Colored Householders
Baltimore City Directory 1810

Transcribed 1998 by Louis S. Diggs, Sr.


The following are the names of African Americans who are listed in the book, Baltimore Directory for 1810, that contain the names, occupations and residences, by William Fry, 1810.

The book states that abbreviations used in the directory are: W.P. Western Precincts, S.P. Southern Precincts, E.P. Eastern Precincts, F.H. Federal Hill, E.S. East Side, W.S. West Side, and st. Street. (Note: The definitions of some of the abbrevations are not listed, such as: O.T. which means Old Town and F.P. which means Fells Point).

It is also interesting to note that the book mentions for 1807 the directory contained 4,725 householders, and for 1810, the directory contained 5,774 householders. The directory did not differentiate between White householders and African American householders.

Louis S. Diggs
Catonsville, Maryland

Allen, Nathan (col. man), N Eutaw st
Armour, Jno (col. man), Hair Dresser,34 Market space
Anastaze, Mrs. (col. wom), 66 Green st, O.T.
Arnold, Thomas (col. man), 82 S. Charles st

Bailey, Betsy (col. wom), laundress, Paca st. W.P.
Baptiste, Jno. (col. man), 80 S. Charles st
Barney, James (col. man), Carter, Mulberry st
Bishop, Jacob (col. man), Preacher, 81 North st
Bowser, Robert (col. man), 106 Dugan's wharf
Brown, Susanna (col. wom), 67 North st
Brown, Joshua (col. man), laborer, 20 Primrose alley
Brown, Rachel (col. wom), Green near North st O.T.
Bull, Armey (col. wom), laundress, Public alley
Buryman, Sarah (col. wom), Long Alley
Butler, Joseph (col. man), S. Howard near Conway st
Butler, Henrietta (col. wom), 22 s. Howard st
Butler, Ramulus (col. man), waiter, 83 North st

Chambers, George (col. man), mariner, Pearl st, W.P.
Christie, Alex (col. man), labr, 45 s. Frederick st
Clark, Juno (col. wom), L.B.H. corner of North st and Dutch alley
Cole, James (col. man), labr, S. Eutaw se
Coleman, Lydia (col. wom), Busy alley
Conjour, Fred (col. man), hair dresser, Water st
Conn, Ann (col. wom), laundress, 74, Hanover st
Cornish, Charles (col. man), cook shop, 47 s Frederick st
Creek, Richd (col man), drayman, 138 Green st. O.T.
Creek, James (col. man), carter, Union near French st, O.T.

Darnell, Paul, labourer (col. man), Short alley
David, Moses (col. man), oyster house, 60 N. Gay st
Davis, Jane (col. wom), Goodman st, F.H.
Delahay, Sarah (col. wom), Dulany st, O.T.
Delano, Isaac (col. man), oyster house, corner of Saratoga & North st
Door, Jno (col. man), labr, Green near Bridge st O.T.
Douglas, George (col. man), drayman, S. Howard near Conway st

Edwards, Charls., mariner (col. man), Goodman st, F.H.

Ferrand, Jno., (col. man) hair dresser, 16 Bridge st O.T.
Field, Jno. B., (col. man), labourer, N. Eutaw st
Finley, Richard (col. man), Bath st
Fisher, Tobias (col. man), Short alley
Foarman, Richard (col. man), Mulberry alley
Foulkes, Jno., (col. man) carter, 56 North st
Freeman, Edward (col. man), carter, N. Calvert st. extended

Gains, Richd (col. man), porter cellar, 40 s Charles st
Gillard, Jacob (col. man), blacksmith, Gallows hill, E.P.
Grave, Judith (col. wom), Dutch alley

Hall, Don Carlos (col. man), boot and shoe cleaner, blacking maker, 8 N Calvert st
Harper, Jas. (col. man), cookshop, 53 S Frederick st
Harris, Robt. (col. man), labr, Sharp st
Harris, Jacob (col. man), labr, Sharp st
Henly, Jno. (col. man), hair dresser, 60 Lexington st
Henry, Benjamin (col. man), Sharp st
Hileary, Anthony (col. man), hair dresser, McClellan's alley
Hill, Samuel (col. man), waggoner, Low near High st, O.T.
Holmes, Benjamin (col. man), labr, Sharp st
Hughes, Wm. (col. man), welldigger, Honey alley, F.H.

