Transcribed and submitted by Aaron Dorsey


Filed 18th March 1858
Lewis Alexander Judge of Probate

Thos Brumby
R. T. Brumby

This indenture made this Eighteenth of January 1858 between T. P. G. Brumby of the one part and R. T. Brumby of the other part both of Macon County Alabama and for the past ten years copartners in planting. Whereas the said parties have this day dissolved said copartner ship the said R. T. Brumby having bargained, sold and delivered unto the said T. P. G. Brumby his heirs and assigns all his rights titles and interest being one half in and to all lands, slaves and other kinds of Personal property heretofore owned jointly & equally by the parties as copartners in planting for the sum of thirty five thousand dollars payable in seven annual installments with interest from date to said R. T. Brumby his agent or order and

Whereas the said T. P. G. Brumby to secure the payment of the said thirty five thousand dollars hath signed and executed this day fourteen several promissory notes or obligations under his hands and seals bearing even date unto this instrument seven of said notes being conditions each for the payment or delivery to said R. T. Brumby or his agent in January of thirty thousand pounds 30,000lbs cotton of quality at least middling on the fifteenth day of November of each of the seven following consecutive years, viz 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864 and the other sum of said notes being conditioned for payment of money one in the sum of four thousand eight hundred dollars, $4,800 payable on the first day of January 1859 another in the sum of four thousand four hundred dollars $4,400 payable on the first day of January 1860 another for the sum of three thousand dollars and six hundred dollars $3,600 payable on the 1st day of January 1862 another for the sum of four thousand dollars $4,000 payable on the first day of January 1861 another for the sum of three thousand six hundred dollars $3,600 payable on the 1st day of January 1862 another for the sum of three thousand two hundred dollars $3,200 payable 1st January 1863 another for the sum of two thousand eight hundred dollars $2,800 payable the 1st of January 1864 another for the sum of two thousand four hundred dollars $2,400 payable on the 1st day of January 1865

As in or by the said note or obligation and by the conditions thereins expressed, references theseunto being has more fully and at large appears. Now this indenture witnessth that the said T. P. G. Brumby as will for and in consideration of the aforesaid debt or sum of thirty five thousand dollars the payment of which with interest from date is _______ to be secured by said fourteen described promissory notes or obligation unto the said R. T. Brumby his executors or administrators or assigns as of the further sum of one dollar to him in hand paid by R. T. Brumby as and in hand before the sealing and delivery hereof. The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge, hath granted, bargained and sold to R. T. Brumby his heirs and assigned the following described property Real & Personal 20 ____ sec ____ ____ R 21 East, also the N ½ of sec 35 ___ R 21, East also the N ½ of sec 1 T 15 R21. The said several tracts of Lands containing twelve hundred and eighty acres lying in Macon County Alabama, Also the following named slaves viz Miles, Big Tom, Stephny, Joshua, Ben, Tom, Charles, Isaac, Henry, Antony, BiBi, Margaret, Lina, Martha with her children, Eliza, Jack, Henry, Jane with her children Frances, Washington, and Pearlie, Jeremiah and his children Margaret and Elizabeth, Jim Parker and his wife Violet with their children Buck, Jiniy, Bushrod, Anderson and Martha and Tally with her children Cato, Dina, Sam, Antony, George and Edd.

To have and to hold said slaves and Land unto the said R. T. Brumby his heirs administrators or assigns Provided always that if said T. P. G. Brumby his heirs executors or administrators shall and do will and timely pay to the said R. T. Brumby his Executors or assign each and all of said Promissory notes on the day appointed therein for the payment thereof without deduction or abatement then this indenture and the Estate herein granted shall cease and become null and void to all intents and purposes,
Witness my hand and seal this the 8th January 1858.

T. P. G. Brumby


Thomas Brumby
R. T. Brumby

This indenture made this Eight (8) day of January eighteen hundred and fifty eight between T. P. G. Brumby of the one part & R. T. Brumby of the other part, both of Macon County Alabama for the past ten years co-partners in planting Whereas the said parties have this day dissolved co-partnership the R. T. Brumby having bargained sold and conveyed delieverd unto said T. P. G. Brumby his heir and assigns all his right to sell being one half in and to all Lands shares and other kind of personal property heretofore owned jointly & equally by the parties as copartners in planting for the sum of thirty five thousand dollars payable in seven annual installments with interest from date to said R. T. Brumby his agreed or order.

And Whereas the said said T. P. G. Brumby to secure the payment of said thirty-five thousand dollars, hath signed and executed this day fourteen several promissory notes or obligations under his hand and seal bearing even date with this indenture seven of said notes being conditioned each for the payment or delivering to said R. T. Brumby or his agent in Montgomery of thirty (30,000) thousand pound of quality at least middling at least middling on the fifteen day of November of each of the seven following consecutives years  ___ 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864 & the other seven of said notes being conditioned for payment of money, one in the sum of four thousand eight hundred ($4,800) dollars payable on the first day of January 1859 another in the sum of four thousand four hundred dollars ($4,400) payable on the 1st day of 1860, an other in the sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000) payable on the first of January 1861  Another for the sum of three thousand six hundred dollars ($3,600) payable on the first of January 1862,  another for the sum of three thousand two hundred ($3,200)  dollars payable on the first of January 1863 another for the sum of two thousand eight hundred dollars ($2,800) payable on the 1st day of January 1864 and another for the sum of two thousand four hundred dollars ($2,400) payable on the first of January 1865.

As in or by the said note or obligation and by the conditions thereins expressed, references theseunto being has more fully and at large appears. Now this indenture witnessth that the said T. P. G. Brumby as will for and in consideration of the aforesaid debt or sum of thirty five thousand dollars the payment of which with interest from date is _______ to be secured by said fourteen promissory notes or obligation unto the said R. T. Brumby his executors or administrators as of the further sum of one dollar to him in hand paid by R. T. Brumby as and in hand before the sealing and delivery hereof. The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge, hath granted, bargained and sold to R. T. Brumby his heirs and assigned the following described property Real & Personal 20 ____ sec ____ ____ R 21 East, also the N ½ of sec 35 ___ R 21, East also the N ½ of sec 1 T 15 R21. The said several tracts of Lands containing twelve hundred and eighty acres lying in Macon County Alabama, Also the following named slaves viz Miles, Big Tom, Stephny, Joshua, Ben, Tom, Charles, Isaac, Henry, Antony, BiBi, Margaret, Lina, Martha with her children, Eliza, Jack, Henry, Jane with her children Frances, Washington, and Pearlie, Jeremiah and his children Margaret and Elizabeth, Jim Parker and his wife Voilet with their children Buck, Jiniy, Bushrod, Anderson and Martha and Tally with her children  Cato, Dina, Sam, Antony, George and Edd. To have and to hold said slaves and Land unto the said R. T. Brumby his heirs and assigns. Provide always that if said T. P. G. Brumby his heirs executors or administrators shall and do will and timely pay to the said R. T. Brumby his Executors or assign each and all of said Promissory notes on the day appointed therein for the payment thereof without deduction or abatement then this indenture and the Estate herein granted shall cease and become null and void to all intents and purposes, witness my hand and seal this the 8th January 1858.

T. P. G. Brumby (I.S.)


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