Colored Householders
Baltimore City Directory 1819

Transcribed 1998 by Louis S. Diggs, Sr.


The following are the names of African Americans who were residing in Baltimore, Maryland up to June 1819. The list comes from the book, The Baltimore Directory, compiled by Samuel Jackson in 1819.

The following are the principal abbreviations necessarily made use of throughout the work, viz, ot for Old Town; fp Fell’s Point; fh Federal Hill; ! persons of colour; gent. gentleman; dwel, dwelling; cor. corner; whf. wharf; av. avenue; st. street; al. alley; n. North; s. South; e. East; w. West.

Louis S. Diggs
Catonsville, Maryland

Abbott, Michael, labourer, cor. Gough st. & Star alley fp
Adrian, William, cordwainer, Lancaster st, near Apple al, fp
African church, cor. of Liberty & McElderry ot
Alford, Wm., labourer, Petticoat al, n. Wilk st fp
Allen, Sarah, laundress, Argyle al. n Fleet st fp
Allen, Jacob, labourer, 75 Apple alley fp
Allen, Edward, labourer, 69 Apple alley fp
Allen, Mary, laundress, 69 Apple alley n Smith st. fp
Allen, Caesar, labr, Strawberry al. n Gough st. fp
Anderson, George, caulker, Star alley fp
Anderson, Charles, boot black, 17 s. Gay
Andrews, Marg. laundress, Star al. n. Fleet st fp
Anson, Elizabeth, laundress, 37 Conewago
Appleberry, Henry, carter, Honey al. n. Goodman st fh
Aris, Elizabeth, cigar maker, Ross near Morris
Aris, Thomas, laborer, Homespun alley
Amons, William, carter, Petticoat alley fp
Armstead, Samuel, laborer, French n. High ot

Badger, Nathan, cobler, s. end of s. Howard
Badley, Ben. laborer, Hamilton st. n. St. Paul’s l.
Bailey, Anthony, laborer. Bottle al, w. of Eutaw
Bailey, Isaac, carpenter, Bottle al. w. of Eutaw
Bailey, Ann, laundress, Brandy al. near Howard
Baily, Perry, laborer, Hill near Goodman
Baily, Allen, waiter, 26 Conewago
Baily, Isaac, laborer, 26 Conewago
Balfaur, James, barber, Paca near Fayette
Barnardy, Chas. musician, c. Tyson & Booth al.
Barnes, Saml., laborer, Guilford alley
Barnett, Jno., mariner, Strawberry al. n. Gough fp
Barrack, Simon, laborer, 2 happy alley fp
Barton, George, oyster house, cor. of N. Gay & Frederick
Bert, Joshua, laborer, Cross fh
Betton, Alexander, waiter, Bridge st. ext. ot
Betton, Alexander, fruit shop, 3 Conewago
Birelin, Hannah, laundress, French alley near Charles st.
Black, Arthur, drayman, s. end of Howard
Blake, Isaac, rope maker, Happy al. near Gough
Blake, Charlotte, laundress, 1 German lane
Booth, Charlotte, laundress, Star alley, betw. Wilk and Fleet, fp
Booth, Edward, ship carpenter, Argyle alley near Lancaster st. fp
Booth, Edward, laborer, Carolina, near Bank st., fp
Boston, Jesse, cord wainer, German, near Market, fp
Bowman, Sarah, laundress, Carolina near Bank fp
Bows, Arthur, laborer, Holland ot
Bowser, Daphna, laundress, 35 Commerce
Boyce, Cats, laborer, North st near Waggon al.
Boyer, Charles, mariner, Busy al.
Boyes, Perry, sawyer, s. end of S. Howard
Bradford, John, cor. of Gough st. and Star al. fp
Bradier, Mary, laundress, 67 Wolf, fp
Brightman, Rebecca, laundress, Montgomery near Goodman, fh
Briscoe, John, cord wainer, 62 Happy al. fp
Briscoe, Mary, laundress, Strawberry al. near Alisanna st. fp
Briscoe, James, caulker, Honey al. near Hanover st.
Bristo, David, porter, n. end of Friendship, ot
Bristol, Jane, laundress, Carolina near German, fp
Brogden, William, laborer, Homespun al.
Brooks, George, laborer, cor. of Gough st. and Strawberry al. fp
Brooks, James, carter, Green st s of Low ot
Brown, John, shoe black, n emd of Alisanna fp
Brown, Ephraim, boot black, Green near Mulberry
Brown, Thomas, book black, 58 N. Howard
Burke, Thomas, laborer, 10 Happy al. fp
Bush, George A., boot black, 42 S Charles
Butler, Noble, laborer, Argyle al. near Lancaster st. fp
Butler, John, carter, Gallows’ Hill ot
Butler, Mary, laundress, Pearl s. of Mulberry
Butler, Joseph C., laborer, Greenwick lane
Butler, Sarah, laundress, Greenwick lane
Butler, Mary, 61 Waggon alley
Butler, C., oyster house, German lane
Butler, Romulous, waiter, s. end of S. Howard
Byrnes. Theodore, laborer, Aregyle alley near Fleey fp

