, James, laborer, 33 Wagon alley
Lymas, Prudence, laundress, New made alley, n side e of Spring st, fp
Lymas, Charles, waiter, President's alley, n side e of Exeter st, ot

M thru Z Listings

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