No "I's" are listed

Jalliffie, Honore (col. man), confectionner, 63 Bond st, F.P.
Johnson, Solomon (col. man), cordwainer, 60 Green st. O.T.
Jones, David (col. man), lab., Goodman st. F.H.
Julien, Thomas (col. man), confect., N. Frederick st

Kelly, Jno. (col. man), labr., S Howard st
Kiar, Danl. (col. man), hair dresser, 61 S. Charles st

Lamour, Peter (col. man), hair dresser, 74 Pratt near South st
Lane, Benj. (col. man), house carp., N Eutaw st
LeClaire, Joseph (col. man), hair dresser, 34 Market space
Lee, Philip (col. man), brickmaker, S. Howard st
Lee, Jno. (col. man), 31 W Fleet st F.P.
Lewis, Wm. (col. man), labr., Waggon alley
Lewis, John (col. man), hair dresser, Market space, E.S.
Lucas (col. man), 72 Bond st, F.P.
Lynch, Benjamin (col. man), Bridge st., O.T.
Lyon, Samuel (col. man), cookshop, Bridge st., O.T.

McCarthy, Wm. (col. man), labr., S. Charles st
McGill, Geo. R. (col. man), blacking cellar, 8 Light st
Mathews, Jno. (col. man), labr., Forrest lane
May, Wm. (col. man), cooper, Goodman st., F.H.
Mingo, Jno. (col. man), blacksmith, S. Howard st
Mocquet, Rose (col. woman), 13 Lexington st
Moore, Mary (col. woman), back N. Eutaw st
Moore, Cyrus (col. man), back S. Eutaw st

Neal, Hannah (col. woman), Goodman st., F.H.
Neal, James (col. man), coachman, Liberty st., O.T.
Nesby, Susanna (col. wom), cookshop, 69 N. Gay st
Nichols, Anthony (col. man), mariner, Short alley

Orrum, Benjamin (col. man), labr., 77 Hanover st
Osborn, Peggy (col. woman), 136 Green st., O.T.

Parker, Susanna (col. woman), 90 S. Charles st
Parks, Saml. (col. man), weaver, 244 Green st., O.T.
Pearre, Jno. (col. man), hair dresser, George near Market st
Pearse, James (col. man), 77 Hanover st
Peters, Hannah (col. woman), 48 N. Frederick st
Pharon, John Lewis (col. man), hair dresser, 17 Light st
Pitt, Spencer (col. man), mariner, S. Howard st
Powell, Samuel (col. man), cookshop, S. Howard st
Preston, Jacob (col. man), labr., Short alley, W.P.
Price, Nathan (col. man), blacksmith, Gough st., O.T.

Queit, Thomas (col. man), carter, Mulberry alley

Rhody, Elisha (col. man), carp., 22 W Wilk st F.P.
Richardson, Edwd. (col. man), waiter, S. Howard st
Robert Jno. (col. man), hair dresser, 110 Bond st., F.P.
Robinson, Ann (col. woman), 151 High St., O.T.
Rogers, Joseph (col. man), mariner, Goodman st., F.H.
Rogers, Ann (col. woman), E. Fleet st., F.P.

Sands, Cath. (col. woman), corner of S. Howard st
Scott, Priscilla (col. woman), North st
Seeney, Joseph (col. man), drayman, Baltimore st road
Shaw, Joshua (col. man), cookshop, Market space, W.S.
Sims, James (col. man), labr., N Charles near Saratoga st
Smith, Saml. (col. man), gardner, Pearl st
Smith, Levi (col. man), 68 North st
Sollers, Joseph (col. man), North st
Stephenson, Shade (col. man), 30 Waggon alley
Stevenson, Samuel (col. man), S. Eutaw st
Stewart, Alex. (col. man), Paca near Mulberry st.
Stewart, John (col. man), Mulberry alley
Stewart, Arch. (col. man), waiter, 30 Waggon alley

Thompson, Perry (col. man), oyster house, Hawk st
Thornton, Jno. (col. man), gardner, Holliday st. ext.

No "U's" listed

Venable, Sam. (col. man), oyster house, Bridge st., O.T.

Wark, Benj. (col. man), labr., Goodman st, F.H.
Waters, Aba, widow (col. woman), 82 S. Charles st
Weeks, Samuel (col. man), labr., 5 Waggon alley
White, Reuben (col. man), labourer, S Howard st near Bottle alley
White, Charlotte (col. woman), 82 S. Charles st
Wilkinson, Lydia (col. wom), North st
Williams (col. wom), 75 Albermarle st., O.T.
Williamson, David (col. man), shopkeeper, Camden st
Wilson, Felicity (co. wom), S. Howard st. corner of Bottle alley

Young, Perry (col. man), boot cleaner, N. Calvert st extended

No "Z's" listed

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