Cain, Murray, laborer, Lancaster, near Wolf fp
Capperel, Sarah, laundress, 26 Pitt ot
Carr, James, laborer, Strawberry al. near Gough st. fp
Carroll, Mary, laundress, Larew’s al. near Saratoga
Carroll, Sarah, laundress, Busy al.
Carroll, Jacob, laborer, 18 Ruxton lane
Carroll, William, shop keeper, cor of Water st. & Public al.
Carroll, Fabe, laundress, cor. of S. Howard and Conway
Carroll, John, laborer, Baltimore w. of Cove
Carshon, Elijah, brick maker, Montgomery near Goodman fh
Carter, Samuel, laborer, Larew’s al. near Saratoga
Carter, Richard, wood sawyer, Baltimore w. of Cove
Chambers, Joshua, laborer, Saratoga extended
Ciscoe, Abraham, Lloyd, near G. York ot
Clark, Martha, laundress, Ross, near Eutaw
Clayer, Thomas, caulker, Bond near fp
Claymand, Mayor, carter, cor. of Green & French ot
Clayton, Perry, Strawberry al. near Wilk fp
Clayton, Rachel, laundress, Strawberry al. near Wilk fp
Clayton, Harriot, laundress, 58 Waggon al.
Clements, Peter, laborer, Brandy al. near Howard st.
Coat, Jeramiah, laborer, Friendship ot
Cobon, Lydia, toy shop, 28 Market fp
Cockson, D., laborer, Strawberry al. near Gough fp
Cogdell, Thomas, laborer, n. end of Happy al. fp
Cocker, Abner, pedlar, Gallows hill, ot
Cole, Jane, laundress, Short al.
Cole, Ann S, Howard near Barre
Connor, Sarah, laundress, Goodman near York
Cook, John, laborer, Cross st. Ferry road fh
Cooley, Lucinda, laundress, Strawberry al. near Bank
Cornish, laborer, 6 Strawberry al. fp
Craig, Richard, carter, 183 Green ot
Crawford, Reachal, laundress, German near Cove
Cromwell, John, laborer, Honey al. near Goodman st. fh
Crump, Daniel, gardner, Pearl s. of Mulberry
Cuffy, John, laborer, Saratoga head of N. Liberty
Curtis, Adam, laborer, cor. of Wolf and Wilk fp
Curtis, Henry, carter, Bridge extended ot
Curtis, Clem, oyster house, N. Eutaw s. of Saratoga
Cypress, Philip, laborer, Union near Pennsylvania avenue

Dannel, Mary, laundress, Pearl s. of Mulberry
Davis, Jacob, cordwainer, Pearl st. near Dutch al.
Davis, William, laborer, s. end of s. Howard
Davis, James, laborer, Strawberry al. near Gough st. fp
Dawson, Patty, laundress, Union
Day, Cato, caulker, 62 Strawberry al. fp
Dehen, John, barber, cor. of Light and Water
Deher, John, barber, cor. of Light and Water
Demby, Richard, laborer, Strawberry al. near Gough st. fp
Dever, James, rope maker, Hartford extended
Deverel, Jane, laundress, 59 Harrison
Dickenson, Charles, laborer, Pearl near Pleasant
Dickenson, Cloe, cor. Pleasant & Belvidere
Dorr, John, laborer, Bridge extended ot
Dorsey, Daniel, laborer, Apple al. near Fleet st. fp
Dorsey, Charles, laborer, Carolina near Wilk fp
Dorsey, Matthew, barber, cor. of S Howard st. & Wiskey al.
Douglass, Solomon, victualler, Pennsylvania Av.
Dowdal, Isaac, carter, Liberty st. of n. Necessity al. ot
Downs, Benjamin, laborer, Guilford alley near Goodman st. fh
Downs, William, laborer, Long alled near New lane
Draper, G., tobacconist, North near High ot
Dublin, Rachel, laundress, 21 Primrose al.
Dudly, Ann, laundress, 99 Sharp
Dunbar, Charles, laborer, Chamberlain’s near Strawberry al.
Dunn, Benjamin, laborer, Strawberry alley near German st. fp
Dupper, George, laborer, Liberty st. near Necessity alley ot

Edmondson, Charles, laborer, Larew’s al. near Saratoga st.
Edwards, Charles, oyster house, Conway w. of Hanover
Ellis, Richard, distller, Lancaster, near Wolf fp
Empy, Jacob, stevador, Carolina near Bank fp
Ennis, Elizabeth, laundress, German w. of Cove
Ennis, Benjamin, laborer, Holey al. near Goodman st fh
Erforth, Henry, laborer, Green near German ot
Ermy, Michael, stage driver, S. Charles st. near Primrose alley
Esperance, John, barber, Public alley

Farguson, Robert, laborer, Mulberry st. near Larew’s alley
Farrell, Louisa, laundress, M’Elderry near Aisquith ot
Farrell, Abraham, laborer, Salisbury, near Lloyd ot
Farren, Frederick H., caulker, Common fh
Fenby, Ann, laundress, Morris near Ross
Ferguson, Frederick, laborer, Baltimore w. of Cove
Fisher, Fabius, boot black, Short al.
Fleetwood, Benjamin, mariner, Forrest land near Saratoga st.
Flemer, Hannah, laundress, Cowpen al.
Flemming, Francis, rope maker, Cross fh
Folter, Frances, laundress, 32 Happy al. fp
Foot, Wesley, brickmaker, 3 Waggon alley
Ford, Samuel, carter, Friendship s. of M’Elderry ot
Ford, Jacob, laborer, Guildford al. fh
Francis, John F., barber, 56 Harrison
Franklin, James, laborer, 64 Argyle alley fp
Franklin, Thomas, brickmaker, s. end of s. Howard
Freeman, Ed, laborer, Washington near Scott
Freeman, Betty, laundress, 26 Alisanna fp
Frisby, George, blacksmith, M’Elderry near Friendship ot

Gaiter, Abraham, laborer, Short al.
Gardner, Abraham, laborer, Homespun al.
Garney, Henry, laborer, Honey al. fh
Garrett, R, laborer, Pennsylvania av. extended
Garrett, Rebecca, laundress, Bond near Fleet fp
Garrison, Jane, laundress, Centre near Bath
Giefflin, Rhodamanthus, laborer, Franklin extended
Gillerst, Cook, laborer, Petticoat al. near Wilk st. fp
Gilliard, Nicholas, blacksmith, Gallows Hill ot
Gilliard, Jacob, blacksmith, Gallow Hill ot
Gleeves, George, laborer, Starr al. near Fleet fp
Glenn, James, caulker, Happy alley near Gough st. fp
Gobira, Mary Anne, laundress, Union st.
Gold, Richard, carter, Apple al. between Alisanna & Fleet sts. fp
Goldsbury, John, porter, Howard n. of Barre
Gooms, Nathan, oyster house, Honel al. near Goodman st. fh
Goveins, Dan. feed store, Bridge W. of Union ot
Grant, Thomas, laborer, Guilford alley fh
Gray, Thomas, laborer, Apple al. near German st. fp
Gray, Joseph, laborer, Petticoat al. near Fleet st. fp
Gray, Ann, laundress, Petticoat al. near Wilk st. fp
Gray, Austin, laborer, Duke opposite Wolf ot
Gray, David, laborer, Brandy al. near Howard st
Gray, Joseph, cordwainer, Ruxton lane
Green, Solomon, laborer, Wiskey al. near Eutaw
Green, Rachel, cook shop, Bridge near Union ot
Green, Thomas, barber, 28 Light
Green, Perry, mariner, 65 Wolf fp
Green, Elijah, shoe black, Alisanna st. near Apple al. fp
Greener, Jacob C., white washer, 54 Green ot
Greenwood, Nathan, laborer, Hamilton st. neat St. Paul’s lane
Griffin, Henry, shop keeper, 9 Tammany
Griffin, George, wood sawyer, Petticoat al. near Bank ot
Gustus, Richmond, caulker, 50 Carolina fp

Hackett, Benjamin, laborer, 5 Cider al.
Hackett, Charles, laborer, n. end of Friendship ot
Hager, George, laborer, Baltimore extended
Hall, Grace, cook shop, Strawberry al. between Wilk & Fleet sts, fp
Hall, Edward, laborer, Carolina n. of Gough fp
Hall, D.C., bootblack, Salisbury near Exeter ot
Hall, Thomas, blacksmith, Nelson ot
Hall, Charles, laborer, Union lane s. of Lexington st. ot
Hall, James, brickmaker, German near Cove
Hall, Don Carlos, shoe black, 124 Baltimore
Hall, Ann, laundress, Inloe’s alley
Hamilton, Robert, laborer, Baltimore w. of Cove
Hammond, Joseph, barber, 54 Market space
Handy, Mary, laundress, Fountain st. near Castle alley fp
Harding, Lucy, laundress, Saratoga st. extended
Harman, Cato, laborer, Mulberry near Green
Harroll, Sarah, boarding house, Apple al. near Shakespeare st. fp
Harris, George, laborer, 42 North
Harris, Robert, stage driver, Guilford al. near Goodman st. fh
Harris, Jacob, laborer, 99 Sharp
Harris, Thomas, caulker, Apple al. n. of German st. fp
Harris, Daniel, shoe black, 76 Argyle al. fp
Harris, Alexena, laundress, Petticoat al. near Wilk st. fp
Harris, William, boot black, 9 German
Harrison, Jesse, shop keeper, Forrest lane near Baltimore st.
Harvey, Eliza, laundress, s. end of s. Howard
Haw, Samuel, laborer, Strawberry alley s. of Wilk st. fp
Heath, William, porter, Montgomery near Goodman, fh
Hebrews, Stephen, dyer, Lexington e. of Howard
Hebrews, Stephen, laborer, 33 n. Liberty
Hedges, Hanson, boot black, cor. of Baltimore & Green
Henson, David, porter, St. Paul’s lane near Centre st.
Henson, Charles, laborer, 49 s. Charles
Henson, David, boot black, 33 s. Liberty
Henson, Joseph, laborer, Liberty near McElderry ot
Henson, Philip, brickmaker, Scott st.
Hill, Gustavus, laborer, Saratoga extended
Hill, Patience, laundress, Petticoat al. s. of German st.
Hill, Hester, laundress, Argyle al. near Wilk st. fp
Hill, William, cordwainer, Apple alley near Fleet fp
Hill, Ann, laundress, Busy al.
Hill, John,. waiter, s. Frederick near Baltimrore
Hill, Joshua, laborer, German near Cove
Hinks, Thomas, carter, Eden near Gough fp
Hogan, Matilda, laundress, Strawberry al. s. of German st. fp
Holland, Danbym, laborer, Second s. of Cross fh
Holliday, James T. carter, 90 High st. ot
Holliday, Rachael, laundress, 8 North
Holliday, Richard boot black, Bottle al. near Howard st.
Holliday, Ephraim, laobrer, Guilford alley near Goodman st.
Hollinger, William, chandler, 68 Carolina fp
Holsinger, Jane, laundress, Strawberry al. n. of Bank fp
How, Diana, laundress, M’Clelen’s alley
Howard, Samuel. carter, 73 French ot
Howard, Sophia, laundress, Britton st. ot
Hughes, Letitia, laundress, Strawberry al. near German st. fp
Hughes, James, shoe black, 2 Granby ot
Hunter, George, barber, 55 1/2 G. York ot
Hyland, Caleb, laborer, Fountain st. near Castle al. fp
Hyth, Hester, laundress, 69 Apple al. Primrose al.

Irons, Samuel, laborer, 11 Primrose al
Isaac, Sarah, laundress, 48 Argyle al. fp

Jackson, Jane, laundress, Hamilton st. near St. Pauls lane
Jackson, Murray, Waiter, Gilmorís al.
Jackson, Job, mariner, Strawberry al. near Gough
Jackson, Thomas, caulker, Honey al. near Hanover st. fh
Jackson, William, laborer, Homespun al.
Jackson, Thomas, blacksmith, Homespun al.
Jackson, Benjamin, rope maker, North st. n of Lexington
Jamart, George, laborer, Honey al. near Forrest st, fh
James, Clumers, caulker, 7 Argyle al. fp
James, James, carter, Ross st. near Long al.
Jennings, Nero, mariner, Happy al. near Bank fp
Johnson, James, barber, 9 Market space
Johnson, Stephen, laborer, 1 German lane
Johnson, Lydia, laundress, Argyle al. near Wilk st. fp
Johnson, Clara, laundress, Argyle al. near Lancaster st. fp
Johnson, Cato, mariner, Strawberry st. n. of Wilk st. fp
Johnson, Samuel, laborer, Larewís al. near Saratoga st.
Johnson, James, laborer, 2 Waggon al.
Johnson, Joseph, laborer, Wiskey al. near Saratoga st.
Johnson, Mary, laundress, German near Cove
Johnson, Frances, laundress, n. Calvert near Centre
Johnston, Edward, laborer, 67 French ot
Johnston, Richard, laborer, Union lane s. of Lexington st.
Johnston, Rachael, laundress, Union lane s. of Lexington st.
Johnston, Abraham, plaisterer, Greenwich lane
Johnston, Charles, laborer, New lane
Johnston, George, laborer, Sugar al.
Jones, Richard, laborer, Washington s. of Fleet fp
Jones, Israel, caulker, 63 Wolf fp
Jones, Matilda, laundress, Honey al. near Hanover st. fh
Jones, Isaac, grain measurer, s. end of s. Howard
Jones, Jacob, stage driver, Harford extended ot
Jones, James, potter, Harford extended ot
Jones, Andrew, shoe black, cor. of Goodman st. and Sugar al.
Jones, Sarah, laundress, n. Calvert near Centre
Jones, Thomas, laborer, Strawberry al. near German st. fp
Jones, George, laborer, Strawberry alley n. of Gough st fp
Jones, Joseph, cheese man, 17 George fp
Jones, Noah, carter, Union lane s. of Lexington st
Jones, James, barber, n. Eutaw s. of Franklin
Jones, Isaac, laborer, Larewís al.
Jones, Rebecca, laundress, 2 German lane
Joseph, John, barber, Queen near Pratt ot
Joyce, Mary, oyster house, Strawberry al. s. of Wilk fp

Karson, Samuel, laborer, Union lane near Fayette st.
Keaman, Catherine, laundress, Carolina near Wilk fp
Kear, Daniel, barber, 22 w. Pratt
Keller, Andromache, laundress, Cross fp
Keller, George, boot black, Mulberry near Pearl
Kegs, Mary, laundress, Larewís al.
Kyer, Joseph, carter, Cherry alley

LaBark, Augustus, stage driver, Biddle near Pennsylvania avenue
LaBroue, Anthony, barber, Water st. head of Duck alley
Lavallen, James, stevador, Columbia near Pratt Street br ot
Lavo, Mary, laundress, Happy al. near Alisanna st. fp
Lecompt, Bristor, laborer, Happy al. near Fleet st fp
Lecor, Charles, barber, Great York near the Bridge ot
Lee, Jacob, caulker, 53 Happy al. fp
Lee, Benjamin, laborer, 54 n. Howard
Lee, Philip, porter, s. end of Howard
Lesby, Jane, laundress, Short al.
Lewis, John, MíClellanís al.
Lewis, John, boot black, 46 w. Pratt
Lewis, C, laborer, Union st. near Pennsylvania avenue
Lewis, James, laborer, Wiskey alley near Howard st.
Lloyd, Edwd. lab. Apple al. near Alisanna st. fh
Locks, Jacob, laborer, Strawberry alley near Gough st. fp
Lormer, George, laborer, Gallowís hill ot
Lucas, Joshua, laborer, Pine s. of Franklin
Love, William, laborer, Brandy alley
Lovett, P. barber, Bridge st. near the Bridge ot

McDonald, John, laborer, Biddle near Ross
McDonnell, John, laborer. Biddle st. near Pennsylvania Avenue
McDonnell. James, cook, a new alley next w. of Howard st.
McGill, George R, shop keeper, S 1/2 n. Calvert
Mann, Thomas, brass founder, Hawk
Manus, Sipp, victualler, Greenwick lane
Martin, Flora, laundress, Pennsylvania Avenue near Liberty Road
Martiny, Henry, cordwainer, Barre w. of Charles
Matthews, Rachael, laundress, Saratoga near Pearl
Matthews, Hester, laundress, North st. near Waggon alley
Matthews, Daphney, laundress, Apple alley near Alisanna st. fp
Mayberry, Marks, brickmaker, Busy alley
Maynard, Charles, boot black, 5 s. Gay & s. Frederick near Baltimore
Meads, William, carter, Rock st.
Meads, Joshua, carter, Rock st.
Methodist church, African, Sharp s. of Lombard
Methodist church, cor. of McElderry & Liberty ot
Methodist church, Paca, opposite the Physicians college
Methodist church, apple alley fp
Miller, Lowden, oyster house, G. York opposite the Friends Church ot
Miller, Frances, laundress, Busy alley
Miller, Paul, mariner, Hamilton st. near St. Pauls lane
Mills, Edward, oyster house, Bridge e. of East ot
Mills, John, laborer, n. end of Happy al. fp
Mitchel, Elisha, laborer, 34 Happy al. fp
Mitchel, Charles, cook shop, e. end of Queen fp
Moales, Charles, carter, 56 Front ot
Molson, Thomas, laborer, 27 Strawberry alley
Molson, Clory, laundress, Carolina near Wilk fp
Monson, Sarah, laundress, Wolf s. of Bank fp
Moore, Elizabeth, laundress, Salisbury near Lloyd
Moore, Matthew, mariner, Long alley
Moore, William,. n. Calvert near Centre
Murray, Alexander, waiter, Salisbury near Exeter ot
Myers, Edward, carter, Bond near Gough fp

Naulton, John, cooper, Rock
Neil, Hannah, laundress, Short ot
Neilson, S., boot black, Lemmon
Nelson, Samuel, laborer, n. end of Happy al. fp
Nelter, Dennis, laborer, Whiskey al.
Nelter, Joseph, black smith, Whiskey al.
Nettles, John, brick maker, Hill near Sharp
Nevet, Daniel., dray man, Larewís al.
Nichols, Henrietta, laundress, Bank st. near Petticoat al. fp
Nicholson, Isaac, stage driver, 55 Bond fp
Ninnan, Jane, laundress, 61 Harrison
Noel, John, barber, 42 n. Howard
Norris, Richard, shop keeper, s. Howard near Liberty
Norris, Richard, waiter, Pine near Franklin
Norris, William, laborer, Larewís al. near Mulberry st.
Nottingham, John, mariner, Strawberry alley near Bank st. fp

Oliver, William, barber, 117 Green ot
Oran, Alolphus H. laborer, German near Cove
Osborne, Christopher, caulker, Honey alley near Goodman st. fh
Owens, Richard, carter, Union lane s. of Lexington

Pacolet, Valentine, cordwainer, Dutch alley
Padget, John, fruit shop, 19 Bank
Page, Frances, laundress, Carolina near German fp
Pane, Milley, laundress, Patterson near Pratt
Pantarora, William, laborer, Brandy alley
Parker, William, laborer, Pearl near Mulberry
Parrlett, Benjamin, porter, Hullís lane ot
Parrott, John, laborer, Bond near Gough fp
Parway, Cornelius B., blacksmith, n end of Friendship ot
Patterson, Daniel, laborer, 189 Bond fp
Patterson, Joshua, lab., Strawberry alley near Bank st fp
Peck, Francis, carter, Strawberry al. near German st fp
Peck, Rebecca, fruit shop, 11 n. Liberty
Peck, Thomas, laborer, 55 Union ot
Peterís, John, barber, 14 Lancaster fp
Philips. Rachael, laundress, 25 Waggon alley
Pimbleton, John, musician, Brandy alley near Sharp st.
Pitt, Thomas, laborer, 67 Lexington
Plovy, Pompy, laborer, Starr alley near Fleet st. fp
Potter, James, teacher, Honey alley near Forrest st. fh
Power, Rhodomanthus, pedlar, Ferry Road fh
Power, Samuel, cake baker, Conwayw. of Charles
Preston, Peter, laborer, Chappel alley
Price, David, laborer, Public al. head of Front st.
Prout, Robert, cordwainer, Camden near Eutaw
Prout, Richard, drayman, Brandy alley
Prout, Edward, blacksmith, Apple alley near Lancaster, fp

Queen, Robert, laborer, 19 Fleet fp

Regan, Sarah, laundress, New lane
Reynolds, Isabella, laundress, Common fh
Ringle, Solomon, laborer, Hamilton st. near St. Paulís lane
Ringle, Thomas. laborer, 9 Primrose alley
Robins, Sarah, laundress, Happy alley near Alisanna st, fp
Roberts, George, laborer, n. end of Happy alley fp
Roberts,. Jacob, carter, 53 High ot
Robet, John, barber, Bond near Fleet fp
Robinson, Jacob, fruit shop. cor. of s. Liberty and Lombard
Rogers, Ewd. carter, Apple al. near Smith st. fp

Sampson, Leah, laundress, Baltimore w. of Pearl
Sanders, Thomas, laborer, Bank st. near Petticoat alley fp
Sauser, John, ship carpenter, Wolf betw. Wilk and Bank fp
Scott, James, cordwainer, Baltimore near Pearl
Scott, Catherine, laundress, 33 Commerce
Sharrell, Peter, gardener, Montgomery st
Sharp, Henry, laborer, n. Frederick near Gay
Sharp, Robert, labourer, Hill near Goodman
Shorter, Sarah, laundress, Gough near Happy al, fp
Shorter, Charles, mariner, Carolina near Bank fp
Simpson, Agnis, Brandy alley near Eutaw st.
Skinner, Hamlet, boot black, Lemmon near Baltimore
Smith, Simon, laborer, Strawberry alley betw. Smith and German sts. fp
Smith, William, mariner, 19 Fleet fp
Smith, Samuel, laborer, Pearl near Lexington
Smith, Francis, carter, Long alley
Smith, Chloe, laundress, 63 North
Smith, Thomas, laborer, Brandy alley near Howard st.
Smith, Mary, laundress, n. Charles opposite Howard st.
Smith, Hester, laundress, 655 Ruxton lane
Smith, Sarah, laundress, 33 s. Frederick
Smith, Henry, laborer, Saratoga near Howard
Sneeds, Simon, laborer, cor. of Light and Lee
Sollers. John, 7 Bond fp
Spinks, Reuben, laborer, Larewís al.
Sport, Joseph, cordwainer, Second st. fh
Spriggs, Hannah, laundress, Busy alley
Spriggs, James, laborer, Forrest n. of Conewago
Spriggs, Susannah, laundress, North n. of Lexington
Sprusbanks, Abraham, Bridge extended ot
Stanford, Ellen, laundress, Washington near Wilk fp
Starr, Ann, laundress, cor. of Saratoga st. and Strawberry alley
Stewart, Ann, laundress, Petticoat alley near Gough st.
Stinson, William, laborer, 6 Waggon alley
Summers, Sarah, laundress, 6 Ruxton lane

Taylor, Vincent, laborer, Strawberry alley near German st. fp
Taylor, Margaret, laundress, McElderry near Pratt
Thomas, Basil, laborer, Honey al. fh
Thomas, Charles, laborer, Apple al. near Alisanna st. fp
Thomas, Thomas, laborer, Strawberry al. near German st. fp
Thomas, Isaac, laborer, Strawberry al. near German st. fp
Thomas, Benjamin, carter, Carolina near Smith fp
Thompson, John, boot black, 6 Conewago
Thompson, James, laborer, Washington, betw. Fleet and Alisanna fp
Thompson, Jacob, laborer, Honey al. fh
Thompson, John, boot black, cor. of Howard and Saratoga
Thompson, Joseph, laborer, potter n. of McElderry
Truley, Mary, laundress, 74 Hanover


Valentine, Benjamin, printer, bill poster & Seaman, Bond betw. Dulaney and German fp
Varney, Jacob, barber, High near Addison ot
Vilnave, Lewis, barber, 3 n. Calvert

Waddell, Wade, John, oyster house, G York bet. Lloyd St & Harford Run
Wales, Perry, laborer, Bridge n of Forrest ot
Walker, Margaret, laundress, Short st. ot
Wallace, James, cordwainer, Biddle
Wallace, Letitia, laundress, Larewís alley near Saratoga st
Walsh, Thomas, carter, Saratoga near Pearl
Ward, James, teacher, African Presbyterian Church, Paca opposite the
Physicianís College; dwel, Pearl n. of Fayette
Warrack, Guy, laborer, Duke w. of Wolf ot
Washington, Charles, cook shop, 31 Market Space
Waters, Joshua, mariner, Petticoat alley near Fleet st fp
Waters, Catherine, laundress, Gallow hill ot
Waters, Neis, cooper, Howard near Conway
Watts, Jeremiah, laborer, Pine s. of Franklin
Watts, Isaac, boot black, French alley
Wears, Samuel, green grocer, cor. of Church and St. Paulís
Webster, Joseph, sign painter, Liberty s. of McElderry ot
Weeks, Gabriel, waiter, Goodman near Hill
Weeks, Samuel, laborer, 6 Waggon alley
Wells, Nathaniel, carter, Brandy alley near Howard st.
West, Susannah, laundress, Apple al. near Fleet st. fp
West, Thomas, caulker, Carolina near Gough fp
Wheeler, Moses, cordwainer, Carolina betw. German and Smith fp
White, Jacobs, caulker, Starr al. near Wilk st. fp
White, Benjamin, laborer, Bond near Gough fp
White, Reuben, laborer, Larewís al. near Mulberry st.
White, Reuben, wood sawyer, cor. of s. Howard st. and Bottle alley
Wilks, Rebecca, laundress, Union st. near Pennsylvania avenue
Wilkins, J. carpenter, Pennsylvania av. near Biddle st.
Williams, James, laborer, Busy alley
Williams, William, oyster house, German lane
Williams, Ezekiel, carter, Carolina near Smith fp
Williams, Samuel, carter, n. Gay near Frederick
Williams, Robert, pedlar, Dutch alley
Williams, George, laborer, Union st.
Williams, Lilly, laundress, Greenwich lane
Williams, Thomas, laborer, Long alley near New lane
Williams, Thomas, brickmaker, Sugar alley near Goodman st. fh
Williams, Benjamin, laborer, Sugar alley near Goodman st. fh
Williamson, Charles, drayman, Bottle alley near Eutaw st.
Williamson, Elizabethm 54 Camden
Wilson, Eleanor, laundress, 58 Happy alley fp
Wilson, William, cordwainer, Slighs lane ot
Wilson, Job, barber, 24 Bridge ot
Wilson, Sophia, laundress, Brandy alley near Howard st.
Woods, Joseph, waiter, Long alley
Woods, Samuel, porter, Long Alley
Woodyard, Neptune, laborer, Pennsylvania avenue extended
Woodyard, Sib, laundress, Pennsylvania avenue extended
Woodyard, Polly, laundress, Pennsylvania avenue extended
Wright, Edward, blacksmith, Brandy alley near Howard st.
Wright, Philip, laborer, Lancaster near Wolf fp


Yerby, Abraham, cobler, Cross st. fh
Young, Perry, porter, Mulberry st. near Larewís alley
Young, Jacob, laborer, Potter ot
Younger, Edward, carpenter, Caroline near German fp


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